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Topic:Early Problems Class:O 2

Name:Qazi Mudasir Ahmed

Date:7th July,2020
Q: Attempt all the parts?

A. What is the Kashmir Issue? [4]

Kashmir issue refers to the internationally recognized dispute between India, Pakistan and
the people of Kashmir as regards the geographical entity Jammu and Kashmir as it existed in
1947 before the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to the union of India.

B.Why was Pakistan faced refugee problem in 1947? [7]

During 1947, violence between Hindus and Muslims increased dramatically. Muslims fearful of
being killed were forced to leave all their possessions and cross into Pakistan to seek shelter.
The Boundary Award had made the problems worse between the two. Since Pakistan had
become independent so Muslims were leaving India for their homeland, often with little or no
possessions. It was argued that India deliberately made difficulties for the new Pakistani
government by forcing Muslims across the border. Hindus and Sikhs, perhaps fearful of
reprisals and a genuine desire to live in a Hindu nation, also contributed to the refugee problem
by crossing from Pakistan to India.
C.The canal water dispute was the most important problem facing the newly
establish government of Pakistan in 1947. Do you agree or disagree .? [14]

The "Canal Water Dispute was an important problem for the newly born state of Pakistan.

The Canal Water problem started in April 1948 when India discontinued the supply of irrigation
water in those canals which entered Pakistan from India side because their headworks were
located in India. It was a serious problem since India now controlled the water supply to
Pakistan. Tension rose between the two countries because Pakistan had to depend upon India
for its water supply.

But immediately after partition there were several other more pressing and important
problems that Pakistan had to face. Setting up and formation of a central government (which
did not exist), the Refugee Problem, Division of financial and military assets with India and the
issue of the accession of states (Junagarh, Hyderabad and Kashmir) were difficult problems at
that time. Our leaders first attended to the urgent problem of setting up of a central
government Karachi was chosen as the capital of Pakistan A federal cabinet of ministers was
formed to run the country with Liaqat Ali Khan as Prime Minister.

Mr. Jinnah became the Governor General Offices of central government were housed in old
army barracks and in hired private residential buildings There was no office equipment, no
records, and above all there was an acute shortage of properly trained office workers for the
central government departments. It was indeed the most pressing problem.

The refugee problem was also a difficult problem because millions of refugees poured into
Pakistan to seek shelter from communal riots in India. The refugees were penniless, homeless
and jobless. Most of them flocked into big cities. Pakistan government set up camps where
Refugees were kept for several months A new department was created for refugee
rehabilitation and Quaid e-Azam Relief Fund was created for their help Refugees were gradually
settled and it took several years till proper settlement was completed.

Division of financial and other assets presented great difficulty because Indian government
withheld the payment of Pakistan's share of Rs.750 million. The central government of Pakistan
had no money to meet her expenses. India released Rs 500 million and Rs 200 million with great
difficulty and delay, while Rs 50 million were never paid at all Similarly the military equipment
which was sent to Pakistan consisted of old and unusable machinery. Out of 16 ordnance
factories of undivided India, none was given to Pakistan. It was a big problem for a new-born

Accession of 3 princely states proved to be a difficult and serious problem for Pakistan. The
ruler of Junagarh state acceded to Pakistan but India sent her army and occupied the state.
Hyderabad state wanted to remain independent But India annexed the state by using military
force. The state of Kashmir proved to be the greatest problem. India sent her forces to occupy
this Muslim majority state. This problem still remains unsolved.

The Canal Water dispute started in April 1948. It was a deliberate attempt by India to strangle
Pakistan economy because it affected a large part of Southern Punjab. The supply of water was
resumed after lengthy negotiations with India and Pakistan had to pay heavy amount of money
to India for irrigation water. The problem was resolved much later when Indus Water Treaty
was signed between the two countries in 1960.

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