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Research Compliance

Professional’s Handbook
The Practical Guide to Building
and Maintaining a Clinical Research Second
Compliance & Ethics Program Edition

Health Care Compliance Association

6500 Barrie Road, Suite 250
Minneapolis, MN 55435
phone 888-580-8373 | fax 952-988-0146
Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook, Second Edition is published and
updated by the Health Care Compliance Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Copyright © 2013 by the Health Care Compliance Association. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and transmittal by fax, without
prior written permission of the Health Care Compliance Association.

ISBN: 978-0-9910783-0-1

This publication is designed to provide accurate, comprehensive and authoritative

information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding
that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional
service and that the authors are not offering such advice in this publication. If legal
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should be sought.

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Health Care Compliance Association

6500 Barrie Road, Suite 250
Minneapolis, MN 55435
phone 888-580-8373 | fax 952-988-0146
Editorial Advisory Board
HCCA would like to thank the Research Compliance Editorial Advisory Board
for their work in making this book possible.

Marti Arvin, JD, CCEP-F, CHC-F, Rachel Nosowsky, Esq.

CHPC, CHRC, CIA Acting Deputy General Counsel
Chief Compliance Officer University of California
UCLA Health System Oakland, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Juliann Tenney, JD, CHRC
Angelique Dorsey, JD, CHRC Institutional Research and Compliance Officer
Research Compliance Director University of North Carolina
MedStar Health Chapel Hill, NC
Columbia, MD
Debbie Troklus, CCEP-F, CHC-F, CCEP-I,
Nicholas A. Gaich CHPC, CHRC
Executive Director & Chief Operating Officer Managing Director
Stanford/Packard Center for Translational Aegis Compliance & Ethics Center
Research in Medicine Chicago, IL
Stanford University School of Medicine
Menlo Park, CA Kelly M. Willenberg, CHC, CHRC, BSN RN
Ryan Meade, JD, CHC-F Kelly Willenberg, LLC
Partner Chesnee, SC
Meade, Roach & Annulis, LLP
Chicago, IL

Lisa Murtha, JD, CHC, CHRC

Dentons US LLP
Philadelphia, PA
HCCA would like to thank the authors for their work in producing the book chapters.

Marti Arvin, JD, CCEP-F, Carole Klove, RN, JD Wendy Schroeder, RN

CHC-F, CHPC, CHRC, CIA Special Projects Officer Banner Health Research Institute
Chief Compliance Officer UCSF Medical Center Phoenix, AZ
UCLA Health System San Francisco, CA
Los Angeles, CA Adrian Shelton
Heather Kopeck, CHRC Research Compliance Coordinator
Tammie Bain, JD Research Compliance Analyst UNC-Chapel Hill
Director of Grant and University of California Office of Chapel Hill, NC
Contract Admin. the President
Office of Research Oakland, CA Aysha Somasundaram
Wake Forest University Huron Consulting Group
Health Sciences Nancy W. Mathewson, Esq. Chicago, IL
Winston-Salem, NC Olsson Frank Weeda Terman
Bode Matz PC Juliann Tenney, JD, CHRC
David B. Crawford, CIA, CCSA Washington, DC University of North Carolina
University of Texas System Chapel Hill, NC
Audit Office Ryan Meade, JD, CHC-F
Meade & Roach, LLC Debbie Troklus, CCEP-F,
Chicago, IL
Angelique Dorsey, JD, CHRC Managing Director
MedStar Health Lisa Murtha, JD, CHC, CHRC Aegis Compliance &
Columbia, MD Partner Ethics Center
Dentons US LLP Chicago, IL
Stuart Horowitz, MBA, PhD Philadelphia, PA
President, Global Sheryl Vacca, CHC-F, CCEP-F,
Professional Services Rachel Nosowsky, Esq. CCEP-I, CHPC, CHRC
The WIRB-Copernicus Group Acting Deputy General Counsel Senior VP/Chief Compliance and
Princeton, NJ University of California Audit Officer
Oakland, CA University of California
Mark A. James, PhD Oakland, CA
Biomedical Institutional Neil F. O’Flaherty, Esq.
Review Board Olsson Frank Weeda Terman Kristin West, CHRC, JD, MS
Tulane University Bode Matz PC Assoc. VP and Director
New Orleans, LA Washington, DC Emory University, Office of
Research Compliance
Chris Jenkins, PhD, Susan Partridge, Atlanta, GA
Director of Biosafety VP, Clinical Research Kelly M. Willenberg,
Institutional Biosafety Committee Parkland Hospital and CHC, CHRC, BSN RN
Services, WIRB Health Care Owner
Eureka, MO Dallas, TX Kelly Willenberg, LLC
Chesnee, SC
Roxanne R. Johnson, BA Phyllis A. Patrick, CHC,
Director, Human Research MBA, FACHE
Protection Office President
Tulane University Phyllis A. Patrick &
New Orleans, LA Associates, LLC
Purchase, NY

1 Research Compliance 101.................................................................................................. 1

2 Options for Identifying and Managing Financial Conflicts of Interest.....................20

3 Scientific and Research Misconduct...............................................................................30

4 Biosecurity, Biosafety, and Biorisk Management .........................................................35

5 The Regulation of Research Using Animals..................................................................41

6 Oversight of Clinical Trials: The Role of OHRP, FDA and the IRB...........................50

7 FDA-Regulated Clinical Research..................................................................................54

8 Research Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts, and Practical Approaches.................70

9 Research Records Management......................................................................................88

10 Data and Safety Monitoring............................................................................................95

11 Clinical Research Billing Compliance..........................................................................105

12 Grant Management.........................................................................................................120

13 Research Auditing and Monitoring .............................................................................131

14 Additional Research Compliance Issues: Export Controls.......................................135

15 Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program........141

consent are outlined in 45 CFR Part 46.116 and
50 CFR Parts20-27. The rules state that informed
consent must contain the following elements:

Research • Introduction with “this is research”—it must be

clear to the participant that they are embarking
Compliance 101 on a research study and that it is not considered
to be “therapy”
• Purpose of the study—what is being studied in
F. Lisa Murtha, JD, CHC, CHRC the research?
Debbie Troklus, CCEP-F, CHC-F,
• Description of study procedures—this is
• Duration of subject involvement—the length
Introduction of the study

Clinical research compliance has become a major • Potential risks or discomforts of participation
focus area of compliance professionals in recent • Potential benefits of participation—although
years. Clinical research is highly regulated and as many institutions include a statement that
such, the role of a compliance professional is vital makes it clear that the individual will be treated
to maintaining compliance with NIH, FDA, ORI appropriately regardless of whether they partici-
and OMB requirements. The laws and regulations pate in the research study
related to human subject protections, grant and
• Alternatives—other courses of treatment and/or
trial accounting, effort reporting, scientific mis-
other research studies that might be appropriate
conduct, privacy and security and clinical trial
to the disease condition of the patient (if any)
billing are highly complex and always evolving.
This chapter will outline some of the key compli- • Confidentiality of records—this statement
ance issues important in research today. may include HIPAA language after the HIPAA
Privacy Rule Compliance Date (April 14, 2003)
Informed Consent and Human • Compensation for injury statement (for greater
Subject Protections than minimal risk studies)
Informed consent is one of the most coveted rights • Contact persons—individuals involved with
in healthcare today. Informed consent for treat- the study including the name of the Principal
ment by a provider of healthcare services is well Investigator and key study staff
known and understood by most people. Informed
• Statement of voluntary participation—it must
consent in a research context has been a topic of
be clear that the subject has the right NOT to
much debate and reasonable academic minds have
differed with regard to how informed consent for
research should be administered to a prospec- • Unforeseen risks
tive research participant. Informed consent for • Reasons for involuntary termination of
research is defined in the Belmont Report (www. participation
htm) and is required to be: informed, understood • Additional costs to participate or withdrawal—
and voluntary. The federal rules for informed are there likely clinical outcomes if the protocol
is interrupted?

Research Compliance 101 1

• New findings statement latch onto any treatment pathway that may have
a chance to make us feel better, or possibly cure
• Number of subjects
us. In cases of serious illness and possible immi-
• Payments (incentives)—some individuals nent death, it is hard to imagine what would go
believe that it is appropriate to include infor- through your head, much less, what you really
mation related to how much money the Site/ understand when your doctor explains a protocol
Investigator is receiving from the sponsor for to you. As such, it is incumbent on the investiga-
each study participant and even a breakdown of tor and the study site to use diligence in assuring
costs for each component of care. that their subjects truly understand what they are
getting into. One way to accomplish this goal is to
The seminal rule of the informed consent incorporate a “monitor” into the informed con-
document is that it must include all relevant sent process.
information about the study in language that is
understandable to the “reasonable” study partici- In some respects, informed consent really begins
pant. Some investigators/sites interpret this rule to with the recruitment methods utilized by the
mean that the form should be written in language investigator. Some of the common recruitment
that is understandable to a child of six to eight methods include: formal referrals and informal
years old. It is often the case that research partici- word of mouth, health workshops, screenings,
pants speak languages other than English as their health fairs, the Internet, direct advertising, com-
primary language and as such, the forms should munity meeting places, computerized databases
be translated into those commonly spoken lan- (although HIPAA may change this in the future),
guages in that geographic region. and chart/record reviews. Direct advertising is a
common mode of recruitment and includes flyers,
While the informed consent document is a useful posters, newspaper ads, press releases, television
tool in delivering informed consent to potential spots, as well as radio ads and websites. Direct
subjects, it is merely a tool. Informed consent is advertising must be reviewed by the Institutional
however, not a tool, but a PROCESS. The process Review Board for form, content, and mode of
includes a variety of tools including subject recruit- communication; it must not state or imply favor-
ment materials (including advertising/marketing able outcomes; it must not be coercive or use
materials), verbal instructions delivered to the undue pressure and must not be misleading to
subject and his/her family (note that it may be subjects; and finally, it must not use claims of
necessary to have a translator available to translate safety, efficacy, equivalence, or superiority.
the instructions into the language spoken by the
subject), written materials, and question/answer A recruitment payment to subjects is a hotly con-
sessions. It must also include agreement and volun- tested topic these days. The Institutional Review
teerism of the subject as documented by signature. Board must approve all payment strategies. The
amount of the payment must NOT be an undue
The form that is signed by the potential subject inducement of a person to participate. It is very
serves as documentation that the informed con- common for potential subjects to be told that
sent was “informed” as defined by the Belmont their reasonable costs of participation will be
Report, but how does one measure “compre- reimbursed. These costs typically include park-
hension” and “volunteerism”? Many of us were ing, lunch, transportation costs, etc. To the extent
brought up to consider our physicians to be that reimbursement is offered to subjects, it is
between an “angel” and “God.” As such, we would recommended that the reimbursement be made
do whatever our doctors recommend. Moreover, when the expenses are incurred, as opposed to
when we are sick, we feel vulnerable and will lump sum payments that could be construed as

2 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

“suspicious.” Government investigators carefully discussions. The subject’s agreement should be
scrutinize these payments, and as such, recruit- noted on the informed consent document or in the
ment payments should be carefully considered. patient’s medical record.

Many study sites have incorporated research The monitor could begin by assessing the nature
compliance programs into their repertoire of of the recruitment of the potential subjects. The
compliance activities. These programs include a “monitor” would document the time and circum-
regimen of training, periodic reporting, anony- stances of obtaining the informed consent (i.e. it is
mous ways of reporting issues, discipline, and being obtained while the patient is being admitted
prompt follow up, and auditing and monitor- to the Emergency Department with a life threat-
ing. In the past, the areas that were typically ening illness or injury or otherwise potentially
monitored in research were simply issues related under “duress”). To the extent that the potential
to funding of federal grants, time and effort subject speaks a language other than English, the
reporting and the like. Given some of the federal monitor would ensure that the form document
investigations and lawsuits in prestigious institu- used is translated into the language of the patient
tions around the country, auditing and monitoring and/or a translator is available. To the extent that
of human subject protections is a necessary part of the patient or his/her family members ask ques-
the compliance process. In fact, representatives of tions, the monitor would document not only the
the Federal Office for Human Subject Protections questions but the answers as well. As a final step,
(OHRP) have publicly stated that investigators and the monitor may ask the subject certain follow-up
study sites should be proactive in monitoring the questions designed to test the subject’s under-
area of human subject protections. standing of the material delivered to them.

Implementing an informed consent monitoring While monitoring the informed consent process
process is an easy and low cost way to evaluate is not foolproof in making sure that the subjects
how the investigators and study coordinators are truly understand what will happen if they par-
doing. The “monitor” could be the compliance ticipate in the research and what will happen if
officer, an internal auditor, a peer investigator or they do not participate in the research, it certainly
peer study coordinator, or frankly almost any would demonstrate and document diligence taken
individual who is independent of the research by the investigator/study site. The costs for imple-
study. That individual would begin by reviewing menting this process could be borne by either
the form used to deliver the informed consent to the study site, or could be built into the study
ensure that it contains all the necessary elements costs/budget. As for the number of studies to be
as required by the federal rules. Presumably, reviewed and the number of subjects to be moni-
this will already have been done in detail by the tored, that would be a factor of what resources are
Institutional Review Board as part of the review available to the study site/investigator. There is no
of the protocol, but it does not hurt to double right or wrong answer—any monitoring is better
check. In the spirit of full disclosure, the potential than no monitoring.
subject should be queried as to whether he/she
will allow a “monitor” to sit in on the informed Scientific Misconduct
consent discussion. Confidential information as
Over the course of the last fifteen years, we
well as “protected health information” as defined
have witnessed a number of prominent enforce-
by HIPAA will be discussed, and you will want
ment initiatives pursued by the DHHS Office of
to make sure that the subject is comfortable
Inspector General (OIG) and the Department of
with having a “third party” involved in those
Justice (DOJ). These initiatives have ranged from

Research Compliance 101 3

the Physicians at Teaching Hospitals (PATH) proj- resources to conduct research appropriately, then
ects, the clinical laboratory bundling/unbundling any problems or issues will amount to significant
scandals, the pharmaceutical company compli- exposure for the research organization. As such,
ance cases, and much, much more. Research research organizations are well advised to ensure
compliance cases have recently received a great that the organization has effective scientific mis-
deal of attention as well. These cases include the conduct policies and procedures in place to deal
“double billing” cases (e.g. billing Medicare and with allegations of fraud in science.
charging costs against a research grant or clini-
cal trial),conflict of interest cases, and of course, Given the increased focus on misconduct in sci-
scientific misconduct cases. While the concerns ence, ORI has updated its regulations, which
over misconduct in science are not necessarily became effective on June 16, 2005. For any alle-
new, a fresh crop of cases has received a great deal gations of scientific misconduct occurring after
of attention from the press and from the National May16, 2005, the new regulations must be fol-
Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research lowed. The new regulations can be found at 42
Integrity (ORI). CFR Parts50 and 93. Research misconduct is
defined in the new regulation as: “Fabrication, fal-
One recent case is particularly interesting. The sification, or plagiarism (or “FFP”) in proposing,
case is entitled, United States of America v. Paul H. performing, or reviewing research or in report-
Kornak, Criminal Action No. 03-CR-436 (FJS).A ing research results. Research misconduct does
Plea and Cooperation Agreement was signed in not include honest error or differences of opin-
January 2005. The defendant was a research assis- ion” (42 CFR93.103). “Fabrication is making up
tant at the Stratton VA Medical Center in Albany, data or results and recording or reporting them.
New York. The defendant helped manage studies Falsification is manipulating research materials,
in which payments were made by sponsors based equipment, or processes, or changing or omit-
upon enrollment. In the course of his work, the ting data or results such that the research is not
defendant sent a case report form to a sponsor accurately represented in the research record.
which indicated that a participant met the inclu- Plagiarism is the appropriation of another per-
sion criteria for the study and the participant son’s ideas, processes, results, or words without
was in fact, enrolled in the study. The participant giving appropriate credit” (42CFR 93.103). In con-
passed away. It is alleged that the participant in trast to the previous rule, the Final Rule would
fact, did not meet the inclusion criteria for the require that FFP be a “significant departure” from
study. The defendant is being prosecuted under accepted practices as opposed to the “serious devi-
criminal and civil proceedings and the defendant ation” standard in the previous regulation.
will have jail time.
The Final Rule expands the type of PHS sup-
There have been many other reported instances port beyond grants and cooperative agreements
of misconduct in science. Cases of plagiarism, to include support provided through contracts
fabrication and falsification are well reported on and through direct funding of PHS intramural
ORI’s web site. The motivations for these actions research programs. The Final Rule also extends
are varied and always fascinating. In some cases, the rules related to plagiarism to include pla-
the motivation amounts simply to the fact that the giarism during the journal peer review process
respondents are overworked and lack resources as well. The statute of limitations for raising an
to pursue the research projects appropriately. allegation of scientific misconduct is six (6) years
Providing insufficient resources can be a serious from the date that the alleged misconduct actu-
institutional compliance risk—in other words, if ally occurred.
research organizations do not devote sufficient

4 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

The ORI regulations state that it is the responsi- Inquiry
bility of each PHS awardee to have policies and
An inquiry is a means of gathering and initial
procedures in place for investigating and reporting
fact finding to determine whether an allegation
instances of scientific misconduct. Moreover, each
or apparent instance of misconduct warrants an
institution that applies for and receives PHS funds
investigation (42 CFR Part 212 and 93.307). At the
for research must file an assurance with ORI that
time of or before the beginning of an inquiry, an
affirms that the applicant has established a process
institution must make a good faith effort to notify
for reviewing, investigating, and reporting allega-
in writing the presumed respondent. The institu-
tions of misconduct in research. Therefore, when
tion must also, on or before the date on which the
conducting a compliance assessment into organi-
respondent is notified, take all reasonable and prac-
zational compliance with the ORI regulations, one
tical steps to obtain custody of all research records
must start with ensuring that an appropriate assur-
and evidence needed to conduct the inquiry, inven-
ance is in place and that the organization in fact has
tory the records in evidence, and sequester them
the required policies and procedures in place for
in a secure manner. An inquiry does not require a
dealing with allegations of misconduct in science.
full review of all evidence collected, but rather, to
An institutional or HHS finding of research review sufficient evidence to determine whether
misconduct must be proved by a preponder- an investigation is warranted. The institution must
ance of the evidence and the institution or HHS complete its inquiry within sixty (60) calendar days
has the burden of proof for making a finding of of its initiation unless circumstances clearly war-
research misconduct. The destruction, absence rant a longer period. Any time extensions must
of, or respondent’s failure to provide research be documented in writing. The institution must
records documenting the questioned research is provide the respondent an opportunity to review
evidence of research misconduct where the insti- and comment on the inquiry report and attach any
tution or HHS establishes by a preponderance of comments received to the report.
the evidence that the respondent intentionally,
In the event that the results of the inquiry indi-
knowingly, or recklessly had research records and
cate that the allegation of scientific misconduct
destroyed them, had the opportunity to maintain
has merit, the institution will (within thirty (30)
the records and did not do so, or maintained the
days) provide ORI with the written finding by
records and failed to produce them in a timely
the responsible institutional official. The written
manner. The respondent’s conduct in this case
inquiry report must include:
constitutes a significant departure from accepted
practices of the relevant research community. The • The name and position of the respondent
respondent in turn has the burden of proving any • A description of the allegations of research
affirmative defenses or mitigating factors by a pre- misconduct
ponderance of the evidence standard.
• The PHS support, including, for example, grant
The ORI regulations outline the specific process to numbers, applications, contracts, and publica-
be followed for investigating an allegation of scien- tions listing PHS support
tific misconduct. The process can be broken down • The basis for recommending that the alleged
into four general phases: actions warrant an investigation
• Inquiry • Any comments on the report by the respondent
• Investigation and complainant.
• Reporting ORI may further request that the institution pro-
• Appeals vide information related to:

Research Compliance 101 5

• The institutional policies and procedures under • PHS support information including grant
which the inquiry was conducted numbers, etc.
• The research records and evidence reviewed, • The specific allegations of research misconduct
transcripts, or recordings of any interviews, and subject to the investigation
copies of all relevant documents • If not already provided, copies of the institu-
• The charges for the investigation to consider. tional policies and procedures
• The research records and evidence reviewed,
In the event that the institution deems that insuf-
and identify any evidence taken into custody
ficient evidence exists to support an allegation of
and not reviewed
scientific misconduct, it must keep complete docu-
mentation to support this conclusion in its files. • Statement of findings
ORI may request a review of these documents • Whether the misconduct was falsification, fab-
at any time. rication, or plagiarism and if it was intentional,
knowing, or in reckless disregard
• The facts which support the conclusion
If the results of the inquiry reflect a likelihood of
scientific misconduct, the institution will begin • Whether any publications need correction
an investigation within thirty (30) days of the • The person responsible for the misconduct
completion of the inquiry. The institutional official
must contact the ORI director of the decision to • Any current support or known applications or
begin an investigation on or before the date that proposals for support that the respondent has
the investigation begins (42 CFR Part 93.310 (b)). pending with non-PHS federal agencies
The respondent must also be notified in writing of • Any comments made by the respondent and
the allegations within a reasonable period of time complainant
after determining that the investigation is going to
• All relevant research records and records of the
begin, but before the investigation actually begins.
investigation (including interview notes, etc.)
The investigation must be fair and complete.
(42CFR Part 93.313).
Interviews will be conducted at this stage and all
leads must be pursued. The institution must com- The institution must give ORI the following
plete the investigation within one hundred twenty information:
(120) days of beginning it. This period includes all
time required to prepare the investigation report • The investigation report
(42 CFR Part 93.311). Extensions may be granted • Final institutional action
by ORI if a request is made in writing and if cir-
• A statement as to whether the institution
cumstances warrant it. The respondent has the
accepts the investigation’s findings
right to review and comment on the report within
thirty (30) days after receiving the investigation • A description of any institutional administrative
report. The institution may also provide the com- actions (42 CFR Part 93.315).
plainant a copy of the report.
The investigation report must include the follow- Once ORI has completed its review, it may
ing information: either close the case without a finding of scien-
• The allegations of research misconduct tific misconduct, or it may make a finding of
research misconduct and obtain HHS approval of

6 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

administrative actions based on the record. ORI detailed auditing and monitoring. Being proac-
may also recommend that HHS seek to settle the tive and having an effective offense, is always the
case (42CFR Part 93.405). Some of the possible best defense.
outcomes of a finding of scientific misconduct
include debarment, suspension, letters of repri- Conflicts of Interest
mand, restriction on research activities, special
On December 12, 2005, the Wall Street Journal
review of all requests for PHS funding, imposi-
prominently featured an article titled, “How
tion of supervision requirements, termination of
a famed hospital invests in device it uses and
grants, certification or attribution of all requests
promotes.”1 Its writer, David Armstrong, sys-
for support and reports to the PHS, and more (42
tematically detailed the financial ties between
CFR Part93.407). Moreover, HHS may seek to
ArtiCure, Inc. and the Cleveland Clinic
recover PHS funds spent in support of activities
Foundation (hereinafter ‘the clinic’), a venture
that involved research misconduct. HHS will take
capital partnership it founded (Foundation
into account whether the actions were knowing
Medical Partners or FMP), its chief executive offi-
or reckless, whether the actions were part of a
cer, board of trustees and surgeons. Armstrong’s
pattern or practice of wrongdoing, the impact of
article focused upon the clinic’s usage—in 1,247
the misconduct, the respondent’s acceptance of
of its patients, including 16 who were enrolled
responsibility, and other mitigating circumstances.
in then underway clinical trials—and wholesale
Appeals advocacy of ArtiCure’s atrial-fibrillation medical
device and procedure by the clinic and its officers.
Clearly the ramifications of engaging in scien-
tific misconduct are grave for those individuals ArtiCure applications for heart use had been
involved. Respondents have appeal rights (even rejected by the Food and Drug Administration
appeals to District Court); however, the pro- (FDA) on three separate occasions and the clinic’s
cess can be extremely costly and time intensive. usage of the device was on an off-label basis. In
Perhaps even more problematic is the damage June 2005, ArtiCure, when filing with the SEC
to reputation and career that can result from an to go public, stated in its prospectus, “serious
allegation of scientific misconduct. In addition, complications…including death…[had] been
institutions that do not develop and implement encountered in connection” with the minimally
the required process for dealing with allegations invasive procedure. ArtiCure’s Chief Executive,
of scientific misconduct have great exposure. ORI David Drachman, acknowledged in the Wall
can pursue various enforcement actions against Street Journal article that there were four deaths
research institutions, including letters of repri- related—if not attributable—to the procedure.
mand, refer the matter to HHS, and place the
institution on special review status, debarment or The financial relationship between the clinic and
suspension of the institution and much more (42 ArtiCure, Inc. was a fairly complex one, although
CFR Part 93.413). largely unknown to and undisclosed even among
the clinic’s researchers and its patient popula-
Given what is at stake today, research institutions tion. FMP’s equity holdings in ArtiCure, Inc.
should strongly consider developing and imple- amounted to 4.1% of its stock, with an estimated
menting a research compliance program. This value of $7million; as FMP’s largest investor, the
effort should include (at a minimum) comprehen- clinic’s pro-rata share of its profits amounted to
sive training and education for all administrative 38%. Heart surgeon Dr. Delos “Toby” Cosgrove,
staff, investigators and coordinators, and the chief executive officer of the Cleveland Clinic,
was not only a general partner managing FMP, but

Research Compliance 101 7

also a personal investor in the fund until October reduce or eliminate” actual or potential conflicts
2005,and a member of ArtiCure’s board of direc- of interest.2 Specifically, 42 CFR Part 50, Subpart
tors until March 2005. Dr. Cosgrove had also F, (as amended in 2010) mandates disclosure of
developed a medical device for ArtiCure entitling any “significant financial interest” in entities
him to receipt of royalties from the company. whose financial interests might be affected by
the research, and require the institution to des-
Clinic surgeons performing the ArtiCure ignate an “institutional official(s)” to solicit and
procedure—Drs. Marc Gillinov and Patrick review the financial disclosure statements made
McCarthy—continued to serve as consultants. by investigators. The above referenced regulatory
Each had been offered $25,000 in stock options subsection defines a “significant financial interest”
in the company, though the former declined the as: Income (salary, royalties and other payments)
same and limited his consulting fee to $10,000 which, when aggregated for the investigator,
annually in order to comply with clinic guidelines, an investigator’s spouse or dependent children,
while Dr. McCarthy left the clinic for Northwest exceeds $5,000 over twelve months, or [an] equity
Memorial Hospital. interest (including spouse and dependent chil-
dren) in excess of $5,000 or 5% ownership in a
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation’s laxity in its
single entity.
acknowledging or monitoring its institutional
and individual conflicts of interest provides a Should an institution determine that an individual
cautionary tale of the risks posed by a failure to has an actual or perceived conflict of interest, it
methodically and transparently manage such con- must self-report to the “PHS awarding compo-
flicts. The media coverage and consequent damage nent—such as the National Institutes of Health
to the clinic’s reputation and the credibility of (NIH)—and explain whether the conflict has been
its research program underscore only one pos- managed, reduced or eliminated.” PHS regulations
sible outcome of a cavalier approach to the ethical do not mandate a methodology an institution
and practical dilemmas posed by the competing should employ to identify or manage conflicts of
objectives of research integrity and financial prof- interest. Developing and enforcing policies and
itability. Other foreseeable results of unchecked procedures to manage conflicts of interest is left
conflicts of interest include deterrence of the largely to the discretion of medical centers and
public’s participation in future research, harm to academic institutions. In order to accomplish this
human subjects and related civil litigation and, Herculean task, a workable definition of what
in some instances, criminal liability. Institutions constitutes a conflict of interest (something more
neglectful of managing conflicts of interest also tangible than the unease or intuitive recognition
risk the suspension or discontinuance of federally signaled by Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s
funded research support. There are many other famous attempt to define obscenity: “I know it
examples of conflict of interest investigations at when I see it…”) is a vital first step.
places such as the University of Pennsylvania
(in the matter of Jesse Gelsinger) and at Emory Several varieties of conflicts of interest exist. As
University (related to Dr. Nemeroff) and the list in the example provided above, conflicts of inter-
grows with each passing day. est may involve individuals and institutions or,
alternatively, either. Generally, a conflict of interest
Identifying Conflicts of Interest arises when financial or other personal consider-
The U.S. Department Health and Human Services ations have the potential to compromise or bias
(DHHS) requires medical centers and universities professional judgment and objectivity. Conflicts of
to assess the impact of institutional and individual interest inevitably involve the use of an individu-
financial ties and develop a plan to “manage, al’s authority for personal and/or financial gain.

8 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Institutional conflicts of interest occur in a vari- investigator in the sponsor of the study. Under21
ety of ways. If the interests of an institution either CFR Part 5, an investigator must disclose any
affect or appear to affect institutional processes potentially conflicting financial interest of the
such as the conduct, review, or oversight of human investigator, the investigator’s spouse and depen-
research, then an actual or perceived institutional dent children when:
conflict of interest exists. Similarly, when an insti- • It is an equity interest in a publicly traded
tution owns a financial interest in a company that corporation in excess of $50,000 during the
holds a patent to a new drug or device, a conflict timeframe the study is ongoing and for one year
or a perception of a conflict can arise. Institutions following its completion.
with equity or intellectual property interests
should evaluate whether it would be appropriate to • It is a proprietary interest in the test product
conduct research at their facilities and, if yes, then (including patent, trademark, copyright, or
determine what measures and controls ensure a licensing agreement).
firewall to separate such research and its results • It is a payment of other sorts (“spoos”) valued
from any financial considerations. Conflicted at more than $25,000, exclusive of costs of con-
senior officers, trustees and board members ducting the study, during the project and for
should generally be viewed as requiring attention one year after its completion.
and management on both an individual and insti-
tutional basis. Institutional Review Board (IRB) conflict of
interest issues are regulated pursuant to 45
Federal regulations focus exclusively upon finan- CFR46.107(e) and 21 CFR 56.107(e). Under these
cial conflicts of interests—whether individual or regulations, “No IRB member may participate in
institutional. The NIH Grant Policy Statement initial or continuing research in which they have
lists the following as examples of ways to manage a conflicting interest except to provide informa-
actual or perceived conflicts of interest: tion requested by the IRB.” In the event of an IRB
• Public disclosure of “significant financial member being conflicted, the IRB member must
interests” recuse him or herself. Both the PHS and FDA reg-
ulations demand reporting of financial interests
• Monitoring of research by independent, exter- only and neither require any recusal by conflicted
nal reviewers researchers with a conflict of interest or notifica-
• Modification of the research plan tion to human research subjects.
• Disqualification from participation in all or part Naturally, when an academic institution or medi-
of the research cal center has an IRB, conducts FDA-regulated
• Divestiture of significant financial interests research and receives PHS (including but not lim-
ited to NIH) funding, it must follow all three sets
• Severance of relationships that create actual or
of regulations.
potential conflicts.
Identifying and managing conflicts of interest is
FDA regulations may be found in 21 CFR Part 5.
a multifaceted process.3 Conflict of interest poli-
Form FDA 3455 is the document used solely for
cies and procedures must be designed to protect
clinical investigators to provide disclosure of the
the implementing institution and its human
following information for: payments coupled to
research participants. Academic institutions and
results; compensation in the form of equipment,
medical centers must diligently track and monitor
retainer for ongoing research or honoraria; any
proprietary interest in the product tested; and/or
any significant equity interest held by the clinical

Research Compliance 101 9

any and all individual and institutional financial Without a systemic means of soliciting and
relationships that create the potential for actual or evaluating disclosures, no academic institution or
perceived conflicts of interest. medical center is equipped to determine whether
conflicts of interest exist or how to appropriately
Once an institution defines what constitutes a manage them.
financial conflict of interest, it must then make
determinations as to the threshold amounts or Some general guidelines as to disclosure pro-
situations that require management. What are, cess—whether tailored to paper or electronic
for instance, allowable or de minimis amounts of system—may include the following4:
investments, fees and honoraria, consulting fees,
intellectual property rights, enrollment bonuses, 1. Required annual disclosure with an ongoing
payments coupled to results and spouse/depen- obligation to provide incidental self-disclosure
dent finances? Do incomes in excess of $25,000 should new relationships with any entity
or $50,000 warrant additional supervision and/or pose or result in a real or perceived conflict
necessitate an investigator’s recusal or the intro- of interest.
duction of independent controls? How should
institutions decide whether to continue research 2. A comprehensive list of research faculty
when conflicted? Should there be a “rebuttable and personnel, which identifies individu-
presumption,” where research is to be discontin- als institutionally exempted for reasons such
ued unless “compelling circumstances” exist, such as long-term disability, leave of absence or
as the existence of unique facilities and expertise retirement.
or special patient populations at a specific aca-
3. Communication between the vice-dean for
demic or medical institution?
research, department chairs and supervisors.
Institutions must also establish and communicate
4. Consultation, as needed, with a Conflict
enforcement mechanisms and sanctions for non-
of Interest Committee5, Office of Research
compliance with conflict of interest management
Administration and Institutional
protocol. Cultural and contextual considerations
Review Board.
will play a role in deciding how aggressively an
academic institution or medical center regulates 5. A means to direct non-financial conflicts
conflicts of interest. For instance, an extremely related to commitment, purchasing or nepo-
entrepreneurial institution may be more inclined tism to the appropriate operational units in the
to view disclosure as an effective means of man- Compliance Office, Procurement Office, and/
aging conflicts of interest in lieu of mandating or Office of Human Resources.
complete divestiture.
6. Clear-cut deadlines for disclosure, com-
The linchpin in managing conflicts of interest plete with reminders and consequences for
is annual disclosure from research faculty and noncompliance.
others who are in a position to influence the appli-
cation, conduct or reporting of research, make In order to be complete, a disclosure form should
business decisions, teach, or deliver healthcare ser- request detailed information as to all of an
vices or information, regarding real or perceived individual’s (including spouse and dependent
conflicts of interest. Therefore, developing policies children) financial relationships and interests that
and co-extensive processes to collect and review are research related. Therefore, disclosure forms
relevant information as to the financial inter- should request the enumeration of equity inter-
ests of research faculty and personnel is critical. ests in privately held and publicly traded entities,

10 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

royalties, consulting fees, honoraria when a b. the chair of the department if individual
research sponsor is involved or, alternatively, when is faculty;
federally funded research could be impacted by c. immediate supervisor if individual is
such financial interests. non-faculty;
Responses to financial questions posed in dis- d. the ORA if the individual is listed on a fed-
closure forms should enable conflict of interest erally funded grant or grant application in
administrative staff persons or, should it exist, the last two years;
conflict of interest management software to make e. the IRB if the individual also conducts
preliminary decisions as to the individuals and human subject research.
relationships requiring additional review for
actual or perceived conflicts of interest. Therefore, 2. The management plan is logged into a “plan
research faculty or personnel with either no or tracker” database
deminimis financial relationships may be deferred
until the next annual disclosure period unless a 3. Individual acknowledges management plan
change occurs in the interim. The speed and effi- via electronic or actual signature
cacy of this initial phase of review hinges entirely
upon how clearly an institution’s policies and pro- 4. Management plan is tracked and monitored:
cedures are enunciated and can be applied. a. Plan tracker sets ticklers for communica-
tion and reminders to individuals
The second phase of review consists of issuing,
tracking and monitoring management plans. The b. Requests and reminders sent to individuals
ensuing analysis of disclosure forms entails a to forward samples of disclosures or other
review of more specifics into the type of financial documents related to compliance with
relationship that results in an actual or perceived management plans
conflict of interest. “Simple” or straightforward
conflicts of interest will trigger the administra- 5. Compliance and/or noncompliance with man-
tive issuance of a standard management plan agement plan noted in plan tracker database
requiring disclosure in all publications, presenta-
6. Noncompliance notice sent to:
tions, informed consent documents, consulting
activities, and grant applications involving related a. individual
research. Such situations will not require Conflict b. original recipients of management plan
of Interest Committee deliberation and may be
c. compliance officer
added to an informal “consent agenda.”6 More
complex conflicts of interest require committee Periodic, randomized internal audits of research
input and the issuance of a “custom” management staff and personnel with management plans are
plan with provisions tailored to address any con- one way of assessing, if not assuring, compliance.
cerns peculiar to the situation. Retention and maintenance of records of conflict
of interest disclosures and management plans are
Please find below, for your reference, a detailed
essential and require the allocation of institutional
approach to the issuance of management plans
resources—specifically, space (physical or elec-
(Simple and Custom):
tronic)and personnel. Such records are the only
1. A management plan is sent via e-mail to: tangible way for a compliance auditor—institu-
tional or federal—to assess whether a university
a. individual with the conflict; or medical center are satisfactorily managing con-
flicts of interest.

Research Compliance 101 11

The failure to monitor or manage conflicts of government through Congress and various federal
interest poses myriad risks. Financial consider- initiatives has taken swift and aggressive action to
ations may compromise or appear to compromise tighten the reins on research. Whether you believe
human research subjects’ safety. A research insti- that the government has gone too far in their
tution, its reputation and credibility are damaged enforcement efforts, or you believe the additional
among peer institutions and the public-at-large scrutiny is overdue, the fact remains: research
when details regarding unaddressed conflicts of compliance has entered a new era. The challenge
interest surface. Unchecked conflicts of interest facing the investigator, his/her institution and
undermine public’s faith in research findings and those charged with assuring compliance is to find
its willingness to participate in clinical research a way to meet the requirements of the new regula-
studies. Suspension or discontinuance of research tions without impeding the progress of research.
funding and support by the NIH may also result
from neglect or mismanagement of conflicts It is likely Sir Isaac Newton did not consider
of interest. the impact of research compliance violations on
government regulators when he postulated one
Sunshine Act of his Laws of Nature. Had he done so, the law
might more correctly read, “For every inaction,
In addition to tracking conflicts of interest
there is a swift and ominous reaction.” To the
pursuant to an organization’s conflicts of inter-
research community, this has certainly been the
est policy and procedures, organizations will
case during the recent past in the area of time
need to focus attention on disclosures of pay-
and effort reporting. Following the recent tragic
ments made to physicians by “manufacturers” as
cases of failure to uphold acceptable standards of
required by the Physician Sunshine Provisions of
human subject protections, the federal govern-
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
ment has begun to focus its attention on time and
These “Sunshine Provisions” require manufactur-
effort reporting and other mechanisms by which
ers of drugs, devices and biologics, to track and
dollars flow from the federal government to inves-
report (on public websites) any payments of $10
tigators and research institutions. For example, in
or more made by them to physicians. The final
the recent past, there have been four widely pub-
Sunshine provisions were published in early 2013
licized cases of time and effort infractions. Two
and they require certain types of information to
cases were civil actions and two were criminal
be reported. This means that the information that
cases. Perhaps the most highly publicized cases
is disclosed by a physician on his/her FDA Form
involved Northwestern University, in which the
3455, and the information he/she discloses on the
suit resulted in a $5.5 million dollar settlement.
annual institutional conflict of interest disclosure
This case was filed under the Qui Tam provisions
must be consistent with the information that is
of the Civil False Claims Act. The case specifically
reported by the manufacturers.
related to a review of 1995-2001-faculty effort.
One of the reasons cited for failure to comply with
Effort Reporting federal time and effort rules was the fact that the
As we cheer the incredible scientific advances of university lacked a system to reconcile proposed
the past decade, it is hard not to notice how these effort and the reports filed on a periodic basis. The
advances have changed the research landscape. government was able to claim that these trans-
As is often the case, progress comes at a price. gressions resulted in false statements made to the
With clinical research, this price has come in the government.
form of increased scrutiny by the government,
public exposure of transgressions and large fines
and penalties. As we have repeatedly seen, the

12 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Getting Started These provisions define effort reporting as a
means of verifying that the percent of effort
Given the government’s aggressive enforcement
expended by research personnel on various
agenda related to time and effort reporting, it
activities is commensurate with the percentage
should be clear that research (and time and effort
of salaries and wages charged to those accounts.
reporting) deserves the heightened attention of
Effort reporting further verifies that cost sharing
compliance professionals. It is recommended that
commitments were met, total effort commitments
each institution conduct its own strategic time
were met and that costs were appropriately treated
and effort reporting compliance risk assessment.
in the indirect cost rate.
If an assessment is conducted, it is important to
consider involving legal counsel to ensure that It is critical that investigators understand the
the assessment is covered under the attorney- scope of effort reporting so that they can effec-
client and/or work product privileges. The most tively track and report their time and efforts
important thing is that investigators be educated expended on the many activities they are involved
regarding the rules related to time and effort in on a daily basis. Effort reports must reflect all
reporting, and that research organizations develop compensated activities, including those efforts not
and implement firm policies, procedures and federally funded, such as instruction, governance,
ongoing monitoring to ensure that time and effort and academic teaching. Moreover, OMB Circular
reporting remains compliant. A-21 J8a makes clear that “compensation for per-
sonal services covers all amounts paid currently or
accrued by the institution for services of employ-
A time and effort education program must, at a ees rendered during the period of performance
minimum, include the following topics: under sponsored agreements.” Hence, principal
• Cost Principles investigators and other “key” employees involved
in the research must be accounted for in time and
• Definition of Effort Reporting effort reports.
• Effort Report Scope
Effort reports should be prepared on a percent-
• Reporting Basis age basis so as to assure consistency with award
• Certification terms and utilize flexibility by regulation. OMB
Circular A-21 J (2) (b) states: “These reports will
• Cost Sharing
reflect an after the fact reporting of the percent-
• External Activities age distribution of activity of employees.” Section
• Use EXAMPLES! J 8 (l) (c) goes on to clarify that “…it is recognized
that research, service, and administration are
Cost principles outlined in the Code of Federal often inextricably intermingled. A precise assess-
Regulations (CFR) and the Office of Management ment of factors that contribute to costs is not
and Budget (OMB) Circulars set forth the always feasible.” Since these principles are subject
minimum requirements for compliant effort to interpretation, it is helpful to include numerous
reporting. For example, 48 CFR Part 31 outlines examples in the training session. This will allow
the requirements for “for-profit” organizations; investigators to learn how to distinguish between
OMB CircularA-21 deals with universities—“every those activities that require reporting and those
term” reporting; OMB Circular A-122 focuses on that do not.
“non-profits;” and 45 CFR Part 74, Appendix E
contains the requirements for hospitals involved
in research—“every month” reporting.

Research Compliance 101 13

Certification of effort is perhaps the most impor- expended during a single reporting period are
tant concept for investigators. Effort reports must “different” from what was promised at the time
be certified by an individual with full knowledge that the grant was awarded. There is no single,
of all aspects of the employee’s effort. Reports easy answer to this question. Research institutions
should be certified by the employee whenever must develop policy to address this issue and must
possible, but may be approved by the principal perform ongoing monitoring to ensure that effort
investigator or chair of the department in the reports are accurate.
employee’s absence. From a monitoring perspec-
tive, research institutions should conduct periodic Policies, Procedures and Forms
assessments of payroll and effort consistency, As organizations develop research compliance
permitting variations between effort and payroll programs, they will likely incorporate policies,
by reporting period and to permit accuracy in procedures and templates/forms for use in accu-
reporting and certification. rate and compliant time and effort reporting.
Examples of topics typically covered in policies
Another important concept for investigators is
and procedures are:
to understand the link between effort reports
and cost sharing. Effort reports play a pivotal • Duty to Accurately Report Time and Effort/
role in documenting cost sharing commitments; Certification Obligations
in particular, the fact that only cost sharing that • Cost Sharing, Cost Transfers, etc.
has been committed to the sponsor needs to be
reported in the effort reports. Research institu- • Reporting External/Extramural Activities
tion policies and procedures should be developed • Changes in Time and Effort Between
to address the type of cost sharing that is allowed Reporting Periods
and the institutional reporting policy.
• University vs. Hospital Reporting Obligations
External activities must be accounted for within (if applicable and if investigators share time
the auspices of time and effort reporting. OMB between two different research organizations)—
Circular A-21 states that “charges to sponsored these policies will likely define terms for faculty
agreements may include reasonable amounts and research staff and make reporting terms
for activities contributing and intimately related consistent
to work under the agreements, such as deliver- • Requirement for Written Agreements Between
ing special lectures about specific aspects of the Universities and Hospitals (for shared
ongoing activity, writing reports and articles, par- research grants)
ticipating in legitimate seminars, consulting with
• Ongoing Requirement for Monitoring Time and
colleagues and graduate students, and attending
Effort Reporting.
meetings and conferences.” Research institu-
tions are well served to develop and implement In addition to these recommended policies, cor-
time-keeping mechanisms that make it easy for responding procedures must be implemented
investigators to track their time on various activi- in order to standardize time and effort report-
ties on a real-time basis. Most of these systems are ing practices. Successful research organizations
electronic in nature and allow time to “roll-up” have actually conducted pilot programs in cer-
into the time and effort reporting forms. tain departments to test the procedures prior to
implementing them across the entire research
One of the common questions asked by investi-
enterprise. That way, the “bugs” in the system can
gators (which must be incorporated into active
training) is what they should do if the efforts

14 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

be worked out and participants in the pilot project research organizations were created as clinical and
can be positive “spokespersons” for the new time treatment-focused organizations. They were nei-
and effort reporting initiative. ther constructed with a view toward research, nor
were their billing systems created with research
Perhaps most importantly, research organiza- in mind. Hence, most organizations have devel-
tions should develop standardized effort reporting oped “work-arounds” to ensure that billing is
forms—preferably automated programs that col- completed. It is typically not, however, a foolproof
lect and assimilate the data. Using an automated solution. There needs to be adequate checks and
program reduces administrative and monitoring balances, a system of oversight, coordination,
workload by automating tasks and will provide advance planning and internal controls to really
consistency in reporting, validation and error make things work. The following sets forth one
checking. These programs enhance compliance by such methodology to create a compliant process
delegating responsible effort certifiers. Finally, one to ensure that tests or services performed that are
of the ancillary benefits of an automated process is “standard of care” are appropriately billed to the
that they help capture costs that can be recovered insurer or patient, and those tests or services that
through the indirect cost rate. are “research only” get billed against the clini-
cal trial budget. That sounds easy, right? Hardly!
Monitoring Where does one even begin?
As mentioned many times, ongoing monitoring
is a critical component of a research compli- Many organizations begin this process by review-
ance program for effort reporting. Whether the ing the “current state of things.” In other words,
auditing and monitoring is performed by the they select a sample of active clinical trials and
Internal Audit Department, external auditors, the review the process to see what works well and
compliance officer, or someone in research admin- what is not working so that it can be corrected.
istration, is not important. The crucial factor is There is great value in analyzing current pro-
that auditing and monitoring is conducted on a cedures, as it gives you insights into what is
regular basis and where errors or inconsisten- and what is possible from a clinical, budgeting,
cies are found, they are immediately corrected. If registration, information systems and billing
organizations are diligent in their actions related perspective. In some cases, a particular investi-
to timely and accurate effort reporting, they are gator or clinical trial coordinator has developed
much more positively scrutinized in the event that a compliant “work-around” process that can be
problems occur that result in government inter- emulated across the entire organization. That may
vention. The old adage “an ounce of prevention is be a step in the right direction, but it is likely not
worth a pound of cure” is true when it comes to an enterprise-wide solution. Most organizations
time and effort reporting compliance. find that they inevitably need to start from scratch
and build new procedures. Affected individuals
Clinical Research Billing will ultimately need to be trained on those new
policies and procedures.
One only needs to read the Office of Inspector
General’s (OIG) recent work plans or attend As a starting place, one needs to consider the
regulatory conferences, and they will quickly affected constituencies who should be involved in
see that clinical trial billing is a critical compli- the process. At a minimum, they are as follows:
ance concern for any academic medical center or
• Investigators
research organization. Working in an academic
medical center, it is easy to understand why clini- • Office of Contracting and/or
cal trial billing is such a complicated project. Most Technology Transfer

Research Compliance 101 15

• Research Finance and/or Research Billing Radiology and possibly other clinical specialties
• Clinical Trial Coordinators and/or required for your research. Some organizations
Research Nurses have developed standardized budget templates and
other standardized communication documents
• Registration staff (both inpatient and that make the process much more streamlined.
outpatient) In some cases, it maybe prudent to actually meet
• Information Systems staff in person with certain affected departments, par-
ticularly in the early stages of the new process, or
• Clinical Trials Office (if applicable/available)
if the study in question has unique qualities. It is
• Health Information Management staff critical to ensure that at this phase, mechanisms
• Pharmacy and Laboratory support for billing and patient identification are designed.
Some organizations have developed a “research
• Compliance Officer and Legal Resources prescription” form that patients use during reg-
• Hospital Administration istration that identifies the type of test, visit or
procedure (and the specific research study). Most
• Hospital/Physician Practice Billing Office billing information systems have the potential to
create research accounts and patient accounts.
An effective clinical trials billing process can be
That is why it is critical to have your Information
summarized in seven basic steps.
Systems staff involved to assist with this process.
1. Finalize Study Design and Have It Approved
3. Recruit the Research Participants: As in all
by the Appropriate Representatives: In this
research studies, a detailed informed consent form
stage, it is necessary to define and document
must be signed by all research participants. The
what is considered to be the “standard of care”
consent must outline what is covered by the study
and what is going to be done for the study that is
and what the study participant will be responsible
“research only.” It is important to develop a line
to pay. One effective way to ensure that research
by line budget that details all study expenses and
billing is done correctly is to pre-register the
costs including research discounts for tests and
research participants. At this stage, the clinical
procedures, administrative and other overhead
trial coordinator should move forward to sched-
costs, etc. That budget will need to be shared with
ule the research participants and provide them
the appropriate departments including Research
with documentation (prescriptions, etc.) that
Billing, Hospital Billing, Clinical Trial Office and
they will bring with them to registration at their
all clinical trial coordinators, and key registra-
tion areas such as the Laboratory, Pharmacy, and
Radiology. It is also important to make sure that 4. Register Research Participant Upon Arrival
each study has a funding source to make it clear for the First Visit/Test: When the research par-
from the start where the money is coming from— ticipant arrives for the first visit/test/procedure,
even if that means that the investigator’s Clinical they will be registered in accordance with infor-
Department will be responsible for the costs. This mation previously provided to the registration
will avoid surprises down the road, particularly staff. The procedures will likely be different for
during the closeout of the research. inpatients versus outpatients, as in many cases
the billing information systems used are different
2. Communicate With Affected Departments
and patients are likely registered in different areas/
and Provide Them With Relevant Study
departments in the organization.
Information Including the Budget: This stage
contemplates active communication with affected
departments including the Laboratory, Pharmacy,

16 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

5. Complete Test/Visit/Procedure and Put in provide separate line items for tests and proce-
Billing System: Once the test/visit/procedure is dures to ensure that they are listed in the proper
completed, charges are entered into the billing category (e.g. standard of care versus “research-
system. At this time it is important to ensure that only.”) In addition, it will be necessary for the
the appropriate FSC (or billing account number) is investigators to always keep an updated list of
used. Again, if the test/visit/procedure is billable hospital charges so they can be sure that they are
to an insurance carrier, then the relevant charge including the correct amounts of money for each
should be entered accordingly. Likewise, if it is test/visit/procedure performed on the study. That
“research only,” the research FSC should be used. will help eliminate under-budgeting that occurs
from time to time. Billing milestones should also
6. See That Billing Process is Triggered: be developed to ensure that billing is done on a
Periodic reports must be generated for all ongo- timely basis, and completely. Monthly or weekly
ing studies. These reports must be shared with billing is recommended. If there is a problem, it
the clinical trial coordinator, the investigator, a is much easier to correct in a monthly or weekly
research accountant, and other relevant study cycle as opposed to waiting until the entire study
staff. Weekly or monthly reports will be beneficial is completed. Finally, it is imperative to ensure
to keep close track of all studies and to ensure that all studies have a funding source, even if
that charges are being accrued to the right stud- that funding source is the investigator’s clinical
ies and to ensure that appropriate segregation of department.
charges for “research-only” and standard of care is
taking place. CMS finalized the Clinical Trial Policy (CTP)
in 2008. The CTP sets forth CMS’ requirements
7. Conduct Budget Reconciliation and Close for coverage for certain “routine care services”
Grant: As a final checks and balances, the budget that are provided as part of a research study. It
must be reconciled against all billing informa- is critical that research organizations conduct a
tion. In the event that there are discrepancies, they Medicare coverage analysis of each interventional
must be corrected prior to closing the grant. Once research study to determine which services are
everything is reconciled, the grant can be closed. billable and which are not. Importantly, not every
routine service that is billable outside of a research
Needless to say, the above process will represent study, is necessarily billable as part of a research
dramatic changes for investigators, clinical trial study. Therefore, research sites must do their
coordinators, registration staff, and billing staff. homework in order to avoid potential false claims
Therefore, it will be necessary to plan and execute allegations and double billing concerns.
significant training on these new procedures.
Unfortunately, there is no single perfect process
There are some likely challenges that will arise in for clinical trial billing. Every research organiza-
the course of planning a new and more stream- tion has its own unique challenges. The important
lined process. Those challenges will vary a bit thing in today’s complex and highly charged regu-
from one organization to the next, but neverthe- latory environment is to have an effective process
less it is important to anticipate some of those in place to ensure that there is oversight, coordina-
challenges early on. For example, the development tion and compliance. When there is a problem, the
and implementation of standardized budgeting process must contemplate ways to remediate. That
templates will go a long way. Those templates will go along way to keeping your organization on
can be developed to include administration and the right track.
other overhead expenses, to ensure that those line
items will not be forgotten. The templates can also

Research Compliance 101 17

Other critical billing issues include who can be rules related to authorizations to use or disclose
billed for research-related injuries (which may protected health information (“PHI”) for research
trigger the CMS Medicare as Secondary Payer purposes. In the past, a HIPAA authorization
Rule “MSP”) and how billing should be accom- was required to be specific to a single research
plished for Medicare Advantage beneficiaries. study. Under the final HIPAA Omnibus Rule, an
For example, CMS’ MSP rule states that when a authorization may be “compounded”—mean-
beneficiary has insurance that is supplemental to ing that it may include authorization for multiple
Medicare coverage, their other insurance must be studies or uses and disclosures for multiple pur-
billed first and then Medicare stands in the sec- poses. In addition, the final HIPAA Omnibus
ondary payment position. In the research context, Rule now allows for authorizations for future
this is triggered when there is language in a clini- research (which were not possible under the previ-
cal trial agreement that indicates that the sponsor ous HIPAA Privacy Rule). In addition, the final
will be billed for research-related injury if and HIPAA Omnibus Rule requires training on pri-
when insurance denies the claim. CMS has deter- vacy and security requirements (for those who
mined that in that context, the sponsor becomes handle or use PHI for research purposes) as well
the primary guarantor and places the sponsor in as auditing and monitoring of compliance with
the first payment position. Hence, it is critical for the rules.
research sites to carefully negotiate clinical trial
agreements to ensure that everyone is on the same Basically, HIPAA provides that PHI may be used
page with respect to billing obligations. for research purposes:

Medicare Advantage billing is also quite compli- a. with an authorization signed by the partici-
cated. The rules require that protocol-scheduled pant or his/her legal representative; or
services be billed to Medicare prime as opposed
to the Advantage “plan” and any services that b. with a waiver of authorization from an IRB or
are unrelated to the research protocol be billed Privacy Board; or
to Medicare Advantage. In large part this is done
c. with a limited data set and a data use
so that CMS can track the amount it is paying
agreement; or
to support research and because many Medicare
Advantage plans do not have the claims process- d. if the data is fully de-identified; or
ing capability to handle required modifiers used
to denote “research,” such as a V 70.7 code placed e. if the data is on a decedent.
in the secondary diagnosis position or a Q1 or
Q0 modifier to denote either a standard of care Much like the other research risk issues described
service (e.g. Q__) or a research related service herein, compliance with the HIPAA Privacy,
(e.g. Q__). HITECH and Security Rules is critical for ongo-
ing compliance and is likely to be the subject of
Research Privacy and Security enforcement issues in the coming years.

The primary laws and regulations that cover Oversight of Clinical Research
research privacy and security are found in the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability The myriad regulatory schema, oversight agencies
Act (“HIPAA) and the HITECH provisions deal- and enforcement all reinforce the importance of
ing with data breaches. The final HIPAA Omnibus an effective clinical research compliance program.
Rule was published in January 2013 and in A strong clinical research compliance program
research-related issues, it essentially modified the should be multifaceted. To be effective, it must

18 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

safeguard the integrity of the research, steward While clinical research in the United States does
resources, shore up the reputation of the organiza- have a highly regulated framework governing its
tion and individuals conducting research. Another conduct, it is often the compliance professional
priority is ensuring that human subjects volun- embedded within an organization who shoulders
teering to participate in clinical research are fully the responsibility for reconciling laws, policies,
informed of the risks and benefits of the research procedures and ethical principles with practical
study in which they are participating. Developing demands and budgetary constraints. These indi-
and maintaining a robust compliance program viduals play a vital role in assuring the operational
may not be easy, but it is an essential component and administrative well-being of their organiza-
of clinical research. tion’s research enterprise. Consequently, they are
also instrumental in guaranteeing society the
Clinical research is an organized attempt to con- at-large benefits from clinical research. Everyday,
firm hypotheses, test theories and use a scientific clinical research compliance programs should
approach to learning more about the human exemplify the maxim, “the ends do not justify
physiology. It holds out great hope for people, but the means.”
is also fraught with many dangers. While clini-
cal research findings can be used for tremendous
good, such as eradicating disease and improv-
ing lives, its potential for untold barbarism,
malevolent ends, egoism and control necessitates
vigilance in oversight. A study’s purpose must
not only have value and a constructive end, but
the actual conduct of research must demonstrate
integrity in dealings with human subjects and
other ethical arenas. History confirms that clinical
research can be abused and that safeguards must
be established to preserve both the higher goals
of and the confidence in clinical research held
by society.

Research Compliance 101 19

recognized the importance and value of reading to
a child at night. But on the other hand, invariably,
a night arrived where they also recognized how
tired they felt, and how important their own sleep
Options for was to them. At that moment, they had a bona fide
COI. Note that both interests are important and
Identifying and legitimate… and in conflict. That particular COI
Managing Financial might be managed differently depending on the
day. For example, spouses might take on the task
Conflicts of Interest of reading some nights. Onother nights, children
might have to be told that mommy or daddy is too
in Research: Flexible tired to read.

Compliance with the In conducting research, a problem arises when a

COI leads to bias. It’s not just actual bias, how-
PHS Final Rule ever, that presents a problem for researchers. The
appearance of bias is also a concern. In the realm
of COI, it is sometimes said that perception is
Stuart Horowitz
reality. This is an important concept to bear in
mind whenever considering COI in research. The
Introduction goals are to eliminate bias (because bias is not
acceptable in research), and to either eliminate or
Merriam-Webster Online defines conflict of manage the appearance of bias.
interest (“COI”) as: “a conflict between the pri-
vate interests and the official responsibilities of a This chapter is focused on financial COI (FCOI)
person in a position of trust.” only. However, not all COI involves money. For
example, nepotism is a form of COI that is not
Simply put, a COI arises when two different inter- necessarily financial. There are also conflicts that
ests are at odds with one another. It is actually arise because of (real or perceived) scientific bias.
a conflict of interests. There can be no conflict That is, many researchers have strong beliefs –
unless there are at least two interests; thus, the built on a pet theory, for example. These beliefs
term “conflict of interest” is illogical, because can influence research design, analysis and report-
there is no conflict unless there is more than one ing. There may also be beliefs related to religion
interest. Nevertheless, the term conflict of inter- and faith that have potential to lead to research
est has entered the vernacular, and the even-more bias. This chapter does not address any of these
illogical term: conflicts of interest (COIs), is also conflicts, however, because federal regulations do
in common usage. For these reasons and until or not address non-financial COI.
unless common usage harmonizes with English
grammar, this Chapter reverts to the vernacular The focus of this chapter is on FCOIs that inves-
terms: conflict(s) of interest. tigators (individual people doing research) may
have. Please note that there are also FCOIs that
There is no wrongdoing in the existence of a COI. are harbored by institutions. For example, a uni-
These conflicts are part of human existence. For versity, or academic medical center, or hospital
example, nearly all parents who have routinely may have a significant financial interest in a new
read bedtime stories to their children have expe- technology, drug, or device (by virtue of a patent,
rienced a situation where, on the one hand, they for example), and may choose to pursue a research

20 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

project related to that technology, or drug, or including payments to physician-researchers. The
device. Such a situation creates an institutional other addresses receiving: income received by
FCOI. That FCOI may be unacceptable to the researchers given by outside entities, or owner-
public. To date, however, there are no federal regu- ship of outside interests by researchers. Although
lations that address this issue, and likewise, it is these seem, superficially, like two sides of a
not addressed in this chapter. coin, they’re actually more like two sides of two
partially-overlapping coins. The first set of rules
Financial Conflict of Interest in were incorporated into the Physician Payment
Federally-Funded Research “Sunshine” Provisions of the Affordable Care Act3,
which describe the obligations of pharmaceutical
Visit the National Institutes of Health (NIH) companies and medical manufacturers to publicly
home page for financial conflict of interest and report all transfers of value made to healthcare
you’ll find a notable quote from the current providers. Some of these are payments made to
Director of the NIH, Dr. Francis Collins, stating: physician-researchers, and to healthcare organi-
“The public trust in what we do is just essential, zations conducting research. But many of these
and we cannot afford to take any chances with the payments are unrelated to research or research-
integrity of the research process.”1 The interpreta- ers. This chapter does not address the Sunshine
tion of this quote gets to the heart of some of the Provisions of the Affordable Care Act, which is
greatest challenges faced by research compliance covered in Chapter 1.
professionals with responsibility for identifying
and handling financial conflicts of interest at insti- The second rule was published on August 25,
tutions conducting research. As Director of the 2011, and is known as the Final Rule on Financial
NIH and one of the country’s strongest advocates Conflict of Interest Regulations—Responsibility of
for research, Dr. Collins was acutely aware of the Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research
risks to the public trust—and the associated public for Which Public Health Service Funding is Sought
funding of the NIH’s intramural and extramural and Responsible Prospective Contractors.4 It is a
research programs. revision of an older, less-prescriptive rule, and
is meant to increase transparency and to clarify
Reduction of research funding is not the only perceived ambiguities in the older rule. At the
immediate concern over the public’s perception time of its publication, the Federal Register notice
of the loss of integrity in research. Another short- provided applicable organizations (primarily those
term pain point is the public scrutiny faced by which received, are receiving, or have applied to
the NIH, research institutions, and investigators receive PHS research support) up to one year to
at congressional hearings and by the popular and implement the rule. Note that the rule applies to
science press. The longer-term consequences are all PHS-funded research, investigators and their
especially troubling: When too many people lose institutions, regardless of whether they are also
faith in the integrity of research, progress itself healthcare providers. Although the rule required
will be slowed. compliance by no later than August 26, 2012
(more than a year before the time this chapter was
In the aftermath of a series of high-profile cases
drafted), it is still referred to as the “Final Rule,”
questioning the integrity of research conducted
and still the topic of much discussion.
by investigators at some of the finest research
institutions in the US from 2008 to 20112, two Because applicable organizations are now required
new/revised rules were enacted. One addresses to comply with the Final Rule, this chapter nei-
giving: i.e., transfers-of-value (essentially pay- ther compares nor contrasts it with the older
ments) from corporate entities to physicians, rule. Also, because the published rule can easily

Options for Identifying and Managing Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research 21

be referenced, we do not rehash it here (with the anything but a single standard. Whether or not
exception of a few small elements). Similarly, research is funded by PHS, we would not want to
there are no model policies or procedures to be accept bias in that research. For example, it is not
found here. For these, the reader is referred to The unusual for a single investigator to have research
Institute of Medicine as a Profession, which has a projects funded by multiple sources. The idea that
public website compendium and searchable data- even the appearance of bias in the investigator’s
base of COI policies and processes from various non-PHS-supported research would be acceptable,
organizations and organization types5. Instead, but disallowed for a PHS-funded project, seems
this chapter focuses on the major options inherent unfathomable. For this reason, some institutions
in the rule and the flexibility it allows, including have adopted a single standard. Note that this
applicability and standards, disclosure and dis- approach may require harmonizing multiple regu-
closure thresholds, tolerance and management, latory requirements to “set the bar” high enough
transparency, and technology. so that all hurdles are overcome together in one
process (this issue is also addressed below under
Applicability and Standards “practicality”).
Who is required to follow the Final Rule? The rule On the other hand, an institution might adopt a
is clear in stating that it applies to institutions that single ethical standard and believe that the dif-
have PHS research support (or who have recently ferent requirements of various federal, state, and
had it, or seek it), and to the investigator(s) receiv- local agencies and private sources are nuanced,
ing that support. Note that the terms “research” regulatory in nature, and though they require
and “investigator” have clear, broad, and non- compliance, are not ethically relevant. In this case,
obvious definitions embedded in the rule. But even it is possible to set the ethical bar and as long as
when it is crystal clear when and to whom the rule the differences in requirements do not allow any
must apply, the institution has the option of widen- research to go under the bar, multiple regulatory
ing the scope of the rule and applying it to others. standards are acceptable.
Why apply the PHS Final Rule where it is not Fairness: The FCOI rules are often viewed by
required? The issue comes down to standards. That investigators as intrusive because considerable
is, does the institution have a single standard for information about their personal finances is dis-
FCOI that it applies fairly to investigators across closed. The disclosure requirements under the
the board, or does it have a double-standard—one Final Rule—and the ensuing administrative pro-
for PHS-funded investigators, and one for those cesses—are burdensome. In a university, academic
who are not PHS-funded? Or does it have mul- medical center, or research hospital environ-
tiple standards? For example, one for PHS-funded ment, no investigator wants to feel singled out
investigators, one for National Science Foundation for financial disclosure, for any reason. For this
(NSF)-funded investigators6, another for another reason, some institutions have chosen to apply
agency, and perhaps one for state-funded investiga- the same set of rules (and tools for analysis, such
tors?7 The choice of whether to apply one standard as disclosure forms) to all investigators, regard-
or more can be made on the basis of three consid- less of funding source. This levels the playing
erations: ethics, fairness, and practicality. field and fairly distributes the burden among all
Ethics: If we accept the notion that bias in
research as a result of a FCOI is bad, and that the On the other hand, this approach might be
FCOI rules are designed to reduce or eliminate viewed as “collective punishment.” For example,
bias, it may seem ethically unsupportable to set some investigators may never seek or receive PHS

22 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

funding, simply because their research is outside clinical investigators doing corporate-sponsored
of PHS’s mission (as in the case of most faculty clinical trials, applying the PHS Final Rule to all
of chemistry, physics, engineering, or mathemat- investigators may generate much more work than
ics). Is it really “fair” to burden them with all the the hospital is able to manage, especially if it uses
complexities and requirements of the PHS Final manual workflows and document management,
Rule? Perhaps it would be more appropriate to rather than dedicated electronic COI (eCOI) soft-
acknowledge that the rules simply don’t apply to ware (discussed further below).
them? With this perspective in mind, some insti-
tutions with mature programs, including research Disclosure and Disclosure
faculty in diverse disciplines, have chosen to Thresholds
apply the PHS Final Rule strictly when required,
but no more. All investigators—as widely defined here—must
provide annual and prompt ongoing disclosures.
The issue of fairness can also be linked to the Look carefully at the definition for investigator in
alignment of incentives and the growth of the the PHS Final Rule:
research institution. As described above, a mature
Investigator means the project director or princi-
organization may feel it is unfair to burden non-
pal Investigator and any other person, regardless of
biomedical faculty with PHS requirements. But title or position, who is responsible for the design,
the opposite can be true in other institutions. For conduct, or reporting of research funded by the
example, organizations seeking to establish/grow PHS, or proposed for such funding, which may
a PHS-funded portfolio of research may struggle include, for example, collaborators or consultants.
to appropriately encourage the submission of
grant applications. In this circumstance, those Not only that, but for each investigator, note the
investigators aligned with organizational goals following disclosure requirement:
and who seek or obtain PHS support can interpret A financial interest consisting of one or more of
the situation as “no good deed goes unpunished,” the following interests of the Investigator (and
because they are burdened with disclosures and those of the Investigator’s spouse and dependent
processes, while their less-productive colleagues children) that reasonably appears to be related to
are undisturbed. Thus, in the institution focused the Investigator’s institutional responsibilities…
on research growth, the issue of fairness can be
analyzed differently. Note that the disclosure requirements are lim-
ited to the investigator’s spouse and dependent
Practicality: What could be more practical children. However, there is nothing in the Final
and straightforward than a single policy with a Rule preventing an institution from widening the
single set of processes, one disclosure form, one disclosure requirement to include others related
set of analytical tools and standard operating to the investigator in other ways. Although some
procedures? From a utilitarian perspective, this may feel it is appropriate or even “better” to
approach may be more practicable than adopting expand the family circle of disclosure to siblings,
two or more processes, forms, SOPs, etc. However, parents, and others, this option is not recom-
depending on the type of institution, its resources mended for two reasons. First, the collection of
and its goals, there are circumstances where a payment and ownership information is intrusive
single, consistent process is more challenging to enough for the investigator, spouse and dependent
implement, and multiple processes may actually children. To expand this may be overly-burden-
be more practicable. For example, in a research some. Second, it is impracticable. The investigator
hospital environment, where there may be only typically has no access to such information and
five PHS-funded investigators, but a cadre of 95 might not be able to obtain it. The likelihood of

Options for Identifying and Managing Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research 23

obtaining a complete and accurate disclosure from be done automatically, assisting the institution
a wider circle of family members is small, and thus in determining if the financial interest meets the
the value of the information, if it can be collected “significant” threshold.
at all, is questionable.
The excerpted section from the regulation on dis-
The PHS Final Rule sets required thresholds closure notes the concept in the Final Rule of a
for investigator disclosure of ownership in, and requirement to disclose financial interests relating
remuneration by publicly-traded entities ($5,000 to the investigator’s institutional responsibili-
combined annual from a single entity) and remu- ties. There are three approaches to take in order
neration by non-publicly-held entities ($5,000 to capture this information. The first is to make
annual from a single entity). Investigator own- sure investigators understand their institutional
ership of any amount in a non-publicly-traded responsibilities, and to use their best judgment in
entity must also be disclosed. Although this seems this regard. The second is to require investigators
straightforward, investigator disclosure can be a to list everything except that which is obviously
significant point of confusion and resulting non- unrelated to their institutional responsibilities
compliance. Confusion can stem from the annual (for example, a biomedical researcher need not
look-back period, the value of an equity holding, disclose ownership of 20% of a movie theater).
changes in stock value, stock vesting schedules, The third, and perhaps the most conservative
whether a payment or ownership is “related” approach, is to ask them to list all outside financial
to the investigator’s institutional obligations or interests (except those excluded in the regula-
to his or her research project(s), whether pay- tions, like mutual funds), and for the institution to
ments come from separate subsidiaries or a single determine relatedness.
entity, memory lapses, spouse’s income or equity
holdings, how and when to add payments, non- Finally, the regulation requires investigator dis-
financial compensation (such as airfare), payments closure of outside payments. Some payments that
made indirectly through the institution, and originate from outside entities—such as royalty
other sources. payments and, in larger institutions, clinical trial
reimbursements—are paid to the Institution,
Fortunately, PHS allows some flexibility in dis- not directly to the Investigator. Yet some institu-
closure. The institution can take two steps to tions ask investigators to list those amounts in
help establish a full and accurate record of the their disclosure forms. To the extent possible, it
investigator’s outside financial interests. First, is recommended that institutions do not burden
it can set the annual disclosure due date at or investigators with a requirement to disclose
near April 15, and open the window for annual information that the institution already has. For
disclosures in the second week of February. This example, if an institution has a policy that requires
timing makes it likely that the investigator will it to consider royalty payments paid first to the
have received all investment and income state- institution and then shared (in part) with the
ments, including Form 1099s, for the previous investigator, it already has such information and
year and be able to use them to assist in the dis- should not require the investigator to provide this
closure process. Second, it can set a zero-dollar information again.
threshold for disclosure, and instead, ask the
investigator to transcribe the amounts from his Tolerance and Management
or her statements. This avoids math errors by the
Although the Final Rule is highly prescriptive, it
investigator, and places the burden on the institu-
is rather flexible in the key area of how FCOIs are
tion. If an e-COI system is deployed, the math can
managed8. As noted in the introduction to this

24 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

chapter, the mere existence of an FCOI is not a system for managing FCOIs are that it is rapid,
statement of bias or wrongdoing. Thus, the institu- fair and consistent, and easily understandable
tion’s goal should not be to eliminate FCOI, but to the investigator. Ideally, the investigator com-
rather to address FCOIs in a manner that avoids munity has an opportunity to participate in the
bias in the research, or the appearance of bias. creation of the institution’s rules. The weakness of
Whether or not an FCOI appears to lead to bias is this approach is that it is inadequate for complex
a matter of opinion, however. The term “reason- situations. Thus, even institutions that employ
able” appears a dozen times in the Final Rule, and rules-and-tools (analytical processes, described
reasonable people can have different opinions on below), actually take a hybrid approach, deliberat-
the appearance of bias. In light of these reason- ing carefully in those cases when the rules do not
able (and predictable) differences in opinion, the readily apply.
Rule gives the institution a great deal of discretion
on how it manages FCOIs. Discretion, however, When taking a hybrid approach (favored by this
can be perceived as arbitrary, and if not managed author), the flexibility utilized when managing
carefully, unfair if it is inconsistently applied. FCOIs should be informed by the institution’s tol-
Therefore, discretion should be exercised thought- erance for risk. That is: What is the organization’s
fully, systematically, and consistently. appetite for dealing with allegations that it failed
to identify or manage an FCOI related to research?
The basis for discretion should be rooted in In the world of COI, it is useful to remember the
institutional culture. There are basically two, adage: perception is reality. What institutions need
non-exclusive approaches. Some institutions to consider is the question: Whose perception
emphasize that each circumstance is unique and is paramount? It is a given that each institution
each deserves special consideration. Ideally, these must comply with applicable regulations and
institutions develop a clear set of written prin- therefore is concerned with the regulators’ deter-
ciples, and apply these principles to deliberate minations. However, it is possible to comply with
on each FCOI. Typically, the investigator’s peers all regulations and still be haunted by the press,
sit on a committee that consider the FCOI. This Congress-members, and the public, whenever
principles-based approach can be applied fairly if conflicts are alleged. Institutions need to consider
the principles upon which each decision is made not only what it takes to follow the rules, but also
are documented and understandable to the inves- what they need to do to avoid news stories that
tigator. A principles-based approach is generally exceed their tolerance for negative press. However,
time-consuming, as each situation is analyzed this need not necessarily mean adopting a zero-
and evaluated. It is important, as each case is tolerance approach across-the-board.
decided, to memorialize the circumstances and
the outcome, so that the principles are applied A convenient paradigm with which to establish
consistently, and so that any change in how the a set of rules consistent with institutional tol-
principles are applied over time are understood erance for risk is to categorize FCOIs in three
and documented. ways. FCOIs may be thought of as: show-stoppers,
garden-variety manageable, complex and custom.
Alternatively, some institutions embrace the The first two categories are managed by rules-and-
notion that many FCOIs are alike and can be tools. The third requires deliberation based on
managed using a rules-based approach. Typically, principles.
a clear set of rules (based on principles) are
developed, permitting many (or most) FCOIs Show-stoppers are FCOIs that the institution
to be analyzed, categorized, and managed or will not tolerate under any circumstances. A
eliminated. The benefits of utilizing a rules-based show-stopper is an FCOI that the institution

Options for Identifying and Managing Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research 25

feels cannot be managed or is not worth the risk policies and procedures, it is useful to develop a
of management. For these, either the FCOI is set of SOPs that include flowcharts used as tools,
eliminated, or the research is disallowed. It goes instructing staff on how to determine if an FCOI
without saying that any circumstance in which falls into this category. It may also be possible to
there is actual bias cannot be allowed. But these develop logic within software to assist in this pro-
situations are few and far between, and much of cess (see “Technology,” below).
the time, it boils down to whether the institu-
tion believes the appearance of bias is so strong An FCOI can be categorized as garden-variety
and obvious, that it is not worth the risk to try to manageable if it meets a set of predetermined cri-
manage it. These need not necessarily be lucra- teria. A garden-variety manageable FCOI is one
tive opportunities for investigators. For example, that meets two broad criteria. First, it is typical or
many academic medical centers have decided that unremarkable. Second, it is one that the organiza-
none of their faculty may participate on speak- tion believes can be managed with a formal and
ers’ bureaus—panels of paid experts who deliver (ideally) standard management plan. Note that an
public presentations on behalf of a pharmaceutical institution may adopt a policy that not every gar-
or medical device company. den-variety FCOI can be managed—as in the case
of the Speakers’ Bureau example. Membership on
The rules for show stoppers typically consists of a speakers’ bureaus is certainly typical and unre-
list of prohibited FCOIs. In addition to the speakers’ markable (although these days, perhaps less so
bureau rule, this list might include situations where: at academic medical centers). However, in some
institutions, it does not meet the criteria for being
• The value of the investigator’s remuneration or
ownership is linked to the outcome of a study in
which the investigator is participating. Some examples of garden-variety manage-
• The investigator receives payment from the able FCOIs:
research sponsor while being unduly restricted • Consulting for a company related to the inves-
from publishing the results of the research. tigator’s laboratory research but remunerated
• The investigator has sole responsibility for data in an amount predetermined to be acceptable.
analysis for a study sponsored by a company in For example, the institution can set policy that
which he or she has a significant financial inter- a consulting arrangement valued at no greater
est (as defined in the Final Rule or at a lower than $20,000 per year is an FCOI that can
threshold if set by institutional policy). be managed.
• The investigator has sole responsibility for • Conducting a clinical trial with a pharmaceuti-
obtaining informed consent from research cal company in which the investigator owns
volunteers in a study involving a technology $25,000 in publicly-traded stock. The institution
in which he or she has a significant finan- can set a policy that ownership of up to $25,000
cial interest. is an FCOI that can be managed.
• The investigator is the PI of a multi-center • Advising a medical device company about the
clinical trial at the institution, and is also a con- design of product in a multicenter clinical trial
sultant to the sponsor, receiving $250,000 per that the investigator is leading at one site. The
year for providing services/advice. institution can set a policy that payment to the
investigator of up to $30,000 is an FCOI that
There may be other FCOIs that an institution can be managed.
chooses to prohibit under all circumstances.
In addition to listing them in the institution’s

26 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

In these examples, the upper limit of value may • Investigator is paid $50,000 per year for serving
seem arbitrary. Ideally, however, the institution on the board of directors of a pharmaceutical
sets values reflecting its belief that they are accept- company, and wishes to “donate” all the money
able because the appearance of bias is small, based to his or her division’s fellowship program.
partly on the amount, the investigator’s overall • Investigator has developed a new drug and is
compensation, and the fact that the investigator named as an inventor in a pending patent appli-
is following a specific management plan. As sug- cation filed by the institution. The investigator
gested above, the institution can develop a small seeks to conduct the first-in-human studies at
library of standardized, formal management your institution.
plans for each garden-variety manageable FCOI.
Each FCOI categorized in this way can be issued Such scenarios do not lend themselves to stan-
the appropriate standard management plan. For dard treatment, and deserve the institution’s
example, the investigator holding the stock may investment in time and effort to determine the
be issued a plan requiring that the prospective most appropriate course of action, consistent
participant is informed of the ownership interest with the institution’s policies and the principles
verbally and in writing, that all public presenta- underlying those policies. Although there is no
tions or publications emanating from the research regulatory requirement to organize and convene
include a predetermined ownership disclosure a COI Committee, this approach is strongly rec-
statement, and that the person obtaining informed ommended when the “rules and tools” are not
consent is not the investigator. adequate for FCOI analysis, decision-making, or
management plan assignment. Rather than asking
As with show-stoppers, garden-variety manage- an institution-wide COI Committee to address
able FCOIs can be identified and managed without these circumstances, some institutions distribute
committee deliberation. A clear set of standard the decision-making across the organization, e.g.
operating procedures and flowcharts, managed to department chairs, division chiefs, or deans.
by competent administrative staff or in smaller The primary weakness of this approach (whether
Institutions, can be used by one staff member. It used only for complex and custom FCOIs, or for
is also possible to automate a significant part of all FCOIs in an organization that chooses the
the process using dedicated eCOI software. This principles-based approach) is that it often results
approach, backed up by quality assurance, can in inconsistent outcomes. A well-trained com-
handle the bulk of FCOIs that require manage- mittee charged with the task is more likely to be
ment plans. consistent and to develop fair and appropriate
An FCOI may be considered to be complex and
custom if it does not fall into either of the two
categories already discussed. These conflicts are Transparency
atypical and require not only careful analyses The concept of transparency means that the process
in order to be fully understood, but also careful used on the inside is visible and understandable to
deliberation and if the FCOI is allowed, a custom- people on the outside. The regulations are focused
ized management plan. Examples in this category: on the public and establishing sufficient transpar-
• Investigator has founding shares of a new com- ency to address the public’s desire to understand
pany launched to develop a medical device, and how an institution deals with FCOIs. They should
wishes to conduct a feasibility study in a group disclose what FCOIs have been identified and how
of patients at your hospital. it is managing those conflicts. But for many institu-
tions, this is only one group. For some institutions,
there are actually two groups who expect and are

Options for Identifying and Managing Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research 27

entitled to transparency. The first is the public; Those advocating responding to requests note that
the second is the community of investigators who the transparency requirement does not require
demand an understanding of how their disclosures public posting—and therefore abstain. A related
are analyzed and how decisions are made. point is that their investigators wish to keep these
matters out of the public eye, unless absolutely
Again, although not a regulatory requirement, required. Some also note that the challenge of
transparency for investigators in your organization keeping the posted information accurate and up-
is important to the institution’s ability to comply to-date, is more than they can manage routinely.
with the regulations. The system relies substan-
tially on the completeness and veracity of the The other point of view is that by posting FCOI
financial disclosures received from investigators. information, the institution “controls the mes-
Informal observations suggest that the worst (and sage” that the public will get. Remember that the
most frequent) complaint from investigators is Sunshine Provisions of the Affordable Care Act
that their financial disclosures enter a “black box,” require that pharmaceutical companies and medi-
with unpredictable and inconsistent outcomes. To cal manufacturers publicly post information about
promote complete and accurate disclosures and to payments or “transfer of value” to all healthcare
engender the community of investigators, institu- providers, including investigators. This informa-
tions should consider the following: tion will be publicly available, and will generally not
include meaningful detail (beyond the amounts). A
• Involve investigators in policy, process, and SOP
curious reader may learn how much the investiga-
tor at an institution is paid by a particular company,
• Make all policies, processes, and SOPs avail- but the underlying details justifying the payment
able and easy-to-find on your intranet for your will not be evident. In contrast, the FCOI infor-
investigators mation published by the institution can include
• Include links to policies, processes, and SOPs in sufficient information to inform the reader that
all correspondences with investigators the payment was appropriate for activities or ser-
vices that were rendered by the investigator. To the
• Encourage active dialogue with investigators extent such payments yield FCOIs, the Institution
can acknowledge them, and describe how they are
Transparency for the public requires that all insti-
managed. Depending on the size of the institution,
tutions with a website (these days, few if any do
it may be difficult to make this information readily
not have a website), publish their FCOI policies
available without the use of eCOI software.
online. This is easily achieved. There is no obliga-
tion to post processes or SOPs.
Transparency also requires that the institution Any system of effectively identifying and handling
either post and update key information about all FCOIs includes three components: Disclosure,
FCOIs in the organization, or if it chooses not to Analysis, and Management. Today, there are com-
post this information, that it responds promptly – mercially-available as well as university-developed
within five business days – to all formal inquiries eCOI software applications that can handle one,
of FCOI at the institution. How each institution two, or all three of these. This section offers a brief
chooses to comply depends on its size, organi- overview of eCOI software, and a cautionary note:
zational culture, and in some cases, its adoption Technology is not a panacea for an inadequate
of eCOI technology. There are two schools of or dysfunctional system of identifying and man-
thought on whether to proactively post FCOIs on aging FCOI. The adoption of an eCOI solution
the institution’s public-facing web site vs. respond- provides a way to improve a system by making it
ing reactively to specific requests for information.

28 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

more efficient and reducing the time people need organizational culture, policy, size, faculty/staff
to spend. However, technology by itself does not composition, core competencies, and budget,
make a process more effective. In fact, there is can determine if it is more valuable for software
potential for an eCOI system to facilitate non- to manage these issues, or if it wishes to analyze
compliance, if it is configured with inadequate them with people’s time.
processes. Likewise, compliant processes that are
paper-based are unlikely to be optimized for eCOI As noted earlier, every significant financial inter-
implementation; to configure a technology solution est determined to be a FCOI requires a formal
with a paper-based process is equivalent to “paving and written management plan. Software can
the cow path,” rather than designing an efficient assist with the assignment of these plans, their
highway. For these reasons, it is highly recom- documentation, and their communication to
mended that organizations either develop a set of investigators. According to your SOPs, it can also
work flows and SOPs that can be readily adopted communicate with other key individuals in the
by an eCOI solution before configuring the system, institution. The eCOI solution can also help to
or that their system for identifying and handling track management plans and when appropriate,
FCOIs be redesigned at the time of configuration. document and facilitate their sunset.
When evaluating eCOI solutions, it is worthwhile
Depending on the organization, there may be a
to budget not only for the software license, but also
desire to integrate eCOI software with other tech-
for the full cost of implementation, including revis-
nology solutions already in place (or planned) for
ing/developing work flows and SOPs that exploit
research administration. There are two approaches
the features of the software you choose.
to take: The most obvious is to adopt an integrated
The minimum functionality for eCOI software suite of software solutions that meet the entirety
is that it should facilitate the complete disclosure of institutional needs. For example, some institu-
of outside financial interests. Ideally, it utilizes a tions adopt a single software platform to facilitate
relational database and document management not only FCOI, but also, IRB, IACUC, grants
system so that investigators do not need to enter management, and IBC. Others choose a best-of-
information more than once if that information breed approach, and find solutions that work best
does not change. For disclosure, some software for each need, and integrate them through inter-
solutions utilize “smart forms,” so-called because faces or data-exchange processes. There are hybrid
they cascade with new pages and questions only as approaches as well.
needed based on the answers to earlier questions.
Whatever approach you take, consider that there
They are the alternative to a single form asking
is a PHS requirement to either post informa-
all possible questions. Smart forms are seductive
tion about FCOIs online, or to have it available
for good reason: they save time for the respondent
so that it can be provided promptly in the event
and the analyst, but be sure to take the time to
of a query. In the first case, eCOI software can
design them correctly.
conveniently “serve up” accurate and up-to-date
Some eCOI software utilizes logic that can ana- information to your external web site. On the
lyze the answers to questions and determine if an other hand, if you choose not to post such infor-
Investigator’s outside interests are related to their mation routinely, a good eCOI application can
institutional commitments, reach a level deter- help locate and report the information at the
mined to be “significant,” and are of a nature that touch of a button. In either case, all but the small-
might be considered “garden variety-manageable” est of institutions should consider adopting an
or complex and custom. Each institution con- eCOI solution.
sidering a technology solution, depending on its

Options for Identifying and Managing Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research 29

This chapter will review governing regulations
and provide examples of scientific misconduct.
A distinction is drawn between scientific mis-
conduct and regulatory misconduct. The latter is
Scientific and Research conduct inconsistent with regulations and stan-
dards that govern the process of research, and that
Misconduct are found, for example, in the Common Rule, the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA), and regulations regarding the use
Juliann Tenney, JD, CHRC
of animals. Scientific misconduct may, indeed,
include elements of some or all of these, and can
Scientific and research misconduct may present be found in other sections of this compendium;
the most vexing of challenges for the compliance however, this chapter will focus on the standards
officer. Lines of inquiry that have been supported enunciated in 42 CFR Part 93 (Department of
by human and animal subjects (and sacrifice), Health and Human Services) and 45 CFR Part
as well as significant financial investment, can 689 (National Science Foundation) that address
be wholly discredited and rendered worthless if institutional responsibilities regarding “fabrica-
misconduct has occurred. Careers may be ruined tion, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices
and institutions shamed. Settlements, fines and that seriously deviate from those that are com-
awards deplete resources and imprisonment may monly accepted within the scientific community
await those who would perpetrate fraud upon the for proposing, conducting, or reporting research.”
government. Investigators may be excluded from The essence of this chapter and its body of rules is
participating in Public Health Service (includ- to support the integrity of the public investment
ing National Institutes of Health) and National in “biomedical and behavioral research, research
Science Foundation supported research. In addi- training or activities related to that research …”
tion, private causes of action from defamation to (50 CFR 93.102(a)). It should be noted that compli-
conversion (theft) may be available to victims. ance with the section is required upon application
for support and is not contingent upon success in
Most areas of compliance address developing an
securing funding.
institution-wide approach to ensuring that behav-
iors, practices and systems are consistent with Institutions that seek Public Health Service (PHS)
laws and regulations. If an electronic medical funding are required to have in place an “assur-
record has been improperly accessed, providers ance.” This assurance certifies that the institution
have programs that will detect such a breach. The has adopted and implemented policies and pro-
fact of the breach and its electronic detection does cedures to address allegations of fabrication,
not have a personality. Conversely, allegations falsification or plagiarism, including the identifica-
of scientific or research misconduct may arise tion of an appropriate institutional official to carry
among colleagues who work together or out of out the intent of such provisions, a research integ-
a position of trust (peer review of grant propos- rity officer (RIO). Prior to 1996, institutions filed
als; work overseen by a dissertation advisor). The an “initial assurance form;” however, beginning in
real or apparent violation takes on a life of its own 1996, signing the face page of a grant application
as those who used to go about their business in constitutes/is deemed assurance. In addition, there
peaceful co-existence take sides and prepare for is an annual reporting obligation that describes
battle. Institutional anxiety runs high as those not the status of activities that have taken place during
directly involved seek to avoid the fall-out. the course of the preceding year. Failure to file a
timely annual report could expose the institution

30 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

to heightened scrutiny, as well as the need to b. The misconduct be committed intentionally,
pursue reinstatement of its assurance status in knowingly, or recklessly; and
order to become eligible for Public Health Service
(PHS) funding. c. The allegation be proved by a preponderance
of the evidence.
The regulations are prescriptive regarding the
steps that must be taken when an allegation is Response to an allegation of misconduct takes
received or misconduct suspected. The clarity and on a life of its own. It is logical to consider this
detail lend themselves to institutions adopting process as a series of stages. At the first stage, the
the process outlined 42 CFR Part 93 in applying “notice” or allegation stage, the RIO or compli-
its provisions to misconduct allegations that are ance officer (CO) becomes aware of the possibility
expressed beyond the scope of behavioral or bio- of misconduct. The method of discovery could
medical fields. The PHS approach, then, becomes be direct, from someone who has specific knowl-
imbedded and actually may serve to raise the edge of a transgression. The Office of Research
standard of review universally. Integrity may advise that it has received a report.
Such communications can be transmitted through
Definitions (42 and 45 CFR) anonymous or confidential “hotlines.” Indirect
knowledge could be obtained through an interme-
Research misconduct means fabrication, diary, such as an administrator in a department,
falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, per- or a non-involved researcher who reports “some-
forming, or reviewing research, or in reporting thing she has heard from a lab technician …” In
research results. any event, having received such notice, the official
is compelled to examine the situation with the
a. Fabrication is making up data or results and
information available and to consider advanc-
recording or reporting them.
ing the process to the second stage, initiating
b. Falsification is manipulating research mate- an inquiry.
rials, equipment, or processes, or changing
Consider the following scenario:
or omitting data or results such that the
research is not accurately represented in the The phone rings… The voice on the other end of
research record. the line asks if he can be assured of confidentiality.
c. Plagiarism is the appropriation of another You (the compliance official) say, “I will protect
person’s ideas, processes, results, or words your confidentiality as completely as allowed by
without giving appropriate credit. law.” The caller then declines to identify himself,
but says that the pressure to enroll subjects into
d. Research misconduct does not include honest
a clinical trial that he supports is enormous. If
error or differences of opinion.
patients don’t meet inclusion criteria detailed in
Requirements for findings of research the protocol, the staff is “encouraged” to “check
misconduct those values again,” and reminded that jobs are
dependent upon grant support. The caller says that
A finding of research misconduct made under he doesn’t want you to do anything, he just had
either of these sections requires that: to tell someone—he does not identify the study
or the investigator. Weeks later you receive an
a. There be a significant departure from accepted anonymous call from a person describing herself
practices of the relevant research com-
munity; and

Scientific and Research Misconduct 31

as a monitor for a sponsor. She advises you that respondent. The appearance of institutional
she believes subject records she has reviewed have officials to take custody of the evidence may be
been altered to satisfy study inclusion criteria. the first opportunity for the respondent to be
made aware that a misconduct allegation has
The first caller was likely expressing frustration been lodged. Although the notion of lack of
over the stress abundant in a grants-dependent advance notice may seem harsh, this element
work environment. The second call, however, of surprise could be critical so that there is no
should lead the listener to begin developing strat- opportunity to destroy or remove evidence
egies to begin the second stage, or pre-inquiry that must be available throughout the course
review. In addition, caution is urged regarding of the investigation and possibly beyond.
a representation to anyone that their commu- Counsel and appropriate institutional officials
nications can be kept completely confidential. should be advised of what actions will be taken
Institutional officials, except for professional (they, too, should be reminded of the need for
ombudsmen, generally have an “obligation to confidentiality). In addition, the researcher’s work
report” that could be considered a breach of confi- will need to be supported until resolution, which
dentiality. Counsel should be consulted regarding will likely include locating new laboratory space (if
limitations in these matters. applicable).
The standard for moving forward states: “An The compliance or integrity officer should
inquiry is warranted if the allegation … (3) is suf- remember that she must maintain a posture of
ficiently credible and specific so that potential equipoise—it is her responsibility to manage a
evidence of research misconduct may be identi- process that is fair. The rights of both the com-
fied” (42 CFR §93.307). Your plan should include plainant and respondent must be protected. She
the following steps: should not provide legal advice. Institutional
• Develop a written record of all the facts, includ- counsel should notify the respondent that retain-
ing a complete statement from the complainant; ing his or her own counsel should be considered.

• Identify others who may be involved with the “An inquiry’s purpose is to decide if an allega-
challenged conduct; tion warrants an investigation. An investigation
• Identify others who may “be aware” of the is warranted if there is—(1) A reasonable basis
situation; for concluding that the allegation falls within
the definition of research misconduct … and
• Review relevant grant proposals, protocols, (2) Preliminary information-gathering and pre-
monitoring/ audit records, journal articles; liminary fact-finding from the inquiry indicates
• Assess the course the complainant wishes to that the allegation may have substance” (42
follow—review concepts of anonymity and con- CFR §93.307).
fidentiality as well as institutional policies on
research integrity and nonretaliation. The institution is required to prepare an “inquiry
report” to which the respondent is entitled to
Steps that must be taken to protect the records respond. The respondent’s comments should be
and evidence over which the (now) respondent attached to the report and be made part of the
has physical control, for example, in the labora- inquiry record. The regulation directs that the
tory, will likely produce turmoil and anxiety. inquiry should be completed within sixty days of
Section §93.307 provides substantial detail its initiation. Upon completion of the inquiry, the
regarding the kinds of evidence that should be respondent must be notified whether an investiga-
protected, as well as provision of notice to the tion will be undertaken and provided with a copy

32 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

of the report. Note that the complainant may be The institution’s policies and procedures regarding
notified and may be provided with relevant por- research misconduct must be included with both
tions of the report. Though this is not required, the inquiry report and the investigation report.
anticipate that the complainant will likely be inter- For instance, the regulations may not address
ested—it would be wise to review at the beginning whether the institution should terminate the
of the process what the institution is able to respondent’s employment relationship. Rather, the
accommodate. Consider that other laws and regu- institution’s policies should provide guidance on
lations may be invoked, such as HIPAA or those consequences for engaging in misconduct.
that protect the privacy of personnel records.
Sections 93.316—93.318 address steps that must
It may be that the institution determines not to be taken to conclude the process, including noti-
investigate. Perhaps the allegation was found not fications and opportunity for appeal. Note that
to have substance. The institution should be pre- ORI may assert itself into the process, provided it
pared to restore the accused to his pre-allegation has jurisdiction, at any time. Remember, too, that
stature. Records supporting the decision not complainants may take their concerns directly
to investigate are directed to be maintained for to the agency rather than through the institution
seven years. If an investigation is warranted, it that is the site of the grievance.
must be initiated within thirty days of conclu-
sion of the inquiry and the Office of Research Institutional policies should recognize that con-
Integrity provided with the report and findings. sequences of research misconduct extend well
Section §93.309 outlines the information that beyond those assessed against the person respon-
must be included in this communication. After sible for engaging in the reprehensible behavior.
a determination that the allegation likely has Fines, settlements, exclusion from federal funding
substance, the investigation stage begins and (debarment), civil actions for damages and the
should be concluded within one-hundred twenty prospect of imprisonment appear not to be suf-
(120) days. Review of the evidence, examination ficient to discourage some. For an institution, the
of witnesses, including experts in the relevant conduct of an inquiry and/or investigation will
discipline and perhaps forensics, should be thor- represent a significant drain on resources, includ-
ough and rigorous. Witnesses should have the ing time and possibly space, and expert witness
opportunity to review their statements for accu- fees, for example. Junior researchers, students and
racy. Again, the regulation, in section §93.310, colleagues may be unaware of the corrupt premise
is prescriptive and detailed. Succeeding sections upon which their futures depend, and could fall.
address the development of the investigation In order for our research to blossom into prod-
report, requiring that there be a “[s]tatement of ucts, processes and services of benefit to us all,
findings. For each separate allegation of research there must be mechanisms in place for anyone to
misconduct identified during the investigation, advance a good faith concern about circumstances
provide a finding as to whether research miscon- that jeopardize this objective.
duct did or did not occur, and if so—(1) Identify
Increasingly, federally funded researchers are
whether the research misconduct was falsification,
required to submit peer reviewed articles and
fabrication, or plagiarism, and if it was inten-
research to depositories so that the public and
tional, knowing, or in reckless disregard” (42 CFR
other researchers may have access to the products
§93.313(f)(1)). The potential “public nature” of
of our national research investment. NIH-
this process becomes clear through (4): “Identify
funded, peer reviewed articles must comply with
whether any publications need correction or
that agency’s Public Access Policy (see http://
retraction.” In addition, all instances of Federal
support must be identified.

Scientific and Research Misconduct 33 Clinical trials, Note that the Health and Human Services Office
too, must be timely registered or continuation of Research Integrity (ORI) is responsible for
funding may be jeopardized (see http://clinical- oversight of misconduct for Public Health Service Agencies, including the NIH. The National
Science Foundation Office of Inspector General is
Scientific efficacy is demonstrated by the abil- responsible for NSF-funded research. Additionally,
ity of researchers who do not have an interest in all personnel, except for principal investigators,
a research outcome to achieve the same results supported through NSF-funded research, are
as reported by the original team. “Replicability” required to be trained in the Responsible Conduct
of research findings is increasingly a subject of of Research, for which employing institutions are
concern and will likely be a source for allegations responsible.
of misconduct. Access to original data is critical
in order to prove or disprove a finding or theory. Finally, in addition to the above cited regula-
Inability of successor researchers to achieve the tion, excellent resources are available. The Office
same findings or theories may raise questions of Research Integrity offers an excellent, web-
about the integrity of the data or data analysis. available, “Handbook for Institutional Integrity
Those who urge rigorous, unbiased review of find- Officers” (see as
ings and therapeutic “breakthroughs” support well as a quarterly newsletter that provides news of
requiring that original data be made available so investigations (see
that it can be tested and scrutinized to ensure that
conclusions are correct. In addition, as inquiry
becomes more complex, biostatisticians will need
to join research teams to ensure analysis is reli-
able. Though whistleblowers, as identified in the
earlier example, may serve as the primary source
of misconduct allegations, peer researchers may
increasingly lodge challenges if they are able to
access and challenge data or data analysis.

34 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

from microbial contamination. In some coun-
tries, the term biosecurity is used in place of the
term biosafety. For the purposes of thischapter,
the term “biosecurity” will refer to the protec-
Biosecurity, Biosafety, tion, control and accountability for biological
agents and toxins within the healthcare setting,
and Biorisk Management in order to prevent loss, theft, diversion or inten-
tional misuse.
Chris Jenkins, PhD, MPH, RBP, CHMM • Biosafety describes the containment principles,
technologies, and practices that are imple-
mented to prevent the unintentional exposure
Introduction to or accidental release of biological agents
and toxins.
On Tuesday, September 18, 2001, one week after
the September 11 attacks, letters containing • Biorisk management is establishing, docu-
anthrax spores were mailed to several news media menting, implementing, and maintaining a
offices and two Democratic U.S. Senators, kill- program of biological materials risk oversight
ing five people and infecting seventeen others. through the use of policies, objectives, self-
Two years earlier, on September 17, 1999, Jesse audits, risk assessment, corrective actions, and
Gelsinger became the first known patient to pass management review.
away as a result of an experimental treatment
Biosafety and biosecurity programs are related,
utilizing human gene therapy. Since then, insti-
but not identical, concepts with regards to estab-
tutions and entities engaging in research with
lishing a research institution’s safe handling of
microorganisms are entering the field of security
biological agents. Biosafety programs reduce or
and safety with biological agents, commonly
eliminate exposure of individuals and the envi-
referred to as biosafety and biosecurity.
ronment to potentially hazardous biological
Increasingly, healthcare and clinical entities are agents. Biosafety is achieved by implementing
finding themselves entering the research environ- various degrees of laboratory control and con-
ment with laboratories and research operations tainment, through laboratory design and access
utilizing similar biological materials as those restrictions, personnel expertise and training,
described above. This chapter introduces to the use of containment equipment, and use of safe
healthcare research compliance administrator the methods for managing infectious materials in a
idea of biological risk management with biologi- laboratory or clinical research setting.
cal agents, utilizing biosafety and biosecurity.
The objective of biosecurity is to prevent loss, theft
In clinical settings these terms apply to clinical
or misuse of microorganisms, biological materials,
diagnostic laboratories and human gene transfer
and research-related information. This is accom-
agents used in vaccine research. Before discussing
plished by limiting access to facilities, research
regulatory requirements and best practices, defin-
materials, and information. While the objectives
ing biosecurity, biosafety, and biorisk management
are different, biosafety and biosecurity measures
is warranted.
are usually complementary.
• The term “biosecurity” has multiple defini-
tions across various industries. For example, in Two types of research with biological materi-
the animal care industry, the term biosecurity als are typically encountered in the healthcare
relates to the protection of an animal colony environment: clinical and basic research in the

Biosecurity, Biosafety, and Biorisk Management 35

laboratory. The National Institutes of Health, other in China. The future for clinical research
Office of Biotechnology Activities (NIH-OBA) with biological materials continues to grow
oversees laboratory research in healthcare. The unchecked, and chances are research compliance
regulatory document the NIH-OBA employs, administrators in the clinical setting will encoun-
entitled NIH Guidelines for Research Involving ter researchers with the desire to investigate new
Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acids or NIH uses for gene therapy.
Guidelines, only requires a registered Institutional
Biosafety Committee if the entity receives funding Regulatory—Basic Research
for recombinant DNA research.
The increase in basic research in the life sciences
and advances with molecular biology tools has
Regulatory—Clinical expanded a regulatory environment governing
For clinical research, advances with an experi- the use of certain biological materials. Where
mental treatment known as gene therapy have gene therapy involves the use of recombinant or
provided hope that genes can be used to treat or synthetic DNA in human subjects—with review
prevent disease. In the future, this technique may under NIH-OBA—another branch of research
allow doctors to treat a disorder by inserting a involving the manipulation of DNA and RNA
gene into a patient’s cells instead of using drugs or in life sciences, animal, and plant research also
surgery. Researchers are testing several approaches requires regulatory oversight.
to gene therapy, including:
Under the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving
• Replacing a mutated gene that causes disease Recombinant and Synthetic Nucleic Acid
with a healthy copy of the gene; Molecules, an Institutional Biosafety Committee
• Inactivating, or “knocking out,” a mutated gene (IBC) is required to be instituted for an indi-
that is functioning improperly; vidual entity involved in such research. The IBC
conducts safety reviews of principal investigator
• Introducing a new gene into the body to help
(PI)-initiated risk assessments concerning the
fight a disease.
hazards of their work. The IBC must review the
Although gene therapy offers a promising treatment risks, make recommendations, and approve the
option for a number of diseases (including inher- proposed work procedures and practices before
ited disorders, some types of cancer, and certain the work can begin.
viral infections), the technique remains risky and
In addition, any research involving biological
is still under study to make sure that it will be safe
agents and toxins deemed a threat to national
and effective. Gene therapy is currently only being
security in the United States warrants oversight
tested for use in the treatment of diseases that have
by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and
no other cures. In addition to NIH-OBA oversight
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
through local Institutional Biosafety Committees
Work with these selected biological materials
and the federal Recombinant Advisory Committee
is regulated under the CDC and USDA’s Select
(RAC), the FDA will also issue an Investigational
Agent Program.
New Drug (IND) review for each gene therapy to be
used in human subjects.
Regulatory—Other Entities
As of the time of this writing, the FDA has not In addition to the FDA, the NIH-OBA office, and
approved a gene therapy in the United States. In the CDC/USDA Select Agent Program, other reg-
Europe, one treatment exists using an adeno-asso- ulatory entities involved with biological materials
ciated virus to treat a genetic disorder, and one research include:

36 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

• DOT/FAA—for transport of biological materials Evolving Regulatory Landscape
along air, road, rail, and water;
There appears to be a general consensus that
• Federal OSHA—for research involving human ensuring oversight of biological materials in
materials, including human cell lines and research—particularly when federally funded—is
bloodborne pathogens such as HIV, HBV, and essential. Federal regulations presently define
HCV. Certain states have their own OSHA only limited parameters of biological materi-
plans that achieve a higher safety standard than als oversight. But they do provide guidance on
that of the federal OSHA.For example, Cal/ institutional strategies to identify and manage
OSHA for California requires assessments for additional biological materials beyond those
research with biological materials; contained in the specified requirements. Such
• CDC and USDA—for import and export per- steps are especially necessary in current research
mits of biological materials not covered under endeavors, given the often inevitable, benign or
the Select Agent Program. even beneficial relationships that exist between
industry and academia. In fact, an additional
This is not an exhaustive list of the federal agen- goal of transparency and checks-and-balances
cies involved with biological materials and their is necessary to maintain effective biosafety and
biosecurity, but does provide a snapshot of the biosecurity.
types of agencies involved.
Recent, heightened media coverage and govern-
Best Practices mental scrutiny of institutional and individual
involvement in gene therapy suggest that research
The Institutional Biosafety Committee pro- institutions need to redouble efforts to develop,
vides a baseline standard of compliance that update and maintain adequate, responsive poli-
must be achieved, where applicable. However, cies, procedures, oversight officials and dedicated
many institutions do not receive NIH funding resources.
for recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids, and
are still creating internal Institutional Bioasfety Monthly, proposed regulatory provisions will con-
Committees to review work with biological mate- tinue to change the review requirements for IBCs.
rials research. Why? They want to maintain a But certainly, collaboration between industry
local, scientific review of biological materials to and researchers is critical to the innovation and
protect their research staff, the environment, and production of new technologies and cutting edge
the biological materials themselves. science. However, this often mutually beneficial
interaction requires ongoing vetting to diffuse any
This effort may lead to the review of research resulting risks to staff, product, or the environ-
beyond recombinant viruses, to include review ment, thereby ensuring that the public remains the
of wild-type, or whole viruses, human cell line primary beneficiary of the research endeavor.
strains, and biological toxins. Under the NIH
Guidelines, only the recombinant viruses must
be reviewed by a convened meeting of the IBC.
However, best practices surveys across the 850+ The author wishes to thank the NIH-OBA, Centers
NIH-OBA registered IBCs (as of this writing) for Disease Control and United States Department
of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection
indicate that research entities are tasking their
Service Select Agent Programs for their materi-
IBCs with additional review of biological materi-
als, available online at
als, human cell lines, biological toxins as well as
Dual-Use Research of Concern. respectively.

Biosecurity, Biosafety, and Biorisk Management 37

Appendix A Principal Investigator Responsibilities
Principal Investigators (PIs) are responsible for full
Key Concepts in NIH Guidelines for Research
compliance with the NIH Guidelines during the
Involving Recombinant and Synthetic
conduct of recombinant DNA research. As part of
DNA Molecules
this general responsibility, the PI should:
NIH Guidelines for Research Involving • Be adequately trained in good microbiological
Recombinant and Synthetic DNA Molecules techniques.

The NIH Guidelines for Research Involving • Provide laboratory research staff with protocols
Recombinant and Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules describing potential biohazards and necessary
(NIH Guidelines) detail procedures and practices precautions.
for the containment and safe conduct of vari- • Instruct and train laboratory staff in: (i) the
ous forms of recombinant and synthetic DNA practices and techniques required to ensure
research, including research involving genetically safety, and (ii) the procedures for dealing with
modified plants and animals, and human gene accidents.
• Inform the laboratory staff of the reasons and
When the NIH Guidelines Apply: provisions for any precautionary medical prac-
tices advised or requested (e.g., vaccinations or
All institutions that receive NIH funding for serum collection).
recombinant or synthetic DNA research must
comply with the NIH Guidelines. Researchers at • Supervise laboratory staff to ensure that the
institutions that are subject to the NIH Guidelines required safety practices and techniques
must comply with the requirements even if their are employed.
individual projects are not funded by NIH. • Correct work errors and conditions that may
result in the release of recombinant DNA
The Institutional Biosafety Committee materials.
Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs) provide • Ensure the integrity of physical containment
local review and oversight of nearly all forms of (e.g., biological safety cabinets) and biological
research utilizing recombinant DNA. They ensure containment (e.g., purity and genotypic and
that recombinant DNA research conducted at or phenotypic characteristics).
sponsored by the institution is in compliance with
the NIH Guidelines. A requirement of the NIH • Comply with permit and shipping requirements
Guidelines is that an IBC must review and approve for recombinant DNA molecules.
all research subject to the NIH Guidelines. • Adhere to IBC-approved emergency plans
for handling accidental spills and personnel
NIH Office of Biotechnology Activities contamination.
The NIH Office of Biotechnology Activities (OBA)
promotes science, safety, and ethics in biotech-
nology through the advancement of knowledge,
enhancement of public understanding, and
development of sound public policies. A core
responsibility of OBA is to foster awareness of, and
adherence to, the standards and practices set forth
in the NIH Guidelines.

38 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Before initiating research that is subject to the While conducting research subject to the NIH
NIH Guidelines, the PI must: Guidelines, the PI must:
• Determine whether the research is subject to • Determine the need for IBC review before
Section III-A, III-B, III-C, III-D, or III-E of the making modifications to recombinant DNA
NIH Guidelines. research already approved by the IBC.
• Propose physical and biological containment • Submit any subsequent changes (e.g., changes in
levels in accordance with the NIH Guidelines the source of DNA or host-vector system) to the
when registering research with the IBC. IBC for review and approval or disapproval.
• Propose appropriate microbiological practices • Remain in communication with the IBC
and laboratory techniques to be used for the throughout the duration of the project.
research. • Report any significant problems pertaining to
• Submit a research protocol to the IBC for review the operation and implementation of contain-
and approval. ment practices and procedures, violations of
the NIH Guidelines, or any significant research-
• Seek OBA’s determination of containment for
related accidents and illnesses to the IBC, OBA,
experiments that require case-by-case review.
and, as applicable, the Biological Safety Officer,
• Petition OBA, with notice to the IBC, for pro- Greenhouse or Animal Facility Director, and
posed exemptions from the NIH Guidelines. other appropriate authorities.
• Obtain IBC approval before initiating research
subject to the NIH Guidelines.
• Seek NIH approval, in addition to IBC approval,
to conduct experiments specified in Sections
III-A and III-B of the NIH Guidelines.

Biosecurity, Biosafety, and Biorisk Management 39

Appendix B: Centers of Disease Control, Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories 5th edition summary (Biosafety Levels)
Primary Barriers and
BSL Agents Practices Facilities (Secondary Barriers)
Safety Equipment

1 •• Not known to consis- •• Standard microbiologi- •• No primary barrier required •• Laboratory bench and sink required
tently cause diseases cal practices •• PPE: Laboratory coats and
in health adults gloves; eye, face protec-
tion as needed

2 •• Agents associated BSL-1 Practice Plus: Primary barriers: BSL-1 plus:

with human disease
•• Limited Access •• BSCs or other physical con- •• Autoclave available
•• Routes of trans- tainment devices used for all
•• Biohazard warning signs
mission include manipulations of agents that
percutaneous injury, •• “Sharps precautions cause splashes or aerosols of
ingestion, mucuos •• Biosafety manual defining infectious materials
membrane exposure any needed waste decon- •• PPE: Laboratory coats,
tamination or medical gloves, face and eye protec-
surveillance policies tion, as needed

3 •• Indigenous or exotic BSL-2 Practice Plus: Primary barriers: BSL-2 plus:

agents that may cause
•• Controlled Access •• BSCs or other physical con- •• Physical separation from
serious potentially
•• Decontamination of all waste tainment devices used for all access corridors
lethal disease through
open manipulations of agents •• Self-closing, double-door access
the inhalation route •• Decontamination of laboratory
of exposure. clothing before laundering •• PPE: Protective labora- •• Exhausted air not recirculated
tory clothing, gloves, eye
•• Negative airflow into laboratory
and respiratory protec-
tion, as needed •• Entry through airlock or anteroom
•• Hand washing sink near labo-
ratory exit

4 •• Dangerous/exotic BSL-3 Practice Plus: Primary barriers: BSL-3 plus:

agents which post
•• Clothing change •• All procedures conducted in •• Separate building or isolated zone
high individual risk of
before entering Class III BSCs or Class I or •• Dedicated supply and exhaust,
•• Shower on exit II BSCs in combination with vacuum, and decontamina-
laboratory infections
full-body, air-supplied, posi- tion systems
that are frequently •• All material decontaminated tive pressure suit.
fatal, for which there on exit from facility •• Other requirements outlined
are no vaccines or in the text
•• Agents with a close
or identical antigenic
relationship to an
agent requiring BSL-4
until data available to
reassign the level
•• Related agents with
unknown risk of

40 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

and Training (the “Principles,” available at http://
htm#USGovPrinciples). The principles set forth the
premises that should be followed in designing and
The Regulation of conducting animal research, and they form the
basis of all other laws regulating animal research.
Research Using Animals
The principles are based on the “3 Rs” of animal
research: Reduce the number of animals used in
Kristin H. West, JD, MS research; Refine experiments to minimize pain
and discomfort to animals; and Replace animal
experiments with alternatives when feasible.
Overview Research compliance programs should ensure that
The area of animal research presents a myriad of personnel who staff animal care and use programs
regulatory and ethical issues. Currently, clinical are familiar with the principles’ main tenets:
trials in animals are required as a condition to • Avoid using animals needlessly. Design and per-
approval of new drugs by the U.S. Food and Drug form research procedures in a way that ensures
Administration (FDA) [21 CFR § 312.23], and the research is relevant to advancing human/
thus, animal research plays an important role in animal health or important knowledge.
pharmaceutical innovation. Accordingly, research
• Use an appropriate animal species and the min-
compliance officers should be familiar with
imum number of animals necessary to obtain
the regulatory requirements governing animal
valid research results.
research. This chapter will provide an overview
of the regulatory structure that governs animal • Research should be designed to prevent or mini-
research and includes a discussion of the follow- mize discomfort, pain, and distress in animals.
ing topics: If a procedure would hurt a human, it should
be assumed to hurt an animal, unless specific
• Primary principles, laws and regulatory agen-
knowledge to the contrary has been established.
cies governing animal research
• Research that causes more than momentary
• Major players in animal research programs and
or slight pain or distress in an animal should
their roles and responsibilities
incorporate the use of anesthetics, analgesics or
• Additional compliance considerations unique to tranquilizers (“AAT Drugs”).
animal research.
• Animals that suffer severe or chronic pain
Within each of these areas, focus areas for effec- or distress that cannot be relieved should be
tive compliance programs are identified. euthanized.
• Research animals must have appropriate living
Primary Principles, Laws and conditions and receive care that is directed by a
Regulatory Agencies Governing qualified veterinarian.
Animal Research • Research must be conducted by qualified
The overarching set of ethical principles that investigators who are trained in the use of
govern animal research conducted or regu- research animals.
lated by the federal government is the U.S.
Government Principles for the Utilization and Care
of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research

The Regulation of Research Using Animals 41

• Animal research must be conducted in accor- file an Animal Welfare Assurance (“assurance”)
dance with all applicable federal regulations, with OLAW. The assurance mandates that institu-
and any exceptions to the regulations must be tion adhere to the following requirements:
pre-approved by an Institutional Animal Care • Compliance with the PHS Policy and all appli-
and Use Committee (IACUC). cable federal laws and regulations, including the
AWA, as required.
The principles’ influence is readily apparent in
the two main sets of federal laws that govern • Compliance with the Guide for the Care and
animal research in the United States: (a) the Public Use of Laboratory Animals, National Research
Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Council, 8th Edition, available at http://grants.
Laboratory Animals, available at http://grants.nih.
gov/grants/olaw/references/phspol.htm); and (b) Use-of-Laboratory-Animals.pdf).
the Animal Welfare Act [7 U.S.C. Chapter 54, §§ • Establishment of an IACUC.
2131-2159] and its implementing Animal Welfare
Regulations [9 C.F.R. Chapter 1, Subchapter A, • Establishment of a process for reporting non-
Parts 1-4], referred to collectively as the “AWA.” compliance to the IACUC.
Each of these laws is discussed more fully below. • Maintenance of specific assurance, IACUC and
As with any area in which multiple laws and regu- animal care and use program records.
lations apply, the strictest of the applicable laws or
regulations should always be followed. • Inclusion of the following information in grant
applications for animal research: rationale for
Public Health Service Policy and the Office use of animals; appropriateness of species to be
of Laboratory Animal Welfare used; number of animals to be used; description
of proposed use; description of methods used to
The Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care minimize pain and discomfort; and euthana-
and Use of Laboratory Animals (“PHS Policy”) sia methods.
applies to live, vertebrate animals of all types
(whether warm or cold blooded) that are used in The assurance document must provide an accurate
research, research training or experimentation description of the research institution’s animal
that is supported by funding from the United care and use program, and the research compli-
States Public Health Service (PHS) or one of its ance officer should be very familiar with the
components (e.g., National Institutes of Health assurance’s contents. If the institution makes any
[NIH], FDA, Centers for Disease Control and changes to its animal care and use program that
Prevention, etc.). The PHS Policy covers PHS- affect the assurance, an amended assurance must
funded activities that take place both inside or be filed with OLAW at the time of the change.
outside of the United States, and it applies to both
traditional lab-based research and field work in The assurance must include a description of all
the animals’ natural setting. of the institution’s facilities in which animals
and used or housed, and include the species and
The PHS Policy is administered and enforced by number of animals that are used. The assurance
the federal Office for Laboratory Animal Welfare requires designation of an institutional official
(OLAW). The PHS Policy requires that individuals who has top-level authority within the organi-
who receive PHS-funding for animal research be zation for oversight of the animal care and use
affiliated with an institution that assumes respon- program. A description of the program’s specific
sibility for complying with the PHS Policy. Prior to lines of authority and approval also is required.
the receipt of any PHS funds for animal research, The assurance must describe the membership of
and every four years thereafter, institutions must the IACUC and its procedures, as well as list the

42 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

qualifications of the veterinarians who oversee with the IACUC, the compliance officer should
animal health and living conditions. Finally, the develop appropriate checklists to ensure that
assurance must describe the training required Guide requirements are being addressed.
for animal users and caretakers, as well as the
occupational health program in place for all per- Animal Welfare Act and the U.S.
sons who work with animals at the institution. Department of Agriculture
Research compliance officers should ensure that The Animal Welfare Act and its implementing
appropriate institutional health and safety officials regulations (referred to collectively as the “AWA”)
are involved in the development and implementa- governs live or dead warm-blooded animals that
tion of the occupational health program to ensure are intended for use in research, teaching, testing,
compliance with any workers compensation and/ experimentation, exhibition or as pets. The AWA
or state or federal occupational health and safety is enforced by the U.S Department of Agriculture
requirements. (USDA) through its Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service (APHIS). The AWA applies to
In addition to filing the assurance, each research
research using all species of live or dead warm-
institution also must file an annual report
blooded animals (“covered species”) with a very
with OLAW. This annual report must describe
important exception: research with mice, rats and
any changes in the animal care and use pro-
birds is not covered.
gram, including any change in an institution’s
accreditation status if accredited by AAALAC Under the AWA, organizations or individu-
(see accreditation discussion below). The report als must register with the USDA as “research
also must include an assurance that all IACUC facilities” if they plan to use a covered species in
inspections and program evaluations have been research and the research is federally-funded, or
conducted, as well as any minority view voiced the animals were purchased in commerce. A new
by an IACUC member who disagreed with the registration must be filed with the USDA every
IACUC’s conclusions regarding facility or pro- three years, and each registration or renewal
gram reviews. requires the facility to certify that it is in full
compliance with the AWA. Research compli-
The Guide for the Care and Use of
ance officers should be aware that their facilities
Laboratory Animals additionally will need to apply to the USDA for
As noted above, the PHS Policy and Assurance an animal dealer’s license if they also sell or trade
require that institutions performing PHS-funded some of their research animals to other research
animal research follow the requirements of the facilities.
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,
or the “Guide.” The Guide sets forth very detailed Each registered research facility will be annually
standards for the administration and operation of inspected by a USDA inspector. The inspector
animal care and use programs, including IACUC generally arrives at the facility unannounced and
operations; engineering standards for animal visually inspects all facilities in which covered
environment, housing and management; veteri- species are used, housed or transported. In addi-
nary care; physical plant; and emergency and tion, the USDA inspector will review program
disaster planning. Research compliance programs records, as well as records maintained by the
should undertake a detailed review of the Guide IACUC. Deficiencies noted during inspections
and determine its specific application to their must be corrected within the timeframe specified
institutions’ facilities and programs. Working by the USDA, and serious or uncorrected deficien-
cies may result in citations and fines.

The Regulation of Research Using Animals 43

In addition to registration, each research facility must be considered. For example, if the research
must file an annual report that the USDA posts on involves capturing animals in their natural set-
its website. The annual report lists the number and ting, state or local laws may require that certain
type of each covered species held by the research capture permits be obtained. Similarly, if the
facility, along with the USDA pain and distress research requires the collection and/or trans-
class to which the animal has been assigned. The port of certain animal specimens, U.S. Fish and
pain and distress classes are as follows: Wildlife regulations may apply and/or certain
USDA permits may need to be obtained. Attention
Class B: The animal is being held but has not also must be paid to the species of animals
yet been used for research. involved, in order to determine if there are any
species-specific regulatory research require-
Class C: The animal is used in research that
ments or prohibitions. For instance, research
does not involve any pain or distress and does
involving species of animals protected by the
not use any analgesics, anesthetics or tranquil-
U.S. Endangered Species Act, the Convention
izers (collectively referred to as “AAT Drugs”)
on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Class D: The animal is used in research Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), or other similar
that causes pain and/or distress but AAT laws may require special permits, or in some cases,
Drugs are used. be prohibited altogether. Accordingly, in all cases
involving the collection, transport or use of wild
Class E: The animal is used in research that animals or animal specimens, the research com-
causes pain and/or distress and AAT Drugs pliance officer should consult with counsel’s office
are not used because their use would have an for assistance in identifying all applicable legal
adverse impact on the research. For animal used and regulatory requirements
in Class E research, the annual report must
include a description of the procedures that the Major Players in Animal Research
animals undergo and the scientific justification Programs and Their Roles and
for withholding AAT Drugs. Responsibilities
The annual report is a very important docu- A team of highly skilled individuals is required
ment because it is posted on the USDA website to to properly administer and operate an animal
permit public scrutiny of the number of animals research facility. These persons may act indi-
being held in various pain and distress classes, vidually, such as by serving as the attending
with particular attention being paid to animals veterinarian, or they may act as members of the
used in Class E research. Research compliance IACUC, the institutional committee charged with
officers should work closely with their animal primary responsibility for animal research over-
care and use programs to ensure that there are sight. Set forth below is a description of the roles
solid processes in place for maintaining accurate and responsibilities of each of the major players in
animal counts and that rigorous scientific justifi- a research facility’s animal care and use program.
cation is required for any animals being used in Research compliance officers should identify the
Class E research. persons within their organizations who serve
in these roles and be familiar with their various
Other Pertinent Laws and Regulations responsibilities.
Although the PHS Policy, Guide and the AWA
form the backbone of animal research regula-
tion in the United States, state and local laws also

44 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Institutional Official within the institution to prevent or end an ani-
mal’s participation in a research protocol and/or
The institutional official is the individual at a
to euthanize the animal if necessary, even if the
research facility who has administrative and
principal investigator in charge of the protocol
operational authority over the animal care and use
disagrees. The attending veterinarian is required
program. The institutional official must be a top-
to be a voting member of the IACUC, and will
level administrative who has the authority within
ensure that veterinary review and oversight is pro-
the institution to ensure compliance with the AWA,
vided for research protocols.
PHS Policy and PHS Assurance. This authority
must include the ability to commit institutional Institutional Animal Care and Use
resources to support the institution’s animal care Committee (IACUC)
and use program. In this regard, the institutional
official must ensure that the program is properly Membership: A research facility’s establishment
resourced with staff, facilities, materials and fund- of an IACUC is required by the AWA and the PHS
ing because lack of resources can never serve as Policy, but the two laws have different requirements
an excuse or mitigating factor for non-compliance for the IACUC’s composition. These requirements
with the AWA, PHS Policy or the Guide. are summarized in the table below, and for IACUCs
subject to both the AWA and the PHS Policy, the
The institutional official is named on and signs stricter of the two requirements apply.
the PHS Assurance on behalf of the research
institution. He/she is responsible for reporting to AWA IAUC
PHS Policy IACUC Requirements
USDA and/or OLAW any IACUC suspensions of Minimum of 3 members. Minimum of 5 members.
protocols or instances of serious or continuing Members appointed by institu- Members appointed by institu-
non-compliance or serious deviations from the tion’s CEO or his/her designee. tion’s CEO or his/her designee.
requirements of the Guide. Although, the institu- Membership must include at Membership must include at least
least one veterinarian with one veterinarian with training/
tional official may halt animal research, only the training/experience in lab experience in lab animal care and
IACUC can officially suspend a research protocol. animal care and program program responsibility (i.e., the
responsibility (i.e., the attend- attending veterinarian).
Further, if the IACUC disapproves an animal ing veterinarian).
research protocol, the institutional official cannot One member must not be affili- One or more persons with the
overrule the IACUC’s disapproval. ated with the research facility. following qualifications must
If the IACUC has more than 3 be members, however, a single
members, then no more than person may fulfill more than one
Attending Veterinarian 3 members may be from the qualification, provided there are
same administrative unit in 5 members:
The attending veterinarian is the veterinarian at the facility. •• 1 person unaffiliated with
the research facility who is in charge of seeing the facility

that all research animal receive adequate veteri- •• 1 practicing scientist with expe-
rience in animal research
nary care. The attending veterinarian must have •• 1 non-scientist
appropriate training and experience in the vet- Quorum consists of 50% of Quorum consists of 50% of the
erinary oversight of animal research programs, the IACUC membership +1. IACUC membership +1. Individuals
Individuals with specific quali- with specific qualifications are not
and he/she must have extensive knowledge of the fications are not necessary to necessary to constitute quorum,
requirements of the AWA, PHS Policy, and most constitute quorum, but if these but if these individuals do not
individuals do not regularly regularly attend IACUC meetings,
especially, the Guide. Like the institutional official, attend IACUC meetings, the the IACUC will not be considered
the attending veterinarian must have appropriate IACUC will not be considered properly constituted.
properly constituted.
lines of authority within the institution to ensure
that the health and welfare of research animals
is always protected. As a part of this authority,
the attending veterinarian must have the power

The Regulation of Research Using Animals 45

Meetings and Protocol Review: The IACUC must • All members of the IACUC must be provided an
have regular convened meetings at which quorum opportunity to request FCR for each individual
is present in order to carry out its’ responsibilities. protocol or pursuant to a written procedure in
Detailed minutes must be kept of each IACUC place to which all IACUC members previously
meeting, including a record of each vote taken. have agreed.
• If no member requests FCR, then the protocol
One of the IACUC’s primary responsibilities
may be reviewed by DMR.
is to perform initial and continuing review of
animal research protocols that are conducted at • If DMR is performed by more than one des-
the research facility. The IACUC must initially ignated reviewer, the reviewers must be
approve a protocol before it can be conducted, and unanimous in their decisions regarding the
this approval is required before any federal funds protocol, including any decisions regarding
can be expended for the research. Significant required modifications.
modifications to a protocol also require IACUC • DMR may not be used to withhold approval
approval. The IACUC must conduct continuing from a protocol. Disapproval may only be car-
review of research protocols involving AWA cov- ried out the full IACUC.
ered species at least annually, while continuing
review of research that is regulated by PHS must DMR also may be used to review protocols that
be conducted at least every three years. Members previously have been reviewed by FCR but require
who have conflicts of interest that prevent them additional modifications to secure approval. In
from being able to participate in a particular pro- order to use DMR in this manner, the IACUC
tocol’s review (e.g., they are part of the research must fulfill the following conditions:
team conducting the protocol) must recuse them-
selves from the IACUC meeting while the protocol • If all members of the IACUC are present at
is discussed, and review cannot continue if their the convened meeting, then the IACUC may
absence causes the IACUC to lose quorum. vote to require modifications to the protocol to
secure approval and to have the revised protocol
Research compliance officers frequently attend reviewed and approved by DMR, as opposed to
IACUC meetings as “ex officio” members, and returning to the IACUC for FCR.
they need to have a thorough knowledge of the • If all members of the IACUC are not present,
IRB protocol review requirements and the types then in order for DMR to be used to approve
of IACUC review that may be used. IACUCs may a protocol that FCR has determined requires
review research protocols by one of two meth- modifications for approval: (a) the use of DMR
ods: review by the full IACUC committee (“full for this purpose must be included in the insti-
committee review” or “FCR”); or review by or by tution’s Assurance; (b) all IACUC members
one or more designated members of the IACUC must have agreed in advance in writing that a
appointed by the IACUC chair (“designated quorum of member present at a convened meet-
member review” or “DMR”). IACUCs may have ing may decide by unanimous vote to use DMR
procedures that require FCR for certain types of to review a protocol that requires modifications
research, e.g., research involving animals in the for approval; and (c) any member of the IACUC
pain and distress Class E, or research involving may, at any time, request to see the revised pro-
non-human primates. Further, before DMR can be tocol and/or require FCR. .
used, the IACUC must have fulfilled the following
conditions: Approval Criteria: In order to approve a research
protocol, the IACUC must determine that specific
criteria have been met. First, the investigator must

46 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

have provided evidence that he/she has consid- way for the compliance officer to gauge the status
ered alternatives to the use of animal research of an animal care and use program. A compli-
and that his/her research does not unnecessarily ance officer who wants to participate in a facility
duplicate prior experiments. Second, the research inspection, however, should be mindful of any
procedures that are used must minimize pain, dis- animal safety or occupational health and safety
comfort and distress and either utilize appropriate requirements that must be met to gain access to
AAT drugs, or provide rigorous scientific justifi- animal facilities. For example, training in the use
cation as to why such drugs must be withheld to of appropriate personal protective equipment and/
conduct the research. In addition, the research or a negative skin test for tuberculosis may be
may not involve the use of paralyzing agents with- required in order to visit certain animal facilities.
out the concurrent use of anesthesia, and when
appropriate animals must be euthanized with The IACUC inspection team reviews the program
appropriate agents. Third, the protocol must have and the facility with respect to its compliance with
been reviewed by a veterinarian who will oversee the requirements of the AWA, PHS Policy and
the animals’ living conditions, housing, feeding the Guide. Physical facilities, personnel training,
and veterinary care. Fourth, all personnel involved animal transport mechanisms, surgical suites,
in the research must be appropriately trained, and animal feed and pharmaceuticals are all subject
medical care must be provided by a qualified vet- to inspection. Results of inspections are recorded
erinarian. Fifth, with the exception of rodents, if in reports that are provided first to the IACUC for
surgery is involved, it must use sterile techniques acceptance, and then to the institutional official.
and include appropriate pre- and post-operative The reports must distinguish between significant
care. Finally, in general, no animal may be used deficiencies—deficiencies that are or may be a
in more than one major operative procedure from threat to the health or safety of animals—and
which it is permitted to recover. IACUC minutes minor deficiencies. When deficiencies are noted,
should reflect that approval criteria have been met. they must be accompanied by a plan for their cor-
rection within a prescribed time. Failure to correct
Facility Inspections: In addition to protocol a significant deficiency affecting a covered species
reviews, IACUCs must perform semiannual in accordance with the schedule must be reported
inspections of the research institution’s animal within 15 business days to the USDA by the insti-
care and use program (i.e., its policies and pro- tutional official.
cedures) and of all physical facilities in which
animals are used or held. For covered species, Post-Approval Monitoring: In addition to pro-
facilities must be inspected by the IACUC if ani- gram and facility inspections, many IACUCs have
mals are kept there for longer than 12 hours. For programs in which they monitor the conduct of
non-covered species that are regulated under the specific research protocols. Under these post-
PHS Policy, inspection is required if the animals approval monitoring programs, IACUC employees
are kept there for more than 24 hours. or members will visit the sites at which the
research is conducted and observe the research to
Facility inspections are conducted by groups of verify that the protocol and all applicable laws and
IACUC members who report back to the full IACUC policies are being followed. Post-approval
IACUC with their findings. Any member of the monitoring is an excellent tool for ensuring com-
IACUC who requests to attend an inspection must pliance in the animal care and use program.
be permitted to participate. IACUC or institu-
tion policy generally permits participation by Protocols Involving Field Work: Both the AWA
the research compliance officer as well, and par- and the PHS Policy can apply to animal research
ticipation is a facility inspection is an excellent that is conducted in an animal’s natural setting,

The Regulation of Research Using Animals 47

but the criteria for IACUC review differs some- • Make any other recommendations to the insti-
what under each law. Application of the AWA is tutional official regarding the animal care and
not triggered unless the study involves invasive use program.
procedures that harm or materially alter the cov- • Prepare the annual reports for the USDA and
ered species’ behavior. Under the PHS Policy, OLAW that are transmitted by the institutional
however, the IACUC always has oversight over official. The reports must include any minor-
all PHS-funded field studies involving vertebrate ity views expressed by a member of the IACUC
animals. This oversight requires that the IACUC who did not agree with the IACUC’s conclu-
be aware of the field study’s location, as well as sions regarding program or facility compliance.
the nature of the procedures involved and their
impact on the animals. If the research proce- Accrediting Agencies
dures alter or influence the animals’ activities
(i.e., capture and release of the animals), then the In addition to the governmental agencies that
IACUC must review and approve the activity, but regulate animal research, research facilities also
IACUC review and approval is not required for may voluntarily apply for accreditation by the
strictly observational procedures. IACUC inspec- Association for the Assessment and Accreditation
tion of field sites of free-living wild animals is not of Laboratory Animal Care International
required under either the AWA or PHS Policy. (AAALAC). Accreditation by AAALAC requires
adherence to AAALAC standards, which for
Other IACUC Responsibilities: In addition to facilities within the United States are based pri-
protocol review and inspections, the IACUC is marily on the Guide. Documentation of a site’s
also responsible for carrying out the following adherence to AAALAC standards must be set
responsibilities: forth in a detailed program description. AAALAC
inspectors visit the site and perform a detailed
• Suspension of animal research protocols. Only
inspection prior to initial accreditation and every
the IACUC can vote to suspend a protocol at a
three years thereafter. The USDA and OLAW rec-
full committee meeting, although the institu-
ognize AAALAC accreditation.
tional official can halt research activity until the
IACUC can meet and vote on suspension.
Additional Compliance
• Investigation of concerns and complaints Considerations
regarding non-compliance with applicable
IACUC policies, laws and regulations. In The world of animal research is one in which
this regard, the AWA specifically prohibits policies and regulations are subject to constant
retaliation against persons who report possible change. Some of this change has been brought
violations of the AWA. about through ethical challenges to animal
research and concerns about animal care and use
• Report to the USDA and/or OLAW via the championed by organizations such as the Humane
institutional official any of the following occur- Society of the United States, People for the Ethical
rences: serious or continuing non-compliance Treatment of Animals (PETA) and similar groups.
with the AWA, PHS Policy, or the Guide; seri- For example, one recent change along these lines
ous deviation from the Guide; failure to correct has been NIH’s evolving policy limiting the use
a program or facility deficiency in accordance of chimpanzees in NIH-funded research and
with a prescribed plan; or suspension of a proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act
research protocol. that would include captive chimpanzees under the
Act’s protection.

48 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Organizations advocating against the use of Conclusion
animals in research may use lawful processes to
facilitate their activities such as requesting infor- Animal research is a complex area of compliance
mation about government-funded animal research that is subject to many varied laws and regula-
through state open-records and federal Freedom tions. The research compliance officer working
of Information Act requests. Compliance officials in the area must have a solid understanding of
should contact their counsel’s office for advice these regulations, and in particular the AWA, PHS
about how to respond to any request for records Policy and the Guide. In addition, the research
that is received. compliance officer must know and work closely
with personnel in the institution who have pri-
In addition, to promoting lawful changes in laws mary oversight for animal research programs such
and regulations, some anti-animal research groups as the Institutional Official and the Attending
may resort to illegal actions to promote their Veterinarian. Finally, and perhaps foremost, the
agenda, such as breaking into research facilities to research compliance officer also must be prepared
remove animals or threatening animal research to work closely with the institution’s IACUC in its
personnel. Accordingly, compliance personnel efforts to ensure full regulatory compliance and
must be cognizant of these potential security protection of all research animals’ health, safety
threats, and incorporate processes and procedures and welfare.
to respond to these possible emergency situations.

The Regulation of Research Using Animals 49

research. Such persons must not be systematically
excluded from participation, and vulnerable sub-
jects must not be targeted for convenience.

Oversight of Clinical An IRB is a committee whose primary responsi-

bility is to protect the rights and welfare of human
Trials: The Role of OHRP, research participants. The institution has a respon-
sibility based on respect and trust to protect the
FDA and the IRB rights and welfare of study participants through
IRB review and compliance with federal regula-
tions. Human research is based on trust granted
Mark A. James, PhD
by the public. All parties, i.e. federal government,
Roxanne R. Johnson, BA sponsor, institution, IRB, and investigator share
the responsibility of working together to ensure
that the rights and welfare of the research partici-
Introduction pant is protected. The essence of trust is honesty,
Protection of human subjects as study participants integrity and accountability. A concerted effort
in clinical research trials is paramount in the ethi- by clinicians, researchers, and institutions should
cal conduct of such trials. The ethical standards focus on the ethical issues in clinical research, and
for research are based on principles and guidelines not only on compliance.2 Koski3 suggested that
established by the Belmont Report1, those being research on human subjects would benefit from
respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. These a sustained movement to a culture of conscience
guidelines form the mandate for federal agencies, and responsibility.
such as the Office of Human Research Protections
(OHRP), the Food and Drug Administration Emanuel et al.4 have proposed seven require-
(FDA), and every Institutional Review Board ments that systematically elucidate a rational
(IRB) in the United States. framework for evaluating the ethics of clinical
research studies:
Respect for Persons: This first principle ensures
that individuals are treated as autonomous per- 1. social and scientific value
sons, and that persons with diminished autonomy 2. scientific validity
are provided additional protections. Participants
3. fair subject selection
must provide informed consent voluntarily; pri-
vacy and confidentiality are always protected. 4. favorable risk/benefit ratio

Beneficence: The second principle provides guar- 5. independent review

antees that the risks of research are justified by 6. informed consent
potential benefits to the individual or society.
Above all, risk of direct physical or psychological 7. respect for enrolled subjects.
harm to the subject must be avoided.
These seven requirements are necessary and suffi-
Justice: The third and final principle ensures that cient to ensure that human subjects are adequately
risks and potential benefits are equitably dis- protected as research participants.
tributed among those who may benefit from the
Federal authorities that determine performance
standards and enforce compliance with fed-
eral research regulations are the OHRP within

50 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

the Department of Health and Human Services 5. To conduct programs of clarification and
(DHHS) and the FDA. Although the FDA is an guidance for the federal and non-federal
agency within DHHS, the FDA and DHHS have sectors, including directing and developing
separate regulations that apply to research involv- educational and instructional programs and
ing human subjects and IRB functions. DHHS and resource materials.
FDA regulations related to IRB responsibilities are
presented in the Federal Code of Regulations at 45 6. To evaluate the effectiveness of Health and
CFR 46 and 21 CFR 50, 56, respectively. Human Services policies and programs for
protection of human subjects.
Office of Human Research 7. To serve as a liaison with presidential, con-
Protection (OHRP) gressional, departmental, and interagency
OHRP resides within the Office of Public Health commissions and boards to examine ethical
and Science (OPHS) and reports to the Assistant issues in medicine and research and to exercise
Secretary for Health. OHRP has regulatory over- leadership in identifying and addressing such
sight of all HHS-conducted or supported research. ethical issues.
The principal aim of the OHRP is to monitor and
promote compliance with regulations promulgated 8. To promote the development of methods to
by the DHHS that related to ethical standards of improve the quality of programs for protection
research involving human subjects (45 CFR 46). of human subjects and to avoid unwarranted
OHRP is charged with fulfilling all of the respon- risks to subjects in research covered by appli-
sibilities set forth in the Public Health Service Act, cable statutes and regulations.
the authorizing statute, regarding the protection of
The OHRP monitors compliance with DHHS
human subjects. These responsibilities are estab-
research regulations by establishing a type of con-
lished in law, published in the Federal Register, and
tract called an assurance with institutions that
are available on the OHRP website (http://ohrp.
conduct research that is funded by or otherwise They include the following:
subject to DHHS regulation.5 Responsibilities
1. To provide leadership for all aspects of human are to ensure that all federally conducted or sup-
subjects protection within the Department ported research—and, for that matter, all human
of Health and Human Services and the U.S. research conducted under Federal assurances of
government in cooperation with other Federal compliance—is conducted in accordance with fed-
agencies. eral regulations for protection of human subjects.
The regulations explicitly require that all research
2. To develop, monitor, and exercise compliance involving human subjects must be designed
oversight of federally regulated human sub- according to sound scientific principles, and the
jects research. risks to subjects must be minimized.

3. To promote and coordinate the development Under the requirements of 45 Code of Federal
of regulations, policies, and procedures for the Regulations 46.111, institutional review boards are
protection of human subjects. specifically charged with determining that:

4. To establish criteria for approval of assur- 1. risks to subjects are minimized and reasonable
ances of compliance for domestic and foreign in relation to anticipated benefits;
institutions engaged in Health and Human
Services conducted or supported human sub- 2. selection of subjects is equitable;
ject research.

Oversight of Clinical Trials: The Role of OHRP, FDA and the IRB 51
3. privacy and confidentiality of subjects are Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Any research involving a drug, a biologic, or
4. appropriate safeguards are in place to protect a medical device is subject to FDA regulation.
vulnerable subjects. FDA regulations establish direct authority over
all investigators, sponsors, monitors, contract
To determine the applicability of the DHHS regu- research organizations, and IRBs/institutions
lations6, four key questions must be answered: conducting research under a U.S. investigational
new drug (IND)/investigational device exemp-
1. Is it research? [Research: A systematic inves- tion (IDE).7
tigation, including research development,
testing and evaluation, designed to develop or The FDA expects sponsors to understand when
contribute to generalizable knowledge (45 CFR an application to FDA is required. In general, an
46.102(d)]; IND/IDE is required when an unapproved drug
(biologic or significant risk device) is used in a
2. Are human subjects involved? [A living indi- clinical investigation. An IND may be required
vidual about whom an investigator conducting when an approved product is used in a clinical
research obtains: data through intervention investigation based on use of the study informa-
or interaction with the individual, or identifi- tion (e.g., to support a new indication, change in
able private information (45 CFR 46.102(f)]; labeling, or change in advertising) or based on
increased risk. Even when exempt from an IND,
3. Is it exempt? [There are six categories of
an informed consent and IRB review are required.
research that are “exempt” from federal regu-
Furthermore, the FDA expects sponsors to select
lations. OHRP recommends that institutions
qualified sites and investigators and to provide
(not investigators) determine whether pro-
investigators with the information they need to
posed research qualifies as “exempt” under
conduct the investigation properly. The sponsor
DHHS regulations. DHHS regulations apply to
should monitor the conduct of the investigation,
all non-exempt human subject research sup-
and to carry out safety monitoring and timely
ported by DHHS]; and
reporting to the FDA and investigators.
4. Is the institution engaged? [An institution is
The FDA expects the IRB to understand its impor-
considered engaged if its employees or agents:
tance, authority, and responsibility under the
interact or intervene with subjects for research
regulations. In addition, the IRB should under-
purposes, or obtain identifiable private infor-
stand its fundamental roles: protection of research
mation about subjects for research purposes.]
subjects; ethical review of protocols; assurance
In summary, OHRP oversees the function and of informed consent; and ensuring through con-
performance of individual IRBs and the process of tinuing review that the study remains ethical to
informed consent, and it investigates when there continue and that informed consent is current.
is reason to believe that procedures with respect Moreover, investigators must understand the pro-
to the protection of human subjects from risks tocol and take full responsibility for the conduct
associated with research have not been appropri- of the research. FDA Form 1572 is a key document
ately followed. and an indication of investigator qualifications
and official commitment to the study. Moreover,
the FDA expects all parties to respect the ethical
principles promulgated by the Belmont Report.

52 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Finally, the FDA expects all parties to understand IRB must assist investigators and study partici-
the basic elements of data quality: “ALCOA”— pants in being able to delineate treatment from
attributable; legible; complete; original; accurate. participation as determined by the requirements
To this end, training is an important compo- of the research protocol.10 It is also important that
nent to updating protections for human subjects subjects have a rational view of potential benefit
involved in research. Moreno et al.8 have recom- from their participation in research. This may not
mended that research institutions sponsor at least always result in an enhanced therapeutic benefit
one educational session per year for IRB members, for the patient/subject.
local investigators, and other interested persons.
Differences between OHRP and
The FDA compliance program includes a plan to
FDA Regulations
audit the IRB at all institutions that conduct FDA-
regulated research approximately every four years. The DHHS and FDA have separate regulations
Although an FDA investigation may be initiated related to research involving human subjects.
by non-compliance, most FDA audits are carried With regard to IRB policy and procedure, the two
out for routine evaluation. Most FDA inspections sets of regulations are similar and differences may
of clinical research are to validate data submitted be subtle. Institutions that do not have an assur-
to the FDA in support of marketing applications. ance of compliance with OHRP must comply
with FDA regulations when research involves the
As the various research entities work to move investigational use of drugs, biologics, or devices,
research forward, it is important for all to be regardless of the source of research funding.
mindful of certain issues in the ethics of clinical When an institution conducts research that is
research that need special attention. These are: subject to both DHHS and FDA regulations, IRB
• the quality of informed consent; review must comply with both sets of regulations.
There are three main situations where the regula-
• the possible misperceptions of research tions differ in a way that affects IRB policy:
• the emergency/compassionate use of a test arti-
• the importance of subjects’ unfailing trust in cle (FDA-approved);
investigators, institutions, and the research
process.9 • IRB management of adverse events reports;
• the explanation of access to study records in the
In some studies, the consent forms may overstate consent document (FDA statement is required,
the likelihood and quality of benefits and under- but not by DHHS).
estimate the likelihood and magnitude of risk
in research participation. Furthermore, consent
forms may often be difficult to understand, includ-
ing an advanced reading/comprehension level,
technical language, and overly excessive detail of

In clinical studies there will always be a chance for

confusion as to what is defined as primary clini-
cal care versus clinical research. Unfortunately,
the distinction is not always clear for research
participants or investigators for that matter. The

Oversight of Clinical Trials: The Role of OHRP, FDA and the IRB 53
• 21 C.F.R. Part 50 (Protection of Human
Subjects) and Part 56 (Institutional Review
Boards), which correspond substantially with
the provisions of the Common Rule5
FDA-Regulated • 21 C.F.R. Part 54 (Financial Disclosures by
Clinical Research Clinical Investigators)6
• 21 C.F.R. Part 312 (Investigational New Drug
Application (IND))
Neil F. O’Flaherty, Esq.
• 21 C.F.R. Part 812 (Investigational Device
Nancy W. Mathewson, Esq.
Exemptions (IDE))

In addition to the FDCA and related laws and reg-

Introduction ulations, FDA regularly issues industry guidance
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) to facilitate compliance with legal and regulatory
oversees clinical trials involving drugs and medi- mandates. These guidance documents are not
cal devices under the Federal Food, Drug, and law but represent the agency’s current thinking
Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”) and implementing or policy on regulated activities, including clini-
regulations. This chapter describes the types of cal research.7 They do not bind FDA or the public
trials regulated by FDA, the major regulations and do not establish legally enforceable rights
governing conduct of those trials, responsibilities or responsibilities. To the contrary, a sponsor or
of sponsors and investigators in performing FDA- investigator may employ an alternate approach
regulated trials, and what to expect from an FDA provided its conduct complies with the require-
inspection of a clinical trial and how to respond. ments of all applicable statutes and regulations.
Where a sponsor or investigator intends to follow
Legal Framework1 an alternate approach, however, an advance meet-
ing or discussion with FDA may be prudent.
Among other things, the FDCA prohibits ship-
ment of “adulterated” and “misbranded” drugs Importantly, while the laws and regulations ref-
and devices in interstate commerce.2 Most drugs erenced above govern the conduct of research
or devices that are not approved or cleared by involving investigational drugs and devices,
FDA, or that are approved or cleared but offered they do not address the off-label use in clinical
for a use that is inconsistent with their approved practice of approved or cleared drugs or devices,
or cleared labeling, are adulterated or misbranded. even where that use has not been proven safe and
The FDCA facilitates new drug and device devel- effective. A practitioner who wishes to use an
opment through provisions authorizing FDA to FDA approved or cleared drug or device off-label
issue regulations that permit and govern the inves- should, however, be well informed about the prod-
tigational use of drugs and devices to study their uct, base its use on firm scientific rationale and on
safety and effectiveness before approval or clear- sound medical evidence, and maintain records of
ance.3 These regulations include: the product’s use and effects.8
• 21 C.F.R. Part 11 (Electronic Records; Electronic

54 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Sponsor and Investigator • Control the distribution and return of investi-
Responsibilities gational products, including shipping only to
authorized investigators
A “sponsor” is an individual or organization who
initiates but does not actually conduct a clinical • Evaluate and report adverse experiences
investigation.9 The sponsor is ultimately respon- • Maintain adequate records
sible for the proper conduct of the investigation.
• Submit progress reports and final study results
An “investigator,” by contrast, is the individual
who actually performs the investigation.10 An • Refrain from promotion and commercialization
individual who both initiates and performs an of investigational products, among other things
investigation is referred to as a “sponsor-inves-
tigator.”11 FDA prescribes the responsibilities of IND regulations explicitly allow a sponsor to
sponsors and investigators in regulations gov- transfer certain obligations to a contract research
erning clinical investigations and clarifies its organization (“CRO”). IDE regulations do not
approach in associated guidance posted to the include such a provision but CROs can be used
agency’s website.12 with appropriate controls. In these cases, the
sponsor’s responsibilities are delegated under a
Sponsor Responsibilities written agreement and, while a CRO that signs
such an agreement must comply with its obliga-
1. Generally13 tions under the agreement and is subject to FDA
enforcement if it fails, this does not relieve the
Sponsors are ultimately accountable for assuring
sponsor of its ultimate accountability.
that clinical investigations are conducted in accord
with approved protocols, or “investigational
plans,” and with applicable laws and regulations. 2. Selecting Investigators
For example, it is a sponsor’s job to: A sponsor must select investigators to perform the
• Secure FDA approval of an IND, IDE or study who have sufficient training and experience
exemption if required, and comply with the to do so; provide investigators with all the infor-
requirements applicable to an IND or IDE mation necessary to properly conduct the study;
ensure the study is monitored properly and on
• Select qualified investigators and monitors and a regular basis; ensure investigators receive IRB
provide them with the information they need to review and approval before starting the study;
conduct and monitor the investigation properly and ensure the investigator promptly informs the
• Ensure that the investigation is conducted in sponsor and IRB of any significant adverse events
accordance with the general investigational plan relating to the study.
and protocol
The sponsor is encouraged to conduct a pre-study
• Promptly inform FDA, the IRB and investiga- visit to each site to ensure that each investigator
tors of any significant new adverse effects or (i) understands the regulatory/specific require-
risks associated with the product ments of the investigation; (ii) understands and
• Appropriately label investigational products accepts the obligations associated with conducting
the study; (iii) has access to a suitable number and
• Initiate, hold, or discontinue clinical trials
type of study subjects; and (iv) has adequate facili-
as required
ties to properly conduct the investigation.

FDA Regulated Clinical Research 55

A sponsor must secure and maintain a record of Investigator Responsibilities
a signed agreement for each selected investigator
Investigator responsibilities are described in the
that includes, at a minimum: (i) the investigator’s
IND and IDE regulations; in 21 C.F.R. Parts 50,
curriculum vitae; (ii) a summary of the investi-
54, and 56; in contracts or forms they sign prom-
gator’s relevant experience; and (iii) a statement
ising to properly conduct studies; and in local
of the investigator’s commitment to conduct the
institutional policies.15 Investigators involved in
study in accordance with: all applicable regula-
IND studies make the following specific commit-
tions; FDA or IRB imposed conditions; and the
ments in writing on Form FDA-1572, “Statement
investigational plan.
of Investigator”:

3. Selecting Monitors and Monitoring I agree to conduct the study(ies) in accordance

Investigations with the relevant, current protocols(s) and will
only make changes in a protocol after notifying
The sponsor is responsible for assuring that the the sponsor, except when necessary to protect the
study is monitored properly on a regular basis and safety, rights, or welfare of subjects.
that study monitors, like investigators, are quali-
fied to perform their assigned tasks on a study. I agree to personally conduct or supervise the
described investigation(s).
Depending on the nature of the study, the type of
product being tested, and the scope of monitoring I agree to inform any patients, or any persons
necessary to oversee its conduct, various profes- used as controls, that the drugs are being used for
sionals ranging from physicians to engineers to investigational purposes and I will ensure that the
nurses may be qualified monitors. Considerations requirements relating to obtaining informed con-
in determining the number of monitors and the sent in 21 C.F.R. Part 50 and institutional review
board (IRB) review and approval in 21 C.F.R. Part
level of expertise required include:
56 are met.
• The number of investigators conduct-
ing the study I agree to report to the sponsor adverse experiences
that occur in the course of the investigation(s) in
• The number/location(s) of facilities accordance with 21 C.F.R. § 312.64.

• The type of product being tested I have read and understand the information in the
• The complexity of the study investigator’s brochure, including the potential
risks and side effects of the drug.
• The nature of the disease or condition
being studied I agree to ensure that all associates, colleagues, and
employees assisting in the conduct of the study(ies)
Sponsors (or their appropriately authorized are informed about their obligations in meeting
designees) must monitor clinical investigations the above commitments.
periodically to ensure investigator compliance I agree to maintain adequate and accurate records
with the requirements of the study and applicable in accordance with 21 C.F.R. § 212.62 and to make
regulations. If an investigator does not comply, those records available for inspection in accor-
the sponsor must implement effective and timely dance with 21 C.F.R. § 312.68.
remedial action to correct the non-compliance.
I will ensure that an IRB that complies with the
Sponsors also must evaluate data regarding safety
requirements of 21 C.F.R. Part 56 will be respon-
and effectiveness as it is gathered, make all appro- sible for the initial and continuing review and
priate reports to FDA and suspend or terminate approval of the clinical investigation. I also agree
the study as required.14 to promptly report to the IRB all changes in the
research activity and all unanticipated problems

56 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

involving risks to human subjects or others. Devices do not act through metabolism or
Additionally, I will not make any changes in the chemical reaction; they include everything from
research without IRB approval, except where nec-
pacemakers, stents, dental implants and artifi-
essary to eliminate apparent immediate hazards to
human subjects.
cial limbs to hospital beds to medical software
I agree to comply with all other requirements
regarding the obligations of clinical investiga- “Combination products” are those composed of
tors and all other pertinent requirements in 21 any combination of a drug, a biological product,
C.F.R. Part 312. and a device.19 Regulation of combination prod-
ucts is determined based on their “Primary Mode
No investigator may participate in an IND inves- of Action” or “PMOA”. The PMOA is the single
tigation until he/she provides the sponsor with a mode of action that provides the most important
completed, signed “Statement of Investigator”. No therapeutic action of the combination product.
such formal document exists for IDE investiga- Determination of the PMOA will result in a prod-
tions but similar provisions are required as part of uct being assigned to a “lead center” at FDA that is
the “Investigator’s Agreement”.16 responsible for determining requirements for the
conduct of the investigation and is vested with pri-
Regardless of whether an investigator has made
mary reviewing responsibility for related studies.
a written commitment to comply with these
standards, they reflect existing regulatory man-
Drug Trials
dates in any event and so should be regarded as
a minimum standard of conduct in virtually all 1. When is an IND Required?
An Investigational New Drug Application (“IND”)
is the process a sponsor uses to secure FDA per-
INDs and IDEs mission to ship in interstate commerce a new drug
Sponsor and investigator responsibilities differ (i.e., one that has not been approved by FDA or
somewhat depending on what type of “test article” that will be used in a manner inconsistent with
(drug or device) is under investigation. Drugs and its approved labeling) for a clinical investiga-
devices both generally are products intended for tion. Studies involving investigational new drugs
use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, generally require an IND. Those involving law-
or prevention of disease in man or other animals, fully marketed drugs, however, are exempt from
or intended to affect the structure or function IND requirements if all of the following crite-
of the body. Drugs act through metabolism or ria are met:
chemical reactions in or on the body.17 Typical
• The investigation is not intended to be reported
examples include medicines in the form of pills
to FDA as a well-controlled study in support
or solutions for ingestion or injection. Some cells,
of a new indication for use or other significant
vaccines, and other biological medications derived
labeling change.
from living beings are biologics regulated under
the Public Health Service Act, but most also meet • If the drug is a prescription drug, the investi-
the definition of a drug, and therefore are subject gation is not intended to support a significant
to regulation by FDA under the IND provisions if advertising change.

FDA Regulated Clinical Research 57

• The investigation does not involve a route of Figure 1: Phases of a Drug Investigation

administration, dosage level, a patient popula- Phase Description

tion or other factor that significantly increases 0 Trials conducted early in product development,
the drug’s risks (or decreases the acceptability of prior to Phase I, which involve very limited human
exposure and have no therapeutic or diagnostic
the risks). intent (e.g., screening studies or microdose stud-
ies). Also known as “Exploratory IND Studies.”
• The investigation complies with institutional
review board (IRB) and informed consent 1 Studies typically designed to determine the
metabolism and pharmacologic actions of a drug
requirements (Parts 50 and 56). in humans, and the side effects associated with
increasing doses; secondary objectives may be to
gain early evidence on effectiveness. Focus is on
• The investigation is conducted in compli- pharmacokinetics and pharmacological effects.
ance with the requirements of 21 C.F.R.
2 Controlled clinical studies conducted to evaluate
312.7, “Promotion and Charging for the effectiveness of a drug for a particular indica-
tion or indications in patients with the disease or
Investigational Drugs”. condition under study and to determine common
short-term side effects and risks associated
The following additional types of investigations with the drug.

also are exempt from IND requirements: 3 Expanded controlled and uncontrolled trials,
performed after preliminary evidence suggesting
• Investigations of drugs intended solely for in effectiveness has been obtained. Phase 3 trials
are intended to gather the additional information
vitro tests or for use in laboratory research ani- about effectiveness and safety that is needed to
mals, if they are shipped in accordance with evaluate the overall benefit-risk relationship of the
drug and to provide an adequate basis for physi-
21 C.F.R. § 312.160, “Drugs for Investigational cian labeling.
Use in Laboratory Research Animals or 4 Studies performed after FDA grants marketing
In-Vitro Tests” approval, also referred to as “post-marketing stud-
ies” or “post-market surveillance studies.” FDA
may ask or require sponsors to perform certain
• Investigations involving use of a placebo if they post-marketing studies to gather additional infor-
do not otherwise require submission of an IND mation about a drug’s risks, potential benefits, and
optimal use concurrent with marketing approval.
• Certain in vivo bioavailability studies20

By contrast, clinical investigations exempt from 3. IND Applications

informed consent are not exempt from the Unless a proposed drug study is exempt from
requirements of Part 312. IND requirements, a sponsor must file an IND
with FDA and receive FDA approval (or allow
2. What are the Phases of a Clinical thirty days to elapse without FDA notification
Investigation? of a clinical hold) before initiating a study of an
investigational new drug. The IND application
Drug development proceeds through a number
must include:
of different phases, each intended to gather dif-
ferent information about an investigational drug. • Cover sheet (Form FDA-1571)21
Sponsor and investigator responsibilities vary • Table of contents
somewhat depending on the phase of a given
investigation. Figure 1 summarizes these phases: • Introductory statement and general investiga-
tional plan
• Investigator’s brochure
• Protocols for all planned studies to be con-
ducted under the IND

58 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

• Chemistry, manufacturing, and control Investigations subject to a complete clinical hold
(“CMC”) information may not proceed unless and until FDA lifts the
• Pharmacology and toxicology information hold; those subject to partial holds must comply
with any imposed restrictions.23 FDA alternatively
• Information about previous human experience may communicate, either verbally or in writing,
with the investigational drug identified IND deficiencies or request additional
• Additional information for INDs involving data or information at any time during the appli-
products with drug dependence and abuse cation process or the clinical investigation itself.
potential; radioactive products; or products to Prompt and complete response to such commu-
be tested in pediatric populations nications is essential to maintaining a positive
working relationship with FDA and avoiding
• A brief statement of any other information that unnecessary holds.
would aid evaluation of the proposed clinical
investigations with respect to their safety or Once an IND is in effect, a sponsor must amend
design and their potential as controlled clinical it as needed to ensure that the clinical investiga-
trials to support drug marketing tion is conducted according to protocols included
in the application. If a sponsor intends to conduct
Detailed requirements are described at 21 C.F.R. § a study that is not covered by a protocol already
312.23. FDA also has published guidance describ- contained in the IND, the sponsor must submit
ing the limited preclinical support required for an amendment using a Form FDA-1571. The new
exploratory IND studies.22 study may begin after the protocol has been sub-
mitted to FDA for its review and approved by the
A sponsor may ship an investigational new drug
responsible IRB. Protocol amendments may be
to investigators named in the IND application
initiated only as follows:
thirty days after FDA officially receives the IND
provided that no additional information requests • For changes intended to “eliminate apparent
or other correspondence have been issued by FDA. immediate hazard to subjects,” the changes may
Investigational new drugs may be shipped earlier be implemented immediately provided that
upon receipt of explicit FDA authorization to ship. FDA is promptly notified by an amendment
Researchers may not administer investigational and the reviewing IRB is notified within five (5)
new drugs to human subjects prior to the effective working days.
date of the IND. • For other changes to Phase 1 studies that sig-
nificantly affect subject safety and for changes
At any time after an IND study has been initi-
to Phase 2 or 3 studies that significantly affect
ated, FDA may institute a clinical hold and
subject safety, scope of the investigation, or
request modification of the IND; terminate the
its scientific quality, the sponsor must submit
study based on deficiencies in the IND or how the
the changes to FDA for review and receive
study is being conducted; or inactivate the IND
approval from the responsible IRB prior to
if no subjects have been enrolled in the study for
two or more years or if all investigations under
the IND remain on clinical hold for one or more • Changes in investigatorship also must be
years. Sponsors who receive notification of clini- addressed through protocol amendments,
cal holds should promptly inform all investigators except in the case of treatment protocols per-
of the holds and assure the investigators notify formed under 21 C.F.R. § 312.34.
their respective institutional review boards.

FDA Regulated Clinical Research 59

Sponsors are subject to additional reporting FDA regulations require that any subsequent
requirements in connection with INDs, as follows: use of the investigational product at the institu-
• IND safety reports must be made to FDA and tion have prospective IRB review and approval.
all participating investigators for any serious FDA acknowledges, however, that it would be
and unexpected adverse experiences associated inappropriate to deny emergency treatment to
with use of the drug, as well as findings from a second individual if the only obstacle is that
tests in laboratory animals that suggest a signifi- the IRB has not had sufficient time to convene a
cant risk for human subjects, including reports meeting to review the issue.
of mutagenicity, teratogenicity, or carcinogenic-
IRBs may, but are not required to, establish
ity. Safety report requirements are described at
procedures requiring notification prior to an
21 C.F.R. § 312.32(c).
emergency use. Notification does not substitute
• Annual reports must be made within sixty days for approval, but rather is used solely to initi-
of the anniversary of the IND’s effective date, ate tracking to ensure the investigator files a
describing the progress of the investigation and report within five days. Expedited approval is
additional information specified in the regu- not permissible for emergency use; full board
lations. Requirements for annual reports are approval is required unless the requirements for
identified at 21 C.F.R. § 312.33. an exemption as described above are met and it
is not possible to convene a quorum within the
• Other essential information relevant to an IND,
time available.24
such as new toxicology, chemistry, or other
technical information; or notice of suspension Regardless of local IRB policies, the emergency
or termination of an investigation, must be use of an investigational drug requires an addi-
reported in an “information amendment” as tional IND or amendment.25 If the intended
described at 21 C.F.R. § 312.31. subject does not meet the criteria of an existing
study protocol, or if an approved protocol does
4. Early and Expanded Access not exist, the usual procedure is to contact the
FDA has developed special mechanisms to manufacturer and determine if the drug can
facilitate access to promising therapeutic agents be made available for the emergency use under
where no satisfactory alternative treatments the company’s IND. However, the need for an
exist and standard IND requirements may result investigational drug may arise in an emergency
in unnecessary and counterproductive delays. situation that does not allow time for submis-
These mechanisms are designed to ensure that sion of an IND or required amendment. In such
human subject protection and the scientific integ- a case, FDA may authorize shipment of the test
rity of the product development process are not article in advance of the IND submission.26
• Treatment INDs
• Single Patient INDs for Emergency Use A treatment IND may be granted only after
Emergency use (also known as compassion- sufficient data have been collected to show that
ate use) is the use of an investigational drug the drug in question “may be effective” and
with a human subject in a life-threatening (or does not pose unreasonable risks. In addition,
severely debilitating) situation in which no the following criteria must be met: (i) the drug
standard acceptable treatment is available and must be intended to treat a serious or imme-
in which there is not sufficient time to obtain diately life-threatening disease; (ii) there is no
IRB approval. This exemption from prior IRB satisfactory alternative treatment available; (iii)
review and approval is limited to a single use.

60 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

the drug is already under investigation, or trials marketing approval is obtained. These stud-
have been completed; and (iv) the trial sponsor ies require prior IRB review and approval, and
is actively pursuing marketing approval. informed consent.

An immediately life-threatening disease means Device Trials

a stage of a disease in which there is a reason-
FDA has established a series of regulations
able likelihood that death will occur within
designed to prevent unsafe or ineffective devices
a matter of months or in which premature
from being marketed or promoted in interstate
death is likely without early treatment. For
commerce. These are referred to collectively as
example, advanced cases of AIDS, herpes
“device controls” and include requirements for
simplex encephalitis, and subarachnoid hem-
registration of device manufacturing and other
orrhage are all considered to be immediately
facilities, listing of devices manufactured or dis-
life-threatening diseases. Treatment INDs are
tributed by those facilities, compliance with “good
made available to patients before general mar-
manufacturing practice” standards, FDA market-
keting begins, typically during Phase 3 studies.
ing approval or clearance requirements, reporting
Treatment INDs also allow FDA to obtain addi-
requirements, and more. An investigational device
tional data on the safety and effectiveness of the
exemption, or IDE, permits the shipment of a
drugs in question.
device otherwise subject to these device controls
• Parallel Track Studies for use in a clinical trial to assess its safety and
FDA has adopted a “Parallel Track” policy,27 effectiveness. Note, however, that many investiga-
which facilitates access to promising new drugs tional devices are still subject to design controls
for AIDS/HIV related diseases under a separate under FDA’s Quality System Regulation (“QSR”).
protocol that “parallels” the controlled clinical FDA exempts from its IDE requirements investi-
trials that are essential to establish the safety gations of the following categories of devices:
and effectiveness. It provides an administrative • Many devices in commercial distribution before
system that expands the availability of drugs May 28, 1976, when used or investigated in
for treating AIDS/HIV. These studies require accordance with the labeled indications in effect
prior IRB review and approval and informed at that time
consent. FDA is responsible for assuring that the
• Certain devices determined by FDA to be sub-
availability of a drug under the parallel track
stantially equivalent to other devices that are
program does not interfere with the drug spon-
used or investigated under the indications for
sor’s ability to carry out well-controlled studies
use reviewed by FDA as part of the substantial
on the drug and does not encourage patients
equivalence determination
with other approved treatment alternatives to
resort to untested investigational drugs. • Diagnostic devices that meet certain require-
ments specified by FDA28
• Open Label Protocols or Open Protocol INDs
• Devices undergoing consumer preference test-
These are usually uncontrolled Phase 3 stud-
ing, testing of modifications, or testing of a
ies, carried out to obtain additional safety data.
combination of two or more devices in com-
They typically are used when the controlled trial
mercial distribution if the testing is not for the
has ended and treatment is continued so that
purpose of determining safety or effectiveness
subjects and controls may continue to receive
and does not put subjects at risk
the benefits of the investigational drug until
• Devices intended solely for veterinary or animal
research use

FDA Regulated Clinical Research 61

• Custom devices unless they are being used to similar to the 1571 used for studies of investiga-
determine safety or effectiveness for commercial tional new drugs. FDA regulations do, however,
distribution specify the required content of an IDE application:
• Name and address of the sponsor
1. Significant Risk and Non-Significant Risk
• Detailed information about prior investigations
and a summary of their outcomes
A significant risk (SR) device is an investigational
• Detailed information about the investiga-
device that (i) is intended as an implant and pres-
tional plan
ents potential for serious risk to the health, safety
or welfare of subjects; (ii) is intended to be used • Information about the methods, facilities, and
to support or sustain human life and presents a controls used for the manufacture, processing,
potential for serious risk to the health, safety or packing, storage, and installation of the device
welfare of subjects; (iii) is for a use of substantial in sufficient detail to appropriately evaluate
importance in diagnosing, curing, mitigating or quality control
treating disease or otherwise preventing impair-
• An example of the agreements to be entered into
ment of human health and presents a potential
by all investigators to comply with investiga-
for serious risk to the health, safety or welfare
tor obligations under Part 812, and a list of the
of subjects; or (iv) otherwise presents a potential
names and addresses of all investigators who
for serious risk to the health, safety or welfare of
have signed the agreement (similar to the con-
subjects.29 A non significant risk (NSR) device is
tent provided on a Form-1572 in investigational
one that does not meet the criteria listed above, drug studies)
is not a banned device and is not the subject of a
notification from FDA that an IDE application is • A certification that all investigators who will
required.30 participate in the investigation have signed the
agreement, that the list of investigators includes
all the investigators participating in the investi-
2. IDE Applications
gation, and that no investigators will be added
A sponsor must submit an IDE application to the investigation until they have signed the
to FDA if: agreement.
• The sponsor intends to use an SR device in a • A list of the name, address, and chairperson
clinical investigation of each IRB that has been or will be asked to
• The sponsor intends to conduct an investigation review the investigation and a certification of
that involves an exception from informed con- the action concerning the investigation taken by
sent under 21 C.F.R. § 50.24 each such IRB.
• FDA notifies the sponsor that an application is • The name and address of any institution
required for an investigation at which a part of the investigation may be
conducted that has not been identified in accor-
A clinical investigation involving an SR device dance with 21 C.F.R. § 812.20(b)(6).
may not be initiated until FDA has approved the • If the device is to be sold, the amount to be
IDE application. The FDA Center for Devices charged and an explanation of why the price
and Radiological Health, which oversees medical does not constitute commercialization of
device investigations, has not developed a form the device
• Environmental assessment information

62 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

• Copies of all labeling for the device procedures, labeling, informed consent materi-
• Copies of all forms and informational mate- als and IRB information. If, however, the changes
rials to be provided to subjects to obtain affect the validity of the data, risk-benefit analysis,
informed consent scientific soundness of the investigational plan, or
the rights, safety, or welfare of subjects involved in
• Any other relevant information FDA requests the study, they must be approved in advance.
for review of the application.
3. Documentation and Reporting
Once FDA has received a completed application,
the agency may approve the application, approve it
with modifications, disapprove it, or request addi- The IDE regulations require sponsors and investi-
tional information. An SR investigation may begin gators to prepare and submit specified reports in
after FDA and the relevant IRB have approved a complete, accurate, and timely manner. These
the application, or thirty days after FDA receives include, but are not limited to, reports of:
the application, as long as IRB approval has been • Study progress generally
secured and FDA has not notified the spon-
sor to delay initiation. An NSR study may begin • Significant risk device determinations
after the IRB approves the protocol and consent • Failure to secure informed consent for
documents.31 any reason

As with drug studies, FDA generally requires • Certain adverse events and unanticipated prob-
advance approval of changes to investigational lems affecting risks to subjects and others
plans that are likely to have a significant effect on • Deviations from the investigational plan for
scientific soundness of trial design and/or validity any reason
of data resulting from the trial such as a change
• Withdrawal of IRB or FDA approval
in indication, or a change in type or nature of the
study control.32 Approval must be granted by FDA • Final report
and the IRB in SR studies and by the IRB only
in NSR studies. There are exceptions, however, A complete listing of all the required reports may
including for emergency use, certain developmen- be found at 21 C.F.R. § 812.150.
tal changes to the device, and other minor changes
to the clinical protocol. Notice of these types of 4. Early and Expanded Access
changes must be provided to FDA within five (5) FDA has described four ways providers may access
working days. investigational devices prior to FDA approval and
outside the scope of an approved clinical trial.
FDA and IRB approval also is required for each
These are: (i) emergency use for life-threatening or
site that will participate in a device investigation.
serious diseases or conditions; (ii) compassionate
FDA will consider IDE applications that do not
use for patients who do not meet the criteria for
contain a certification of IRB approval for each
inclusion in a trial but may benefit from use of the
site, but the sponsor must submit that certifica-
device; (iii) treatment use, to expand the number
tion in an IDE supplement when that approval
of subjects who may be permitted to participate
is secured and to open any new study sites to
in a trial that shows promise; and (iv) continued
access to investigational devices for subjects par-
A sponsor may report minor changes in the ticipating in a trial after the trial is complete but
following areas as part of its annual progress prior to FDA approval.33
report: study purpose, risk analysis, monitoring

FDA Regulated Clinical Research 63

• Emergency Use conditions constituting the emergency, subject
To qualify for emergency use, the prospective protection measures, and results. Subsequent
patient must be suffering a life-threatening or emergency use may not occur unless the physi-
serious disease or condition that requires imme- cian or another person obtains approval of an
diate treatment; there must be no available, IDE for the device and its use. If one has been
generally acceptable alternatives for treating filed and disapproved by FDA, the device may
the patient; and there must be no time to use not be used even in an emergency.
existing procedures to obtain FDA approval.
It is the treating physician’s responsibility to • Compassionate Use
determine whether these criteria have been met, FDA allows patients, who do not meet the
to assess a patient’s potential for benefits from requirements for participation in a clinical
the unapproved use, and to have substantial investigation but for whom the treating physi-
reason to believe that benefits will exist. Where cian believes the device may provide a benefit
emergencies are reasonably foreseeable, spon- in treating or diagnosing their disease or condi-
sors or physicians should obtain FDA approval tion, to access that device during the clinical
through standard IDE procedures or through trial. The patient’s condition must be seri-
the compassionate, treatment or continued use ous and there must be no available, generally
procedures described below. FDA considers an acceptable alternatives for treatment. This provi-
emergency reasonably foreseeable if the device sion is typically approved for single patients, but
could be used in an emergency.34 may be approved to treat a small group.

In the event an unapproved investigational Prior FDA approval is needed before compas-
device is used in an emergency under this sionate use occurs. In order to obtain FDA
exception, the device developer must notify approval, the sponsor should submit an IDE
the FDA immediately after shipment. In addi- supplement requesting approval for a protocol
tion, the physician employing the device should deviation. The physician should not treat the
make every effort to protect subjects includ- patient (or patients) identified in the supple-
ing, as applicable: (i) obtaining an independent ment until FDA and the appropriate IRB both
assessment by an uninvolved physician; (ii) approve the use of the device under the pro-
obtaining informed consent from the patient posed circumstances.35
or legally authorized representative; (iii) notify-
• Treatment Use
ing the appropriate IRB as soon as practicable;
Approved IDEs specify the maximum number
and (iv) obtaining authorization from the IDE
of clinical sites and the maximum number of
holder, if an approved IDE for the device exists.
human subjects that may be enrolled in a study.
After the emergency, the physician must: (i) During the course of a clinical trial, if the data
report to the IRB within five days and otherwise suggest that the device is effective, then the trial
comply with IRB requirements; (ii) evaluate the may be expanded to include additional patients
likelihood of a similar need occurring again with life-threatening or serious diseases. To
and, if future use is likely, immediately initiate qualify for a treatment use IDE, the disease or
efforts to obtain IRB approval and an approved condition must be life threatening or serious,
IDE for subsequent use; and (iii) if an IDE for and patients must have no comparable or satis-
the use already exists, notify the sponsor of factory alternatives to the investigational device.
the emergency use, or if an IDE does not exist, If the disease is life-threatening (i.e., there is
notify the FDA of the emergency use, and pro- a reasonable likelihood that death will occur
vide the FDA with a written summary of the within a matter of months or premature death is

64 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

likely without early treatment), a device may be The difference between a treatment use IDE
eligible for a treatment use IDE prior to comple- and use of an investigational device under the
tion of all clinical trials; if the disease is serious, continued access policy is that a treatment use
a device ordinarily may be made available for IDE can be submitted earlier in the IDE process
treatment use only after all clinical trials have (i.e., as soon as promising evidence of safety
been completed. and effectiveness has been collected but while
the clinical study is ongoing) but is intended
Thus, in summary, FDA will consider the use of only for patients with serious or immediately
an investigational device under a treatment use life-threatening diseases or conditions, whereas
IDE if all of the following criteria are met:36 (i) continued access generally is available only after
the device is intended to treat or diagnose a seri- completion of a clinical trial but for a broader
ous or immediately life-threatening disease or range of patients.
condition; (ii) there is no comparable or satisfac-
tory alternative device or other therapy to treat • Additional Exceptions
or diagnose that stage of the disease or condi- FDA from time to time approves additional
tion in the intended patient population; (iii) the exceptions to standard approval processes. For
device is under investigation in a controlled instance, guidance issued in June 2005 under
clinical trial for the same use under an approved the Project Bioshield Act of 2004 permits
IDE, or the clinical trials have been completed; FDA to allow the use of unapproved medi-
and (iv) the sponsor of the investigation is cal products or approved medical products for
actively pursuing marketing approval/clearance unapproved purposes during a declared emer-
of the investigational device with due diligence. gency involving a heightened risk of attack on
the public or U.S. military forces.
Treatment use may begin 30 days after FDA
receives the treatment IDE submission, unless Additional Requirements
FDA notifies the sponsor otherwise.
1. Labeling and Marketing
• Continued Access
FDA also regulates how investigational drugs
FDA may allow continued enrollment of sub-
and devices are labeled38 and the circumstances
jects after a controlled clinical trial under an
under which a sponsor may promote or charge for
IDE has been completed to allow access to
their use.39 The immediate package of an investi-
the investigational device, while a marketing
gational new drug intended for human use must
application is being prepared by the sponsor or
include the following statement: “Caution: New
reviewed by the FDA, and to facilitate the col-
Drug—Limited by Federal (or United States) law
lection of additional safety and effectiveness
to investigational use.” The label of an investiga-
data to support the marketing application or to
tional drug may not contain any statement that is
address new questions regarding the investiga-
false or misleading, and may not represent that the
tional device. This is referred to as an “extended
drug is safe or effective for the purposes for which
investigation.” FDA will approve an extended
it is being investigated. A similar ban applies to
investigation only if it identifies a public health
promotion, test marketing, or commercial dis-
need or preliminary evidence is submitted that
tribution of the investigational drug by sponsors
the device will be effective and no significant
and investigators. Sponsors may not charge for
safety concerns have been identified for the pro-
investigational drugs in clinical trials proceed-
posed indication.37
ing under an IND without FDA’s prior written
approval. Even then, sponsors are limited to the
amount necessary to recover costs of manufacture,

FDA Regulated Clinical Research 65

research, development, and handling. In addi- also the “Recruiting Study Subjects” section of
tion, a sponsor may not unduly prolong an the FDA Information Sheet entitled “Guidance
investigation after finding that the results of the for Institutional Review Boards and Clinical
investigation appear to establish sufficient data to Investigators 1998 Update,” which applies to both
support a marketing application. drugs and devices.41

An investigational device or its immediate pack- 2. Waiver of IND or IDE Requirements

age must include a label with the following
information: (i) name and place of business of the A sponsor may request FDA to waive any of
manufacturer, packer, or distributor; (ii) quality of the requirements found at 21 C.F.R. Part 312.42
contents, if appropriate; (iii) quantity of contents, A waiver request may be submitted either in an
if appropriate; and (iv) the following statement: IND or in an IND information amendment. In an
“CAUTION—Investigational device. Limited by emergency, a request may be made by telephone
Federal (or United States) law to investigational or other rapid communication means. The request
use.” In the case of a device study, at a minimum, must contain at least one of the following:
the label or other labeling also must describe • An explanation why the sponsor’s compliance
all relevant contraindications, hazards, adverse with the requirement is unnecessary or cannot
effects, interfering substances or devices, warn- be achieved
ings, and precautions.
• A description of an alternative submission or
As with drugs, sponsors of investigational devices course of action that satisfies the purpose of the
may not promote or profit from their products. requirement; or
The label of an investigational device may not • Other information justifying a waiver.
bear any statement that is false or misleading,
and may not represent that the device is safe or FDA may grant the waiver if it finds that the spon-
effective for the purposes for which it is being sor’s noncompliance would not pose a significant
investigated. A similar ban applies to promotion, and unreasonable risk to human subjects and
test marketing, or commercial distribution of the that one of the following is met: (i) the sponsor’s
device by sponsors and investigators. Sponsors compliance with the requirement is unneces-
may not charge for investigational devices in clini- sary for the agency to evaluate the application, or
cal trials proceeding under an IDE other than the compliance cannot be achieved; (ii) the sponsor’s
amount necessary to recover costs of manufacture, proposed alternative satisfies the requirement; or
research, development, and handling and may not (iii) the applicant’s submission otherwise justi-
unduly prolong an investigation. fies a waiver.

While marketing or promoting investigational As with drugs, sponsors may request FDA to
drugs or devices is prohibited, FDA recognizes waive any requirement of 21 C.F.R. Part 812.43
the practical need to recruit clinical investiga- A waiver request, with supporting documenta-
tors and study subjects through dissemination tion, may be submitted separately or as part of an
of information on investigational products. An IDE application. FDA may grant a waiver of any
FDA guidance entitled “Guidance for Industry requirement it deems not required by the act, nor
and FDA Staff: Preparing Notices of Availability of necessary to protect the rights, safety or welfare of
Investigational Medical Devices and for Recruiting the study subjects. It is important to understand,
Study Subjects” (March 19, 1999)40 defines the however, that each requirement applies unless and
recommendations and restrictions regarding until FDA expressly waives it.
such information dissemination for devices. See

66 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

FDA Inspections two or a few weeks or even longer, they may con-
duct additional interviews. During this time, they
FDA regularly monitors sponsors, clinical may review:
investigators, institutional review boards, and
non-clinical laboratories to assure compliance • Who performed various aspects of the protocol,
with FDA regulations and, ultimately, the qual- and their qualifications
ity of the data that is relied upon to determine • Degree and appropriateness of delegation of
whether new drugs or devices should come to authority, and documentation of delegation
market. Inspections fall into two primary cat-
• Documentation of research procedures and
egories: “routine” and “directed” (or for-cause)
other information in research records and
inspections. Routine inspections are just what
source documents (case report forms, medical
they sound like: FDA randomly selects regulated
records, and so forth)
persons for inspection through its bioresearch
monitoring program to review adherence to the • Accountability for investigational products
investigational plan, FDA regulations, and institu- (how they were tracked from receipt through
tional policies. Directed or for-cause inspections, distribution)
on the other hand, are initiated when some spe- • Investigator/monitor/sponsor/IRB
cific problem has been identified within one or communications
all aspects of a clinical trial, such as integrity of
source data or compliance of sponsors or inves- • Monitor evaluation of the progress of an
tigators with regulation mandates. The problem investigation
may be observed during review of sponsor sub- • Adherence to approved protocols, regulatory
missions regarding ongoing clinical investigations, mandates, and local policies and procedures
or following evaluation of clinical data submitted
with marketing applications. Verbal and written At the conclusion of the inspection, FDA will
complaints from patients, physicians, or com- conduct an exit conference during which the
petitors may also result in a directed inspection. inspector(s) will discuss findings with the appro-
FDA may also target sites for inspection when priate personnel.44 If the findings require no
they are studying products of special interest, for corrective action, they will issue no written report
example, because they implicate significant public to the inspected site and will recommend to the
health concerns. appropriate District office and/or the appropriate
FDA center that no further action be taken. If the
What to Expect at the Inspection findings are more significant, the inspector(s) will
FDA typically initiates routine and even some issue written “Inspectional Observations” on a
for-cause inspections by contacting the regulated Form FDA-483. Depending on the severity of the
party (e.g., sponsor, investigator or institutional findings, the inspector(s) will recommend to the
official for an IRB) and setting an appointment. agency that voluntary action is indicated – mean-
Because FDA is a law enforcement agency, its ing that objectionable conditions were found, but
inspectors generally present their credentials and they can be addressed voluntarily. In more serious
a notice of inspection (Form FDA-482) upon their cases, the inspector will recommend that official
arrival at the site to be inspected and conduct action is indicated, i.e., objectionable conditions
an entrance interview. After the interview they were found that merit further regulatory response
review applicable records and, during the course from the agency.
of the inspection, which may extend only a day or

FDA Regulated Clinical Research 67

The inspected organization or individual is given • Promote clear allocation of responsibilities
time to respond formally to the observations listed among sponsors, investigators, monitors, and
on the 483. If FDA finds the response adequate, others involved in the work.
generally no further action is taken. If not, or • Maintain clear written records of all relevant
where the observations were very serious, FDA communications, source documents, research
may issue a “Warning Letter” which describes documents, investigations, and procedures.
deficiencies identified during the inspection or Review the documentation for accuracy
through related activities, including those defi- throughout the course of the study, not just
ciencies not addressed to its satisfaction in the at the end. Each subject’s research record
original response (if any).45 Other FDA enforce- should include a complete case history, which
ment tools include product seizures, court-ordered includes a signed copy of the informed consent
injunctions, civil penalties, investigator dis- document, relevant source documents and case
qualification or debarment, and even criminal report forms, documentation of study visits
prosecution in the most serious cases. For exam- and follow up, and documentation of adverse
ple, where a physician investigator’s enrollment of events and protocol deviations. General study
ineligible subjects on a trial through falsification records should include correspondence among
of lab values resulted in one patient’s death, the sponsors, investigators, and IRBs; records of all
physician investigator was prosecuted and received on-site visits by study monitors and records of
a prison sentence.46 drug or device receipt, storage, distribution, and
final disposition.
Promoting Compliance
• Assure proper oversight of and financial disclo-
Occasional reports of criminal conduct not- sure by all involved investigators.
withstanding, most researchers and research
institutions engaged in clinical investigations pro- • When inspectors initiate a visit, be prepared.
ceed with all of the best intentions. Following are Have all files ready and available before they
steps that should be taken to promote compliance arrive. Invite legal counsel to attend at least the
and avoid poor outcomes following inspections: entrance and exit interviews so that they can
help prepare any necessary response. Treat the
• Assure that investigators, research staff, moni- inspectors at all times with the respect they
tors, and institutional review boards understand expect and deserve.
their obligations under FDA regulations and
institutional policy. In many cases, training and Current Good Manufacturing Practices
certification on applicable requirements is avail-
FDCA also requires that the methods used in, and
able for physician-investigators, research staff,
facilities and controls used for, the manufacture,
and IRB professionals and should be pursued
processing, packing and storage of a new drug or
wherever feasible. At a minimum, assure suf-
device and, in the case of a device, its installation,
ficient expertise at an institutional level so that
conform to current good manufacturing practice
those at the site with questions regarding their
to assure they are safe and effective and other-
obligations have a good resource for assistance.
wise comply with the requirements of the law.48
• Conduct regular and targeted training on cur- Drugs and devices are considered “adulterated”
rent Good Clinical Practices (“cGCP”),47 as well when they fail to comply with these require-
as applicable FDA regulations and guidances. ments. FDA regulations describe minimum cGMP
• Assure adequate staffing to conduct clinical requirements.49
trials including selection of qualified investiga-
tors and monitors.

68 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

A drug is considered to be adulterated if the meth- System requirements except for the design con-
ods used in, or the facilities or controls used for, trol requirements found at 21 C.F.R. § 820.30
its manufacture, processing, packing, or hold- when applicable to the type of device in question.
ing do not conform to or are not operated or Design controls require that a manufacturer estab-
administered in conformity with current good lish and maintain procedures to control the design
manufacturing practice to assure that such drug of a device in order to ensure that specific design
meets the requirements of the Act as to safety and requirements are met. Since most of the device
has the identity and strength, and meets the qual- design occurs prior to and during the IDE stage,
ity and purity characteristics, which it purports or it is necessary that manufacturers who intend to
is represented to possess. Most Phase I investiga- commercially produce the device follow design
tional drugs are exempt from complying with the control procedures when applicable. An IDE appli-
regulatory cGMP requirements (21 C.F.R. Parts cation must contain a description of the methods,
210 and 211). FDA will still oversee the manu- facilities and controls used to manufacture and/
facture of these drugs under its general statutory or install the product in sufficient detail such that
cGMP authority and review of investigational new a person familiar with quality systems can make a
drug applications (INDs). FDA has issued a guid- knowledgeable judgment about the level of quality
ance to assist manufacturers in complying with control used to manufacture the investigational
cGMP requirements for Phase I studies.50 When device. Once the device is approved/cleared by
drug development reaches the stage where drugs FDA, all manufacturing activities must conform
are being produced for Phase II and III clinical to all applicable cGMP requirements.
trials, however, then full compliance is necessary.51
A device is considered to be adulterated if the The authors wish to thank the University of
methods used in, or the facilities or controls Michigan for permitting republication of por-
used for, its manufacture, packing, storage, or tions of its Human Research Protections Program
installation are not in conformity with appli- Operations Manual, available online at http://www.
cable good manufacturing practice requirements.
Device cGMPs are known as the “Quality System
Regulation”. IDE devices are exempt from Quality

FDA Regulated Clinical Research 69

8 Federal Privacy Rules
The Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) and imple-
Research Privacy menting regulations4 are perhaps the best-known
federal privacy rules today. The Common Rule,5
and Security: Myths, corresponding FDA regulations,6 and other federal
laws and regulations also protect the privacy and
Facts, and Practical confidentiality of records created, used, and dis-
Approaches closed in human research. These federal mandates
are discussed below.

Health Insurance Portability and

Phyllis A. Patrick, CHC, MBA, FACHE
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
Kelly M. Willenberg, BSN, MBA, CHRC, CHC
Congress enacted HIPAA in 1996 to assure
Rachel Nosowsky, JD
individuals the ability to move from one job to
Marti Arvin, JD another without risking their health insurance
coverage and to strengthen federal fraud and
abuse laws. The law included “administrative
Introduction simplification” provisions designed to encourage
An individual’s right to privacy has been a standardization of health insurance claims sub-
well‑established principle in the American health- mission and processing and to promote overall
care system for a long time. A healthcare provider efficiency in the healthcare system.7 Recognizing
or researcher has an obligation to protect the that standardization would facilitate electronic
confidentiality of a patient’s or subject’s identifi- storage and transmission of health information,
able private information against unauthorized use and concerned that a move to use of electronic
or disclosure. These principles have deep histori- records would increase risks to health privacy,
cal roots. Indeed, a physician’s duty to treat as Congress included privacy protection provisions
confidential any information gained when caring and a mandate that, absent further legislative
for a patient dates back at least to the time of action, the Secretary of Health and Human
the Greek philosophers,1 and is well-ensconced Services would develop and implement regulations
in Anglo-American law and jurisprudence.2 to protect individually identifiable health informa-
It is also the first “basic principle” articulated tion.8 Those regulations were released as a “final
in the Declaration of Helsinki: “It is the duty of rule” in December 20009 and the HIPAA Privacy
the physician in medical research to protect the Rule became effective in April 2003.
life, health, privacy, and dignity of the human
The HIPAA Omnibus (Final) Rule
In 2013 the Department of Health and Human
This chapter includes descriptions of federal and Services (DHHS) released the “Omnibus Rule,”
state privacy, confidentiality and security laws and which resulted in modifications to the HIPAA
regulations that govern clinical research in the Privacy, Security, Breach Notification, and
United States as well as practical recommenda- Enforcement Rules.10 DHHS published the Final
tions for compliance consistent with the efficient Rules in January and the rules went into effect
conduct of that research. on March 26, 2013. Covered entities and business
associates were required to be in compliance with
most of the rules since September 23, 2013.

70 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

The Omnibus Rule implements most of the privacy for which treatment, payment, enrollment, or
and security provisions of the Health Information eligibility might not be conditioned (i.e., an uncon-
Technology for Economic and Clinical Health ditioned authorization). Thus, prior to the Final
(HITECH) Act. The rule provides for increased Rule, a covered entity could not, for example, com-
focus on patient rights and providing health infor- bine an authorization to use and disclose PHI for
mation to patients. Restrictions on some uses and research in connection with a clinical trial, which
disclosures of protected health information (e.g., is a conditioned authorization, with an authoriza-
sale of PHI, marketing, fundraising limitations, tion to create a central research repository or tissue
and allowance for patient out-of-pocket payment bank for future research, which is an uncondi-
without notification of payers) are included. The tioned authorization. Authorizations for future
rule extends the provisions of the Security Rule to research were prohibited.
business associates and sub-contractors.
The Final Rule harmonizes authorization
Changes in the Enforcement Rule move HIPAA requirements with federal human subject pro-
enforcement from a program of voluntary com- tection rules, and permits the use of compound
pliance to a penalty-based system. The penalties authorizations, combining conditioned and
range from $100 to $50,000 per violation, with unconditioned authorizations, and permitting the
a $1.5 million cap per calendar year for multiple use or disclosure of PHI for future, unspecified
violations of identical provisions, and criminal research. Thus, a single document that includes
penalties of up to 10 years’ imprisonment. Where consent and authorization for a clinical trial and a
there is a possibility of a violation occurring due to future study, as long as the authorization includes
willful neglect, DHHS can also impose civil mon- a general description of the types of research
etary penalties. that might be conducted, can now be used. The
authorization must clearly differentiate between
Uses and disclosures of PHI for research purposes conditioned and unconditioned authorizations
are included in Section 164.512, Standard (i) of for research and provide the individual with the
the statute, “Uses and disclosures for which an option to opt in to the unconditioned research
authorization or opportunity to agree or object is activities. The change to compound authorizations
not required.” This section describes the waiver will simplify the administration of clinical trials
process, IRB and privacy board requirements, and and facilitate outcomes research involving tissue
reviews preparatory to research, and review and and data banking information.
approval procedures.
The use of compound authorizations requires cov-
The Final Rule removes significant barriers to ered entities to revise authorization processes and
clinical research and provides more flexibility for forms, including the process for future revocations
future research endeavors. Authorizations for the by subjects.
use or disclosure of PHI for a research study may
be combined with any other type of written per- Authorization for use or disclosure of psycho-
mission for the same or for another research study. therapy notes may only be combined with another
Previously, a participant in a clinical trial could authorization for use or disclosure of psychother-
only authorize the use of PHI for one clinical trial apy notes, and may not be combined with other
per authorization. The Privacy Rule prohibited authorizations.
combining an authorization that conditioned treat-
ment, payment, enrollment in a health plan, or Prior to enactment of the Final Rule, authorization
eligibility for benefits (i.e., a conditioned authoriza- for research had to be study-specific. The change
tion) with an authorization for another purpose provides that a valid authorization can be used for

Research Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts, and Practical Approaches 71

future research studies and will benefit second- • A description of the study, for example the title
ary research efforts. Future research need not be and purpose
related to a current study, as long as the authoriza- • A description of any PHI to be used or disclosed
tion adequately describes potential future research for the study
in a way that it would be reasonable for the subject
to expect that PHI could be used or disclosed for • The names or groups of persons involved in the
the research. research (e.g., “researchers and their staff”)
• A statement that, once disclosed outside the
In the Final Rule, DHHS also confirmed that covered entity, the subject’s PHI may not be pro-
researchers may be business associates if they tected under HIPAA
perform a service for covered entities, e.g., de-
identifying PHI or creating a limited data set, even • A statement either that: (i) authorization is vol-
if the de-identified PHI or limited data set is cre- untary, but failure to agree to the requested use
ated for use by the researcher. or disclosure will bar the prospective subject
from participating in the study (for any research
Although HIPAA does not directly govern conducted by a covered entity that involves
research, its privacy and security rules do regulate treatment); or (ii) participation is voluntary and
the healthcare providers, health plans, and clear- the covered entity may not condition testing or
inghouses (collectively “covered entities”11 that treatment on whether the prospective subject
often control data that researchers need to conduct signs the authorization (for research that does
clinical studies. Moreover, HIPAA violations may not involve research-related treatment)
result in significant penalties ranging from small • Information about withdrawal
assessments per violation up to ten years’ impris-
onment and multi-million dollar fines in the most • Information regarding future revocation, when
egregious cases,12 not to mention negative publicity a compound authorization is used
and loss of public trust. As a result, some covered • Expiration date or event (a date may be given,
entities have adopted very conservative—and or an event such as “the end of the study,”);
sometimes unnecessarily restrictive—approaches researchers may extend authorizations indefi-
to data sharing that hinder good clinical research.13 nitely by explicitly stating that there is no
A strong grasp of the legal and regulatory require- expiration date
ments that govern privacy, confidentiality, security,
• Signature of subject or subject’s personal
and data sharing can help researchers, IRBs and
privacy officers avoid this problem.
• Date of signature.
1. Basic Privacy Rights
The Privacy Rule identifies essential privacy
Under the “Privacy Rule,” as it is known, a covered rights and requires covered entities to develop
entity may not use or disclose an individual’s “pro- and implement policies and procedures designed
tected health information” or “PHI” unless the to protect those rights. For a complete listing
use or disclosure is authorized in writing by the and information regarding these rights, refer to
individual (or his or her personal representative14), the 45 CFR, Section 164, Subpart E, “Privacy of
or a specified regulatory exception applies.15 These Individually Identifiable Health Information.”
exceptions are described in detail in sub-section Key privacy rights described in Subpart E include
[2] below. To be valid, an authorization to use or rights to:
disclose PHI for research must include the follow-
ing elements and statements:16

72 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Notification of a covered entity’s privacy to maintain DRS records for at least six years and
practices.17 to make those records available to the individu-
The Privacy Rule requires covered entities to pro- als to whom they pertain.19 Because the definition
vide written notice of their privacy practices to of a DRS is broad, it extends to clinical research
individual patients or health plan members, to records created, received or maintained by a cov-
post those notices on their public websites, and ered entity, even if solely for research purposes
to promptly publish information about material and even if they involve only “research subjects”
changes. A covered entity may provide the notice and not “patients.”
to an individual by e-mail, if the individual agrees
to electronic notice and such agreement has not Access of individuals to protected health
been withdrawn. The notices must inform individ- information.
uals of the circumstances under which their PHI Individuals have a right to request copies of their
may be used without their permission including, if own PHI in any form they choose, including
applicable, for research or public health activities. electronic copies, provided the PHI is “readily
producible” in that format. Covered entities must
The Omnibus Rule requires that covered entities provide copies of PHI to other parties as desig-
revise the notice of privacy practices to include the nated by the individual, based upon a written and
following: signed request that clearly identifies the designated
recipient and where to send the copy of PHI. All
a. prohibition against health plans using or requests must be addressed (granted or denied)
disclosing genetic information for underwrit- within 30 days. Covered entities may also be per-
ing purposes; mitted a one-time 30-day extension by providing
notice to the individual of the reasons for the delay.
b. prohibition on the sale of PHI without the
express written authorization of the indi- Covered entities must permit individuals to
vidual, and other uses and disclosures that request their records and must accommodate
expressly require the individual’s autho- reasonable requests by individuals to receive com-
rization (marketing and disclosure of munications of PHI by alternative means or at
psychotherapy notes); alternate locations. Covered entities may send
individuals unencrypted emails including ePHI,
c. duty of a covered entity to notify affected indi- if the individual requests it, provided that the cov-
viduals of a breach involving their PHI; ered entity has advised the individual of the risk
and the individual accepts that the message will be
d. individual’s right to opt out of receiving fund-
delivered via unencrypted email.
raising communications for entities that have
stated their intent to fundraise in the notice of Amendment of protected health information.20
privacy practices; and An individual has the right to have a covered
entity amend PHI or a record about the individual
e. individual’s right to restrict disclosures of PHI
in a DRS for as long as the PHI is maintained in
to a health plan where the individual pays out
the DRS. The covered entity may deny the request
of pocket in full for the service.
for amendment, if it determines that the PHI or
Inspect and copy healthcare records.18 record was not created by the covered entity, is
The Privacy Rule defines a “designated record set” not part of the DRS, would not be available for
(or “DRS”) to include medical and billing records, inspection, or is accurate and complete. The cov-
as well as other records used to make decisions ered entity must act on the individual’s request for
about individuals, and requires covered entities an amendment no later than 60 days after receipt

Research Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts, and Practical Approaches 73

of the request. The covered entity may extend the Review preparatory to research.25
time for action by no more than 30 days provided A covered entity may allow researchers, whether
that the individual is provided with a written or not affiliated with the covered entity, to review
statement about the reasons for the delay and the PHI without written authorization from affected
date by which the covered entity will complete individuals if the researchers certify that: (1) the
its action on the request. The covered entity must use or disclosure is sought solely to review PHI
maintain information about any objections. as necessary to prepare a research protocol or for
similar purposes preparatory to research; (2) no
Receive an accounting of certain unauthorized PHI will be removed from the covered entity by
disclosures.21 the researcher in the course of the review; and (3)
The Privacy Rule requires covered entities to the PHI for which use or access is sought is neces-
maintain records of certain unauthorized dis- sary for the research purposes.
closures, including disclosures for public health
purposes and for research conducted pursuant to Through its FAQ process, the Office of Civil
a waiver of authorization, reviews preparatory to Rights clarified that this exception could be used
research and research on decedent information. to permit individuals to identify potential research
The Covered entity must provide information subjects. OCR specified that for recruitment
about those disclosures to patients upon request. purposes, the exception could only be used by
individuals considered to be members of the cov-
2. Authorization Exceptions ered entity’s workforce.26

The Privacy Rule permits use or disclosure of Research on decedents’ information.27 A covered
PHI without an individual’s written authoriza- entity may use or disclose PHI to the researcher,
tion for “treatment,” “payment,” and “healthcare if the researcher provides: (1) a representation that
operations” (collectively “TPO”). These terms the use or disclosure sought is solely for research
are defined narrowly and do not include most on the PHI of decedents; (2) documentation, at the
research activities.22 HIPAA also permits use or covered entity’s request, of the death of the speci-
disclosure to law enforcement and public health fied individuals; and (3) a representation that the
authorities, subject to specified limitations.23 PHI for which use or disclosure is sought is neces-
sary for the research purposes.
HIPAA includes five additional exceptions to the
written authorization requirement relevant to De-identified data sets. Section 164.514(a) of the
research activities, which are described below: HIPAA Privacy Rule provides the standard for
de-identification of protected health information.
Waiver of authorization.24 Under this standard, health information is not
The Privacy Rule empowers an institutional
individually identifiable if it does not identify an
review board (“IRB”) functioning under a federal-
individual and if the covered entity has no reason-
wide assurance, or a properly constituted privacy
able basis to believe it can be used to identify an
board, to grant a waiver or alteration of written
authorization if the proposed use or disclo-
sure will pose minimal risk to participants and A covered entity may use or disclose de-identified
other specified criteria are met. A comparison of health information for any purpose without
Common Rule and HIPAA waivers and detailed restriction (although other laws may apply). The
discussion of the role of a privacy board under Privacy Rule designates two ways by which a
HIPAA is discussed later in this chapter. covered entity can determine that health informa-
tion is de-identified. The first is the “Safe Harbor”

74 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

approach, which permits a covered entity to con- is renewed or modified or until one year from the
sider data to be de-identified if it removes 18 types compliance date of this final rule (September 23,
of identifiers (e.g., names, dates, and geocodes 2013), whichever is earlier, even if such disclosure
on populations with less than 20,000 inhabit- would otherwise constitute a sale of protected
ants). The covered entity must also have no actual health information upon the effective date of
knowledge that the remaining information could this rule.”
be used to identify an individual, either alone or
in combination with other information. An alter- Limited data sets.29
native is the statistical approach, which permits Soon after the final Privacy Rule was released in
covered entities to disclose health information 2000, many researchers found that the restrictions
in any form provided that a qualified statistical imposed by its de-identification standards were
or scientific expert concludes, through the use impractical and would force researchers to seek
of accepted analytic techniques, that the risk the waivers for research that otherwise was exempt
information could be used alone, or in combina- from IRB review.30
tion with other reasonably available information,
In amendments to the regulation released in
to identify the subject is very small.
August 2002, the Department of Health and
The Privacy Rule permits covered entities to Human Services created an alternative mecha-
develop procedures under which a statistician or nism to use or disclose data for research, dubbed a
similarly qualified person may determine that the “limited data set.” Unlike a de-identified data set,
risk of re-identification of the information in a a limited data set may include geographic infor-
given data set is very small.28 mation other than street address, all elements of
dates and ages, and certain other unique identify-
Section 13424(c) of the HITECH Act requires the ing characteristics or codes. With the passage of
Secretary of DHHS to issue guidance on how best the Final Rule, the exception for limited data sets
to implement the requirements for the de-iden- without dates of birth & zip codes was removed.
tification of health information contained in the
Privacy Rule. The use of a Data Use Agreement (DUA) assures
the covered entity that the recipient will protect
In the Final Rule, DHHS notes that “we decline to the limited data set and will not make any effort to
completely exempt limited data sets from these pro- re-identify individuals using the data set.
visions as, unlike de-identified data, they are still
protected health information. However, disclosures A researcher may be a business associate if the
of limited data sets for purposes permitted under researcher performs a function, activity, or service
the Rule would be exempt from the authorization for a covered entity that does fall within the defi-
requirements to the extent the only remuneration nition of business associate, such as the healthcare
received in exchange for the data is a reasonable, operations function of creating a de-identified or
cost-based fee to prepare and transmit the data or a limited data set for the covered entity. Where the
fee otherwise expressly permitted by other law. researcher is also the intended recipient of the de-
identified data or limited data set, the researcher
The Privacy Rule, modified by the Final Rule, must return or destroy the identifiers at the time
includes a new Section 164.532(f). This section the business associate relationship to create the
indicates that a covered entity may continue to data set terminates and the researcher may then
use or disclose a limited data set in accordance wish to use the de-identified data or limited
with an existing data use agreement that meets the data set (subject to a data use agreement) for a
requirements of Section 164.514(e), including for research purpose.
research purposes, until “the data use agreement

Research Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts, and Practical Approaches 75

DHHS, in the Final Rule, encourages covered • Uses or disclosures made pursuant to a written
entities and business associates to take advan- authorization
tage of the safe harbor provision of the breach • Uses or disclosures required by law, includ-
notification rule by encrypting limited data sets ing uses or disclosures made to public
and other protected health information pursu- health authorities such as the Public Health
ant to the Guidance Specifying the Technologies Service’s Office for Human Research
and Methodologies that Render Protected Protections (“OHRP”) or the Food and Drug
Health Information Unusable, Unreadable, or Administration (“FDA”); and uses or disclosures
Indecipherable to Unauthorized Individuals (74 made to FDA-regulated entities that in turn
FR 42740, 42742). “If protected health information are required to make safety, efficacy, or quality
is encrypted pursuant to this guidance, then no reports to FDA related to drugs, devices, or bio-
breach notification is required following an imper- logics that they manufacture.
missible use or disclosure of the information.”
Business associate agreements. The HIPAA
3. Additional Protections and Mandates statute’s administrative simplification and pri-
vacy standards apply only to covered entities.
To protect against inappropriate use or disclo-
To address concerns that the legislation left
sure of PHI, the Privacy Rule imposes numerous
unregulated scores of individuals and organiza-
detailed administrative requirements on covered
tions—ranging from software vendors to disease
entities, many of which affect research. These
management companies to accreditation agen-
include a “minimum necessary” standard applica-
cies—with broad access to PHI, the Department of
ble to many research-related uses and disclosures
Health and Human Services imposed on covered
of PHI, as well as a requirement that covered
entities an obligation to enter into specific written
entities contracting with third parties to perform
agreements (called “business associate agree-
treatment, payment, or healthcare operations
ments” or “BAAs”) with these third parties that,
activities on their behalf must enter into “business
in effect, extended the Privacy Rule (and, later the
associate agreements” with those third parties.
Security Rule) to a much broader segment of the
Minimum necessary standard. healthcare industry.
HIPAA requires covered entities to make reason-
The Final Rule clarified the role of researchers
able efforts to limit the PHI used, disclosed, or
and business associates. The Rule includes a new
requested for any purpose other than direct treat-
definition of a business associate as an entity that
ment to the “minimum necessary” to accomplish
“creates, receives, maintains or transmits PHI”
the intended purpose of the use, disclosure, or
for a function or activity regulated by HIPAA, on
request.31 Although the principle addressed by the
behalf of a covered entity.
standard is laudable, its application is sometimes
overly restrictive and may hamper appropriate An external researcher is not a business associ-
research activities. It is, therefore, important for ate of a covered entity by virtue of its research
covered entities and researchers alike to under- activities, even if the covered entity has hired the
stand the circumstances where the minimum researcher to perform the research.32 Similarly,
necessary standard does not apply. These include: an external or independent Institutional Review
• Disclosures to or requests by a healthcare Board is not a business associate of a covered
provider for treatment (which may include entity by virtue of its performing research review,
research-related treatment) approval, and continuing oversight functions.
However, a researcher may be a business associate
if the researcher performs a function, activity, or

76 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

service for a covered entity that does fall within corresponding FDA regulations require the con-
the definition of business associate, such as the sent to include information about the study and
healthcare operations function of creating a de- the subject’s participation in the study, as well as a
identified or limited data set for the covered entity. “statement describing the extent, if any, to which
confidentiality of records identifying the subject
Common Rule and FDA Privacy and will be maintained.” FDA regulations also require
Confidentiality Provisions explicit discussion of the possibility that FDA
The Common Rule defines “private informa- may inspect research records.36 Collectively, these
tion” to include “information about behavior requirements assure that prospective subjects can
that occurs in a context in which an individual make an informed choice about whether they are
can reasonably expect that no observation or willing to accept some intrusion as a condition of
recording is taking place, and information which participating in a study.
has been provided for specific purposes by an
It is difficult to protect subjects before they are
individual and which the individual can reason-
contacted. Accordingly, researchers must under-
ably expect will not be made public (for example,
stand that prospective subjects and their families
a medical record).”33 One can argue that, since
are at risk of harm particularly during the iden-
implementation of the Privacy Rule, private infor-
tification and recruitment phases of a study,
mation includes (though may not be limited to)
before they are provided an opportunity to agree
any information that constitutes “protected health
or decline to participate. For example, subjects
information” under HIPAA.
may not be aware of their condition before they
Ethical guidelines that influenced the adoption are contacted; or the process of contacting them
and content of the Common Rule and corre- may result in disclosures to family or household
sponding FDA regulations stress the importance members who are unaware of their condition.37 A
of participant privacy and the need to protect researcher can minimize these risks in a number
the confidentiality of research data. The regula- of ways, including approaching a prospective par-
tions include standards requiring researchers to ticipant through his or her physician.
inform participants of their privacy rights and
requiring IRBs to assure research plans include 2. Confidentiality Protections
adequate provisions to protect the privacy of sub- Confidentiality concerns are addressed primarily
jects and maintain the confidentiality of data.34 through the IRB’s evaluation of the research pro-
The distinction between these two terms is not tocol and, in particular, its provisions for securing
conceptually obvious to many, but understand- research data against inappropriate use and dis-
ing it can help IRBs and researchers to assure that closure. These might include any combination
both sets of interests are well protected. In general, of physical safeguards (e.g., maintaining data in
privacy “refers to persons; and to their interest in locked file cabinets in secure buildings or offices);
controlling the access of others to themselves.” electronic safeguards (e.g., encrypting data and
Confidentiality, by contrast, “refers to data; and to storage devices); and policy safeguards (e.g., limit-
the agreements that are made about ways in which ing data access to those with a documented need
information is restricted to certain people.”35 to know, training those with access to comply
with approved security procedures, coding data
1. Participant Privacy and Informed Consent and maintaining links in separate paper files or
Research participant privacy interests are separate computers or servers, and destroying
addressed primarily through the informed links at the earliest possible opportunity).
consent process. The Common Rule and

Research Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts, and Practical Approaches 77

Researchers may also take advantage of avail- intended to protect information—even when asso-
able legal safeguards. For example, the National ciated with deceased individuals. These differences
Institutes of Health (“NIH”), issues certificates of are reflected in part in the differing requirements
confidentiality (“COCs”) to protect research data for consent under the Common Rule and cor-
against involuntary disclosure. COCs are avail- responding FDA regulations, on one hand, and
able for both federally and non-federally supported authorization under the Privacy Rule, on the other.
research, and exempt a researcher from compliance
with subpoenas, court orders, and even demands Absent local institutional policies to the contrary,
from law enforcement authorities, although they researchers generally have discretion to decide
do not exempt researchers from mandatory public whether or not to integrate the requirements of
health disclosures such as communicable disease the research regulations with those imposed by
or abuse/neglect reports to state authorities.38 HIPAA in a single document. The DHHS Office
for Civil Rights, which is responsible for enforcing
Research Regulations vs. HIPAA HIPAA’s privacy and security standards, has made
clear that HIPAA does not require IRBs to review
Although the Common Rule and corresponding and approve stand-alone authorizations.42 Nor do
FDA regulations do not regulate covered entities OHRP or FDA require IRBs to do so, unless IRB
that are not engaged in human research,39 and policies require review of all materials provided
HIPAA does not regulate the conduct of human to prospective research participants during the
research but only the use and disclosure of data recruitment or enrollment process.43 Indeed, FDA
created, received or maintained by covered enti- has issued guidance “intended to encourage IRBs
ties, the regulations do overlap. Many researchers to permit the enrollment of subjects in clinical
and research institutions are responsible for com- investigations without prior IRB review and/ or
pliance with both.40 approval of stand-alone HIPAA authorizations,
since such review and/or approval is not required
1. Authorization and Consent by the HIPAA Privacy Rule.”44 Although the
The Common Rule, FDA regulations, and HIPAA Privacy Rule generally prohibits the use of “com-
all protect individual privacy by requiring, in pound authorizations,” the regulation exempts
most instances, written permission, and prior to from this prohibition consent to participate in a
enrolling a person in a research study or using research study with authorization for the use or
or disclosing his or her PHI for the study.41 These disclosure of PHI in connection with that study.45
different regulatory standards share some essen-
In determining whether to utilize compound
tial features.
or stand-alone authorizations for all studies or
Each of the regulations typically requires writ- particular types of studies, IRBs and researchers
ten documentation of an individual’s or legally should consider the implications of their decisions.
authorized representative’s voluntary agreement These may include, among other challenges:
to participate in a study or use or disclose iden- • The likelihood of subject confusion resulting
tifiable private information for the study. Each from two potentially inconsistent documents. For
requires documentation of information critical example, consent documents may reference a
for the individual to make an informed choice, potential risk to privacy but generally promise
including purpose, risks, and right to withdraw. that researchers will protect subject privacy
Yet there are important differences. The Common and data confidentiality. Authorization forms,
Rule and FDA human subject regulations are however, are required to state that once dis-
designed to protect the rights and welfare of indi- closed outside a covered entity, PHI is no longer
vidual research participants—of people; HIPAA is

78 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

regulated by HIPAA—an implication that pri- HIPAA does not require a covered entity to secure
vacy will not be protected when data is shared individual authorization (or IRB-or Privacy Board
for research. approved waiver) for use or disclosure of PHI for
those same activities, as long as the covered entity
• Documentation challenges. Research records gen-
describes the activities in its Notice of Privacy
erally must be maintained three years, although
requirements vary depending on the nature of
the study and funding source. PHI, including
authorization or waiver to use or disclose PHI for 3. The Role of the Privacy Board and
research, must be maintained at least six years. Authorization Waivers

• Administrative burden. In hybrid covered Like HIPAA, the Common Rule recognizes cir-
entities, such as large research universities, cumstances where securing informed consent
imposition of a requirement that consents is unreasonable and unnecessary for the ethical
and authorizations be integrated can result in conduct of a research project. Though similar, the
noncovered components using overly complex Privacy Rule and Common Rule requirements
forms and, in some cases, inadvertently imply- are not identical because of the different concerns
ing that they are subject to HIPAA. addressed by each. The regulatory standards are
summarized as follows in the table below:
2. Research and Quality Improvement HIPAA Common Rule
Both the Common Rule and HIPAA define The use or disclosure involves Research poses no more than
no more than minimal risk minimal risk to prospective
research as a: “systematic investigation. . . to the privacy of individuals participants
designed to develop or contribute to generalizable because there’s an adequate
plan to protect identifiers
knowledge.”46 The Common Rule equally regulates from improper use and dis-
activities undertaken solely for research purposes closure; to destroy identifiers
consistent with the conduct
and those undertaken primarily for other reasons of the research; and to not
(e.g., quality improvement, program evaluation) if reuse or re-disclose the data
except as required by law, for
there is also a research component, no matter how oversight of the study, or for
insignificant. HIPAA, by contrast, treats the fol- other permitted research

lowing activities as “healthcare operations” rather N/A The waiver or alteration will not
adversely affect participants’
than research. rights and welfare

• Conducting quality assessment and improve- The research could not prac- The research could not practi-
ticably be conducted without cably be carried out without the
ment activities, including outcomes evaluation the waiver or alteration; waiver or alteration
and development of clinical guidelines, if the nor without access and use
of the PHI
obtaining of generalizable knowledge is not the
N/A Whenever appropriate, the
primary purpose of studies resulting from the subjects will be provided with
activities additional pertinent information
after participation
• Population-based activities relating to improv- Documentation of the waiver Documentation of the waiver
reflecting that it was properly must be maintained by the IRB
ing health or reducing healthcare costs awarded must be maintained for at least 3 years.
by the covered entity for at
• [Clinical] protocol development, case manage- least 6 years.
ment and care coordination.
The Privacy Rule empowers IRBs acting under a
Thus, while the Common Rule requires individual Federal Wide Assurance (“FWA”) to grant autho-
consent (or IRB-approved waiver of consent) to rization waivers.47 The regulation’s drafters also
conduct quality improvement activities even if recognized, however, that while not all covered
primarily undertaken for non-research purposes,

Research Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts, and Practical Approaches 79

entities have established institutional review waiver approval to include identification and date
boards (“IRBs”), many contribute data to be used of action, waiver criteria, PHI needed, and review
in research. Accordingly, the regulation permits and approval procedures. Waiver criteria must
covered entities or others to designate a “Privacy include a statement that the Privacy Board or IRB
Board” to grant such waivers.48 has determined that alteration of the waiver, in
whole or in part, satisfies the following criteria:
A Privacy Board must include (1) members with
varying backgrounds and appropriate professional a. use or disclosure of PHI involves no more than
competency as necessary to review the effect of the a minimal risk to the privacy of individuals,
research protocol on the individual’s privacy rights based on, at least the presence of the following
and related interests; (2) at least one member who elements: (1) an adequate plan to protect the
is not affiliated with the covered entity, not affili- identifiers from improper use and disclosure;
ated with any entity conducting or sponsoring the (2) adequate plan to destroy the identifiers at
research, and not related to any person who is affili- the earliest opportunity consistent with con-
ated with any of such entities; and (3) does not have duct of the research, unless there is a health or
any member participating in a review of any project research justification for retaining the identi-
in which the member has a conflict of interest. fiers or such retention is required by law; and
(3) adequate written assurances that PHI will
The Privacy Rule does not confer any additional not be reused or disclosed to any other person
obligations or entitlements on privacy boards, or entity, except as required by law, for autho-
although covered entities sometimes assign them rized oversight of the research study, or for
broader authority. For example, privacy boards other research for which use or disclosure of
may be responsible for identifying, and perhaps PHI would be permitted;
addressing, broader privacy and confidentiality
concerns related to proposed studies, or they may b. the research could not practicably be con-
be empowered to grant requests for use of PHI ducted without the waiver or alteration; and
preparatory to research or use of PHI for research
on decedents’ information. c. the research could not practicably be con-
ducted without access to and use of the PHI.
When covered entities engage in or contribute
data to multi-site research activities, the Common Research Repositories
Rule generally requires each engaged institu- Researchers increasingly rely on research reposi-
tion to secure local approval (including approval tories to facilitate clinical research. Recruitment
of written informed consent forms or of consent registries are thought to improve efficiency in
waivers), although participating institutions recruitment efforts. Large specimen and data
may accept responsibility for their collaborators’ banks can facilitate analyses not possible in indi-
research efforts, or assign such responsibility to a vidual interventional studies. Moreover, once
collaborating institution operating under an FWA, specimens or data are deposited in a repository,
typically under an IRB Authorization Agreement.49 subsequent research may be unregulated under
the Common Rule altogether,50 or exempt from
The Privacy Rule, by contrast, does not require
continuing IRB oversight.51
multiple approvals but instead allows a covered
entity to rely on a properly documented waiver The Common Rule and corresponding FDA regu-
granted by any IRB or Privacy Board consti- lations require informed consent documents to
tuted in compliance with the requirements of the include an “explanation of the purposes of the
Privacy Rule. The rule requires documentation of research.”52 This requirement has been interpreted

80 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

to permit researchers to collect specimens and security systems in an academic environment.55
data for future research whose specific purposes These include failure to encrypt data stored on
may be unknown. The National Cancer Institute, portable devices, storage of coded data in sepa-
for example, has developed a widely utilized rate files but on the same computer or server as
informed consent template for collection of excess the codes necessary to identify involved individu-
tissue.53 The form offers three non-exclusive als, sharing of access passwords among users
choices to those who agree to participate: (e.g., with secretaries), and more. When registries
are created solely for recruiting purposes using
• Tissue may be kept for use in research to learn
data available in better-protected clinical health
about, prevent, or treat cancer
records systems, research participant privacy can
• Tissue may be kept for use in research to learn be placed at unnecessary risk. Researchers are
about, prevent, or treat other health problems required under the Common Rule, correspond-
• Specimen bank may contact the participant in ing FDA regulations, and underlying ethical
the future to invite the participant to take part principles to minimize such risks.
in more research. • Registries may be problematic from an ethical
or scientific perspective. The total pool of poten-
Unlike the Common Rule, the Privacy Rule tial subjects may be demographically different
requires covered entities to describe with specificity from a registry pool. Indeed, researchers have
the purposes of any proposed current or future use observed “consent bias” when patients are asked
or disclosure of PHI, including for research. A state- whether they want to participate in actual proj-
ment that PHI will be transferred to a specimen or ects— bias that can impact the generalizability
databank is considered sufficiently specific to meet and validity of results.56
this HIPAA standard,54 but before accessing, using,
or disclosing PHI maintained in such a repository • Use of a registry may result in confusion among
for an individual project, the investigator(s) must participants. It is easy to create an (often incor-
secure written authorization or an IRB- or Privacy rect) expectation among prospective subjects
Board-approved waiver. Researchers interested in that, by refusing to participate in a registry,
developing registries to address perceived impedi- they can protect themselves from future contact
ments to recruitment created by the Privacy Rule about research participation. In these cases,
should be aware of the following considerations recruiting materials and consent and authoriza-
before making a final decision: tion forms should make clear to subjects that a
decision not to participate will not necessarily
• Registries are not necessary to identify and protect them from being contacted for possible
recruit eligible subjects. A certification for review participation in individual studies utilizing the
preparatory to research may be used if no PHI registry or unrelated studies conducted locally
will be removed from the covered entity’s site; by the same institution.
and if removal is necessary, a partial waiver of
authorization can also do the trick. Other Federal Privacy Protections
• Creation of a registry may result in additional risk HIPAA is the best-known federal privacy law but
to participants. Researchers who may be expert other federal standards also address individual
in their scientific fields are not necessarily expert privacy and impact research. These include:
in data security and do not always enjoy suf-
ficient technical support to assure data security • The Public Health Service Act and implement-
consistent with HIPAA or other industry stan- ing regulations, which protect mental health
dards. Well-publicized breaches at major research and substance abuse treatment records and
institutions have exposed major weaknesses in related research records.57

Research Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts, and Practical Approaches 81

• The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Special Protections
Act (“FERPA”) and Protection of Pupil Rights
Many states have adopted additional protections
Amendment (“PPRA”), which protect educa-
for sensitive information such as alcohol and
tional records including, in some cases, student
substance abuse, behavioral health, reproduc-
health records.58
tive health, sexually transmitted diseases, genetic
• The Privacy Act, which contains protections testing, cancer and HIV/AIDS. Examples of such
similar to HIPAA with respect to identifiable protections include requiring specific language in
private information collected by federal agen- authorization forms, further limiting the circum-
cies.59 These include individual access rights, stances under which sensitive data may be used
imposition of “minimum necessary” require- or disclosed without a patient’s authorization, and
ments on agency collection and retention severely restricting the use of social security num-
activities, limitations on agency disclosure, and bers.61 Often the application of these laws is not
more. Although the Privacy Act does not typi- limited to the context in which the information
cally affect researchers or research institutions is obtained in the healthcare setting. This means,
directly, they may be required to comply with whether the information is obtained through a
its requirements when serving as contractors to clinical interaction or a research project, the pro-
federal agencies. tections may still apply.

Privacy advocates have advanced additional Who May Authorize Use or Disclosure of
proposals to further protect health information Health Information
privacy, including laws restricting access to and
use of genetic testing and results information or to In addition to the laws that govern sensitive infor-
limit use of social security numbers. The Genetic mation, state laws also govern who is empowered
Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) to determine whether a person’s health informa-
became law in 2008. The Final Rule, effective tion can be used in research (where authorization
in 2013, provides for implementation of GINA. is required). For example, minors (usually, but
DHHS includes “genetic information” as a type not always, individuals under age 18)62 may have
of health information subject to HIPAA Rules, the right to control certain health information.
including the imposition of restrictions that pro- HIPAA provides that a minor who is empowered
hibit health plans from using genetic information under state law to consent to certain healthcare
for underwriting purposes. services (e.g., prenatal care or substance abuse)
without a parent’s or guardian’s permission is also
Efforts at the national level to better protect empowered to exercise control of resulting health
social security numbers have been equally inef- information.63 If the minor is involved in research
fective, though a number of local initiatives have using such information, these laws will determine
succeeded.60 who has the legal authority to sign research docu-
ments including authorization forms.64
State Privacy and Mandatory
Disclosure Laws Electronic Records and Signatures
Researchers must also be aware of any applicable In addition to the challenges of complying with
state law requirements. HIPAA, the Common Rule, and a patchwork
of sometimes inconsistent state privacy laws,
researchers and research institutions have obliga-
tions under HIPAA and other federal and state
laws to adopt policies, procedures, and systems to
secure electronic health and research information.

82 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Food and Drug Administration (FDA): that must be maintained locally under the agency
21 C.F.R. Part 11145 regulations. The regulations outline the required
controls for both “closed” and “open” systems.
The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act,65 governs the
use of new and approved drugs, devices, and bio-
logics in human research. Investigators engaged in 1. Closed Records Systems
FDA-regulated research are required under vari- A closed system is one that is controlled by the
ous “predicate rules” (e.g., regulations in 21 C.F.R. persons who are responsible for the information
parts 50, 54, 56, 312, and 812) to create, maintain, that is in the system.70 A closed system must have
and transmit to sponsors and FDA numerous a method to maintain the “authenticity, integ-
records and reports. When utilizing electronic rity and when appropriate, the confidentiality”
systems to comply with these requirements, of the records.71 A closed system must also have
investigators must also comply with the security a method for validation of the system that will
provisions of 21 C.F.R. Part 11.66 These “Part 11” ensure the accuracy and reliability of the records.72
regulations were issued in 1997 to permit the use In addition, there must be a way for the system to
of electronic records and signatures, as well as identify invalid or altered records.73
handwritten signatures executed in electronic
records. Although the regulations seem to broadly If an entity is maintaining electronic records in
address the use of electronic systems to gener- a closed system it must be able to produce both
ate research records, FDA has stated that it will human readable and electronic form copies of the
exercise “enforcement discretion” when electronic records.74 The copies must be suitable for review,
records are maintained in paper form.67 inspection and copying by FDA.75 Access to the
closed system must be limited to only authorized
Part 11 defines an “electronic record” as “any users.76 Organizations should establish a standard
combination of text, graphic, data, audio, picto- process for user authentication and authorization
rial, or other information representation in digital that includes basic security measures. This control
form, that is created, modified, maintained, is intended to ensure that records are properly
archived, retrieved, or distributed by a computer signed and that changes to records are made
system.”68 The rule establishes data security and only by individuals who have been assigned that
integrity standards that are not uncommon across authority.77
the healthcare industry. Thus, in looking at Part
11 requirements, many organizations can review Another required provision for a closed system is
their overall security measures. Those that are a secure audit trail with a time stamp. The audit
covered entities under HIPAA will have covered trail must include the capability to track the date
many Part 11 requirements in the compliance and time of entries and actions that create, modify,
plans implemented for the HIPAA Security Rule. or delete electronic records.78 Any changes in the
system may not obscure previous entries.79 This
Part 11 applies to records in “electronic form means that all versions of documents must be main-
that are created, modified, maintained, archived, tained in the electronic system for the time required
retrieved, or transmitted, under any records by the relevant predicate rules (typically for at least 2
requirement set forth in agency regulations.”69 FDA years following application for approval or termina-
will permit use of electronic records in lieu of paper tion of the study, whichever is later).
records if the provisions of Part 11 are met for those
records that are submitted to the agency and those An organization using a closed system must estab-
lish a process to assure that individuals who use
the system have proper education, training and
experience.80 Individuals who use the system must

Research Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts, and Practical Approaches 83

be held accountable for actions performed under uses biometrics, then a system must be in place
their electronic signatures, and the organization to ensure that only the genuine owners have the
must develop and adopt appropriate policies and ability to use the signature.93 There also must be a
procedures to reflect this requirement.81 process to ensure that the signer cannot repudiate
the authenticity of an electronically signed record.94
Finally, a closed system must have a method to
exercise control over system documentation.82 In sum, the requirements of Part 11 can be
especially challenging for large organizations
2. Open Records System that maintain records in multiple systems.
Every system used must meet the above crite-
Like a closed system, an open system must have ria. Research organizations and even individual
the controls described above. In addition, an open researchers may be asked by sponsors to certify
system must impose special measures like encryp- that their systems comply with all Part 11 require-
tion and appropriate digital signature standards to ments. It is important that organizations and
ensure the authenticity, integrity and confidential- researchers understand the implications of such a
ity of the records.83 certification. If the electronic information will be
stored in multiple systems, someone with knowl-
3. Electronic Signatures edge of each of those systems must work closely
Electronic signatures must comply with specific with the organization’s contract negotiators or the
criteria established by the regulations. Each sig- researchers regarding the certification. Without
nature must carry with it a clear indication of the this type of communication, an organization or
printed name of the signer, and a date and time.84 researcher might inadvertently certify to compli-
The meaning associated with the signature must ance with Part 11 for systems that are incapable of
be identified in the system.85 The system must link meeting the regulatory requirements.
the electronic signature to the applicable electronic
record so that the signature cannot be removed, Other Laws Governing Electronic
copied or transferred to other records.86 Signatures and Records
Electronic signatures must be unique to the indi- Part 11 applies only to electronic signatures and
vidual signer.87 Once an electronic signature is records used in FDA-regulated research. Other
assigned, it may not be used by or reassigned to laws governing electronic commerce can have
another person.88 Before an electronic signature an impact on research even though the laws
can be assigned, the organization must verify were not specifically drafted with research in
the individual’s identity.89 Before an individual mind. Two that are of particular interest are
can use an electronic signature, the person must the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and
verify that the electronic signature is intended to National Commerce (“eSIGN”)95 and the Uniform
be legally binding equivalent of the handwritten Electronic Transactions Act (“UETA”).96
signature.90 This verification must be in a paper
form, signed with a traditional handwritten signa- 1. Electronic Signatures in Global and National
ture, and submitted to the FDA Office of Regional Commerce (eSIGN) Act
Operations.91 eSIGN is a federal statute that governs the use
of electronic documents and signatures in com-
If an electronic signature is not based on bio-
mercial transactions. It defines an electronic
metrics, then it must have at least two distinct
signature as “an electronic sound, symbol, or
identification methods like an identification
process, attached to or logically associated with a
code and password.92 If the electronic signature

84 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

contract or other record and executed or adopted occurred or which they reasonably believe has
by a person with the intent to sign the record.”97 occurred. The notification must within 60 days of
The law essentially provides that a document may the breach. If the breach involves more than 500
not be denied legal effect, validity or enforce- individuals HHS and local news media must also
ability simply because it is in electronic form or be notified. Covered entities must maintain a log
electronically signed.98 Under eSIGN, if a con- of all data security breaches and annually submit
sumer transaction is required to be in writing, the it to HHS. Breaches do not have to be reported
consumer must affirmatively consent to receiving if the data involved is rendered unreadable via
information in electronic form if the parties wish encryption, as included in guidance provided by
to conduct the transaction electronically.99 the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

This act may apply to some research transactions. Business Associates of covered entities must notify
The applicability will depend on whether the state the covered entity when a breach occurs on their
has adopted the Uniform Electronic Transactions watch. Sub-contractors of business associates must
Act and elected to preempt certain eSIGN notify the business associate who, in turn, noti-
provisions. fies the covered entity. The covered entity has the
responsibility of notifying the individuals affected
2. Uniform Electronic Transactions by the breach.
Act (UETA)
UETA was developed by the National Conference
Information Security and
of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 1999 Human Research
and was recommended to the states for adoption. Information security is an essential component of
All but a few states have adopted UETA and the an effective system to protect the confidentiality of
remaining ones have enacted laws recognizing research data.
electronic signatures. UETA recognizes electronic
records and signatures (defined consistently with HIPAA Security Rule
eSIGN) as valid and binding to the same degree While the Privacy Rule directly affects the conduct
as their paper equivalents, so long as both parties of clinical research by controlling how research-
agree to the electronic transaction. The legislation ers gain access to much of the information needed
establishes security, authentication, authoriza- to perform clinical studies, the Security Rule100
tion, and non-repudiation standards for creation, covers electronic protected health information
use and storage of electronic records and signa- (ePHI) that a covered entity or business associate
tures. While this law does not specifically apply to creates, receives, maintains, or transmits. HITECH
research, it may be applicable to data maintained included provisions to make business associ-
electronically and the use of electronic signatures. ates responsible for compliance with the HIPAA
Security Rule and the Interim Breach Notification
Breach Notification Rules Rule. With the enactment of the Omnibus (Final)
The Breach Notification Rule, finalized with the Rule in 2013, business associates and their sub-
passage of the Omnibus Rule in 2013, requires contractors became directly liable for compliance
that a covered entity notify the individual and with all the requirements of the Security Rule,
the Secretary of the Department of Health and many of the requirements of the Privacy Rule, the
Human Services (DHHS) of any breach of “unse- requirements of the Breach Notification Rule, and
cured” (defined as making the protected health subject to the Enforcement Rule.
information unusable, unreadable, and indeci-
pherable) protected health information that has

Research Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts, and Practical Approaches 85

The Security Rule includes administrative, physi- Technical safeguards represent the “technology
cal, and technical safeguards to protect electronic and the policy and procedures for its use that pro-
protected health information (ePHI). tect electronic protected health information and
control access to it.” Covered entities and business
Administrative safeguards refer to “adminis- associates are required to use technology to help
trative actions, and policies and procedures, to safeguard electronic protected health information.
manage the selection, development, implementa- The regulations require all users to have a unique
tion, and maintenance of security measures to user name and authentication methods to protect
protect electronic protected health information the security of the data. Covered entities and busi-
and to manage the conduct of the covered entity’s ness associates must implement capabilities to
workforce in relation to the protection of that audit systems and to control access.
information.” The standards include provisions
that a covered entity or business associate must Covered entities engaged in research should have
implement. Some of the standards include: con- implemented these standards and implementa-
duct a risk assessment, manage the workforce’s tion specifications, as the Security Rule has been
access to information, designate a security official, in effect since 2005. If the research is not being
conduct security awareness training for the work- conducted by a covered entity, the organization
force, establish access and audit controls, provide may still be asked to comply with the Security
for contingency planning and disaster recovery. Rule’s requirements. Regardless, the Security Rule
provides a good outline of basic security mea-
Physical safeguards include “… physical measures, sures any organization should be using to protect
policies, and procedures to protect a covered sensitive information and arguably establishes an
entity’s electronic information systems and related “industry standard” even for those organizations
buildings and equipment, from natural and envi- that are not directly regulated by HIPAA.
ronmental hazards, and unauthorized intrusion.”
It is important to the integrity of the research Federal Information Security Management
that only individuals with a need to access the Act (“FISMA”)
data are permitted to do so. In this increasingly
The Federal Information Security Management
mobile world, it is also important that researchers
Act (“FISMA”) was enacted in 2002 as part of
understand the critical need to secure data when
the E-Government Act.101 The legislation was
is it is being transmitted on mobile devices such
introduced to, among other purposes, “provide
as USB drives, laptops, CDs, smart phones, and
a comprehensive framework for ensuring the
other types of portable devices. Devices must be
effectiveness of information security controls
encrypted and users trained in how to safely use
over information resources that support Federal
them to protect any ePHI or other confidential
operations and assets.”102 FISMA does not directly
information. It is far too easy to download sig-
regulate non-federal researchers, but the law
nificant amounts of sensitive data to these types
requires federal agencies to adopt stringent secu-
of devices, resulting in possible data leakage or
rity standards. Because implementation occurs at
potential security incidents. In addition to loss of
the agency level, standards vary by agency.
data, a security breach can cause embarrassment
to the organization and affect reputation, result in On January 9, 2008, the National Institutes
the loss of trust by research participants, require of Health released a “Notice Regarding the
meeting the notification requirements of the Applicability of the Federal Information Security
Breach Rule, and can lead to significant fines and and Management Act to NIH Grantees.”103 The
enactment of corrective action plans. notice references the obligation of all grantees and
contractors to protect all information systems,

86 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

electronic or hard copy, from unauthorized in their states. For those researchers who conduct
access. It clarifies, however, that FISMA applies to their projects out-of-state, or who recruit out-of-
grantees “only when they collect, store, process, state residents, multiple state laws may apply.105
transmit or use information on behalf of DHHS or
any of its component organizations.” Mandatory Reporting
Many states require healthcare providers and
In contrast to NIH’s hands-off approach, the
others to report certain information to public
Veterans Administration (VA) has implemented
health or law enforcement authorities. HIPAA
policies to assure that veterans’ health information
permits such reports without authorization from
never leaves VA control and, accordingly, remains
the patient. These requirements do not gener-
protected under FISMA standards at all times.
ally differentiate information learned in a clinical
These rules have had a significant impact on a
setting from information generated as part of
number of research and public health initiatives.104
research activities. Examples of typical state man-
Some VA implementation initiatives have involved datory disclosure laws include child/vulnerable
requests directed to individual researchers, rather adult abuse or neglect, violent crimes, serious
than institutional officials, to make certifications communicable disease and cancer.
on behalf of their organizations that they are not
always in a position to make. Researchers faced Conclusion
with requests for such certifications should be sure Researchers and research organizations must
to coordinate any response with their information familiarize themselves with the many laws and
security officials and others with sufficient knowl- regulations that protect the privacy and security
edge to respond accurately to VA. of health and other information that may be gen-
erated, stored, or transmitted in connection with
State Breach Notification Laws research studies. Failure to do so can result not
Most of the states (46 as of 2013) have data breach only in legal or regulatory exposure and reputa-
notification laws. A state’s breach notification tional harm, but also in loss of public trust and
requirements may differ from that required under resulting unwillingness of individuals to volunteer
HIPAA, and breach notification required under to participate in future studies. On a brighter note,
HIPAA may not trump state laws. Notice require- however, knowledge can yield power. Researchers
ments vary by state (e.g., California requires who are well-versed in the actual requirements of
notice to the state agency within five days of the the various federal and state mandates, including
breach; Connecticut requires that the Insurance the HIPAA Final Rule that streamlines authori-
Commissioner be notified if the entity is licensed zation requirements under HIPAA and enables
by the state Department of Banking and Insurance. future research studies, can educate institu-
In the event of a breach involving PHI, a covered tional officials and administrators, assisting in
entity may not only have to notify the Office for compliance with regulations while eliminating
Civil Rights (OCR) and other parties as required unnecessary roadblocks and barriers to effective
by the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule, but notifi- and timely research.
cation may also be required under state laws.

Because many of these laws may be applicable to

research activity depending on the nature of the
organization and/or the information being gath-
ered, it is important for researchers and research
organizations to be familiar with the requirements

Research Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts, and Practical Approaches 87

The primary guidance for creating a compliance-
based records retention system is based upon the
Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Good
Clinical Practice (GCP) (,
Research Records which provides a resource within the FDA for
the review of issues surrounding clinical research
Management trials. In addition, the following list includes,
but may not be limited to, standards, laws and/
or other types of regulations which must be
Carole Klove, RN, JD
considered when establishing a sound records
with assistance from Heather Kopeck, CHRC retention system:
• HIPAA privacy and security regulations;
Introduction • Joint Commission (JCAHO) accreditation
Records management presents an ongoing chal-
lenge for all healthcare entities, but is especially • Association for the Accreditation of Human
complex and challenging for clinical research due Research Participation Programs (AAHRPP)
to the existence of two separate sets of records— accreditation requirements;
the legal medical record and the research record. • Federal statutes in the Code of Federal
Each record set has a set of regulatory require- Regulations (CFR);
ments that govern the management of documents
• Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
included in the record. Navigating those myriad
guidelines; and
requirements requires a systematic approach.
• Individual state regulations governing medical
General Overview record confidentiality.

The records generated by clinical research must While development of the research record is
serve several purposes, so it is understandable that essential from a regulatory and GCP perspective,
their management is governed by a wide variety ensuring that the subject/participant is aware of
of external organizations with specific stan- the record and its content is very important and a
dards and/or rules and regulations. The research right of the participant. That right is included in
study record includes documentation prepared the Subject’s Bill of Rights and includes the follow-
by the principle investigator and contains study ing elements:
notes, informed consent forms, Health Insurance
• HIPAA authorization
Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”)
authorization forms, offsite lab results as well as • Definition of the patient safety considerations
other outside records. A legal medical record must for including and excluding information
also be maintained for each patient as per federal in the chart
regulatory and state licensing requirements and • Documentation expected to be found in the
should contain clinical data (both inpatient and medical record
outpatient), as well as consent forms and the spe-
cific entity admission terms and conditions. • Records excluded from the medical record and
found only in the research record

88 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

• Review of the study, possible risks and benefits, without prior IRB approval, the investigator must
alternatives, participation and care, personal document that the deviations support the elimi-
and financial concerns, ability to withdraw, nation of immediate danger to the subject and
confidentiality. the reason there was not enough time to obtain
the appropriate approvals. Documentation after
The following chapter outlines the basic struc- approval of the study must be exact as to the
ture for the establishment of a compliance-based requirements imposed by federal regulations and
research records retention system. the Institution permitting the study. The written
consent form should be revised whenever impor-
What is the Role of the Investigator tant new information becomes available that may
in Record Management? be relevant to the subject’s consent.1 If the new
information might impact a study participant’s
The primary role of the Investigator is to ensure
willingness to participate, the information must
the safety of the patient; however, the Investigator
be communicated to the participants and the IRB.
provides administrative, as well as scientific lead-
These changes, along with new consent forms
ership to the research team. An essential role
should be documented in the research record.
of the investigator in research includes institut-
ing appropriate processes to maintain research Investigational New Drug (IND) and
records that comprehensively document the Investigational Device Exemptions (IDE) pro-
progress of the study. Record keeping require- tocols require additional reporting to FDA for
ments should be formalized and incorporated into problems that are serious, unexpected and possi-
Institutional Policies and Procedures. In addition, bly related to the experimental treatment. Records
the IRB Approval Letter for the specific study should be maintained of the notification by the
should include the specifications of what must investigator to the sponsor of the serious adverse
be included in the research record, such as the event. Adverse events are those that result in
Informed Consent Form, HIPAA Authorization, death, life threatening experience, hospitaliza-
etc. Alternatively, if the IRB Approval letter does tion or prolonging of hospitalization, significant
not specifically state to exclude records relating to disability or a birth defect. Investigators must file
the patient, then all records should be maintained a serious adverse event report with the sponsor
and included in the medical record. and IRB, which will initiate a report to the FDA.
IND sponsors must notify the FDA and National
The Investigator must maintain documentation of,
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
and comply with:
(NIAID) within 24 hours of such events. In some
• Procedures as described in the protocol circumstances the investigator must also file an
• Decisions of the IRB adverse event report.

• GCP guidelines FDA-regulated studies require the PI to maintain

• Institutional policies and procedures, and records to document disposition of an investi-
gational drug. Section 21 of the Code of Federal
• Other standard operating procedures and/or Regulations (CFR) 312.62 states that the record
other applicable regulations. should include dates, quantity used, and use by
human subjects. If the investigation is terminated,
To document the safety of the participant in the
suspended, discontinued, or completed the inves-
study, the investigator must document any devia-
tigator shall return the unused supplies of the
tions to the Protocol and/or the approval process.
drug to the sponsor, or they must be destroyed.
Should there be deviations from the protocol
Federal regulations require investigators to

Research Records Management 89

maintain the records for a period of two years and dated consent forms and medical records
following the date a marketing application is including, for example, progress notes of the
approved for the drug for the used for the indi- physician, the individual’s hospital chart(s) and
cated use for which it is being investigated; or, if the nurses notes. The case history for each indi-
no application is to be filed or if the application is vidual shall document that informed consent was
not approved for such indication, until two years obtained prior to participation in the study. For an
after the investigation is discontinued and FDA is IND the regulations require that the case history
notified.2 be maintained for a period of 2 years following
the date a marketing application is approved for
Components of the Research the drug for the indicated use for which it is being
Study Record investigated.

There is always the question of who decides what The essential elements of a research study record
needs to be included in the medical record. For include, at a minimum, the following documents:
most research institutions, the possible decision
• Comprehensive Agreement between the
makers may include, but may not be limited to:
Sponsor and Investigator that clearly outlines
the roles and responsibilities of both the sponsor
1. IRB and investigator during the life of the research
The IRB bases its ability to determine the content study; this should include such elements as
of the research medical record on the Criteria for formal reporting requirements, publication
IRB Approval for Research in the CFRs, “When agreements etc.
appropriate, there are adequate provisions to pro- • Investigator Brochure developed and provided
tect the privacy of subjects and to maintaining the to the investigator by the sponsor prior to the
confidentiality of the data” 45 CFR 46.111(a) (7) initiation of the study. The brochure should be
the most recent version (all obsolete versions
2. Health System Governing Body should be removed) and should include relevant
For health system organizations that have been, and current scientific information about each
or want to be accredited by the Joint Commission of the investigational drugs or devices that have
(JCAHO), there are accreditation standards that been provided to the investigator.
specify the content of the medical record. • Signed Protocol and Amendments, if any, and a
sample Case Report Form (CRF).
What records are typically needed?
• Information given to the Trial Subject to pro-
Every human subject protocol needs a research vide the potential subject with sufficient data to
record, medical record, and billing record to the make an informed decision regarding his/her
grant or payer that documents each encounter participation in the study should be included
and/or visit. FDA regulations require investiga- in the record. The main categories of informa-
tors to maintain “case histories.”3 An investigator tion include:
is required to prepare and maintain adequate and
accurate case histories that record all observations 1. Informed Consent—The informed consent
and other data pertinent to the investigation on form documents that consent was obtained
each individual administered the investigational in accordance with regulations, GCP and
drug or employed as a control in the investigation. the specific protocol. The informed consent
Case histories include the case report forms and form should be dated prior to the initial
supporting data including, for example, signed participation date for each participant
in a clinical trial. Non-English speaking

90 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

patients must receive information and give investigation of the written informed con-
consent in a language they can understand sent form and any other written information
and the written translations should be that will be provided to subjects among the
maintained. following:
2. Recruitment Information and –– Protocol and amendments, as applicable
Advertisements – Inclusion of the recruit-
ment and advertising information in the –– CRF (if applicable)
legal record documents that study partici- –– Recruitment documentation
pants were given the appropriate written
information supporting their ability to –– Informed Consent Forms including HIPAA
give fully informed consent. It also dem- documentation.
onstrates that the recruitment measures
were designed appropriately and were not In addition to the above, the following list of
coercive. Recruitment information and required documentation elements should be
advertisements should include adver- included as well:
tisements for participant recruitment,
• Compensation to the subject, if any
educational materials specific to the proto-
col, and any other recruitment information • Curriculum Vitaes/Resumes of the investigator
provided to potential participants. and any sub-investigator
3. Any other information provided to • Normal ranges for any clinical laboratory stud-
the subject to assist in the decision ies or other diagnostic tests used in the Protocol
making process. • Documentation to support the testing
• Financial Aspects of the Trial, including the facilities and/or the procedures or tests that
approved budget, should be included in the have been done
record to provide a framework for understand- • Documentation outlining the handling instruc-
ing the scope and complexity of the study and tions of clinical trial-related material(s) and
potential impact of decision-making as related shipping instructions
to budgetary concerns.
• Decoding procedures for blinded studies
• Statements about Insurance or Coverage for
Study-Related Injury are important elements • Pre-Trial and Trial monitoring reports
for study participants to understand prior to • Other documentation relating to the Study
the initiation of the study. Written documenta-
–– Documents sent to other committees, e.g.
tion in the record should include a description
radiation use committee
of, and agreement by the participant, of what
types of healthcare costs will be covered by the –– Communications with the IRB clarification
study; clearly defined instances of when the par- memos as required by the IRB
ticipant’s insurance will be billed (and whether
the participant will be responsible for payment –– Documents relating to the type of study or
of deductible(s); and finally who will be respon- trial (e.g., Observational Study, HIV Studies).
sible for the healthcare costs related to injuries
suffered as a result of the study. Why should certain research documents exist
in the Medical Record? The advantages for com-
• Dated Documentation of Approval by the
bining the information include patient safety,
Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to the
facilitation of billing compliance, accurate
beginning of a trial should be obtained by the

Research Records Management 91

accounting for the cost allocations associated with Special Considerations for Certain Types
research activities at your institution, and HIPAA of Studies
regulatory considerations. HIPAA regulates the
Certain types of studies require special consid-
use and disclosure of data created, received, or
eration when reviewing the composition of the
maintained by covered entities. The privacy rule
research record. An example of such a record is
requires a covered entity to obtain written patient
an epidemiologic study that may include ques-
authorization to use or disclose an individual’s
tionnaires and sensitive information; those that
protected health information. HIPAA regulations
link data from many sources such as insurance,
include five exemptions to its written authoriza-
employment, medical records, etc.; those that
tion requirements relevant to research activities:
involve privacy and confidentiality concerns
• Waiver of Patient Authorization by the IRB that support obtaining IRB approval, or require
• Review of protected health information (PHI) reviewing ethical guidelines for epidemiologist,
preparatory to research Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
guidance; and those that need assurance that
• Research on decedents information will be protected and disclosure will
• De-indentified data sets not compromise a subject’s right of privacy.
• Limited data sets, which requires a researcher to What other studies would give rise to confiden-
sign a data use agreement. tiality of the information? Sensitive studies can
include those that evaluate the use of alcohol,
As discussed in the chapter titled “Research
drugs, other illicit products, or those involving
Privacy and Security: Myths, Facts and Practical
mental health, genetic testing and other sensi-
Approaches,” the FDA has issued guidance
tive issues that typically include certificates of
“intended to encourage IRBs to permit the enroll-
confidentiality. Blinded drug studies that require
ment of subjects in clinical investigations without
patient aliases as a basis of participation are
prior IRB review and/or approval of stand alone
also included.
HIPAA authorizations, since review and/or
approval is not required by the HIPAA Privacy
Rule.”4 Research records generally must be main- Research Misconduct in
tained for three years, however, PHI, including Record Management
the authorization or waiver to use or disclose PHI Research misconduct is defined in part as “fabri-
for research, must be maintained for at least six cation, falsification, or plagiarism” in performing,
years. In addition, it is important to consider the reviewing or reporting research results. The
placement of clinical laboratory and radiology definition includes activities such as making
procedure documentation in the record. The pri- up data, reporting erroneous data, manipulat-
mary rationale for that inclusion is the relevance ing the results, and/or taking another person’s
of the diagnostic data to the total patient care idea, process or results and reporting them as
provided by providers outside of the research one’s own. Lack of PI oversight could potentially
team. However, this data inclusion will document result in research misconduct from erroneous
the provision of quality patient care and improve data or reporting. The Department of Health
communications to help “tell the story” about and Human Service, Office of Research Integrity
the patient. (ORI) oversees and directs Public Health Service
(PHS) research integrity activities on behalf of the
Secretary of Health and Human Services, with

92 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

the exception of the regulatory research integrity A recent study which reviewed closed ORI cases of
activities conducted by the FDA.5 ORI carries out research misconduct documented how the failure
its responsibility by: of mentors, or the person the institution identified
as an advisory, was a major contributing factor to
• Developing policies, procedures and regula-
research misconduct among trainees. The authors
tions related to the detection, investigation,
noted that “when the mentor did not review the
and prevention of research misconduct and the
source documentation, there was a tendency for
responsible conduct of research;
the mentor to have lax supervisor standards for
• Reviewing and monitoring research miscon- conducting research –particularly standards for
duct investigations conducted by applicant recording and reporting data.”6 More detail on
and awardee institutions, intramural research research misconduct can be found in the chapter
programs, and the Office of Inspector General titled “Scientific and Research Misconduct.”
in the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS); General Rules for the Record
• Recommending research misconduct findings When establishing research records, consider
and administrative actions to the Assistant the following when determining the content and
Secretary for Health for decision, subject retention of the record:
to appeal;
• Inclusion in both the research record and the
• Assisting the Office of the General Counsel medical record of the following documentation:
(OGC) to present cases before the HHS
Departmental Appeals Board; –– Informed consent

• Providing technical assistance to institu- –– HIPAA authorization

tions that respond to allegations of research
misconduct; –– Test results that are relevant to the care of
the patient, even if the tests were part of the
• Implementing activities and programs to teach research protocol and paid by the grant
the responsible conduct of research, promote
research integrity, prevent research miscon- • Confidentiality of the patient
duct, and improve the handling of allegations of • Patient safety concerns
research misconduct;
–– Sensitive matters that should be included in
• Conducting policy analyses, evaluations and the medical record include:
research to build the knowledge base in research
misconduct, research integrity, and prevention ›› Clearly defined information in the patient
and to improve HHS research integrity policies locator or other prominent portion of the
and procedures; record that the patient is enrolled in a
clinical trial; the PI’s contact information
• Administering programs for maintaining insti-
to notify in the event of an emergency or
tutional assurances, responding to allegations
question pertaining to care
of retaliation against whistleblowers, approv-
ing intramural and extramural policies and ›› Processes to ensure confidentiality and
procedures, and responding to Freedom of safety for patients enrolled in GCRC
Information Act and Privacy Act requests. research studies

Research Records Management 93

• Exclusion from the record of certain tests or Summary
procedures due to the nature of the study and/or
nature of the test Research records management is a very complex
process that requires standardized approaches
–– The types of tests that could potentially be to the structure of the process. Electronic medi-
excluded include: cal records and the ability to share information
among providers and across the internet bring
›› Tests results from a central lab designed
great hopes to improve collaboration and ulti-
for the study, as defined by the sponsor
mately improve science. However, the need for
›› Results of tests performed by facilities not stricter privacy and security measures to prevent
authorized to provide clinical services, unintended breaches layers on additional uses of
(e.g., a research lab which is not licensed limited resources, and presents a need to continu-
or credentialed) ally orient research staff about their responsibility
–– It is important to know the licensure of the in this realm of the research process.
laboratories, especially those associated with
General Clinical Research Centers (GCRC)
and now Clinical and Translational Science
Awards (CTSA) and/or laboratories which
are purely research in nature and may have
quality control measures that differ from
other types of research laboratories.

Common record management issues include, but

may not be limited to the following:
• Failure to report changes to the protocol
• Misuse or no informed consent
• Untimely submission of the protocol to the IRB.

94 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

safety monitoring plan (DSMP) is developed prior
to the start of a study and outlines how accu-
mulating data will be reviewed to focus on the
following: 1) the safety of the study participants
Data and Safety and protection from risks; 2) the validity and
integrity of the trial; 3) ensuring that the study
Monitoring continues to be ethical, scientifically valid, worth-
while and feasible for the entire study period; and,
4) ensuring that the trial is stopped as soon as reli-
Susan Partridge, BSN, MBA, CCRC
able conclusions can be drawn from the data.
Kelly M. Willenberg, BSN, MBA, CHRC, CHC
Another important element of effective data and
Data and safety monitoring of clinical trials con- safety monitoring is the ability to objectively
sists of oversight of an ongoing study to ensure assess the data and make recommendations to
that study participants are protected from unfore- continue the trial as designed, modify the trial
seen and potentially avoidable risks, and that or terminate the trial. Study sponsors and inves-
the trial will produce valid data. The premise for tigators may have recognized or unrecognized
data and safety monitoring is that despite one’s interests in the conduct and results of a trial.
best efforts in designing a study, you can never Ensuring that data and safety monitoring is
fully anticipate what will happen as the study performed by individuals who are not only knowl-
progresses. During the course of a trial, study edgeable but independent of the vested parties is
populations may respond differently than you critical to unbiased decision making.
expected; accrual of subjects may be skewed for
unforeseen reasons; unexpected operational or Background
compliance problems could impact outcomes;
Data and safety monitoring and the introduction
unanticipated adverse events or new drug toxici-
of DMCs can be traced to the 1960s. At this time,
ties may emerge; and minor adverse events may
the Framingham Heart Study, which was initiated
prove to be more important than you thought. As
in 1948, was beginning to release findings about
a result, data and safety monitoring has evolved to
the role of cigarettes, high blood pressure and
become one way that the clinical research enter-
elevated cholesterol in heart disease. Those results
prise can ensure the quality and safety of the trials
led to the development and funding by NIH
they conduct.
(National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute) of the
This type of monitoring is different than sponsor- Coronary Drug Project, a nine year (1966-1975)
directed monitoring; the latter is also conducted in trial designed to evaluate the long-term efficacy
real time, but the purpose of sponsor monitoring and safety of five lipid-influencing drugs and their
is to verify study site performance and compli- impact on the incidence of myocardial infarction.
ance with the protocol, sponsor requirements and To meet statistical requirement, the study methods
good clinical practices. Data and safety monitor- called for enrollment and long-term follow-up of
ing is also distinct from the requirement for study over 8,300 subjects, resulting in an operationally
review and approval by an Institutional Review challenging study involving 53 study sites. Because
Board (IRB). trials of this size, complexity and cost were not
typical at the time, there were many questions
Data and safety monitoring takes into consider- about how best to oversee and ensure the safety of
ation what could possibly happen during a trial, the participants and the validity of the trial while
not just what is expected to happen. A data and it was ongoing.

Data and Safety Monitoring 95

In 1967, an NIH external advisory group was independent data and safety monitoring, the
commissioned to develop a plan for the conduct Coronary Drug Project was notable for estab-
of these types of trials. The Heart Special Project lishing a model for the design, organization,
Committee, under the leadership of Dr. Herbert standardization, quality control and monitoring of
Greenberg, produced “Organization, Review, and multicenter trials.
Administration of Cooperative Studies (Greenberg
Report): a Report from the Heart Special Project In summary, the Greenberg Report defined the
Committee to the National Advisory Heart forerunner of the current DMC: a body of experts,
Council.” The committee recognized that interim independent of the study, to conduct ongoing
monitoring of study data was essential for ensur- review of the data in order to ensure the scientific
ing the safety of study participants, and that and operational integrity of the clinical trial. The
individuals closely involved in the design, spon- following ideas, generated by the Greenberg report
sorship or conduct of the trial may not be fully in 1967, became official National Institute Health
objective in reviewing that data. They called for (NIH) policy by 1979. NIH Guide for Grants and
the establishment of an expert panel of advisors Contracts Vol. 8, No. 8, June 5, 1979:
who could review the accumulating data in an
unbiased manner and make recommendations. 1. Every clinical trial should have provision for
The Greenberg report recommended that this data and safety monitoring.
group of advisors (that we would now call a Data
2. The mechanism(s) for data and safety moni-
and Safety Monitoring Board or Committee)
toring should be presented to and approved
should be “… a policy board or Advisory
by the Institutional Review Board as an inte-
Committee of senior scientists, experts in the field
gral part of its review of the project proposal.
of study but not data-contributing participants in
A variety of types of monitoring may be
it, is almost essential.”
anticipated depending on the nature, size, and
The Greenberg Report also anticipated that not complexity of the clinical trial. In many cases,
all studies should be permitted to continue to the principal investigator would be expected to
completion: perform the monitoring function.

A mechanism must be developed for early ter- 3. Large or multi-center trials and trials in which
mination if unusual circumstances dictate that a the protocol requires blinding of the investiga-
cooperative study should not be continued. Such tors, should have a data and safety monitoring
action might be contemplated if the accumulated unit. The unit should consist of clinical experts
data answer the original question sooner than in the disease under investigation, biostatis-
anticipated, if it is apparent that the study will not
ticians, and scientists from other pertinent
or cannot achieve its stated aims, or if scientific
advances since initiation render continuation disciplines. Physicians engaged in the care of
superfluous. This is obviously a difficult decision study patients or directly responsible for evalu-
that must be based on careful analysis of prog- ating clinical status are excluded.
ress and future expectation. If the National Heart
Institute must initiate such action, it must do so That NIH standard is closely echoed in the 1998
only with the advice and on the recommendation NIH Policy for Data and Safety Monitoring. It is
of consultants. also reflected in the definitions we see today in the
FDA guidance of 2006:
The Greenberg Report and the Coronary Drug
Project contributed significantly to the way in A clinical trial DMC is a group of individuals with
which clinical research is practiced today. In pertinent expertise that reviews on a regular basis
addition to establishing the concept of formal accumulating data from one or more ongoing

96 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

clinical trials. The DMC advises the sponsor investigation (Phase 1, 2 or 3 for investigational
regarding the continuing safety of trial subjects drugs or biologics), the known side effects of
and those yet to be recruited to the trial, as well
the investigational agent or similar agents, the
as the continuing validity and scientific merit of
the trial.
complexity of the study design, the nature of the
disease process, the vulnerability of the study
Likewise the International Conference on population, and the anticipated outcomes are
Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for important factors when determining the type of
Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use monitoring plan needed.
(ICH) guidance of 2005 defines a data monitoring
committee as: For some types of minimal risk studies, effective
monitoring may be accomplished by the princi-
A group of independent experts external to a study pal investigator (PI) or by an independent safety
assessing the progress, safety data and, if needed, monitor (ISM), whereas other more high risk, high
critical efficacy endpoints of a clinical study. In impact and complex trials may require a formal
order to do so a DMC may review unblinded study
Data and Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC).
information (on a patient level or treatment group
level) during the conduct of the study. Based on
To determine which type of monitor is needed,
its review, the DMC provides the sponsor with consider the following:
recommendations regarding study modification,
continuation or termination. 1. Monitoring by an individual investigator: This
type of monitoring may be appropriate for
What kind of monitoring is needed? small studies conducted at a single study site
with relatively low risk interventions. Close,
In today’s environment, it is expected that a clini- continuous monitoring by the PI with report-
cal trial will have a data and safety monitoring ing to the IRB and sponsor may be adequate.
plan unless there are compelling reasons why
there should not be one, such as studies where the 2. Monitoring by an individual or group other
interventions carry no or minimal risks or where than the investigator: For clinical trials where
there is evidence that monitoring would not help additional expertise or objectivity is needed
protect study participants. In general, clinical to oversee safety or clinical outcomes, an ISM
trials that require monitoring are those where: may be appropriate. The ISM is external to the
1) the treatments or interventions carry a risk, 2) investigator, the trial design and the conduct
clinical events are an outcome measure, and/or 3) of the study. In some cases, the ISM may be
the trial could generate definitive findings prior to associated with the sponsor, depending on
the official end of the trial. Data and safety moni- potential conflict of interest trial concerns.
toring in this context is focused on clinical trials,
rather than observational studies or those that do 3. For studies that involve large numbers of
not test an intervention. study participants, multiple study sites, com-
plex study designs, blinded study groups,
Although most clinical trials require safety interventions that are higher risk, or sophis-
monitoring, not all trials require oversight by a ticated data review or statistical analyses, a
formal committee that is independent from the Data Monitoring Committee (DMC) may be
trial organizers and investigators. The degree of required. A DMC (also referred to as a Data
monitoring, as well as the structure and plan for and Safety Monitoring Board [DSMB]) or Data
monitoring, are customized to each study based and Safety Monitoring Committee [DSMC] is
on the risk and complexity associated with that a group of independent experts—with no tie
study. Considerations such as the phase of the to the trial investigators, the pharmaceutical

Data and Safety Monitoring 97

sponsor or the funding agency—that periodi- The degree and elements for monitoring are deter-
cally review the progress and data from an mined prior to the start of a clinical trial and are
ongoing clinical trial, assess the trial’s safety summarized in a data and safety monitoring plan
and continuing scientific integrity, and make (DSMP). Typically, this plan is part of the initial
recommendations as to whether the trial IRB submission process.
should continue as planned, or be modified
or stopped. The Data and Safety Monitoring Plan
DSMBs are generally required by NIH for phase
III clinical trials and may be recommended A DSMP describes who, what, where, when and
for certain other studies (phase I and II) if the why of how the trial data will be monitored,
research involves high risk interventions, signifi- assessed and reported. Examples of data monitor-
cant outcomes or vulnerable populations. The ing include ongoing assessment of recruitment,
following chart developed by NIH provides a follow up, completion and drop out rates, criti-
general guide for determining when a DSMB is cal patient characteristics or demographics and
required. endpoints. Examples of safety monitoring include
tracking, tabulation and interpretation of adverse
Clinical Research? events and plans for communication of safety data
to the IRB, sponsor, FDA and others.
Yes No

The elements of a data and safety monitoring plan

Clinical Trial? include the following:

Yes No IRB 1. Delineation of oversight responsibilities. (e.g.

Who will monitor the trial? What is their
Phase III or Multicenter expertise? What is their relationship to the
Yes No
2. Specific data and events to be monitored
Blinded, high-risk interventions,
or vulnerable populations 3. The frequency of monitoring (e.g. after a speci-
fied number of subjects have received a dose
Yes No of an investigational drug or after a specified
level of enrollment has been achieved)

4. A plan for reporting data and events to the

monitoring entity
Many institutions and IRBs have specific criteria
and requirements for data and safety monitoring. 5. A description of the planned analyses and
Some study sponsors, particular federal grant- interpretation of the data
ing agencies, also have specific requirements for
monitoring as outlined in the NIH Policy for Data 6. A description of certain specific study events
and Safety Monitoring (June 10, 1998) and the that would trigger halting or modifying a trial
NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI) guidance (e.g. stopping rules)
of April 2001: Essential Elements of a Data and
Safety Monitoring Plan for Clinical Trials Funded
by the NCI.

98 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

7. The type and frequency of communications who understands vaccine safety and immune
to various groups, including the investigators, responses would be preferred over a pediatrician
the sponsor, the IRB and applicable regula- without that specific experience.
tory agencies. • Safety expertise with knowledge of specific
safety issues and analyses. Toxicologists or clini-
The DSMP should take into account the oversight
cal pharmacologists could be included if their
role of the study sponsor and how the independent
expertise is relevant.
monitoring group will communicate information
to the sponsor. The plan should also consider the • Regulatory expertise. The committee should
activities and responsibilities of other oversight include expertise in how the DMC operates
committees, such as those seen with cooperative and any regulatory requirements that should be
group trials. considered.
• Clinical trial expertise, including familiarity
The DSMP elements listed above are conceptually
with how operational and design aspects of clin-
the same regardless of whether monitoring will be
ical trials can affect data quality and scientific
accomplished by the PI, ISM or DMC. In the fol-
lowing section, greater attention is given to DMCs
to better characterize their structure, function and • Statistical expertise, including familiarity with
operating processes. statistical tests used to evaluate clinical trial
events, stopping rules and decision making.
Data Monitoring Committees • Representation from ethicists and patient advo-
Membership cates may be needed depending on the study
population, the potential political sensitivity of
The DMC should be composed of individuals with
the trial, the novelty of the compound or the
sufficient expertise and experience to evaluate the
complexity of the protocol.
data from the clinical trial. The DMC is typically
a multidisciplinary committee of representa- Typically, a DMC has three to five voting mem-
tives from the specific medical or clinical area, bers, but there is no required number. The final
biostatistics, epidemiology, clinical trials and/or composition will depend on the study and the
bioethics. The following are examples of skills that type of expertise needed. What is important is
the committee should include: that the combined skill set of the DMC exhibits
• Clinical expertise in the disease being treated; expertise in all of the relevant areas, particularly
its natural history, patient population treat- those related with risk.
ment options, and common adverse events.
For example, in a trial for Alzheimer’s dis- Independence and Confidentiality
ease, a practicing neurologist with a focus in A key element in the selection of DMC mem-
Alzheimer’s should be chosen, as opposed to bers is independence from the clinical trial. No
a neurologist who specializes in movement member of the DMC can play other roles in the
disorders. clinical trial. For example, investigators, execu-
• Scientific expertise in the test article (drug, tive committee members, and steering committee
biologic, device or intervention). For example, members would be ineligible to serve on the DMC.
if the test article is a new vaccine for children, A general rule to follow is that if someone is a
a vaccinologist or infectious disease specialist consultant to a program, or serves on a trial com-
mittee, or is an investigator, they cannot serve on
the DMC unless they forego their other position.

Data and Safety Monitoring 99

Likewise, a consultant or investigator on a differ- repercussions from a breach. Even the mention
ent trial of the same compound (e.g. suppose an of unblinded study information to a profes-
anti-infective is being tested in one trial for skin sional colleague unconnected with the study is
infections and another for bronchitis) would be not permitted. A breach of confidentiality could
prohibited from serving on the DMC. potentially find its way back to investigators or
others directly involved with the trial. This would
Individuals who serve on the DMC should be ultimately lead to the perceived introduction of
free of apparent significant conflicts of interest, bias and could invalidate the trial results.
whether they are financial, intellectual, profes-
sional or regulatory in nature. For example, A breach of confidentiality may have other,
anyone with a significant financial interest in non-scientific negative effects. For instance,
the outcome of a study, either positive or nega- non-confidential disclosure of unblinded trial
tive, should not serve on the DMC. There are information could be used to inform financial
other types of non-financial conflicts which may decision making. Use of confidential information
be harder to define and measure. Many of the may be considered inside information and could
individuals who are qualified to serve on a DMC subject those involved to criminal penalties.
may have other research activities, some of which
may have the appearance of a conflict of inter- The DMC should have a chairperson who makes
est. These may be scientific (e.g. they are working sure the DMC conducts a thorough review and
on the same problem) or academic advancement that their discussions and conclusions are accu-
(desire publication out of the activity). Perhaps the rately documented. It is highly recommended
most common conflict is that members are often that the DMC chair have previous experience as a
too busy and cannot give the program the time it member of a DMC and is aware of the regulatory
will deserve. responsibilities for ensuring safety of clinical trial
subjects. It’s also important that the DMC chair
Management of conflict of interest must be spe- exhibits “chairperson skills” such as running an
cifically and repeatedly addressed by the DMC efficient meeting and making sure input is gath-
during the course of a trial. Typically, an initial ered from all members prior to making a decision.
disclosure of potential conflicts is submitted by
each committee member. If a potential conflict is Each DMC member should sign an agreement that
considered to be too significant, the member may spells out their obligations, confidentiality require-
recuse themselves from the DMC or divest them- ments and remuneration, as well as a conflict of
selves of that interest. Because trials often continue interest disclosure. In addition, there may be addi-
for more than a year and because the DMC mem- tional non-voting members of the DMC including
bers have unique expertise in their field, it is not medical and scientific experts, administrators or
uncommon for new conflicts to arise. The DMC other liaisons. These individuals may contribute to
should be alert to finding these perceived or actual the committee during certain open discussions as
conflicts and move quickly to manage them. long as they agree to the same terms for confiden-
tiality and independence.
In addition to addressing externality and conflicts
of interest, a DMC places high value on confi- DMC Charter
dentiality. All members of the DMC need to be The first task of the DMC is to develop a char-
familiar with the strict confidentiality require- ter that will document the committee’s purpose,
ments surrounding this activity. This is not the responsibilities, study description, operational
‘informal’ confidentiality that often accompanies principles, and procedures. The charter provides
academic discussions; there are potentially serious information for the sponsor and for regulatory

100 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

agencies to inform them of the activities of the ineligibility and the timeliness of data submis-
DMC. A charter is important for documenting sion. Information from open sessions may be
that procedures are pre-specified and that opera- shared with the study sponsor.
tions will not be inappropriately influenced by
interim data that could bias the committee’s inter- 2. Closed sessions are where attendance is more
pretation. Statements regarding the elements of restricted, issues surrounding unblinded data
independence should be detailed, as well as a pro- are discussed, potential protocol modifica-
cess for continuing review of potential conflicts of tions are deliberated and the proceedings and
interest. results are confidential.

The committee charter should be explicit about DMC Analysis Plan

how the DMC will actually work. For instance, it In addition to defining the operations of the
should define the various roles and responsibilities DMC, a data analysis plan should accompany or
of those involved in the clinical trial, not just the be incorporated into the DMC charter. The analy-
DMC members. Responsibilities of the sponsor, sis plan should be prospectively designed prior to
other committees (e.g. steering committee) and the first interim review of the data. The plan may
other participants (e.g. data center, labs) should include mock tables, listings and figures that can
also be delineated, as well as how they will interact be populated later once the data are submitted.
with the DMC. The report templates are just a starting place and
may require modification once experience with
With regard to data, the charter should specify
the trial data is gained.
how and when the data will be delivered to the
DMC. There may be varied sources of data that Typically, the templates show that the data will
contribute to the analyses, including demograph- be reported by study codes (for example Group A
ics, adverse events, diagnostic laboratory values, and Group B) to maintain blinding of the treat-
ECGs, radiological images, regulatory reports, ment groups until such time that the DMC agrees
or other measures of importance. On-time data to view unblinded data. The FDA Guidance for
delivery, quality control and archiving proce- Establishment and Operation of Clinical Trial
dures are critical to the data analysis function and Data Monitoring Committees recommends
should be described in the charter. that a DMC have access to the actual treatment
assignments for each study group. However,
The charter should also describe the DMC meet-
they acknowledge an alternate viewpoint—that
ings: frequency, composition, permitted attendees,
DMCs should be provided only data that allows
voting members, meeting organization and
comparison between study arms without know-
proceedings, venue (in person or electronic), han-
ing the treatment assignment. The guidance
dling of meeting minutes, definition of a quorum
explains further:
and what happens when a member needs to be
replaced. In addition, there should be a descrip- This approach, however, could lead to problems in
tion of what happens during different sessions: balancing risks against potential benefits in some
cases. For example, to maintain blinding of the
1. Open sessions are where the committee dis- actual treatment assignments, safety outcomes
cusses study operations, safety concerns and would have to be coded differently from effective-
ness outcomes when adverse events would reveal
other issues that do not involve unblinded
the assigned intervention. This would prevent the
data. Data is usually presented in aggregate DMC from evaluating the balance of risks and
and the focus is on trial accrual and drop benefits of the active interventions, its most critical
out rates, eligibility rates and reasons for responsibility.

Data and Safety Monitoring 101

The analysis plan should include a description of the data from a pre-specified time point. A
the statistical methods that will be used to analyze difference that exceeds a specific threshold results
the trial data. Statistical approaches are addressed in cessation of the trial or one of the study treat-
in Guidance for Industry, ICH E9, Statistical ments. Developing stopping rules at the outset of
Principles for Clinical Trials. The most common a trial is not an easy process given that it is dif-
methods are those used for classical hypoth- ficult to anticipate all contingencies that could
esis testing. arise during the course of the trial. In addition,
there may be extenuating considerations if the
The analysis plan will specify when interim looks investigational treatment is the only therapeutic
at the data will be performed. These interim looks alternative for a serious medical condition. Some
require carefully considered statistical methods as plans use the term “stopping guidelines” because
outlined in the FDA guidance: it is less binding and allows for consideration of
A major concern when data on group differences
other factors.
are assessed repeatedly as they accumulate is that
the Type I error (false positive) rate may be inflated In designing the analysis plan, there should be
if adjustment is not made for the multiple looks some consideration about the possibility of dem-
at the data. Typically, the monitoring plan will onstrating a clear positive result prior to the end
specify a statistical approach that permits multiple of the planned trial. Determining how long a trial
interim reviews while maintaining the Type I error should continue once a positive result is demon-
rate at the desired level.
strated is based on the statistical strength of the
treatment difference, the length of the trial before
As noted above, the task of the DMC is to evaluate
the treatment difference was achieved, and the
relative treatment effects based on protocol-
confidence of investigators and the DMS have
specified endpoints to determine if the trial is
about the stability of the results.
meeting its objectives. Therefore, the analysis plan
should address distinct thresholds for safety and
DMC Communications
effectiveness that the DMC will use to determine
continued accrual and conduct of the trial. The Communication to and from the DMC should
process of making the determination could be be planned and documented in advance. The
complex, given that there may be conflicting trial communication plan is important for protecting
data. For example, the interim analysis may show the confidentiality of the data and the commit-
that the effectiveness data is strong, but emerging tee proceedings, preserving independence of the
safety data may be of concern. It is also possible committee and for avoiding premature release of
that the interim assessment will demonstrate that findings. The nature and flow of communication
the trial will not be able to demonstrate the effi- between the DMC and the sponsor is of primary
cacy of one of the treatments. Special statistical interest. It is recommended that for substantive
methods are available to determine whether or issues, only one DMC member (often the chair-
not a trial should be stopped for futility—when man or the chairman’s agent) speaks directly with
the likelihood that the treatment effect being the sponsor or the sponsor’s agent (e.g. steering
sought, based on interim data, is unlikely to be committee). If this is the case, the charter should
established. document that the other members of the DMC
agree not to speak directly with the sponsor about
The analysis plan should describe all any non-administrative issues.
potential stopping rules. These are auto-
matic actions for stopping or altering a The communication plan is not limited to only
study intervention based on an analysis of verbal communication. Written communica-
tion should be formalized and be sent under the

102 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

supervision of the chairman. The most common and groups that contribute to monitoring, includ-
elements of written communication are: 1) the ing the principal investigator, the sponsor, the
letter of recommendation following a DMC meet- CRO (contract research organization), steering
ing, and 2) the minutes of the meeting. committees, the institution, the IRB and over-
sight committees. Each plays an important role in
The DMC letter of recommendation describes ensuring the safety of study participants.
the committee’s decision. If the DMC suggests
any action be taken, the rationale should also be The type of monitoring described in this chapter is
provided as long as doing so does not unblind functionally distinct from other types of oversight;
the data. The letter should be delivered within a data and safety monitoring is based on a planned
reasonably prompt time after completion of the review and analysis of data that accumulates
meeting, and the time frame can be specified in during the course of the trial, using pre-deter-
the charter. The recipient of the recommendation mined data points and intervals to determine
letter should also be specified. Typically, copies of continuation, modification or stopping of the trial.
the recommendation letter are submitted to the The analyses and resulting recommendations are
IRBs of the participating institutions. Similarly, aimed at protecting the safety of the trial partici-
minutes of the open session should be delivered to pants and ensuring the integrity and validity of
the sponsor in a timely fashion. The minutes of the the study results. The more complex and high risk
closed session, however, are delivered only to the the trial, the greater the need to create a monitor-
members of the DMC. ing plan that will be credible and independent
from the potential interests and biases of the trial
The DMC does not typically communicate with organizers.
anyone except the sponsor representative. If the
DMC recommends changes that will necessitate DMCs are the most independent and formal
communication with an IRB or regulatory agency, options for data and safety monitoring. The pri-
the sponsor should initiate the communication. mary purpose of a DMC is to examine data for
signals that might indicate harm to a certain
The DMC generates records, which consist of let- subject cohort. Another purpose of a DMC is to
ters of recommendation, open and closed minutes, review the need for continued enrollment in the
and serial interim analyses. In addition, the DMC clinical trial and the likelihood that the proposed
may request additional clinical information as experiment will yield results that will be impor-
well as outside expert analysis. The charter should tant enough to balance the risk of conducting it. A
also specify the security provisions that are used DMC may also provide suggestions to the sponsor
to protect the confidential data, back-up the data about the trial protocol, and offer their views on
in case of inadvertent destruction and plans for emerging design issues, data quality, and patient
archiving and transferring these records upon recruitment with respect to ensuring the safety of
completion of the clinical trial. Also, if confiden- study subjects.
tial records are physically sent to DMC members,
documentation of return of those records or The factors relevant to determining whether or
record destruction should be documented. not to establish a DMC are safety, practicality, and
scientific validity. The NIH makes DMCs a pre-
Summary condition of funding, but regulatory agencies and
IRBs have been requesting DMCs with increas-
All clinical trials require monitoring com-
ing frequency. The guidances issued by the ICH
mensurate with the degree of risk involved in
and FDA give detailed suggestions regarding the
participation as well as the size and complexity
operation and establishment of a DMC. Important
of the study. There are many different individuals

Data and Safety Monitoring 103

features of these guidances are the requirement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
for a DMC charter, the appointment of a qualified et al. Guidance for Clinical Trial Sponsors;
committee, and the processes around ensuring Establishment and Operation of Clinical Trial
independence and confidentiality. Data Monitoring Committees. Maryland: Food
and Drug Administration, March 2006.

Committee for Medical Products for Human NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. (8:8) 5 June
Use (CHMP). Guideline on Data Monitoring 1979 pg. 29.
Committees. London: EMEA, July 2005.
Greenberg, B. et al. Organization, Review and
Further Guidance on a Data and Safety Administration of Cooperative Studies (Greenberg
Monitoring for Phase I and Phase II Trials. NIH Report): A Report from the Heart Special Project
Guide. 5 Jun. 2000. 23 Jan. 2008 Committee to the National Advisory Heart
Council, May 1967.
http://grants.nih. gov/grants/guide/notice-files/
NOT-OD-00-038.html. Meinert, Curtis L. Clinical Trials: Design,
Conduct and Analysis. Second Edition. 2012.
NIH Policy for Data and Safety Monitoring.
NIH Guide. June 10, 1998. January 23, 2008.

Policy of the National Cancer Institute for

Data and Safety Monitoring of Clinical Trials.
NCIDEA: Data and Safety Monitoring of Clinical
Trials. 22 Jun. 1999. 23 Jan. 2008

http://deainfo.nci.nih. gov/grantspolicies/

104 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

of research studies (government-funded stud-
ies and drug studies), it nevertheless contains
the most advanced framework for analyzing
clinical research services for reimbursement. For
Clinical Research some studies which are not covered by the CTP,
including device studies, CMS defers to certain
Billing Compliance definitions and rules within the CTP. Likewise,
some States have modeled their commercial insur-
ance laws on the CTP and their Medicaid program
Ryan Meade, JD
clinical research services rules. Every third-party
payor may have its own rules for coverage of ser-
Introduction vices during clinical research studies, but many
rely on the CTP’s conceptual framework.
The goal of this chapter is to discuss clinical
research billing compliance. The regulations and Since most healthcare providers participate in
reimbursement rules associated with billing third- the Medicare Program and Medicare’s CTP is the
party payors are not static and providers should driver for much of the discussion and founda-
consult federal, state and individual commercial tion for clinical research reimbursement rules
insurance contracts to ensure the most up to date in the United States, this chapter will focus on
rules are applied to their claims for services. The Medicare rules. The goal of the chapter is to pro-
regulations and rules are also heavily subject to vider a broad discussion of Medicare’s clinical
interpretation due to lack of published commen- research coverage rules and does not seek to be
tary by federal and state governments. an exhaustive review of the many ambiguities
and interpretations of the CTP nor a review of the
At publication of this chapter, the Medicare CTP’s interaction with other frequently changing
Program’s October 2007 version of the Clinical Medicare rules. A review such as that would be
Trial Policy (CTP)1 provides much of the concep- out dated as soon as it would be printed.
tual framework for research billing compliance.
The CTP is a “national coverage determination” Basic Framework of Billing for
by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Clinical Research Services
(CMS) and not a formal regulation published
in the Code of Federal Regulations. The CTP Clinical Research Services
interprets circumstances during clinical research Understanding terms is critical in any compli-
studies in which CMS believes items and services ance program, but especially so in research
may be “reasonable and necessary,” the statutory billing compliance because numerous regula-
criteria for Medicare coverage. CMS also issued tory schemes, rules and agencies cover the same
a “clarification” to the CTP on September 30, thing or activity. They do not all use the same
2008 in the form of a “Special Edition Article.”2 terms. To complicate the situation, the clinical
The Special Edition Article discusses how a pro- research community has spent several decades
vider’s pursuit of collections against non-Medicare mostly isolated from reimbursement rules and
enrollees in research could have an impact on bill- terms. Establishing clear definitions of terms in a
ing Medicare for the same services. research billing compliance program is key to its
success and essential for successful training and
While the CTP only applies to clinical research education on research compliance policies.
services provided to Medicare beneficiaries,
and is specifically written for only a sub-set

Clinical Research Billing Compliance 105

The very first question research billing compliance personnel at healthcare providers that clinical
must deal with is which items and services should research services are only those services which
be covered by a clinical research billing compli- are used for research purposes only, without any
ance program and the billing safeguards that clinical value. However, any service scheduled
the provider should design. The terms “clinical by the protocol is research-related in some fash-
trial” and “clinical research” are often used inter- ion or it would not be required by the protocol.
changeably to mean a research study that enrolls Services required to be provided by a protocol
a human person. A provider should avoid taking are by their nature not designed with a specific
the CTP reference to “clinical trials” literally to individual in mind and are part of the controlled
mean only a drug or device trial. CMS attempted study. Scheduled services during certain studies
to clarify this in its 2007 reconsiderations of the have the fortune of being dual purposed, for both
CTP by noting that the rule applies to “clinical the benefit of the individual patient enrolled in the
research” in general, and accordingly proposed research study and for use in assessing the objec-
to change the name of the CTP to the Clinical tives of the research study.
Research Policy.3 The name change was not
adopted by CMS but this appears to be more the It is because the protocol requires specific types
result that virtually all the proposed 2007 changes of services be provided at certain timepoints
were not adopted by CMS in order to study the for all enrollees that all scheduled services must
CTP’s potential interaction with legislation that be considered by a research billing compliance
was passed during the time of the CTP’s reconsid- safeguards. While protocols are designed with
eration period. a hypothetical patient in mind who meets the
study’s inclusion criteria, the scheduled services
This chapter uses the term “clinical research” are not designed a priori with an individual in
instead of “clinical trial” to impress the reader that mind. Third-party payors typically only pay for
when a patient is enrolled in a research study of services that meet medical necessity, a patient-
any kind, compliance safeguards should address specific determination. In fact, many payors, such
whether the services being provided can be billed as Medicare, cover only a subset of medically nec-
to third-party payors. While the CTP does not essary services – the subset being those services
address all types of clinical research studies, a pro- that meet that payor’s rules on medical necessity
vider’s compliance program should consider the and other factors that comprise the payor’s cover-
reimbursement status of clinical research services age policy. In other words, a third-party payor
once a patient has signed an informed consent only pays for services that are designed to address
and formally begin participating in a clinical a specific patient’s disease, condition or signs and
research study. symptoms of disease. For most payors, every ser-
vice must meet medical necessity rules.
This chapter also uses the term “clinical research
services” to denote any item or service that is Clinical research services that are scheduled by
scheduled to be provided to the patient by the the protocol need to be assessed not only for the
study’s protocol. Some of these services will be individual enrollees, but fundamentally against
used for the clinical management of the patient’s the hypothetical patient who meets the minimum
disease or condition, while others will be used inclusion criteria. One of the critical questions for
only for research services. However, since any planning research billing safeguards is whether
scheduled service is used at base for research pur- a particular scheduled service would be medi-
poses (even if merely to provide a reliable control cally necessary for every patient enrolled in the
for therapy), the services are research-related. research study. Consequently, all protocol sched-
There can sometimes be a misconception among uled services fall under the purview of a research

106 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

billing compliance program because they are first patient’s condition, the research study itself must
scheduled to be performed because the protocol be assessed as to whether it is a type of research
requires them to be performed, not as a dynamic study in which the third-party payor is will-
response to the patient’s immediate presentation. ing to pay for services. Specifically with respect
to Medicare, CMS has set out certain types of
As a final note, this chapter will often use the term research studies which it is not willing to pay for
“services” to mean any drug, device or procedure services required by the study that may even be
that involves interaction with a human or a bio- medically necessary. Research services involved
logical specimen of the person. The Social Security with a device with a Category A investigational
Act sets out the terms “items and services” as a device exemption (IDE) are one type of research
descriptor of the things and activities that the study in which Medicare will not cover the routine
Medicare Program covers.4 Use of the term “ser- costs unless the overall purpose of the study is to
vice” alone is merely used for convenience and address a life-threatening condition.5
includes what also may be defined as “items.”
When referring specifically to drugs, biologics, As discussed below, it is not always clear whether
devices, procedures or such other discrete things a research study qualifies for coverage under the
and activities required by a research study, this third-party payor’s rules. Some of this is due to
chapter uses those discrete terms as a sub-set of the difficulty in designing rules that contem-
“services.” plate all types of research studies. The Medicare
Program has clear rules with respect to Category
The Three-part Conceptual Framework of A or Category B IDE devices, and there are cer-
Clinical Research Billing tain types of studies under the CTP that are
Billing third-party payors for clinical research clearly qualifying, but there are numerous types of
services should be analyzed within a three-part research studies that third-party payors may dis-
conceptual framework: agree on about coverage. Early phase drug studies
and investigations of experimental procedures
1. Does the clinical research study qualify that do not involve an investigational drug or
for coverage? device but study procedural techniques are types
of research studies that pose the most vexing ques-
2. Which items and services required by the tions to healthcare providers for coverage. The
research study meet the definition of “rou- safest approach for healthcare providers is to pose
tine costs”? specific questions to payors, including the local
Medicare contractors. However, understanding
3. Does the third-party’s reimbursement rules that the question of whether the study is qualify-
allow for coverage of the specific routine costs? ing or not is a critical step in a research billing
compliance program.
This three-part framework is important for a
research billing compliance program to adopt When a study qualifies for coverage, this does not
because it is important to counteract a common mean that all services required by the protocol
misunderstanding that services during a research are covered by Medicare. Qualifying for cover-
study stand alone against the individual patient as age only means that the services required by the
to whether or not a third-party payor will cover protocol are eligible for coverage. Additional layers
the services. At a minimum, the services must be of rules must be worked through before the clini-
justified alone against the patient’s disease or con- cal research service can be considered covered.
dition. But in addition to the individual services Various payors set out different names for the next
being medically necessary to manage or treat the step in the framework, but Medicare uses the term

Clinical Research Billing Compliance 107

“routine costs.”6 If an item or service required by in an outpatient setting,7 and just because the
the protocol meets the definition of a routine cost, self-administered drugs meet the definition of a
then another step toward coverage is crossed. “routine cost” during a qualifying research study
does not mean that they are automatically billable
The term “routine cost” is an unfortunate term to Medicare.
because “cost” is not always recognized as equat-
ing to “item or service.” CMS attempted to reform The CTP contains a powerful line after discussing
this term in the 2007 reconsiderations of the CTP, the basics of qualifying clinical trials and routine
but did not adopt a change. The concept of a “rou- costs: “All other Medicare rules apply.” This state-
tine cost” comes down to whether the item or ment succinctly identifies the CTP as merely an
service is being used for the clinical management initial step for determining whether research ser-
of the patient. At base, a “routine cost” must be vices are covered.
something that is being performed for the benefit
of a specific individual. While specific third-party payors may differ in
their specific rules as to what is or is not covered
The clinical research community often uses the during a clinical research study, most payor rules
term “standard of care” to equate for therapy that will follow this framework.
is akin to the CTP’s “routine costs.” However, the
Medicare program does not use the term “stan- Qualifying Research Studies
dard of care.” Section 4.0 examines the specific
The term “qualifying research study” is not a tech-
wording of the CTP’s term “routine cost,” but
nical term found in the CTP or other Medicare
“routine costs” arguably includes items and ser-
rules. It is the term this chapter uses to mean a
vices that may be more than the standard of care
clinical research study that meets the initial con-
and are justified for coverage based on the medical
sideration for whether any protocol scheduled
necessity of the item or service once the patient is
services are eligible for coverage. Unfortunately,
enrolled in the research study. An example of this
there is no single term used by Medicare to iden-
is a laboratory test to monitor the patient’s kidney
tify these qualifying research studies. The CTP
function during a drug study because the study
uses the term “qualifying clinical trial” and
drug is known to be toxic to the kidneys. This
attempted 2007 changes to the CTP proposed
service would be a “routine cost” even though the
“approved clinical research study.” The device
standard therapy for the patient would not require
study coverage regulations merely refer to “cov-
kidney function tests.
ered device trials.”
Not all routine costs, however, are covered by
Although there is no common regulatory term,
third-party payors. Routine costs during qualify-
what all of these terms have in common is the
ing research studies are only billable to third-party
concept that the study must initially qualify for
payors if the specific service is usually paid for
coverage for scheduled services to be eligible for
outside the research study under the third-party
coverage. We have chosen to use the term “quali-
payor’s normal billing rules. If a commercial
fying research study” to reinforce this concept of
insurer does not cover dietician services for a
initial qualification of the study based on what is
particular condition, but dietary consultations
being studied and the design of the research study.
meet the definition of a “routine cost,” the service
will not be covered because the payor normally Whether a research study is a qualifying research
does not cover dietary services for that condi- study turns on what is being studied. Medicare
tion. Likewise, the Medicare program does not uses different rules for qualifying the study
cover most self-administered drugs provided depending upon what is being studied. The

108 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Medicare rules provide qualifying rules for device include all services furnished in preparation
studies that involve a device that is being inves- for the use of a noncovered device, services fur-
tigated under an IDE. These rules also arguably nished as necessary after-care that are incident
include studies that are post-marketing approval to recovery from the use of the device or from
studies as well. For all non-device studies, the receiving related noncovered services.” 42 CFR
CTP sets out the qualifying criteria. The CTP, 405.207(a)
however, comes up short because it is not techni-
cally possible for a research study that is studying The Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (Chapter 14,
an investigational procedure or technique to be Section 10) sets out a list of “covered devices:”
a qualifying research study. Nor does the CTP
allow coverage for an observational study of an “Devices that may be covered under Medicare
FDA-approved device being used for its labeled include the following categories:
purposes, but the study is not mandated by the –– Devices approved by the FDA through the
FDA. CMS is silent as to whether research stud- Pre-Market Approval (PMA) process;
ies that do not fit within the CTP or device study
coverage regulations can qualify for Medicare –– Devices cleared by the FDA through the
coverage. The proposed 2007 changes to the CTP 510(k) process;
would have addressed these questions by allow- –– FDA-approved IDE Category B devices; and
ing a “certification” process, but those changes
were not adopted. In lieu of addressing these –– Hospital Institutional Review Board (IRB)
questions on a national level, CMS deferred to approved IDE devices”
local Medicare contractors as to whether cover-
age exists for these types of studies.8 Medicare The Medicare Modernization Act added by statute
contractors hold a diversity of opinion on coverage Category A IDE device studies to the list of quali-
for these studies. Providers should consult local fying research studies but CMS has disallowed
Medicare contractor rules for research studies that coverage for the device itself (codified at 42 USC
do not squarely fall within a qualifying research 1395y(m)). The Category A IDE device study must
study rule. be for “use in the diagnosis, monitoring, or treat-
ment of an immediately life-threatening disease or
Device Studies condition.”9
The qualifying status of a device study turns on
the type of device being studied. If the research 1. Category A IDE Device Studies. In an inter-
study includes an investigational device that is agency agreement between the FDA and CMS in
considered a “covered device,” then there is the 1996, the FDA assigns devices that are granted
potential for reimbursement from Medicare an investigational device exemption to be a
during the study. If the research study includes Category A or Category B device. A Category
an investigational device that is considered a A device is defined as follows: “Experimental-
“noncovered device,” the study is not a qualifying Innovative devices believed to be in class III for
research study and the scheduled services would which absolute risk of the device type has not
not be reimbursable. been established (i.e., initial questions of safety
and effectiveness have not been resolved and the
The device study regulations state: FDA is unsure whether the device type is safe and
“Medicare payment is not made for medical
and hospital services that are related to the use
of a device that is not covered…These services

Clinical Research Billing Compliance 109

Prior to the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, 2. Category B IDE Devices. A Category B IDE
research studies involving Category A devices device is defined as follows: “Nonexperimental
were non-qualifying research studies. The MMA and/or investigational devices believed to be in
allowed “coverage of routine costs of care (as classes I or II or devices believed to be in Class
defined by the Secretary [of the Department of III where the incremental risk is the primary risk
Health & Human Services]) furnished to such in question (i.e., underlying questions of safety
individual…in the case of a trial initiated before and effectiveness of that device type have been
January 1, 2010, the device involved in the trial resolved), or it is known that the device type can
has been determined by the Secretary [of the be safe and effective because, for example, other
Department of Health & Human Services] to be manufacturers have obtained FDA approval for
intended for use in the diagnosis, monitoring, or that device type.”
treatment of an immediately life-threatening dis-
ease or condition.” Category B IDE devices are considered “covered
devices” under Chapter 14 of the Medicare Benefit
CMS subsequently issued a MedLearn Matters Policy Manual, but as the Manual states:
instruction that provided guidance for Category
A IDE device studies: “The MMA (Section 731(b)) “Medicare contractors are responsible for
expands the ability of CMS to cover costs in clini- making the coverage determinations on all
cal trials by authorizing coverage of routine costs FDA-approved Category B devices. Coverage
in certain clinical trials involving IDE Category A decisions should be made for FDA-approved
devices effective for routine costs incurred on or investigational device exemptions (IDEs), as
after January 1, 2005. This extension of coverage they currently are made for FDA-approved
refers to the routine services performed for such devices, i.e., the contractor shall apply
a trial, and the Category A device itself remains Medicare’s usual criteria and procedures for
non-covered.”10 making coverage decisions (refer to the CMS
Medicare Coverage Web page at http://www.
The MedLearn Matters instruction continues: The following criteria
must also be applied when making coverage
“In addition, the MMA established additional determinations on FDA-approved IDE Category
criteria for trials initiated before January 1, B devices:
2010, to ensure that the devices involved in
–– The device must be used within the context
these trials be intended for use in the:
of the FDA-approved clinical trial;
1. Diagnosis;
–– The device must be used according to the
2. Monitoring; or
clinical trial’s approved patient protocols;
3. Treatment of an immediately life-threat-
ening disease or condition (“a stage of –– There may be an established national policy
a disease in which there is a reasonable as contained in existing manual instructions,
likelihood that death will occur within a e.g., National Coverage Determinations
matter of months or in which premature Manual instructions, etc.;
death is likely without early treatment). –– In the absence of national policy, there
may be a local policy for similar FDA-
“Also, the provider must contact their local
approved devices;
Medicare carrier or intermediary before billing
for this service.”

110 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

–– There may be Policy/Position papers or rec- 1. Trials funded by NIH, CDC, AHRQ, CMS,
ommendations made by pertinent national DOD, and VA;
and/or local specialty societies.
2. Trials supported by centers or cooperative
“Contractors should also consider, among other groups that are funded by the NIH, CDC,
factors, whether the device is: AHRQ, CMS, DOD and VA;

–– Medically necessary for the particular 3. Trials conducted under an investigational

patient and whether the amount, duration, new drug application (IND) reviewed by
and frequency of use or application of the the FDA; and
service are medically appropriate; and
4. Drug trials that are exempt from having an
–– Furnished in a setting appropriate to the IND under 21 CFR 312.2(b)(1)
patient’s medical needs and condition.
If a research study is one of these four types of
“This policy does not provide coverage for any “deemed” studies, then it must also meet the
devices that would otherwise not be covered following three criteria to be a qualifying clin-
by Medicare; e.g., statutorily excluded devices ical trial:
or items and services excluded from cover-
age through regulation or current manual 1. The subject or purpose of the trial must be
instructions.” the evaluation of an item or service that falls
within a Medicare benefit category and not
Non-Device Research Studies statutorily excluded from coverage (e.g., cos-
metic surgery, hearing aids).
A non-device research must use the CTP to deter-
mine whether the study is a qualifying research 2. The trial must have therapeutic intent.
study. Under the CTP, a qualifying research study
is known as a “qualifying clinical trial” and must 3. Trials of therapeutic interventions must enroll
meet ten criteria. The ten criteria were originally patients with diagnosed disease rather than
designed as a certification approach – in which the healthy volunteers.
investigators would certify that the study qualified
under the CTP. That self-certification approach Routine Costs During Clinical
was never operationalized and the only way to
meet the qualifying clinical trial status is for a
provider to be sure that the research study is the For a qualifying research study, the CTP allows
type of research study that CMS considers to meet coverage for “routine costs” that are Medicare
the criteria. rules would cover outside of a research study. The
CTP lists the following as “routine costs”:
The research studies that meet the qualifying clin-
• “Items or services that are typically provided
ical trial criteria must be a study that is “deemed”
absent a clinical trial (e.g., conventional care);
by CMS to have seven of the ten criteria and
meet the other three criteria. There are only four • “Items or services required solely for the provi-
groups of studies which CMS “deems” to meet sion of the investigational item or service (e.g.,
the first seven criteria. These types of studies are administration of a noncovered chemotherapeu-
often referred to as “deemed” studies. The follow- tic agent), the clinically appropriate monitoring
ing are the studies that the CTP lists as meeting of the effects of the item or service, or the pre-
these criteria: vention of complications; and

Clinical Research Billing Compliance 111

• “Items or services needed for reasonable and the investigator may not necessarily be a contrac-
necessary care arising from the provision of an tual party. However, the wording of the signature
investigational item or service—in particular, may make the investigator a person party to the
for the diagnosis or treatment of complications. contract. Most institutions try to avoid the investi-
gator being seen as a party to the contract.
Just meeting of these three permutations of “rou-
tine cost” is not sufficient in itself. The item or In what capacity the investigator signs the clinical
service must not be excluded from coverage gener- trial agreement can determine what party is liable
ally from Medicare. The CTP states that “all other for any actions of the investigator. If the inves-
Medicare rules apply.” tigator signs in his or her name alone, then the
investigator may be personally liable. If the inves-
Application Study Documents to tigator signs as an employee of the investigator’s
Research Billing practice group, then the practice group may be
liable. If the investigator signs in the investigator’s
As important as the Medicare rules are, so also capacity as an employee of the university (under
are the study documents. The study documents his or her faculty position), then the university
can influence whether an item or service is billable may be liable.
or will be considered to be for research purposes
only. Also, if the research billing is ever audited 2. Relevant Parts of the Clinical Trial
by government authorities, the study documents Agreement for Billing. From a billing perspective,
will be used, so it is critical that how the study the three most important parts of the clinical trial
services are described in the study documents agreement are a) any parts of the main body of the
be taken into account. The most relevant study contract that discusses compensation or financial
documents are the clinical trial agreement, the terms; b) the exhibit incorporating the protocol;
protocol, and the IRB-approved research informed c) the compensation arrangement of “sponsor
consent form. budget” that is usually an exhibit to the contract.

Clinical Trial Agreement 3. Terms in the Main Body of the Contract.

1. Parties. The clinical trial agreement is a con- What financial terms the main body of the con-
tract usually between an institution, such as a tract commits the parties to are as varied as there
university, and the sponsor. Sometimes the clinical are contracts. An important goal in clinical trial
trial agreement also has the hospital (provider) as agreement contracting is to be as simple and
the main party to the contract or as a third-party straightforward as possible. This usually suggests
to the contract. The parties will vary based on the that the main part of the contract should discuss
study and the research relationships. In commu- as little as possible about compensation and finan-
nity provider settings, the physician may be the cial terms and rather should refer all financial
main party to the clinical trial agreement. terms to the exhibit that sets out the budget com-
pensation terms.
The principal investigator is usually also a sig-
natory to the clinical trial agreement. How the Problematic language in the main body of the
investigator signs this document and in what contract includes such statements as “the compen-
capacity he or she signs the document is important sation provided under this agreement constitutes
to understand. If the investigator signs the clinical payment to the institution for all costs associated
trial agreement to note that the investigator has with conducting the research study,” or “the com-
read and understands the protocol and accepts pensation covers the costs for all Services required
responsibility for conducting the research, then

112 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

by this agreement” (note that “Services” is often The sponsorship budget can have many methods
defined to be the protocol services that are set out for providing compensation. The budget may set
in a separate exhibit. out a “lump sum” that is paid at certain mile-
stones, or the budget may set out payment for
The financial terms set out in the main body of the specific services. There may be a combination of
contract must be reconciled with any terms set out both. There also may be inadvertent ambiguities
in the budget exhibit. in the budget as to what the payments pay for.

4. Protocol as Part of Clinical Trial Agreement. 6. Interpreting the Clinical Trial Agreement.
The protocol is usually always incorporated into The following are basic points that apply to inter-
the contract through an exhibit. Protocol activi- preting a clinical trial agreement:
ties often are defined as the “Services” in a clinical
• The clinical trial agreement is interpreted as
trial agreement; in other words, the protocol
a whole – the main body of the contract, the
activities are what the institution is committing
incorporated protocol, the budget exhibit are
itself to do. Since the “Services” under a clinical
one, singular contract.
trial agreement are rarely distinguished as “for
research purposes only” services and “clinical • The plain language of the contract will be con-
care” services, any activity required by the proto- sidered to mean what it says. This is particularly
col can become a “Service” under the contract. so when two highly sophisticated parties (uni-
versities and drug/device companies) negotiate
It is important to keep in mind that the protocol is contracts.
not merely a scientific document. Because the pro-
tocol in toto is usually incorporated by reference • If the parties disagree on the meaning of the
into the clinical trial agreement, the protocol is a terms, then ancillary evidence can be used to
contractual document as well. How the investiga- show that the words did not mean what was
tor performs under the protocol and what services written – based on actions of the parties or
are required by the protocol (whether they be “for based on evidence/material from the time of
research purposes only” or are “standard of care”), executing the contract that shows what the real
they are still contractual services and carry all intent of the parties are. It is rarely sufficient
obligations of a valid contract. for one party to take plain language interpreta-
tions and assert they mean something different
5. Sponsorship Budget/Compensation Exhibit. without evidence that the other party also
The sponsorship budget is usually set out as an understood the terms to be different.
exhibit in the clinical trial agreement. It is criti- • If terms are ambiguous, then the general rules
cal to understand that the budget/compensation of contract interpretation instruct courts to
exhibit is part of the contract. The sponsorship interpret the language against the drafter of the
budget is every bit a part of most contracts as is agreement and in favor of the party that took
the main body of the contract. Keeping the spon- the words to mean something different than
sorship budget and the main body of the contract what the drafter wrote. This is usually used
harmonized – recognizing that the protocol are when the parties disagree on the meaning of
the services – is vital to successfully negotiating the term and the terms are ambiguous. Clear,
a clinical trial agreement with as few ambiguities plain words rarely can utilize this canon of
as possible. It is also important for keeping mind interpretation.
how the clinical trial agreement is incorporated.
• If the terms in the main body of the contract
are not in sync with the budget exhibit (or if the
terms within the exhibit contradict themselves),

Clinical Research Billing Compliance 113

then the words must be interpreted together to on when a provider decides not to pursue col-
determine the meaning of the words. The plain- lection against a research subject. If the provider
est words in the contradictory statements would decided not to pursue payment from a non-Medi-
be used to harmonize the contradictions. In care research subject, then a Medicare enrollee
other words, the language that most easily and in the study must also received the service free
readily conveys an understanding of what the of charge.
terms mean would be used.
The Special Edition Article stated:
• If two statements exist that cannot be recon-
ciled: X=3 and X=4, then there may be no way “If the routine costs of the clinical trial are fur-
to reconcile these statements except to either nished gratuitously (i.e., without regard to the
amend the contract so that the parties agree beneficiary’s ability to pay and without expecta-
on what was meant, or if disputes occur, then tion of payment from any other source), then
to look to the actions of the parties to deter- Medicare payment cannot be made and the ben-
mine if those will help inform the meaning of eficiary cannot be charged. If private insurers
the terms. deny the routine costs and the provider of ser-
vices does not pursue the non-Medicare patients
7. CMS “Clarification” of September 30, 2008. for payment after the denials (even though the
On September 30, 2008, CMS issued a Special non-Medicare patient has the ability to pay),
Edition Article which discussed clauses in clini- Medicare payment cannot be made and the ben-
cal trial agreements that have long been debated. eficiary cannot be charged for the routine costs.”
So-called “conditional payment clauses” or “con-
tingency payment clauses” were addressed in CMS offered an exception to this application of
which the sponsor agreed to pay for a service only the Special Edition Article if the patient is indi-
after the enrollee’s insurer denied coverage for the gent. If the patient is indigent pursuant to the
service. These clauses had been debated for several provider’s indigency policy, then the sponsor may
years under the Medicare Secondary Payer statute, pay the provider for the service and it will not dis-
particularly with respect to treatment of research- turb Medicare billing for the same service.
related injuries, but the Special Edition Article
tackled the question of whether the contingency With respect to indigency, the Special Edition
payment clauses operated to provide services “free Article stated:
of charge” to enrollees and therefore disallowed
billing Medicare. “If the routine costs of the clinical trial are
not billed to indigent non-Medicare patients
The Special Edition Article utilized Chapter 16, because of their inability to pay (but are being
Section 40 of the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual billed to all the other patients in the clinical
to argue that when the sponsor (or anyone else) trial who have the financial means to pay even
has a legal obligation to pay for a service and the when his/her private insurer denies payment
provider does not pursue collection against an for the routine costs), then a legal obligation to
enrollee after the patient’s insurance denies cover- pay exists. Therefore, Medicare payment may be
age, then that clause triggers the CTP’s provision made and the beneficiary (who is not indigent)
that services paid for by the sponsor cannot be will be responsible for the applicable Medicare
billed to the Medicare Program. deductible and coinsurance amounts.”

The Special Edition Article has caused certain

controversy because it went beyond commenting
on the contingency payment clauses and focused

114 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

The Special Edition Article also clarified that 2. Expression of Therapeutic Benefit.
sponsors may not pay enrollees’ co-payments and The informed consent must describe what benefits
deductible without risking violations of fraud and the patient could receive as a result of participat-
abuse laws: ing in the research study. If the informed consent
states that the patient will not receive benefit from
“If a research sponsor offers to pay cost-sharing participating in the study (but rather benefit may
amounts owed by the beneficiary, this could be be derived for future patients), then the govern-
a fraud and abuse problem. In addition to CMS’ ment would likely interpret that statement to
policy, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) mean that the study is not designed with thera-
advises that nothing in OIG rules or regulations peutic intent in mind. No undocumented oral
under the Federal anti-kickback statute prohib- statements will likely be able to override clear
its hospitals from waiving collection of charges language in the informed consent in which the
to uninsured patients of limited means, so long patient has been told that participating in the
as the waiver is not linked in any manner to study will not benefit the patient.
the generation of business payable by a Federal
healthcare program.” If the benefit section of the informed consent con-
tains language that identifies that the investigator
Informed Consent Form hopes the study benefits the patient but cannot
1. Basic Interpretation of Informed Consent guarantee benefit, then that language supports the
Form. The OHRP and FDA regulations for idea that the study has been designed with thera-
protection of human subjects require that the peutic intent in mind.
informed consent be written in language that it
3. Added Costs Section. The research informed
is understandable to the subject. Many organiza-
consent must disclose what added costs the patient
tions set this level at an 8th grade reading level;
will incur by enrolling in the research study. The
some require a lower reading level. Consequently,
OHRP and FDA regulations do not require that
interpreting the informed consent document is
free services be listed in this section, but informed
different from the clinical trial agreement because
consents often list the free services for any number
there is an assumption that the two parties are not
of reasons (some IRBs require this).
on equal footing.
Any service that is promised free in the research
The critical component of interpreting an
study cannot be billed. The words will be inter-
informed consent form is to remember that the
preted from the perspective of the patient. What
words must be taken at face value. The perspective
would a patient (without the aide of oral interpre-
the government uses to interpret an informed con-
tation) understand these words to mean? In other
sent is the perspective of the patient. A question to
words, what is the plain language of the words?
always ask when interpreting informed consents
is, “what would the patient understand this lan- If the language states that there will be “no costs
guage to mean?” to you for participating in the research study,”
keep in mind what services are required by the
The informed consent becomes relevant for billing
research study – all activities required by the
in at least three ways: a) the expression of thera-
protocol. When the patient is told he or she has
peutic benefit; b) the disclosure of added costs to
“no costs” for participating, this means that the
the patient (which often becomes a recitation of
patient cannot be billed for any protocol-required
what services are provided free); and c) what ser-
vices are the responsibility of the patient after a
research related injury.

Clinical Research Billing Compliance 115

services, whether those services are “for research could be used to interpret this one way or another;
purposes only” or also carry a clinical dimen- conversations with the patient at the time of con-
sion to them. senting could also be used to interpret this.

If the language indicates that certain services are When the language of the informed consent con-
free, then those services cannot be billed. For tradicts itself as written above, then surrounding
instance, the informed consent document may language should be used to interpret the contra-
indicate that the “CT scans conducted during dictory language. In the example above, there are
screening will be at no cost.” This only requires merely two sentences written out. If the language
the CT scans that are done at the start of the occurs in the context of a longer paragraph in
enrollment process during screening to be pro- which the language has multiple permutations
vided without charge to the patient. However, if of “there are no costs to you,” followed by a brief
the language states that “all imaging services that line discussing standard of care as billable, then
are part of this research study” will be provided the language would likely be construed in favor of
free, then no imaging services (whether X-Rays, the patient. If the opposite is true, then the weight
CTs or MRIs) can be billed to the patient if the may be on the side of billing for the standard of
imaging service is required by the protocol. care services.

If the language of the informed consent states Protocol

that “there will be no costs for services that are
The protocol is often overlooked as making up a
performed only because you are enrolled in this
contractual document. The activities required by
study,” then that can be interpreted to mean the
the protocol are often the “Services” in the clinical
services that are done only for research purposes
trial agreement. Obligations of the institution or
and not the services that the patient would receive
provider or investigator that are set out in the pro-
as part of standard of care or part of the normal
tocol can be construed as contractual obligations.
care the patient would receive if he or she was not
enrolled in the research study. The protocol is subject to all interpretations that
apply to the clinical trial agreement. Language
If the language of the informed consent contra-
that is plainly stated in the protocol must be taken
dicts itself, then the force of the contradiction
at face value unless shown to be otherwise.
must be weighed. This is the hardest aspect of
informed consent language to interpret and it The interpretation of the protocol often comes
occurs not infrequently. An informed consent into play for billing purposes in attempting to
may state that “There are no costs to you for par- determine whether a protocol-required service
ticipating in this research study. Standard of care is for research purposes only or may be done for
services will be billed to you or your insurer in both research purposes and the clinical care of
the normal way.” Keep in mind: what would the the patient. Budgeting must be done based on
patient understand this language to mean? Would the patient who minimally meets the inclusion
the patient understand this to mean that all criteria. A question that must be asked is whether
study-required services are free but any services every patient who will receive a service will receive
that are outside the study will be billed? Would the service for their clinical care. If the protocol
the patient understand this to mean that the “for states that a service is being done for research
research only” services during a study are not bill- purposes only, then the protocol must be assumed
able but that any services required by the study to mean that it is done for research purposes only
but for clinical care will be billed? There is no clear
answer to this. Patterns of behavior and actions

116 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

unless the physician can demonstrate that every • Items and services customarily provided by the
patient who possibly meets the inclusion criteria research sponsors free of charge for any enrollee
would receive that service for their clinical care. in the trial.

Statements in the protocol that usually affect bill- Routine costs in clinical trials include:
ing are those statements that indicate something • Items or services that are typically provided
is being required by the protocol only for research absent a clinical trial (e.g., conventional care);
purposes or for data collection purposes. In con-
ducting a Medicare Coverage Analysis, these • Items or services required solely for the provi-
statement must be taken at face value until the sion of the investigational item or service (e.g.,
investigator indicates otherwise. administration of a noncovered chemotherapeu-
tic agent), the clinically appropriate monitoring
of the effects of the item or service, or the pre-
vention of complications; and
• Items or services needed for reasonable and
The following is a re-print of the July 2007 necessary care arising from the provision of an
Medicare Clinical Trial Policy (National Coverage investigational item or service—in particular,
Determination 310.1) for the diagnosis or treatment of complications.

Indications and Limitations of This policy does not withdraw Medicare cover-
Coverage age for items and services that may be covered
according to local medical review policies
Effective for items and services furnished on or (LMRPs) or the regulations on category B inves-
after July 9, 2007, Medicare covers the routine tigational device exemptions (IDE) found in 42
costs of qualifying clinical trials, as such costs are CFR 405.201-405.215, 411.15, and 411.406. For
defined below, as well as reasonable and neces- information about LMRPs, refer to www.lmrp.
sary items and services used to diagnose and treat net, a searchable database of Medicare contractors’
complications arising from participation in all local policies.
clinical trials. All other Medicare rules apply.
For noncovered items and services, including
Routine costs of a clinical trial include all items items and services for which Medicare payment
and services that are otherwise generally available is statutorily prohibited, Medicare only covers
to Medicare beneficiaries (i.e., there exists a benefit the treatment of complications arising from the
category, it is not statutorily excluded, and there delivery of the noncovered item or service and
is not a national non-coverage decision) that are unrelated reasonable and necessary care. However,
provided in either the experimental or the control if the item or service is not covered by virtue of a
arms of a clinical trial except: national noncoverage policy in Pub. 100-03, NCD
• The investigational item or service, itself unless Manual and is the focus of a qualifying clini-
otherwise covered outside of the clinical trial; cal trial, the routine costs of the clinical trial (as
defined above) will be covered by Medicare but the
• Items and services provided solely to satisfy data
noncovered item or service, itself, will not.
collection and analysis needs and that are not
used in the direct clinical management of the
patient (e.g., monthly CT scans for a condition
usually requiring only a single scan); and

Clinical Research Billing Compliance 117

Requirements for Medicare Coverage of 5. The trial is sponsored by a credible organiza-
Routine Costs tion or individual capable of executing the
proposed trial successfully;
Any clinical trial receiving Medicare coverage
of routine costs must meet the following three 6. The trial is in compliance with Federal regu-
requirements: lations relating to the protection of human
subjects; and
1. The subject or purpose of the trial must be
the evaluation of an item or service that falls 7. All aspects of the trial are conducted accord-
within a Medicare benefit category (e.g., phy- ing to the appropriate standards of scientific
sicians’ service, durable medical equipment, integrity.
diagnostic test) and is not statutorily excluded
from coverage (e.g., cosmetic surgery, hear- Qualification Process for Clinical Trials
ing aids).
Using the authority found in §1142 of the Act
2. The trial must not be designed exclusively to (cross-referenced in §1862(a)(1)(E) of the Act),
test toxicity or disease pathophysiology. It the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
must have therapeutic intent. (AHRQ) will convene a multi-agency Federal
panel (the “panel”) composed of representa-
3. Trials of therapeutic interventions must enroll tives of the Department of Health and Human
patients with diagnosed disease rather than Services research agencies (National Institutes
healthy volunteers. Trials of diagnostic inter- of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control
ventions may enroll healthy patients in order and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug
to have a proper control group. Administration (FDA), AHRQ, and the Office of
Human Research Protection), and the research
The three requirements above are insufficient arms of the Department of Defense (DOD) and
by themselves to qualify a clinical trial for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to
Medicare coverage of routine costs. Clinical trials develop qualifying criteria that will indicate a
also should have the following desirable char- strong probability that a trial exhibits the desir-
acteristics; however, some trials, as described able characteristics listed above. These criteria will
below, are presumed to meet these character- be easily verifiable, and where possible, dichoto-
istics and are automatically qualified to receive mous. Trials that meet these qualifying criteria
Medicare coverage: will receive Medicare coverage of their associ-
ated routine costs. This panel is not reviewing
1. The principal purpose of the trial is to test or approving individual trials. The multi-agency
whether the intervention potentially improves panel will meet periodically to review and evalu-
the participants’ health outcomes; ate the program and recommend any necessary
refinements to CMS.
2. The trial is well-supported by available scien-
tific and medical information or it is intended Clinical trials that meet the qualifying criteria
to clarify or establish the health outcomes of will receive Medicare coverage of routine costs
interventions already in common clinical use; after the trial’s lead principal investigator certi-
fies that the trial meets the criteria. This process
3. The trial does not unjustifiably duplicate exist-
will require the principal investigator to enroll the
ing studies;
trial in a Medicare clinical trials registry, currently
4. The trial design is appropriate to answer the under development.
research question being asked in the trial;

118 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Some clinical trials are automatically qualified to determination, are only reasonable and necessary
receive Medicare coverage of their routine costs when provided in a clinical trial that meets the
because they have been deemed by AHRQ, in requirements defined in that NCD.
consultation with the other agencies represented
on the multi-agency panel to be highly likely to Medicare will cover the routine costs of qualifying
have the above-listed seven desirable characteris- trials that either have been deemed to be auto-
tics of clinical trials. The principal investigators of matically qualified, have certified that they meet
these automatically qualified trials do not need to the qualifying criteria, or are required through
certify that the trials meet the qualifying criteria, the NCD process,  unless CMS’s Chief Clinical
but must enroll the trials in the Medicare clinical Officer subsequently finds that a clinical trial does
trials registry for administrative purposes, once not meet the qualifying criteria or jeopardizes the
the registry is established. safety or welfare of Medicare beneficiaries.

Effective September 19, 2000, clinical trials that Should CMS find that a trial’s principal investiga-
are deemed to be automatically qualified are: tor misrepresented that the trial met the necessary
qualifying criteria in order to gain Medicare
1. Trials funded by NIH, CDC, AHRQ, CMS, coverage of routine costs, Medicare coverage of
DOD, and VA; the routine costs would be denied under §1862(a)
(1)(E) of the Act. In the case of such a denial, the
2. Trials supported by centers or cooperative Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in the trial would
groups that are funded by the NIH, CDC, not be held liable (i.e., would be held harmless
AHRQ, CMS, DOD and VA; from collection) for the costs consistent with the
provisions of §§1879, 1842(l), or 1834(j)(4) of the
3. Trials conducted under an investigational Act, as applicable. Where appropriate, the billing
new drug application (IND) reviewed by providers would be held liable for the costs and
the FDA; and fraud investigations of the billing providers and
the trial’s principal investigator may be pursued.
4. Drug trials that are exempt from having an
IND under 21 CFR 312.2(b)(1) will be deemed Medicare regulations require Medicare+Choice
automatically qualified until the qualifying (M+C) organizations to follow CMS’s national
criteria are developed and the certification coverage decisions. This NCD raises special issues
process is in place. At that time the princi- that require some modification of most M+C
pal investigators of these trials must certify organizations’ rules governing provision of items
that the trials meet the qualifying criteria in and services in and out of network. The items and
order to maintain Medicare coverage of rou- services covered under this NCD are inextricably
tine costs. This certification process will only linked to the clinical trials with which they are
affect the future status of the trial and will associated and cannot be covered outside of the
not be used to retroactively change the earlier context of those clinical trials. M+C organizations
deemed status. therefore must cover these services regardless of
whether they are available through in-network
The CMS, through the national coverage determi-
providers. M+C organizations may have reporting
nation (NCD) process, through an individualized
requirements when enrollees participate in clinical
assessment of benefits, risks, and research poten-
trials, in order to track and coordinate their mem-
tial, may determine that certain items and services
bers’ care, but cannot require prior authorization
for which there is some evidence of significant
or approval.
medical benefit, but for which there is insufficient
evidence to support a “reasonable and necessary”

Clinical Research Billing Compliance 119

consequences which are almost as serious (i.e.,
destroying your relationship with these sponsors).
Unless specified otherwise, references to grants
and cooperative agreements in this chapter should
Grant Management be considered awards from federal sponsors.

Grant awards are made to institutions, not indi-

Tammie Bain, BS, JD viduals. All recipients of government grant funds
Kelly M. Willenberg, MBA, BSN, RN must comply with all applicable federal and/or
state statutes, regulations, guidelines and poli-
cies. In addition, grantees must comply with all
Introduction terms and conditions within the Notice of Award
(NOA), which may include both standard and
What does it mean to be compliant in grants man- special conditions. With NIH awards, one should
agement? It means fulfilling obligations required pay particular attention to Section IV. Further,
by sponsors when accepting funds to conduct the activities, regardless of funding source, must
research or perform an activity using external be compliant with state and local laws and regula-
funding. Institution-wide solutions to ensure tions applicable to the institution, individual and
compliance may include all areas from grant per- activity. Rarely is an institution required to sign
sonnel to institutional support functions (such a NoA; however, it is still a legally binding docu-
as payroll services) to upper leadership (such as ment. By drawing funds from the HHS Payment
conflict of interest committees). A successful com- Management System, grantees agree to the terms
pliance program requires careful documentation and conditions of the grant award.
and cohesiveness of policies, practices, proce-
dures, and controls, as well as a strong sense of Some of the risk areas for compliance in grants
who is responsible for various activities and role management are
1. Facilities and administrative costs
Anyone in an institution who handles any part of
2. Salary administration (effort reporting, insti-
externally funded programs should avail herself of
tutional base salary, and salary cap)
any and all educational programs.
3. Costs considerations (administrative and
This chapter deals with compliance associated clerical costs, allowable costs, service/
with grants and cooperative agreements, both recharge centers)
considered public assistance by government enti-
4. Cost transfers
ties (as opposed to federal acquisition which is
addressed in the chapter covering contracts). 5. Subrecipient monitoring
Because consequences for non-compliance asso- 6. Cost sharing
ciated with non-governmental funding do not
typically include legal action, this chapter will 7. Accounting procedures
focus on grants and cooperative agreements issued 8. Noncompliance with assurances and special
by governmental bodies, primarily federal. This terms and conditions of award
is not to undermine the importance of complying
9. Financial reporting
with the rules, guidelines and policies of our gen-
erous non-governmental partners. Even if there 10. Cost accounting standards
might not be legal action, there could be other 11. Documentation/permission.

120 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

Now let’s look in depth at these areas. and all federal funding under grants, as well as
some rules for federal contracts and cooperative
To understand which laws, rules and regula- agreements.
tions apply to any sponsored project, we must
understand the nature of the various funding These essential rules are issued by the federal
mechanisms. Grants from government entities are Office of Management and Budget (OMB), to fed-
considered public assistance. The funding agency eral agencies, in circulars and bulletins. Circulars
does not direct the science and expects very little are used when the rules are expected to have
in return for the funds—primarily financial and an ongoing effect, while bulletins are used for a
technical reports, as well as disclosure of patents single, limited or transitory effect. The instructions
and listing any publication resulting from the are directed to the federal agencies that, in turn,
sponsored project. The goal of a grant is not to require recipients of federal funding to follow.
provide a specific outcome but to increase knowl-
edge. Contracts are mechanisms under which the Because federal grants are considered federal
funding entity acquires specific goods and/or ser- “assistance,” the underlying rules governing all
vices. The funding agency is very much involved federal assistance for sponsored projects, regard-
in developing the research plan, scope of work less of which federal agency is providing the
and/or protocol as well as management/oversight funds, are found within OMB circulars as well
of our performance. The contracts set out very as regulations and guidelines of the funding
specific deliverables and schedules. The goal of a agency. And one should not forget that the fund-
contract is to acquire specific items or technology. ing announcement often contains requirements
Federal cooperative agreements are a hybrid of applicable after award. Funding provided by the
grants and contracts. The government has a more federal government through contracts is governed
hands-on approach than with grants, but without in part by the OMB circulars as well as Federal
the same level of control under a contract. These Acquisition Regulations (referred to as FAR
agreements do set out specific deliverables, but the clauses). For cooperative group agreements, both
recipient has greater control in how to meet the the OMB circulars and regulations issued by the
objectives. Further, these mechanisms are con- funding entity should be followed. For instance,
sidered public assistance rather than acquisitions. cooperative agreements with the US Department
The goal of a cooperative agreement is primarily of Defense (DoD) are also governed by the DoD
to increase knowledge, but with a higher expecta- grant and agreement regulations (referred to as
tion of a specific outcome than under a grant. DoDGARs) which are codified in Title 32 of the
Code of Federal Regulations.
Facilities and Administrative Costs In addition to OMB Circulars, some of the rules
OMB Circulars and the Code of Federal may be found in the Code of Federal Regulations
Regulations (CFR). According to the GPO website (the
Government Printing Office, which houses federal
OMB circulars are the first stop in ensuring com-
documents), “The Code of Federal Regulations
pliance with projects funded by federal grants
(CFR) is the codification of the general and per-
and in establishing a roadmap to maintaining
manent rules published in the Federal Register
compliance. While some federal agencies, under
by the executive departments and agencies of the
particular grants, may have more specific rules
federal government. It is divided into 50 titles that
and/or exceptions to OMB circulars, these are
represent broad areas subject to federal regula-
where you will find the basic guidelines for any
tion.” A sample citation to the Code of Federal

Grant Management 121

Regulations is 2 CFR 220. This means that the A-21: Cost Principles for Educational
information is in Title 2, subpart 220. The GPO Institutions; 2 CFR, Part 220
website can be found at This is one of the most important circulars to
institutions of higher education and contains the
The CFRs are rules issued by federal agencies that
Cost Principles for Educational Institutions. Per
are directed to the general population (as opposed
the regulations, all federal agencies that sponsor
to rules issued to the agencies by way of OMB
research and development, training, and other
circulars). You will see in the list below that rules
work at educational institutions shall apply these
governing recipients of federal assistance may be
provisions in determining the costs incurred for
relocated to CFRs. But do note that the documents
such work. The principles shall also be used as a
containing the rules are most frequently referred
guide in the pricing of fixed price or lump sum
to as their circular titles (i.e., A-21, A-87, A-110,
agreements. Note that Section J of this circular
etc.). So, for our purposes, the essential difference
provides the principles to be applied in determin-
between OMB circulars/ bulletins and the Code of
ing allowability of certain costs.
Federal Regulations is that OMB circulars contain
rules issued by the federal government to federal A-87: Cost Principles for State, Local and
agencies. The CFR contains rules issued by federal Indian Tribal Governments; Relocated to 2
agencies to recipients of federal assistance. CFR, Part 225
Note that the federal government provides sepa- Similar to A-21, this document would apply if your
rate rules for specific types of entities, broken into institution is controlled by a state or local govern-
broad categories such as federal, state and local ment or by an Indian tribal government.
government, tribal governments, institutions of
higher education and for-profit and non-profit A-89: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
entities. Therefore, it is important that you under- Federal grants are considered “assistance,” and
stand whether your institution is a for-profit, the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (most
non-profit, higher education or governmental often referred to as CFDA) was designed to iden-
entity to determine which OMB circulars govern tify the types of assistance available.
federal funds received. If in doubt, your office
of General Counsel can provide this informa- A-102: Grants and Cooperative Agreements with
tion to you. State and Local Governments
This circular is intended to establish consistency
A general index of the circulars is published on
and uniformity in how federal agencies manage
the OMB website (
grants and cooperative agreements with state,
omb/circulars/index-budget.html). The most perti-
local, and federally-recognized Indian tribal
nent for our purposes are as follows:
governments. Subpart C sets the standards for
A-1: System of Circulars and Bulletins to financial and program management (post-award
Executive Departments and Establishments and auditing guidelines).

This document explains how the OMB communi-

cates certain instructions and information to the
executive departments and establishments.

122 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

A-110: Uniform Administrative Requirements listed specifically under one of the subcatego-
for Grants and Other Agreements with ries of facilities (including cross allocations from
Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals other pools).”
and Other Non-Profit Organizations; 2
CFR, Part 215 These rates are negotiated with the federal govern-
ment through either the Department of Health
Similar to A-102, but for non-governmental recipi- and Human Services (DHHS) or Department of
ents of federal assistance Defense’s Office of Naval Research (DOD). These
are often referred to as the ”cognizant agency.”
A-122: Cost Principles for Non-Profit
The cognizant agency is typically determined by
Organizations; 2 CFR Part 230
identifying which one provides the most funds to
Similar to A-21, but for non-profit entities other the institution in the three years prior to negotia-
than colleges, universities, hospitals, state or local tion, with DHHS as the default agency when this
government entities or tribal entities. cannot be determined (i.e., the institution does not
receive funding from either agency). The negoti-
A-133: Audits of States, Local Governments, and ated rates must be accepted by all federal agencies
Non-Profit Organizations (includes revisions with some exceptions due to special circumstances
published in Federal Register) (i.e., required by law or regulation).
This document sets the standards for audits
of states, local governments, and non-profit Many institutions have separate F&A rates
organizations. negotiated for the broad categories of research,
instruction and public service. Some of these cat-
Unallowable Costs in F&A Proposals egories are frequently subdivided into on- and
off-campus rates. Off-campus rates are reduced as
It is to the OMB circular that we turn to pro-
campus facilities will either not be used or mini-
vide the guidelines for establishing Facilities
mally used; therefore, the rate captures only the
and Administrative (F&A) costs. These are the
administrative costs. Institutions may also have
costs often referred to as “overhead” or “indirect”
separate negotiated rates for general research and
costs—the very real costs associated with spon-
clinical trials. Because the work performed in
sored projects that cannot be directly allocable
clinical trials is so specific, we are able to directly
to any particular project. OMB Circular A-21
budget some costs that might otherwise be consid-
defines these costs as “those that are incurred for
ered administrative (recruitment efforts, screening
common or joint objectives and therefore cannot
efforts, nursing staff, etc.), and the rate is reduced
be identified readily and specifically with a par-
in proportion. Furthermore, because many state
ticular sponsored project, an instructional activity,
or local government entities receive state funding
or any other institutional activity.” More specifi-
to cover facilities, they may have reduced rates
cally, A-21 defines facilities as “depreciation and
(covering only the administrative portion) for
use allowances, interest on debt associated with
projects funded by state agencies.
certain buildings, equipment and capital improve-
ments, operation and maintenance expenses, The calculation for determining the F&A rate is:
and library expenses.” It defines administrative
as “general administration and general expenses, Allowable Indirect Costs (F&A expenses)
departmental administration, sponsored proj-
ects administration, student administration and Allowable Direct Costs (incl. cost share)
services, and all other types of expenditures not = F&A rate

Grant Management 123

OMB Circular A-21, Subsections E and F (also in 2 13. Goods or services for personal use, including
CFR 220), provides the guidelines for establishing housing and personal living expenses;
an F&A rate for educational institutions; Circular
A-87 (also in 2 CFR 225) establishes an F&A rate 14. Insurance—against defects and/or medical
for state, local and Indian tribal governments; liability;
Circular A-102, for state and local governments;
15. Interest, with the exception of interest paid
and Circular A-122 (also in 2 CFR 230), for non-
to an external party for buildings acquired or
profit organizations. Although this may vary by
completed on or after July 1, 1982; or major
type of entity seeking an F&A rate, the following
reconstruction and remodeling of existing
is a non-exhaustive, general list of those costs that
buildings completed on or after July 1, 1982; or
are not allowed in calculating an F&A rate for
capital assets acquired or replaced after May 8,
1996 (subject to certain conditions);
1. Advertising, with some exceptions such as per-
16. Investment management, with one exception
sonnel recruitment, procurement of goods and
for expenses incurred for physical custody and
services, and disposal of surplus materials;
control of monies and securities;
2. Alcoholic beverages;
17. Lobbying, with very limited exceptions;
3. Alumni activities;
18. Losses on other sponsored agreements or con-
4. Bad debt expenses; tracts, including cost-sharing agreements or
any under-recovery through negotiation of flat
5. Commencement and convocation costs; amounts for F&A costs;

6. General contingency provisions, including 19. Memberships, subscriptions and professional

any “reserve or any similar provision made activity costs;
for events the occurrence of which cannot be
foretold with certainty as to time, intensity, or 20. Pre-award costs, except as may be authorized
with an assurance of their happening;” by the funding entity;

7. Defense and prosecution of criminal and 21. Public relations, with very limited exceptions;
civil proceedings, claims, appeals and patent
22. Selling and marketing, with limited
infringement, except when the federal govern-
ment has specifically authorized the condition
causing the action; 23. Student activity costs, with limited exceptions;
8. Direct costs; 24. Travel costs.
9. Donations or contributions made by the
institution; Subrecipient Monitoring
In the case of an award being made to an institu-
10. Entertainment; tion or, quite rarely, an individual (what is referred
to as an “‘awardee”), that institution is fully
11. Fines and penalties;
responsible for meeting all obligations set out in
12. Fund raising; the proposal and award. Remember, the proposal

124 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

itself becomes part of the award; therefore, we 3. Awardee should have access to all records and
are legally obligated to do everything that was financial statements related to the project to
promised in the proposal. When another institu- ensure that subrecipient is in compliance with
tion is involved (subawardee or subrecipient), the applicable OMB circulars.
awardee is fully responsible for any activity (or
lack thereof) by the subrecipient in furtherance 4. Awardee should be allowed to inspect sub-
of the purposes of the project. As federal agencies recipient facilities to ensure the project is
are now taking a greater interest in this topic, it is progressing as agreed upon by reviewing
wise for all awardees to develop a plan to ensure information, facilities and equipment, and/
compliance by their subrecipients. or operations. (Failure of subrecipient to meet
its obligations and conduct the project in
As part of the plan, once an award is made, it is accordance with the timeframe set forth in
imperative that the awardee and subrecipient enter the proposal and award does not relieve the
into a contractual relationship. The contract (often awardee from meeting its obligations.)
referred to as a subaward or subgrant) should
always identify the source of funds as well as the 5. Subrecipient may use only its federally negoti-
regulations applicable to the project. In addition, ated F&A rate and provide documentation
terms and conditions of the contract should make evidencing their current rate. (Any payments
clear the following (and note that this list is not which may later be found unallowable, at
exhaustive): minimum, must be refunded by the awardee
regardless of whether the subrecipient reim-
1. If applicable, no project should ever begin burses awardee.)
without approval(s) of subrecipient’s IRB,
IACUC and/or its committee governing 6. Any and all payments to the subrecipient are
hazardous materials. And note that any US subject to review and approval by awardee,
Department of Defense funding obligates an and if any costs are not in agreement with the
institution to also obtain approval of HRPO budget and/or deemed not to be reasonable,
(DoD’s IRB) if human subjects are involved in allocable and allowable, the awardee should
the project and approval of ACURO (DoD’s have the right to refuse payment for such
IACUC) if any vertebrate animals will be costs. In addition, if the costs are not incurred
involved in the project. Even if your IRB and/ during the period of performance, awardee
or IACUC have approved the project, spend- should have the right to refuse payment for
ing DoD funds is not allowable until their such costs, unless approval has been obtained
oversight committees have also approved from the funding agency. (Again, if the federal
the project or any changes to the protocol. agency determines that a cost is not reason-
Further, any serious adverse events, or infor- able, allocable and/or allowable, at minimum,
mation which may affect a study subject’s that amount must be refunded by the awardee
participation in the project, should be reported regardless of whether the subrecipient reim-
to the appropriate oversight committee of burses awardee; therefore, strong language in
the awardee. your subcontract is advisable.)

2. Subrecipient should provide its audit cer- 7. Payments should further be tied to the timely
tifications on an annual basis during the progress of the project and submission of
project period. reports to awardee in accordance with the pro-
posal and award. (Failure of the subrecipient to

Grant Management 125

provide progress/final reports does not relieve not addressed in the budget, the recipient of the
the awardee from the duty of submitting its funding is fully responsible for meeting that com-
report to the agency in a timely manner.) mitment. While it may be possible to renegotiate
with the funding agency, the likelihood of addi-
8. Subrecipient should document any cost share tional funds is remote.
commitments made. The final invoice should
be tied to adequate proof of such cost share. 2. Budget
9. Subrecipient should make assurances that nei- The budget is where we find most issues that could
ther it nor any key personnel working on the become compliance concerns upon award.
project has/have been debarred or suspended
from receiving federal assistance. a. Costs: It is imperative that all costs
appear to be:
Review of Proposals 1. Allowable—remember that you start with
Proposal review prior to submission is the first the OMB circulars and CFRs and the
line of defense when it comes to compliance. It agency guidelines will “trump” if there are
is imperative that the individual reviewing the any discrepancies. And do not forget to
proposal is familiar with the funding opportunity thoroughly review the funding announce-
announcement, any particular agency guidelines ment for restrictions on allowability. While
and other guidance provided by the agency, the there are exceptions to every rule, you
applicable OMB circulars and CFRs, as well as the should question charges for things like
grant applicant’s own institutional policies and administrative costs (recovered in F&A
procedures. rate), alcohol, meals, electronic devices
(especially if for student use), capitol
The basic information that should always improvement, etc.
be reviewed: 2. Allocable—you must be able to clearly
ascertain that the costs are directly related
1. Narrative to the furtherance of the project. Any costs
It is common to find that commitments are made not allocable to the project (in whole or
that do not match the budget—for example, per- in part) are captured in your F&A return.
sonnel, tuition remission, cost share, travel to One easy mistake is charging 100% of the
foreign nations, etc. These things are easy to miss cost of equipment to a project and then
when preparing the budget and/or making final using that equipment for general purposes,
revisions to the text. For example, the narrative teaching or another sponsored project. If
may state the words “cost share” which is not equipment purchased under an externally
shown in the budget—upon award, you must pro- funded project will be used for any pur-
vide the cost share promised. Another example, pose other than the project funding the
and a common error, is when the narrative may purchase, you must charge to that project
state that three students will be working on the only the percentage you will use the equip-
project, but the budget reflects salary and tuition ment on that project.
for only two – again, upon award, you must have 3. Reasonable—all costs must be reasonable
three students work on the project. Therefore, under the circumstances (in other words,
no review of a proposal can be complete without no inflated prices because the funding is
reading every portion of the proposal. Remember, from an external source). Remember this
if a commitment is made in the narrative but is a subjective standard. The auditors will

126 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

look at costs and use a “reasonable person” and/or departmental staff all of their respon-
standard. Most likely a person at the same sibilities once the award is made. Remember,
pay grade as the auditor; therefore, you if there are any subrecipients, your institution
should remember that what seems reason- will be responsible for meeting this commit-
able to a faculty member with a fairly high ment even if the subrecipient fails to meet its
salary will not pass muster with an auditor obligations; therefore, it is imperative that
making half that salary. you ensure all documentation is received,
in accordance with all institutional policies,
b. Salaries: This is a common issue which upsets evidencing the required cost share by the
investigators. Salaries must be within the cap, subrecipient.
if any, set by the agency. In addition, they must
be the current base salary; therefore, if it is the d. F&A Rate: Once an F&A rate is established,
policy of your institution to show any stipends your institution must use that rate for all
received by the investigator or other person- federal proposals unless otherwise stated in
nel outside the base salary (i.e., increases for the funding opportunity announcement or
serving as department chair or other admin- that agency’s guidelines (for instance, the US
istrative duties), you must use only the base. Department of Education often has a limit on
However, it should be noted that a reasonable F&A). Any deviation from your institution’s
inflation each year to capture salary increases rate should require approval by the appro-
is typically allowable, as is inflation to capture priate authority at your institution. Many
any anticipated increase due to promotion, investigators believe that a lower F&A rate will
tenure, etc. make their proposal more appealing to the
agency—this is not necessarily true, and defi-
In addition, you should remember to check for nitely not true for federal agencies. So there
fringe benefits, unless your institution has cap- can be a struggle with the investigator to make
tured this in its F&A rate. Some institutions certain you are using the correct institutional
have a policy to use a percentage calculation; rate— research, instruction, community ser-
others use actual. Whichever method you vice, on-campus or off-campus. Remember,
use to determine the fringe rate, you should when it comes to compliance, consistency is of
use it consistently. In other words, do not use utmost importance.
the calculation that would provide a higher
rate for federal budgets and a calculation e. Tuition: For most federal agencies, tuition
that would produce a lower rate for non-fed- is an allowable expense. However, there are
eral budgets. some specific funding opportunities that do
not allow this expense, so check carefully.
c. Cost Share: Most institutions have a policy In addition, it is important to follow your
that limits cost sharing. And many investiga- institutional policy. There are some institu-
tors believe that cost sharing will make their tions which, by policy, do not charge tuition
proposal more competitive. With federal fund- to sponsors even if it is an allowable expense.
ing, this is rarely the case. It is important that Consistency is key—so, if you have an institu-
you follow your institutional policy and see tional policy, you must apply it regardless of
that all requisite approvals have been obtained. the source of funds.
Note that many institutions do not require
approvals if the cost share is required. In the f. Course Buy-Out: Many federal agencies will
event cost share is approved, it is quite impor- not pay salaries for individuals whose job
tant to communicate with your investigator description includes research. For investigators

Grant Management 127

at academic institutions, it is important to investigators. Be on the alert for cost share issues
determine if the personnel are paid on a and accurate F&A use. Further, it is advisable to
9-month year or 12-month year. If paid on a obtain the F&A rate document from any subre-
9-month year, it is acceptable to accept funds cipients at the proposal stage.
to cover their effort during the summer (some
agencies have a limit of 2 months). However, Effort Reporting
if the investigator’s effort will be such that it
It is important to remember that effort and payroll
interferes with his/ her teaching load, some
go hand in hand. One should also remember that
agencies will pay their salary during all or
salary and fringe represent a significant portion
part of the academic year, or an amount suf-
of all federal funding. Therefore, effort reporting
ficient to pay a replacement to cover their
is one of the strongest ways for a sponsor to meet
academic duties. If these funds are requested,
its duty to ensure tax payers’ hard earned dollars
it is important that it be fully described and
are spent appropriately. Anyone who is funded
justified in either the narrative or budget
on a federal grant must understand that their
payroll is connected and interdependent on effort
g. Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC): reporting and certification. The description of the
Modified total direct costs are all costs to roles and responsibilities for key staff is essential.
which the F&A multiplier can be applied. The budget should include compensation only
For example, for most agencies, costs such for those persons involved in the conduct of the
as equipment and tuition cannot go into the project, and the percentage of their effort for the
base total for calculating F&A. While there is project should be specified accurately. Charges
a ‘backup system’ (typically caught when the should be based on an appropriate percentage
invoices are sent to the agency), it is best to try of their institutional base salary and applicable
to catch it at the proposal stage. fringe rate. Remember, when someone certifies
his/her effort, they are making a legally binding
One note of caution with regard to cost or commitment to the accuracy of that statement;
recharge centers is that overhead costs are fre- therefore, it is important that we impress upon our
quently rolled into the prices charged for the research team the need to be forthcoming with all
services provided by one or all of those cen- information.
ters. Therefore, when preparing your budgets,
make certain you know if your cost center or Cost Transfers or Cost Sharing
recharge center costs should be removed from
Cost transfers are costs that are transferred
the base when calculating F&A.
between sponsored program accounts, or between
an administrative account and sponsored program
3. Subrecipients account. This can occur at the end of a project but
Remember that your institution is responsible should not occur when the charges are 90 days or
for all aspects of the project undertaken by a older. Because this is a major red flag for auditors,
subrecipient. Therefore, you must also review the if you must move charges 90 days or more after a
subrecipient’s budget as if it were your own. You project is closed, it is imperative that you provide
will be responsible for any unallowable costs. a thorough explanation for doing so. Cost transfer
While you may catch any errors when invoices guidance can be found in the OMB A-133 Circular
are submitted, it is best to clarify prior to proposal that provides audit guidance to federal auditors.
submission. In addition to ensuring compli- Cost transfers can send up a red flag to show an
ance, this can avoid later friction between the organization’s poor financial management of the

128 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

grant. In addition, moving salary costs after effort and institutional policies and procedures should
reporting is also a red flag for auditors. If this is be done to evaluate the compliance program
necessary it is again imperative to document the effectiveness.
action, with a full explanation of why it is required
after the person has already certified his/her effort. Accounting Basics
It is also advisable to provide a statement on how
In order to maintain correct and appropriate
this error will be avoided in the future.
billing and compliance with policies, a separate
Cost sharing or the provision of matching fund- account must be established for each project.
ing represents those costs of a sponsored project Program Income must be identified and accounted
borne by the organization, or a third party, rather for by project. There are four alternatives: additive,
than the sponsor. There are criteria where cost deductive, combination and matching funds.
sharing is considered allowable and can be viewed
Expenses are charged in accordance with:
as both positive and negative. A policy should be
developed at your institution to define what man- • NGA terms and conditions
datory, voluntary committed and uncommitted • NIH (or other agency) grants policy statement
cost sharing entails. The policy should clearly state
your institution’s rules relating to acceptability, • Salary rate limitation
approval and documentation. The goal of the • Cost accounting standards
policy should be to ensure funds will be available
• All OMB circulars
for projects but also to ensure that resources are
allocated appropriately. Cost sharing can sig- • And other terms and conditions provided by
nificantly impact your F&A rate (it goes into the the sponsor, including contract terms within a
denominator of the calculation), so institutions cooperative agreement.
must be fully aware of the sum total of all cost
sharing activities. ALL expenses must be appropriately documented
and monitored. Any late expense submission
is risky and inefficient and should be frowned
Basic Responsibilities for Best
upon in grants accounting. Actual expenses are
Practices periodically compared with budget and verified
Organizations should be certain that policies and as accurate, i.e., reasonable, allocable, allowable
procedures reflect current practices and are com- and consistently charged. Any mischarges should
municated to the staff. This should include role be corrected in a timely manner (cost transfers),
delineation and clearly assigned and accepted roles and when required, prior approvals should be
and responsibilities for all sponsored projects. If obtained. Any subrecipient expenses should be
you accept federal dollars, your institutional lead- consistently monitored—(pass through entity’s
ership should be knowledgeable and supportive [awardee’s] responsibility).
to ensure that proper oversight is provided. Any
education program must include both exter- The bottom line for managing grant dollars is that
nally mandated and institutionally determined you establish a system that provides information
compliance requirements and be followed. The regarding payroll and fringe benefits and a process
most successful programs create a climate that for reviewing and approving cost reimburse-
encourages compliance, including appropriate ment. In order to have effective management, one
incentives and protections for employees who must deal with issues regarding effort reporting,
report noncompliance. Ongoing risk assessments
conducted to monitor changes in regulations

Grant Management 129

cost overruns and cost containment, and deter- Conclusion
mine if any unallowable cost has been charged to
the grant. Grants accounting and management are an
important part of research compliance. Although
there are many instances where the regulations
Financial Reporting seem to outweigh the benefits, if you follow the
All Financial Status Reports (FSRs for federal rules and account for your expenditures, you can
awards) should be submitted to the sponsor successfully and compliantly complete a grant
through the appropriate mechanism (i.e., NIH from the letter of intent through grant closeout.
Commons) on a timely basis. All reporting
of expenses and program income must agree
with institutional accounting records. Timely
report submission must adhere to the sponsor’s

NOTE: NGA or other award documents and/or

sponsor guidelines will specify if more frequent or
other financial reporting is required.

130 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

13 General Research Auditing and
Monitoring Concepts
Independence and objectivity are important
Research Auditing concepts for consideration in defining audit-
ing vs. monitoring. Commonly, monitoring is
and Monitoring conducted as a management tool in daily opera-
tions to concurrently check on performance. This
type of scenario is not considered independent
Sheryl Vacca, CHC-F, CCEP-F, due to management performing this function for
CCEP-I, CHRC, CHPC their own departments. There is a real and/or per-
ceived view of a “vested interest” in the outcomes.
Monitoring is usually an informal method of self
Introduction review. Auditing is a formalized method which
Effective compliance programs include audit- is always independent of the business function
ing and monitoring as one of its key elements to being audited and where the auditor has no clear
success. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) at interest in the findings and/or overall outcome of
the Department of Health and Human Services the audit.
(HHS) has emphasized in several publications
Objectivity assures that auditing and monitor-
that an ongoing evaluation process is critical to
ing attributes can be measured, and the integrity
a successful compliance program. The Federal
of the attributes is consistent regardless of who is
Sentencing Guidelines (FSG) require an orga-
performing these activities. Additionally, objective
nization to take reasonable steps to ensure the
measurement in the attributes provides clarity in
organization’s compliance and ethics program is
the overall outcomes of the audit and/or monitor.
followed, including monitoring and auditing to
detect criminal conduct. In designing auditing Annual audit and monitoring plan. If a research
and monitoring activities, it is important that the compliance program is part of a comprehensive
research compliance professional work closely compliance program, it is important to consider
with the organization’s chief compliance profes- how the research risks will be integrated into
sional in order to gain a clear understanding of the overall programmatic elements of successful
auditing and monitoring expectations and how auditing and monitoring. The process for develop-
these activities can be leveraged together to help ing the plan should consider the following:
minimize and mitigate risks for the organization.
• High risk research priority areas identified
The research compliance professional should through the risk assessment process for inclu-
implement an auditing and monitoring program sion in the plan
that periodically audits the research operation for –– Is there any other business area in the
compliance to applicable regulatory requirements, organization that is conducting an audit or
detects and prevents non compliant behavior and monitor activity in this area?
reviews that management has implemented cor-
rective action to address non compliance through ›› If yes, could you leverage this resource for
ongoing performance management. assistance in completing the stated activity
OR utilize their activity and integrate the
results into the overall plan?

Research Auditing and Monitoring 131

• Resources, ie: needed subject matter –– BEFORE conducting activities in high risk
priority areas, it is important to consider
–– Is the subject matter inhouse? whether legal advice may be needed in estab-
lishing activity approach
–– If subject matter requires outsourcing,
budget considerations and overall risk priori- • Initial discussion with business area for input
ties may need to be re-evaluated related to audit attributes, timing and pro-
cess for audit
• Hours that will be needed to complete the plan
–– Concurrent vs. retrospective activity may be
• Projected timeframes determined at this point
• Auditing or monitoring activity defined and ›› Concurrent is “real time” and before
whether it is outcome or process oriented the end point of what you are looking at
has occurred
• Flexibility in plan for changes in risk priorities
and possibly unplanned compliance risks/crisis
›› Retrospective is after the end point has
which may need an audit or monitor to occur
occurred, ie: the claim has been submit-
ted, the research has concluded, etc.
It is important that senior leadership participate Milestones should be determined for
in, and agrees with the determination of the high rationale as to how far back to go, e.g.: new
risk priorities for the audit and monitoring plan. law, new system, etc.
This will assure buy in and management focus on
compliance risk priorities. Also, with management • Finalization of approach and attributes
involvement at the development stage of the plan,
they will be educated in the type of activities that –– Sampling methodology will be determined
are being planned and the resources needed to largely by the scope (purpose and goal) of
conduct these activities. Hence, during the plan your activity, e.g., the sample used in self
year, if there are changes, management will under- reporting a risk area to an outside enforce-
stand the need for additional resources and/or a ment agency may be pre-determined by the
change in focus in the plan as the business envi- precedent the enforcement agency has set in
ronment and priorities may change. industry; to determine if education is needed
in a risk area, a small sample may only be
Process for conducting research compliance needed, etc.
audits and/or monitors (“activity”). Each activ-
ity should have a defined framework which will –– Consider audience frame of reference that
provide management with an understanding of will receive results of activity and then
the overall expectations and approach as you exe- develop appropriate format for reporting
cute the plan. The framework for your activities
• Conduct activity
should include:
• Purpose and goal for activity (audit or • Identify preliminary findings/observations
• Provide an opportunity for findings/observa-
–– Scope will be identified from the purpose or tions to be validated by business area
goal, but needs to be objective, measureable,
and concise • Finalize report

132 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

• Make sure system is in place to follow up on Potential Research Risk Areas for
execution of management corrective action Consideration in the Plan
related to activity findings/observations
Priority risk areas will evolve dependent on indus-
–– Data collection and tracking are critical try focus by other “like” organizations, geographic
because they provide trend analysis and market environment, enforcement or regula-
measurement of progress tory agencies, public visibility, etc. Examples of
research risk areas may include:
• Determine key points of activity that
• Clinical research
may be provided to leadership and/or in
Board reporting –– Does it qualify as a clinical trial

–– Are items and services “routine costs”

Documentation. Document the overall process
of developing the audit and monitoring plan. This –– Are routine costs reasonable and necessary
would include how the risk assessment was con-
ducted and the methodology for prioritization of –– Are you billing for services that are already
risks. Additionally, unless the activity is under paid by the research sponsor?
Attorney Client Privilege (the attorney will direct
what they want to be documented for that work –– Are you billing for services that were prom-
product), work papers to support the audit find- ised free in the informed consent
ings, reports and corrective action plans should
be documented. Be sure to define prior to the • Are you billing for services that are for research-
audit activity, what should be considered in “work purposes only
papers” and documented.
• Are you billing for services that are part of a
Annual evaluation of execution of audit and non-qualifying clinical trial
monitoring plan. At the end of each plan year,
• Conflict of Interest
it is important to conduct an evaluation of the
overall effectiveness of the plan. Questions to • Environmental Health and Safety
consider may include whether the plan was fully
executed, were appropriate resources utilized for • Animal Research Protection
plan execution, were the activities conducted in a
timely manner, did the plan “make a difference” in • “Sponsored” research requirements met
regards to the organization’s strategy and business;
did the plan reach the goal of detecting, deterring • Biosafety
and/or preventing compliance research risks from
• Information Technology Security
occurring, etc. Annual evaluations may be con-
ducted through self reviews or independent of the • IRB weaknesses in process controls
compliance function by the organization’s internal
audit or by a third party. However, it is recom- –– Human Subject Protection
mended that on a biannual basis, independent
reviews are conducted to determine effectiveness –– Privacy
of the plan.
–– Follow up after initial approval of research

Research Auditing and Monitoring 133

• Principal Investigators Conclusion
–– Time and effort reporting Effectiveness in the development and execution of
the audit and monitoring plan will be determined
–– Fiscal responsibility by the integrity and characteristics of the overall
audit and monitoring process. Effective audit and
–– Grant closeouts monitoring activities will demonstrate continual
improving compliant behavior and activities.
• Research Misconduct
Additionally, research compliance risks will be
• Regulatory, Legal requirements detected, deterred and/or prevented with an effec-
tive audit and monitoring plan and appropriate,
timely follow up by management for mitigating
Risk areas will be defined by the organization
the risks.
through the risk assessment process and priori-
tized according to established methodologies.

134 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

has been stimulated also by the emergence of
intensified technological development programs in
countries that are not our traditional allies.

Additional Research In the Export Control context, the term “export”

applies not only to the shipping (or hand carry-
Compliance Issues: ing) of materials or products or funds overseas,
but also applies to the transmission of techno-
Export Controls logical knowledge to foreign persons, entities or
countries, including transmissions of such techno-
logical knowledge to foreign nationals on U.S. soil
Adrian Shelton
(“deemed exports”).
It is vital to understand that Export Controls apply
The three primary sources of export control
not only to the shipment of materials or products
regulations are the Department of Commerce
or funds overseas, but also to the transmission of
(Export Administration Regulations or “EAR”);
technological knowledge to foreign persons, enti-
the Department of State (International Traffic in
ties or countries, including transmissions of such
Arms Regulations, “ITAR”); and the Department
technological knowledge to foreign nationals on
of the Treasury (Office of Foreign Asset Control
U.S. soil (“deemed exports”). This is a daunting
or “OFAC”). There are other regulations (such
scope of coverage; however, there are also cer-
as those of the Department of Transportation,
tain key exclusions to shelter most teaching and
International Air Transport Association, CDC,
research activity at accredited U.S. institutions of
etc.) that may also apply to shipping materials
higher education. (A very basic diagram of these
abroad, but the EAR, ITAR and OFAC are the
schemes can be found at the end of this section.)
key components of federal Export Controls. The
The intent of this section is to provide an overview purposes of these regulations are to control prolif-
of the structure and content of the regulations eration of certain military technologies; to control
commonly termed “Export Controls,” to describe proliferation of some nonmilitary technologies
the relevance of Export Controls to research, and that may have potentially significant military
to suggest some potential approaches to an Export applications (“dual use”); to protect certain U.S.
Control compliance program. commercial technology advantages; and to enforce
U.S. State Department opposition to financial
A Brief Description of Export flows from the U.S. to embargoed countries, enti-
ties and persons.
The term “Export Controls” refers to an array OFAC regulations apply to financial transactions
of federal regulations that apply to the export of with OFAC-listed foreign persons, organizations
funds or certain technologies (including informa- or destinations. EAR and ITAR regulations cover
tion as well as materials or products) to non-U.S. transmissions of technological information or
destinations, to non-U.S. organizations or to material or equipment. EAR or ITAR coverage of
persons in the U.S. or abroad who are neither a transmission depends on the conjunction of (a)
U.S. citizens nor permanent residents, nor “pro- the nationality of the person or organization or
tected immigrants.” Export Controls have existed physical endpoint at the other end of the transmis-
for decades, but the federal focus on them has sion plus (b) the technology specifications. For
increased dramatically since September 2001 and example, the EAR may control the transmission

Additional Research Compliance Issues: Export Controls 135

of a narrowly defined technology to China or products. Furthermore, export-controlled compo-
to India or to Pakistan or to France but not to nents are listed in a document several inches thick
Canada. Another technology may be restricted for (“Commerce Control List” or “CCL”) and defined
transmission to a different subset of countries. by specifications not easily understood by anyone
other than a manufacturer of that type of equip-
Noncompliance with Export Controls occurs ment. As an illustration of the problem, among
either when a forbidden transmission is made or the controlled items are ball bearings with certain
when a transmission requiring an export license specifications that apparently are considered “cut-
occurs without that license. Violations can be ting edge,” and some encryption software installed
criminal or administrative and may be large on many recent-model laptop computers.
both for the individual transgressor and for the
involved U.S. organization. Criminal penalties can The second major challenge is the inherent fluidity
reach up to twenty years imprisonment and one of transmissions of information and materials in
million dollars per violation.  Administrative pen- the conduct of modern research. This fluidity is a
alties may be $11,000 per violation, or as much as key factor in the creative strength and productiv-
$120,000 per violation in certain cases involving ity of the American academic research enterprise;
national security issues. however, it differs strikingly from the assumptions
made in the construction of federal export con-
Export Controls and Academic trols, which are based on military contractor and
Research commercial industry models in which a limited
number of proprietary technologies are housed
The conventions of modern academic research within a single enterprise that protects them by
commonly involve sharing information, equip- limiting and controlling access to its research and
ment, materials and funds with international development facilities and personnel and by cen-
collaborators here and abroad; and certain of tralizing all purchasing and shipping operations.
those common research transactions are transmis- The only remotely similar structures within the
sions subject to Export Controls. university research enterprise are the exceptional
arrangements for “classified” research.
Although the number of transactions potentially
covered by these export control regulations is
large, only a very small percentage of these are Some Suggestions for Export
actually forbidden or require a license. A potential Control Management in Academic
incident of noncompliance is a sharp needle in a Research
huge haystack. The challenge is in identifying and For the academic research enterprise, the optimal
focusing attention on the likeliest locations in the strategy is two-pronged and discussed in greater
haystack. detail below:
Two Major Challenges 1. maximize the appropriate use of the
Export Controls present two major challenges “Fundamental Research Exclusion;”
for research organizations. The first is the scope
of covered technologies. In addition to covering 2. identify within the unique profile of the insti-
nuclear and weapon-related research that most tutions’ research-related activity those loci that
employees would anticipate may be restricted, are most likely to involve the nexus of truly
the potentially covered technologies also include sensitive technologies or materials with foreign
a lot of commercially available equipment and collaboration, foreign national research per-
specified components within widely distributed sonnel and/or foreign travel and shipment.

136 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

What is the “Fundamental Research research to terms and conditions that restrict pub-
Exclusion”? lication or access to the research activity or the
research results. “Classified” research is clearly
Technological information that arises in the
subject to export controls, but acceptance of
course of, or results from, “fundamental research”
terms and conditions listed below can take even
is excluded from export control coverage. This
unclassified research out of the protection of the
exclusion was established by the National Security
fundamental research exclusion and make it sub-
Decision Directive known as “NSDD-189” on
ject to export controls.
September 21, 1985, and reconfirmed by National
Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice in a November The single most important strategy for minimiz-
1, 2001, letter to Dr. Harold Brown, Co-Chairman ing export control obligations and resulting costs
of the Center for Strategic & International Studies. and risks in academic research is to avoid accep-
tance of terms and conditions that take research
The definition of “Fundamental Research” in
out from the protection of the fundamental
NSDD-189 is: “Basic and applied research in
research exclusion, such as:
science and engineering, the results of which ordi-
narily are published and shared broadly within 1. agreement to receive for use in a research
the scientific community, as distinguished from project information or technology designated
proprietary research and from industrial develop- “export controlled” or to receive research
ment, design, production, and product utilization, equipment information that constitutes “use
the results of which ordinarily are restricted for technology”(defined above);
proprietary or national security reasons.” Over
time this exclusion has been interpreted to be 2. language giving the sponsor rights to pre-
limited to research conducted at accredited insti- approve and control publication (not merely
tutions of higher education in the United States review and request a conventional delay to file
(see EAR Part 734.8 (b)). There are a couple of patent protections);
immediate carve-outs. Certain encryption tech-
nologies even if used in otherwise “fundamental 3. provisions giving the sponsor rights to pre-
research” are not sheltered under this fundamen- approve all participating researchers (not
tal research exclusion (see EAR Part 734.8(a)), nor merely to approve any proposed change in PI)
is any other export-controlled equipment used particularly if the language refers to potential
in fundamental research if the researchers have nationality restrictions;
access to “use technology,” which means informa-
tion sufficient to perform for that equipment all 4. requirements to restrict access to the research
six of the following functions: operate, install, activity or facility or results.
maintain, repair, overhaul and refurbish.
Identifying and addressing areas with
How do we maximize appropriate use of significant potential Export Control risks
the Fundamental Research Exclusion? The technical and factorial complexity of Export
Basic and applied research that would generally Control regulations make it impractical to turn
appear to meet the definition for fundamental the organization’s researchers, staff and admin-
research is no longer sheltered under that exclu- istrators generally into export control experts.
sion if the research organization has agreed in a The most effective approach for most academic
sponsorship contract or grant, a material transfer research organizations is to establish a core service
agreement, a purchasing contract, or in some of Export Control expertise that is made available
other contract or grant or agreement, to bind the to everyone in the organization, and to couple that

Additional Research Compliance Issues: Export Controls 137

with export control awareness training pitched to faculty in these key departments coupled with
the relevant activities of specific units and specific more detailed export control training and guid-
employee roles. Some suggestions: ance for the department administrative staff.
• Personnel who review and approve contracts, • In addition to the departmental approach
grants and purchasing agreements prior to their described above, an organization may identify
acceptance are in an optimal position to pro- its research strengths in one or more sub-
spectively identify terms and conditions that specialty areas that have readily identifiable
may take a research activity out from the pro- export-control potential such as research in
tection of the fundamental research exclusion. cutting-edge information security technologies,
It may be particularly cost-effective to provide nuclear materials and processes, space explora-
detailed training of contracting personnel suf- tion and navigation or tracking technologies.
ficient to enable them to identify and seek help The organization’s export control manage-
regarding contract/grant/agreement provisions ment program should focus on working with
that could remove the related research activity the groups and units that perform these types
from the fundamental research exclusion. This of research projects to establish training and
should be coupled with a policy that identi- export control identification procedures specific
fies who may approve acceptance of terms and to their export control profile.
conditions that create export control obliga-
• Shipping departments and also personnel of
tions together with a procedure for taking any
other units who arrange for shipping should
required actions to comply with export control
receive training in export controls as well as in
obligations so generated.
other relevant state, federal and international
• Research activities involving technologies regulations that entail serious consequences for
potentially subject to export controls are most noncompliance.
likely to be performed in a subset of depart- • Staff in international program centers, in units
ments and schools, such as Engineering, that process international travel arrangements
Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, for the organization and in financial admin-
Biochemistry, and Biophysics. Experienced istration units should receive training and
administrative staffs in departments that com- guidance sufficient to enable them to identify
monly perform technology-related research and seek help regarding international funds
often are in the best position to become aware flows subject to OFAC export controls.
of research activity that may create the nexus of
particularly sensitive technologies with interna-
tional collaborations, international travel and/or
Additional Note
international research assistants. Furthermore, As with all important areas of research regula-
because of their business operational responsi- tion, the organization’s approach to export control
bilities, department administrative staff may be should include consolidated documentation of an
more focused on those factors relevant to export Export Control Management Plan that has the
control than are researchers preoccupied with classic elements of a sound compliance program,
the complexities of the intellectual performance. including:
Rather than embarking on a program of mass
export control training, a more efficient and 1. a designated institutional official for export
effective approach to export control manage- control matters (this may or may not be a
ment program may be to provide general export full-time “Export Control Officer”) who has
control “awareness” training for the research sufficient authority in the organization to
get it done;

138 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

2. an institutional policy that includes an explicit International Traffic in Arms
statement of the institution’s commitment to Regulations (ITAR)
compliance with export control regulations; • US State Department Directorate of Defense
Trade Controls:
3. written procedures that are both practical itar_index.htm
and actually practiced by the organization
• Consolidated word version of the ITAR
to identify and appropriately address export-
controlled transactions;
4. appropriately designed and delivered training/
Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)
education/communication on export controls;
• US Treasury Department Office of Foreign
5. monitoring of performance; Assets Control:
6. enforcement; • OFAC Sanctions Programs Summaries: http://
7. compliance program improvements in
response to experience.
• OFAC Specially Designated Nationals and
Blocked Persons:
Information Resources enforcement/ofac/sdn/ (link to updates posted
on OFAC main page)
Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
• Bureau of Industry and Security: http://www.
• Export Administration regulations (Commerce
Control List is Part 774): http://www.access.gpo.
• BIS online Export Control training program:
• Export Control Lists to Check: http://www.
• Deemed Export Advisory Committee Report
of January 2008:

Additional Research Compliance Issues: Export Controls 139

Very Basic Export Control Schematic

Export Control regulations coverage in white rectangles

Exclusions from Export Controls in ovals
Focus for Institutional Export Control management in shaded rectangles
(overlaps indicate carveouts)

EAR (Department of Commerce) ITAR

All U.S.-origin software and source code, technology and (Defense
• Publicly available
information “use technology” (“use technology” is information sufficient Dept)
to perform all of the following six functions for the equipment: military
• Literary publications operate, install, maintain, repair, overhaul and refurbish.) and defense
• Certain patent applications equipment
• Information provided and
• Nuclear materials Within the
in a catalogue course or technical
subset of specific
academic teaching lab • Materials, chemicals, microorganisms & toxins data
• Foreign items with less • Materials processing from your org
than de minimus U.S. of technological Export
content • Electronics information, controls
• Telecom and information security software or source imposed
code, equipment or by other
• Sensors and Lasers funds to a foreign U.S.
• Navigation and Avionics person, entity or agencies
place may be: such as
• Marine NRC,
• Propulsion systems, space vehicles and related DOE, etc.
equipment A transaction
• If publication or access controls or requiring
• If “use technology” involved a license or
Basic and applied research in science and • If certain encryption technologies
engineering, conducted at an accredited inst. involved
of higher ed. in the U.S., where the information
arising during or resulting from such research is
OFAC (Dept. of Treasury)
ordinarily published and shared broadly within
the scientific community. Restrictions on transfers
of funds or property to certain foreign
countries, entities, persons

140 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

while others have centralized systems. You will
also find some semi-centralized procedures with
a mix of resource support. Any way you set up
to operationalize compliance, you must include
Integrating Research policy, process, education and auditing. Some of
the topics discussed may be covered in other chap-
Compliance into the ters of the manual; however, this chapter will link
Corporate Compliance interrelated principles with policy, procedures,
and the operational relativity to highlight criti-
Program cal components of a research compliance strategy
within a corporate compliance infrastructure.

Wendy Schroeder, BSN, RN, CCRC Functional Areas of a Research

Kelly M. Willenberg, MBA, BSN, RN, CHRC, CHC Compliance Program
David B. Crawford, CIA, CCSA Human Subject Protection
Institutional Review Boards (IRB)
Introduction An IRB is an administrative body established to
protect the rights and welfare of human research
Defining a research compliance infrastructure
subjects recruited to participate in research activ-
and implementing compliance standard operat-
ity. Although conceptually modeled for local IRB
ing procedures (SOPs) poses challenges for many
review, the regulations do not prohibit review of
institutions and hospitals to work into their cul-
research by IRBs in locations other than where the
ture, thus causing major anxiety for many hospital
research is performed. Whether the IRB of record
CEOs and Academic Deans. Fostering research
is a function within or external to the organiza-
compliance within the complexity of an Academic
tion, institutions conducting research involving
Medical Center (AMC), hospital or university
human subjects must ensure the protection of
system often ends up in silos of effort within the
those subjects, and in the case of FDA-regulated
different facilities or institutions and can even
research, provide assurance of regulatory compli-
result in conflicting SOPs between departments.
ance to the sponsor. In addition, the institution
Small hospital systems struggle with multiplex
must certify to the sponsor that each research
compliance issues so that research compliance is
project or activity involving human subjects has
neither a priority nor an area of domain knowl-
been reviewed and approved by an IRB in accor-
edge for most compliance officers.
dance with the assurance given by the institution
Understanding risk assessments while maintain- to the sponsor. Research involving human subjects
ing training and education often is a challenge for conducted or supported by federal departments
the average research enterprise. This chapter will or agencies should be reviewed by an IRB with a
address the key areas of research risk including Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) on file with the
regulatory, financial and legal aspects of compli- Office for Human Research Protection (OHRP).
ance. The discussion will include strategies and The institution is ultimately responsible for the
models to deal with policies and procedures and safety of human subjects in research and therefore
to “synchronize” the operations so that the reader must exercise active oversight of all research to
is fully aware of the complex issues involving ensure human subjects are protected. Examples of
compliance and a participant in risk mitigation. the active and effective exercise of this oversight
Some institutions have a de-centralized process, would include:

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 141

• Establishment of appropriate institution policies and practice. For those institutions that conduct
and procedures to ensure research is conducted research using vulnerable categories of subjects,
in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, consideration should be given to including at least
and regulations one member on the IRB who has experience with
• Establishment of appropriate IRB(s) to those subjects. Vulnerable categories of subjects
approve and monitor all research involving include children, prisoners, pregnant women, and
human subjects handicapped or mentally disabled persons.

• Oversight of the IRB(s)’ activities to ensure they In addition to these general requirements, there
are functioning as intended are a series of very specific requirements for IRB
• Ensure equitable and enforceable consequences composition, including:
for non-compliance with policies and proce- • The IRB membership cannot be all members of
dures and IRB actions. one profession
• Gender cannot be a factor in selecting mem-
The activities of a local IRB should be considered
bers, which would indicate that an IRB with all
a part of an active institutional compliance pro-
male or all female members would probably be
gram where complying with federal regulations
is of extreme importance. While an institution
may have only one or multiple IRBs, each must • At least one member must be active primarily in
satisfy certain requirements and carryout set of scientific areas
common functions. The discussion of the IRB will
• At least one member must be active primarily in
be divided into the following sections:
non-scientific areas
• IRB membership and responsibilities • At least one member must have no affiliation
• Types of reviews with the institution or be a part of the imme-
diate family of someone affiliated with the
• Human subject informed consent
• Adverse events and protocol deviations.
• A majority of the members must be present
Each section will present the requirements. A dis- to take action on all matters except expedited
cussion of the risk of non-compliance and some reviews and at least one of the members present
of the controls that might be used to mitigate the must have primary activities in a non-scien-
risks of non-compliance will complete the chapter. tific area.

IRB Membership and Responsibilities. Each The IRB is responsible for following documented
IRB must have at least five (5) members with the procedures for:
appropriate diversity of backgrounds to ensure • Conducting initial and continuing reviews
complete and adequate review of research activi- of research
ties normally conducted by the institution. This
• Reporting findings and actions to both the
diversity includes experience, expertise, race,
investigator and the institution
gender, and cultural backgrounds. In addition,
members should possess the professional com- • Determining which projects need review more
petence necessary to review specific research often than annually
activities from the viewpoint of institutional
commitments and regulations, applicable laws,
and applicable standards of professional conduct

142 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

• Determining if projects with no material • Lack of documented procedures for research
changes require verification from sources involving human subjects.
other than the investigator since the previous
IRB review There are many mitigation strategies that can be
applied to reduce the probability of non-com-
• Ensuring that proposed changes in a research pliance in the IRB operations. Among the most
activity are promptly submitted to the IRB and common and most effective are:
are approved by the IRB before such changes
are made, except when such changes are for the • Documented and current policies and
immediate safety of the subjects procedures for the conduct of research
involving humans
• Maintaining appropriate records of all activities
• Documented and current policies and proce-
• Ensuring prompt reporting to institutional offi- dures for the composition and operation of
cials and/or sponsor head of the IRB(s)
–– Unanticipated problems involving risks • Appropriate training curriculum for IRB mem-
to subjects bers and staff
–– Serious or continuing non-compliance with • Appropriate training curriculum for investiga-
requirements or determinations of the IRB tors and their staff
–– Suspension or termination of IRB approval • Web-based use of IRB agenda
by the institution. • Oversight review by the research respon-
sible party for the institution (such as, VP
There are several non-compliance risks associated of Research) of IRB actions and opera-
with IRB membership and responsibilities; namely tions including
• Insufficient diversity of IRB membership for –– Meeting attendance
types of research
–– Qualifications of members
• Insufficient expertise or training of members
• Failure to have required members; i.e., outsider, –– Quality of meeting minutes
non-scientific, vulnerable subject expert –– Excessive or unwarranted use of expe-
• Failure to disclose conflict of interest dited review
• Insufficient resources to support IRB operations, –– Quality and frequency of continua-
mainly recordkeeping, space, and staff tion reviews
• Failure to identify high-risk projects that need
–– Prompt reporting of adverse events and devi-
frequent oversight and review
ations from protocols
• Unusual number of expedited reviews to avoid a
quorum for reviewing proposals and changes –– Completeness of documentation
• Failure to follow documentation procedures
• Lack of documented procedures for research Types of Reviews. A Full-Board Review of a pro-
projects that do not involve human subjects posal for research involving human subjects is
• Lack of documented procedures for the opera- one that is conducted at a convened meeting of
tion of the IRB the IRB in which a majority of the IRB members
are present, including at least one whose primary

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 143

concerns are in nonscientific areas. In order for • When appropriate, provision is made to monitor
research to be approved in a full board review, it data collected to ensure safety of subjects
must receive the approval of a majority of those • When appropriate, there are adequate provi-
members present at the meeting. An Expedited sions to protect privacy of subjects and to
Review of a proposal for research involving maintain confidentiality of data
human subjects is one that is performed by only
one member of the IRB, usually the chairperson • When vulnerable categories of subjects are
or another member of the IRB designated by the involved, additional safeguards are included.
chairperson. The single reviewer may exercise
It is the responsibility of the IRB to ensure that
all of the authorities of the IRB except to disap-
there is appropriate documentation to make deter-
prove the research. A research activity can only
minations on all of these criteria and that the
be disapproved in accordance with the full review
documentation is maintained in accordance with
process. To qualify for an expedited review, the
the recordkeeping requirements. The primary
research proposal must meet either of the follow-
recordkeeping requirements are:
ing requirements:
• (1) Inclusion on the list of categories published 1. Copies of all proposals reviewed includ-
in the Federal Register that may be reviewed ing scientific evaluations, if any, approved
through an expedited review procedure and sample consent documents, progress reports
(2) found by the reviewer(s) to involve no more from the investigators, and reports of injuries
than minimal risk (minimal risk means that the to subjects
probability and magnitude of harm or discom-
fort anticipated in the research are not greater… 2. Minutes of IRB meetings in sufficient
than those ordinarily encountered in daily life detail to show:
or during the performance of routine physical a. Attendance
or psychological examinations or tests)
b. Actions taken
• Minor changes in previously approved research
c. Vote on each action including number for,
during the period (of one year or less) for which
number against, and abstentions
approval was authorized.
d. Basis for requiring changes in or disap-
The IRB that uses expedited reviews must estab- proving a proposal
lish a formal method for keeping all members
e. Written summary of the discussion of con-
advised of proposals which have been approved
troversial issues and their resolution.
under the procedure.
3. Copies of all correspondence between the IRB
The review criteria for both full reviews and expe-
and the investigators.
dited reviews are the same; namely,
• Risks to subjects are minimized A Continuation Review is the annual (or more
frequent) follow-up for each approved research
• Risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to
project. The IRB has authority to observe both the
anticipated benefits
consent and research process and to determine
• Selection of subjects is equitable that approved protocols are being followed. This
• Informed consent is sought from all subjects continuation review may include any or all of the
following: (1) correspondence with and reports
• Informed consent is documented from the investigators, (2) use of IRB staff to verify
protocol adherence, and/or use of third-party

144 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

verification on the conduct of the research. The • Provide detailed guidance for cost/benefit and
IRB is required to maintain records of continuing risk/benefit determination including discussion
review activities. Common non-compliance issues on Medicare Advantage issues within clinical
in the review process include: trials coverage
• Incomplete protocols • Refuse to accept proposals for IRB action that
are incomplete
• Incorrect determination of risk/benefit ratio
• Perform oversight review of IRB activities
• Incomplete maintenance of research files:
(either by research management or internal
–– Protocols audit) to ensure
–– Documentation of expedited reviews –– Proper use of expedited reviews

–– IRB meeting minutes –– Proper documentation of waivers and

–– Documentation of continuation reviews
–– Proper continuation reviews in accordance
• Protocols and/or consent forms not followed with initial approval time table
in practice
–– Adequacy of meeting minutes
• Misuse or over-use of expedited review
• Failure to perform continuation reviews within –– Completeness of project files
specified time period
–– Adequacy of resources to support the IRB
• Failure to properly record minutes of the IRB operations.
meetings to allow determination of compliance
with requirement. Informed Consent

Once again, there are a wide variety of mitigation Informed consent is the foundation of all research
strategies that will work to reduce non-compliance involving human subjects. Requirements of
in this area. Those that are most common and informed consent will be covered under the fol-
usually have an impact upon multiple risks when lowing headings:
applied include: • General requirements
• Provide multiple avenues for informing poten- • Essential elements
tial investigators of the requirements for
• Additional elements
proposal acceptance including:
• Alterations and waivers
–– Newsletters
• Vulnerable categories of subjects
–– Focus groups
• Documentation of informed consent.
–– Websites
The general requirements for legally effective
–– Training sessions informed consent establish the conditions which
must be present for a subject to even be presented
• Provide checklists of required information for a
with the required consent forms and information
proposal to be considered
sheets. If these conditions do not exist, there is no
legally effective informed consent, even though

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 145

the documents signed by the subject or the sub- 2. A description of any reasonably foreseeable
ject’s representative may contain all the necessary risks or discomforts to the subject
3. A description of any benefits to the subject or
The general requirements are: to others which may be reasonably expected

1. The informed consent is obtained under cir- 4. A disclosure of appropriate alternative pro-
cumstances that provide the subject or the cedures or treatments, if any, that may be
subject’s legal representative with sufficient advantageous to the subject
opportunity to consider freely and without
coercion or undue influence whether or not to 5. A statement describing the extent, if any, by
participate in the research project. which confidentiality of records identifying
the subject will be maintained
2. The informed consent is in the language
understandable by the subject or the subject’s 6. For research that involves more than a mini-
legal representative. mal risk, an explanation as to:
a. whether any compensation and any medi-
3. The informed consent does not include any cal treatment are available if injury occurs
language (written or oral) that waives or
appears to waive the subject’s legal rights. b. what those elements consist of
c. where further information may
4. The informed consent does not include any be obtained
language (written or oral) that releases or
appears to release the investigator, the sponsor, 7. An explanation of whom to contact for
the institution or its agents from liability for answers to pertinent questions about the
negligence. research and research subjects’ rights, and
whom to contact in the event of a research-
For an informed consent to be considered legally related injury to the subject
effective, it must contain at least the following
essential elements (unless applicable exceptions 8. A statement that:
apply; see Alterations and Exemptions below). The
a. participation is voluntary
essential elements are:
b. refusal to participate will involve no pen-
1. A statement about the project that indicates: alty or loss of benefits to which the subject
a. it is a research project is otherwise entitled
b. an explanation of the purpose of c. The subject may discontinue participa-
the research tion at any time without penalty or loss
of benefits to which the subject is other-
c. expected duration of the subject’s wise entitled.
d. description of the procedures to Additional elements that may be provided to each
be followed subject are:

e. identification of any procedures that are • A statement that the particular treatment or
experimental procedure may involve risks to the subject that
are not currently foreseeable

146 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

• Anticipated circumstances under which the –– the waiver or alterations will not adversely
subject’s participation in the research may be affect the rights and welfare of the
terminated by the investigator without regard to subjects, and
the subject’s consent
–– the research could not be practically carried
• Any additional cost to the subject that may out without the waiver or alterations, and
result from participating in the research
–– when appropriate, subjects will be provided
• Procedures for the orderly voluntary termina-
additional pertinent information after
tion of the subject from the research and any
consequences to the subject because of that
There are several vulnerable categories of human
• A statement that any new findings developed subjects that may be involved in research projects.
during the research project that might relate to Because of the unique nature of each category,
the subject’s willingness to participate in the there are specific elements that must be included
research will be provided to the subject in the informed consent procedure for the cat-
• The approximate number of subjects in the egory. The following references will provide the
research project. details required for each category when needed:
• Title 46.200 Pregnant Women, Human Fetus,
Generally, the essential and additional elements and Neonates Involved in Research
that are to be transmitted to each subject will be
documented in an information sheet which is • Title 46.300 Biomedical and Behavioral
included in the proposal package submitted to Research Involving Prisoners as Subjects
the IRB for approval. Once approved it is then the • Title 46.400 Children Involved as Subjects
responsibility of the investigator to provide each in Research.
subject with this sheet and obtain the signed con-
sent form under the conditions specified in the There are two forms of documentation of
general requirements. informed consent. One of the two is required
unless the IRB waives the requirement for the
Alterations and/or waivers to the requirement to investigator to obtain a signed consent form from
obtain informed consent may be approved by the some or all subjects.
IRB when it finds and documents one of the fol-
lowing conditions: They are:
• That the project is to be conducted by or is sub- • The long form written consent document that
ject to the approval of state or local government includes each of the essential and additional
officials and is designed to study, evaluate or and vulnerable category of subject requirements
examine the delivery, procedures, or benefits appropriate to the research project. The investi-
of a public benefit or service program and the gator may read the material in the document to
research could not be carried out without the the subject or subject’s representative, but must
alterations or waiver; or give the subject or subject’s representative ade-
quate opportunity to read it personally before it
• That the project:
is signed; or
–– involves no more than minimal risk to the
• The short form written consent document
subjects, and
which states that the elements which would
have been included in the long form above

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 147

have been presented orally to the subject or the • Failure to submit research projects for IRB con-
subject’s representative. When the short form sideration for approval, waiver, or exemption
written consent document is used, the following • Inadequate explanation of pertinent aspects
requirements must be met: of the research to subjects before obtain-
–– A witness must be present for the oral ing consent
presentation • Inadequate research subject confidentiality
–– The IRB must approve a written summary of mechanisms
what is to be orally presented to the subject • Inadequate or incorrect translation into sub-
or subject’s representative ject’s native language.
–– The subject or subject’s representative will Mitigation strategies addressing non-compliance
sign only the short form in the obtaining and maintenance of informed
consents include:
–– The witness will sign both the short form
and a copy of the summary • Provide a consent form template for a normal
project and for each vulnerable category of sub-
–– The person obtaining the consent will sign a ject that is appropriate to the institution
copy of the summary
• Provide training modules (online, written, and
–– The subject or the subject’s representative face-to-face) for all aspects of the informed con-
will be given a copy of the signed short form sent procedure
and the signed summary.
• Provide for a review of each consent form in a
proposal for research by an IRB member or IRB
The IRB may waive the requirement to obtain a
support staff
signed consent if it finds either of the following:
• Provide for audit of research project files to
• That the research presents no more than a mini- ensure that informed consent forms have been
mal risk of harm to subjects and involves no completed where needed or that other required
procedure for which written consent is normally documentation is present.
required, or
• That the only record linking the subject with Adverse Events and Protocol Deviations/
the research would be the consent form and Violations
the principal risk would be potential harm Adverse events and unanticipated problems must
from breach of confidentiality, and the subject be reported to the IRB, institution officials and
chooses not to be so linked to the research. In the sponsor, and in certain cases to other specified
cases where the IRB waives the documentation government oversight bodies. Unanticipated prob-
of informed consent requirement, they may lems that are adverse events should be reported
require the investigator to provide the subject within a very short time period. Other unantici-
with a written statement regarding the research. pated problems may be reported within a longer
Non-compliance common to the obtaining of time period.
informed consent forms includes:
• Lack of required elements Criteria used to determine adverse events or unan-
ticipated problems that must be reported may
• Use of inappropriate language include that the event or problem:
• Inadequate protection of vulnerable populations

148 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

• Was unexpected in terms of nature, severity, Protocol violations are usually handled through
or frequency, given the research protocol, the the full-review process. The primary strategies for
investigator’s brochure, IRB approved informed minimizing both protocol deviations and protocol
consent document, product labeling and other violations are:
sources of information, • A robust continuation review process
• Was unexpected given the characteristics of the • A well publicized anonymous reporting mecha-
subject population being studied nism and complaint resolution process
• Could have reasonably been caused by the • Defined sanctions for both deviations and viola-
research drug/device/procedure used tions that are consistently and equitably applied.
• May potentially place the research subjects and/
or others at a greater risk of harm than was pre- Research Project Personnel and Training
viously known or recognized. The following areas relate to the role of those staff
members involved in the conduct of a research
A protocol deviation is any change, divergence,
project (study). The structure of how staffing and
or departure from the study design or procedures
training is established is extremely important to a
of a research protocol that is under the investi-
solid compliance program.
gator’s control and that has not been approved
by the IRB. Areas reviewed are:
Upon discovery, it is the principal investigator’s • Principal Investigator Responsibilities
(PI) responsibility to report it to the IRB. The IRB • Policies and Standard Operating
may elect to handle protocol deviations through Procedures (P&P)
the expedited review process.
• Research Integrity and Misconduct.
A protocol violation is a deviation from the IRB
approved protocol that meets any of the follow- Principal Investigator Responsibilities
ing criteria: The principal investigator (PI) on a research
• The deviation has harmed or posed a significant study is the individual who is ultimately respon-
or substantive risk of harm to the subject sible and accountable for all aspects of the study,
including scientific, financial, operational, and
• The deviation compromises the scientific integ- informational.
rity of the data collected for the study
• The deviation is a willful or knowing breach of While not exhaustive, the following is a list of
human subject protection regulations, policies, those responsibilities:
or procedures on the part of the investigator • The preparation of the proposal for the research
• The deviation involves a serious or continu- study in conformance with the institution’s
ing non-compliance with federal, state, local or Policies and Standard Operating Procedures
institutional human subject protection regula- for Research
tions policies or procedures • Obtaining written approval from the
• The deviation is inconsistent with research, Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the con-
medical, and ethical principles. duct of the study before beginning research

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 149

• Obtaining Human Subject Protections and • Maintaining an active IRB approval through
HIPAA Researcher Training (personally and proper submission of request for annual con-
for all appropriate study personnel) before tinuation of the study
performing any human subject research and • Complying with all requirements of the sponsor
maintaining certifications of that training in the (funding organization) of the study
study’s regulatory files
• Maintaining accurate and complete regulatory
• Obtaining all required informed consent forms records of all study activities
and filing the signed forms in a secured area
with limited and documented access during the • Filing a final report to the IRB upon conclusion
term of the research and for a period of 6 years of the study.
after the termination of the study
Policies and Standard Operating Procedures
• The conduct and/or supervision of all study
Policies and Standard Operating Procedures
procedures and activities including scientific,
(P&P), while similar for all research institutions,
financial, operational and informational
will vary because of the culture and operating
• Obtaining prior written approval of the IRB for model of each organization. Consequently, in this
any amendment or modification to the protocol section we will review the types of material that
or supporting materials, including (but not lim- should be in the P&P for a research organization
ited to) changes to: rather than the particular wording of the material.
–– inclusion/exclusion criteria A generic P&P might include the following:
• Policy statement that indicates what is covered
–– procedures
and who has authority over the process
–– sub-investigators • A set of Standard Operating Procedures to
effectuate the policy statement
–– sponsor funding agencies
• Practice aids or guidelines for critical steps in a
–– informed consent documentation or research study
• Forms and templates to aid the IRB and PIs in
–– recruiting materials carrying out their responsibilities.

–– patient education materials unless imme- The Policy Statement should indicate that the
diately required for the protection of IRB is the authoritative body for authorizing and
study subjects overseeing research studies. In addition, it will
usually specify:
• Obtaining yearly updated, documented, signed,
and dated conflict of interest statements on all • The exact authority or charter of the IRB,
human subject investigators involved in the including whether or not it will act as the
study and maintaining them in the study files Privacy Board
• Promptly reporting (in accordance with the • What proposals for research are covered by
P&P) any serious adverse events, unanticipated this authority
problems, or significant new findings that arise • The criteria for acceptance of proposals as
throughout the course of the study research studies
• Complying with all IRB requests to report on • The pre-conditions for performing research,
the status of the study including annual reviews such as training and certifications.

150 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

The Standard Operating Procedures table of • Study procedures
contents should include at least the following –– Surveys/questionnaires/interviews
• Review and Approval of Studies –– Oral history activities

–– Full review –– Private data, human specimens and cells

–– Expedited review –– Data protection

–– Exempt –– Audio taping/videotaping

• Criteria for the Acceptance of Studies –– Research involving deception

–– Required documentation –– Research that may affect privacy of health-
care information
• Training of Research Personnel
–– Initial –– Payments/costs involving subjects

–– Refresher • Study guidelines

–– Students as subjects
• Ongoing Monitoring and Reporting
–– Changes –– Students as investigators

–– Adverse events –– Minors as subjects

• Continuation Reviews –– Subjects with limited comprehension

• Special Situations –– Subjects with limited ability to read,

–– Sabbaticals and leaves of absence hear, or see

–– Research at collaborating institutions –– Non-English speaking subjects

• Documentation and Records Retention –– Other vulnerable subjects.

–– Informed consent forms One of the most effective ways to ensure that all
–– Scientific information forms needed to approve and conduct research
are properly constructed and contain the required
–– Financial information information is to develop a set of standard forms
and templates to be used by all PIs. This tactic
–– Reports. reduces the time required of the IRB to review
and approve both individual document content
Practice aids or guidelines should be prepared for and the proposal to conduct research. For the PI,
any activity that has special and unique require- it provides a simple solution to what is required.
ments. This will enable consistency of treatment A list of possible standard forms and tem-
across many researchers and make review by the plates follows:
IRB and other oversight organizations easier.
Usually these aids or guidelines fall into two cat- • Application for Approval to Use Humans as
egories: study procedures and study populations. Experimental Subjects (exempt)
A sample list of each follows: • Application for Approval to Use Humans as
Subjects (standard)

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 151

• Checklist for Standard Application Form • Appropriate avenues for all stakeholders to
report misconduct in research
• Continuing Review Questionnaire
• An established procedure to responding to alle-
• Application for Changes to an
gations of misconduct.
Approved Protocol
• Consent to Participate in Biomedical Research It is clearly the responsibility of the institution
conducting the research to ensure the presence of
• Consent to Participate in Non-
research integrity and to take appropriate action
Biomedical Research
on all allegations of misconduct in research. As
• Consent to Participate in Interview noted above, research integrity is much broader
• Assent to Participate in Research (for minors) than the avoidance of misconduct. Consequently,
an institution can have many policies that deal
• Authorization for Release of Protected Health with integrity. These will be unique to each
Information (PHI). institution.
Examples of actual policies, procedures, guidelines Misconduct generally means fabrication, falsifica-
and forms and templates may be found on the web tion, plagiarism or other practices that seriously
page of most institutions conducting research. deviate from those that are commonly accepted
within the scholarly and scientific community for
Research Integrity and Misconduct
proposing, conducting and reporting research.
Research integrity includes both the avoidance of Misconduct does not include honest errors or dif-
misconduct and the performance of the hallmarks ferences of judgments or interpretations of data.
of good scholarship, namely rigor, carefulness and
accountability. Integrity in research is the respon- Sponsoring organizations would expect insti-
sibility of every faculty member, staff member tutions performing research to bear primary
and student involved in the research enterprise. It responsibility for prevention and detection of
is supported and nurtured by a strong organiza- research misconduct including the following:
tional ethical culture. Specific activities that foster
• Developing and maintaining procedures to
intellectual honesty and integrity in research are:
respond to allegations of research misconduct
• Open publication and discussion to include:
• Institutional and departmental emphasis on –– Appropriate separation of responsibili-
quality of research ties for inquiry and investigation and for
• Appropriate supervision at all levels of the adjudication
research enterprise –– Maintenance of objectivity
• Maintenance of accurate and detailed research
–– Due process
procedures and results
• Appropriate assignment of credit and responsi- –– Whistleblower protection
bility for research and publications
–– Confidentiality
• Clear and documented policies and procedures
for the conduct of research, including pre- –– Timely resolution
defined consequences for non-compliance

152 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

• Initiating prompt inquiries into allegations of controls and maximize their potential investment
misconduct return by making informed research enterprise
• Conducting investigations, if warranted decisions.

• Taking action(s) necessary to ensure the The Federal government (Civil False Claims—
integrity of research, to protect the rights and 31USC §§ 3729-33) holds a person or entity liable
interests of research subjects and the public, to for knowingly submitting a false claim for pay-
ensure the observance of legal and contractual ment or using a false record or statement to obtain
requirements payment or causing a third party to do the same,
• Providing appropriate safeguards of the subject and can result in monetary penalties of $5,000–
of allegations and the informants. $11,000 (discretionarily adjustable) per false claim
plus three times the damages sustained by the
In addition, sponsoring organizations would also government. In addition, a person or entity that
expect prompt notification should the institution knowingly and willfully makes or causes to be
become aware during an inquiry or investi- made a false statement or representation on any
gation that: claim with the intent to fraudulently secure over-
payment can be subject to 5 years imprisonment
• Public health or safety was at risk and/or a $25,000 fine (Criminal False Claim 42
• The sponsor’s resources, reputation or other USC § 1320a-7a(a)). Suspension and disqualifica-
interests needed protecting tion from participation in government-sponsored
programs such as Medicare or Medicaid is also a
• There is reasonable indication of possible viola-
possible adverse outcome.
tions of civil or criminal laws
• Research activities should be suspended The liability and risks associated with clinical trial
billing were highlighted with the first false claims
• External action may be necessary to protect
settlement related to billing for routine services
the interests of a subject of the investigation or
provided during clinical trials announced in
someone else potentially affected
December of 2005. The one million dollar settle-
• The scientific community or the public should ment acknowledged overbilling Medicare for
be informed. services already paid by another entity and under
billing Medicare for services assuming that there
Research Finance was an alternative primary payor. In addition, “the
Billing U.S. attorney also (said) that some or all of the
physician and hospital inpatient and outpatient
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has exer-
services charged to Medicare and Medicaid were
cised enforcement of research billing compliance,
not reimbursable because they were not consid-
giving researchers a new incentive to look closely
ered routine care associated with clinical trials.”
at cost calculations for clinical research, time and
This case of false claims submissions is a key area
effort reporting for grants, budget negotiations
of financial risk in clinical research and suggests
and third-party billing practices. In addition,
that clinical trial sites should become increasingly
there is arguably some obligation to manage the
more familiar with billing statutes, regulations
business aspects of research activity to the extent
and guidelines. (See also, Chapter X Clinical
that organizations establish financial reporting
Research Billing Compliance.)

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 153

The Federal False Claims Act applies also to recip- • Mischarging. Billing patients or their insur-
ients of federal research grants who contractually ance carriers for the costs of research, especially
agree to perform the stated project activities in where those costs have already been covered by
exchange for a government commitment to pay for the sponsor of the study.
the expenses attested to in the grant application.
“When (a government agency) awards a grant, the Overcharging. The Office of Inspector General
grantee institution has the responsibility to insure (OIG) has indicated in their guidance to phar-
that grant funds are expended only for allow- maceutical manufacturers that, “Payments for
able costs under the award as budgeted. When a research services should be fair market value for
grantee requests payment for costs not budgeted, legitimate, reasonable, and necessary services”
even though incurred, it is submitting a false and must support bona fide research activity.
claim in violation of the False Claims Act.”209 Sites should scrutinize studies generated by sales
(See also, Chapter X Grant Management.) departments for clinical or statistical merit to vali-
date that payments are not associated with sham
Private insurers may have policies and coverage “research” designed to encourage product use. An
criteria for clinical trial services that must also analysis of study expenses should provide detailed
be adhered to. Obtaining payment from a com- support for study payments consistent with fair
mercial payor by means of false presentations is market value for the work performed. Excessive
fraud and could also result in imprisonment and industry sponsor payments could be a compli-
fines (Health Care Fraud—18 U.S.C. Section 1347). ance risk if there is a perception that an individual
Medicare is, however, the largest single payor for or entity is receiving remuneration in exchange
medical services in the United States, and CMS for purchases or referrals (Federal Anti-kickback
(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) provides the Statute 42 USC § 1320a-7b(b)). Thus, it is impor-
most detailed clinical trial billing guidance and tant to document legitimate reasons for accepting
enforces the most severe penalties for fraud and enrollment incentives, recruitment bonuses,
abuse. For these reasons, research billing determi- finders’ fees and excessive or disproportionate
nations are often based on Medicare guidance: benchmark payments. Sponsor benefits such as
meals, honoraria, conference travel or educational
Key areas of financial risk in clinical funding should also be considered with caution.
research include:
Flowing sponsor payments through to investiga-
• Overcharging. Receiving payments from phar-
tors must be in accordance with fair market value
maceutical sponsors that significantly exceed
compensation for investigator services. Excessive
the costs of the research, especially for Phase 4
investigator payments can otherwise be perceived
marketing studies, could be construed as a vio-
as a kickback to induce physician referrals. In
lation of the anti-kickback law.
addition, sponsor payments should not be used to
• Undercharging. Conducting clinical studies support subject deductibles or co-insurance to the
without receiving adequate reimbursement for extent that providing this form of remuneration to
the costs of the study. This is primarily a finan- the subject could be perceived as an inducement
cial (business) risk, but may be a concern for for study participation.
not-for-profits if the under-recovery of costs
could be viewed as a subsidization of a for-profit Overcharging a federal agency can occur as a
enterprise such as a pharmaceutical or medi- result of false certifications in grant applications,
cal device. budgeting unallowable costs or submitting over-
stated time and effort reports and is a violation
of the False Claims Act. Violating certain federal

154 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

laws and regulations can result in civil monetary this statute specifically states that such services
penalties, criminal fines and/or imprisonment, must be “reasonable and medically necessary for
loss of licensure, special considerations in the the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury
form of integrity agreements and possibly exclu- or to improve the functioning of a malformed
sion from participation in federal programs body member.”1 A section of the act is specific
including Medicare, Medicaid and federal grant- to research, stating, “Notwithstanding any other
ing opportunities. provision of this title, no payment may be made
under Part A (hospital and skilled nursing ser-
Undercharging and Fiscal Accountability. vices) or part B (doctor’s services and outpatient
Analyzing a research study for an accurate assess- care) for any expenses incurred for items and
ment of cost establishes an expense justification services—in the case of research conducted pur-
to support and develop a budget for a grant suant to section 1142, which is not reasonable
application as well as negotiate sponsor payment and necessary to carry out the purposes of that
contracts. It is important to define and commu- section….”2 The Social Security Act requires that
nicate business tolerance in reference to clinical specific coverage decisions include input from
trial funding and to establish consistent and accu- the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
rate cost calculation and funding thresholds that (AHRQ) to recommend the standards and pro-
force business decisions. While a project may be cesses that would be most likely to ensure that
financially underfunded, studies that align with a the requirements of the Social Security Act would
specific mission or service line may have merit or be met. Whether externally or internally gener-
value that compensates for the monetary short- ated, National Coverage Decisions, or NCDs help
fall. As a matter of compliance, undercharging for ensure that access to advances in health technolo-
clinical services and labor required in conduct- gies that may result in improved healthcare are
ing clinical research must be considered within available to Medicare beneficiaries when those
the context of tax laws. Tax exempt organizations items and services are reasonable and neces-
cannot take on clinical research activity at a finan- sary. NCDs may also be used to bar payment for
cial loss resulting in a substantial private benefit specific items or services that are not reasonable
to another individual or entity. Documenting a and necessary as described in the Medicare Act.
value statement supporting equal consideration or The NCD process facilitates the rapid and uni-
benefit comparable to the financial loss may be a form diffusion of beneficial technologies, items,
strategy to avoid jeopardizing tax exempt status. and services.

Institutions should develop pricing standards to Billing Compliance. On June 7, 2000, the
support standardization in budget development as President of the United States issued an execu-
well as a minimum level of payment expectation. tive memorandum directing the Secretary of
Budget negotiations with a sponsor are then based Health and Human Services to explicitly autho-
on verifiable and consistent costing principles with rize [Medicare] payment for routine patient care
logic that provides added leverage to the fund- costs... and costs due to medical complications
ing requests. This type of process and strategy associated with participation in clinical trials.
facilitates responsible and fiscally sound research The Health Care Financing Administration (now
decisions. the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
or CMS) responded to the executive order with
Mischarging. The overriding statute govern- the clinical trial policy NCD issued on September
ing Medicare billing for patient care items and 19, 2000. The NCD for routine costs in clinical
services performed in the context of clinical trials was implemented through the CMS NCD
research is the Social Security Act. Title XVIII of process and determined the circumstances under

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 155

which certain items and services would be reason- marketing (post marketing approval, also PMA),
able and necessary when provided to Medicare the device’s safety and effectiveness having been
beneficiaries in clinical trials. The Clinical Trials established, to qualify for payment consideration.
Policy (CTP) NCD was reopened for revision July
10, 2006. On April 10th, 2007, CMS issued the There was increasing recognition that there are
first proposed decision memo outlining recom- devices that are refinements of existing technolo-
mended policy revisions followed by an additional gies or replications of existing technologies that
public comment period. In response to the volu- could be viewed as “reasonable and medically nec-
minous feedback, CMS issued a second proposed essary” if devices were categorized into those that
reconsideration memo and issued a final deci- are “experimental” and those that are “investiga-
sion memorandum on July 9, 2007 that preserved tional.” On November 1, 1995, Congress enacted
the status quo of the 2000 CTP with minimal legislation that now permits coverage of some
changes. On October 17, 2007, CMS closed the investigational devices. The resulting interagency
reconsideration with a final decision memoran- agreement established an FDA risk assessment
dum that retained the July 9, 2007 policy. The that would assist CMS in determining Medicare
policy is available for review at http://www.cms. coverage for devices. The FDA now places
gov/medicare-coverage-database/details/ncd- all approved IDEs into one of two categories.
details.aspx?NCDId=1&ncdver=2&fromdb=true. Category A devices are typically novel, innova-
tive first generation products determined to be
Category B Device Regulations. The Category experimental in addition to investigational, given
B Investigational Device Regulations are part of that the FDA has insufficient evidence to deter-
the Federal Register and address the criteria and mine whether these device types can be safe and
procedures for extending Medicare coverage to effective. Category B devices are investigational
certain devices and related services. Title XVIII but usually similar to another approved device
prohibits Medicare from providing coverage for type for which safety and efficacy has already
the use of devices that are not “reasonable and been established. CMS acknowledges this FDA
necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of an risk assessment and has indicated that category B
injury or illness or to improve the functioning of a devices may be eligible for coverage consideration.
malformed body member.”3 Consequently, prior to The final coverage decision is made by Medicare
the category B regulations, Medicare denied any and their contractors, who must authorize bill-
and all reimbursement for experimental devices ing for these devices (and related patient services)
and associated costs due to the absence of medi- prior to any claims submissions. Medicare pay-
cal necessity that cannot be established when the ment may also be made for patient care services
safety and effectiveness of a device are unknown. related to the use of a Category B device as well as
A device the Food and Drug Administration services required to treat complications related to
(FDA) categorized as investigational was pre- the device.
sumed to be experimental, including devices being
studied under investigational device exemptions While not explicitly stated in the category B
(IDE). An IDE allows an investigational device regulations, the underlying principle and federal
to be used in a clinical study in order to collect intent would indicate that investigational devices
safety and effectiveness data required to support provided free of charge by the sponsor are not
a Premarket Approval (PMA) application or a considered a billable item or service because the
Premarket Notification [510(k)] submission to cost of the device has already been covered by the
FDA. A medical device required FDA approval for sponsor of the study. When the study sponsor
intends to charge the investigator or facility for
the device, the final decision to reimburse for an

156 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

investigational device and related services is not to improve the functioning of a malformed body
based on the FDA category B status, but rather, on member.”5 More often, non-significant risk devices
the Medicare contractor review of the claim. The are typical diagnostic tools and would not meet
category B regulations state, “Medicare coverage of these “treatment” criteria.
a non-experimental/investigational (Category B)
device will be subject to the same process and cri- The current Medicare CTP established as an NCD
teria used by Medicare contractors when making in 2000 evolved out of an executive memo issued
coverage decisions for legally marketed devices. by former President Clinton directing Medicare
Coverage of the device is dependent on it meeting to pay for “routine costs” in certain clinical trials.
all other Medicare coverage requirements con- The CTP, as it applies to investigational drug
tained in the statute, regulations, and instructions studies, states that “routine costs” of “qualifying”
issued by HCFA.”4 In addition, the charge “should clinical trials are billable so long as those costs are
not exceed an amount necessary to recover the reasonable and medically necessary, they are gen-
costs of manufacture, research, development, and erally available to Medicare beneficiaries, they are
handling of the investigational device.” It is criti- not statutorily excluded and there is no national
cal to notify the Medicare contractor of any intent noncoverage decision.
to bill investigational devices and billable patient
When a clinical trial meets the criteria of a “quali-
care items and services provided in the context of
fying trial” as defined by the CTP, it means that
a clinical trial. Claims for these services should
routine care services delivered in the course of
not be submitted until the contractor authorizes
the study may be considered for Medicare cover-
such billing. IDE claims submissions guidance is
age. The CTP states that the subject or purpose
posted by contractor in the CMS coverage data-
of the trial must be supported within a Medicare
base on line @
benefit category, the trial must have therapeutic
and Medicare contractor toll-free phone numbers
intent, and trials of therapeutic interventions
are listed at
must involve diseased subject populations and
Effective for IDE Category A device trials initi- trials of diagnostic interventions may include
ated on and after January 1, 2005, coverage for healthy subjects as a control group. In addition,
routine costs has been extended only in life- the trial should test an intervention that poten-
threatening situations. Section 731 of the Medicare tially improves subjects’ health outcomes, be well
Modernization Act (MMA) establishes criteria supported by medical information, should not
for such trials initiated before January 1, 2010, to duplicate existing studies, should have scientific
ensure that the devices involved in these trials merit and design, and should be sponsored by a
are intended for use in the diagnosis, monitor- credible organization with the capacity to execute
ing, or treatment of a life-threatening condition. the trial in compliance with federal human subject
The category A device itself remains non-covered. protection regulations. The CTP specifically iden-
Medicare may cover those FDA-approved devices tifies some trials as automatically “qualified.” They
with modifications (developed after marketing include studies funded by specified federal grant-
approval) determined by an Institutional Review ing agencies such as the NIH and any cooperative
Board (IRB) to pose a “non-significant risk” (NSR) groups supported by such federal agencies, trials
to patients; however, billing guidance appears to conducted under an IND application and drug
be silent with regard to unapproved NSR devices studies determined to meet the criteria for IND
exempt from IDE category assignment by the exemption.
FDA. Non-significant risk devices are billable only
if they are “reasonable and medically necessary for
the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury or

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 157

Pharmaceutical companies sponsoring investiga- Adding coverage for items and services furnished
tional new drug (IND) studies typically provide to Medicare beneficiaries considered reason-
the test article free of charge. Often times, the able and medically necessary under CED allows
sponsor also provides payment for frequent sub- Medicare coverage for services that would have
ject visits that exceed what would be considered otherwise been non-covered. For example, PET
“reasonable and medically necessary” for the scanning is a billable and covered procedure for
patient’s condition. In these situations, only the specified indications. CMS has determined that
services that are not already paid by the sponsor the evidence is sufficient to conclude that a PET
can be billed to Medicare or any other third party scan for other cancer indications not previously
payer. In addition, any item or service provided specified is reasonable and necessary only when
solely to collect data for the study is also not bill- the provider is participating in, and patients are
able. A particular example mentioned in the CTP enrolled in, either an FDA approved IDE clinical
is that of serial CT scans required at scheduled trial or a PET clinical study that is designed to
intervals or more frequently than would usually collect additional information at the time of the
be required for the stated condition. Items and scan to assist in patient management. In the latter
services required to administer the test article, case, the CED affords coverage for a PET scan that
monitor for side effects of the test article or treat would have otherwise been a non-covered service.
complications arising from participation in a clini-
cal trial are billable services under the CTP.6 Affordable Care Act 2014. Beginning January
2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Public
Effective July 9, 2007, CMS extended cover- Health Service Act section 2709(a) established
age under the current CTP for certain items by the 10103(c) of the Reconciliation Act portion
and services “for which there is some evidence of the ACT 2010, has a provision that provides
of significant medical benefit, but for which for coverage for Individuals Participating in
there is insufficient evidence to support a ‘rea- Approved Clinical Trials. It is effective for plans
sonable and necessary’ determination.” This beginning on or after January 1, 2014. An example
coverage provision is in reference to the National would be, if plan year begins in November 2013,
Coverage Determination Coverage with Evidence then the 2014 plan year would not begin until
Development (CED) Standards. The purpose of November, 2014. This will provide coverage for
Coverage with evidence development is to gen- “routine costs,” including all items and services
erate data on the utilization and impact of the consistent with the coverage provided in the plan
item or service evaluated in the NCD, so that that is typically covered if not enrolled in the trial.
Medicare can: This is consistent with the Clinical Trial Policy
but operationalizing it will be difficult for systems.
a. document the appropriateness of use of that Considering all of the problems facilities have had
item or service in Medicare beneficiaries under at streamlining the billing compliance process
current coverage into their systems, this will only make the process
more tedious and difficult.
b. consider future changes in coverage for the
item or service Financial Tracking and Reporting

c. generate clinical information that will improve Study sites must have sound financial tracking and
the evidence base on which providers base reporting mechanisms to validate fiscal steward-
their recommendations to Medicare beneficia- ship. It is prudent business practice to track earned
ries regarding the item or service. revenue and reconcile sponsor payments. In addi-
tion, OMB Circular A-100 published by the Office

158 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

of Management and Budget specifically cites Clinical Research Legal Considerations
minimum grant recipient standards for financial
(Note: This discussion is limited to clinical trial
management systems. These include:
agreements with primarily industry sponsors. Refer
• The capacity to relate financial data to per- to handbook section on “Grants Management” for
formance data specific legal commentary in reference to grants,
• Accurate, current and complete financial cooperative agreements and government contracts.)
status reporting
It is reckless to employ or contract with debarred
• Records that identify the source and applica- individuals or companies. Suspension and debar-
tion of funds ment actions protect the government from doing
• Evidence of accountability for all funds, prop- business with individuals, companies or recipi-
erty and assets ents who pose a business risk to the government.
Before entering into a legal contract to conduct
• Budgetary control research, institutions should assure by a search
• Federal cash management procedures that sponsors and key study personnel have not
been debarred or excluded from participation in
• Written procedures for determining reasonable-
federal programs. Debarment or Exclusion lists
ness, allocability and allowability of costs, and
are available at:
• Cost accounting records supported by source
• Disqualified/restricted/assurances lists for clini-
documentation (i.e. time and effort reports, pur-
cal investigators:
chase records.)
An institution should consider the following poli- • FDA Debarment List: http://www.
cies and SOPs as critical to risk management for
research finance and billing compliance: FDADebarmentList/
• Research Pricing and Fair Market Value • Excluded Parties Listing System: https://www.
–– Discount pricing for physicians • Exclusions Database, Office of Inspector
–– Service fees and reimbursement
Federal regulations require research sponsors to
• Research Budget Negotiation
establish written agreements that ensure that the
–– Cost and coverage analysis – Drug studies research will be performed. Three basic ques-
tions need to be answered in order to establish the
–– Cost and coverage analysis – Device studies
appropriate parties to the contract:
–– Device authorization requirements from the • Who is the sponsor as defined by the regula-
Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) tions and ICH Guidelines for Good Clinical
or Fiscal Intermediary (FI) Practices (GCP)?
• Research Financial Accounting and Reporting • Who will own the data?
• Research Subject Registration and Billing • Who is the funding source?
• Grant Processing Authorization Clinical trial agreements are then drafted to define
• Time and Effort Reporting. and direct the scope of work and length of term,
protect the rights of the engaging parties, protect

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 159

the confidentiality of proprietary science and sponsor’s right to review and edit within a
subject information, establish payment amounts stated timeframe; authorship determinations for
and schedule and describe accountability and publications resulting from multi-site trials
provisions for errors, research misconduct, and • Confidentiality—identifies parties with access
subject injury. to data and binds them to state and federal
privacy laws
Clinical trial agreements typically include the fol-
lowing sections: • Intellectual Property—defines scope, disclosure,
ownership and licensure of data, inventions, dis-
• Recital—identifies the parties to the agreement
coveries, patents and improvements
and assigns roles
• Governing law and termination.
• Scope of Work—describes what work will
be done, by whom, and special rules and This is not an exhaustive list of legal terms to
conditions think about when negotiating clinical trial agree-
• Length of Term—effective dates, process for ments with industry sponsors. Sites should
extending or early termination, special proce- consider the different types of research activi-
dures for delays, force majeure (uncontrollable ties occurring at their institutions and develop
events preventing compliance, i.e. war, flood, template agreements consistent with their risk
civil unrest, disputes) tolerance and inclusive of all minimally expected
institutional liability protections. As study-specific
• Payments—per subject, benchmark or milestone
agreements are negotiated, institutions should
amounts; schedule of payments; pass-through
frequently assess which terms and conditions
payments that require invoice; one-time,
prolong negotiations. Understanding the insti-
startup, administrative and IRB fees; contin-
tutional thresholds for legal terms that are ideal,
gent charges; close-out payments; refunds; and
desirable and “deal breakers” can help move
demographics for payment exchange
discussions forward to an endpoint. Model clini-
• Indemnification—identifies who the spon- cal trial agreements and budget exhibits can be
sor holds harmless (i.e. academic institution, found at
Investigator, Sub-Investigator, and/or IRB); This must be integrated well into a process for
describes exceptions for protocol non- compliance, as having the contract process inde-
compliance or negligence; assigns scope of pendent will cause problems in many areas for the
indemnification, who controls defense of research team.
lawsuits and pays legal fees, insurance require-
ments and survival of obligation to indemnify. Models of Research Compliance
(Research involving a Contract Research
Organization or CRO drives the additional While human subject protection and Institutional
considerations to require both the sponsor and Review Board policies and procedures have been
the CRO as parties to the agreement with signa- recognized as integral to a research compliance
ture lines or a letter of indemnification from or infrastructure for quite some time, it is only
authorizing the CRO to bind the sponsor.) recently that research billing risk and Stark and
Anti-kickback laws have prompted thoughts of
• Federal exclusion validation new models for research conduct and oversight.
• Publication rights—description of institution / It is well known that research activity and data
investigator rights to publish or present; access collection for the purposes of contributing to gen-
to multi-site data, rights to publish early for rea- eralizable knowledge requires review by the IRB
sons of public health, safety or public welfare; for human subject protection and usually involves

160 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

an in-depth assessment of the protocol, data col- payment for all items and services required solely
lection tools and consent documents as an element to accommodate the protocol and provide the ref-
of research compliance and accountability. It is erence to assure appropriate billing. And, a legal
also typical research process to establish a legal agreement should assure human subject confiden-
arrangement with a sponsor and include a mutu- tiality and protect the investigator and institution
ally agreed upon budget for reimbursement. In from serious litigating consequences.
most settings, IRB review and study approval is
an isolated practice with little or no consideration An ideal project approval should evolve out of a
for the final versions of negotiated and executed concurrent review process defined by published
budget and legal documents. The validity of the policies. Upon submission of a research proposal,
IRB review conducted in such a vacuum comes a physician/statistician should solicit expert clini-
into question when their review could not assess cal review by an appropriate physician specialist
any assurances that subject confidentiality has relevant to the subject population and analyze the
been secured by an appropriate legal agreement or study design for statistical merit before the project
that study payments are appropriate for the study is placed on an IRB agenda. The documentation
expenses and not coercive to enrollment. There is of this evaluation should be included in the IRB
further increased compliance risk associated with materials to assure that, in accordance with the
this type of disconnected review when legal agree- regulations, risks to subjects are minimized “by
ments are inadequate to support any litigation using procedures which are consistent with sound
and final documents contain inconsistencies that research design.”7 The IRB should hold and abide
could raise questions about research payments and by the terms of their Federal Wide Assurance
billing as well as full disclosure to subjects. An (FWA) and should be organized to comply with
effective research project review should assure that the regulatory requirements for membership by
research conduct is expertly reviewed for: including representation on behalf of community
attitudes, institutional commitments and state
• Scientific merit and human subject protection laws and standards applicable to their review of
• Contractual arrangements that minimize human subject protection issues relevant to the
legal risk research project.
• Research services billable to a third party Synchronous with this IRB processing, the
payer, and research protocol and all submission documents
• Funding appropriate and adequate to cover should be distributed to the finance and legal
study cost. reviewers to initiate those concurrent assessments.

Upon completion of these reviews, all docu- A “project steward” familiar with the clini-
ments related to the research study should be in cal aspects of the protocol should provide a risk
harmony with one another. For example, subject assessment of the study to the contracts attorney
compensation for study related injury and sub- who will negotiate the legal terms of the clinical
ject responsibility for costs associated with the trial agreement. A modification of this process
research project should be uniformly addressed should be applied to scholarly research activ-
in the consent document and the clinical trial ity being conducted as a requirement of medical
agreement. Subject compensation or stipends education, data collection studies, and nursing
acknowledged in the consent document should and alternative health research projects. All insti-
be included in a cost analysis and covered by the tutional employees conducting research within
study budget. Study budget exhibits should be their scope of employment are held accountable
consistent with billing regulations, reflect sponsor to the institutional Code of Conduct, HIPAA and

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 161

general compliance standards and all research and payment reconciliation and clinicians familiar
team members not employed by the institution with research billing regulations. A matrix com-
should be bound to research regulatory compli- munication with patient financial services should
ance and Good Clinical Practices by signing a be established to facilitate appropriate identifica-
“research services agreement.” tion of research subjects involved in patient care
activity within the facility and a similar relation-
The legal department within a concurrent review ship with the Health Information Management
research infrastructure should further evaluate (HIMS) department should be established to
key issues to be considered in research contracts assure appropriate coding for healthcare claims
including protection of confidential information, involving research items and services.
the project liability and required indemnifica-
tion, subject injury provisions and protection In December of 2005, Rush University Medical
against third party claims and data ownership, Center in Chicago settled the first false claims
publication rights and intellectual property con- case since CMS established billing guidelines for
siderations. The contracts attorney should be routine services provided during clinical trials
negotiating the terms of the clinical trial agree- in the CTP. Double billing was the original issue
ment while the IRB is reviewing the protocol for identified, but a more detailed audit revealed that
human subject protection, and at the same time patient consent forms used in the clinical trials
the finance department should be collaborating indicated that the research sponsor would cover
with the project steward and the investigator to the cost or provide certain services for free, yet
assess the financial aspects related to the study these services were included on third party claims
conduct. Legal or financial outliers that could submitted for payment. In addition to double-bill-
potentially affect human subject protection should ing, subjects involved in the research study were
be brought back to the IRB to determine risk either misinformed of the true financial arrange-
and consider any consent revisions to assure full ments or wrongly held accountable for insurance
disclosure. For example, sponsor budgets that claims inclusive of services already purported to
cannot be negotiated to reimburse based on actual be paid by the sponsor.
deliverables may result in “back ended” payments
that could appear to create a financial incentive to A research compliance infrastructure should
the investigator if he or she can keep subjects in a assure that checks and balances are established to
study. The IRB should be asked to determine if the verify that there is uniformity in the documenta-
payment structure in such a situation is a human tion. Appropriate representation from each area
subject protection risk. of expert review should meet regularly to air out
issues and concerns relevant to their analysis of
Government billing and financial risk has been the project. The IRB should be informed of all
reviewed at length in reference to the CMS guid- coverage findings and made aware of any pro-
ance documents. Recent expert publications posed budget issues with regard to study costs at
indicate that the creation of an infrastructure the time of their review so as to assure appropriate
specifically designed to support clinical research consent disclosure. A template legal agreement
is key to managing compliance risks especially in should include all minimum content legal terms
the areas of clinical trial billing. The ideal research to be used as a point of reference to elevate any
compliance model requires financial review difficult negotiations requiring less than desirable
and process implementation by finance analysts compromise or liability to another level of busi-
familiar with hospital and facility cost account- ness and ethical review.
ing and billing systems, grants management
experts, ancillary staff responsible for invoicing

162 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

All references to financials in a legal agreement attention towards education, training, auditing
are best limited to a budget exhibit or attachment and monitoring. The first step is awareness of the
reviewed by finance prior to signature. And, no risks and being ready to accept what those are.
IRB approval letter or consent document should Then, a concerted effort must be paid in order to
be released to the investigator until all final docu- integrate a program from its inception to accep-
ments are cross referenced for consistency. tance. Once a program is started, there must be
constant process improvement with metrics to
Conclusion enhance and maintain the order for research com-
pliance. Nobody does it perfectly, but applying
Operationalizing research compliance, whether it
effort towards it speaks volumes to others while
is in the corporate world or in a hospital, takes an
ensuring patient safety throughout the life cycle
interdisciplinary approach and collaboration by
of a study.
the entire infrastructure of the institution or orga-
nization. There is no “cookie cutter” model that
will suit every institution or facility. Regardless of
how many staff or how many people are involved,
there must be one responsible party who has the
authority to make difficult decisions in research
compliance. Making research compliance a prior-
ity where it’s visible, consistent and transparent
takes solid support from upper management and

Integrating Research Compliance into the Corporate Compliance Program 163


CHAPTER 2 3. G. Koski, in P.J. Hilts, “New voluntary standards are

proposed for experiments on people,” New York Times,
1. Visited July 10, 2013 September 29, 2000, A14.

2. News stories and US Senate actions spearheaded by Sen. 4. E.J. Emanuel, D. Wendler and C. Grady, “What makes
Charles Grassley are summarized in Grassley’s May 29, clinical research ethical?” JAMA, 283 (2000): 2701-2711.
2012 letter to the NIH located at http://www.grassley. 5. R.J. Amdur and E.A. Bankert, “The Institutional Review
Nemeroff-grant.pdf Board: Definition and Federal Oversight,” In Institutional
Review Board: Management and Function, 2nd ed., Ed.
3. SSA § 1128G(a)(1), which can be found at: http://www.ssa. E.A. Bankert and R.J. Amdur, (New York: Jones & Bartlett,
gov/OP_Home/ssact/title11/1128G.htm 2006), Chapter 1-6.

4. Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 165 / Thursday, August 25, 6. OHRP Guidance:
2011 / Rules and Regulations, pp. 53256-53293, found at 7. See specific guidance found in “Information Sheet
Guidances: Guidance for Institutional Review Boards,
5. Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors”:
search_policies oc/ohrt/irbs/default.htm.

6. NSF does not currently follow the PHS Final Rule for 8. J. Moreno, A.L. Caplan, P.R. Wolpe, et al. “Updating pro-
extramurally-funded investigators. The NSF rules can be tections for human subjects involved in research,” JAMA,
found in the Grants Policy Manual NSF 05-131 July 2005 280 (1998): 1951-1958.
Chapter V-Grantee Standards, located at http://www.nsf.
gov/pubs/manuals/gpm05_131/gpm5.jsp#510. 9. J.P. Kahn and A.C. Mastroianni, “Moving from compli-
ance to conscience: why we can and should improve on
7. In many states, the receipt of state funding for research, or the ethics of clinical research,” Arch. Intern. Med., 161
the conduct of research in a state-funded Institution is sub- (2001): 925-928.
ject to that state’s COI rules.
10. Ibid.
8. An FCOI must either be eliminated or managed.
Elimination is achieved by prohibiting certain conflicted
activities (such as complete divestiture, or disallowing the CHAPTER 7
research) or reducing the amount of the financial interest
to a level below the threshold. An FCOI requires a written 1. A comprehensive list of the laws that FDA enforces is
management plan. available online at

CHAPTER 6 2. “Interstate commerce” means commerce between any

State or Territory and any place outside thereof, and com-
1. “National Commission for the Protection of Human merce within the District of Columbia or within any other
Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research,” The Territory not organized with a legislative body. FDA has
Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for no jurisdiction over activities that occur solely within a
the Protection of Human Subjects of Research. In DHEW single state’s jurisdiction. However, most medical care and
Publication No. (OS) 78-0013 and (OS) 78-0014.4, 18 April biomedical research touch interstate commerce, and many
1979. states have adopted “mini” food and drug laws impos-
belmont.html. Visited October 1, 2013. ing restrictions similar to FDCA’s. Thus, investigators,
research institutions, and responsible compliance officials
2. J.P. Kahn and A.C. Mastroianni, “Moving from compli- are encouraged to consult with expert legal counsel before
ance to conscience: why we can and should improve on the making any assumption that a particular activity is not
ethics of clinical research,” Arch. Intern. Med., 161 (2001): regulated by FDA or corresponding state agencies.
925-928; M. Yarborough and R.R. Sharp, “Restoring and
preserving trust in biomedical research,” Acad. Med., 77
(2002): 8-14.

164 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

3. See 21 U.S.C. § 355(i) (permitting promulgation of regu- 14. FDA’s guidelines for the establishment and operation of
lations to exempt drugs from otherwise applicable drug data monitoring committees – also known as data safety
controls solely for investigational use to study their safety monitoring boards – are posted online at http://www.fda.
and effectiveness); 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g) (exempting from cer- gov/OHRMS/DOCKETS/98fr/01d-0489-gdl0003.pdf; see
tain device controls investigational use of devices to study also the National Institutes of Health’s policy, available
their safety and effectiveness). online at
4. Part 11 principally addresses security standards applicable
to individuals and organizations who utilize electronic 15. In May 2007, FDA published an easy-to-read guid-
systems to create, use, store, or sign documents required by ance document, available online at
other FDA regulations. These security standards are dis- OHRMS/DOCKETS/98fr/07d-0173-gdl0001.pdf and
cussed in Chapter 12. titled, “Protecting the Rights, Safety and Welfare of Study
Subjects-Supervisory Responsibilities of Investigators,”
5. The federal policy for protection of human research sub- describing some of the central responsibilities of a clinical
jects, or Common Rule, is codified at 45 C.F.R. Part 46 and investigator.
discussed in some depth in Chapter 1. FDA has published
a comparison of its regulations against the Common 16. See 21 C.F.R. § 812.43
Rule, which is available online at
ScienceResearch/SpecialTopics/RunningClinicalTrials/edu- 17. A complete definition is found at 21 U.S.C. § 201(g)
cationalmaterials/ucm112910.htm. (1). Foods and dietary supplements, even so-called
“nutriceuticals,” generally are not regulated as drugs,
6. Financial disclosure and conflict of interest issues are dis- as long as no disease claims are made in the label-
cussed in depth in Chapter 2. ing or marketing materials. Id; see also “Guidance
for Industry: Structure/Function Claims, Small
7. See Business Entity Compliance Guide” online at
8. See “‘Off-Label’ and Investigational Use of Marketed DietarySupplements/ucm103340.htm, “Is it a Cosmetic, a
Drugs, Biologics, and Medical Devices,” available online at Drug, or Both? Or Is it Soap?” online at http://www.fda. Practitioners gov/cosmetics/guidancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/
who are unsure about whether an IND or IDE may be ucm074201.htm.
required in a given situation may contact the individuals
listed at this site for informal guidance. A formal determi- 18. See 21 U.S.C. § 321(h)
nation typically can be secured only by submitting an IND
or IDE application. 19. A complete definition is provided at 21 C.F.R. § 3.2(e).

9. See 21 C.F.R. §§ 312.3, 812.3(n) 20. A discussion of bioavailability studies and their regulation
is beyond the scope of this chapter.
10. See 21 C.F.R. §§ 312.3, 812.3(i)
21. FDA electronic forms are available online at http://www.
11. See, e.g., 21 C.F.R. §§ 50.3(f), 312.3(b), 812.3(o).

12. See, e.g., Guidance for Industry: Investigator 22. See “Guidance for Industry, Investigators and
Responsibilities—Protecting the Rights, Safety, Reviewers: Exploratory IND Studies,” available
and Welfare of Study Subjects, available online online at
at GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/
GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ UCM078933.pdf
UCM187772.pdf; Guidance for Industry: Oversight
of Clinical Investigations—A Risk-Based Approach to 23. FDA has published industry guidance on respond-
Monitoring, available online at ing to clinical holds, available online at http://www.fda.
loads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/ gov/ohrms/dockets/98fr/98282gd.pdf ; see also related
Guidances/UCM187772.pdf. Additional guidance is found FDA guidances, available online at
at, and the CDER, ScienceResearch/SpecialTopics/RunningClinicalTrials/
CDRH, and CBER web pages. GuidancesInformationSheetsandNotices/; and Office
of Medical Policy, Clinical Hold /Refusal-to-File
13. See 21 C.F.R. §§ 312.50, 812.40. Committee, at

Endnotes 165
24. See 36. Specific requirements for a treatment IDE application
html#emergency. are available at:
25. Instructions for completing a single patient IND for investigationaldeviceexemptionide/ucm046706.htm.
emergency (or compassionate use) are available online at 37. See
HowDrugsareDevelopedandApproved/ DeviceRegulationandGuidance/HowtoMarketYourDevice/
ApprovalApplications/ InvestigationalDeviceExemptionIDE/ucm051345.htm
InvestigationalNewDrugINDApplication/ for a description of the requirements for a continued
ucm343022.htm. Contact information for submis- access IDE application; see also
sion of an emergency use IND is available at http:// BiologicsBloodVaccines/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/ InvestigationalNewDrugINDorDevice
HowDrugsareDevelopedandApproved/ ExemptionIDEProcess/default.htm.
InvestigationalNewDrugINDApplication/ucm107434.htm. 38. 21 C.F.R. §§ 312.6, 812.5

26. Requests for such authorization may be made at 39. 21 C.F.R. §§ 312.7, 812.7
any time by contacting FDA as provided at: http:// 40. See
HowDrugsareDevelopedandApproved/ deviceregulationandguidance/guidancedocuments/
ApprovalApplications/ ucm073585.pdf.
41. See
27. 57 Fed. Reg. 13250 (May 21, 1990). ningclinicaltrials/guidancesinformationsheetsandnotices/
28. See 21 C.F.R. § 809.10(c)
42. See 21 C.F.R. § 312.10
29. See 21 C.F.R. § 812.3(m)
43. 21 C.F.R. § 812.10
30. Guidance for determining whether a device is SR or NSR is
available online at 44. A list of the types of findings that may be made during an
ryinformation/guidances/ucm126418.pdf. inspection of a clinical investigation is available online at
31. A separate IDE application is required for studies involving Guidances/UCM126553.pdf.
an exception from the informed consent process under 21
C.F.R. §§ 50.24, 812.20(a)(4)(i). 45. Warning Letters and Notices of Initiation of
Disqualification Proceedings and Opportunity to Explain
32. See (“NIDPOE”) Letters are posted on FDA’s website: http://
ucm070269.htm. default.htm.

33. Additional guidance on early and expanded access to 46. See recent enforcement actions:
investigational devices is available from FDA online at CriminalInvestigations/ucm123086.htm.
Guidances/UCM127067.pdf. 47. Supporting resources abound. One, published by the
International Conference on Harmonisation and avail-
34. See the IRB Information Sheet available at http://www. able free of charge on FDA’s website, is titled: “Guidance for Industry-E6 Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated
UCM126418.pdf. Guidance.” See
35. Additional requirements apply and are dis- UCM073122.pdf.
cussed at
deviceregulationandguidance/howtomarketyourdevice/ 48. 21 U.S.C. §§ 351(a)(2)(B), 351(h), 360(j)(f).

166 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

49. See Pharmaceutical cGMPs for the 21st Century – A 8. P.L. 104-191 § 264 (Aug. 21, 1996).
Risk-Based Approach: available online at http:// 9. 65 Fed. Reg. 82462 (Dec. 28, 2000). The regulations were
manufacturing/questionsandanswersoncurrentgood- revised somewhat about eighteen months later, prior to
manufacturingpracticescgmpfordrugs/ucm137175. their effective date. 67 Fed. Reg. 53181 (Aug. 14, 2002). The
htm. . See “GMP Information / Quality Systems complete current HIPAA privacy, security, and related
Information” at administrative rules are available online at http:// www.
QualitySystemsRegulations/default.htm or “Medical
Device Quality Systems Manual: A Small Entity 10. DHHS Office of Civil Rights, “Modifications to the HIPAA
Compliance Guide” which may be found at http://www. Privacy, Security, Enforcement, and Breach Notification Rules under the Health Information Technology for
PostmarketRequirements/QualitySystemsRegulations/ Economic and Clinical Health Act and the Genetic
MedicalDeviceQualitySystemsManual/default.htm for Information Nondiscrimination Act.
guidance regarding devices.
11. These terms are defined at 45 C.F.R. § 160.103. HIPAA also
50. “Guidance for Industry, CGMP for Phase 1 Investigational recognizes “hybrid” covered entities—single legal entities
Drugs”, July 2008. See that include two or more distinguishable but not legally
drugs/guidancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/guid- separate units or components, where some but not all of the
ances/ucm070273.pdf. components would be “covered entities” as defined under
HIPAA. Typical examples of hybrid entities include insur-
51. See the March 1991 FDA guidance entitled ance companies that offer both life and health policies, or
“Guideline on the Preparation of Investigational Universities whose faculty practices or health facilities offer
New Drug Products (Human and Animal)”, avail- clinical services. Some healthcare organizations that con-
able online at duct research initially declared themselves hybrid covered
GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ entities and drew the line between their covered and non-
UCM070315.pdf. covered components not along organizational boundaries
but instead based on what activities were being performed
at any given time. The Department of Health and Human
CHAPTER 8 Services subsequently clarified that a hybrid covered entity
may not define its components along functional lines:
1. Wikipedia, Hippocratic Oath, available at http:// “Research components of a hybrid entity that function as healthcare providers and engage in standard electronic
transactions must be included in the hybrid entity’s health-
2. See, e.g., Neil M. Richards & Daniel J. Solove,Privacy’s
care component(s), and be subject to the Privacy Rule.”
Other Path: Recovering the Law of Confidentiality, 96 Geo.
DHHS Office for Civil Rights, HIPAA Frequent Questions:
L.J. 123 (2007).
When Does a Covered Entity Have Discretion to Determine
3. World Medical Association, Ethical Principles for Medical Whether a Research Component of the Entity is Part of Their
Research Involving Human Subjects, available at http:// Covered Functions, and Therefore, Subject to the HIPAA Privacy Rule?, available online at
(emphasis added). hipaafaq/permitted/research/315.html (emphasis added);
see also DHHS Office for Civil Rights, HIPAA Frequent
4. P.L. 104-191 (Aug. 21, 1996); 45 C.F.R. pts. 160 and 164. Questions: When is a Researcher a Covered Health Care
Provider Under HIPAA?, available online at http://www.
5. The “Common Rule” is a policy adopted by more than a
dozen separate federal agencies governing the conduct of
federally funded human research. The version adopted by 12. P.L. 104-191, § 1177 (Aug. 21, 1996); 42 U.S.C. §1320d-6.
the U.S. Public Health Service is found at 45 C.F.R. pt. 46.
Detailed information about the history of the regulation, 13. See, e.g., Rachel Nosowsky and Tomas J. Giordano, The
agency guidance, and agency enforcement activities is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
available at (HIPAA) Privacy Rule: Implications for Clinical Research, 57
Ann. Rev. Med. 575-90 (Feb. 2006).
6. 21 C.F.R. pts. 50 and 56.

7. P.L. 104-191, Title II, subtitle F, pt. C (Aug. 21,1996).

Endnotes 167
14. A personal representative may, depending on state law, be a 30. See, e.g., 67 Fed. Reg. 53181, 53234-38 (Aug. 14, 2002).
legal guardian, attorney-in-fact, patient advocate, or next-
of-kin. An unemancipated minor’s personal representative 31. 45 C.F.R. § 164.502(b).
generally is his or her parent or legal guardian. In cases
where the minor may, under state law, consent to health- 32. See privacy/hipaa/faq/busi-
care services without an adult’s permission (for example, ness_associates/ 239.html.
for pre-natal care, treatment of STDs, or mental health or
33. 45 C.F.R. § 46.102(f).
substance abuse treatment), the parent or legal guardian
is not considered the minor’s personal representative. 45 34. 45 C.F.R. § 46.111(a)(7); 21 C.F.R. §
C.F.R. §164.502(g). HIPAA also permits covered entities to
withhold PHI from a parent or legal guardian in domestic 35. Nat’l Science Foundation, Frequently Asked Questions
violence cases. Id. and Vignettes: What’s the difference between privacy
and confidentiality?, available at
15. 45 C.F.R. § 164.502(a). An “individual” is the living or dias/policy/hsfaqs.jsp#difference ; see also Robin Levin
decreased individual who is the subject of any given pro- Penslar, Protecting Human Research Subjects: Institutional
tected health information (“PHI”). PHI, in turn, is defined Review Board Guidebook, Ch. 4, Pt. E (1993), available
to include information that (i) is created or received by online at
a healthcare provider, health plan, employer, or clear- not93-209.html.
inghouse; (ii) relates to an individual’s past, present, or
future condition, provision of healthcare to the individual, 36. 45 C.F.R. § 46.116(a)(5); 21 C.F.R. § 50.25(a)(5).
or related payment; and (iii) identifies the individual or
reasonably could be used to identify the individual. Id. at 37. Robin Levin Penslar, Protecting Human Research Subjects:
§ 160.103. Institutional Review Board Guidebook, Ch. 4, Pt. E (1993),
available online at
16. Detailed guidance on drafting research authorizations is notice-files/not93-209.html.
available on the NIH website at: http://privacyruleandre- 38. Detailed information on certificates of confidentiality and
the application and approval process are available on the
17. 45 C.F.R. § 164.520. NIH website at; see
also Joan E. Sieber, Summary of Human Subjects Protection
18. 45 C.F.R. § 164.524. Issues Related to Large Sample Surveys, at pp. 21-22, U.S.
Dep’t of Justice, Bureau of Justice Stats. (Jun. 2001), avail-
19. 45 C.F.R. § 164.520(a); id. at 164.530(j).
able at
20. 45 C.F.R. § 164.526.
39. See, e.g., Office for Human Research Protections, Guidance
21. 45 C.F.R. § 164.528. The accounting requirement can be on Research Involving Coded Private Information or
onerous, and requires patient-specific disclosure tracking, Biological Specimens (Aug. 10, 2004), available at http://
unless 50 or more subjects are involved in the study. Id. at ; Office for
164.528(b)(4). Human Research Protections, Request for Public Comment
on OHRP Draft Guidance Document on Engagement of
22. 45 C.F.R. § 164.501. See sub-section C(2) below for a dis- Institutions in Human Subjects Research (Dec. 8, 2006),
cussion of activities that include a research component but available at
are primarily intended for quality assessment and improve- com120806.html.
ment purposes.
40. For a detailed analysis of the interaction among these
23. 45 C.F.R. §§ 164.510 and 164.512. regulations, see Erin D. Williams, Federal Protection for
Human Subjects: An Analysis of the Common Rule and Its
24. 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(i)(1)(i). Interactions with FDA Regulations and the HIPAA Privacy
Rule, CRS Order Code RL32909 (Jun. 2, 2005), available
25. 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(i)(1)(ii). at; see also
Nat’l Institutes of Health, HIPAA Privacy Rule, available at

27. 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(i)(1)(iii). 41. 45 C.F.R. § 46.116-46.117 (Common Rule); 21 C.F.R. pt.
50, subpt. B (FDA regulations); 45 C.F.R. § 164.502(a)(1)
28. 45 C.F.R. § 164.514(b)(1).
(iv) (HIPAA).
29. 45 C.F.R. § 164.514(e).

168 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

42. U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Srvcs., Letter to Stan 54. Nat’l Inst. Health, Research Repositories, Databases, and
Crosley (Apr. 15, 2003), available at http:// http://www.hhs. the HIPAA Privacy Rule (Jan. 12, 2004), available at http://
privguideresearch.pdf. asp (explaining that collecting and depositing PHI into a
database, and removing PHI from a database for research
43. 68 Fed. Reg. 63110 (Nov. 7, 2003); Nat’l Institutes of Health, purposes are two separate activities for purposes of the
Institutional Review Boards and the HIPAA Privacy Rule, HIPAA privacy rule and that authorization to disclose PHI
available at to a database meets HIPAA’s specificity requirement).
55. See, e.g., Anick Desjanun, Hacker Teams Breach Powerful
44. U.S. Food & Drug Admin., Guidance for Industry: IRB Research Networks, USA Today (Apr. 14, 2004); Tim Gray,
Review of Stand-Alone HIPAA Authorizations Under FDA Another University Suffers Security Breach, internetnews.
Regulations (Oct. 21, 2003), available at com (Mar. 29, 2005); Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, A
ohrms/dockets/98fr/03d-0204-gdl0001.pdf. Chronology of Data Breaches, available at http://www.priva-
45. 45 C.F.R. § 164.508(c)(3); DHHS Office for Civil Rights,
HIPAA Frequent Questions: Do the HIPAA Rule’s 56. See, e.g., L. Joseph Melton, III, The Threat to Medical-
Requirements for Authorization and the Common Rule’s Records Research, New England J. Med. 337:1466-1470
Requirements for Informed Consent Differ?, available at (Nov. 13, 1997); Steven H. Woolf, et al., Selection Bias from Requiring Patients to Give Consent to Examine Data for
Health Services Research, Arch. Fam. Med. 9:1111-1118
46. 45 C.F.R. § 46.102(d); 45 C.F.R. § 164.501. (Nov. 2000).

47. 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(i)(1)(i)(A). 57. 42 C.F.R. pts. 2 and 2a.

48. 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(i)(1)(i)(B). 58. Detailed information on FERPA and PPRA is available on
the U.S. Department of Education website at http://www.
49. 45 C.F.R. § 46.114; see also DHHS Office for Human
Research Protections, FWA Frequently Asked Questions
#12: Who is Covered by a Federalwide Assurance (FWA)?, 59. 5 U.S.C. § 552a; see also Electronic Information Privacy
available at Ctr., The Privacy Act of 1974 (Aug. 26, 2003), available at
50. See, e.g., DHHS Office for Human Research Protections,
Guidance on Research Involving Coded Private Information 60. See, e.g., Electronic Privacy Information Center, Social
or Biological Specimens (Aug. 10, 2004), available at http:// Security Numbers, available at, DHHS Office for
Human Research Protections, Guidance of Engagement 61. See, e.g., Barbara D. Bovbjerg, Social Security Numbers: Use
of Institutions in Human Subjects Research (Oct 16, is Widespread and Protections Vary (Gov’t Accountability
2008), available at Ofc. Jun. 15, 2004), available at
engage08.html. items/d04768t.pdf ; Electronic Privacy Information Center
51. 45 C.F.R. § 46.101(b)(4).
62. The National Conference of State Legislatures maintains a
52. 45 C.F.R. § 46.116(a)(1); 21 C.F.R. § 50.25(a)(1). list of state “Age of Majority” laws, available at http://www.
53. Nat’l Cancer Inst. Cancer Diagnosis Program, Legal and
Ethical Issues: Informed Consent, available at http://www. 63. 45 C.F.R. § 164.502(g)(3).
cal_collection/informed.htm; see also National Action
Plan on Breast Cancer, National Biological Resource Banks 64. 45 C.F.R. § 46.116-46.117.
Working Group, Sunset Report (Jul. 1998); Nat’l Action
Plan on Breast Cancer, Consent Form for Use of Tissue for 65. 21 U.S.C. ch. 9.
Research (May 1997), available at http://www.cancerdiag- 66. 21 C.F.R. pt. 11.
model.pdf; Nat’l Action Plan on Breast Cancer, How is
Tissue Used for Research (May 1997), available at http://

Endnotes 169
67. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Guidance 90. 21 C.F.R. § 11.100(c).
for Industry: Part 11, Electronic Records; Electronic
Signatures—Scope and Application at p. 5 (Aug. 2003), 91. 21 C.F.R. § 11.100(c)(1).
available at
GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ 92. 21 C.F.R. § 11.200(a)(1).
ucm072322.pdf: “[W]hen persons use computers to gener-
93. 21 C.F.R. § 11.200(b).
ate paper printouts of electronic records, and those paper
records meet all the requirements of the applicable predi- 94. 21 C.F.R. § 11.10.
cate rules and persons rely on the paper records to perform
their regulated activities, FDA would generally not consider 95. Pub. Law 106-229 (Jun. 30, 2000).
persons to be ‘using electronic records in lieu of paper
records’ under §§ 11.2(a) and 11.2(b). In these instances, the 96. See Nat’l Conf. of Commissioners on Uniform St. Laws,
use of computer systems in the generation of paper records Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, available at http://
would not trigger part 11.”
68. 21 C.F.R. § 11.3(6).
97. 15 U.S.C. § 7006(5).
69. 21 C.F.R. § 11.1(b).
98. 15 U.S.C. § 7001 (a).
70. 21 C.F.R. § 11.3(a)(4).
99. 15 U.S.C. § 7001 (c). Additional information about con-
71. 21 C.F.R. § 11.10. sumer consent requirements is available in the Federal
Trade Commission publication, Electronic Signatures in
72. 21 C.F.R. § 11.10(a). Global and National Commerce Act: The Consumer Consent
Provision in Section 101(c)(1)(C)(ii), available at http://www.
73. 21 C.F.R. § 11.10(a).
74. 21 C.F.R. § 11(b).
100. 45 C.F.R. pt. 164, subpt. C.
75. 21 C.F.R. § 11(b).
101. P.L. 107-347 (Dec. 17, 2002). For a detailed summary of the
76. 21 C.F.R. § 11.10(d). legislation and additional implementation information, see
Nat’l Inst. of Stds. and Technology, Federal Information
77. 21 C.F.R. 11.10(g). Security Management Act (FISMA) Implementation
Project, available at
78. 21 C.F.R. 11.10(e) index.html.

79. 21 C.F.R. § 11.10(g). 102. P.L. 107-347, § 3541(1).

80. 21 C.F.R. § 11.10(j). 103. A copy of the notice (No. NOT-OD-08-032) is available at
81. 21 C.F.R. § 11.10(j). 08-032.html.

82. 21 C.F.R. 11.10(k). 104. Ass’n of Am. Med. Colleges, Gp. on Info. Resources,
Consequences of Heightened Dept. of Veterans Affairs Info.
83. 21 C.F.R. § 11.30. Security on Academic Med. Ctrs. (Sept. 2007).

84. 21 C.F.R. § 11.50(a)(1)-(2). 105. State breach notification laws, both current and pend-
ing, can be found at the National Conference of State
85. 21 C.F.R. § 11.50(a)(3).
Legislators website,
86. 21 C.F.R. § 11.70. telecommunications-and-information-technology/security-
breach-notification-laws.aspx; see also Crowell & Moring,
87. 21 C.F.R. § 11.100(a). State Laws Governing Security Breach Notification, available
88. 21 C.F.R. § 11.70.

89. 21 C.F.R. § 11.100(b).

170 Research Compliance Professional’s Handbook

1. See “Guidance for Industry E6 Good Clinical Practices: 1. Social Security Act § 1862(a)(1)(A).
Consolidated Guidance.”
2. Ibid.
2. 21 CFR §312.62 (c)
3. Ibid.
3. See 21 CFR 312.62 (b) and (c)
4. 60 CFR 48417.
4. U.S. Food & Drug Admin., Guidance for Industry: IRB
Review of Stand Alone HIPAA Authorizations Under FDA 5. Social Security Act § 1862(a)(1)(A).
Regulations (Oct. 21, 2003), available at
ohrms/dockets/98fr/03d-0204-gdl0001.pdf. 6. NCD for Routine Costs in CLINICAL TRIALS (310.1).

5. See 7. CFR, Title 21, § 56.111(a)(1)(i).

6. David E. Wright, Sandra Titus, Jered B. Cornelison,

“Mentoring and Research Misconduct: An analysis of
Research Mentoring in Closed Office of Research Integrity
Cases,” Science and Engineering Ethics, 14 (September
2008): 323-336.

1. National Coverage Determination 310.1.

2. MLN Matters SE0822 (September 30, 2008).

3. Decision Memo for Clinical Trial Policy (CAG-00071R2)

(October 17, 2007).

4. Social Security Act §1862.

5. Social Security Act §1862(m).

6. National Coverage Determination 310.1.

7. Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 15, Section 50.

8. CMS “Final Decision on Clinical Trial Policy Q’s and A’s”

(October 17, 2007).

9. 42 USC 1395y(m)(2)(C).

10. MLN Matters MM3548 (December 17, 2004).

Endnotes 171

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