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Vergara, Kimberly D.



ChE 526: Biochemical Engineering

Documentary Analysis




The video is published online on April 7, 2020, and updated on April 14, 2020. The
video is made by New Tang Dynasty Television – it is a New York-based global news
and entertainment media, founded in 2001. It is also a non-profit organization, trying to
change China with a tiny budget, a volunteer staff and a mission to inform a censored
nation. NTD's mission is to uplift and inform society by publishing quality content that
embodies integrity, dignity, and the best of humanity.

In the video, Epoch Times senior investigative reporter Joshua Philipp explores
the known facts surrounding the CCP virus and the global pandemic it caused. He
specializes in analysis on politics, cyber security, and defense. He is a recognized
expert on unrestricted warfare, asymmetrical hybrid warfare, subversion, and historical
perspectives on today’s issues. In his investigation, Philipp explores the scientific data,
and interviews top scientists and national security experts. The other video which is
about Antiviral injection made from the Philippines is posted on April 21, 2020 in
facebook by Berns Gove, an anonymous person.


December 30, 2019, an internal notice from Wuhan Health Commission stated
that there are continuous pneumonia cases of unknown cause in Wuhan, China – the
largest city in central China. Chinese communist Party said it started spontaneously in
the seafood market in Wuhan, China. While a paper contradicting the public notice was
published that patient zero was nowhere near the market and there are no bats in the
seafood market or anywhere close.

On January 10, China disclosed the full genome sequence of the Wuhan which is
the novel coronavirus and a paper was published stating that Wuhan Coronavirus is
closely related to the two viruses (CoVZC45 and CoVZXC21) sampled from bats. The
Wuhan coronavirus has 89.1% nucleotide similarity with the CoVZC45 virus and “even
exhibit 100% amino acid similarity in the nsp7 and E proteins. It is highly similar to a bat
SARS like coronavirus.

Different situations are stated in the video of the possible hidden agenda of CCP
shifting the attention of people of the true of origin of the virus. On October 2013, Shi
Zhengli and her team at the Wuhan lab published a paper discussing a creation of a
synthetic virus. The new virus demonstrated a powerful for cross-species infection. The
mice infected by the synthetic virus revealed severe lung damage with no cure – by
which stated in her paper is actually happening now. Another thing to consider is that
CCP is known to have a proactive biological warfare portfolio, and have a research
development manufacturing testing or storage of biological weapons for combat against
stronger nation. On February 4, Chairman of Duoyi, Xu No, blew the whistle that the
Wuhan Institute of Virology was suspected of manufacturing and leaking of Wuhan


The things that intrigues me the most is the origin of the novel coronavirus. The
following are questions keep me in curious.

1. Why CCP said it started in the seafood market, but genome sequence of the
virus is closely related to bats, where bats cannot be found in the seafood market
or anywhere near there?
2. What is the reason behind on Health Committee in China stated that existing
virus samples must be destroyed. All related papers and data are prohibited on
3. Is it possible that the virus is man-made and if so, is it for military purposes?
4. Why the government in China didn’t inspect the Wuhan laboratory for any
leakage incidents and potential safety concerns instead they shifted public
attention to South China?
5. Is it true that the Chinese party is covering up the true origin of the virus and
responsible for the spread of disease?

1. What is the possible origin of COVID-19 based on the report? Based from your
Chinese communist Party stated that it started spontaneously in the
seafood market in Wuhan, China. Wuhan is the capital of Hubei Province, the
largest city in central China. The name the market is Huanan Seafood Market
which is located in Zhang Han District of Wuhan city. It is a large variety of
market that includes pork and variety of frozen seafood. December 30, 2019, an
internal notice from Wuhan Health Commission stated that there are continuous
pneumonia cases of unknown cause. According to the findings of the medical
experts that the coronavirus is similar to closely related two viruses (CoVZC45
and CoVZXC21). It is highly similar to a bat SARS like coronavirus. The S protein
of the virus has high homology with the said virus.
A paper entitled Clinical Features of Patients infected in 2019 Novel
Coronavirus of Wuhan, China was published in Lancet on January 24; and
shows that patient zero was nowhere near the market and there are no bats
found within the vicinity of the seafood market. January 26, 33 of 585
environmental samples from the Huanan Seafood market were found to contain
the novel coronavirus nucleic acid. Last January 1, 2020, Wonton Seafood
Market posted a notice of closure and followed by a thorough cleanup of the
market and a well-known expert said that the move was like destroying the crime
scene. According to an epidemiologist named Daniel Lucey, the first patient is
infected by the virus in November because there is an incubation period between
the infection and symptoms. This means that the virus is spreading quietly
through people before the cluster of cases with a history of exposure from people
on seafood market. Group of medical experts arrived in Wuhan to investigate the
said virus. According to the investigation, one third of the patients didn’t have
any exposure to the said market which makes the idea of covering up the actual
source by imposing a false place.

In the year 2013, Shi Zhengli and her team lab published a paper
discussing the creation of a synthetic virus. The synthetic virus demonstrated a
cross species infection by which the mice infected by the virus started to have
severe lung damage. The synthetic virus is revealed to have no cure. The
outbreak occurred in Wuhan is the same location as the Shi Zhengli’s laboratory.
The government didn’t inspect the said laboratory and concluded that it comes
from the seafood market. At the same time, authorities sealed off all virus
samples and prevented international experts to join the investigation. The CCP
is also believe to known to have a proactive biological warfare portfolio which
may include advanced chemical warfare projects like manufacturing and
weaponizing capabilities for the militaries.

In my opinion, in what stated from the above paragraphs, it maybe from

the Wuhan laboratory and it is made for military purposes, or maybe from the
bats that transmitted the virus to any animals and sold in the seafood market
because there is not much evidence that virus was leaked from the laboratory
because the chinense government didn’t attempt to investigate the said

2. How can COVID-19 affects the body?

COVID-19 is a respiratory virus so it begins and ends in the lungs. COVID-
19 infects and kills cilia cells – the hair-like cells in the lungs that clear out viruses
and pollen. Without cilia cells, the lungs can fill with fluid and other stuff that
shouldn't remain in them. COVID-19 also attacks mucus cells. These cells are
important because they keep the lungs moist so they can work. Mucus cells
protect the lungs from bacteria or viruses. Coronavirus has S protein which
enters the body. Because it has spines which attach to the surface, it can enter
human cells much easier and damage other internal organs.

3. If the body is the bioreactor and the virus is organism (even if it is not), describe
the bioreactor that can possibly cultivate, the production, or propagation in the
body. Try to create a simulation theory in analysis for this question relating it to
getting the body healed.
Viruses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of
molecules; including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on
their own they can do nothing until they enter a living cell. Without cells, viruses
would not be able to multiply. A virus infects the body by entering healthy cells.
The invader makes copies of it and multiplies throughout the body. In the case of
the coronavirus, when lungs are under attack, they alert the body's immune
system that then sends immune cells to fight the infection. But sometimes, these
immune cells kill everything, including healthy tissue. That's why many sick
patients are put on oxygen or, in more severe cases, mechanical ventilation.
It can also be compared to a bioreactor and an organism entering. Bioreactors
were first developed for culturing microorganisms. The aim of bioreactor
application is to provide optimum growth conditions by regulating chemical or
physical parameters, and also in order to achieve either both maximum yield and
high quality of the explants. Like in the fermentation department in an Ethanol
manufacturing plant, the cells tend to undergo aerobic respiration in a culture.
The cell tends to eat the sugar content in a wort (molasses plus water), in which
the cells starts to propagate,
Covid-19 virus is highly similar to a bat SARS virus. The S protein of the
virus has high homology with the SARS virus. Coronavirus have little mushroom
attached to the surface of the virus, the S proteins are also known as spine or
spike proteins by which it invades the human cells and begins to replicate. When
lungs are under attack, they alert the body's immune system that then sends
immune cells to fight the infection. But sometimes, these immune cells kill
everything, including healthy tissue. That's why many sick patients are put on
oxygen or, in more severe cases, mechanical ventilation. We can compare the
receptor of the human cell’s surface to a lock, and the S protein is the key,
unlocking this lock on the cell and invades. When the virus is in the cell, it begins
to replicate until it kills the cell.

4. Is the content has technical validity, comes from a reliable source, and the
concept is technically feasible? Give at least 3 proofs that this is possible.
Epoch Times is a magazine which publishes 21 languages in 35 countries
across five continents. The Epoch Times continues to expand news coverage
and newspaper distribution in more regions, and with editions in more languages.
It is also under Epoch Media Group which is an independent global media
network of multilingual print and digital publications, an international television
network, and digital advertising and technology services. The video is made by
New Tang Dynasty Television – it is a New York-based global news and
entertainment media, founded in 2001; by which it hosted by an Epoch Times
senior investigative reporter Joshua Philipp. In terms of technical validity of the
video, each statement stated is accompanied by scientific studies, articles,
notice, expert’s advises and opinions about the origin of the coronavirus
pandemic. They also introduce several whistle blowers using their real name to
expose the true possible origins of the virus. And the way the host delivers his
thoughts, he is not claiming that the origin of the pandemic yet considering all of
the factors of the said topic.

5. What can possibly be the cure based on the concept presented in the video and
its validity?

According to the video, on January 21 st, a new drug named “Remdesivir,

was provided for free by the US to China for Wuhan Coronavirus treatment, and
this was patented by Wuhan Institute of Virology. For the other video, it presents
the Filipino invention of the new drug named Fabunan Antiviral Injection. Dr.
Willie Fabunan discovered an antiviral injection which is an antivirus to protect
our body from covid 19. But this treatment still needs approval by FDA and same
for Remdesivir needing approval. It is composed of procaine, dexamethasone
and glucosteroid. Procaine is also used as local anesthesia – it is called by many
doctors as an effective pain killer. Procaine injection is only used with the
prescription of the health workers because it contains high dose of cocaine.
Another chemical named glucosteroid is a powerful medicine that fights
inflammation. It is also an anti-inflammatory drugs that prevents the over reaction
of the immune system of the body. It is also contains glucosteroid which
suppress the inflammation of the body. Its main goal also is to fight different
kinds of diseases. Dexamethasone is a drug treatment for breathing disorder and
also an enhancer for respiratory system. It regulates lung function and is use for
treatment of adrenal insufficiency. He said that the antiviral injection is already
tested with some of his infected covid-19 patients that he already treated. The
Antiviral injection video is by Berns Gove, an anonymous person. The video
made by the NTD shows its validity by showing the articles and studies related to
it, but for the antiviral injection though I’ve already seen it in news, it didn’t show
enough technical validity.

6. What is the possible cure or ways to mitigate or prevent this virus propagation
based on your theory as evidenced by your research? Please provide 3. How
can this cure be possible to treat, contain, or prevent the virus from spreading?
Try to have a scenario simulation discussion for this.

The medical experts are under-pressure for the rapid spread of the
coronavirus, and they are now creating a vaccine or medicine to prevent and
cure the virus. What are vaccines and how does it works? Vaccine works on the
entire population of cell, not only on single cells as it continues to propagate.
People are immunized by nature but because of the outbreak of an unknown
disease, immunities of some people like the elders are low to get affected by the
virus easily. A bacteria or virus dies out if they don’t have enough eligible hosts. It
works by training the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens, either
viruses or bacteria. To do this, certain molecules from the pathogen must be
introduced into the body to trigger an immune response.
Other governments have suggested the use of antibodies from covid-19
recoveries as a cure for patients still fighting on the virus. It also could serve as
the basis for an “immunity passport” or “risk-free certificate” that would enable
individuals to travel or to return to work assuming that they are protected against
re-infection. Yet, it has no evidence for these antibodies.
Another prevention implemented by the countries is by using facemask
and face shields. Washing of hands is also necessary to prevent the infection.
The mode of transmission of the virus is by small respiratory droplets through
sneezing, coughing, or interacting with people with less than one meter. By using
facemask and washing hands, it can prevent to have a contact with the virus.

The world is now facing a pandemic by which millions are infected, thousands
have died and hundreds of countries are affected economically. The invisible yet deadly
virus are now attacking millions of people, even though they didn’t know where place
they might be infected. Many people stay at home like in the Philippines, they had been
through enhanced community quarantined for almost 2 months, and will adapt the new
normal – physical distancing, wearing of face mask and washing of hands.
As of now, there is no treatment for the coronavirus disease but the medical experts are
still trying their best to find the special treatment. There are pending covid-19 medicines
which are needed approvals by the FDA and other medical experts.
In terms of the origin of the coronavirus, there is no definite announcement or judgment
whether it comes from the p4 laboratory in Wuhan and synthetically made for the
military purposes. But the top priority of most countries for now is to stop the spread of
the virus and make everyone safe and healthy.

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