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AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination. There are many
physical effects that follow this disease. This project will enlighten people about the symptoms and effects of
this dreaded disease. Doing this topic will hopefully help people to be more cautious when engaging in any
sexual activities.
Effects of Aids


Article: According to the World Health Organization and the Joint United Nations Program on
HIV/AIDS at the end of 1999, an estimated 34.3 million people were living with HIV/AIDS.
Most of the people living with HIV, 95% of the global total, live in developing countries.
Examples of the impact of HIV/AIDS in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the
Newly Independent States provide insight into the demographics, modes of exposure, treatment
and prevention options, and the economic effect of the epidemic on the global community. The
epidemic in each region of the world is influenced by the specific risk factors that are associated
with the spread of HIV/AIDS and the responses that have evolved to address it. These influences
are important in developing HIV/AIDS policies and programs to effectively address the global
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS epidemic has already devastated many
individuals, families, and communities. The epidemic has left millions of children orphaned, has
disrupted village and community life, and increasingly contributes to the erosion of civil order
and economic growth. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United
Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), an estimated 34.3 million people worldwide were
living with HIV/AIDS at the end of 1999 and an estimated 15,000 people become infected each

Poem: People, People, People,

What can we do?
Where can we run to and hide from
Aids is a killer disease
Killing Young and Old
Rich and Poor
Learnt and Unlearnt.
Who is safe with you AIDS?
Our dear ones are taken by surprise
Children tremble at your sight
Babies scream
The whole world is watching you in terror
No one has an answer
Run, control your behavior and shame AIDS.
Inform others about AIDS
Mothers and Fathers, watch out!
My brothers and sisters let us run away
For our lives
Try your best to avoid AIDS
Save yourself and save others.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a spectrum of conditions caused by infection with the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This disease is a commonly spread STD and has had a great impact on
society. This project has enlightened me about the many effects of aids and how dangerous this disease can
be. The article provided information on the history of aids and some of the effects that follow this disease.
The video shows images of the symptoms and provide useful tips about the signs and symptoms of HIV. The
poem was provided to take precaution and to stay away from promiscuous behavior. In the process of
working on this project I have learnt about the signs and symptoms of AIDS. In addition, I became
knowledgeable about the devastating effects of AIDS on families and the society

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