Speech For Toastmasters

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Loss of a dear friend

The anchor

I remember it all too well. It was Saturday night and we were at the beaches of Gokarna. As the sun
went down, the waves became sharper and the alcohol in our bodies only went up.

I should have been more careful, I should have been.

Because that day, I lost a dear friend. A friend with whom I had spent the best moment of my life. A
friend with who had been by my side without judgement in my worst times.

That day, that day, I lost my dear friend.

My friend was taken by a powerful wave. And that was the end.

The beaches of Gokarna took my friend.

The suspense.

I know I have just told you a very heavy story. But let’s keep all of that aside for a minute and focus
on some research.

Ground breaking statistics say that you all have a dear friend like mine.

Advance research says that you spend approximately three hours with this dear friend.

The research also say that your lives will be much tougher without this friend.

The reveal

I am talking about, of course, our dear friends- our mobile phones. In my case, it was my Moto G5S

And I know what you are thinking right now- this was just overkill.

But it’s not. You might think I am just being funny, but my phone was actually my friend. Losing it
was almost like losing a part of me. And I think it is true for all of us and we fail to recognize this.

I want you to answer these questions.

How many of you have used your phone today?

How many of you have brought your phones to this event today?

How many of you have had this urging feeling at least once in the session to check your messages or
your calls?- How do I frame the questions such that 40-ish to 60 ish age waale log will raise hands
and be convinced.

If I spend more than three hours everyday with something, which has all of my intimate secrets,
using an algoritham can judge what is on my mind, is it not a best friend?

Phones are necessity. Some of you used the phone to navigate your way here, some of you used it to
book a cab, some of you coordinated amongst each other using a phone, and if someone, hopefully,
wins the international competition from this group of people, you will watch those videos on your
phone. Phones, whether we like it or not, are heavily involved in our lives
On the one hand And if you were to ask my mother, phones are the cause of all evil.

This one time I was using my phone at the family table- All because of your phone, like it more than
your family?

This one time I got fever- All because of your phone, use it all the time, don’t even have time to eat

This one time my car broke down- All because of your phone, it has made you extremely
irresponsible. Don’t even take care of car.

Who in the world can argue with mothers.

But phones are not all bad. It made me a better person and helped my society too. Phones were
responsible for smooth roads in my society. I’m not joking.

You see, people would use their phones while walking and fall in the potholes. And so they had a
major reason to get them fixed.

And rather than being rude in an awkward situation, you can just leave by saying these magic words-
Pardon me, ladies and gentlemen, I seem to be getting an urgent call.

So the next day, I woke up listening to actual sounds of birds chirping, rather than my alarm which
mimicked birds chirping. Oh damn, no alarm! I had missed my class.

A friend come up to me and said, ‘Dude you are so lucky you lost your phone.’ This articles says that
people spend 6 years of their lives on their phones. It’s shocking man. People are just addicted to
phones, they should use less of it. What a wonderful article, I have to share it on Facebook!

That day I went to delivery boy

Tried calling you

Delivery OTP

That day I took a choice not to use my phone.

Exercise in self discovery


Pardon me, ladies and gentlemen, I seem to be getting an urgent call.

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