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1. Truth or Lie?

Each person must write down three things about themselves - two are truths and one is a
lie. Others then must try and guess which the truth is and which the lie is by asking
questions. The aim of the game is to make everyone believe the lie is a truth! After people
have asked about most of the others' truths and lies, everyone can reveal their lie. Then
everyone should count up how many correct guesses of other people's lies they made, and
take away the number of people who correctly guessed their own lie. The winner is the
person who gets the highest score (and is therefore the best liar!).

2. Three things about me

Everyone should write down three facts about them, but have only a clue as to what the fact
is. For example, you could say 1978, Rufus, Germany. Then, the others have to guess what
that fact relates to by asking questions. For example: Is 1978 the year you were born? Was
that the name of your first pet? Is Germany your favourite country? Keep asking and
answering until they guess the fact correctly!

3. Vocabulary Brainstorm

Write down a word, and then try and brainstorm as many words which relate to that word
as possible in just 2-3 minutes. For example, if the word is "green" then you may brainstorm
words such as "grass, grasshoppers, frogs, trees...". The more words that are brainstormed,
the better!

4. Fruit, Vegetable, Animal or Mineral?

Think of a fruit, a vegetable, an animal or a mineral, but keep it a secret! The others must try
and guess what it is you are thinking of using only yes/no questions.

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