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What Am I? A Study in Non-Volitional Living

Sharp, Galen

Perceiving the here - and - now will be very difficult at first. That is because of
our mindset.

We will find that instead of being lost without it, we have been lost because of

Terence Gray, a fully - awakened being.

Simple attention is the way to reality, freedom and rest.

We have built so much upon our basic convictions about who we are and what
the world is that we never even think to question them.

Studies have shown that children usually learned to identify themselves with
their bodies at around the age of 17 months. That is the beginning of the self -
concept. That is the foundation our belief system is built upon.

Attention is the means to the higher dimensions of life, and the actuality of
spiritual seeking.

Closely, carefully and deeply look and observe, as I did, what actually is here -
and - now.

Distraction. It is a way of diverting our attention from our here - and - now. In
truth, we fear the present moment.

We live in our imaginations of the future and our memories of the past, and in
the fantasy, conversations constantly going on in our mind.

The here - and - now is where you will find the secret entrance to a higher
realm where few have entered before you.

Honestly, fearlessly and openly investigate, experientially, this “here - and -

now”, you will come to recognize it as your long - lost home, finally arriving
where you have always been.

All Else Is Bondage, Non - Volitional Living – WEI WU WEI, author

Still the mind by ignoring any thoughts which may arise.

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