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Types of Flow
Laminar Flow
Fluid flow follow well define parallel path
Reynold’s no >2100
Also called Viscous/ smooth flow
Laminar flow possible when velocity is low & fluid is viscous

Turbulent Flow
Fluid flow in zig zag way
Reynold’s no >4000
Energy looses due to eddy formation in path
Turbulent flow possible when velocity is high & fluid is less viscous

Compressible Fluid
Density is not constant
Gases are normally compressible fluid
Normally defines flow in Kg/hr, Vapour flow normally given in kg/hr

Incompressible Fluid
Density is constant
Liquids are normally incompressible fluid
Normally defines flow in m3/hr, Pump Liquid flow given in m3/hr

Liquid flow is define by Volumetric Flow & Gases flow by mass flow

Laminar Flow
1 When Reynold’s no is >2000, there will be head loss due to Viscous fluid flow
Head Loss due to Viscous fluid along length of pipe is govern by
Hegan Poiseuille Equation
Hf=(32*µ*v*L)/ (ρ*g*d2)

2 Head Loss due to friction of pipe is govern by

Hf=(4*f*L*v2)/ (2*g*d)
f= co-efficient of friction
f for laminar flow=16/ Nre

Turbulent Flow
1 Head Loss due to friction of pipe is govern by
Darcy Equation
Hf=(4*f*L*v2)/ (2*g*d)
For turbulent flow in Smooth pipe only
f= co-efficient of friction
f for Turbulent flow=0.0791/ (Nre^0.25)
Normally for Turbulent flow
f=f(Nre,ε/d) ε/d=Relative roughness

Flow through pipes under

When fluid is flowing through pipe due to resistance fluid energy is lost
Mainly 02 types of losses occur
1 Major Losses – Frictional loss

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2 Minor Losses- Fittings, bend,expander,reducer,valve etc
Loss due to fitting= K*V2/ 2*g

Different Heads for Pump

1 hs= Suction Head/ Lift
Vertical distance from Tank fluid Top surface level to pump centre
2 hd= Delivery Head
Vertical distance from pump centre to Delivery Tank fluid Top surface
3 Hs= Static Head
Sum of Suction Head & Delivery Head
Hs=hs+hd--------> for Suction Head
Hs=-hs+hd--------> for Suction Lift
4 hfs= Frictional Head Loss in Suction Pipe
5 hfd= Frictional Head Loss in Delivery Pipe

Pump Efficiency
Overall η=(ρ*g*Q*Hm)/(1000*P)
;P=pump shaft power

Min. Pump RPM required


Multistage Pump
When pump consist of 2 or more impeller
Purpose of multistage is either to create high head or flow
High Head- Pump in Series
High Flow- Pump in Parallel

Pump in Series
Use when high head is required
Total flow will remain same
Total Head will be additive of both pumps

Pump in parallel
Use when high Flow is required
Total Flow will be additive of both pumps
Total Head will remain same

Pump Model Testing

Before manufacturing large capacity pump, testing is done basis on prototype
Basically 03 criteria are define for scale up same geometrically pump
1 Specific Speed:- Speed of same geometrically pump which can deliver 1m3/s
2 Tangential Velocity:- (3.14*D*N)/60
3 Power of Pump

Characteristics curve
Based on result of nos. Of test
Useful for predicting pump performance for given head, flow & speed
Operating curve- If we kept speed/ RPM constant we can have Power, Flow,


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Formation of Vapour bubbles from flowing liquid when Liquid Pressure falls b
Vapour bubbles will collapse & create high pressure on metallic surface & cau
So cavities are formed which leads to Abnormal noise & vibration
Output Power will become less due to efficiency reduction

Precaution for Cavitation

1 Never keep Pressure for Liquid in hydraulic system below vapour pressure

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fluid is viscous

h & fluid is less viscous

normally given in kg/hr

flow given in m3/hr

ases flow by mass flow

ead loss due to Viscous fluid flow

of pipe is govern by

sistance fluid energy is lost

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e level to pump centre

ry Tank fluid Top surface

h head or flow

testing is done basis on prototype model

ame geometrically pump
lly pump which can deliver 1m3/sec against head of 1 mtr

given head, flow & speed

nstant we can have Power, Flow, Head & efficiency

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quid when Liquid Pressure falls below it’s vapour pr.
pressure on metallic surface & cause Pitting
mal noise & vibration
ncy reduction

system below vapour pressure

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