Training On 5 Why: Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems PVT - LTD

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5- Why ?

Training on 5 Why

Trainer R.Bhardwaj
Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training
5- Why ?
Problem Solving Hierarchy

Complexity Advanced
of Problem

Major Kaizen PPA

Standard Kaizen
Quick Kaizen


5W + 1H

1 week 3 months Time

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training 10

5- Why ?

The 5 Whys is a question-asking method used

to explore the cause/effect relationships

Underlying a particular problem.

Ultimately, the goal of applying the 5 Whys
method is to determine a root cause of a
defect or problem.

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?


The questioning for this example could be taken further to a sixth, seventh, or even
greater level. This would be legitimate, as the "five" in 5 Whys is not gospel; rather, it is
postulated that five iterations of asking why is generally sufficient to get to a root cause.
The real key is to encourage the troubleshooter to avoid assumptions and logic traps
and instead to trace the chain of causality in direct increments from the effect through
any layers of abstraction to a root cause that still has some connection to the original
The technique was originally developed by Sakichi Toyoda and was later used within
Toyota Motor Corporation during the evolution of their manufacturing methodologies. It is
a critical component of problem solving training delivered as part of the induction into the
Toyota Production System. The architect of the Toyota Production System, Taiichi Ohno,
described the 5 whys method as "... the basis of Toyota's scientific approach ... by
repeating why five times, the nature of the problem as well as its solution becomes
clear." The tool has seen widespread use beyond Toyota, and is now also used widely by all.

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?

About the Tool

Sakichi Toyoda, one of the fathers of the Japanese industrial revolution, developed the 5
Whys technique in the 1930s. He was an industrialist, inventor and founder of Toyota
Industries. His technique became popular in the 1970s and Toyota still uses it to solve
problems today.

Toyota has a "go and see" philosophy. This means that its decision making is based upon an
in-depth understanding of the processes and conditions on the shop floor, rather than
reflecting what someone in a boardroom thinks might be happening.

The 5 Whys technique is true to this tradition, and it is most effective when the answers
come from people who have hands-on experience of the process being examined. It is
remarkably simple: when a problem occurs, you uncover its nature and source by asking
"why" no fewer than five times.

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?

5-Why Analysis

The 5 Whys is a question-asking method used to explore the cause/effect relationships underlying a particular
problem. Ultimately, the goal of applying the 5 Whys method is to determine a root cause of a defect or problem.

The 5-Why analysis method is used to move past symptoms and understand the true root cause of a problem.

It is said that only by asking "Why?" five times, successively, can you delve into a problem deeply enough to
understand the ultimate root cause. By the time you get to the 4th or 5th why, you will likely be looking squarely at
management practices.

This methodology is closely related to the Cause & Effect (Fishbone) diagram, and can be used to complement the
analysis necessary to complete a Cause & Effect diagram.

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?
Example -1

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5- Why ?
Example -2
The following example demonstrates the basic process:
My car will not start. (The problem)

1. Why? - The battery is dead. (First why)


2. Why? - The alternator is not functioning. (Second why)

3. Why? - The alternator belt has broken. (Third why)
4. Why? - The alternator belt was well beyond its useful service life 4
and has never been
replaced. (Fourth why)

5. Why? - I have not been maintaining my car according to the

recommended service schedule. (Fifth why, root cause)

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?

Tools for identifying anomalies causes by means of 5 questions (why)

• to identify root cause anomaly in order to completely restore normal condition;
• to make people accustom in wondering and elaborating answers.
Go in the details of the problems identifying root causes ;

There is no limits exists in the number of levels/ why ?, 5 why symbolizes depth ;

Do not stop asking why until when it is possible ;

Describe carefully all causes (even wrong ones) and the actions (even not feasible) in order to
record the whole history of analysis and link between causes and solution;

Make use of data rather than expressions (correct, wrong, bad, …)

Identify a decisive solution for each causes.

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training 17

5- Why ?
Example -3
During execution of automatic cycle, in the process «making hole- drilling», the tool has broken
performing drilling.

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training 18
5- Why ?
Example -3
The five whys
PROBLEM 1st WHY 2nd WHY 3rd WHY 4th WHY 5th WHY

Advance Speed
too high during
tooling The ejection
During operation is not NO
operation aligned to
The head is working plane
tools stressed The tool breaks
breaks at during during Ejection
the tooling /operation Advance Speed
foundatio 3
operation too high during
n point operation
The head
is Lubricate system
Tool is heating
deflected not efficient
during tooling

Burr id difficulty Tool with out burr

ejected ejection system

Surface condition
does not make Hole guide
easier starting of missed

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training 19

5- Why ?
Example -3
Analysis results

The row surface is irregular and does not make

easier the head entrance
This causes head deviation

The head can not eject burr and amplify hole


After operation, the speed of extraction favors head


Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training 20

5- Why ?
Example -3
Implemented countermeasures

The head
entrance is made New head with Splitting of cycle
easier by a guide helical shape between drilling and
previous realized. which favors tooling reducing
This avoid head burr ejection extraction speed
deviation without a
penalization of C.T.
solution by operator

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training 21

5- Why ?

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?
Problem Definition 1. Why? NO 2. Why? NO 3. Why? NO 4. Why? NO 5. Why? NO
The operator cut his Why the operator cut his
finger finger?

1 He didn't use PPE Why he didn't use PPE?

He didn't know that he

1 OK
has to use PPE

He didn't know how to

2 OK
use it

The right PPE was not NO

defined K

4 He didn't want to use it OK

PPE is not available on NO Why PPE is not available on

the site K the site?

The team Leader didn't Why the team Leader didn't

1 put gloves into the put gloves into the storage
storage area area?
There isn't a proper
system to remind team NO
leader to feed the K
NO Why the direction was
2 The direction was wrong
K wrong?

He didn't know the right

1 OK

The right procedure was

2 OK
not defined

He didn't want to follow NO

this direction K

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?


While the 5 Whys is a powerful mnemonic for engineers or technically savvy individuals
to help get to the true causes of problems, it has been criticized [who?] as being too
basic a tool to analyze root causes to the depth that is needed to ensure that the causes
are fixed. Reasons for this criticism include:
• Tendency for investigators to stop at symptoms rather than going on to lower level root
• Inability to go beyond the investigator's current knowledge - can't find causes that they
don't already know
• Lack of support to help the investigator to ask the right "why" questions.
• Results aren't repeatable - different people using 5 Whys come up with different
causes for the same problem.

These can be significant problems when the method is applied through deduction only.
On-the-spot verification of the answer to the current "why" question, before proceeding
to the next, is recommended as a good practice to avoid these issues

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

5- Why ?


5-Why analysis is more than just an iterative process or a simple question asking activity.
The purpose behind a 5-why analysis is to get the right people in the room discussing all of
the possible root causes of a given defect in a process.

Many times teams will stop once a reason for a defect has been identified.

These conclusions often do not get to the root cause.

A disciplined 5-why approach will push teams to think outside the box and reach a root
cause where the team can actually make a positive difference in the problem, instead of
treating symptoms.

Magneti Marelli Talbros Chassis Systems Pvt.Ltd FI_Training

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