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After nursing
intervention, the 
1.? ¦ould be able c ! "  "" "#   The Harmful
to state the Drinker experiences mild euphoria and loss of inhibition as alcohol %&  January 14, Material Effects of Alcohol
impairs regions of the brain controlling behaviour and emotion. Alcohol Resources: å? Pre-Test
effects of impairs judgement, memory, concentration and co-ordination; as well as ' 2011@
excessive The Harmful Effects Alibangbang Visual Aids å? Post Test
inducing extreme mood swings and emotional outbursts
alcohol $   ""  of Alcohol St. Amparo and materials
Alcohol acts as a sedative on the Central Nervous System, depressing the  needed on
consumption Subdivision
nerve cells in the brain, dulling, altering and damaging their ability to Simple Strategies to effects of
in the body. Caloocan, alcohol
respond. Large doses cause sleep, anesthesia, respiratory failure, coma cut down drinking Simple Strategies to
and death. City consumption.
2.? would be able  cut down drinking
$   #
to enumerate Long term drinking may result in permanent brain damage, serious Time and
the health mental disorders and addiction to alcohol.    å? ÷ral-
effort of the
risks/  :Distorted vision and ability to adjust to lights. Pinpoint pupils and  ' discussion
nurse and the
red eyes
complications  :Diminishes ability to distinguish between sounds and perceive their family.
of excessive Combination of å? Explanatio
alcohol :Slurred speech. Dulls taste and smell, reducing desire to eat teaching strategy Expenses for n
consumption c  :Irritation and damage of lining of oesophagus, induces severe (explanation & the
vomiting, haemorrhaging, pain and difficulty swallowing. Cancer. discussion) is most transportation
!  :¦eakens the heart muscle and ability to pump (Cardiomyopathy). beneficial for of the nurse.
Heart enlargement, abnormal heart signs and irregular heart beat. learning to take
Increases blood pressure, risk of heart attack and strokes. Inhibits
production of white and red blood cells. place.

:High amounts of alcohol may cause breathing to stop, then death. º 
Lowered resistance to infection. 

  :Muscles become weaker and atrophy, pain, spasms and 

 :Chromic heavy drinking may cause alcoholic hepatitis
(inflammation and destruction of the liver cells) and then cirrhoses 
(irreversible lesions, scarring and destruction of liver cells). Impairs the 
liver's ability to remove yellow pigment and skin appears 
yellow(Jaundice). Liver damage causes fluid to build in extremities 
(Edema). Decreases production of blood-clotting factors; may cause Supplying
uncontrolled bleeing. Liver accumulates fat which can cause liver failure, knowledge by
coma and death.
:Irritation of stomach lining, peptic ulcers, inflammation, discussion
bleeding lesions and cancer. promotes active
  involvement of the
Significant risk of pancreatis, a chromic inflammation of the pancreas. client to learning
(  :Irritation of the lining of the intestinal tract and colon. Chronic º 
drinking may result in inflammation , ulcers and cancer of the intestines
and colon. Nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, sweating and loss of appetite are 

common. Alcohol impairs small intestine's ability to process nutrients 
and vitamins. 
$ :Alcohol interferes with the body's ability to absorb calcium
resulting in bones being weak, soft, brittle and thinner (÷steoporosis)
Sexual functioning can be impaired and deteriorate, resulting in
impotence and infertility, sometimes irreversible. Females also have high
risk of developing breast cancer

If you are simply drinking a bit too much, there are some simple
3.? ¦ould be able strategies that you can use to cut down.
to enumerate
ways on how c  
to reduce List your reasons for quitting or cutting down on paper. Perhaps you
want to avoid negative health consequences, improve your sleep, lose
drinking weight, or increase your fitness. ÷r you may wish to cut back or quit
alcoholic because your drinking upsets someone you care about. Record all your
beverages reasons and look at your list regularly.

Set a goal for yourself and write it down. Your goal may be to stop
drinking completely or to cut back to a reasonable level. After setting this
goal, keep a record of your drinking. This can be done by writing down
the number of drinks consumed each day on a calendar or day planner.
This will enable you to review your progress toward achieving your goal.
4.? ¦ould be able O    O 
to state the If you are trying to quit drinking, don¶t keep alcohol in the house. If you
are trying to cut back, measure amounts to ensure that you do not go
benefits of beyond the recommended daily limit.
stopping or        
lessening the Ask close friends and family to support you in reaching your goal. If you
consumption are having serious trouble, speak to your doctor and/or join a support
of alcohol group.
If you are still drinking, savor your beverages and take a break between
drinks. Alternate between alcoholic beverages and glasses of water, juice,
5.? ¦ill select tea, coffee, soda, or nonalcoholic beer. Also, do not drink when you are
appropriate thirsty or hungry as you will be inclined to consume larger amounts more
action in quickly.
reducing If you normally have your first drink at around 7 pm, to cut back, wait
alcohol until 9 pm. Push this time later and later until the amount you drink
consumption before bedtime is much smaller.
Choose at least one day a week to refrain from drinking. ÷nce you have
achieved this, try stopping for two days each week, then a full week.
Record the way you feel emotionally and physically when you are not
drinking. You will probably find that you feel better overall.
If you suffer a lapse, think about what triggered it. Lapses provide
important information about the situations that cause you to drink. You
can use this information to prevent future lapses by avoiding that
particular type of situation. ¦hat places, people, or feelings cause you to
drink? Avoid these temptations or provocations if possible in the future.
Feelings can¶t be avoided, but you can use different coping strategies
such as exercising, reading, watching a good movie, listening to music,
doing housework, or taking a bath.
Be assertive when people pressure you to drink, and avoid those who
harass or belittle you for not drinking.
  "  #
Use games, sports, movies, arts and crafts, and anything else that you
enjoy to distract yourself when you get the urge to drink.
If you feel edgy or anxious, throw your surplus energy into exercise. Hit
the gym, take a walk with friends or take up a sport you¶ve always
wanted to try.
c  #"  % 
If, for example, you went through an average of $20 worth of alcohol
each night, keep a record of this. At the end of the month, see what
you¶ve saved.
& "  #
Mark your achievements by engaging in activities you enjoy or buying
yourself something nice
How to Reduce or Stop Drinking: Simple Approaches to Reducing
Alcohol Intake or Quitting Altogether

6.? ¦ould be able Alcohol withdrawal may involve psychological and physical
to explain the symptoms.
short term Mild-to-moderate psychological symptoms:
effects of á? Anxiety or nervousness
lessen or á? Depression
reduced á? Difficulty thinking clearly
á? Fatigue
á? Irritability or easy excitability
á? Jumpiness or shakiness
á? Nightmares
á? Rapid emotional changes
Mild-to-moderate physical symptoms:
á? Clammy skin
á? Enlarged (dilated) pupils
á? Headache
á? Insomnia (sleeping difficulty)
á? Loss of appetite
á? Nausea and vomiting
á? Pallor
á? Rapid heart rate
á? Sweating
á? Tremor of the hands or other body parts

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