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1. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
Searching sources of information to locate problem.
Survey of related literature
Identification of problem
Searching for solutions to the problem
2. The essential qualities of a researcher are________
Spirit of free enquiry
Reliance on observation and evidence
Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
All the above
3. In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by
Statement of Objectives
Analysis of Data
Selection of Research Tools
Collection of Data
4. How would you define 'the research process'?
The researcher's plan of action to be followed when carrying out research.
A method of collecting research data.
The stages or steps the researcher follows in carrying out a research project.
The account of a study the researcher will write at the end of the study ready for
5. Major drawback to researchers in India is …………….
Lack of sufficient number of Universities
Lack of sufficient research guides
Lack of sufficient Fund
Lack of scientific training in research
20. Research through experiment and observation is called___________
a) Clinical Research
b) Experimental Research
c) Laboratory Research
d) Empirical Research


20. Sampling which provides for a known non zero chance of selection is _______
a) Probability sampling
b) Non probability sampling
c) multiple Choice
d) analysis
21. Process of obtaining a numerical description of the extent to which a person or
object possesses some characteristics ___________
a) Measurement
b) Scaling
c) Questionnaire
d) Interview
22. Measurement that involves monitoring a respondent’s involuntary responses to
marketing stimuli via the use of electrodes and other equipment is called _______
a) Projective Techniques
b) Physiological measures
c) Depth Interviews
d) Multi-dimensional Scales
23. Validity that reflect whether a scale performs as expected in relation to other
variables selected as meaningful criteria ________
a) Criterion-related Validity
b) Content Validity
c) Construct validity
d) Convergent Validity
24. Scale that indicates the relative position of two or more objects or some
characteristics is called ________
A) Ranking Scale
b) Ordinal Scale
c) Arbitrary Scale
d) Ratio Scale
25. Scale in which the respondent directly compares two or more objects and makes
choices among them is ___________
a) Ranking Scale
b) Rating Scale
c) Graphic Scale
d) None of these
26. An example of probability sampling is _________
a) Quota Sampling
b) Snow-ball sampling
c) Purposive sampling
d) Lottery method
27. …………… are used for Random Sample when the population is very large.
a) Calculator
b) Telescope
c) Computer
d) Typewriter
28. In which sample population is divided into different strata and sample is taken from
different strata?
a) Quota Sampling
b) Snow ball sampling
c) Stratified sampling
d)Purposive Sampling
29. Drawing a sample from each stratum in the proportion to latter’s share in the total
population is called ___________
a) Stratified sampling
b) Proportioned stratified sampling
c) Disproportionate sampling
d) Quota sampling
30. Selecting sample units in just a “hit and miss” fashion is called _________
a) Convenience or Accidental sampling
b) Purposive sampling
c) Stratified sampling
d) Proportionate sampling
31. A technique of Building up a list or a sample of a special population by using an initial set
of members as informants is called _______________
a) Quota sampling
b)Convenience Sampling
c) Snow ball Sampling
d) Purposive sampling
32. All the physical components of the computer are collectively called __________
a) Software
b) Hard ware
c) Firm Ware
d) Circuit
33. Computer operations are through …………. 
a) Binary digits
b) Decimal
c) Reminder
d) Fraction
34. Snowball sampling is a nonprobability sampling technique in which _____ 
A. participants are chosen arbitrarily for their unique characteristics, experiences, or attitudes
B. participants are chosen and then refer others with similar or different characteristics
C. researchers select any readily available individuals as participants
D. researchers systematically select participants from a sampling frame
E.researchers chose readily available individuals as participants but seek to ensure a good mix
35. Which type of nonprobability sampling technique involves choosing participants
who then refer others with similar or different characteristics? 
Random sampling
Purposive sampling
Convenience sampling
Snowball sampling
15. The most common scales used in research are _________
a) Nominal
b) Ratio
c) Ordinal
d) All of the above
16. Null means __________
a) One
b) Many
c) Zero
d) None of these
17. …………………. Represent common sense ideas
a) Statistical Hypothesis
b) Complex Hypothesis
c) Common sense Hypothesis
d) Analytical Hypothesis
18. Hypothesis concerned with analytical variable is ____________
a) Null Hypothesis
b)Casual Hypothesis
c) Barren Hypothesis
d)Analytical Hypothesis
19. A Hypothesis from which no generalization can be made is  _______________
a) Null Hypothesis
b) Barren Hypothesis
c) Descriptive Hypothesis
d) Analytical Hypothesis
20. ………….. is a source of Hypothesis.
a) Intuition
b) Knowledge
c) Energy
d) Survey
21. A systematic study directed towards great knowledge or understanding of the fundamental
phenomena _______
Basic research
Pure research
Applied Research
Both I and II
22. Which research refers to scientific study and research that seeks to solve practical
problems ___________
Basic research
Applied research
Exploratory research
23. What is the purpose of doing research?
To identify problem
To find the solution
Both a and b
None of these
24. The research that can be used to check the validity of a general business theory is known
as ___________
evaluation research
performance monitoring research
basic business research
applied business research
25. Research is classified on the basis of …….. and methods.
a) Purpose
b) Intent
c) Methodology
d) Techniques

15. You are using someone’s quotes or copying the exact paragraph without giving quotation
marks. Are you plagiarizing?
13. Translating document from a different language and without giving proper citation is also
an act of plagiarism.
14. I am copying my own previously written “original” work “without” referencing it. Will
it be considered as Plagiarism?
15. You borrow an essay written by another student and then submit it as your own
work. Is this plagiarism?
16. You are downloading an article from a website (or a paper) and now submitting it as your
own work. Will it be considered as Plagiarism?
19. Which of the following works must be cited while using their information
Journal articles.

20. You are reading something written on a book which is written by someone else. How will
you reference it?
By referencing the secondary source. (Which you are reading)
By finding the original source. (Which is written in the book). [Primary referencing]
By giving reference to both the resources. [Secondary referencing].
All the above statements are true.
21. When referencing other works you have cited within the text of the report you should
a. State the first and last name of the author
b. Use the author, date citation method
c. Use an asterisk and a footnote
d. Insert the complete citation in parenthesis
22. Which of the following abbreviations can be used in a research report?
a. IQ
b. sec. for second
c. yr. for year
d. mo. for month
23. The factor that should determine whether you decide to prepare a research report
of you study for a conference or for publication is ________
a. Whether the study is free from flaws
b. Whether the study is important enough to justify presentation or publication
c. Whether others would be interested in the work
d. All of the above
24. Which of the following is not true about the use of language in research reports?
a. You should choose accurate and clear words that are free from bias.
b. You should avoid labeling people whenever possible
c. You should avoid using the term “subjects” whenever possible
d. All of the above are true according to the APA Guidelines
25. Regarding disabilities, writers should “avoid equating people with their disabilities” such
as in mentally retarded people.
26. Which of the following is not one of the seven major parts to the research report?
a. Results
b. Abstract
c. Method
d. Footnotes
27. The abstract should be about how many words?
a. 50
b. 75
c. 120
d. 300

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