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4° semester PINE BRANCHES.


Phonetics Phonology Morphology Sintax Semantics Pragmatics

Is the study of the N involves learning Involves learning Is the study of the Is the study of
Is the study of
rules governing the the vocabulary or how sentences are rules of meaning, how context
sounds used in
combination of lexicon of a constructed and the systems by affects meaning,
phonemes. I mean language and the how sentences are which we derive such as how
how phonemes ways in which related each other. meaning from a sentences are
function in lexical items are message. interpreted in
language. constructed. certain situations.

The most interesting ideas about Nature of communication and Branches of linguistics.
I have learned a lot of about how we can communicate and how can acquire our native language and also a foreign
language. I liked to know that language is seen by linguistics as a uniquely human capacity used to produce and understand
precise meaningful utterances. Whereas the communication is when we can decode messages that are sent. Besides, I learned
that language is a rule governed because of we can create and modify our sounds, meanings and grammar rules. Indeed, we
have all control to express our ideas by means of distinct words etc. In other matters, I learnt about components and branches of
linguistics. These are allowed us to comprehend in a better way the different mechanisms for useful language and human
communication. Now, I know what is the important function from each of them. In addition, this a landmark to help us to increase
our knowledge about value of linguistics.

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