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1 . Name of Course Criminal Law I

2 . Course Code UCR2612
(Previous code: BCR2614)
3 . Type of Course Core
(e.g. : Core, major, elective etc.)
4 . Synopsis The course examines the basic concepts of criminal law, fatal offences against a
person and general defences under the Penal Code.

5 . Version Current: June 2020

(State the date of theSenate’s approval - previous and the current approval date) Previous: June 2016, May 2013, March 2011, August 2010

6 . Name(s) of Academic Staff Dr. Martin Flora Mr.

Muhammad Nor b Abdurrahim

7 . Semester and Year Offered Trimester 1, Gamma (Second) Year

8 . Credit Value 3
9 . Pre-Requisite Nil
10 . Objective of the course in the programme:
The course is aimed at teaching students the substantive criminal law of Malaysia and students are taught to understand the statutory provisions under the Penal Code which criminalise
unlawful killing and causing of harm to others.
11 . Justification for including the course in the programme:
This is a fundamental body of knowledge in MQA's Programme Standards for Bachelor of Laws.

12 . Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Domain Level

CLO1: Comprehend principles of criminal liabilities, elements of offences and general defences.
Cognitive 2

CLO2: Solve legal problems according to principles of ciminal law.

Cognitive 3

CLO3: Discuss legal principles and issues based on various legal problems.
Affective 2

CLO4: Identify legal issues and solution in given scenarios.

Affective 4

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13 . Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes to the Programme Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Course Learning Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) Teaching Methods Assessment Method
Outcomes (CLO)
(Must tally with CLOs in P P P
item 12) P P P P P P P P P L L L
O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
CLO1  Lecture & Tutorial Midterm Test, Final Exam

CLO2  Tutorial Midterm Test, Final Exam

CLO3  Tutorial Presentation

CLO4  Case Study/Group Work Project

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “ ” the appropriate relevant box
Total 1 1 1 1 (This description must be read together with standards 2.1.2, 2.2.1, and 2.2.2 in Area 2 – pages
16 & 18 of COPPA 2.0)

14 . Transferable Skills:
Communication, leadership and team skills; Problem solving and scientific skills; Information management and lifelong learning skills

15 . Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and
Learning Activities Guided Independent
Course Content Outline **CLO Guided Learning Learning Learning Total SLT
(F2F)* (NF2F)* (NF2F)*
*L *T *P *O

General principles of criminal law; Differences between civil
1 CLO1, CLO2 & CLO3 2 1 3 6
and criminal law; Burden and Standard of proof. General
principles of criminal law; Standard of proof.

Elements of a Crime – Actus Reus

Elements of actus reus, When can omissions become
2 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 & CLO4 2 0.5 0.5 3 6
criminal and exceptions to this rule, Chain of causation
raised asdefence to negate liability.

Elements of a Crime - Mens Rea

Definition of mens rea; Various state of minds that
3 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 & CLO4 4 1.5 0.5 6 12
constitute an act criminal; Intention; Knowledge; Rashness;
Recklessness, voluntarily, Strict liability

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The Doctrine of Transferred Malice
4 General principles of this doctrine; Coincidence of actus CLO1, CLO2 & CLO3 2 1 3 6
reus and the mens rea.

Murder- s 300
Actus reus of murder; Mens rea for murder; Differentiating
5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 & CLO4 4 1.5 0.5 6 12
the four limbs under s 300; Sentence for murder under s
Culpable Homicide – s 299
6 Exceptions that reduce murder to culpable homicide, CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 & CLO4 2 0.5 0.5 3 6
elements of mens rea

Causing Death by Negligence – s 304A

7 Definition of rashness and negligence under case law, CLO1, CLO2 & CLO3 2 1 3 6
elements of mens rea

Non Fatal Offences Against the Person (I)

8 Assault and battery; Criminal force, Hurt and grievous hurt CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 & CLO4 4 1.5 0.5 6 12
and their aggravated forms.

General Defences (I)

9 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 & CLO4 4 1.5 0.5 6 12
Includes discussion on ss 76- 106.

Total SLT 78

1. Continuous Assessment Percentage % Total SLT
Midterm Test 10% 3
Project 20% 8
Presentation 20% 8

Total SLT for Continuous Assessment 19

Total SLT
2. Final Assessment Percentage %
Final Exam 50% 3 20
Total SLT for Final Assessment (F2F + NF2F) 23

Grand Total 100% 120

**Indicate the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in Item 12.
*L= Lecture, *T= Tutorial, *P= Practical, *O= Others, F2F*= Face to Face, NF2F*= Non Face to Face

16 . Identify Special Requirement to Deliver the Course (e.g., software, nursery, computer lab, simulation room):
17 . Main References:

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17 .
Stanley Yeo, Neil Morgan and Chang Wing Cheong, Criminal Law in Malaysia and Singapore (Rev. 2nd edn LexisNexis, 2015).
Fook L.C and and Che Audah Hassan and Mimi Sintia Haji Mohd Bajury, Introduction to Principles and Liabilities in Criminal Law (2nd edn, LexisNexis, 2012).
Fook L.C and Che Audah Hassan, Offences against Persons and Property (LexisNexis, 2009)
Cheong, C.W et al, Fundamental Principles of Criminal Law Cases and Materials (LexisNexis Singapore 2005).

18 . Additional References:
K.L Koh and Clarkson and NA Morgan, Criminal Law in Singapore and Malaysia: Text and Material, (MLJ Kuala Lumpur 1989).
Molly Cheng, Criminal Law of Malaysia and Singapore: Principle of Liability, (Professional (Law) Books Publishers, Kuala Lumpur 1990).
Card, Richard, Card, Cross and Jones Criminal Law, (21st edn, Oxford University Press, 2014).
Penal Code

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