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Wordsf.rer.cise i 5 - 2 0 C l h o o steh e r i - { h tr v o r df b r e a c hs p a c e

1-l-1 C l h o o steh e c - l o s e sr nt e a n i n tgo e a c h 1,5Josephwas eightyesterdayI l i s d a dg a v e

Itrllowir.lg(luestiorr h i r na b o x H e h a d a l o o k i n i t I t w a s a b a t
" Thanks,Daddy Now I can
___ my
I ' o s h u ti s t o ballwith it "
A scream B. close C leap A kick B mix C nrn D hit E throw

A hallis a l6 OnedayPaulawalkedwith her dog Lion

A room B park C meeting to the shops.Lion ran aftera cat "Stop
Lion!" shoutedPaula,but Lion ran and
A hawk is a ran Paulacould not find Lion Sher,vent
A hook B tool C bird backhome Thereat the was Lion!
A shop B gate C, cal D moment
To clutchis to
A grip B yell C cut 1 7 Nathanwas cuttingwood to make a small
cagefor his rabbit "The wood will make
5 A smartpersonis the frame",he saidto himself "I will buv
A fast B active C clever some meshfor the outside
A. wire B w o o d C p a p e r D t i l e
6 Roornymeans
A spacious B high C long l 8 Jill andher unclewent fishingin the lake
Suddenlythey hearda splashand a cry for
T o g r i ni s t o help A boy had fallen from a jetty nearby
A hold B smile D colourful Jill's uncledivedfor the boy Meanwhile
Jill ran to a for help
B A vineis a A cliff B bush C water D house
A tree B. furniture C plant
t 9 The last pieceof furniturewas loadedinto
To alteris to the truck Helen'shousewas emptynow
A w&n1ir..5 B check C change Soonshewould be leavingthe home
A tear trickleddown her cheekas she
l0 A cardigan
r sa s.azedwith at the rosesshewould
A tool B cloth C jacket not be ableto pick agatn
A joy B fear tl boredom D sadness
I I r\blazemeans
r\ surprise B blarning C burning 20 Allan'sseconi nunOshopwaslamrned
betweentwo factoriesat the lower end of
l 2 A b o a rl o o k sl i k ea the city Eachroom, both upstairsand
r\ pig B cat Cl clog C b u l l downstairs, rvascrantmedwith objectsand
t h e f o o t p a t hw a s l i t t e r e dw i t h g o o d s W h e n
I i fiiddy means Jerrywent to flnd sornethingfor a
A giggle tl dizzy C silly c u s t o m ehr e h a dt o n t o v ea r t i c l e sa s i d eo r
clirnbover piecesof old
1 1 T ' oh a c ki s t o A glasses B f u r n i t uer
A hit B dig tl Iifi t) chop (. kettles D irouses
EnglishCan Be Strangc
Have you everheardsomeonespeakin a languagethat you couldn'tunderstand? Perhapsit rvasIirench
But it couldhavebeenEnglish!
At limes,Englishcansoundasdifferentasanotherlanguage. It is spokenby oneout often peoplein the
rvorld. Yet there aremanydifferencesbetweenthe "Queen'sEnglish"andAmericanEnglish.
In England.the Queen's Englishis the'rvayradioandTV announcers saywords.It is thoughtto be the
n)ostcorrectway to pronounce words.Whenthe doctorasksyou to say"ah,"you areusingthesoundthat
theEnglishusein thewordsbathanddance.
Words canhavedrfferentmeanings,too. Englishchildrengo to a "sweetsshop."Americanchildrenwould
visit a candystore.Theywatchthe "telly " ant"rl"ons watchTV. The Englishgo to ''flicks,"whilewe go to
Railroadtracksare "metals."A freight car is a "goodswagon."They call the subwaythe "underground. "A
"flyover" is our overpass.They call an automobilehood a "bonnet."Our cartrunk is a "boot" to thenLand
our hornis a "hooter."
Ifyou went to England"could you understand the language?

1. In England,the "Queen'sEnglish"is spokenby all

A Americans B. announcers. C. people D. children

2. The word in paragraph3 that meansto speakor to sayis

A. call B. pronounce C. sound D oh,
3 The words "cansoundas differentas anotherlanguage"referto
A. pronunciation B English
C. French D. German

4 The story doesnot sayso, but it makesyou think that

A. peoplewatchtelevisionin both EnglandandAmerica.
B Englishchildrennevereatcandy.
C. the samelanguagealwayssoundsthe same.
D. Englandis betterthanAmerica.

5. The Americanscallthemmovies,but the Englishcallthem

A films B. metals C. cargo D. flicks

6. On the whole,this storyis about

A. differencesbetweenAmericanandEnglishspeech.
B. goingto seeanEnglishdoctor.
C. AmericanandEnglishtelevisionprogramsandmovies.
D. How Englishhasbeenchangethroughtime.

7. why might an Americanhavetroubleunderstanding the English?

A. Someof the wordsin the Englishusearedifferent
B. The Englishspeaka foreignlanguage.
C. The peoplein Englandspeakonly to their eueen.
D. They speakdifferentlanguages.

8 Whichof thesesentences do.youthink is right?

A. The EngJishdo not havecarsor televisionsets.
B. The Englishandthe Americanscannotunderstand one annthe.r,
C The "Queen's English"wouldbe easierto understand thanFrenc|.
D. We cancontmunicate with the Frenchpeopleif w'eunderstand
t5 spoFen
1 Enlt^sh by +Jnree
'wt,uf te,n peopiein t)newlrLd,
A Ye,5 B No C Do% noL g,I I
Haveyou everwatchedsomeone you
I Thistrick is easyto do because
performinga trick?Haveyou everthought needonly
of performinga trick in frontof your
friends?Hereis a trick you mightlike to 2 Whichoneof thethingsshouldyou not
do. let your audience
seeat all?

Y o u n e e do n l y :
l . a s m a l lc a r r o t . 3 Your audience
would be mostlikelv
2 a handkerchief amazedat whv
3 s o m ep i n s .

Before you start 4. Talking,while performingthe trick, is

1 Setup a tablefor your trick meantto
2 Have the pins on the tablewithin easy
3. Have a small carrot hidden in your fist. 5. Why do you need a handkerchiefto
4 Dim the lights coveryour clenchedhand?
5. Have your audienceseatedin front of
6. You pretendto feel pain to makeyour
Performingthe trick. audiencebelievethat you stickpins
I . Placethe handkerchiefover your into
2. Hold thecarrotup like a thumbunder 7. Whichoneof the instructionssuggests
the handkerchief thatyou shouldperformthistrick at
3 Saysomemagicwordslike 'Kali- night?
kazoo,Kali-kazam' as you slowly
sticka pin into your
4. It would makeyour trick more realistic 8. This trick would be most successful
if you pretendto experience a little pain A. in a largeschoolhall.
as you stickmore pins in. B when performedin a park
5 It's goodideato keeptalkingto the C. in a circusshow
audienceas you do the trick This D. at home.with familv and friends
distractsthem as you continueyour act
6 Slowly removethe pins 9- I 5. Find the words in the text that mean
7 Take the handkerchiefoff your thumb
Do not forget to concealthe carrotin 9. acting l0 fade
your fi st.
11. watchers 12. gripped
Your audiencewill be amazedthatyour
thumbis not bleeding. 13. pierce 14. genuine
You arenot hurt at all. You mustbe
magicl! 15 feel 16.takesattentionaway

1l hide 18 surprised

Therewas oncea magicianwho was The rnagiciandecidedto takerevenge
standingin the midfil,pfu greatcrowdof A. becausethe beamwas a straw
peopleperformirighis wonders He had a B. becausethe enchantment vanished
cock broughtin, which lifteda heavybeam C because the girl calledpeopleto drive
a n dc a r r i e di t a s i f i t w e r ea s l i g h t a s a * I ' ' ; - " \ him away
featherBut a girl was presentrvhohadjust D because the eirl embarrassedhim in
found a bit of four-leavedclover,and had public
t h u sb e c o n r e s o w i s et h a tn d d t b e p t i o n ' c l u l d
standout againsther, and shesaWthat the 5 When did the magicianget revenge?
beamwas nothingbut a straw.So shecried,
"You people,do you not seethat it is a straw
thatthe cock is carrying,and no beam?"
Immediatelythe ench.4ntment vqniS,$Sd, 6 What hadhe doneto the girl?
the peoplesaw what if was,and'drovethe A. to lift the girl's clothesup
magicianaway in shameanddisgrace.He, B to makethe girl think a field is water
however,full of inwardanger,said,"I will C. to takethe bridgeaway
soonpyglgp*myself." After sometime the D. to let peoplechaseher away
girl's wddding-daycame,and shewas
deckedror,,r!,3rnd went in a greatprocession 7 What was the magician'spurposefor
over the fieldsto the placewherethe church doingthat?
was.All at onceshecameto a streamwhich A to makethe bridegroomgo away
was very much swollen,andtherewas no from the girl
bridgeand no pl?nf,!p cross
i1 lhgn the B to makethe girl kill herself
bridenimbly,tookhbr clothesup, dnd C. to makeher look foolishat her
wantedto wade.through it. And just as she wedding day
was thus standihgin t[e water a man,and it D to provethat his cock could carrya
wasthe enchanter, criedmockinglvclose heavybeam
besideher, "Aha!" Where arvyblileyes that
you take that for water?" Then her eyeswere 8 The word 'deception'in the storymeans
opened., and shesaw that shewas standing A. disappointment
with her clotheslifted up in the middleof a B trick
field that was blue with flowersof blue flax C. comment
Then all the peoplesaw it likewise,and D action
chasedher away - with ridicule an'd lauehter.
r.\i.rC._f-r, -

I The oppositeof 'vanished'is

A visible
Questions. B disappeared
C embarrassed
I What is a beam? D. broke

l0 Theword 'nimbly'in thestorymeans

2 What astonishingthing hadbeendonebv A slowly B. clumsily
the magician'scock? C shyly D quickly

lt The word 'mockingly'means

A sadly B loudly
How couldthe girl seethatthe beamwas C laughingly D surprisingly
reallya straw?
f'he Vikings were farmersand fisherrnen. 3. Stormsin the oceans\vereoften
Most of them lived in the countrywhich is
now cafled Nonvay. Otherslived in parts 4 Vikings stole from churches
n'hereSwedenand llenmark arc today. and castles.
ll:'henevertheir country beczune
overcrorvded" or they tblt like raidingother 5. Theservarriorskilled men but
partsof the world, thev rvould sail aivay,r-d women alvay.
their ships. men r.r'ouldthen become
liercs rvarriors who were after plunder. 6. Normansliving in Francewere
Their tast ships lr-sre about hvqntl. metres fiom Vikings.
long. Thirty men would row rvith long oars,
but a squaresail also helpedthem along. 7-I4. Write the words that mean:
The ships were sqrdil! built for there tryere
often violent storms rhlre o€eanth"U 7. attacking 8. ferocious
The ships would sail along the coastof 9. strongly 10.stayedbehind
anather country. Then they would enter a
ril'er mouth to make raids, Warriors would 1 1 .shore well as
leap ashoreand steal valuables from castles
or churches.These men werc cruel, for 13. oppositeof 'kind' 14.nice tasting
besideskilling rnen, they often carried
woman away with them. Sometimesthe 15-30. Fill the spaceswith a suitableword.
Vikings re_TtqlrJed,ig,,thgA.* lands.They
would begin farmiirg or fiihing. Many l5.Snow'isto rvhiteas tar is to
Normans in France were descendedfrom
Vikings.Partsof Englana*&g&ficked and 16. Coffee is to drink as breadis to
Vikings choseto live there.
Many Vikings sailedto Iceland_After 17. Doubleis to two astriple is to
killing sornemonks they made their homes
there.One Viking, Eric the Re4 left lceland r8. Green is to go as red is to
and sailedon the Greenland.His son Leif
Ericsson sailed from Greenlandto America. 19. Lid is to box ascork is to
He returned and describedthe new land and
spoke of fish in the rivers and wild grapes 24. Door is to wall as gateis to
that were delicious.He warned that fierce
RedIndianbraveslivediffitdf *i 21. lJp is to down as high is to
lrii-s brothers
America. They wanted to stay but the 22. Gun is to bullet as bow is to
lndians drove them away. It was not until
tbur hundredysars later that men followed 23- Knife is to butter as saw is to
ChristopherColumbus and went to live in
the vast land. 24- Fingeris to handas handis to

1. Vikings mainly came from the 25. Writer is to psn as painteris to

of Norwav.
26 Cold is to warrn as warm to
2. A Viking shiphada sail. to
27. Grandmotheris.motherasmotheris to

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t: I l ' a c l o c kl o s eIr r n i r r u t epsc r h o i r r l. r o r r
lLf.flfLg! l:ll soIvi ng r l r a n \r/n i n r r t eisi , i l l t h e c r l o c kl o s ei n l r a l f '
J o h nl t a d l _ 5n t a r b l e sI { c l o s tz l a n c tl h e r n
\ \ ( ) n2 [ l o r v r ] r a n vn t a r b l e sd o e sh e
har c lrorv'' l)
l) s l r i r t si t r e2 l i r r $ l 0 i f l _ r 1 1sal ) e r n r
$ 1 0 .h o u ' l ' n A n \ , c i l ns h eb u 1),
W r i t e t h e l t u n t b c rt h a t i s I I l l e s st h a n
50 l 4 N{umcut fbur applesfbr her f aniily If
-) eachpersonatehalf of the apple,hor,r,
J A bor contains40 biscuitsFlorvmany many peopleare in her family?
b i s c u i t si n - 5b o x e s ?

l 5 Andy can preparea saladin 4 minutes

4 If Dad cut a timberinto for"rrpieces, How many suchsaladscanhe prepare
whatfractionof the t i m b e ri s e a c h in 20 minutes?

Mike had $4 He spent$l 50 on a book l 6 If five orangescost $4 How much will
and 50 centson a pacer How much did one orangecost?
he haveleft?

t 7 Therewere 21 studentsin our class If

Tim is 9 yearsold His brotheris twice two third of the studentscan swirn,horv
a so l d a sh e i s I { o w o l d i s T i m ' s many studentscan not swim?

l8 A train was due a t 7 2 0 a m b u t i t w a s

What numberis sum of the first 5 odd 20 minuteslate.At what time did it
numbers? arrive?

Linda had l8 sweets.If shegave one 19 If Lily doesherhomeworkhalfan hour

third of the sweetsto her brother,how everyduy,how m'anyminutesdoesshe
many sweetsdid she have left? do in eachschoolweek?

Paul and Jennyeach eat2 orangesa 20-21 Lucy boughta chocolatebar She
day How manyorangesdo they gave /s of the chocolatebar to her
c o n s u m ei n 4 d a v s ? sisterSue.Draw the pictureto help
you to answerthe questions below
20 What fractionof the chocolatebar did
l 0 The earthtakesabout36-5itaysto orbit shehavelefi?
the sun.How many duyr would it take
t o c o m p l e t e4 o r b i t s ?
2l Lucy then cut the pieceof chocolatc
'l'here .18 bar,rvhichshehad left in tvu,o eclual
II a r e n t a r b l e os n t h e t a b l e l f I p i c c e s I J e rb r o t h e rJ a c ka l eo n eo l - t l i e
pLrtthenrinto (r cclualgroult.hou,,lniut\, p i e c e s\ V h a tf i a c t i o ror f ' t h cr t r - i s i n a l
r n a l ' b l r : si n c a c h - 8 I - p 1 1 1 1 ' )
cJlor:r,.1:rtc bal'\\,ltslclt lirr-ltet-')

l - a b e lt h e f i r l l o i v i n gP l t n e S h a ; t e s . \ \ ' r i t e t h e l n c t o r so t ' t l i c l i r l l o \ \l r l s
s q u a r e . r ' i g h t - a n g l et dr i a n g l e , n u r n b e r sa n d r v l t a t i s t h e s t t t t lo f t h c
r e c t a n g l e i, s o s c e l etsr i a n g l e ,c i r c l e , fhctors?
s e r n i c i r c l e ,e q u i l a t e r at rl i a n g l e I I
S u mo t
N u m be r s l Iract t-rrs r t he factors
F I o w m a n ye t l g e sa r et h e r ei n e a c h
shape'/ 2 il
+-- --+
, I'r I-lorvmzinycornersare therein each 4 ll
ll --T
shape? T--
6 rl
a) (1) _L__ __r
/ tl
tl --f
r.l) -;-- +--
| __ - - - - T_ I _
9 ll
b) -lo-- + - - ----+
ll -t-
(g) 12 tl
_L__ --r
(l) l4



3 65cm ... mm

4 l25cm .. mm

5. 80mm ... cm

e) l1l . . . . 6 420mm .. . . cm

('r) 7 10m . cm

(ir) _ 8 lZm .

0 \r,'...... 9 400cm . m

,A. (2) .

1 0 1 2 0 0c m :

. m


q) i1r
\r. 12 9m- nlm
i ' ,) ' ,
\ r , ll -5000ntrn- lll
:l 1,1 70()() llllt "'' . . Ill

t,, , -
\ \ r l t r ' l l L i l l t D c t . s e l l t el l c e a l t ( Ja n s \ \ , .JLS] "tt
I l l l . o L r i s ee r i lnr s $ l . l l r r i c c k c l c a n i r i q F I o u
Lry$gllglfsoIving t n u c h u , , i l l s h c e a r r ) i n . 1w c e k s ' )

E i g l i t e e np e o l t l eh a v ea l r e a d ya r r i v e cal t
the lrarty If anotJr er 7 arec,,tini,,s, how, l 2 l t t . k e . sl ' . n r B r n i r r i t c st , r e a di p a g c . r '
rnarl)'peopleri,,illbe at the p?fi1r'? h i s s t o r y I l o w l o n g r . v i lilt t a k eh i r nt o
) 'l'here
a r e7 0 p a g es i n a b o o k K el l 1 ,h a s
read-5(ipages How manypagescjoeshe I 3 D a d b o u g h ta p i e c eo f t i m b e r I t w a s
still liaveto read'1 -50cm long If Dad cut two piecesof 5
cm eachoff it, how long is the pieceof
Therewere 80 litres of petrolin a tank 35
litreswere used How many litres of
petrolwere left in the tank? t 4 Fayran2 km everyday
for a fortnight
Whatis thetotaldistance
4 I had $8 I am going to buy 3 magazinesat
$4 each.How much do I haveto take out l5 If 6 applescost 50c How much for one
from the bank to be able to exactlyhave
and half dozenapples?
the right money?

l6 The 6 childrenin the library*.r.*

Junehit I sixesand 3 singlesHow many allowedto borrow a total of 24 books.
runsdid she score? How many books was eachchild
allowed to borrow?

6 Troy hasgrown 12 centimetres sincethis

time last He was 132 cm tall How tall is 1 7 In class3 Greenthere are35 children
he now?
How many children are in eachrelay
teamif Mr Lee wants to make5 relay
To walk home is 4 km. A short cut takes
I km off the trip How long is the new
way? l8 Terry's resultsin the last 3 spellingtests
were. 19,25 and 17. How manymarks
did he scorealtosether?
8 A cricketerscoreda doublecenturvEw
many rllns is this?
l9 Teachercut applesfor her classof 12
studentsIf eachchild had quarteran
9 A car manufacture sold 264 carsi" Ma"
apple,how many applesdid teachercut?
ver carsin
June.How many cars did the
manufacturersell in June? 20-21 Sam,Tony and paul r,ventshopping
Altogetherthey boughtl0 lollies
Paul bought2 lollies Sarnbought
l 0 A f a r l i l y w e n t o l t a . j o u r n e yo f j 4 6 k r n
t h r e et i r n e sa s m a n y l o l l i e sa s T o n y
t r i p I f t h e l , c o r n p l e t e c1l 5 2 k m a l r e a c l y "
20 lior,vnlanylolliesdicl'fony ltr_rv,/
h o u , n r a l l \ /k i l o r n e t r e sd o t h e y r r c e ctlo s i - l
to cttrnplele thetlip ) I [ o n ' n r a r ] ]l /o i l r c sd i d S a r n b r r v ?

I 124 I zJ_!..,
2 7 I l o u , n t u c : l i s 4 a p p l e sa t 2 5 c e a c l r , ,

2 140- t2:
2 8 w r i t e 5 0 c e n t s, s i . g t h e c r o i l asr i g . a r r c r
t h e c e n tp o i n t
3 1 7" l 0 :
2 9 H o r . vm a n y m i l l i l i t r e sa r et h e r ei n o n e
4 1-16-=l-

5 8"j xg
3 0 w r i t e t h e l a r g e sn t r m b e ry o u c a nu s i . q
t h e d i g i t s3 , 0 , - 5
6 36:.. .:9
3l How many hoursfrom 4 o,clockto half
7 18+(3"3):
past six?

8 19-6+3: 32. Which hasthe greatermass?

a) a sesame.
9 3x4.6:
, b) an apricot
c) a cherry
l 0 3 2 5 c- - $
33. Half the numberis I5. What is the
ll.5m: mm number?

12 7km m 34. There were l l birds on the fence.

Three flew away.How many birds
13 /. hour minutes were left?

l 4 T a k e5 0 c f r o m $ 1 . 3 0
35 How much is half a kilogramof carrots
at $1 40 akg?
l5 70c is 40c lessthan.
36. Share$l 20 among3 people How
16. What numberis two lessthan 100?
much each?

17 What numberis doubleof 29?

37. How many 50c starnpscan I buy for
'18 $3?
What number is product of 4 and12?
3 8 Tina's digitalwaich shows4.15 How
I 9 Sum of $9, $4 and $6?
many minutes_-before
5 o,clock?
20 Difference betw een44 and5?
3 9 If half a dozenbananascost g0c. how
much for 2 dozens?
21. What numberis half of 36?
4 0 Bill is 145 cm and Jackis g cm taller
22 How many hundredsin 400?
How tall is Jack?

23. How many days are therein August?

4 l If Lisa can type 50 words in I minute,
how nrany.wordswill shetype in l5
24 Write the set of factorsof l 2
m i nutes?
2 5 W h a t i s t h e v a l u eo f t h e g i n g _ 5 ?
4 2 Dad caught8 fish Tom caught5 nrore
fish thari hirn.How many fisfraiclthey
26 \Vrite 246 irr expancJecl
fbrrtr c a t c h; r l t o q e t h e r ' /


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