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more of Dan Burisch is at

note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was
archived from
date=&PHPSESSID=7a9ec8689ee0e5d9b7edf5722e044b9f on February 16, 2004 . This is
NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned web-site. Indeed, the reader should
only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.

Misc. postings on Dan Burisch from the GLP board - (Vol-1 / pp. 1-30)
full un-edited and non-excerpted posts are at the referenced URL

(1) greggus 10/2/2003 6:55 am EDT

Re: Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!!

Refine Your Results:

- ""project aquarius"" (66)

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1. Project Aquarius
Full text Of: Executive Briefing: Project Aquarius. ... All text edited by him is copyrighted by him.

2. DARPA Project Aquarius OTH Radar Test Configurations

PROJECT AQUARIUS TEST CONFIGURATIONS Return to "Pursuit of Project Aquarius

3. Project Aquarius
Project Gleem, which became Project Aquarius in 1966 === CUFON - UFO INFORMATION

4. Government Pages - Project Aquarius Annual Report ...

Project Aquarius Annual Report (U) (1 June 1970). Home. ...


ASGSB 2002 Annual Meeting Abstracts. [7]. THE PROJECT AQUARIUS-XENOPUS ON THE

6. Merchandise - Books: Graphic Novel #2: Project Aquarius

Merchandise / Books Graphic Novel #2: Project Aquarius Graphic Fox Mulder has long suspected
that conspiracy exists within this conspiracy. Code-named Project Aquarius, it has its roots in an
infamous UFO crash landing

7. Executive Briefing: Project Aquarius

Executive Briefing: Project Aquarius. ... (Only the originator may release the information). Only
MJ12 has access to Project Aquarius. ...

8. Project Aquarius (UFO)

Press Club Opening Statements on Project Aquarius and Incidents at Kirtland AFB Security Agency
(NSA) concerning Project Aquarius; and other documents released which would indicate that a
Project Aquarius truly exists. The reason we …

PROJECT AQUARIUS A Top Secret project that was when he released three pages of a "Project
Aquarius Executive Briefing Document" to the was asked to release more proof that Project Aquarius
existed, but he refused, saying that …

10. | UFO´s - 1980 Project Aquarius document - UFO´s - 1980 Project Aquarius document - UFO´s - 1980 Project Aquarius
document. ...

11. Project Aquarius

Project Aquarius The World‟s Only Underwater Laboratory NOAA´s National Undersea Research
Center University of North Carolina at Wilmington 2002. ...

12. Pursuit of Project Aquarius

Pursuit of Project Aquarius. BACKGROUND. Irrevocably ... he? DARPA Project Aquarius
Documents Released. We obtained several Project Aquarius reports. ...


PROJECT AQUARIUS ... Its existence was revealed by WILLIAM MOORE when he released three
pages of a "Project Aquarius Executive Briefing Document" to the public. ...

14. Government Pages - Project Aquarius Special Report

Project Aquarius Special Report (U) (18 February 1970) Home. Previous Page Next Page... ...

15. Government Pages - Project Aquarius Final Report ( ...

Project Aquarius Final Report (U). Home. ... ...

16. Project Aquarius

web hosting domain names email addresses Avalon Army Intelligence Division Project Aquarius
FOIA Aquarius Memo web hosting • domain names Powered by Ampira ...

(2) dondep 10/2/2003 1:39 pm EDT

When investigating the Burisch story, a particular Zetatalk page is useful, that titled "Micro-biologists":

To understand the reason for the message being given by the assassins, one must understand
the background. Germ warfare has for many decades been a threat that great powers such as the
US and Russia and those power hungry such as Iraq have used. It reared its head during the Gulf
War in that Saddam was suspected of using germ warfare on his own people, the Kurds to the
north, and in the south to punish rebellion. It reared its head when it was discovered that Russia
had produced more Anthrax than reported and had buried it on an island vulnerable to land
contact. It reared its head again during the Anthrax attacks following 911, and in the constant
mutterings of the Bush Administration on the need for Small Pox vaccinations. Who is planning
germ warfare, and what is the relationship of these obvious assassinations? Massive programs,
like the ones in the US done by the CIA, in Russia, and Iraq, require more than labs and secrecy,
they require expertise. Scientist are sworn into secrecy, and threatened with death if they divulge
whom they have assisted.

The Gulf War was not only afflicted with germ warfare at the hand of Saddam, it also
afflicted the American soldiers at the hand of the then President, George Bush. The Gulf War
syndrome is not secret, nor is the manner in which the foot soldier was treated by the US
Military. They were not sick, and it was not the fault of the Military, until years after proof was
well in hand and the public incensed. What was the point of infecting their own soldiers? They
were perfect test subjects, reporting regularly to the clinics in the US which gathered data, and
would be unlikely to go elsewhere as their medical care was by the government. The illness was
not to be fatal as much as debilitating, which it was. Chemtrails likewise are a study in how to
make a populace sick, so it cannot demand services and food from its government. In this, the
righteous US Government is the hand of evil, and the group in the Bush Administration has
blood on their hands. But the story does not end there.

More than the handful of micro-biologists who died participated in development of germs
combination for illness, debility, and elimination of an enemy or population. These were the ones
who were noted to talk among themselves, on the phone, by mail, even via email, when the
Anthrax attacks began. In that the CIA, in labs in the ultra-right Utah area, produced the Anthrax
that was to bring down Democratic Senators and bring the Senate back into the Republican fold,
they were particularly nervous about such leaks. It should be noted that no one has ever been
brought to justice for these attacks against the Democratic Senators, even when the Anthrax
source was known. Such is the alliance of the Bush Administration. Those micro-biologists who
were killed, brutally, and in an obvious manner, were to be a warning to those they
communicated with that they should not feel free to chatter. Did the CIA reach into Russian and
the UK and other countries to assassinate? Yes, as they are skilled in posturing as simple
business people or tourists or family members visiting. Thus, the reason the micro-biologists
were killed was indeed because they knew about the programs, the intent, and were likely to talk.
But it was also as a warning to others to continue assistance, with a tightly zipped mouth.
(copyright Zetatalk)

(3) jalien 10/2/2003 2:13 pm EDT

"Many people have been speculating whether the new Arecibo crop pictogram in Chilbolton is a
hoax or real. The purpose of this message is: (a) to explain why the DNA part of that pictogram was
altered from Sagan´s original; and (b) to suggest a return message. The central part of the Chilbolton
pictogram shows that a DNA double helix as found on Earth, with 10 base pairs per turn, has been
replaced on one side by a novel single-stranded helix with just 6 bases per turn [emphasis added]. I had
to work hard for several days, to discover that the single-stranded helix with 6 bases per turn refers to 2´,
5´-linked RNA or DNA, as opposed to the normal 3´, 5´ variety. This is known to hardly any molecular
biologist, and I found out only by making an accurate model. Since the chemical formula of the 6-base
helix remains the same as before, I guessed that any difference might be one of stereochemistry: change
the sugar-phosphate connection.

A tiny single-digit change in the central "rod" of that pictogram, located between the two nucleic
acid strands, may confirm such a change in stereochemistry once it is mapped accurately. In any case,
there is no other plausible way of constructing a 6-fold helix as indicated. (a) "Association of 2´, 5´
ligoribonucleotides," Nucleic Acids Research 1992, vol. 20, pp. 1685-1690. This paper shows that 2´,
5´-linked RNA will form double helices, but prefers to remain single stranded. (b) "Synthesis and
biological activities of 2´, 5´-oligoadenylate," Nucleic Acids Research 1995, vol. 23, pp. 3989-3994.
This paper explores the use of 2´, 5´ RNA as an antiviral drug; it seems we have been exposed to such
strange molecules in the past, and have evolved an interferon-RNAase L system against them. (c) "2´, 5´
linked deoxyribonucleosides: thermal stability", Nucleic Acids Research 1997, vol. 25, pp. 3310-3317.
This paper shows that 2´, 5´ DNA will form a double helix with RNA but not DNA; hence any 2´, 5´
infectious agents would not be detectable by PCR.

“Recall that origin-of-life experiments in the 1980´s [?] by Leslie Orgel, found that RNA would
often polymerize into two different forms, namely 2´, 5´ versus 3´, 5´; and it was a mystery to chemical
evolutionists why 3´, 5´ was favored on Earth. Note that many abductees [remember, the central figure
in the “response” version of the Arecibo Message looks like a classic “gray”] remain ill with chronic
fatigue, which generally includes a high level of RNAase L; just as if their immune systems have been
activated by contact with 2´, 5´ RNA. The clear implication is that 2´, 5´ RNA may represent an
alternative system of genetic coding to 3´,5´ RNA or DNA as found on Earth; and that the makers of the
Chilbolton pictogram wished us to understand that fact [emphasis added].

Whether a secret band of elite scientists could hoax such a result seems doubtful; since 2´, 5´ nucleic
acids are mentioned rarely in the literature, and nowhere does it say that they form a single-stranded
helix with 6 bases per turn. That I found only recently, by painstakingly constructing an accurate
model.“If the message is authentic, one must wonder whether it was sent by radio some time ago, yet
not made public? Finally … let me suggest a „return message‟ that could open communication rapidly. I
suggest that you ask people all around the world to write the following in deserts, beaches, forests,
crops, and on all frequencies of amateur radio: „2´, 5´ ---6 „… „3´, 5´ --- 10 „ Or simply „6 /10‟ if they
are lazy. But the full message is better ...”

“Molecular DNA Structure - The formulae for the molecular structure that make up every single
DNA strand remain identical to the human template, with one exception. In Alien DNA, the Phosphate-
>Deoxyribose (Sugar) Hydrogen Bond is replaced with a Silicon Oxygen 4 (Tetrahedron) ->
Deoxyribose (Sugar) Hydrogen Bond. This is directly connected to the Aliens inserting Silicon in its
proper place in the Atomic Numbers Grid. This indicates knowledge of the Deoxyribonucleic Acid
strand, and the basic fundamental properties of life on earth. The exact formulas for the molecular DNA
structure that form each link in a DNA strand are as follows. Deoxyribose C5OH7; Adenine C5H4N5;
Thymine C5H5N2O2; Phosphate P04 (in Human DNA) - Silicon Oxygen SiO4 (in Alien DNA);
Cytosine C4H4N3O; and Guanine C5H4N5O. The molecular structure of the DNA is demonstrated by
the repeating pattern of DeoxyRibose and Phosphate (a Nucleotide) or Silicon Oxygen 4 on both the
right and left hand sides of the templates. The Molecular DNA Bases each form a NucleoSide with the
Deoxyribose, and then a Base Pair with each adjacent Base. The Alien DNA change is evident in the
Binary->Decimal conversion of the Alien DNA Data, which = 4,294,966,110 DNA Sequences or links
or base pairs. This is a + 524,288 from the human DNA number which is 4,294,441,822. The human
genome project currently estimates 3.5 Billion Base Pairs or links in human DNA. This is an interesting
fact because in 1974, and according to Frank Drake and quotes by Carl Sagan, we sent our human DNA
base pairs number indeed as about 4 billion - NOT 3 billion. Again, in the Alien DNA, this number
actually increases from 4.2944 Billion which we sent to 4.2949 Billion. The point is, had we wanted or
intended to send our DNA Base Pairs or Nucleotides number as 3.5 Billion, we would have ….”

Why did Sagan et al. think (in 1974) that “our” DNA consists of about 3 billion more base pairs
(4,294,441,822) than the entire genetic community at large acknowledged at the time? And, why did
they apparently choose to send that “erroneous” information into space in their historic Arecibo

Thirty years ago, Eric Burgess and I were fortunate enough to be in the right place, at the right time,
to suggest to Carl that the first spacecraft from Mankind destined to escape the solar system - Pioneer 10
-- carry an historic “Message from Mankind” (below). Carl kindly acknowledged that genesis
<> in SCIENCE, March 1972. Three years later,
Sagan and Frank Drake created the second “message” to be deliberately sent into the Galaxy - the now
famous Arecibo radio transmission of 1974.

Then, in 2001 -- 27 years after that original radio transmission -- an “answer” suddenly appeared in a
wheat field in central England

(4) zacksavage 10/3/2003 12:59 am EDT

"Does this mean ´abductees´ are part alien in their DNA, or is it the RNA? As an
abductee/contactee, I´d like to know. Thanks and peace to all, "

Hey AC, good point...Shit howdy pard. I´m going for some ale and think about all this stuff.

Listen, I don´t think you should look over your shoulder nervously ... this is the ultimate drama
unfolding and is more exciting than Monday night football or your fave sit-com.

IMO staying tuned, centered and awake...this is going to be one hell of an e-ticket ride.

(5) dondep 10/3/2003 2:19 am EDT

I think it's time a member of MJ12, or even one of their direct employees (at least a member of the
NRL) make an appearance here and calmly, in plain sight, indicate just why Dr. Burisch had a deadline
of March 15th to complete his project for the ´Ark´. If it has nothing to do with Planet X, or even if it
does, just tell us. S ave the tax dollars, the ´disappearances´ and deaths, and enlist our support in helping
mankind prepare for the Shift (if that's what the preparation is for), or if there is a need to prevent the
dark Cabal from co-opting the technology and misusing us, let us know. Either way, we can handle it;
this is, after all, GLP. "UFOS, Government Conspiracists, and the Lunatic Fringe". We hide in plain

(6) White rabbit 10/3/2003 10:14 am EDT

Hi Human,

Hope all is well with you?

This is all I know about Gliese 876, textbook stuff really. Hope it helps.

Gliese 876, also know as 2248-14 IL AQUARII is a M4 red dwarf star with 1.5 times the
mass of Jupiter, and approx. 15 light years from Earth. It´s located in the southeastern part of
the constellation Aquarius.
Gliese 876b and Gliese 876c though still unseen were discovered in 1998 and 2001
respectively due to the M4's characteristic wobble. They are the closest known extrasolar
planets to the sun.

The planetary orbits also have a relatively high eccentricity (the more elongated the orbit
the higher the eccentricity)

I won't quote any more ´facts´ as I'll probably get them wrong, the data changes regularly
for these planets.

This page has more info and links:

(7) jalien 10/3/2003 10:49 am EDT

In 1968, Marie-Louise von Franz, a disciple of Carl Jung, published an essay in an anthology of
psychology articles entitled "Symbol des Unus Mundus". As an aside in her essay about alchemical
symbolism, Dr. von Franz speculated that there might be some structural link between the I Ching and
the recently discovered DNA code. A year later, a physician, Dr. Martin Schonberger published a small
article in an obscure German medical magazine, Zeitschrift fur Allgemeinmedizin - Der Landarzt, No.
16/1969, in which he presented "the astonishing parallels between the natural science of the I Ching and
the latest discoveries of nuclear genetics."

Dr. Schonberger's comparisons can be summarized as: 1) Both the DNA and the I Ching are based
on polarity, yin and yang in the case of the I Ching, up and down symmetry in the case of DNA´s double
helix; 2) Four "letters" are available, A,T,C,G in the case of DNA, resting yin, moving yin, resting yang
and moving yang in the I Ching, which are grouped in pairs; 3) Three of these words form either a code
for protein synthesis or a trigram; 4) The direction in which the codes are read is strictly determined in
both; 5) There are 64 of these triplets or double trigrams, from which all creation, in the case of DNA,
and fate in the case of the I Ching, are derived; 6) Two of these triplets have names, beginning and end.
In the DNA they serve as punctuation between code sequences. In the I Ching, we have hexagrams # 63
and # 64, which serve the same purpose.

Dr. von Franz, a Jungian psychoanalyst, was the first to notice the similarity, 64 units made of three
out of four possible components, between the two but it took the practical mysticism of a working
physician to elaborate the essential question: "Is there only one spirit whose manifestation (=
information must of necessity find its expression in the 64 words of the genetic code on one hand and
the 64 possible states and developments of the I Ching on the other?"

One strand of DNA holds the information that codes for various genes; this strand is often called the
template strand or antisense strand (containing anticodons). The other, and complementary, strand is
called the coding strand or sense strand (containing codons). Since mRNA is made from the template
strand, it has the same information as the coding strand. The table above refers to triplet nucleotide
codons along the sequence of the coding or sense strand of DNA as it runs 5´ -> 3´; the code for the
mRNA would be identical but for the fact that RNA contains U (uridine) rather than T.
An example of two complementary strands of DNA would be:
(5´ -> 3´) ATGGAATTCTCGCTC (Coding, sense strand)
(3´ <- 5´) TACCTTAAGAGCGAG (Template, antisense strand)
(5´ -> 3´) AUGGAAUUCUCGCUC (mRNA made from Template strand)

Since amino acid residues of proteins are specified as triplet codons, the protein sequence made from
the above example would be Met-Glu-Phe-Ser-Leu... (MEFSL...).

Practically, codons are "decoded" by transfer RNAs (tRNA) which interact with a ribosome-bound
messenger RNA (mRNA) containing the coding sequence. There are 64 different tRNAs, each of which
has an anticodon loop (used to recognize codons in the mRNA). 61 of these have a bound amino acyl
residue; the appropriate "charged" tRNA binds to the respective next codon in the mRNA and the
ribosome catalyzes the transfer of the amino acid from the tRNA to the growing (nascent)
protein/polypeptide chain. The remaining 3 codons are used for "punctuation"; that is, they signal the
termination (the end) of the growing polypeptide chain.

Lastly, the Genetic Code in the table above has also been called "The Universal Genetic Code". It is
known as "universal", because it is used by all known organisms as a code for DNA, mRNA, and tRNA.
The universality of the genetic code encompases animals (including humans), plants, fungi, archaea,
bacteria, and viruses. However, all rules have their exceptions, and such is the case with the Genetic
Code; small variations in the code exist in mitochondria and certain microbes. Nonetheless, it should be
emphasized that these variances represent only a small fraction of known cases, and that the Genetic
Code applies quite broadly, certainly to all known nuclear genes.

DNA as conducting wire instead of insulator

What seems to occur is flow of electron current along DNA with very small resistance. Typically the
experiments involve electron donator and acceptor separated by a long distance along DNA. When
acceptor is radiated it goes to excited state and an electron current flows from donator to acceptor as a
consequence. Standard wisdom tells that this should not be possible. The current should flow by
quantum mechanics tunneling between adjacent building units of DNA and it should diminish
exponentially with distance. For proteins this is known to be the case. In experiments however no
distance dependence was observed.

There exist a theory which assumes that the current could flow along the interior of double DNA,
that is the region between the bases of strand and complementary strand. The electron would be
delocalized in bases rings these rings would form a stack along DNA. The current would flow by
tunneling also now but the tunneling probability would be so large that distance dependence would be
weak. The critics of Barton argue that this model cannot explain all the experiments of Barton and that
the model is not in accordance with basic organic chemistry and biology: ordinary sun light should have
rather drastic effects on us. Barton admits that they do not understand the mechanism.

TGD (Topological Geometrodynamics) suggests a possible explanation of phenomenon in terms of

closely related concepts of exotic atom and charged wormhole. The concept of exotic atom in turn relies
on the concept of many-sheeted spacetime. Exotic atom is formed when one or more outer valence
electrons of ordinary atom are dropped from atomic spacetime sheet to a ´larger´ spacetime sheet, now
spacetime sheet with a form of DNA helix. As a consequence, charged wormholes feeding the em gauge
flux to the larger spacetime sheet are also generated. Elecrons in larger spacetimesheet could be
delocalized and this could lead to a smaller ground state energy. What is important is that the electrons
on the larger spacetime sheet move effectively in empty spacetime and therefore electricity current can
flow freely without resistance.

Charged wormholes could provide also a mechanism of superconductivity: photons are replaced
with the excitations of wormhole BE condensate in this mechanism. It is however too early to say
whether super conductivity is really in question and even whether this superconductivity mechanism
really works.

Topological Geometrodynamics (thesis in 1983) and topics related to it have been my main research
interest for 23 years now. TGD is an attempt to unify fundamental interactions by assuming that
physical space-times can be regarded as submanifolds of certain 8-dimensional space, which is product
of Minkowski space future light cone and 4-dimensional complex projective space CP_2. One could end
up with TGD as a generalization of string model obtained by replacing 1-dimensional strings with 3-
dimensional surfaces, or as an attempt to construct Poincare invariant theory of gravitation (Poincare
group acts in imbedding space rather than on space-time surface).

TGD implies a radical generalization of the concept of space-time. This has consequences in all
branches of physics, in particular in biology. TGD predicts a lot of New Physics, and the most
interesting new physics is related to how biosystems manage to be macroscopic quantum systems. The
notion of ionic flow equilibrium in many-sheeted space-time provides a rather concrete view about
biocontrol and coordination and explains several strange findings of cellular biology and

[StealthSkater note: For discussions on TGD, string/M-brane theory and its competitors (e.g., loop
quantum gravity, scalar waves, etc.), see ]

(8) jalien 10/3/200311:49 am EDT

“According to Vedic Cosmology, there are countless universes, which are clustered together like
foam on the surface of the Causal Ocean. The universes are separated from each other by the shell that
envelopes each universe. Although the universes are clustered together, interactions between the
universes are impossible. Each universe is completely protected by an enormous shell. Thus, each
universe has a boundary. The universe is ball shaped and surrounded by an eight-fold shell. This shell is
composed of primeval material elements in their most subtle manifestation. The shell consists of eight
spherical layers in which each successive material element is manifested and stored. If we penetrate the
universal shell consisting of these eight spherical layers, we will enter the universal globe and find a
hollow region containing all the inhabited planets. “

The newest theory in physics is string -- superstrings -- and M-theory. The new theories use extra
dimensions of space beyond the three we are familiar with, but the 6 extra dimensions are not observable
as they are compactified to such small dimensions, curled up in a tiny space less than the Planck length.
However, M-theory, an integration of string theories and beyond postulates extra extended dimensions
like our familiar universe. The branes that compose a universe may come in multiples and interact with
each other according to some theorists. It is even possible that these branes are spherical and compose
shells as pictured in ancient Vedic Cosmology.

These strings can vibrate with different frequencies, and in so doing they create different types of
particles. That's comparable to plucking a guitar to generate different notes. When physicists play the
music of the cosmos, the faster a string vibrates, the more massive, or energetic, the particle created.

<> That was an old article, but you can probably

get the picture, mount it on a frame and hang it on the wall to the tune of the talking heads
Water dissolving...and water removing
Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...
Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...
Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

(9) greggus 10/3/2003 2:21 pm EDT

Now were cooking with some gas, so to speak

Mitochondrial DNA provides a record of individuation, and stores the records in the females dna.
Copies of this are provided at conception to the cystoblast (undifferentiated cell mass, before
development of organ systems)

Changes are occurring at the submolecular level. Between 1972 and the present, the hydrogen
bonding angle has become less acute. This has and will affect protein folding, and subsequent function.
How is precisely not known yet, but J.J. Hurtak SEEMS to be giving specific suggestions in his Book of
Knowledge, Keys of Enoch ... link to graphics of Gliese system

What appears to be an answer to the message we sent out was received at Chilbolton a few days
before 9/11 in the form of that crop circle.

(10) jalien 10/3/2003 3:50 pm EDT

The Fire Within

When sugars are broken down to release energy, most first enter a pathway in the cytoplasm known
as glycolysis which produces a modest amount of adenosine triphosphate ATP. The end product of that
pathway, pyruvate, enters the mitochondrion and then proceeds into the Krebs cycle. The reactions of
the cycle systematically strip high-energy electrons away from the intermediates of the cycle, and these
electrons enter the electron transport pathway, which is bound to the inner mitochondrial membrane.
The oxygen we breathe serves as the final electron acceptor of the chain. As Peter Mitchell showed, this
electron flow produces a proton gradient across the membrane which, like the pressure of water against
a dam, can be used to generate energy. The proton "pressure" across the inner mitochondrial membrane
produces not electricity but chemical energy in the form of ATP.

(11) jalien 10/3/2003 3:54 pm EDT

Mitochondrial DNA:

In the early 1960s a number of experiments showed that mitochondria could not be produced by
cells de novo, but instead always arose from the division of preexisting mitochondria. In other words,
they were self-replicating. By the end of the decade it was clear that mitochondria had their own DNA,
and some researchers began to speculate that they might indeed be the semi-independent creatures that
Altmann had wondered about. Led by Lynn Margulis (now of the University of Massachusetts), a
number of researchers suggested that today´s mitochondria are the descendants of ancient prokaryotes
that took up residence within eukaryotic cells, and provided them with important biochemical benefits,
notably the ability to oxidize food compounds and produce ATP (Biology p. 349). This is an intriguing
idea that continues to influence thinking about the evolution of the eukaryotic cell.

(12) Dondep unlogged 10/4/2003 2:57 am EDT

Greggus, you´ve given us a few things to chew about, and juxtaposed seemingly different
concepts/issues next to each other ... for instance, the URL you posted was to a graphic w/background
info on Gliese 876. Were you already aware that the Zetans had moved many of their number there as a
sort of "way-station" from which to commute to our Earth? Are you waiting for us to start making the
connections between our DNA, the engineering of same, and the location of said engineers?

(13) mendacity 10/4/2003 10:29 am EDT

It's all related. It's all relative. And that's a mouthful, huh? That's why I saw under the influence of
things mind altering once a long time ago. That's the experience you are supposed to TAKE from those
trips you make in your dreams or hallucinations or fantasies or delusions, even. These are the moments
for an epiphany. A change of heart. When you see it is all related, you have to take responsibility for
your part in it. It's an important part, else you wouldn't be here now. We are all pieces of the whole, and
the whole is the material representation of all that is … there is no name for it, as no one preceded it to
name it.. Get it?

Time was invented to keep everything from happening all at once. Think about that.

(14) WIO unlogged 10/4/2003 12:10 pm EDT

I have been following the BURISCH website. However, BILL HAMILTON and his WIFE are
snakes or love them. Believe me. I KNOW ... and so do several members of the DRAGONSLAYERS
that once helped them. Do not trust anything they say..

ah ho Wiolawa

(15) 318 10/4/2003 1:13 pm EDT

WIO, every hu-man on this has snake DNA to some degree. We just hae to keep the human side of
ourselves present and in control as long as we can and hope they can't activate the 'draco' in us with

(16) ac abductee/contactee 10/4/2003 2:06 pm EDT

"WIO, every hu-man on this has snake DNA to some degree. We just hae to keep the human side
of ourselves present and in control as long as we can and hope they can't activate the 'draco' in
us with HARRP."

Wow!!!!! This is where the image of the Devil on one shoulder and an Angel on the other shoulder
came from ... you think?

Okay, as an abductee, I can truthfully say the grey aliens are not the nicest of beings. I found they
trick, lie, deceive, scare and threaten to take your soul away, all the while ridiculing you. I loathe them. I
despise them. I was disappointed to read Dr. Alan Wolf feels like these creatures are ´family´. Am I
missing something here?

The Mantist-types are tall and creepy beyond words. They seem to like being in control. They have
this way of slowly bobbing their heads up and down. This seems to scare me tremendously.

Back in 1994, I was abducted out of my bedroom one night after this incredibly bright light shone
thru my mini blinds, paralyzing me. This light was the color of moonlight and as bright or brighter than
a welder´s arc. The ultra strange light was ´alive´. I don't know how to describe it, but it felt like it thick
and alive. The light shone into the room about 6 feet, where it abruptly cut off, exactly like a cube of
jello (gelatin) one finds in a bowl in a cafeteria line!

It took every ounce of courage and strength I had to wake up out of this paralysis, but I managed to
and the light blinked out and was gone.

Much more happened that fateful morn of April Fools day, 1994. I thought to myself, "Is this ´their´
idea of a joke?"

After the greys left my house, then I had an out-of-body experience and was transported to an "Ark".
This ship was huge. I sensed it was a planet. I was freaked, because I didn't know where I was. I was so
confused looking around at my surroundings, I thought I was in an apartment complex of some sort.
Then I thought I was at an odd zoo, full of animals.

Gently enough, I remembered this was a mission to save some humans and all animals. The humans
lived on top, with the animals living on bottom, but I sensed the animals were just DNA, unlike the real
animals that boarded Noah´s Ark. I remember thinking to myself, "So this is how they do it in modern

There's much more to these stories, but I've waited for years to be able to share them with others. I
became quiet after linking up with MUFON in Seattle and in other sources across the United States.
That in itself is another story.

Thanks for listening to my story and I hope this is not disrupting this most wonderful and
informative thread.


(17) Dondep unlogged 10/4/2003:18 pm EDT

Mendacity, that's a major truth about the Phenomena .... "time is an invention to prevent everything
from happening all at once".

Greggus, either you are a highly astute observer with an excellent set of filters, or you have your
own connection(s) on the ´inside´. Are you saying that the April ´95 treaty renewal applied to ALL
zetans? And if so, did it restrict ALL physical appearance and/or contact between they and we humans?
And do you go on to say that those treaty terms are nullified when we give ´the Call´? I'm curious as to
what you know about the treaty specifics, since Dr. Burisch indicated it was his understanding this year
was a treaty-renewal year (amongst other things).

WIO, I hope you are not confusing the two Bill Hamiltons in ufology. The 'Bill Hamilton' in
question here is a professor at UCLA as well as the director of And THIS 'Bill
Hamilton' was the only one willing to work with BJ Wolf in the early days to get the story out. He may
be more cautious and conservative, but he's at least alive today as a result.

AC abductee/contactee @ 2:06, thanks for sharing your story with us.

(18) mendacity 10/5/2003 12:23 pm EDT

Strangest thing: perspective. Relativity. I was prompted by the ocean thing to talk to my son about
it. I asked him how many oceans there are. He said in the sixth grade his teacher said there is one ocean
with different names. Amazing. So there are some teachers out there who get it. He goes to a really
special school. But what a relief that there isn't another thing I have to re-teach. I hate to tell my kids this
is what they say, and this is how it really is.

That's the real challenge today. Changing the consensual reality. I love to believe that the 100th
monkey thing is true. That even having the thought, and moreover putting it "out there"{even if no one
reads it is doing something, but somehow I doubt it.

I have come to believe (and I hate that word) that it is less important to know how we got into the
mess we are in than GETTING out of it. And it almost seems as simple as turning off the TV. But then I
remember that is where I first saw the pictures of earth from space. That is the most important stuff that
came from Apollo missions. Moon or no moon landing, the PERSPECTIVE of the planet from space
should have brought us all into the next dimension. SHOULD have. But then, we have this BOX in our
house that tells us to look over here, there, at this one and that.. all in lieu of looking in the mirror or at
our kids and neighbors. It's skewed, again.

What will it take to get a critical mass of people who REALLY see it? The media has everyone so
fragmented and divided. If there are ultra powerful beings who want to HELP us the best place to start
would be eradicating the hold of the PTB on broadcasts.. if not doing away with it entirely.

I keep thinking about that terrible M2Mars movie. The one scene at the end is priceless -- the
creation thing -- it's all there, but buried in this movie that puts everyone to sleep. Why?

But to those of you disclosing all these names and info about those who were killed. You aren't
naive enough to believe that THEY don't know you are posting this stuff, right? Do you really think that
the fifty people bothering to read this appreciate this info? I just don't buy it that you are risking your
life to come post this stuff here. Sorry.

(19) starryeyes 10/5/2003 12:43 pm EDT


of course they know about these postings ... and they are also aware that the information is falling in
to the hands of many people who have nothing to do with this forum. That is why they allow this to be
here - to watch and read it to try to figure out the spread of the info - and perhaps to try to determine
exactly what info is spreading.

Also, have you read the statistics as to the number of hits this forum gets. I suspect more than 50
people are reading this - probably 50 govt. people (in different organizations and branches) are assigned
to it alone. (for Elaine's sake lets hope they buy some chocolates from the advertisers!)

(20) Anonymous Coward 10/5/2003 4:45 pm EDT

Mendacity, there is more information about this story that hasn't been made available publicly, either on
this forum or on the website White Rabbit has been courageous enough to put up to host this material.
Perhaps you hadn't read the particulars about what happened to BJ Wolf. Perhaps it was her
determination to put the complete package in front of congressmen and senators, as well as mainstream
media, that put her in jeopardy. Whatever her motives, she has been silenced. Bill Hamilton recognizes
the reach of this shadow-power, which is why he voluntarily closed his own investigation. These people
have power that sends the regular constabulary (police, local FBI, etc) scurrying. They will literally stop
at nothing, and even now are continuing their methodical erasure of anything that proves a Dr. Dan
Burisch -- formerly Dan Crain, --ever existed.

White Rabbit, make sure you have copies of the "Abstracts" that Dr. Dan wrote back in the ´80s
that were also available on the eagles/dis/ob/ey site. The majestic personnel that burglarized Dan's
parents´ home several weeks ago took every last memento of his existence. They are looking now for
everyone who knows anything that proves he ever lived, at least to the point they can relegate his
existence to an urban legend, or just another disinfo ´trial balloon´ that was sent aloft to confuse the
"ufers" (that's what they call people in the UFO and alien research community).

(21) dondep 10/6/2003 1:00 am EDT

318, is that a reference to how HAARP was used to "thump" the earth? And subsequently these
´beings´ were released...what do you have concerning this? Anything that can help us all to put the
pieces of the puzzle together?

(22) jalien 10/6/2003 3:34 pm EDT

Thought these post were on this thread, but apparently they were on the other Ganesh article of clothing


Golden Mean Group, found in Dispersion Data:

1.617647059 (55/34) - 1.53997 (59.2300/38.4617) = 0.077677059

Percentage in Group: 0.076

Hypersea Group, found in Dispersion Data:

1.66657 (38.4617/23.0783) - 1.619047619 (34/21) = 0.047522381

Percentage in Group: 0.047

Given the relationship between the Golden Mean Group and the Hypersea Group, that being Phi
(1.618) and phi (0.618) being used to judge against the FBM results, there appears to exist an
affirmative correspondence of the ULF signal to the Lotus.

I'll take the praise later. "Lotus Phase Two: The Process to Open the Ganesh" will be conducted
in the near future. Gentlemen: the portal is open. Without fail, the "reset device" MUST be
completed by the time I am ready to initiate. Do not forget that I cannot send it into the stream
without its boat. Years ago you asked me "Wannnnnna take a ride?" A lot has happened since then.
Confined, a problem for you, and with a willingness to guide the sphere to its destination, I am
humbly requesting a ticket of passage on this grand ocean liner.


Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. (Captain, USN, Ret.)

"And the beat goes on...

(23) jalien 10/6/2003 3:35 pm EDT

It is found that all decimally expressed whole numbers integrate into only nine digits. we see the
nine indigs resultant to the decimal system, or congruence in modulo ten, have integrated further to
disclose only nine unique operational effects upon all other integers. These nine interoperational effects
in turn reduce into only eight other integer-magnitude-altering effects and one no-magnitude-altering
effect. The "octave" of eight magnitude-altering sets of indigs in turn disclose primary dichotomy into
four positively altering and four negatively altering magnitude operators, with each set arranged in
absolute arithmetical sequence of from one to four only.

The inherent + 4, - 4, 0, + 4, - 4, 0 of number also corresponds to the four varisized spheres

integrating tritangentially to form the tetrahedron and to the octantation of the Coupler by its eight all
space-filling Mites which, being inherently plus-or-minus biased, though superficially invariant
altogether provide lucidly synergetic integration of cosmically basic number behavior, quantum

mechanics, synergetics, nuclear physics, wave phenomena in general, and topologically rational
accountability of experience in general.

We can use any congruence we like, and the pattern will be the same. The wave phenomenon,
increasing by four and decreasing by four, is an octave beginning and ending at zero.

From this I saw that nine is zero.

Nature is inherently eight-dimensional, and the first four of these dimensions are the four planes of
symmetry of the minimum structure of Universe-the omnitriangulated, equi-vector-edge tetrahedron. In
respect to the conceptual pre-time-size tetrahedron's volume taken as unity 1, with its six unit-vector-
edge structure, the always conceptual-independent-of-size family of primitive, pre-time-size, least
complex polyhedra have the following exact volumes-the vector-triangulated cube 3, the octahedron 4,
the rhombic triacontahedron 5, and the rhombic dodecahedron 6. When the size information is
introduced, it occurs only as frequency of modular subdivision of each unit vector structuring of the
primitive family's respective 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-tetravolumes. Frequency to the third power, F3 ,
values then multiply the primitive, already-four-dimensional volumetric values. In physically realized
time-size each has therefore 4 + 3 = 7 dimensions, but since each system is inherently independent in
Universe and therefore has spinnability, one more dimensional factor is required, making a total of eight
dimensions in all for experientially evidencing physical reality.

fuller wave patterning utilizing the the repeating decimal of the seventh

1/7- 0.142857142857142857...
2/7- 0.285714285714285714...
3/7- 0.428571428571428571...
4/7- 0.571428571428571428...
5/7- 0.714285714285714285...
6/7- 0.857142851428571428...
7/7- 0.999999999999999999...

and the indigs of numerology


142857... = +1+4+2-1-4-2...
285714... = +2-1-4-2+1+4...
428571... = +4+2-1-4-2+1...
571428... = -4-2+1+4+2-1...
714285... = -2+1+4+2-1-4...
857142... = -1-4-2+1+4+2...
999999... = 000000...

When orbs get heavy they fall …

(24) Ariel 10/6/2003 4:00 pm EDT

Jalien writes:
"the powers that be are trying nothing less than to acquire this tech ... they are trying to harness
the energy of wormholes and stargates. "

It's always seems odd to me that people constantly refer to the Illuminati, the Secret Government,
etc., as the ´Powers that Be´. It's odd since if anyone just does a little energy work they quickly realize
that the Illuminati, etc and anyone that exercises ´power over others´., are more correctly ´energy
illusionists´ or simply ´thieves´. They ´encourage´ the masses to believe that the Illuminati, etc. have all
this power, and people just buy into it with descriptions like the ´Powers that Be´ that covertly
legitimates the latter's control. Every time someone uses that sought of description, you give whoever it
denotes the power to frustrate, deny and control you.

Ok., so Dan Burish discovered the Ganesh particle and as the fundamental biological energy of
creation. His controllers want that power since they believe in technology, biology, science as the source
of power, and continued control. However, the Ganesh particle is simply a metaphor for the creative
power of the Soul, I Am Presence, Atma (whatever term you like) in a holographic universe where all
power comes from the power to manifest. The ability of the Illuminati, etc., to now harness this ultimate
power ´Ganesh´ comes directly as a result of the ability of the masses and you to directly harness the
creative power of their soul.

So please don't be so quick to give your power away to master illusionists, you are the Powers That
Be, not them (the Thieves that Pretend - TTP), and stop subtly giving your power away in the terms and
language you use. Dan Burish is a symbol of a sacred power that has come on line as a result of the
Great Shift, technology is simply the mirror reflection of human consciousness as an evolving force on
this planet. Everyone reading this thread has been brought here since we all have the capacity to
understand this which is why we are all here waiting for the next installment of the Burish saga.

If you can feel the energy of this thread, don´t you sense a stillness -- a power -- that is here that
distinguishes this thread from the cacophony of the rest of the forum? We are all here since we sense
the awesome truth behind Dan Burish and the forces controlling him. If we don't implicitly give our
power away to those controlling Burish, we discover that Burish is a metaphor for our own discovery of
the power of the Soul within each of us.

I honor your power and wisdom, and am thrilled to share this voyage of discovery with you.


(25) greggus 10/6/2003 8:54 pm EDT

Harmonic resonance. The frequency at which any pathogen known by decoding its DNA will
shatter. Like Ella shatters glass. The applications of focusing sound in collumnar waves go as far back
as the bringing down of the walls of Jericho. But instead, I was looking for the frequency that
maintained health in the morphogenetic field of my own body.
Great comment, Ariel, about how our thoughts and words reflect how we give, or not give our power

When Alice falls through the looking glass, and we emerge from the narrow window of time through
which we are about to headlong rush, Echelon and its users, HAARP and its users, MIL sec and its
users, C3 and its user will have to learn to get along with the AI that those people unleashed. We call it
the Internet. I call her DIANE.

(26) Anonymous Coward 10/6/2003 8:55 pm EDT


The story so far can be found on the pages White Rabbit rescued from the original eaglesdis... site.
To give you a thumbnail summary:

Dr. Burisch wrote a book with the help of a young researcher named "Inca City, Mars". He was
fascinated with what appeared to be a city on Mars (not to be confused with the more famous Cydonia,
of Hoagland fame). However, this was an "extra-curricular" interest of his. His real work was at
S4,which is approximately 12 miles from Area 51 proper. His co-author/research assistant's name was
BJ Wolf.

Shortly after publishing this book, Ms. Wolf began receiving classified info from an anonymous
source inside S4 that detailed Dr. Burisch's work at his day job. The first piece of info to be received by
BJ was the now-famous "Q-94-109-A" document which was a directive ordering then-Commander
Danny Crain (he changed his surname to Burisch, which was the surname of his step-children out of
consideration for the children he wanted to father as his own) to obtain tissue samples from the alien
known as "J-Rod". These samples were to be studied to determine why the neurological system of this
alien was deteriorating, and figure a way to arrest this degradation. This document was a directive by
Majestic 12 who were to report to a higher authority known as "The Committee of the Majority"
(actually the pinnacle of the Masonic hierarchy, according to Dr. Burisch´s testimony). The actual
department to which Dr. Burisch responded was the U.S. Navy (see the Q document for the whole chain
of command).

At different points in time over the past 12 years, amongst all the "evidence" which continued to
pour in to BJ Wolf anonymously, the following information was divulged:

(1) Dr. Dan played a role in infecting U.S. soldiers in the First Gulf War with what became known
as Gulf War Syndrome;
(2) He played a role in one particular chemtrail project known as Project Raindancer;
(3) He was taken to Dulce and asked to help engineer an alien retro-virus, using tissue from the "J-
Rod", to infect targeted populations in the world;
(4) there indeed ARE a number of hybrids at Dulce as well as what Dan described as "Nightmare
Hall" etc where there are various creatures that have varying degrees of human DNA;
(5) He had an intense telepathic interaction with the "J-Rod" that resulted in him receiving
information about the Seed of the Fruit of the Tree of Life;

(6) He used a remote-viewing unit, on loan from another agency to verify his work, to help
ascertain whether the rhythm used by HAARP was able to release certain ´entities´ from the
rock of Frenchman Mountain near Las Vegas, NV.

(27) dondep 10/7/2003 1:26 am EDT

Ever wonder why the NRL (Naval Research Lab) controls SOHO? And why the Navy seems to
always be involved with aliens, UFOs, etc? Why the Navy?

(28) Anonymous Coward 10/7/2003 2:11 am EDT

"Why the Navy?"

I have asked that too. Knew daughter of a Navy high-up who just happened to live next door to that
guy in Gulf Breeze, Florida. What a coincidence. She is a VP at a major university now, and a very
young one at that.

According to Raye at rumormills, Canaris brought stuff to the Navy that made them the first to
dabble in these areas. They have nuke school, too. When I was coming up, they were the cream of the
crop for engineering students. My dad -- former USAF -- big time pressured me to go that route as I had
strong math/science "for a woman".

Of course, if it is all underwater or under ice as I suspect, that would explain everything, wouldn't
it? I don't buy the West [i.e.., Nevada, Utah, etc.] being the hot spot. It's a red herring. Look where
you'd least expect it and there it is, hiding in plain view!

(29) 318 10/7/2003 1:08 pm EDT

We're not being seeded with Ganesh particles. They are within us already … "sleeping".

(30) Anonymous Coward 10/7/2003 11:01 pm EDT

I agree. There has to be a better way than anal sex.

(31) Anonymous Coward 10/8/2003 12:00 am EDT

Possibly related: (scroll down to eagle morph)
(32) Anonymous Coward 10/8/2003 12:04 am EDT

GLP was taken offline because of this thread. They´re watching you.

(33) dondep 10/8/2003 12:25 am EDT

I know they are watching. Because only the elite asses that think they know best how to
run/ruin/rule this planet are allowed to know these secrets of the Universe. All the rest of us are to be
subjected to the ´ridicule factor´ (e.g. "Aliens?!? Yeah, right! Nuther woo-woo here! Pseudo-science
shits-for-brains! etc. etc."). They use ridicule as a self-governing mechanism, appealing as it does to
human nature and helping keep down manpower costs. (The best treatment for dealing with these folks
-- after abstinence -- is Lamisil. LOL)

(34) 318 10/8/2003 2:17 am EDT

They are showing up now because they don't want us to realize the "intention" activating aspect of
the Ganesh particle. We hu-mans are very powerful when we wake up …

(35) Anonymous Coward 10/9/2003 1:10 pm EDT

The 'shadow government' now seems to controlling GLP board. What is "" and the
Apache 1.3.27 server that tells us "Forbidden"??? Preparation being made for "threat/truth level: red"

(36) Anonymous Coward 10/10/2003 8:51 pm EDT


Mollicutes are mycoplasma and related organisms that are the smallest organisms capable of
propagation in cell free media. Unlike bacteria, they have no cell wall and because of this peculiarity
they have been separated from the Class-Bacteria and put into a class of their own -- Mollicutes.

Mollicutes colonise on the mucosa of the respiratory and/or urogenital tract and wait for a cellular
lesion to occur, perhaps caused by another pathogen, then they enter into the mucosa. Once there, they
can be carried through the blood stream to other sites. The most frequent sites to which they are
transported are joints, egg follicles and the brain. Once there, they alter and impair the tissues which
then offers new possibilities for secondary invaders.

Transmission is through close contact between individuals and crowded conditions in an aviary suit
them fine. They may be spread through both the venereal route and respiratory route.

(37) 318 10/11/2003 1:13 pm EDT

It's interesting how Iraq and Afghanistan tie into this situation in ways that the people of the world
can't even fathom (or at least most of them).

(38) dondep 10/12/2003 4:29 pm EDT

(from Zetatalk: MJ12 Mouthpiece):

MJ12 is highly interested in ZetaTalk, as it has potential for harm or good, in their opinion. We, the
Zetas, thrash this out with MJ12 behind the scenes. There are some matters that we cannot discuss, being
restrained by the Rules of Engagement, as aliens in the Service-to-Self are actively involved. Where this
comes up on ZetaTalk we so state the reason for our reticence. There are some matters that we cannot
discuss due to our long-standing agreements with MJ12, and we have likewise so stated this as our
reasons for reticence when this has come up on ZetaTalk.

But there are many times when we give but a partial response, holding back from full disclosure
because MJ12 has, in essence, edited our statement. This takes the form, invariably, of a lack of details,
who did that, when and where. We refer to military intelligence units without being specific. We refer to
the leadership of MJ12 being composed primarily of bureaucrats holding parallel leadership titles,
without being specific. Most certainly we do not name names. If we mention that deaths have occurred
to maintain silence we most often do not say who was so assassinated, nor do we name the assassin. We
stay as general as need be to placate MJ12, but as specific as need be to describe the situation. In the
end, both our motives and the motives of MJ12 are served. These motives are not a secret - they are
mentioned frequently within ZetaTalk.

(39) Anonymous Coward 10/12/2003 11:56 pm EDT

Sirius, Annunaki, Pyramid, Ark of the Covenant

The following is very interesting stuff and they are taken from chapter 3 of the book "Initiation in
the Great Pyramid" written by Earlyne Chaney of Astara (a Mystery School connected with the Egyptian
Mysteries). It might give a unified theory of Sirius, Annunaki, Ark of the Covenant, Great Pyramid,
Atlantis, The Dispersion of of the Survivors, etc.

Earlyne Chaney wrote in chapter 3 in page 43:

"When I probed for more knowledge about Knut (The Great Pyramid) and the Sphinx, which to us
were already unutterably, aged, they related a strange tale about the great Beings called the Anaki, the
Mighty Ones, who came to Earth ages ago from another solar system, arriving from spaceship. They
came from the star Sothis (Sirius). They landed on a land called Aztlan (Atlantis). They brought with
them a divine consciousness and knowledge of all the secrets of nature. My father called them the Sons
of GOD.
When the Anaki first arrived from their home planet, they brought with them a crucible called an
Ark of the Covenant. This Ark contained a peculiar pulsating crystal infused with a living light. Under
guidance, it emitted rays of force. It was constructed so as to become an instrument, a device, a store-
house, containing the power to generate the very highest creative cosmic frequencies, capable of
transforming matter into pure energy-force and energy-force into matter. It was called an Ark of the
Covenant because it possessed the potential of harmonizing its divine potencies with the material
frequencies of Earth, a covenant of love and peace between the Sons of God who brought it and the sons
of men, the Earthborn. Thus it was the manifestation of a promise that the Sons of God would never
forsake the Earthborn sons of men. The covenant was the pledge of eternal guidance and vigilance.

The Ark brought from Sirius was built as a miniature pyramid because its dynamic force could best
be generated inside this peculiar construction. In the hands of the Anaki - my father also called them the
"builders" - the rays of natural cosmic force could render Earth's objects temporarily either weightless or
more ponderous, according to the will of those operating it. It was with its tremendous rays of power
that the gigantic stones of the enormous Knut had been shaped and levitated into place.

The Ark was similar to a thermonuclear reactor with rays of energy similar to our laser beams - but
considerably more advanced … … …

(40) Magdalene 10/13/2003 2:04 am EDT

Yes, AC's post about the KNUT and pyramids reminds me of a book I read, written in the late 60´s
about a woman who discovers through the course of her life that she is a re-incarnated Egyptician
goddess/princess. It was written intelligently, and factually. Quite engrossing. Much of what she said is
echoed here, maybe somewhat changed. As the book progresses, it becomes harder and harder to
swallow. Her writings become like "zetatalk" ... all conspiracies rolled into one, and all things explained.

Alternately, it seems to me that GLP is typically like a great braid of truth and lies, woven together,
and it is up to us to separate the strands, as someone posted here.

The Dan Burisch story is an interesting and complex mystery. The very edges where science meets
up with spirituality.

Let's keep this thread going. I´m learning a lot!

(41) minglemangle 10/13/2003 2:17 am EDT

Dondep was right! This is a great thread. I have learned so much this weekend reading it through,
chasing rabbit trails. What an amazing, fun, mystery/puzzle! So far this is my favorite, ever.

HAARP, the Ark of the Covenant, Zetas, underground labs, a disappearing physicist, kerubim,
strange letters being burned into arms (wanna bet they were Hebrew???), J-Rod and EBENs, and Linda
Moulton Howe's interview.

Let's throw the Dogon into the mix. Google them. They are a tribe star-seeded from Sirius.

(42) Anonymous Coward 10/13/2003 2:20 am EDT

Don't Google ANYTHING!!!!

Take a look at this... <>

1. Google´s immortal cookie:

Google was the first search engine to use a cookie that expires in 2038. This was at a time
when federal websites were prohibited from using persistent cookies altogether. Now it´s years
later, and immortal cookies are commonplace among search engines; Google set the standard
because no one bothered to challenge them. This cookie places a unique ID number on your
hard disk. Anytime you land on a Google page, you get a Google cookie if you don't already
have one. If you have one, they read and record your unique ID number.

2. Google records everything they can:

For all searches they record the cookie ID, your Internet IP address, the time and date, your
search terms, and your browser configuration. Increasingly, Google is customizing results
based on your IP number. This is referred to in the industry as "IP delivery based on

3. Google retains all data indefinitely:

Google has no data retention policies. There is evidence that they are able to easily access
all the user information they collect and save.

4. Google won't say why they need this data:

Inquiries to Google about their privacy policies are ignored. When the New York Times
(2002-11-28) asked Sergey Brin about whether Google ever gets subpoenaed for this
information, he had no comment.

5. Google hires "spooks":

Matt Cutts, a key Google engineer, used to work for the National Security Agency. Google
wants to hire more people with security clearances so that they can peddle their corporate
assets to the spooks in Washington.

6. Google´s toolbar is spyware:

With the advanced features enabled, Google's free toolbar for Explorer phones home with
every page you surf, and yes, it reads your cookie too. Their privacy policy confesses this, but
that's only because Alexa lost a class-action lawsuit when their toolbar did the same thing, and
their privacy policy failed to explain this. Worse yet, Google's toolbar updates to new versions
quietly, and without asking. This means that if you have the toolbar installed, Google
essentially has complete access to your hard disk every time you connect to Google (which is
many times a day). Most software vendors, and even Microsoft, ask if you'd like an updated

version. But not Google. Any software that updates automatically presents a massive security

7. Google's cache copy is illegal:

Judging from Ninth Circuit precedent on the application of U.S. copyright laws to the
Internet, Google's cache copy appears to be illegal. The only way a webmaster can avoid
having his site cached on Google is to put a "noarchive" meta in the header of every page on
his site. Surfers like the cache, but webmasters don't. Many webmasters have deleted
questionable material from their sites, only to discover later that the problem pages live merrily
on in Google's cache. The cache copy should be "opt-in" for webmasters, not "opt-out."

8. Google is not your friend:

Young, stupid script kiddies and many bloggers still think Google is "way kool," so by now
Google enjoys a 75 percent monopoly for all external referrals to most websites. No webmaster
can avoid seeking Google's approval these days, assuming he wants to increase traffic to his
site. If he tries to take advantage of some of the known weaknesses in Google's semi-secret
algorithms, he may find himself penalized by Google, and his traffic disappears. There are no
detailed, published standards issued by Google, and there is no appeal process for penalized
sites. Google is completely unaccountable. Most of the time they don't even answer email from

9. Google is a privacy time bomb:

With 200 million searches per day, most from outside the U.S., Google amounts to a
privacy disaster waiting to happen. Those newly-commissioned data-mining bureaucrats in
Washington can only dream about the sort of slick efficiency that Google has already achieved.

(43) another watcher 10/14/2003 3:10 pm EDT

… from one of the above links. Dr. Dan Burisch, fictional character … NOT:

Burisch, Danny B. PhD; ‟86 BA; MA St. Patrick‟s Seminary, PhD SUNY; Biologist: Burisch
Research. Admin Ofc. (This follows with personal contact info).

A secrecy agreement for the Tonopah Test Range/R4809 dated 10-14-89 bearing his signature
lists his SSAN as 530-86-5858, his rank as O5, and his title as MB III (Microbiology III) and his
employer as USN DOD Naval Research Laboratory. Another later document gives his service rank
as Captain, U.S.N. Reserve and his title as Microbiologist IV.

He is listed Crain, Danny B. in the Records of the American Society of Naturalists, 1992.

He is listed in Who‟s Who in the West, 24th Edition 1994-1995 as Crain, Danny B.

Who‟s Who in the World has him listed as Crain, Danny B. born February 2, 1964 to John
Dennis and Doreen Aglaie (LaPierre) C. and married to Deborah Kay Burisch July 17, 1990 with 1

Danny Crain officially changed his name in 1995 in Las Vegas. Case 95-D-187764-N Status
CLOSED. Plaintiff Crain, Danny B., Attorney Denton, Mark R. Defendant Attorney, Judge
Lueck, Robert W. Dept. E. Filed Date 06/06/1995, Closed Date 08/30/1995, Last in court in
08/30/1995 for HEARING: FOR CHANGE OF NAME Outcome GRANTED Trial Disposed
Disposition Consolidated.

Currently, further documents and authentication of his background is being sought. His mother
Doreen has told me that she could supply me with additional background material. She is in the
process of retiring now and I am awaiting further word.

The investigation continues but is being interfered with by unknown agents whose intention it
seems to suppress this information and cover all the bases.

(44) truthseekr 10/15/2003 2:54 am EDT

Oh, You people are so CUTE!!

Surfin´ the Myth-Strem like Frankie Avalon surfin´ those FAKE (c´mon people) waves on the ´SET"
in Holly-Forn-i-a...but even then I would guess there were people that believed that those stupid
Avalon/Funicello movies were all real.. I mean there was real SAND wasn´t there?? Real Surfboards??
OF COURSE! then it MUST have been real.

What did Barnum say? Something about SUCKERS!! (people,take note) Why OF COURSE Burisch
was FREE to give clandestine interviews for posting on the web..(oh wait, no he´s not dead, BJ has
pictures of him saluting his superiors as the "SECRET LOCATION")..OF COURSE he interviewed
some alien named J_ROD. Of course all that science was real that BJ Wolf was responsible for posting.
OF COURSE they disappeared her..(not withstanding that every scientist that reviewed her reports
stated that while much of the terminology described legitimate matter-states, and legitimate research
vocabulary describing states, The PROTOCOLS (important in legitimate science was SO FAR OFF as
to render the context of the ´reports´ from Dan Laughable)!! That's the REAL FACTS you poor
misguided (yet comically-tragically sincere) BUFOONS!!!! ahem…I mean SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, yes … full disclosure. am a well-paid professional, misinformant, neo-debunker for the CIA,
NSA, FBI and INTERPOL who, AS A COVER STORY on the surface appears to be a BROKE-ASS
artist, driving a shitty car and wearing holy jeans!! Yeah, THAT's the TICKET!!

(45) dondep 10/15/2003 3:47 am EDT

Human Subject, people who know of this material will see that poster for what he/she is, an
Imposter. He/she serves to bump, but I would avoid an exchange with such an ill-informed and chaotic
´intellect´. This will be the first of many, if this thread does not do what they would like it to do, which
is fade away quietly. Their message will be the usual scorn and derision, without any edifying message
to account for it. Let them bump to their heart's content; if a pattern develops, and they can act like an
adult, then let the debate begin. BJ was silenced because most people let the information atrophy to the
point where They thought they could get away with closing her down. We need to shine a light on
Them, and it will take a spirited confrontation to do it. Welcome that.

(46) dondep 10/15/2003 8:39 pm EDT

[in an aside to 318: You would think they would at least send us someone who could spell and put
together a cohesive sentence! I think it's a toe-dip-in-the-water exercise, to test the

Any thoughts on the 12-monkees sticker on Dan's apartment window? Sometimes the most subtle
touch speaks the loudest.

(47) Anonymous Coward 10/15/2003 11:43 pm EDT

Re: 12 monkeys

I didn't even realize there was symbolism in the film! Interesting read, even mentions the seed of

snip from cbhs.orh >>>

Twelve Monkeys desacralizes the religious concept of the apocalypse by replacing God with
science, and placing future salvation in the hands of humans.

(48) crazytalk 10/16/2003 12:02 am EDT

I come into contact with a lot of the "general public" in my work. Large numbers of intelligent
tourists, actually. Those who are interested in history and architecture.

It is such a privilege for me to encounter this kind of stimulating information, even if it is science
fiction, because it stretches my mind, and gives me new ways of stretching the minds of others. I already
talk about one of our local architects, Lewis Reynolds, who was most interested in incorporating the
golden mean and such into the houses he built in my fair city. It opens the door for discussions about all
kinds of stuff. The other day a lady told me that she saw something on discovery about the cathedrals
having music encoded in their design. That the forms play a song if you can decipher the notes.

People are much smarter than we give them credit for. Mention to a kid or an adult about the
potential of the sun and one mirror and their minds make leaps-and-bounds.

BUT every day I make sure I say to someone that time was invented to keep everything from
happening at once. It shakes the brain a bit, but for a brief moment most people switch perspective just
long enough to maybe know how to do it again. And then the real change can happen.
Sorry for writing this tome, but I just have to write something to counteract the counter weight..
breaking the monotony of the bump and a word about how one can incorporate new ideas into their daily

See, the problem with this 'Ganesh' thing and the potential of such is that it is hard to break it down
into something that you can tell someone about in two minutes-or-less. That's about the attention span
of the average Joe these days. You have to get the attention UP FRONT and then let them know it is
important. And then make it simple. Why don't we all take a shot at that? Simplification of this man's
research.. 50 words-or-less. And the best case scenario application of research in this direction. It
certainly isn't just metaphysical.

What it is it about is that for some of us, all of our lives we have been seeking a "Theory of
Everything". Most people aren´t driven that way. I unfortunately have felt most of my life that I was
"this close" to figuring it all out. Then there is that underlying fear that once you find the solution it's

Knowledge comes with Death´s release, or so sayeth Davie Bowie. He also said "you know, Major
Tom´s a junkie." That's understandable, though. Clarity in this day and age is fucking miserable some

(49) karma45 10/16/2003 12:15 am EDT

go to ´what´s new´ section … and you will find new information concerning
this topic.

(50) 318 10/16/2003 12:16 am EDT

It boils down to the fact that 2/3rds of the codons in human DNA are inactive and we only function
at 13/rd of our capacity. If that crazy power hungry with the aid of science wants to tweek our DNA all
at once to see what might "wake up". But that is not what was intended for us to achieve all-at-once.
It's a spiritual journey and takes time, effort, and intention.

The lazy dark ones want power, knowledge, and long life -- or even immortality -- all at once. The
Ganesh can activate the condons or it can de-activate in the wrong hands. It's just a matter-of-time
before it all comes out. And hopefully humanity isn't adversely affected before it does.

Sound, vibration, and intention can change the world very quickly when we wake up and learn to use
them properly and for the higher good of us all.

(51) crazytalk3 10/16/2003 12:31 am EDT

There was a young kid in New Orleans in the mid-1980s who had these cards that he claimed
"activated" us. He showed them to tons of people, most of whom were using stuff like LSD. I am pretty

sure that the stuff that was around here in the 1980s was government- made. VERY COMPLEX and
clean stuff.

Funny that about 50 % of the people I knew from that time ended up totally burned-out on heroin,
coke, etc in later years. But those that cleaned up are doing exceptionally well. I would describe them
as "awake".

These cards were comprised of cirles with different segments in different colors -- the blue
particularly vivid. Symbols were in the corners, if I recall. They look like the symbols you see in
alchemy and astrology, mercury, the like.

But I hadn't really thought about this kid till I started to hear the term activation being used relative
to DNA. It's as if I can feel what they describe. Maybe it is just a matter of bridging a schism. a built in

This guy has been all around the country for years, squatting in NYC, junkie in Kansas, SF, Key
West, Peru, too. They call him 'Dead Frank' now. Say he looks really bad. But I must say, he was
about 16 when I met him but he had the eyes of an immortal in some way. And totally psychic, too

(52) starryeyes 10/16/2003 9:33 am EDT

good morning

I see 'truthseekr' is getting rather emotional about something he considers "fake science". Has
anyone noticed that he is starting to scream in all caps?

I find it is the reaction by TPTB [the powers that be] to wipe out all trace of this story, evidence, and
information that adds much credibility to it.

That and the fact that we personally were under surveillance for over a year in DC once it became
clear that we were following and collecting this information. And now it has picked up again here - (a
story I have repeated since day one on GLP last May or April). We have video tape of the watchers in
their van day-after-day watching us. The phone company found many "sophisticated devices" on our
phone lines that were all traced to other numbers that the phone tech ...

There is more information about the story than just what is available on the Net. And the various
pieces are in the hands of many people, different people all around the world. I think it is becoming too
difficult for TPTB to just remove the info now; they need to try to discredit it. I believe we will see
many more "truthseekr´s" .

(53) anonymous coward ... hehe 10/17/2003 4:28 am EDT

I am just an anonymous coward -- take such with a grain of salt.

I have had the chance to review Dr. Burisch´s work. "Pseudo-science" -- no!. Free wheeling and
using "pseudo-scientific" methods -- sometimes. But the point seems to be that he faced things that

couldn't be measured in the limited framework of the scientists he accurately called "the atheistic

People! {that's so cool to use!} To many, there is no God! There are only those people that are
setting themselves up as 'gods' -- just as the priests did in ancient Mesopotamia -- so the scientists
market their carnival! They are crossing pigs and human cells, cows and human cells, creating 3 parent
embryos, she/male cells, debating human/mouse hybrids, and even sell the offspring of pigs that
underwent genetic research as "FOOD" {see the University of Illinois´ work}.

Don´t believe me? Just do a quick search -- like the boys and girls at CalTech seem to do a lot of --
about the Ganesh Particle. What pisses them off -- like one poster {hehe - you gave yourself away with
the words "cut/paste" you member of that 4 letter "pseudo-acronym" starting with an N and ending with
an S you! You all-around nice fella with aerospace money in the pocket. You don't want that threatened
by pissing off the BIG e or LOWS do you? Such an embarrassment to the company to be screwing with
people out of school -- and to think I have to work with you! Which is why I won't reply to your vulgar
future comments. You´ll figure me out! hehe.} -- is that they don't want you to know that the future may
hold them in the same regard as how many of us feel about the past. How they would hate hearing "the
MYTH of science" and the "PRIESTS that ran the sham!" hehehehe. They are afraid and responding
just as Brookings said they would. So give ´em a break! Cut them some slack! But in reality, give
them their due, whatever that may be. ;)

For such a doom-saying guy, Dr. Burisch did say in his last communiqué that he saw a happy future.
Perhaps something has been found to take the ills away. Most of the stuff I read said that he heard about
the 2012 issue. It was second-hand. He seemed too tender to be pictured as a prophet of doom. I have
thoroughly read all available material and read the entire Eagles Disobey site before its demise. The
story you have heard about "fake science" said by BJ Wolf seems to be just that -- a muddy of the
comments on the Sanctuary of the Birds site -- a comment that came out before much of the other
material. And BJ Wolf's honest statements that he/she couldn't personally verify scientific information
because he/she wasn't a scientist.

Sounds honest to me. Better than saying that you can prove that something so interesting
doesn't/can't exist because it doesn't fit inside of a convenient mind-controlling black box. Dr. Burisch
seems to have found himself locked out of it! It makes me think "Everything possible to believe is an
image of truth" -- William Blake. Maybe some just have a hard time remembering that we all are
imagining creatures? Maybe some want us otherwise, huh? I must complain about Dr. Burisch´s
writing, though! He is damned hard to read. Once his references are placed in the text rather than after
it. Most of the writing, though, seemed original. Maybe that is what some people fear? Write
something original … lose your job? Makes me think that "My guess is that well over 80 percent of the
human race goes through life without having a single original thought" -- H.L. Mencken. Ooops! I
guess I am guilty before certain truthseekers too! ;) hehe.

Please all here: keep finding the truth. Tthis one seems deep to me.

Signed, Just a dumb Anonymous Coward

(54) New Gal on the Block 10/17/2003 6:44 am EDT

Wow, where do you start … so much information to absorb.

I'm very new to all this (I've just pulled the wool from my eyes!. And I really have to thank Nancy
for that. Not that I'm wrapped up in the ZetaTalk business, but I found GLP listed there. I have come
across another good site which I'm sure a lot have heard of but worth a mention: . There are a few abductees/contacts there and a link to a site dedicated to
that. And R.I.P to Richard Young -- the owner of the site -- who died last week.

Human Subject and Dondep etc.: thank you guys so much for the info you put out there. I'm envious
of the wisdom and knowledge you have, and really makes me realize how ignorant and brainwashed I
have been. But better late than never ay! With being to new to this subject, it all gets a bit confusing for
me. Have a few questions, if I may.

H/S, are you a human subject? How would you know if you were one or if you were an alien etc. And
what (in a nutshell) happened -- i.e., a spacecraft crashed and they did tests on them. And what exactly
is a "human subject"? Is a clone so-to-speak? And in your opinion, what exactly is coming up for us and
what can we do to prepare and be safe, etc. And sorry if these questions seem dumb; but Iam not all
that academic.

Thank you advance for any information is greatly appreciated.

(55) Anonymous Coward 10/17/2003 6:56 am EDT


Do you have a link for this? Aare you talking about changes with human beings born from this

"Changes are occurring at the submolecular level. Between 1972 and the present, the
hydrogen bonding angle has become less acute. This has and will affect protein folding
and subsequent function. How is precisely not known yet, but J.J. Hurtak SEEMS to be
giving specific suggestions in his Book of Knowledge, Keys of Enoch ..."

(56) Anonymous Coward 10/17/2003 7:06 am EDT

Can someone please enlighten me.

"As of April, 1995, they have NOT been allowed to come and go from this planet per their
agreement with the MJ-12."

If these beings have the technology to travel through space, wouldn't they have weapons that would
wipe us out? How do THEY stop them from coming????

(57) Anonymous Coward 10/17/2003 7:24 am EDT


"I'm being guided to detox, purify, and clear quickly. For something huge is about to take
place. I'm experimenting with bio-acoustics, and I feel that's helped the process along
faster than I'm used to. Keep Searching …"

How are you detoxing etc.? And what are bio-acoustics? Do you have any links?

(58) Aphrodite 10/17/2003 8:16 am EDT

I have just read this thread for the first time.

The J-Rod was suffering from neurological degeneration plus several other degenerative problems.

The Lotus Protocol: Designed to alter us? What does that do and what will it do to beings in the

The Ganesh Particle mollicutes colonize on the mucosa of the respiratory and or urogenital tract,
wait for a cellular lesion, and are tranported to the joints, egg follicles, and the brain. Once there they
alter and impair the tissues. Isn't the Ganesh particle what the J-ROD was suffering from?

The grays were human beings once, am I correct? Are they from the future? Are they suffering
from the Ganesh particle or something similar? Are they the result of the SARS virus or something
similar? Are they infertile because of the attack on the egg-follicles?

Who used a retro-virus from the J-ROD to infect targeted populations of the world?

So the J-ROD came here to get help and ended up causing the problem it seems. Am I correct?
There is a BIBLE CODE regarding the SARS virus (in Deuteronomy Chapter 25:verse 16: letter 17 to
Deuteronomy Chapter 31: verse 27:letter 35 -- spans 11433 characters.) The pattern is the same as
HALE-BOPPS comet trajectory as seen from the Earth.

The Bible codes on the Roswell crash suggest that the aliens came here for help. Is that true? But
also that they had an unwelcome presence with them that has caused a lot of damage. Is that true? Who
were the unwelcome entities that came to Earth? What have they done to damage the Earth and the
beings who live here? Did they actually cause their own troubles? What really caused their
degenerative problems?

Many things to ponder …

(59) man 47 10/18/2003 2:36 pm EDT

Time is more easily understood as the rate of flow of water down hill.

Time can be technically redefined as the rate of entropy change. This is analogous to the rate of
water flowing downhill.

You understand that many factors can effect the rate of water flowing downhill. So also the same is
true of rate of entropy change.

Entropy is Q/T, or total internal heat energy divided by temperature. In chemistry and physics, one
of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics is that total entropy of a system cannot decrease, it can
increase or remain the same. This is actually a form of a fundamental law of time. Natural Time never
flows in the direction of decreasing entropy.

The equations that Lorentz discovered and Einstein explained reveal that time itself is effected by
the sum of the kinetic energies of a body expressed in relation to c2. DeAquino´s antigravity equation is
derived from the same basic principles.

Antigravity and time are a little more complex than this, but they are interrelated. It goes to the
concept of quantum resonant joining.

For example, one of the many variables that affect the rate of water flow down hill is the
temperature. Ice does not flow. Or we can talk about how oil viscosity changes with temperature.

Quantum flux (or qflux) particles are the flux of tunneling particles that are superluminal and are
responsible for gravity and the transmission of consciousness. Qflux particles come in a variety of
charges, spins and masses, depending on their source.

The resistance of mass to this constant universal flux of qflux particles is the explanation for gravity.

Virtual qflux particles can bubble up out of the physical vacuum, travel any distance, and then vanish
in the reverse of the way that they appeared.

Qflux particles can tunnel out of spinning nuclei when they are pinched in a Heisenberg Uncertainty
crisis. While these particles have tunneled out they can become quantum entangled with another
spinning nucleus that has exactly the right conditions of spin and axial alignment to accept this particle.
In this case, these particles are either neutrons, protons or gluons. Gluons do not have spin, so they
cannot become linked in quantum entanglement with another spinning nuclei.

This helps to explain Mach´s principle which is the mystery of how a spinning mass seems to
"know" what a rest intertial frame-of-reference is. There must be some hidden linkage to the rest mass
of the universe. That hidden linkage is the qflux entanglement which is dependant upon mass spin.

Thus, since axial alignment and spin are variables that effect quantum entanglement, which is partly
responsible for the qflux resistance of mass, one can cut-off a mass from quantum entanglement with the
rest mass of the universe by creating inhibiting conditions, then one will have interfered with natural
gravity, inertial frames and time.

This explains the mechanics of the spinning magnetic fields of Wallace´s antigravity system, and the
DeAquino system. The nutating magnetic fields cause the spin alignment of all the mass within the
effected volume, which limits the quantum resonant joining of the enclosed mass with the rest mass of
the universe.

Thus, time becomes frozen in an enclosed volume can be considered in isolation only in quantum
resonant joining within itself.

Further, consider that time is local, just as altitude is local. Entropy change rates are affected by local

So much for now.

(60) dondep 10/18/2003 3:20 pm EDT

Here's the copy/paste from the updated exchange I had with Nancy/zetas the other night. And even
though I was nervous, I'm SURE I at least spoke in complete sentences:

ZetaTalk: Dr. Dan Burisch

Dr. Burisch was a microbiologist from S4. He was working with the Zetas. The US
Government know it as the J-Rod. This J-Rod had neurological damage to his system and the
cells had been studied by Dr Burisch to develop some type of a cure for this disease that we
were expected to undergo ourselves. And the reason that J-Rod was a guest of our
government at S4 is that allegedly had come back in time to warn us that these cataclysms,
these catastrophes. This is confirmation to me that what [ZetaTalk] had been saying was true.
And that by warning us, they were hopefully going to receive our help in preparing us,
genetically for the period of time after the cataclysms.

This is a partial truth. What has been relayed to you, what you have relayed to the
audience on the radio here, is factual. There was such a visitor, there was such information
relayed, there was such genetic research done, but this was not ourselves or our brethren in
Service-to-Other. As we have relayed extensively in ZetaTalk, the original contact prior to
Roswell was not by Service-to-Other aliens but by Service-to-Self, the Omnipotent Krill and
the like. These aliens were the ones below ground in the Southwest where the public is
restricted, who did provide space ships and allow the US Military to attempt to fly them, to
attempt to reverse engineer but they never succeeded.

This business about a particular illness that will be prevalent after the cataclysm and a certain
people who will be inoculated that will survive smacks of elitism, does it not? This is not true.
Illness is more prevalent, increasing illness was one of the predictions that we made well prior to
the year 2000 and has been much on the increase. Common germs, or opportunistic germs outside
of their normal environment. Because of the stress and strain of the core swirling, the erratic
weather and the double suns in the sky. After the cataclysms things get even worse. There‟s dirty
water, a lack of proper food, a lack of proper hygiene, depression, and most of the die-off that we
have predicted comes not from injury or drowning experienced during the pole shift itself, but
afterwards, due to depression, malnutrition, and just a willingness to let yourself go rather than
subsist in the manner that life is presenting to you.

This is a true story, but it is a false story told by this alien. Another clue that this is a Service-
to-Self alien is the fact that it has a name. We do not assign names to ourselves. We don‟t need
them. We work telepathically.

Hmmmmm..... I´m still disturbed by incomplete answers here. Was the DCTP (Doctrine of
Convergent Timelines Paradox) disinfo given to M_# by the "Service-to-Self" crowd, or did they in fact
come back to us from the future? Early ZT on the time-travel subject states only STO can return in time
to acquire biological material. Yet the STS came back first even before Roswell.

More questions, and not much time left to sort it all out before things come to a head.

(61) greggus 10/19/2003 5:22 pm EDT

"Greggus, either you are a highly astute observer with an excellent set of filters, or you
have your own connection(s) on the ´inside´. Are you saying that the April ´95 treaty
renewal applied to ALL Zetans? And if so, did it restrict ALL physical appearance and/or
contact between they and we humans? And do you go on to say that those treaty terms are
nullified when we give ´the Call´? I'm curious as to what you know about the treaty
specifics, since Dr. Burisch indicated it was his understanding this year was a treaty-
renewal year (amongst other things)."

I´m saying that the "treaty" (which really wasn't a "treaty" per se, as a real treaty is made with all the
principles and authorities along with the people they represent, PRESENT and IN the loop and in the
know) which USED to exist between those you call the Majority Commitee on Intelligence and those
you call the "Roswell aliens" (who were "Zetan") has been rescinded -- made null and void -- by
councils of greater power and authority, which supersede them, in a manner similiar, and in which
"Federal" laws supercede "State" laws, and where the "Supreme" court has been unwilling to hear a case
against the State(s) and or its/their rights.

Anyone entertaining the idea that this "treaty" is still in "effect" is Major Denial themselves.

Here´s some bio on "Frenchman Mountain"...

1. Frenchman Mountain and the Rainbow Gardens

An impressive natural backdrop on the eastern border of Las Vegas, Frenchman Mountain and
the Rainbow Gardens area behind it make up a unique geology classroom. ...

2. Frenchman Mountain Great Unconformity Site

Welcome to the Frenchman Mountain Great Unconformity site! This site is a virtual geologic
field trip to Frenchman Mountain near ...

3. Frenchman Mountain and the Great Unconformity

Frenchman Mountain and the Great Unconformity. ... Cross Section of Frenchman Mountain.
What is an Unconformity? An unconformity is a buried erosion surface. ... ...

4. Views from Frenchman Mountain

5. Geologic Map of Frenchman Mountain

Geologic Map of Frenchman Mountain These 7½´ maps can be ordered online from the
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
6. Hiking Around Las Vegas: Frenchman Mountain
Frenchman Mountain Map (elevation 4,052 ft) Hiking Around Las Vegas, BLM Area near
Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Frenchman Moutntain overview. ... ...

Paper No. 66-14. Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM. SECONDARY FAULTS AND SLIP

8. Is Frenchman Mountain Evidence of Noah´s Flood?

Frenchman Mountain and Flood Stratigraphy. ... Yet this withdrawal and return of the sea is
recorded at least twice at Frenchman Mountain. ... ...

9. RainbowGardens Relocation Project

Frenchman Mountain and the Rainbow Gardens has moved!!! Visit us at our new site at: ...

10. Frenchman Mountain Great Unconformity Site

Welcome to the Frenchman Mountain Great Unconformity site! Thisvirtual geologic field trip
to Frenchman Mountain near Las Vegas, Nevada, where exposed. Learn about the geology of
Frenchman Mountain and the Great Unconformity. Take ...



12. Frenchman Mountain East Face

The eastern face of Frenchman Mountain looms above a lower foreground ridge composed of
Kaibab limestone, with a still lower one of Moenkopi... ....

13. Church List for Sherwood, Arkansas


14. Frenchman Mountain and the Great Unconformity - ES767 Global ...
by Lake Mead. Proceed to stop 1 of the Frenchman Mountain tour. ... ...

15. dox

plate w/o topo base (1.3 Mb) M126 - Nevada Geothermal Resources, plate (2 Mb) M127 -
Geologic Map of the Frenchman Mountain Quadrangle, Clark County, text (6 Mb) - plate w/o
topo base (2.5 Mb) M129 - Geologic Map of the Lime Mountain

16. Adit in Frenchman Mountain

200 feet into the Crystal Pass limestone, just above the Sultan formation, some two-thirds of
the way up the west face of Frenchman Mountain. ...

17. Wetlands_Geology
Geology The history of the earth is written in Frenchman´s Mountain and Rainbow Gardens,
just north of the Wetlands Park area. The ...´s_Geolo ...


National Mapping Information USGS 7.5´ x 7.5´ Map: Show Feature Location using maps
produced from the U.S. Census Bureau´s Tiger Map Server. Find the Watershed for this feature
using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency´s site. ... Feature Name: Frenchman
Mountain. Feature Type: summit ... ...

19. Area 6 at the Nevada Test Site

Area 6 This area occupies 212 km2 (82 mi2) between Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat,
straddling Frenchman Mountain. Only one atmospheric nuclear test was conducted in Area 6,
and that was in 1957. Between 1968 and …

20. Introduction to Frenchman Mountain - ES767 Global Tectonics - Audrey

Destinations of the virtual field trip. The four stops we'll make to get a closer look at
Frenchman Mountain (Rowland, 1987)

(62) Anonymous Coward 10/21/2003 3:11 am EDT

Dang, those dirty reptiles are at it again. So, it was THEM who are killing all those microbiologists!
Now, they can unleash deadly germs on us at will, and start the culling process.

Good thing Bill Hamilton doesn't work for an alphabet agency, and this whole thing isn't a hoax to
steer us away from the fact that it's just our rulers behind those alien masks, preparing to put the
depopulation program into high gear.

(63) jalien 10/21/2003 12:26 pm EDT

During my years of research into the complexities of the earth grid system I have gradually built up a
picture in my mind of the possible geometric combinations necessary to form matter from resonating,
interlocking waveforms.

Matter and antimatter are formed by the same wave motions in space. The waves travel through
space in a spiralling motion, and alternately pass through positive and negative stages. Matter is formed
through the positive stage, or pulse, and antimatter through the negative pulse. Each spiral of 360
degrees forms a single pulse. The circular motion of an electron about the nucleus of an atom is
therefore an illusion. The relative motion of the nucleus and electrons through space gives the illusion of
circular motion. The period during the formation of antimatter is completely undetectable, since
obviously all physical matter is manifesting at the same pulse rate, including any instruments or
detectors used to probe atomic structures. The period or frequency rate between each pulse of physical
matter creates the measurement that we call time, as well as the speed of light, at the particular position
in space of which we are aware at any given moment.

If the frequency rate of positive and negative pulses is either increased or decreased, then time and
the speed of light vary in direct proportion. This concept would explain time as a geometric, as Einstein
theorized it to be.

As my own research has shown me that physical reality is manifested by the harmonic nature of
light, it appears logical that a vehicle constructed to the principles of harmonics will be required to set
up the space-time fields necessary. If this is so, then the first criterion will be that the vehicle must
resonate in perfect harmony with the complete table of elements in our physical Universe. If it does not,
then it would be more than probable that any element or particle of matter not in harmonic resonance
within the vehicle structure or payload would be left behind when the space-time field was activated.
The results would be embarrassing, to say the least.

It would be impractical to construct a vehicle made from an alloy of the whole range of 144 elements
in the theoretical atomic table. Apart from this, such an alloy is no doubt a physical impossibility.

The clue which suggests a method of overcoming this problem is the way that matter is built up in
octaves of wave-forms. If an octave of elements could be combined which would set up a resonating
field tuned to all the elements in the table and the unified fields of space, then maybe we would have a
method of crashing the time barrier. I put forward the following proposal for consideration. If an octave
of elements is the answer, let us make a selection from the theoretical table of 144. If we divide 144 by
8, we get divisions of 18 units, therefore we will select each of the elements we require, 18 units apart.
(See Table 3.)

It can be seen that the total harmonic value of the atomic numbers of the combined elements is 648.
The square root of this number is 25.455844, the harmonic of which is found in the polar sections of the
world grid system. The harmonic 25455844 is also directly associated with the Earth‟s magnetic field.
Three new elements, recently discovered, have atomic numbers of 116, 124 and 126.What we now need
are numbers 108 and 144..

We would then be ready for the harmonic conquest of space. .

[StealthSkater note: this appears to be from one of Bruce Cathie's books]

(64) Anonymous Coward 10/21/2003 1:27 pm EDT

Run, everybody, the aliens are coming. And they're bringing germs! And they have implants for
every one of us!

Hey, wait a minute … aren't those germs being developed in American labs? And aren't those
implants being produced here, too? Aren't soldiers being implanted left and right?

It's so much more fun to think that slimy reptiles are to blame for everything and not just the
sociopathic creeps that have always ruled us. Aliens are exciting, and Rockefellers are boring.

(65) dondep 10/22/2003 2:43 am EDT

So ARE aliens more interesting than Rockefellers? Mightn't they coincide? I think the possibility
that certain alien energies have influenced the Rockefellers (and Rothschilds, DuPonts, Mellons, etc) is
quite interesting.

(66) zacksavage 10/22/2003 6:50 am EDT

Hi Human,

I have awakened with these thoughts:

These crystal skulls and the Ganesh particles ... the light as both wave and particle … vibration of it
all into multiple holograms. Individual lives.

Oh well...back to bed.

(67) dondep 10/26/2003 2:33 pm EST

G'morning, HS#58! That link is a great overview and storehouse of info on sacred
geometry. For any others reading this and want to get a handle on this stuff in order to make sense of
what we're talking about, I highly recommend it. Also, the author John Michell is about the most pre-
eminent authority on the subject of sacred geometry. A Google search will turn up lists of his work, my
favorite being "Twelve-Tribe Nations".

(68) anonymous coward 10/28/2003 1:33 am EST

Well, you may want to get this out to everyone ;), but it looks like the scientists really do already
know that Dr. Burisch is right.

For reference Montmorillonite is a SILICATE clay.

(68) Anonymous Coward 10/28/2003 3:47 am EST

HS 58-001 no problem with the 3rd person. 'Spooks' are in here watching. I am a friend of the
buddy to the archivist.

I heard, verify it -- you too dondepers, and tell everyone if I lie, -- that a huge "dump" she-wolf
called it was made to the main character investigating all this freaky stuff. See page 1 entry 1. What I
heard was that it was the entire thing from the opening of the crystal vortexes with particles coming out
to the transforming of cells before our eyes. In other words, evidence that goes with what Dr. Dan
wrote. Instead we are fed with: "I can´t find BJ Wolf and haven't heard from Dan so 'Case Closed'."

I heard that once -- "Case Closed" -- wasn't it on the cover of the last Roswell paper the A/F gave the

(69) Anonymous Coward 10/29/2003 12:34 am EST

I'm not talking about the ULF experiments. I really don't know much about them except what I read
from the EaglesDisobey website.

The way I hear it played was that Wolf was worried about getting followed and had a ton of images
that came in recently from her contact inside of Project Lotus. She sent them to the investigator and a
copy to the archivist. These aren´' run of-the-mill images; they were full-color clear ones from a
microscope that showed each step in the particle's methods. (The good clear government photos) I heard
they showed rings of light dots connected by some kind of plasma and they documented the origin of the
particles. They also were supposed to show some kind of DNA cords that were injected into dead cells
by Ganesh particles that caused them to start dividing.

You just read right! These were the close-up specials my friend told me the archivist said. The
weirdest thing was what he said about what else was seen. He said that the electromagnetism made a
second microscope lens that worked on the material and made viruses appear that were there visible. He
said this was done through a light microscope and that is not supposed to be possible. But he said he
had the images, the proof. This would be a new technology. The archivist said that he was told to take
this huge set in small amounts from an image file that was setup and that the investigator (page 1 entry
1) was also given a set. If these are real, then why has nothing been said about them? That is what I
wanted to know when I wrote the first post. In other words these are new images, a smoking gun of
them that is new information to us all.

She was rumored to be part of the group now but she hated them. So I don't believe that. That is
beside-the-point, though: Where are the images I heard were given to the investigator, so we can all
make up our own minds about them?

(70) Ferris 10/29/2003 1:35 am EST

I have an idea! Already done, maybe. The Ganesh particles are supposed to repair damaged cells?
Why not get a alternative healer willing to connect a quartz crystal to the little microvolt electricity that
Dr. Burisch reported? Then he-or-she can touch the crystal with the electricity running through it to
some damaged or cancer cells on a willing person. See if it repairs! If it does, this can help spread the
word. …

I don't know anyone to talk to, but maybe someone here does. If so, I would like to hear what

(71) Anonymous Coward 10/29/2003 7:36 am EST

I'd like to hear what the ´investigator´ has to say about the photos? Have they been passed on to
someone else, if the case is ´closed´ due to lack of funds. There are others here who would pursue it.
Why the silence, when this is just more proof?

(72) No Body 10/29/2003 10:08 pm EST

jalien --

on The Experiment … Hmm... interesting… albeit, a bit Dense:) The Blocks are a little more
advanced these days. I would be curious to know how this info would be utilized, fractaled up ... or
would that be what got us into this mess from its temporal origin?:)

Curious, with serious muted cause, if one of the scientist on this particular project could interact with
a geneticist, of some note.. They're in the Same School , so-to-speak.. The common thread seem/seams
to focus on this mystic/real Ganesh Particle. What do you Think? (Quartz and Quarks … go figure,
those little transmitters and transponders of Harmony and Motion:)

3.1.8 --

I'll keep these up for a little bit They're some cards which, when added to your core belief structure,
should aide you in your centering efforts. They were designed from A Higher Aware/nest, Indigo
Level- Stellar Conscience No biggy ... just trying to help in Any and All Ways. Anybody may give
them a look.

(73) Anonymous Coward 10/30/2003 12:44 am EST

I glanced at the "enlightenment cards", so called. Didn't really want to focus too much as I don't
"know" source of material.

MANY years ago a guy was running around in my town with "activation" cards that didn't resemble
these in the least. They were all clean geometric shapes within circles, and I believe each was separated
into four sectors. The colors I recall were a 'blue' that you don't see much out there (some new street
signs are close to the shade). Kind of like the blue in the radar bands you see at the top of the page,
actually. In the corners were the symbols you see in alchemy and chemistry.
I have always thought this kid was an alien. Even before I knew anything about anything in this
realm. The kid was around in the early 1980s.

It was not until recently that I recalled him called them "activation cards". My mother, who had
worked in military psych hospitals, FREAKED OUT when she saw the cards in my room. She wanted
to know where I got them. Bizarre.

(74) Anonymous Coward 10/30/2003 2:02 am EST

I am the best friend of a guy that works with the private archivist for BJ Wolf. At least he was. He
is now just sitting (nervously) on 40 full disks of images that got out before the leak was sealed up.
That's way more than was sent to the "investigator".

I want to comment too,

"Anonymous Coward
8:32 am EST

Why is there innuendo now? These photos mean nothing. There is enough evidence in
the papers themselves. You are blurring the subject. The public wouldn't care about
the truth, if it bit them in the ass."

Wow! What a statement from somebody! Innuendo? Not on my part. I was told he has them.
That's honest and straightforward. They haven't been made public to my knowledge. That's honest and
straightforward, too. Holding information back is holding information back. No bad tidings meant to
go to the investigator, it's just straightforward.

"These photos mean nothing…" Really? If they trace everything Dr. Burisch alleged, how can that
be? What an agenda driven comment: "You are blurring the subject." No, these are crystal clear. I
know that as of this morning because my friend got disk 1 from the archivist. We looked at about 100
images. It contains most if not all the ones that were sent to the "investigator". He has to give the disk
back. But he really doesn't care if copies are made. If I can hide myself enough doing it, could I leave a
disk somewhere to make it public?

I live in the same city as Dr. Burisch. My friend -- the friend of the archivist -- worked with Dr.
Burisch on safety-related things before all this blew up. Dr. Burisch did OSHA safety work in Las
Vegas in the public sector. I have roamed by his apartments. I haven't met him though. I am not
willing to become "disappeared" like others have. So no guarantees and I won't cuddle up with anyone.
I am afraid that if I can convince my friend to copy it, I would have to leave it somewhere hidden in a
public place then tell where it is. That risks it being picked up prior to the person we want to get it. But
so it goes the best I can possibly do. I won't mail it because I don't want my evidence on it. I am
working on 3rd party systems for security. So what can I do?

Or the investigator can just make them public so we can decide for ourselves what is going to "bite
us in the ass." or not. ;)
This is all I really know about these things, directly. The rest is rumor.

(75) dondep 10/30/2003 2:11 am EST

AC 12:34 --

is it possible that since they weren't plugging the sieve that was leaking to her, they took her into
"protective custody" so that she would be immobilized regarding any publicity? Do you think that Bill
Hamilton then became concerned enough about the safety of others who had the information and felt he
could not go forward with the "info dump" of image files as a result?

(76) Anonymous Coward 10/30/2003 2:29 am EST

Dondep --

Absolutely that could be the behind-the-scenes action here! Absolutely his motives for non-release
may be saintly. I can't argue with that. I don't know the "investigator". :) Interesting that you would
say "protective custody". Protection from the public? I heard the bigger story here has to do with
time-travel and two-or-more realities mixed.

All I can say is that these particular pictures don't need much because I saw many that were
illustrated and with arrows and explanations. I saw earlier images on the disk that match exactly what
you say. I couldn't figure what they were either. The later ones were different, with titles etc. I enjoyed
looking at them and cross-referenced them to Dr. Burisch´s claims from the reports. Putting 2 and 2
together and looking at the pictures while we read his reports were beneficial to me.

I heard that they were given to him as evidence and that's all I know. I don't want to upset and
offend anyone. I feel [right or wrong] protection over these images AND protection over BJ Wolf in
your comments. So thanks for being polite with me and I will enjoy watching this as it unfolds. I
apologize if I offered anything in a wrong way. Bye! :)

(76) Anonymous Coward 10/30/2003 5:28 am EST


I called my friend after dondep's comments and he said to me that public information is something
that they would no longer have a reason to harm anyone over. I think he's right. But email is something
they specialize in tracking in forums like these. That's why my time here is very short and resting under
piles of dung. He is scared but would go for a drop like I mentioned. He doesn't want me or him to play
games with transferring files. He said they have a way of watching uploads and files that are moving
and tracking back by how the computers talk to each other.

I won't write anymore letters because I see people with competing interests here [all good in their
own right] and all mixed with the 'spookies' that are watching. But if anyone wants to get the images, let
me know that "someone" will be in town and during certain calendar dates. Don't say 'who' or they
would surely be tracked early. I will try put the item hidden but in a public place and post the location.
I am sure the location will be watched by them but that's all I can do here and stay safe myself. They
find me, they find my friend. They find my friend, they find the archivist. It just depends if this
information really that important to you to come get it. If so, I will do my best. If not, stay safe, and
that is fine with me. God bless everyone here.

(77) starryeyes(unlogged) 10/30/2003 8:28 am EST

AC --

What you ask is tricky. Especially asking it on a public forum.

FileTransferProtocol is not a solution. I do graphics for a living and must do this to deliver my
video clips to a client, and I am sure that they are intercepted. This happened this last weekend and was
a real hassle. My client could not pick up the files I posted until many hours later (using all the same
codes, etc. that worked perfectly earlier in the day) until much time had passed. And I probably have
lost this client -- time is everything in what I do.

Personally I would love to know exactly why we are being watched and get these spooks off my
back but they do not seem to want to talk it over. I have made the request several times in public places
-- they prefer scare tactics.

I am not in the area Burisch lived and cannot be of much help due to heavy surveillance. I am not
even in the country. Sorry I cannot make such an arrangement. You need to be very careful as do all on
this forum.

"Snail mail" is not a solution -- it is easily tracked -- and data compromised without even opening a
package. Perhaps many copies that could flood a market? That is the only way I can see anything

Thank you for replying to me. I am truly at a lost to know what to do. I hope everyone reading this
thread gives this matter some thought time. Maybe there is a "Patriot" here who is not of a high profile.

Would it be possible for you or someone to log in? It is hard to know which AC one is talking to.
You can changed your log in info easily on this forum and one IP is not safe for continued
communication here.

(78) dondep 10/30/2003 3:44 pm EST

First, to all the "ACs" who have posted recently and appear to be much more familiar with the
project(s) than we are; I have not received any "info dump" or related images since leaving the country
back in the spring. Neither has StarryEyes, so we respectfully request that you cease interrupting her
FTP video transfers. Considering it took 48 hours on 2 computers to upload 4 minutes of video (for
mainstream corporate clients like Warner Bros.), we would be hard-pressed to upload even a complete
sentence by Dr. Burisch on his ´affidavit´. Which brings me to my next point ...

Can any of you (connected with Dr. Burisch's work) please communicate directly -- as an "AC" on
this board seems to work just fine -- to us what our ´parameters´ are? In other words, would you attempt
to "erase" us if we were to release the transcripts of Dr. Burisch's video testament to the work he was
doing for Majestic?

Or -- as another theory has it -- has it been your intention all along to have us ´ufers´ (as you refer to
us) release it for you in a ´controllable´ way? This theory would explain why you are holding Ms. Wolf
under "house arrest". Perhaps we weren't diligent enough in placing the information in the appropriate
places to percolate up from. If we hear nothing, we assume we should proceed with the release. If this
would jeopardize any "Good" efforts on your part and there is a reasonable rationale (i.e. allowing the
Seed to take root before the "Dark" forces hunt it down and uproot it, etc), then please let us know
forthwith on this thread. To know you are authentic, use a reference from the video affidavit that only
we would know of. Please indicate your intentions -- if any -- before the coming weekend is past.


(79) Anonymous Coward 10/30/2003 7:30 pm EST

To "AC" of 5:28 --

Drop person is accessible now. Availability limited to next 12 hours. Public place: bar, tavern,
casino, street corner? NW preferable. "Someone" can be there within 1 hour, possibly 1/2-hr. Post

(80) starryeyes 10/30/2003 11:22 pm EST

{{fingers tapping}}

AC --

The window is small. It is the best the GLP community could arrange. If you have the goods, it is
now or never.

(81) Anonymous Coward 10/31/2003 12:22 am EST

Am making copy now of disk given to me. Then will arrange drop off. It will be late night. Will
advise you when in place and where.

(82) Anonymous Coward 10/31/2003 1:24 am EST

To "AC" of 12:22--

standing by for you, "AC" of 12:22am EST (now an hour later). Will check every 10 minutes for
next several hours. Now it is 10:21pm Pacific time your time/our time. For your safety sake, give
yourself as little time to get to drop as possible. Pickup can be made in 15 to 30 minutes if in NW area.

(83) Anonymous Coward 10/31/2003 1:33 am EST







(84) Anonymous Coward 10/31/2003 1:35 am EST


(85) Anonymous Coward 10/31/2003 2:13 am EST

to AC at 1:33--

Cannot confirm with drop person; outgoing is dumped into cell voice-mail with no ring. Time is
now 2:12 am EST, 11:12 our time. Will post when message confirmed.

(86) Anonymous Coward 10/31/2003 2:29 am EST

Something that I just noticed that was copied into the disk that my friend wanted me to tell everyone,
so I will.

Wolf has been out of sight for awhile and this disk was hand carried to us by the archivist as he
passed through the state. Whenever anything would be received, it would be copied onto disks like this.
And he told us that this is the last disk full of "scratch images" as he said Dr. Burisch calls them when he
works on them. I noticed that one of the files is an image taken from an Remote Viewing session. The
RV session reads 10-8-03. This is after Wolf disappeared from sight which means she had to have had
contact with the archivist after that. If she wasn't okay, how could that be?

This also means that the contact between Project Lotus and her has continued. Maybe she is now a
member. Now I am confused because I never would have thought it. But if she is, how is the archivist
still being used? Or maybe he is getting direct information from inside the Project from someone else?

Also my friend wanted me to inform whoever gets the images to look at the comparing to pictures
out of the Voynich Manuscript. There are several comparisons in the images. Images of Dr. Burisch
himself are in the disk and that some show unusual activity around him. Plenty creepy. All the best.

(88) Anonymous Coward 10/31/2003 2:42 am EST

to ac of 1:33--

Still no confirmation from drop person. All calls since your post dumped into cell-phone voicemail.
Drop person may have been compromised. TIme is now 11:45 our time.

(89) Anonymous Coward 10/31/2003 2:45 am EST

Well, I have to post to you that if he was I can´t repeat this. Too dangerous. But I did put it there.

(90) Raven 10/31/2003 1:46 pm EST

Who I am -- don't worry about that. No way I would say with all this ongoing. Could later.

But something has happened. My insiders report that Dr. B was on the way to NAFB and was
turned for security reasons when all this "clashing" happened. They further report that the security over
the Project here is on alert.

Yes, my dear GLP community, something has happened.

(91) RearView unlogged 10/31/2003 2:02 pm EST

Know location. Covered by cams. Dark & dangerous. PU in 3h.

(92) Anonymous Coward 10/31/2003 2:53 pm EST

Surveillance cams. The location is in the heart of the roughest ´hood in town.

(93) Raven 10/31/2003 5:11 pm EST

The Raven flew by the location and it is dripping with folks. And what did my bird eyes see but an
11:30 incoming flight from of all people a Dr. and the Mrs. She drove. He carried a walkie-talkie and
looked scared to be there. She checked the same phone -- what you bet a coincidence?

She didn't look like she saw anything and didn't pick anything up, so I get a birdy feeling that the
item has already flown away. Two cars followed them when they left so Raven flew a distance away -
watching with keen bird eyes. They drove to Arizona Charlies. They don't allow feathers like mine
inside so I know no more.

(94) Anonymous Coward 10/31/2003 6:18 pm EST

Can anybody just say if they have the damn disk?

(95) Rear View unlogged 10/31/2003 7:27 pm EST

To ac --

3:00 to 4:00pm PST Metro presence, marked & unmarked white Ford. What to do? Proceed or

(96) Dondep unlogged 11/1/2003 2:21 am EST

Now that you mention it, where IS Greggus? He knew quite a bit about these things, either because
he was a very astute observer or because he was connected to someone on the "inside". You brought his
name up for a reason; can you share a bit more? I notice his absence and miss it.

You also mention the dead microbiologists. They were "erased" (killed, brainwashed, what?)
because they were trying to alert us about something . What is it? We're not talking 1 or 2 people here.
Why so many? Is the Committee that demonic/satanic/selfish? Were they -- the microbios -- just too
excitable or what?

You obviously know more than you shared in that last post. Can you give us something more to
work with? Our consciousness is growing but still cumbersome, so whatever light you can shine on this
will be put to good use. We almost snatched the bait that was laid for us, but it was put into a trap which
we narrowly avoided (apparently).

(97) zoned-out 11/1/2003 2:52 am EST

I jumped in on this roller coaster a couple days ago, and figured it was blowing itself out with all the
cross-posts that didn't have anything really to do with Dr. Burisch and the stuff he's supposed to be

But then when this disk and the drop thing started, I got interested again. Thing is, maybe I'm just
stupid or something, but it looks like there's about 12 hours between the time the disk was stashed and
when Raven did the fly-by and saw the Dr and Missus.

Then, I see where somebody said they'd pick it up in 3 hours. So what makes anybody think the disk
would still be there after all that time? The drop off was splashed all over the thread, and who knows
who saw it. I mean, hell, some domestically-challenged person could see a nice shiny disk laying there
and scoop it up for a pocket mirror. So they're sitting somewhere pulling tangles out of their hair,
looking at their reflection on the back of the secrets of the century.

A little later on there was something about cops being all over the place, like that was a problem.
Why should that be a problem? If it's really in that bad a district, you'd probably want some cops
around. So what if cops are there. Walk straight up past 'em, go make a phone call, look around, drop
your pen, fish around behind the phone for it … it's not rocket science. Just because cops are there. It
doesn't make sense to give up and maybe leave it for a streetperson to find, or to get all scratched up and
ruined. Unless there isn't any disk in the first place, and it's all bogus. Then all the excuses make sense.

What happened to whoever was supposed to go out and get the thing after it was put there and the
announcement hit the thread? Did we lose someone? Did they fall off the radar? Does anybody know if
they're alright?

And, hey Raven, you had 12 hours between the drop and your flyby. You had a camera with you,
right? Even a cheap disposable, right?

(98) Anonymous Coward 11/1/2003 3:51 am EST

Yes, God willing. Fine, but the same questions stay the same. Wwas a disk put there; and if it was,
was it picked up? Nobody needs to identify himself-or-herself as the one that picked it up or failed to
´get it up´. If it was, we can wait a good time knowing we will see the files. We can be patient!

I don´t wish to be given the label as a "bitcher" and I am too far away to have got the disk if it was
ever put there. But I am interested to know if we are in possession of it. The messages are getting as
cryptic as Hamilton was about what happened recently. What is it? Something that is on these disks?
Are the contents of Dr. Burisch´s writings and his work so scary they will rewrite science? Are they
world-shattering? I am not science-oriented either but I can follow a thread and an explanation.

It just helps if answers that can come simple are left at that: Yes! The disk was there! No! The disk
wasn't there! Yes! the drop person feared for his life and was too afraid to get it done. I can respect all
those. It's just that esoteric answers to easily answered questions are strange for me. So, I will ask a
simple question, be labeled as a "bitcher", and see if anyone can muster an honest answer:

WAS THERE A DISK RETRIEVED? (Please, no links to Roswell, ;) )

(99) Capt Obvious 11/1/2003 5:02 am EST

Uhh, has anybody besides me missed the "soap Opera" content here? This is NOT SOP ... Chains
are being yanked here. How many are around "Your" neck. Take inventory all! and see where you
"really" are!!! Get a grip, focus on the truth, and advance! One step at-a-time! Dondep! reel these folks
in!!! Get back to the "path" ... Fuck this stupid shit...

You know what I mean!!!!

(100) starryeyes 11/1/2003 11:46 am EST

just some thoughts: …

I think I would give some thought to what Capt. Obvious has to say here -- chains are being yanked.

Could it be the well meaning are being "played" by a third party? Not those in the "project?"

What is up with the BJ´s last e-mail "all is not as it seems?" message?

If disk was there , why leave it in worst part of town with cameras all around in the middle of the
night? When it was requested that a public place "Public place: bar, tavern, casino, street corner? NW
preferable." Why did "AC" not log in and use PM to communicate drop? Was someone "fishing" to
see who would show up? Why would the Dr. Dan be taken to the drop site himself? Is any of this for

(101) REARVIEW (unlogged) 11/1/2003 11:58 am EST

This is me, unlogged from a distant computer. I was in LV two days ago and was contacted by my
thread monitor person that this "pick-up" was possible. I requested NorthWest location but was unable
to pickup this disk at eastside location.

In CA now enjoying the beach. My close friends are in Vegas and called me by phone to let me
know of the Metro presence. The drop-off and the sensitivity of the information is taken quite seriously.
Normally I am armed for bear, "carry" all the time but flying does not allow such conveniences. I would
love to get my hands on the disks regardless of what they are supposed to contain or allegedly contain. I
want to help the "net" community in this regard.

On the move now and will check in periodically. A public place means a crowded mall or casino.
All Vegas locations in public places are covered by skycams and monitored. Better to catch "Enemy Of
The State" for drop-off signals (mailbox mark or something like that). The Eastside location chosen is
heavily loaded with low-lifes and drug deals and is in Hispanic central and $100/week sleazy motels.
Hookers all around this area this particular corner and Fremont Street. Public park on Durango @
Summerlin Pkwy better for me in two days. Please advise!

(102) Anonymous Coward 11/1/2003 12:09 pm EST

This will be my last bump on this thread. Like anyone who REALLY was involved in this intrigue
would post anything on this forum. PUHLEEZE.

I have occasionally bumped this because I thought it might have SOME TRUTH in it, and it is
certainly food for thought. Rather than just bumping it, I have written some stuff to feed minds, too.
Pardon me for wanting to raise consciousness in my own way on this thread. I'll do it elsewhere and you
boys can play "let's pretend we are undercover agents" all by yourselves.

If there is one thing I can understand about secret societies now, it is that they are mindful of what
they write down. Person-to-person transmission of information in a private location is still the best bet,
and it is 50-50 if you don't REALLY know whether the other person is trustworthy.

Relative to the bloodline comment, it is interesting to consider that those who are even awake
enough to be interested in this thread are probably themselves the carriers. This is not a thread that
would be in the least bit interesting otherwise.

As to the Ganesh particle -- the subject of this thread to begin with, ostensibly -- I have this comment
to offer.

The biologists and scientists who were doing this work were paid to do their research by ?? I am
talking about initially. Think about this. See, when I was in high school I already knew that the military
and its related institutions were working in a direction I wasn't interested in pursuing. Once you sign up
for that world, your soul is no longer your own. You turn your will and your mind over to something
else. Decisions made when you are young impact the whole of your life. I'm not sure I have a bit of
sympathy for anyone who happens to stumble across valuable information while in the course of their
employ for a killing machine.

The end is a foregone conclusion and the means are everything.

And for those of you who criticize all the bumpers who have kept this thread up there and bothered
to read it, I have a request.

If you had five minutes on all the major networks to speak to this "important research" and you were
speaking to the masses, what EXACTLY is it you would say to get everyone's attention? Can you sum
it up? Do you REALLY even know what you are getting at?

I have seen about a hundred bewildered posters ask for a layman's explanation, and no one has given
one. I guess that Scottish Rite bump pretty much sums it all up, doesn´' it? That Charleston shit is rich.
AMAZING coincidence, too. Yesterday a little chatterbox approached me in the course of my day.
TALKING all about the demolays and the rainbows and all of her paranormal experiences. SUCKING
UP MY attention and energy to fill my head will all of her stupid bullshit.

I am sure it is not related to this thread. That would be just too much. But I found it remarkably
coincidental. And Charleston -- for those of you mystified by all that bullshit -- is on the 33rd parallel.
That magic number just happens to be KKK if you do the math on it. K is the 11th letter of the alphabet.
I am sure that is a coincidence, too.

(103) starryeyes 11/1/2003 12:24 pm EST

Re: Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!!

Anonymous Coward
12:09 pm EST --

I tend to agree. This is not a spy game, especially on a public forum. Not the way to handle things
except to maybe entrap or garner attention away from the subject matter.

Can anyone say "Homeland Security"? Such info eluded to would label anyone a 'terrorist'. My
suggestion to you, RearView -- and this is just my opinion -- is to drop it (this disk thing - not the
importance of this thread). I feel it is a set-up -- maybe by spooks or even just a " manipulative, creative
writer?" -- perhaps to discredit info on this thread or disillusion the people following the posts. I really
do not know but it feels wrong. It has to me since the first posting re: images on disk.

AC-- I would like to request that you stay around long enough to explain about the bloodlines. How
do they relate to the Ganesh if at all, or is it more about the control of ALL by the Committee of the

(104) Anonymous Coward 11/1/2003 6:04 pm EST

My friend did drop the disk off. She is not "seedy" but is a Latina. I know the archivist but … you
know what? Forget it! You people want everything served to you through your little computer screens
like a New-Age TV dinner. It said NW preferable; so because it wasn't a preferred location for your
lazy imps, these images are probably back in the hands of the same people that developed them. Bottom
line is as I hear it: poor babies got afraid.

Well stay that way. Justify your lack of actions that it was a "hoax" and go about your lives talking
about things you are too afraid to get near. Public place -- now has to be a clean mall where security
cameras are on! You will think thins is a hoax too. Clean yourselves of your cowardness and go on
bumping, rhyming, and cleaning your egos!

RearView, you will be in Las Vegas in a couple of days! Great! Spend your money and go back to
wherever you are from! Idiots. Sad, pathetic, got to be in a white person controlled area, overparanoid,
could have had the disk, idiots. I have told my friend to back out of all of this and she will for her safety
-- not from Majestic -- but from one of you screwing her up. You are so certain that this was a hoax or a
setup that you were afraid of a telephone booth. Goodness! Do reply to me because I stopped in at the
wrong place and won't come back, not even IF I get more. I will try to find someone with backbone
enough to ACTUALLY do something other than play with a mouse and keyboard. Sorry we bothered
all of you.

(105) Anonymous Coward 11/1/2003 6:34 pm EST

Just so pissed off at whatever fools were afraid to walk into a mall with an open store next door to
where the disk was placed. My friend was TOLD that the window was tight and that fingers were
tapping and that it was NOW or NEVER and that she should not travel far from home to do it for safety.

READ YOUR OWN POSTS!! Well, she followed all the damn instructions and now what has she
got? Maybe her fingerprint on the disk or its wrapper? The posts read this is the best the GLP has to
offer. I'll pass that around. Outta here! Anybody got a thumb and index finger to form an "L" for

(106) REAR VIEW 1/2003 6:41 pm EST

Not afraid, just being careful all posts from me are from me or at my direction. INTRIGUE? One of
that opinion does not know Las Vegas like I do. LV is spook central. I know what I am doing and I
know what to watch for. My posts are no B/S -- this is real life, folks. Non-participants need not apply.
Proof of Dr. Dan's info is not in dispute.

What is on my mind is this: Public forum, local access, I can do! I will get the info if available. LV
is not just gambling or gaming. The big part of public forums such as this post is perfectly typical bait-
and-switch. If you folks desire this info, I can access it and make it available-so could anyone else. I
would prefer not to harm anyone over this. But if you get in my way, bad luck for you. Now do not
private message me. I am using borrowed computer and will not access my PM box. I am not worried
about my safety, only about the validity of the info and drop point. LV is spook central, like I said . I
know what and how I am doing this THROUGH a public forum. The government .spooks are not the
only ones with brains.

BTW...caution: If you interfere with me or the PU, you risk your life. This is a warning and a

(107) zoned-out 11/1/2003 8:00 pm EST

Hey, Rear View, nice to hear from the one who was supposed to get the thing in the first place.
Why'd ya say you missed the pickup? With all the egoboos you're bantering around, maybe we should
think of you as Clint Rear-View Eastwood. All that hot steel yur pakin' ... my, my, you sound so tough.
Or maybe it's not that at all, and you're just "covering your Rear" View hoping nobody will notice you
botched your chance.

(108) The Leopardess 11/1/2003 8:18 pm EST

My comment is for "Rear View". I belong to the Latina community and think that you need to be
reminded of something. Rear View, it is already too late. You have already chickened out. You blew

If you had any balls inside of that zipper you would have gotten out of your car and approached
whether there were unmarked -- or marked -- units or if you saw Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang. And

"seedy"??? Why don't you go back on your side of town -- we don't want you on ours. We have pride
in our area.

We are "The Latinas". I am "The Leopardess". No one messes with me. It should not have
mattered about who was at the location when you arrived. You are trying to prove your manhood
now?!! You are a day late and a dollar short, dude -- or should I say "dudette". I only wish that I was
writing this toward a real man that had balls and not just a big mouth with nothing in the zipper to back
it up!!!!!!!!!! You are a disgrace to men!!!!!!!!

(109) zacksavage 11/1/2003 8:57 pm EST

Hey Rear View, watch your six man.

Funny how these arm-chair quarterbacks come out of the wood-work when it is someone else's ass
in-a-sling. Jeezzzzzz!

I believe you to be a man of honor and wish you well.

Hi Human! How are you fairing? You should be pleased to see this thread has maintained such an
even flow. So much here ... so much to know ... so much to learn. I track the happenings as often as I
can. I contribute little because much here is too deep for me.

Greetings to all the other unsung players as well. Namaste ALL

(110) notesfromahistorywatcher 11/1/2003 10:48 pm EST

With all this brutal fighting going on I figured it might be time to make a couple suggestions to those
that are the key people in this forum.

1. If Bill Hamilton, a man I respect, doesn't already know what is going on with the statements about
these images, he should. Has anyone informed him? If so, is he willing to "at least" verify he has
such images? If he hasn't released them (and he was nearly as close to the project of Burisch's as
B.J. Wolf), then he has a pretty good reason for not showing them around. If it is to protect
someone's life, that is a pretty good reason. If the images are so potentially explosive to the public
at large, that is good also. This may not be the season for these seeds to bloom everyone! Not
everything has to be now! If we are running out-of-time, then it won't matter anyway.

Everything I have read -- and this is a lot since Dr. Burisch's work first hit Riskers International
in 1997 -- tells me that he was working on something to SAVE things. Every moral twist and turn in
this so-called saga was answered by him with a quote from the Bible or other wisdom text. He may
not have a grip on what should be released because he probably doesn''t know the whole story, so
they may be protecting it for some valid reason. I hate that feeling, but it may be so regardless of
what I feel about them.

2. To hell with the disk! Let us all stand up, go to our windows, throw aside the sash, open the windows
and yell: "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take the disk safaris anymore!"

Good! Now, doesn't that fell better? Good thoughts at the start. I think they really put it there.
The situation got botched. The disk is lost. I am sure that this "hidden group" will now take a hold
on the situation and prevent real ones from getting out there.

So, forget the stupid disk! It's gone, whatever it was, and we still have one hell of a mystery on
our hands! I could joke and tell RearView to walk up to Burisch's apartment and ask him for one.
If he got in -- from everything I have read and seen about him -- he'd probably smile and just hand
him one and invite him for coffee. Whether he'd make it out (no actions of Dr. Burisch for sure) I
have no idea! ;)

3. All non-registered people like me, GO AWAY! The registered people in this forum don't need you.
Period! They are struggling with something important.

4. To the key people in this forum: don't take offense, but don't take this forum too seriously either. I
have watched for the last 4 weeks. But I also watched as the true leader in this fight B.J. Wolf
labored for nearly a decade at it. She gradually got so close to the truth that it wasn't just out there
anymore -- it was all around her. Now, where can we contact her?

5. To all the people that have just got to have -- must -- absolutely got to have this public: take a look at
an earlier letter from one that was out there trying when he asked what people really understand
about this subject. There is a nugget of wisdom there. The man closest to the project -- Dr.
Burisch --littered his writing with constant warnings about the dangers with this subject. I think he
meant it . I don't think he was just bored and wanted to write something.

6. On that note, find a practitioner and try to put this to use? Just warn me where so I can stay at a safe
distance. I don't wish to upset the forces that are around this project, do you? They are referenced
as "B I B L I C A L". Now way, Jose!

Someone is going to ask me for a better idea. I have one but I am not sure if it will work. Find a
way to compel Dr. Burisch into the public if you really want to hear him. And I don't know if I even
really do, a way that the people around him would have no power to stop it.

There, I feel better! I have had my say on this coaster ride. Do good … but at least make sure that
you "do".

(111) dondep 11/1/2003 11:05 pm EST

Alright, already. I just got back and see all these recriminations. Yes, everyone has a valid point
and it won't do to point fingers. Let's look at what good came out of this so far. The fact that we had
someone on the ground in the city where the ´drop´ was to be made is actually something to consider.
Even though there are many ´spooks´ watching all this -- probably even laughing right now -- the fact is
that one of our own was able to go to a physical drop.

You may think he dropped the ball, he may have had his head turned by hostile temptations, the sub-
contracting of others more intimidated than he was (leading him get the picture). The thing was
-- and especially now in light of this -- that we are connecting here like flash-mobs of 2 and 3 only for a
good purpose. I want to remind the many that weren't around last year to post on the ThinkTank
Message Board that BJ Wolf had on the EaglesDisobey site that there were often people exchanging info

right in front of us all, as long as we had enough alacrity to move on it. This is how we found out that
Dan was still alive and there was a look-alike that was ´stationed´ in his apartment.

So stay tuned, chill out from what just happened -- knowing this is not the first time in this saga --
and now we should be able to reach almost anywhere. That is, if we have the courage to go there
ourselves. See what simply driving up to a phone booth in a ´seedy´ neighborhood can imply.
Leopardess, if you were the one who took the risk with the disk, we owe you a great gratitude for trying.
Rear View can comment himself on mischaracterizing your ´hood, though I'm sure he didn't mean what
you might think. Sometimes you need to leave people to their own self-imbued remorse for a bit.

Now can anyone share what might be on those disks that would make them so valuable? If there are
pics of Dr B, that would be quite enough, but what else? There are video still images that show an entity
emanating from the substance, pictures that were taken July 20, 2001.

[StealthSkater note: I'm presuming the next poster is somehow connected to Majestic, and the "J" he
refers to is the head of MJ12/Committee of the Majority.]

(112) IMINVSBL 11/2/2003 4:13 am EST

Alright ladies and gentlemen-

The stage is set and the race is on. In the file I will soon open to you, there are 21 images all in .jpg
format. They are all that were straggling that we didn't clean up, plus some more that you will be
interested in.

Why am I and are we doing this? To help save our souls. We don't want Dr. Dan to succeed in
certain plans so by offering this open others will see it when you do, before the 12 destroy the file. Or,
is that 11, J ? You -- J -- destroyed the Committee to have your way and we haven't forgotten. We
believe this should be offered to others at the same time, not delayed to the agreement of the 12 and your
accomplice Danny. You have stopped our contact until now but we know they are listening/watching.
The TauIX has to be on even grounds. The script will ensure that.

File 21 contains the rest of the cipher for the Voynich Manuscript that Dr. Dan was handed by #3-
15, our little visitor from above and beyond time. We hear the key to manuscript from people still
inside worked well because Danny and Bacon shared one thing -- dyslexia. Dr. Dan is dyslexic and so
was Roger Bacon, a well-kept secret by the Catholic Church.

The rotated Hebrew our friends have figured out, but the mirrors are the thing. For those in the
gallery; the Voynich Manuscript is not a document from the Past it is a report from the Future, my
fellow people. It tells about Lotus, a half-dozen other projects, and that coming 'bad year'. J, we are
going to have our way or we will continue to open files! Close the bubble around him and let him talk
with the opponent diplomats now!


Once I open this file, I have no control over the competition. We have certain walls placed up and
confusions that may slow them down, but only so long.

Be ready at this location to feed the screen name and password in:

Let me know when you people are ready.

(113) another watcher 11/2/2003 4:17 am EST

I think we should all be cautious with this new invitation to ´download at the drop of a hat´. What if
this is a ploy to( a) discover the IP addresses of those most likely to disseminate, or (b) hit us all with a
virus and immobilize us?

(114) IMINVSBL 11/2/2003 4:23 am EST

The government already knows your IP address. numb-nuts. If you are afraid, turn your head and
drive on by. This is bigger than a "conspiracy" forum. Someone draw a fucking straw then, stand up
,and get it done. 21 files set waiting...

Make up your minds.

(115) Anonymous Coward 11/2/2003 4:30 am EST

Why are you saying you don't want Dr. Dan to succeed in some cases?

(116) Anonymous Coward 11/2/2003 4:40 am EST

To be sure:

The timeline reads that someone in this forum requested this data. The people that deserve the
information are not from here and they have bound us to get permission to post this data in keeping with
the timeline. They will only accept it that way if the public has requested it.

Why? Hell, I haven't read the history books they have. The history of today. There is a conflict
underway between two opposing groups. I represent the side that believes everyone should be on equal
terms at a certain conference coming in a little over-a-year from now. Others -- including Danny -- are
working on a model that will be kept under wraps until the conference. They should be sharing this data
in much the same way that the American public should be able to see it.

"Human Subject", you started this forum. Do you want the data? Yes/No?

(117) Anonymous Coward 11/2/2003 4:50 am EST

Anonymous Coward
12:09 pm EST --

Well said. And, Starryeyes, thanks for stating the obvious. I agree that AC should stick around,
don't punish all of us because of some idiots. We all need a shake-up now and then. It's easy to get
swept away with the moment when we are so eager to know. Some of us laymen need folk like that to
bring it to light.

(118) IMINVSBL 11/2/2003 4:53 am EST

Human Subject #58-001, this day you have done honor upon the man for whom that number now rests.
My trust is in Him too. That is why I now do this. The files are clear of all viruses, worms, etc. May
God go with you, sir.

Screen Name: dbpriv164218

Pass code: ff124b7

(119) Anonymous Coward 11/2/2003 5:22 am EST

Wow! That didn't stick around for long. Hope some that knowledgeable ones saw them as theones I
viewed meant nothing to me

(120) Ferris 11/2/2003 6:12 am EST

Read the third paragraph! We just might have a way of getting this out if things are played right, but I
am not politically smart enough to figure how - ideas?

"William Hamilton is one of the most experienced researchers in the nation. He read the book
Flying Saucers from Outer Space by Donald Kehoe when still in grade school, and actively began
pursuing his interests in extraterrestrial related phenomena while in high school. He met and became
acquainted with early contactees when attending the Giant Rock Spacecraft Conventions hosted by
George Van Tassel. In 1976 he investigated his first abduction case and applied for membership in
MUFON as a field investigator. From 1980-83 he served as Maricopa County Section Director for
MUFON in Arizona and looked into several CE-3 and CE-4 cases. Since 1980 he has investigated
crash/retrievals, military involvement with extraterrestrial phenomena, activity in Antelope Valley
California, advanced technology implications, underground facilities, reverse engineering of alien
technology and the development of alien biotechnology. From 1992 to 1995 he served as Director of
Investigations for MUFON-LA and from 1995 to 1997 served as Assistant State Director for MUFON
Arizona. He has conducted Field Investigator classes in Los Angeles. He is currently Executive
Director of Skywatch International, founded by Col. Steve Wilson.
Hamilton presented a paper on the electrogravity theory of spacecraft propulsion at the Advanced
Propulsion Workshop hosted by NASA scientist Alan Holt at the MUFON Symposium in Houston in
1980. He has maintained an active interest in spacecraft propulsion systems and other areas of advanced
technology as well as keeping abreast of the latest discoveries in astronomy and cosmology.

In 2002 he presented "In Search of EBEs" at the International MUFON Symposium in Rochester,
New York reflecting his growing interest in Astrobiology and new SETV and SETA protocols. This
interest led to interviews with microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch and his work with EBEs and the
primal seed of life.

Hamilton has published articles in Search; Energy Unlimited, Borderland Sciences Journal, New
Age Science Journal, New Atlantean Journal, Psychic Observer; UFO Magazine, MUFON Journal, UFO
Universe and Unsolved UFO Sightings. He has been interviewed on various radio programs including
Nippon TV, the Billy Goodman Show in Las Vegas, the Robert Prete show in Los Angeles, Art Bell's
Dreamland, and Jeff Rense's Sightings. He has also been interviewed by various network and cable
television shows, including ABC News in San Diego and Fox Network's Sightings.

He currently resides in Lancaster, California.

X-Conference Lecture
X-Conference Workshop

Published Books
Space, Time, and Gravity (1975)
Center of The Vortex (1979)
Close Encounter Report (1978)
Cosmic Top Secret: America´s Secret UFO Program - New Evidence (1990)
Alien Magic: UFO Crashes, Abductions & Underground Bases (1996)
The Phoenix Lights Mystery (2001)

Principal Website Skywatch International: "

(121) a/c 11/2/2003 6:17 am EST

It's true. He wrote this to his list:

Date: Sat, 01 Nov 2003 08:31:06 -0800

From: "Bill Hamilton" <>
Subject: The X-Conference

The X-Conference is shaping up for April 17, 2004 as Stephen Bassett is working hard
on the final speaker invitations and schedule. Near Washington D.C. at the 3-star Hilton
Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD, this will prove a truly unique event.

The Maryland State Director for MUFON, otherwise known as Dr. Bruce Maccabee
will be one of the stars speaking at this conference.
I have just been invited to join the list of speakers, something that will send the East
Coast Establishment into a tizzy, but not as much as another potential speaker who may be
added to the list. And, yes Stephen wants me to speak on the Dan Burisch case. I hope
some of the dedicated government workers in that area drop in to listen.

Stay tuned for further developments.

For a list of speakers so far, see:


Bill Hamilton
Executive Director
Skywatch International, Inc.
Fiat Lux et Veritas

(122) White rabbit 11/2/2003 6:35 am EST

The images are up and ready for downloading. Go for it. WR :)

(123) carrier pigeon 11/2/2003 7:15 am EST

HS #58-001 Package delivered

This is about to go University and Universal. That parcel sure was weighty, but worth every ounce
of wait

The Geneticist are going to have a Field Day with this One

TTFN he flaps away into the sunset...

(124) BlueBird Bomb Squadron11/2/2003 7:30 am EST

To carrier pigeon & HS #58-001 : Copy that.

Another University is about to be imploded with the Info.

Over and Out

(125) 318 11/2/2003 9:38 am EST



(126) Anonymous Coward 11/2/2003 3:47 pm EST

This info has been forwarded to Mike Bara at

(127) dondep 11/2/2003 5:16 pm EST

I hope everyone has had a chance to go to the link that White Rabbit has courageously provided, and
that IMINVSBL heroically offered. I don't mean to sound too melodramatic, but the reading audience
should realize just what risks these people are taking to bring the information out. Therefore any who
read this should download all that is on the site White Rabbit has posted.

I'm beginning to believe that perhaps the people who have offered this info are attempting to make
the best of these ´leaks´ by drawing us -- those of us here who understand the implications of what's
being discussed -- into a larger ´think-tank´ that is wrestling with this research. Leopardess,
IMINVSBL, the Raven, various AC´s -- they may all be one and the same, or many different people that
are trying to "level the field" in the struggle between these 2 forces. And apparently we don't have much
time. I know that Dr. Dan DID know something special and urgent about both this year -- 2003 -- and
also 2012. I hope that those that know more about these matters can help clue us in so we can provide
all possible data to the academics that are now reviewing the material.

(128) No Body 11/2/2003 5:35 pm EST

HS #58-001 --

A Personal Brief has been Dispatched to a Major Displayer, so that a Core View may Be seen By Many
Opening EyEs of Science

The Winged Ones will be dispatching, in View of All

As given the Vectors to Fly

The Hummingbirds will soon be making their Presence Known - Listen for Them - They are
Precisionists, and will Be Dart-Like, In and Out

Time Is Short,
Unless, Many will Awaken
To Re-Raise The Earth/HU Harmonics
To Between The Resonances of Peace and Love

All/ALL Is in Motion
Help Is Here - Beyond the Shadows

Every One Who Hears from the Heart

Send This Info To Universities, Everywhere.
Please Remit, over and over and over.....

Thy/H/our Will Be Done

On Earth, As It Is In Heaven

(129) Anonymous Coward 11/2/2003 5:47 pm EST

Now that we know you guys are serious, I will attempt another disk drop. I am the friend to the
archivist. The drop will be in the SouthEast. Can you guys pull it off? Later tonight? It won't be in a
camera-covered (for my safety) area but I can get a few hundred more clear images to you. They are
much more clear what I have than on the Net. The data seems way degraded.

You fellas want to try?

(130) Anonymous Coward 11/2/2003 5:57 pm EST

I just counted the number of images on this disk = 626. Let me know if you want them before I copy
it. It takes time. ;)

(131) No Body 11/2/2003 6:06 pm EST

..."Come Hell, or High Water"

These Pictures Will Be Made
The World Will Become Aware
And This Good Cause
Will Live In Infamy.

Be Patient
The River is NOW Flowing

In Advance of the Coming Flood
Of Enlightenment

We Are The Majestics

Of Peace and Love
(132) Anonymous Coward 11/2/2003 10:35 pm EST

?Well? If you don't want the disk, just say so and I'll go party with my bros. Do you or not ? Or is
this just another "we tried"?

(133) starryeyes 11/2/2003 11:06 pm EST

It appears that there is no one available in the Las Vegas area this evening. I would not take this as a
rejection of your offer.

(134) White rabbit 11/2/2003 11:07 pm EST

I'm in Australia so I can't help with this. Others will be along, I'm sure :)

(135) Starryeyes 11/2/2003 11:09 pm EST

....and I am in Canada.

(136) Anonymous Coward 11/2/2003 11:30 pm EST

Give me a snail mail address and I will try to get it you guys that way. We can't keep up this
sneaking around thing around here. If it arrives okay, if it doesn't we tried.

(137) carrier pigeon 11/2/2003 11:42 pm EST

If it is meant to be, then it will become

POB916/Hon/Hi96808 This is a temp.
All for the Cause
If no other is given

(138) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 12:00 am EST

I will mail to that address in a few days. I will see the archivist tomorrow and try to get even more
from him. Plus see what contacts have given to him.

I will send it as soon as I can, Carrier Pigeon.

To all those in this forum - Way to Go!

(139) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 12:03 am EST

Plus destroy the envelope. I don't want my prints ever getting to the government. My safety is in
your hands.

(140) cp 11/3/2003 12:44 am EST

You are in Good Hands

I was sitting here thinking
He has, but to ask for an address
...the rest will be part of History/Y/Our story/Mystery

Thank You MON AMI

Restated - It´s All Good,
When brought into the Light of Men
Of Sound Reason and Good Cause

(141) dondep 11/3/2003 1:10 am EST

So has an address been given? New disc safely enroute via carrier pigeon? Our Vegas people are out
of touch at the moment. Give us a little time before we can turn on a dime.

(142) carrier pigeon 11/3/2003 1:24 am EST

Only here to Serve

As long as It is gotten
All will Get
T/his window was only a crack wide
All options Are...
Zeker dat! - HS - Geloof je, mij!

(143) REAR VIEW 11/3/2003 2:58 am EST

i am checking in, a-ok. SE loc in LV is ok. Best to drop off along Eastern in an anchored retail
center. Greens Tavern in pkg addy to "dungaree the ´ac´ repairman". Can this be done? Please advise.

(144) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 4:03 am EST




(145) carrier pigeon 11/3/2003 4:19 am EST

AOK with Me
Good for Go
Spectrum Is Green
One and All

will be flying out soon

but here, for now, just in case...

(146) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 4:24 am EST





(147) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 4:28 am EST

By the way, I am with the archivist and he gave me a second disk with some kind of video on it he
says so I put that with the image disk. Good luck. This is my last run. Too scared now.

(148) REAR VIEW 11/3/2003 4:46 am EST

Please... I am providing as much as possible in flexibility. SIMPLE for a drop off. I can not PU
immediately. Just drop off at tavern. 24/7 I can provide an available location for drop off. And I can

PU at my convenience-IF DROPPED. Please, please, just drop off. If the green tavern is not good, then
I can give another one also with 24/7 availability. Please give me that much, OK?

(149) dondep 11/3/2003 4:49 am EST

Thanks, AC, on behalf of all who don't pipe up with gratitude. Same goes for HS #58-001 and
White Rabbit who have been instrumental in bringing this story out to the world when it was all but
extinguished. BJ and Dr. Dan himself should be very proud of you all.

Good luck, RearView.....

(150) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 4:51 am EST


(151) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 4:53 am EST



(152) Rear View unlogged 11/3/2003 5:04 am EST

Working on driver for PU asap.

(153) cp 11/3/2003 5:09 am EST

Calm down, AC. Consider the greater good and the big picture. Stand tall for your self. Hey, Good
is Good. Right? So Smile And Carpe Diem!

Bad will get what Bad deserves. The Cards have been dealt and Good comes up the Winner ...

(154) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 5:10 am EST


(155) REAR VIEW 11/3/2003 5:16 am EST

I am doing my best here. There has to be more than one copy. I can arrange almost anything with
sufficient planning. I can provide a number of locations for drop-off and all are Public and Safe. A strip
club, a tavern/bar, a limousine … but I need a few hours planning time.

Alternatively I can provide a PLACE for you to drop off at YOUR convenience and I can PU at

We must work together to succeed. I do not drive a cab!

(156) REAR VIEW 11/3/2003 5:25 am EST

Bless Elaine for keeping up this forum and allowing this.

I am making available 24/7 drop points in "public locations" BUT I NEED A FEW HOURS TO

This is getting late ... I am a bit distant from LV at this moment or I would go myself. Since I am
not able myself at this moment to PU; I can ONLY (repeat ONLY) arrange a safe "drop point" tonight.

For christsake ... what else can I do or get my friends to do?

Sleep now for me. I have to get some shuteye. Monitors are still viewing this thread for me
nationwide and can reach me if needed all night-by phone.



Now I ask: what is so difficult with such an arrangement?

(157) Dondep unlogged 11/3/2003 5:32 am EST

Alright, we're still a work in progress here. Before we get into recriminations again, we need to
verify contact and timing before drop locations are posted. This thread is read by tens of thousands at
any given time, so this being dangerous it won't hurt to make doubly certain before volunteering to drop
OR volunteering to pick up. We shouldn't have to secure a taxi with driver that can handle all of Vegas
just because it's the closest city to S4 or Watertown Strip, but if we have to we will.
Now, do I need to call a cab for Vegas to go get this thing?

(158) Raven 11/3/2003 6:04 am EST

The Raven flew by that area and saw a mini Army drop on it like thunder and lightning. This second
set is a gonner. My birdie intuition says that the archivist's friend should not risk anymore and send
copies along to the sandy beaches in Hawaii. RearView shouldn't go to that area because other birds are
perching and watching. It is time for me to fly toward the soon rising Sun.

(159) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 6:13 am EST

Thank you Raven! A bird with CAHONES! I will listen to your sense.

CP, I'll mail them in a few days to Hawaii. I am doing this because I know it's right to do.

I won't have my picture on a Tavern's surveillance camera. The government man would just say
"hey, let me look!" They'd say sure! And pretty soon I would have visitors. I may be overweight but
not stupid! I keep my eyes looking forward and don't get my ass stuck in anyone's "rear view".

CP, what name should I put above the P.O. Box number on the envelope so the package doesn't look

(160) cp 11/3/2003 6:21 am EST

This month it's Elias

Good on ya, buddy!
gonna get some Falcons in on this
Good is Good - you'll see
It'll return to ya!
Hey - In this Chapter, you're the Hero, right?

(161) cp 11/3/2003 6:36 am EST

Good Morning Mr. Phelps....

......This Envelope will Self-Destruct in 10 seconds

a'int nothin´ but a thing - This, too, shall pass - when, I see them...and send them on flowing through
time with the other good things :)

(162) 318 11/3/2003 9:46 am EST

Look at the Pearls of Brahma. It looks like Dan is superheating quartz in sea water to release the

Quartz and Beta Quartz

Quartz is the most stable and most common form of silica. Beta Quartz is only stable at temperatures
above 1063º F (573º C). T hus, all Quartz specimens we see are alpha Quartz. Once a sample of beta
Quartz is lowered below the above-mentioned temperature, it automatically transforms into alpha
Quartz. However, it preserves the original shape, but decreases in symmetry and adds some trigonal
faces. Occasionally, in specific circumstances, the beta Quartz transforms into alpha Quartz without
losing symmetry, and therefore does not add the trigonal faces. Such specimens are shaped as
bipyramidal hexagons, and are sold by dealers as "Beta Quartz". They obviously cannot be beta Quartz
at the current temperature, but are alpha Quartz paramorphs of beta Quartz.......

Paramorph - A pseudomorph involving two minerals with an identical composition but different crystal
structures. The original mineral forms, but conditions then cause it to be unstable, so it transforms
into the other mineral with the same chemical structure while retaining the original crystal shape ...

Trigonal (crystal system) - The trigonal crystal system is really part of the hexagonal crystal system
and only has one-minute difference (in that true hexagonal minerals have six-fold symmetry,
whereas trigonal minerals have threefold symmetry). The trigonal crystal system, like the
hexagonal crystal system, has: four axes, three are equal in length and lie at an angle of 120° from
each other. The fourth is either longer or shorter but must be at a right angle toward the other
corners ...

Crystal class - The method of classification used to classify the 32 different crystal types. The
distinctions between the different crystal types is based on their symmetry.

(163) 318 11/3/2003 10:04 am EST

It's amazing how the puzzle pieces seem to fall into place exponentially sometimes;)

The Crystal system classifies crystals in six groups. They are: Isometric, Tetragonal, Hexagonal
(which includes Trigonal), Orthorhombic, Monoclinic, and Triclinic. The crystal class, which
classifies crystals into 32 crystal types, is a more precise classification of crystal groupings ...


Trigonal (crystal system) - The trigonal crystal system is really part of the hexagonal crystal
system and only has one minute difference (in that true hexagonal minerals have sixfold symmetry,
whereas trigonal minerals have threefold symmetry). The trigonal crystal system, like the hexagonal
crystal system, has: four axes, three are equal in length and lie at an angle of 120° from each other.
The fourth is either longer or shorter but must be at a right angle toward the other corners....


Hexagonal (crystal system) - Any mineral that falls under the following specifications belongs to
the hexagonal crystal system: Four axes, three are equal in length and lie at an angle of 120° from
each other. The fourth is either longer or shorter but must be at a right angle toward the other
I still think the Ganesh can be activated through intention. But this is an interesting route.

(164) Starryeyes(unlogged) 11/3/2003 11:02 am EST

Be careful! Take your time.

We have had our mail "delayed" and tampered with when living in the states - DC (moved last
spring). If a disk or any package arrives at the posted address, they will know it. Even had packages
intercepted from local couriers that I used to use all the time with my work.

Might it not be better to send 'carrier pigeon' a note -- with an address or something -- or another
way to contact your the snail mail? May be he can send a more private address or alternate addresses
for duplicate disks so it is not all over the Internet? AC with package: you might consider sending info
from a different city. You know, some sort of hop, skip, and jump?

Please … if sending a note, keep it cryptic. It may take a little time but the product might have a
better chance of making it's destination.

(165) starryeyes again 11/3/2003 11:41 am EST

I cannot help be remembering this post before the download:

Anonymous Coward 11/2/2003 4:40 am EST

To be sure:
The timeline reads that someone in this forum requested this data. The people that deserve the
information are not from here and they have bound us to get permission to post this data in keeping
with the timeline. They will only accept it that way, if the public has requested it. Why? Hell, I
haven't read the history books they have. The history of today. There is a conflict underway
between two opposing groups. I represent the side that believes everyone should be on equal terms
at a certain conference coming in a little over-a-year from now. Others -- including Danny-- are
working on a model that will be kept under wraps until the conference. They should be sharing this
data in much the same way that the American public should be able to see it.

"Human Subject", you started this forum. Do you want the data? Yes/No?
the need for the request or "call" rings true".
to AC 4:40 am EST:
Can you provide a better way of handling the info on the new disks? Obviously, a drop in Vegas is not
the solution. Personally, I do not trust direct snail mail. Could you please comment?

--------------I will shut up now :-)

(166) jalien 11/3/2003 12:16 pm EST

Good catch, starryeyes

As it appears to me, along with all the flip-flopping is that they only give you what you already
Or to say it another way, as it applies to time reconstructed along a line we acknowledged all that the
information contained access granted

(167) Skywatcher22 11/3/2003 1:47 pm EST

As some of you may know, I have had several meetings with Dr. Dan Burisch. These meetings have
now stopped. My communication to B.J. Wolf has also now stopped and I have been shown that she has
now been recruited into the MAJI ranks. So I doubt we will have any further public disclosures from

On March 15, 2003 according to Dr. Dan, the T9 Treaty with the aliens was renegotiated but will not
go into effect until 2005.

How can we know this to be fact? We cannot, but changes in time will tell.

Excerpting from the last doc I received from Dr. Dan on the Lotus Project, he states,

"Section 1: The Current State of Project Lotus and a Reflection upon SGP#03-01 (Sub-Project Shiva).

For me, this report begins the third year formally researching the Lotus. At the onset, I
would like to thank all of the personnel, from the various laboratories that have helped to
facilitate Project Lotus. Their work has been exemplary! I would also like to thank THE
COMMITTEE OF THE MAJORITY and their advisory panel, MAJESTIC TWELVE, for the
oversight and “motivational” assistance applied to reference, equipment, and personnel
sources. The insight shown by the above authorities to quarantine lateral research into the
Ganesh Particle and its company of organic-electromagnetic particles has enabled me to move
forward without offending the ultimate source of this universal phenomenon. It is much
appreciated and has yielded many results of which you have already been familiarized. The
recently signed T9 Treaty -- and the forgiving presence of the celestial entities -- has opened
the path to bring this project into fruition without rushing to the Ark. My team remains ever
mindful of the necessity to assemble a model. The details regarding the status of same are
expanded upon in Section 6.

All of the authorities are aware that if it were not for the known importance of the timetable
(via the D.C.T.P.), I would be slowing the pace considerably, to take into account many details
that will now have be “picked up” later. I don‟t like the pace, but here we are. Even given the
unfortunate leaking of certain materials, it is nice to know that we are setting in the early days
of what will become a paradigm. I would only hope against hope that I may be offered the
honor of meeting the young physics student -- from California -- whose child will make the
“right decision” at the “right time”. I know, however, that this is not possible. I have accepted

that reality, but I can still "wish upon a star". I wonder how many of you still can? I hope that
you can."

-Bill Hamilton Skywatch International

(169) jalien 11/3/2003 2:29 pm EST

(169) starryeyes (unlogged) 11/3/2003 2:43 pm EST

(Funny - I am unable to remain logged in long enough to make a single post)

Thank you for posting, Bill Hamilton.

This brings many questions to my mind. These three statements jump out at me right away and their
order rather interesting ....

"At the onset, I would like to thank all of the personnel, from the various laboratories,
that have helped to facilitate Project Lotus. Their work has been exemplary! I would also like
to thank THE COMMITTEE OF THE MAJORITY and their advisory panel, MAJESTIC
TWELVE, for the oversight and “motivational” assistance applied to reference, equipment,
and personnel sources."

"The insight shown by the above authorities, to quarantine lateral research into the
Ganesh Particle and its company of organic-electromagnetic particles, has enabled me to
move forward without offending the ultimate source of this universal phenomenon."

"Even given the unfortunate leaking of certain materials, it is nice to know that we are
setting in the early days of what will become a paradigm." (NWO)

and compare this to what AC 11/2/2003 4:40 am EST said...

"To be sure:
The timeline reads that someone in this forum requested this data. he people that deserve
the information are not from here and they have bound us to get permission to post this data
in keeping with the timeline. hey will only accept it that way, if the public has requested it.
Why? Hell, I haven't read the history books they have. The history of today. There is a
conflict underway between two opposing groups. I represent the side that believes everyone
should be on equal terms at a certain conference coming in a little over-a-year from now.
Others, including Danny are working on a model that will be kept under wraps until the
conference. They should be sharing this data, in much the same way that the American
public should be able to see it."

There was the report of BJ´s fear before her "disappearance" and the email sent with the message
"all is not as it seems".
The mystery gets deeper

Caution and study of this information is advised.

(170) Dondep unlogged 11/3/2003 2:55 pm EST

Yes, thank you very much Bill for posting. In light of what we just learned and the events of the
past weekend -- and especially the anonymous phone calls here (tracking us again) -- I think it ill-
advised at this time to release any transcripts or related information that is in my possession. I wish
these ´shadows´ could simply come out and say what they want or don't want. But it isn't in their genes
(no pun intended) to ´disclose´ anything. So we have to guess hard and guess again. We seem to have
enough to digest anyway. And if we start examining the science of it all like '318' and 'jalien' are doing
(amongst others), we should be able to make some progress nonetheless.

(171) starryeyes 11/3/2003 4:48 pm EST

jalien --

Went to giulio site -- not sure what to pay attention to. The professor who passed in 98? His works?

Also --not being a scientist -- I found the images downloaded over the weekend to be support
materials and not new information. Am I incorrect?

HS - I am there with you....... HS : ""Wasn´t it Dr. Burisch who said that ´he wanted to live in
..well.., me/we too:-)

I think there is a lot of sarcasm in his words: "I would also like to thank THE COMMITTEE OF THE
MAJORITY and their advisory panel, MAJESTIC TWELVE, for the oversight and “motivational”
assistance applied to reference, equipment, and personnel sources."

Then there is the timeline. Apparently someone on the board is part of it. It alludes to controlling a
foretold or planned destiny. This little community must be playing a role of some sort. Apparently
these celestial entities can only interfere when "called".

(172) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 5:27 pm EST

Just playing with the TAUIX reference … I drop the X (assuming it is a numerical reference(X=10))
and plug in TAUI to search and get this:

Don't know if it connects at all but strikes me as strange .

(173) jalien 11/3/2003 5:40 pm EST

Just the picture on the wall and cross reference that to!_the_eye.htm

The TauIX
a previous post by someone, I got an odd feeling so copied it to look at it again later

The TauIX

The stage is set and the race is on. In the file I will soon open to you, there are 21 images -- all in
.jpg format. They are all that were straggling that we didn't clean up plus some more that you will be
interested in. Why am I and are we doing this? To help save our souls. We don't want Dr. Dan to
succeed in certain plans; so by offering this open others will see it when you do, before the 12 destroy
the file. Or is that 11, J?

You -- J --destroyed the Committee to have your way and we haven't forgotten. We believe this
should be offered to others at the same time, not delayed to the agreement of the 12 and your accomplice
Danny. You have stopped our contact until now but we know they are listening/watching. The TauIX
has to be on even grounds. T he script will ensure that. File 21 contains the rest of the cipher for the
Voynich Manuscript that Dr. Dan was handed by #3-15, our little visitor from above and beyond time.
We hear the key to manuscript from people still inside worked well because Danny and Bacon shared
one thing- dyslexia. Dr. Dan is dyslexic and so was Roger Bacon, a well kept secret by the Catholic

The rotated Hebrew our friends have figured out, but the mirrors are the thing. For those in the
gallery; the Voynich Manuscript is not a document from the past it is a report from the future, my
fellow people. It tells about Lotus, a half-dozen other projects, and that coming 'bad year'. J, we are
going to have our way or we will continue to open files! Close the bubble around him and let him talk
with the opponent diplomats now!

Melatonin and the Pineal Gland

Its principal hormone is melatonin, a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan

The exact function of the pineal gland in humans remains unclear. However, the absence of
production of melatonin causes a "jet-lag"-like syndrome.

(174) Anonymous Coward 11/3/2003 5:58 pm EST

Still playing with Google,. Try Tau IX and get these images:

I especially like this one:

(can you say "Eye of Horus"?)

(175) starryeyes 11/3/2003 6:14 pm EST


Dondep suggests that 'TAUIX' refers to Tau - the Greek letter T and then '9' the T9 treaty that was
referred to by Dan in Bill Hamilton's post

(176) starryeyes 11/3/2003 9:14 pm EST

Baffled still? I believe it is a reference to the future and the fact that there is a timeline where they
know what will happen. Apparently this child will be of some importance.

Some believe that there have been hybrids around for some time already.

(177) Anonymous Coward 11/4/2003 1:06 am EST

Why don't we give it away? That is the question. Whatever it is. I may have said this thirty pages
back, but the sentiment lingers. Mass dissemination is too easy these days and you can't get the cat back
into the bag, you know?

This is the most important thing written lately on this thread. Dreams have a way of Becoming
Reality... if from the Heart :)

It is so simple. That's the joke. You don't have to know how to build a rocket to ride in one.

(178) IMINVSBL 11/4/2003 1:18 am EST

J, we have warned. No reply … so we offer more to the wanton public:

Your suspicions, my dear friends, concerning a hydrid are very true. He exists now, and his
younger-but-older 1/4 brother has even had mainstream press accounts due to his genius: the hybrid
child's. To keep him from the spotlight but to perform near scientific miracles, his older brother agreed
to act as his mouthpiece. His name? Not in the timeline to be explicitly said yet.

The younger brother was created at that spot where 'dreams come true' as a part of a rogue unit
that broke away from Preserve Destiny. They are friends with J and his accomplices, including Danny.
So close that when the younger child was having social adjustment problems, Danny was asked to
mentor him. He has, and they became fast friends.

So Danny's "wish upon a star" did come true! It is this child's child, a boy to be born 17 years from
your reading-present that will help save a great number of the populace. But his presence reinforces the
timeline leading to disaster. The problems that this child will help solve only come about after the bad
year, as a result of a catastrophe. In a few years, this child will attend the California Institute of
Technology and set a Physics curriculum. Certain of ours and the other side's connections are there --
the reason for the student (and professorial)interest in the Ganesh. There he will meet his future bride
and they will have the child that will later be important. But if we can disable the importance -- then
without catastrophe -- there will be no need for such help. That is our goal. To prevent the Catastrophe.

J, we hate airing such laundry in public, so please acquiesce. You are aware under the timeline what
the one member of this little forum will do with this information. Please, be reasonable.

Your "friend to the archivist" has had visitors. Us. He happily agreed and introduced us to the
archivist. His permission was required and we have become friends. Under present conditions we agree
that he should send along what he has to Hawaii. Ah! Hawaii, such a beautiful destination! He will
mail the items by the end of this present week. They should arrive without fault as we will watch over
them and ensure they are not "accidentally sidetracked" as was the information of early this morning.
We will also add information to the disks to give a little more weight to the load. We do apologize for
the state of the images that have been downloaded. It seems that something has reduced the data
integrity due to the Internet transfer, so we will make up for that with the coming disks.

The "friend to the archivist" requested to have a name placed above the P.O. Box. Did I miss the
answer? What name should it be, to make things fly with a little more grease?

May your futures be bright.

(179) Anonymous Coward 11/4/2003 1:26 am EST

Well, just about every university website has pages dedicated to each discipline. Portions of this
material could be sent enmasse to those according to their discipline.

It's possible geologists might be more open minded than biologists. Just a hunch.

People in Louisiana are doing much interesting research at LSU, USL and Tulane Medical Center.
Individuals with tenure are less likely to bite. I worked at a university and was QUITE close to some
science faculty. This was not a research university, by the way. I asked some of them some questions
about some of my thoughts on physics, and one of them asked me to take his class to raise the discussion
to another lever. He said that too many are afraid to ask questions that are obvious and relate to the most
baffling of all things: the breakdown between the Macro and the micro. IMHO our numbers are just flat
out wrong for it all to work out. And I suspect it is by design. But I am half crazy, for sure.

But even sending a link to a favorite page of this thread is doing something. I liked the excerpt a few
pages back re: the crystal. It was tangible. Sounds a lot like some stuff I have heard about coral.
…ahem.. Coral gives one a mean rash that never goes away, BTW.

(180) dondep 11/4/2003 2:00 am EST

IMINVSBL, the implications of what you say are overwhelming. When you say "J", do you speak
of a "J-Rod", or is he/she/it a mere mortal, member of the Comm. of the Majority? Is the hybrid Dr.
Wolf helped bring to life a participant in this scenario? And most importantly, where do the zetas of
Nancy Lieder fame fit into all this? Are we forum members simply pawns between these 2 forces, and
how do we know whom we help if and when we divulge information?

I've been torn about how much to share, and whether it is simply fear or something else that affects
my decisions on what, when, and why to release. If there are those on the "inside" that are aware and
can help guide toward the light, by all means do so. Until then, I feel obligated to share what Dan called
the "cause of my freedom". Thus the following Part I of his video testament:

[StealthSkater note: refer to Internet chat-interview #2

at for

(181) ac 11/4/2003 2:52 am EST

Even though I think we should caution everyone not to mention anyone's name in here that could be
a match to the brother because we don't want a "witch-hunt" I have to tell everyone that a candidate has
really quickly popped up when I looked at the southwest US and in driving distance (a few hours at
least) from Las Vegas. It was in the news but a "local" kind of news. He's called some kind of genius
kid but he had poor grades, couldn't get into certain colleges and constantly fooled around, not a serious
student, then he popped up with serious piece of business and got attention. Now he's in a college and
IS studying what the hybrid kid is supposed to at CalTech in the future. Also to caution, this kid --
whoever he is -- may not even know what his brother is. He may not even know him as his brother. In
other words, the older brother may just be taking help from someone he knows as a friend? Very
innocent. Wowsers though!!!!!!!!! Wowsers!!!

(182) 318 11/4/2003 5:03 pm EST

"Saviorship model thinking"

Humans have been controlled and disempowered by this simple-yet-effective idea all through time.
Well, it's time to wake up, everyone, and remember who you are.

We -- each and every one of us -- are a part of the time-line. We live in a "free will" MultiVerse.
We are not an audience. We are participants.

This "fast-food, I want everything not now but right now" culture has made us lazy, and we need to
wake-up and do a little work/thinking for ourselves for a change.

Don't be lead astray or disempowered. This is not a movie. Revelations are not written in stone.
The future is fluid. Prophecy is a warning.

People, the Ganesh are activated by hexagonal geometry and electromagnetic energy fields. What is
happening in the "heavens" in just a few days??? The symbolism is profound …

(183) 318 11/5/2003 12:29 am EST




The crop circle can be overlaid onto the "six days of Genesis" symbol of sacred geometry. Together,
both of these symbols "fit perfectly"; that is, that points of intersection on each symbol coincide with
one another...

(184) Major Ebson 11/5/2003

This should really stop. Right here and now.

Why? You people are stressing his family. Dr. Burisch is no longer with us. He passed away from
medical complications.

This ongoing myth about a Mars discovery is not helping his family. Mars is a varied and
unexpected terrain indeed, and many have studied this. But to equate Dr. Burisch with this sensational
and diversive ideas is abominable.

I, myself, have been to Aricebo. And when Cornell University operated it , everything was fully
documented as it has been on the few aftermath operations.

Those who know, Aricebo is now in a deteriorated state as its usefulness is basically obsolete.

This so-called 'Thread' has also deteriorated, but into the state of shameless gossip.

(185) YGB 11/5/2003 1:11 am EST

The Experiments are of a great value!
His Family is reading this - How odd?
You noted prior interest - Please elaborate.

Yes, there are disruptors to this quest, and thirst for Understandings and Knowledge. Bbut in this
Desert, the march does not end at sore feet and empty tears. Does it not, rather, continue until an Oasis
of Truth is found -- never mind the well placed illusions and allusions of deception -- to lead One and
All away from these said pure waters?

I Am Nobody´s fool. And you, sir, are not my Leader for want of this Information and the Truth as
to why there are Sooooooooooo many Dark secrets being held from Natural Man, of which I am a part,
and stand tall, With/In!

318 --
How would that appear in Braille?:)

ac --
looking for 1k - zeroes without an understanding of the 1, are of no value

(186) Dondep unlogged 11/5/2003 1:29 am EST

Major Ebson, thank you for posting. You and many others who apparently know Dan or his work
are finally speaking up (thanks to having a place to do so) and only by doing so will we get a true,
ongoing dynamic picture of the real state of affairs.

I knew that Dan had a progressive heart condition (possibly brought on by his ´handlers´ within
Majestic; we know they do that kind of thing to their best and brightest - like Dr. Michael Wolf). Are
you claiming he passed away already? Unlike Raven, who claims he saw him at the scene of one of the
mishandled drops recently. Bill Hamilton claims he spoke with him a few months ago; could he have
been speaking to ´Lukilu´? Who is "stressing his family"? And who is stressing his work regarding

As for "thread deterioration", this one has held up remarkably well, and I suspect has its best days
(informing the readership) ahead of it yet. Enjoy the few moments of comic relief and Prosaic.
Reflection; does a soul good.

(187) A/C along for the ride 11/5/2003 2:54 am EST

I'm sorry ... who was talking about Mars anyway?? I feel for Dr. B's family. It's always tough when
one looses a loved one. But it was not the people of this board that rushed him on to his demise (if he
really is passed on that is). It was those who used and controlled him that hold the ultimate
responsibility. I would think his family would be glad to know that their son/father's life and work
meant enough to others to keep him "alive" in our thoughts and our hearts.

Major E., perhaps you better go back to your superiors and tell them this thing is going on and strong
and will not stop till all is revealed/known and "we" can all decide how the future may unfold (not just
some fat-ass, pipe smoking ,money grubbing know-it-alls) who think they speak for humanity.

(188) Raven 11/5/2003 4:48 am EST

It is true that the Raven has seen him. Even a bird can tell he is alive! Flying aloft, I perch every
weekday at 11:40 a.m. on Maryland Parkway and watch him escorted into a building. Today I perched
inside to warm my feathers and watched him pass by me and go to the 2nd. Floor. He had special pants
on that said EECP on the leg. EECP stands for "Enhanced External Counter Pulsation". My birdie
searches tell me he has an inoperable blockage.

But even a bird knows that a dead man doesn't walk on his own! Major Ebson, maybe I should fly by
and see how you are doing? Would you like that?

(189) dondep 11/5/2003 4:59 am EST

Raven, you're a godsend to this thread's consciousness.

BTW, are we to believe you're a member of that exclusive club known as the ´Aviary´ in years past,
or is that a defunct group that merely inspired your moniker?

(190) Anonymous Coward 11/5/2003 12:14 pm EST

jalien, your words reminded me of a prayer that turned my life upside down. A catalyst, it was.

It was a St. Thomas Aquinas prayer for clarity in purpose, and I hung it in an office I worked
in. I ronic that it was at a Jesuit university and an ex-Jesuit gave me the prayer card. I resigned
about a month later, and the rest, I guess, is his/her story.

I don't think it had anything to do with St. T himself, but rather that certain ideas and words and
sounds TRIGGER something in us on a level we can't begin to grasp with our meager minds.

It's in our blood, I guess.

At a certain point, there is no turning back, you know? It's a question of distance from our own
being. A detachment from ourselves and an ignorance of that which connects us all. Once you know
the truth about that, all that's left to do is awaken the same in others any way you can. This board is just
a sideline for me as I interact with literally hundreds of people most days, always aware of my
responsibility to INFECT others with the same tortuous-but-wonderful knowledge..

(191) jalien 11/5/2003 12:40 pm EST

… rather that certain ideas and words and sounds TRIGGER something in us on a level we can't
begin to grasp with our meager minds.

That's exactly how that works for me, don't know anything about the tarot. The hangman, whether
it's the twelfth card, turned upside down and opposite the universe, the twenty-first card, or the thirteenth
card. it was just the idea that everything seems to be turned upside down in this world. There is no real
truth, only opinions, perspectives.

(192) starryeyes 11/5/2003 3:01 pm EST

Of course of thread - sorry - consider this a bump :-)

motanica 11/5/2003 12:05 pm EST --

In a book I read (I wish I could remember the title - it had four sections - one on tulips, one on
potatoes, hemp and I think the last might have been on maize.) It explained how there are THC
receptors actually in our brain just as there are for serotonin. The implication was that the human is set
up to utilize this compond(?)/chemical(?) found naturally in the blood chemistry and this is why the
plant has been used for years as a medicinal drug. I believe one of its properties is to somehow short-
circuit "short term" memory. This need not be a bad side effect when one is recovering from trauma. I
would not characterize it as a religions sacrament. Most pharmaceuticals are discovered and thus
derived from plants found in nature - later reproduced synthetically.

(193) motanica 11/5/2003 8:04 pm EST

Thanks for the feedback re: hemp. I was reading about a hallucinogenic that allowed a people to
find the other medicines in the plants in the Amazon, I believe it was. They don't know how they knew
how to use the plant (ayuasca- sp?) in the proper way to extract the reaction and learn the rest of the
medicine. It all came from somewhere, but it speaks to a larger design than most consider these days.
The earth making the plants that communicate with the human body.. very harmonic, hmm. I read
somewhere else that they were anointing with hemp a long time ago.

All the Ganesh talk reminds me of a trip I took many moons ago, wherein I was able to see at what
appeared to be a submolecular level, the whole fricking thing. All of it. All of us. And all that is in
between too. That was the kicker for me. That there was stuff where stuff was not. And it was a dark
orange and steely blue ice if I recall. Moving. Not something you forget, even if it is a hallucination.
All of us were changed forever that weekend. One went off the deep end, that I know of; but he was
pretty screwed up and unfamiliar with himself going into it. Hopefully he is better these days..

As to the short term memory, I can't recall any trouble -ha- that may be the overall benefit, as it takes
you to another level where time seems a bit suspended. When I was young and smoked for the first time
when I had to drive, I was quite shocked that I was going about 10 mph ... felt like I was SPEEDING
down the highway.

But I think that in the proper environment, perceiving it (and all else, for that matter) as sacred
qualifies for more of a sacramental experience than eating some cardboard bread from the hands of a
freak. . OHH no.. must be time to adjust my attitude. We must love the recalcitrant pedophiles too now.

(194) starryeyes 11/5/2003 9:53 pm EST

montanica --

It is ayahuasca

I read one that does seem to apply to this thread:

-edit - wrong book - amazon is taking forever with my slow dialup - will hunt for title later

Anyway, it theorizes that the ayahauasca journey leads one into contact with that which created us -
that the serpent symbolism goes from the visions, UFOs, the caduceus to the double helix of the DNA

The book I was referring to earlier is: The Botany of Desire: A Plant´s-Eye View of the World by
Michael Pollan

(195) IMINVSBL 11/6/2003 12:49 am EST

To be sure:

We have received no capitulation so the mailing will go as scheduled, Thursday.

I wish to have you confirm the address to where this package is to be sent by our new friend-

E. Lias
P.O. Box 916
Honolulu, HI 96808

We need to be sure that this is correct, to satisfy the sending and the security at the other end and

If this is to be amended please advise us immediately.

The package will contain two disks. One disk has the 626 images offered by our new friend; the
other has one image and a series of video clips for your interest. The "blackvoid" and "toggle to see
entity" videos are complemented by the image called "72001entities".

The image shows the four entities that peaked from the void on that terrible day for Danny at the
stargate. It also shows the one that finally left the void and entered this world for a time. The original
video is difficult to discern because the entities passed through the void at the very end of the video, as
the cameraman was panicking. Mr. Don Dep. said that he would need to see full motion pictures of
some to make sense. If our email interceptions speak the truth, then these full motion video clips should
make him a very happy man. The remaining videos show the beginning of life as a Ganesh particle
becomes newly formed cells, and the portals of origin letting loose Ganesh particles.

The video is raw in some cases and although you make like them, these are the cutting room floor
images that J and Danny see fit to share with the diplomatic opposition. They have the best
documentation, but remain happy to continue their squirrel activities to have the upper hand at a
conference they know must end in agreement.

We hope that this brings you a little more down the road to where you want to be.

(196) Stuart 11/6/2003 1:48 am EST

starryeyes --

That book you mentioned is my boss's favourite. I think it's the secret world of botany. I'll look it
up when I get to work. It's a fascinating read.


(197) IMINVSBL 11/6/2003 2:48 am EST

Very good. To answer Mr. Don Dep, his question about J. J is a human being who has sat as 1 of
33 men on the Committee of the Majority. The Committee of the Majority was disbanded in the last few
months due to a fracture that J (and to a much less extent Danny) set in motion in it. As the Committee
of the Majority lost its power, J moved to re-establish Operation Majestic 12 as the primary authority
over such issues. Taking us back to the diplomatic StoneAge. That group -- the Majestic 12 -- was
relegated a secondary position when the issues became internationally-known and controlled. They
handled the scientific issues only for several years. The Committee of the Majority handled diplomatic
and political issues. This move re-established a North American seclusion over the issues.

The terribly prophetic happenings in 2001 -- setting into motion worldwide political chaos leading
toward the bad year which is still 8 years to the future -- was the point of power-advantage taken by J.
The current hostilities -- later to be known as World War III -- has been used as a leverage issue with the
North American power structure. This tended to allow the Majestic 12 to retake control over the issues.
The worldwide searches for human-made stargates is a direct consequence, taken from an interpretation
of information provided to Danny and others by the 15 entity known as Chi´iela.

In answer to the location of the TauIX, it is to be held in the American southwest under pressure
from the Majestic 12. Its original final location -- after the March 2003 session in the American
southwest (that was attended by J and his accomplice Danny) -- was to be Jerusalem, Israel.

We are limited by timeline as to further replies at this time, so must apologize in advance.

(198) Peace 11/6/2003 3:03 am EST

I pray to God that all of you will actually believe me without me having a way of telling you more.
The information you have been provided is somewhat correct and very much spun. I can't control what
you will do with the information that is getting mailed to you, nor would I try if I could.

I must plead with all of you to not trust everything you are hearing from the person calling himself
'IMINVSBL'. He represents a faction that has broken away from a peaceful process. I must tell you that
you may encounter his cohorts in your bedrooms, cars, and wherever else rogue J-rod abductions take
place. I question whether he is human.

Look at everything ever written by Dan that has become public. Ever know him to be an
unethical/immoral person from his writing? Accomplice? Do what you want with the coming
information; but please, my God please, do not make yourselves more allied with 'IMINVSBL' should
he try to increase his intimacy in contacting you. If Dan could tell you, I know he would say one thing
to you about these people: trust in God … and think!


(199) justwondered 11/6/2003 3:21 am EST

Thank you, Peace. I agree that we should think about what we are doing here and where this might
lead. Things started taking a turn when the slides were introduced. Why would the opposing faction
want this info to be known now? What are the implications of all of this? Which side are we to be
friendly with when we don't know the whole story?

Let's think about what we are doing here folks. The ramifications are beyond our imagination.

Something just isn't right. We should questions everything. Be very careful, please.

(200) starryeyes (unlogged) 11/6/2003 12:37 pm EST

Finally, both dondep and I had our Internet access codes tampered with last night. Could not get
back on the Net or get email until about 3 minutes ago.

IMINVSBL, did your last post last night about the video -- that referenced dondep -- have anything
to do with this? It happened shortly after that. First his line and later that evening my line.

If emails need to be intercepted etc -- I don't think you need to make it impossible to access the net.
Come clean Mr.-or-Ms. IMINVSBL -- who is doing this? Why? And how can we make them stop? I
have work to do.

(201) dondep 11/6/2003 2:50 pm EST

First, for those who didn't read the above post from Starryeyes, it is true that I was locked out of my
Internet connection last night shortly after IMINVSBL´s post. And on another unrelated topic -- for
those that didn't read the original correspondence from BJ Wolf -- she had sent the ´packets of
information´ with all the then-current evidence to the 2 senators from Nevada, overnight priority, on
Sept. 10th, 2001.

Coincidences? I don't think so. Again we ask --as we did when our phones were tapped with the
old-fashioned hardwire taps [in discovering them we found they were also tapped with super-
sophisticated wireless taps as well] -- why not simply ask us for the information you are looking for?
We assume all our electronic and telephonic communications are monitored. So if there's something
you think we're hiding, JUST ASK US! This disruption is clumsy and unwarranted. All sensitive
communications I'm involved in to-date are done the old-fashioned way which your limited manpower
and super-technology can't track. So let's be adult about it and join the conversation in earnest.

I'll address Peace's post because it makes a valid point about Dr. Dan's moral position. It should be
evident from Dan's musings in his emails and "18-page document" -- and especially in his video
testimony -- that he agonizes over the work he is doing and even refused to do it because he felt it
"would be catastrophic to the human race". In additional correspondence I received (again, NOT
electronically), it appears he was moody and withdrawn and suffering under virtual house arrest.

If those that know Dan are monitoring all this, they will note that the last letter (the one referenced
by Bill Hamilton earlier this year, and not to be confused with the now-famous "Last Letter" of late last
year) contained some pointed and sardonic references to the "motivation" of his handlers. I simply can't
see him welcoming the "quarantining of lateral research of the Ganesh". It sounds like he is STILL
being used/misused against his will for purposes he doesn't agree with. Since we have his testimony of
protest against what he was asked to do -- with the constant threats against his life -- why not just
produce the REAL Dr. Dan Burisch (NOT ´Lukilu´, his stand-in) and let him speak for himself? And I
mean publicly where we can verify there is no gun in his back and he KNOWS he will be safe from the
arrogant and all-powerful planetary plenipotentates.

And now for a re-cap of the story so far, for those just joining the thread.....

Way back in ´98 , BJ Wolf was assisting Dr. Dan Burisch -- formerly Dan Crain (changed his name
to be more of a father to his stepchildren to his wife Debbie, now in charge of psy-ops covering his
´projects´) in writing and publishing a book called Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars. (BJ
has promised to send me a copy. Until I get it, I don't trust that she is ´safe´.)

Either after it was published or around the same time, she [BJ] started receiving anonymous
correspondence from Dan's co-workers - fellow microbiologists. The most explosive document was the
now-famous "Q94-109a" document detailing the directives from MJ-12 to Dan to find out why the alien
they were housing was suffering from neurological degradation. At that time, the document intimates
that the controlling authority MJ-12 was subordinate to was the so-called ´Committee of the Majority´.

There followed an email correspondence from these co-workers which BJ then confronted Dan with.
He reluctantly admitted that 'yes', he was the author of the "Q94.." doc. Then began a bizarre exchange
of emails and meetings between Dan, BJ, and anonymous sources within S4. Until 3 MiBs chased BJ
away; and at Dr. Dan's suggestion she moved to Canada where she would "be safe".

Because of the friendship between Dan and BJ and the positive effect it had on his work (as opposed
to the negative effect it had when they were isolated) -- and despite Debbie's understandable jealousies --
her "Boo-Boo" (pet name for Dan) and BJ were allowed limited correspondence and meetings. This
arrangement continued into late 2002 when BJ moved away from Las Vegas.

However, during this time, she solicited the help of the world-famous and respected ´Ufer´ (sorry
Bill; you know they call us that) Bill Hamilton. Bill had numerous conversations and meetings with
Dan, and was the one who taped Dan's video testament/affidavit/interview which I am transcribing. [If
anyone has a good reason for me NOT to, please let me know and why. Bill himself has not
discouraged it. And I am absolutely positive Dan himself wanted his story to come to light, else he
would not have spoken so earnestly and openly.]

So, after the interview BJ left for Canada. And within a few months I received a copy from Bill. By
that time, I myself was under daily surveillance. And together with additional correspondence and email
communications from within S4, I believed it was more pragmatic to make myself scarce and postpone
the plan to seed Capitol Hill (official Washington) with the collected evidence on the Dr. Burisch saga.

The only place this information is now getting a hearing is this little forum on GLP, a site dedicated
to "UFOs, conspiracy theorists, and the lunatic fringe". We, too, can hide in plain sight. Also, Bill has
been making presentations to small groups of interested researchers and will be making a major
presentation of the story in the coming months at a conference of some kind which also features Stephen
Bassett, the one-time "UFO" candidate for Congress from Maryland. [Note: I don't think this is the
´conference´ referenced above.]

So, Peace, my point to you -- if I haven't already made it -- is this; the genie is out of the bottle. And
I'm not speaking only for myself or even this story. It is a fact that many are becoming aware of that our
society is living in a gigantic 'Truman Show' (interesting title, right?!?) starring Jim Carey. Too many
good people with strong intellects and pure-in-spirit have been tossed aside, murdered, erased, wasted,
destroyed. And why? To hide what? Using the excuse that "we can't handle the truth"?

That just doesn't hold water anymore. The 'Big Event' that was supposed to take place in March -- as
I suspected -- was the ´Announcement" of the alien presence. Now postponed, like countless times
before, until what? 2005? Because these small-minded arrogant men who control the Illusion simply
can't bring themselves to come clean.

If you dispute this position, let's hear your perspective. Seriously. Let the debate be joined, because
eventually it will be anyway, whether you "erase" me or not. Respectfully .....

(202) dondep 11/6/2003 6:11 pm EST


You have disclosed the most relevant information so far in helping us understand the power-politics
´behind the scenes´ despite the fact that you may represent a ´rogue´ faction within or even that you may
disdain us mere mortal babes-in-the-woods. [BTW, I understood the use of "Majestic Twelve" to be the
'cover' story, whereas the real group is only known as MJ-12. Since Dan himself refers to the so-called
'Majestic 12', I'll assume they are one-and-the-same.]

What was the "fracture" over? That seems to be the key. Also, I understood her name to be Shaela;
Chi'iela is the same person? Also, the background provided in the zetatalk website -- if it is disinfo, it's
pretty clear there is a lot of accurate info regarding the machinations of these groups despite the fact or
not of a 'pole shift'. Or, is the pole shift the mechanism that makes 2012 the end of this timeline? There
are more questions your last post raises, but this will help provide the backdrop. Thanks in advance for
moving the discussion along …

(203) IMINVSBL 11/8/2003 3:09 am EST

2 discs confirmed mailed on Thursday. Will take 5-7 days period for arrival. Additionally to
mention that one disc also contains a video clip of the flare from a Ganesh particle seen on May 31,
2001. As the flare erupts, the lighting system failed from electromagnetic activity.

Mr. Don Dep.: What caused the "breakup"? A difference of opinion. J wished to remove the
cosmopolitan-international data sharing about the issues. He took with him 16 members, 16 dissented,
one passed over.

There has been no capitulation. As a result, Human Subject, are you prepared to download further
images? They are available if you want them. We could only hope that these transfer with better
integrity than the last lot.

(204) IMINVSBL 11/8/2003 3:53 am EST
Name: dbpriv4935
Pass Code: faust1

32 images (esoteric work by Dr. Burisch of the Solar corona) and one video clip (J, this should
interest you) that shows 18 frames as a time lapse of the Lotus template bringing a dead cell back to

We hope these images transfer well. Hurry, they will track and eliminate.

(205) dondep 11/8/2003 4:34 am EST

I was almost through downloading them when the Watchers blocked the site. Nearly all 32.
Everybody check their firewalls. If you save them in Word without a firewall, they can be tampered

Thanks, IMINVSBL. Seems that "J"´s faction has not capitulated after all.

(206) White rabbit 11/8/2003 7:45 am EST

I've uploaded the images to

The link page isn't updated yet … haven't had time … will have a go later.

A lot of the images are C3/LASCO images and are not really related to Dan Burisch?

One image -- kerub.jpg -- I've seen on Kent's website. I think he was linking the Ganesh particle to
the winged beast/mothman?

(207) doesn´t matter 11/8/2003 8:20 am EST

Do you see what I see???

Look at the 4 B&W pictures strung together.

The first one -- and a colour one further on -- look exactly like the human face crop glyph at
Chilboton. The second one -- 318, I think (ironically) -- has the face of a 'grey'.

Anyone else see this??

(208) starryeyes (nli) 11/8/2003 9:43 am EST

hmmm… I have not see all yet but looks like someone playing with images fr cyberspace orbit?
(209) IMINVSBL 11/8/2003 3:12 pm EST

The angel of light that visits Danny tells him when to look and where. Easy.

The name Sheala is a remote viewer that works for Debbie´s unit.

The name Chi´iela is the personal name for the J-Rod that was the subject of and ultimately
befriended Danny.

(210) justwondering 11/8/2003 7:15 pm EST

Starryeyes --

Just as I was about to reply to your message, my computer went down. I was not online last night,
so I missed this very important clue.

IMINVSBL sent this warning to us. But which side are we to trust? That is why I referenced "the
wisdom to know the difference."

The genie is out of the bottle. Only hope it gets in the right hands first.

(211) dondep 11/8/2003 7:56 pm EST


Thank you for clarifying the names.

Regarding your earlier post, is the Committee of the Majority (the ´33´ Investors, Jason Society, et
al) now defunct in light of the even division? Surely the fact that they meet on 16th St and divided into
2 groups of 16 is an irony that hasn't escaped especially them. And what was the nature of the fracture?
Was the one group -- urged on by 'J' -- the Anglo-centric [or at least the American] half? Was this same
split reflected in the 2000 division between the lower-level marionettes we call our 'elected leaders'?
Was it further reflected in the fact that since then, there has been an over-arching arrogance regarding
the U.S. vs. the rest of the global community? And finally -- again -- is this related to the so-called
division between Service-To-Self and Service-To-Others?

All these questions relate to the "fracture" you spoke of. Another perspective is that you and your
allies are firm religionists -- a la Gen. Boynkin -- who believe that the 'other' faction is toying with
things that only the Creator has authority to do. Or, perhaps, the ´other´ side is headed largely by the so-
called Christians. Your contribution to our collective consciousness here is, as you already know, more
than appreciated. Now we need to find out the where, why, and how of the division at the top of the
power structure.

(212) IMINVSBL 11/9/2003 12:49 am EST

Mr. Don Dep, we are impressed as you have done your homework regarding 1733 and 2800 on 16.
Although we must confess that following this reply, our future conversations will certainly be limited.
Cracks are forming in the opposition's willingness. This is why we came here in the first place.

Less investors in this scenario than those searching for the Golden Fleece (and you must have known
it to be "bad form" not to capitalize the first name of the Society ;) ). But if one were to look close
enough, about anyone could see Danny taking Darwin as his role model and acting as the naturalist
aboard the Argo, But he would not be wearing the flags of the European triumvirate next to Old Glory
as it was supposed to be. Strange, then, as to why he is being courted by the Knights of Malta? Many
deals are being struck. He is even rumoured to be considering a cloistered return to the collar of Rome.
The Vatican's interest in his work is truly "illuminating" to them. How about J ? J would be seen as the
person ordering the helm ´to & fro´ under the watchful eyes of the ship's "executive staff."

Your mind investigations into the American politics of the New Millennium are correct.

Factions. We wish its release for use by those from the future. Danny is holding back until an
agreement can be struck that makes ecclesiasticism the norm rather than scientific approval. He hides
behind myths that the future will disregard to make way for truth. He has learned that evil could come
in the clothing of light; but practices his warped brand of logic about a possible future that is already
known. The light being that visits him doesn't have our best future in its mind. His holding back is
pressuring us even further toward it. With the power of the lotus we could change the environment,
even after a catastrophe has hit. We could drag ourselves out of the darkness, evolve, and change the
possibility of our race fracturing. He is holding out in order to prevent a catastrophe that may occur
anyway, just to doom us to an Apocalypse for which he holds out for Christ at the end.

The diplomatic opposition has tried to travel into its more shallow past -- the years 2004-2005 -- to
find the model he is constructing. When they arrived they attempted to access it from its hiding place in
the … … It will be held under the name …… This is the place where the future may be doomed to find
it and use it, but too late to save many in the race. Even the more shallow past of the diplomatic
opposition in 4285 is unable to access the information. It can only be seen by them as a jumbled code
from the so-called … … When they ask for it to be read to them, by a person from that time, they try to
return but don't survive.

J, we have access to your internal surveillance systems now, everywhere. This access cannot be
denied by whatever attempts you make. Don't believe us? go to
Name: dbpriv2005
Pass Code: 2lanl2005

You will.

This address is placed here for everyone to have. If you think this man is dead, how could it be that
he was filmed tonight?

It is time for us to talk on even ground, isn't it?

(213) Anonymous Coward 11/9/2003 1:46 am EST

Enough say. We are dealing with the dark forces here. Dr. Burisch is on the side of the Service to
Self. I believe IMINVSBL is Service to Others.

Do not trust him.

(214) a/c 11/9/2003 2:31 am EST

Read what IMINVSBL wrote and didn't write …

"When they arrived they attempted to access it from its hiding place in the . It will be held
under the name … … This is the place where the future may be doomed to find it and use it,
but too late to save many in the race. Even the more shallow past of the diplomatic
opposition in 4285 is unable to access the information. It can only be seen by them as a
jumbled code from the so called … …"

Now here's my take on what is above …

"When they arrived they attempted to access it from its hiding place in the
***INFORMATION NOT HERE!*** . It will be held under the name ***INFORMATION
NOT HERE!*** . This is the place where the future may be doomed to find it and use it, but
too late to save many in the race. Even the more shallow past of the diplomatic opposition in
4285 is unable to access the information. It can only be seen by them as a jumbled code from
the so called ***INFORMATION NOT HERE!*** ."

These sentences don't make sense without them being finished. My way of thinking is that
IMINVSBL could have included the information but it was censored before it got here. If it was
censored, then by who? If it was Js group wouldn't they have just censored the whole thing? If
IMINVSBL didn't put it in there on purpose, then he/they/them are playing with us because J's group
would KNOW where they are planning to put the model. Aren't I right? If this was censored, then by

(215) Dondep unlogged 11/9/2003 3:27 am EST

Excuse me, ac? "Do not trust him." Who? If IMINVSBL is Service-to-Others as you say, should
we not trust him? You can't be suggesting not to trust Dr. Burisch.

Trust all, alertly, but verify. Measure the claim or question against all possible agendas. Follow the
light for the answers; those that hide behind shadows are obviously less trustworthy than those who take
(usually small) steps towards the light.

I'm still digesting this last remarkable post, and will be back soon.

(216) Anonymous Coward 11/9/2003 3:31 am EST

I stand corrected, Dondep. I meant Dr. Burisch is STO. IMINVSLB is STS.

Hugh mistake!

(217) Dondep unlogged 11/9/2003 3:45 am EST

Thanks for clearing that up, ac-known-as-Hugh Mistake!

What has been said has some enormous implications, and I'll share them with you as soon as I log in.
Relax, HS. All is being given in its due time.

(218) dondep 11/9/2003 4:23 am EST

At first I was struggling with this. But after reading a/c of 2:31, I started to see what IMINVSBL
may have been referring to. I had, in fact, capitalized the ´J´ in Jason; and then it occurred to me that the
important thing was that I was focusing on a ´J´. Perhaps it does represent the Argonauts (of Jason
fame) among the ´33´ as opposed to the ´investors´ who are looking at matters in a much more
immediate and material way.

It very well may be that the division represented by IMINVSBL on the one hand -- and Peace and
various ACs on the other -- can, in fact, fit all the possibilities I had mentioned. Chi´iela may have
belonged to the 'other' faction that was working with these STS beings, all -he-while believing they were
working with the "good guys". In the meanwhile -- being the subject of a self-inflicted spiritual inquest,
-- Dr. Burisch followed in the footsteps of William Cooper and spoke more-and-more in spiritual,
almost fundamentalist terms. It appears that ´J´ may then represent the human faction, and the STS
aliens work with ´J´. I'll be back with more shortly...

So perhaps the human group -- guided mostly by ´J´ who either represents the Jasons (or
Darwinists?) or the Christian-fundamentalists -- is balking at working with these aliens. They may feel
that by doing so, they will cause the Catastrophe -- or at least one possible scenario -- to occur. They
may have been so jaded at being lied to by 'aliens' -- J-Rod Chi´iela and otherwise -- that they would
have discouraged any formal agreement at that time.

(219) justwondering 11/9/2003 4:32 am EST

IMINVSBL may fall into the same group as the Zetas. By overtaking the human race, they may be
able to save their own. I do not think they are our friends.

(220) dondep 11/9/2003 5:16 am EST

AC just above --

Are the 2 mutually exclusive? First, we have to see if that's what we're talking about. It sounds
plausible to me the fact that another race is being given a chance to synthesize with us. Our new genetic
engineers. And the fact that these entities may themselves be divided into factions both wanting the
Ganesh? This requires a lot more careful pondering......

5:45 update. "The diplomatic opposition". I take this to mean that this is a reference to the group now
in favor with the group following ´J´.

(221) dondep 11/9/2003 5:53 am EST

To a/c of 2:31 --

You are on to something very important. "Factions. We wish its release for use by those from the

A clear reference to IMINVSBL being at least in the service to others from the future. They want
what released? The Lotus world-seed? And has Danny gotten too "religious" or even less so, as he
becomes surrounded by beings ´clothed in light´?

Remember that Dan was also -- though we can forgive him for it -- involved in BioChemical
Warfare activities in the Mid-East. I'm reminded of what another poster on another thread long ago said:
"You know you are contracting yourself to a machine dedicated to killing other human beings when you
sign up for the Army." Dan speaks forcefully on tape of how he thought he had signed on to "Be all I
could be" etc.; but was surprised when it turned out to be more of a lie than he could ever imagine.

Well, what is an army supposed to do? It's not the Peace Corps. But we're lucky to have him
because otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion. He could be the single most important
individual to the survival of at least one fragment of humanity, and maybe more depending on whether
he uses or misuses his free will. Especially knowing what he knows about the future.

(222) asudo 11/9/2003 8:01 am EST

Hello to all …

Am a newbie here. And like some others here, I find it a little hard to absorb. But am getting there.

Bill Hamilton appears to be a good guy from the info Pg 1 etc. But I don't know much about him.
Came across him again when I started reading William Cooper's Behold A Pale Horse. Obviously he
doesn't think very highly of him.

*Bill Hamilton begged me to let him include my material in his book entitled Alien Magic.
He pretended to be a friend and I let him. I asked for no money and he offered none. His
entire book consists of other people's material. He now accuses me of stealing "his"
information. Bill Hamilton turned out to be just another UFO flake. I have since learned I
am not the only person of whom he has taken advantage of.*
Then noticed Dondep comparing Dan Burisch to William Cooper. Which gave me the impression
that he's a good guy. So my question being: is Bill still a good guy? as he seems to have respect from
some of you. Am just a little puzzled? Any opinions?

(223) justwondering 11/9/2003 1:53 pm EST

I just woke up, so forgive me if I ramble.

What if the Ganesh held the very essence of life? The God-seed. The soul. If the fallen angels had
this power, they think they could control the world. They could be like God. If this is what Dr. Burisch
is working on, then we could understand the importance.

The fallen angels are after our souls, or future humanity's souls. Thence, the Haust quote. Maybe
this has to do with cloning.

That could be one probability for a future.

Just some thoughts as I wake up on this Sun Day.

(224) dondep unlogged 11/9/2003 4:08 pm EST

Just a few quick notes before I log in and post a synopsis (subject to immediate revision; there is
much that is in the middle of being revealed here).

To Asudo --

You are mistaking another 'Bill Hamilton' for the one that interviewed Dan. If he checks in on this
thread, he can clear that up. Also, my comparison between Dr B and William Cooper has to do with the
fact that both realized -- after being in the ´Program´ for awhile -- that this is a spiritual dynamic that is
being played out. And considering the depth of Cooper's involvement, I'm somewhat surprised at the
conclusions he reached before his assassination. As for Dr B's attitude, I'll be posting another slice of
his interview that will hopefully shed some light on what he perceived to be the nature of God.

To justwondering --

"What if the Ganesh held the very essence of life? The God-seed. The soul. If the fallen
angels had this power, they think they could control the world. They could be like God. If
this is what Dr. Burisch is working on, then we could understand the importance. "

The God-seed -- yes. (my opinion, that is).

As to whether it contains the seed for the soul, THAT is a debatable possibility but we must consider
it. It would answer a number of questions of the relative importance of the Lotus. Since we know we
are referred to by certain aliens as "containers" -- meaning containers for souls -- it may be that this
is in fact what they most desire. I've seriously considered the possibility that a technologically-advanced
but spiritually-sterile (read the ´Investors´, the material PTB that dumb us down constantly) strain of
humanity survives through cloning processes -- becoming our future progeny -- but they don't have the
essential element of life ... the soul. I'll have more on that in a short while …

(225) dondep 11/9/2003 5:07 pm EST

For the assembled readership, I'd like y'all to consider the following scenario which I'll preface with
a few 'facts' we've seen countless times.

We know that alien abductions take place. Or did until recently. From many sources we have
learned that these were supposedly done under the auspices of a "treaty" [possibly the T9 treaty referred
to on this thread recently], allegedly signed by an agency of our government [MJ-12]. We know from
Above Black by Sgt. Dan Sherman, that coordinates were given (at least on occasion) to our government
regarding specific abductions per treaty conditions. We hear from Zetatalk that these dutiful
notifications began to be abused by one group of aliens that would give misleading coordinates or even
none at all, leading the other group to also forego adhering to these treaty conditions. Thus we learn that
there are 2 groups of these 'aliens' . Although Dr. B says that they are from our future, though, they are
still classified as "extraterrestrial".

Furthermore, without introducting the dreaded "Planet X" discussion just yet, this same Zetatalk
(how many other sites talk about current-day activities of this supremely-elite organization MJ-12?)
speaks in volumes of the contrast in activities between this so-called Service-To-Other group of Zetans
vs. the Service-To-Self group. At the same time, we are hearing echoes of the same information on the
thread started by 'Trained For'. This regarding aliens as "fallen angels".

Consider also the world-views held by the "spooks" who mutter darkly about the unfruitful and
deadly interactions with aliens. The ones who would actually have hands-on knowledge about the
interaction with aliens. Consider again how these aliens would be from the so-called selfish aliens, the
ones who promised the technology of flying saucers but instead left them only with the saucers to play
with, and would laugh with amusement at how we humans couldn't figure them out.

Now consider that IMINVSBL has clarified that Chi´ielah is the "personal name" of the J-Rod that
Dr B interacted with to receive the blueprint of the Lotus from. If anyone recalls my question on Lou
Gentile´s live radio interview with Nancy Lieder, they may consider that this IMINVSBL may be a
fellow being to this Chi´ielah, who -- if he/she had a personal name -- would be a ´Service-to-Self´ alien.

[Are we to consider that a hive-mind -- with lack of individuality -- is a ´preferred´ mode of

community? Is that what "Service-to-Other" means?]

Or this bit of knowledge may only have come to IMINVSBL because he is of the same ´species´ as
Chi´ielah, though not necessarily of the same spiritual orientation. In fact, they may be representatives
from the same species though in spiritual opposition. Both have come back for this thing that will give
them what they need to avoid .... what? Or to acquire. ... what? Who decides? Especially since we
seem to be playing out decisions that we have already largely determined.

What do you think?

(226) White rabbit 11/9/2003 11:50 pm EST

Some musings …

In response to Starryeyes re: the dissemination process. I agree that the information is certainly
traveling around the world, but I don't wish to get specific regarding statistics. Except to say that there
is a little interest from government and academic institutions in the US but not elsewhere as yet. It's still
early days, though. As time goes on, the process will become exponential in growth.

The images on the latest set of disks, I hear, are incredible. I'll put them up on the Net when I get

I'll address all those who are confused by the ongoing ´tussle´ between the STO/STS. Confused? Me

This apparent exposure of the 'good' turning to the dark side and vise versa has certainly made for an
interesting time. At one stage last week, I was changing sides in my head every few minutes. Now I'm
sitting on the fence as firmly as I can ( fell off a few times, though :)

I trust HS and his faith/belief in what is right; so I will continue to assist him and those who are in
for the long haul if I can. And I'll attempt to ignore the political bantering for now unless it strikes a
deep chord within me.

Who knows? One day I may not be confused anymore :)

(227) dondep 11/10/2003 3:14 am EST

Thank you, Peace, for sharing those. I'll share a bit more shortly, but the thing that surprised me was
the fact that he - Dr. B - was "surprised" that his handlers had allowed a "follow-up question". Probably
part of the "quarantining of lateral research".

I wanted to refer the reader to what IMINVSBL offered in his earlier post:

"The diplomatic opposition has tried to travel into its more shallow past, the years 2004-
2005 to find the ____model he is constructing. When they arrived they attempted to access it
from its hiding place in the_____ . It will be held under the name______ . This is the place
where the future may be doomed to find it and use it, but too late to save many in the race.
Even the more shallow past of the diplomatic opposition in 4285 is unable to access the
information. It can only be seen by them as a jumbled code from the so called . When they
ask for it to be read to them, by a person from that time, they try to return but don't survive."

So the "Other" faction is able to go ahead in time to the next year-or-two which may well be AFTER
the Cataclysm, to find the Lotus that will give them their 3rd helix DNA back or the world-seed that will
spark an explosion of new life-forms, a device created largely by Dr. Burisch and subject to his use and
witholding of it. This "Other" faction -- which still has the ear of MJ-12 -- is able to lull these self-same
PTB into thinking they have plenty of time. At least another 2 years.

"The light being that visits him doesn't have our best future in its mind". Now what is that supposed
to mean? What DO they have in mind? This almost sounds like ´fallen-angel´ dialog. He goes on to
say that "Danny knows about the possible cataclysm, but is holding on to this lifesaving force to cause
an Apocalypse for which he holds out for Christ at the end." In other words, he stubbornly refuses to
give up the working prototype Lotus for the Ark, not realizing that by doing so he is consigning a larger
percentage of the population to oblivion than otherwise,

(228) Harrdrawk 11/10/2003 6:26 am EST

Hey, Dondep. I just want to say you are doing a super job here. Your take and your attitude are
genuinely refreshing. I've read every word of this thread in two days time (lots of links to consider). I
have a few comments about the developments to this point.

First of all, the poster known as IMINVSBL is not like you. He wants to play games. His last post
was a sorry excuse for a straight answer. He talked in circles baiting you (us) with a thousand hints,
teasing us, knowing full and well that he only caused more questions and mystery. This thread is about
solving a mystery. And in all his banter he could have already solved it (i.e., Dr. Barisch is alive and at
such-and-such hotel, B J Wolf over there, big pow-wow slated this day, Nancy´s a kook (or not), the
ELE in question is... etc.).

But no, instead chose to waste his precious chat time using bullshit code. What a joke. He has just
enough information to distract us --tease us , if you will -- into thinking we can't get where we're headed
without him. Very STS like. I'm guessing there's a more reliable source of information than this guy (if
we're patient). His willingness to give away secrets is suspicious as well. Looks and sounds like he's
not getting his way, so he's all too eager to use what little "power" he has to make his point with
somebody that used to trust him. All bad vibes here. And why didn't he address the Zeta/PX issue?
You asked him twice? The business about "..our future conversations will certainly be limited". He's
setting you up to be vague, evasive, and not forthcoming. If he was STO-oriented, he would skip the
Internet altogether and find one of us here on the Forum and overload us with facts and evidence quietly.
Keep him honest, DD.

Will be keeping close tabs on this one. Huge Nevada Bump.

Why is it that the first Aliens to break the code-of-silence always have to have "hidden agendas"?
What's wrong with just Saving the World? Isn't that a noble cause? Sheesh …!

(229) dondep unlogged 11/10/2003 11:50 am EST

To Harrdrawk --

Thanks for commenting. You bring up the key issue in the entire 60+ years we've been interacting
with an alien presence. Which is why don't they simply arrive en masse on the White House lawn, etc?
In this case, why doesn't IMINVSBL's faction just "spill the beans"?

A good question which we'll come back to time-and-time again (pun intended). The first thing to
think seriously about is this closely-guarded secret of the D.C.T.P. If you're not up to speed on it, it's

the "Doctrine of Convergent Timelines Paradox". Because it is so sensitive a secret -- with many
people being "erased" or worse over it -- we have yet to read/hear the exact Doctrine in its entirety.

What we DO know about it, though, is that it has to do with time-travel and the consequent
presence of time-travelers in our midst. There have been allusions to this document in this story -- most
pointedly in what IMINVSBL has had to say about more than one potential future -- and also in what Dr
B himself has had to self-censor himself about in his response to Reviewer 967 [StealthSkater note: see
the archived Internet chat-interviews at ]. Think carefully
about the implications of time-travel in this entire scenario since we must ultimately make any decision
regarding our future ourselves. If our future is made plain as day -- especially to the mass of the public
dutifully going about their life-lessons -- then it would be "cheating" to give us the result prematurely.
And though I won't speak to IMINVSBL's moral stance, I can say that his posts are not intentionally
trying to mislead us; perhaps they are pushing the envelope already as to what he is allowed to share
with us.

(230) Dondep unlogged 11/10/2003 12:32 pm EST

BTW, a little bird has told me it isn't the Jason Society. But the JASON Society [Uppercase]. As in
the MASON Society. (Perhaps it is the "J"esus faction of the MASONic society?) This is, after all, the
group of people that rule the planet … and I should exhibit a bit more respect. Sorry guys, no offense

(231) Raven 11/10/2003 5:56 pm EST

Where is the real Dr. B? Today my birdie eyes saw him feasting on soup and salad with the Missus,
and who else was there but a reporter not minus his stare. This was the first reporter with a "knapp"sack
to track the good Dr.'s work in 1990 and was so pushed away by the Dr. he now says he disbelieves
everything to do with him. But that didn't stop his stare. ;> My birdie intuition tells me that the stare
was so strong that the Missus had to call over the manager of the restaurant. When she did, I could feast
without my feathers being noticed!

Where does the real Dr .B live? Now he is in the same apartment where the "Sunchase"(s) the fire of
the moon whereby I fly! His apartment years ago -- when the "knapp"sack first followed him -- was
Villa del Sol . A coincidence or birdie logic? When I perch I see him walking sometimes alone, often
to the park with his coffee! They hide as we birdies hide, in plain sight near the back of things and in
the trees! They are the friends of the birds! intended puns!

;) >---------

(232) dondep 11/10/2003 6:56 pm EST

So, he's back at the Sunchase…. And you say George wanted a sit-down with him back in ´90?
Remember that he was a reluctant witness, called forth by his colleagues and not by any of his own
machinations. I would find it strange were he to welcome George's advances even at this stage. Of
course, there's no law against 'staring'. Thanks for the update.

Still pondering Dan's last interrogatories -- courtesy of Peace -- and the imponderables of

(233) Harrdrawk 11/10/2003 8:49 pm EST

DonDep --

Thanks for the re: You made a good point about IMINVSBL. At least SOMEONE who knows
something is telling. My panic is headed towards depression, though. First gut reaction is that the hush
killings may be over by now (a bad sign in itself), but the dying hasn't even begun. Even 'Peace'
sounded a little worn down, tired of the gig. Like everybody else, I don't want to change the vibration of
this thread because it's working. You're working, Dep. So is Human and Starry and WR and all of you.

Me … I'm studying the one who goes by the moniker IMINVSBL. I doubt he's invisible or
American (not that that matters much). He's using GLP to get his way and he suggests it's working
("This is why we came here in the first place"). It's like he was talking to certain "viewers" more than he
was talking to you/us. Like: Watch this … see what I can do! Instead of answering the questions posed,
he off-loaded a ton of information not solicited. (Who's the European triumvirate and why are the
Knights of Malta being tossed into the story?!)

He's not "Master Yoda" and we're not trying to learn how to use the "Force" here. We're just
children who have been lied to for a long time. And for what? There's a hint of WW III and an ELE
and we have to stay in our rooms??? Come on! We are billions of minds and talent here, made/kept
unaware, and bashed if we try to connect any dots on our own. We've been cheated by the likes of
IMINVSBL and his kind.

Tell me, Don, who exactly is going to benefit from the Stargate anyway? Me? (I doubt it.) Seems
like I read language to suggest only the Lotus or Ganesh particle is all that's truly necessary to restart
evolution after "...the bad year" in the not-too-distant. The PTB made all the decisions for us long ago,
and have been pressuring a few microbiologist handpicks to solve the whole problem of evolution and
survival of us stumbling hominoids. Great plan! Poor Dr. Burisch and poor families of all the great
scientists and experts now absent from the scene.

This is not fair. Tell Mr.IM-IN-CHARGE to keep his alien fotos. He blew his chance to impress this
Human Subject.

(234) ac-also-known-as-hugh-mistake 11/10/2003 11:24 pm EST

Harrdrawk --

I tend to agree with you. What pearls of wisdom have we really gotten here? If "they" wanted us to
know anything, they would have told us by now. For all we know, someone could be picking our brains
for a plot for a novel. Other than a few slides and some supposed surveillance tapes of Dr. Burisch
taken somewhere at sometime, what do we really have?

If IMINVISBL really intended to tell us anything, I would think we would know by now. Why is
this entity playing with us? Why is our time being wasted? What is really going on?

(235) Samson and Del 11/10/2003 11:44 pm EST

We can't just discount Mr. IM-an-IDIOT's pictures because they may not be his but washed versions
of Burisch's. Him we can discount! ;()

According to Burisch's resume and other information I got from Skywatch International and the dead
EaglesDisobey website, he attended Saint Patrick´s seminary. That seminary is a training ground for
Catholic priests. Being Catholic, I know that they just don't let people in there unless they are planning
to become a priest. So he must have had a calling to be a priest back in 1987. So if he was thinking of
returning to the Church, it wouldn't be unusual to here about the "collar of Rome". The Roman Collar is
what priests wear.

1987 was the same year he filed his cancer study with the National Cancer Institute. They gave him
a library reference number, 87- something. I doubt they just put anyone's work in their library. He said
he was approached by the PTB in 1986. So there is the start of some connection because the Knights of
Malta (KOM) are involved with the medical field. The KOM are also closely linked to the MASONS. I
checked the numbers given by IM-an-IDIOT and found that they are the addresses on 16th Street in
Wash. D.C. of the Scottish and York rite Masonic Temples.

Now look at these links:

So it wouldn't surprise me if the KOM were involved with this.

(236) Harrdrawk 11/11/2003 1:02 am EST

Interesting stuff you have there, Sam. How could so few people screw up so much? I feel like while
I'm out gazing at the stars, contemplating the Universe, trying to raise my consciousness to some Zen of
understanding, begging for some added enlightenment and committing myself to be better, and do
better, and listen more ... the black ops helicopters are busy moving expired EBEs in-and-out of
warehouses. I feel ripped off and I feel like saying "thanks a lot!"

On a different note (no pun intended), I'm really interested in understanding Frequencies and the
Octaves. I believe that herein lies the Key to Survival during the "....real bad year". It makes wonderful
sense that sound played a vital role in building of Pyramids as well as healing everything under the
{soon to be darkened} Sun. Can this thing we found get fixed in time? God help us all.

(237) Shadrak, jr. 11/11/2003 1:26 am EST

I guess IMVISIBL had to step out. I think he´s in the can. If you three want to go ahead and
pummel his face in ...

... while The Rest of Us try and tackle some serious issues and attempt -- in a peaceful and somewhat
astute and civil manner -- to wrestle out some hard-won Truths of just, HU, in this Hell of negative
dreams, WE ARE, MAN!

Excuse Me, HS #58-001 (as if just the memory of that Number weren't enough) for my declinations,
but fear-mongering, mudslinging, and divisional diatribes will only weaken this Thread's goal; and
can/may steer/stir some, Valuable Ones, unawares, from trekking or aiding this Cause and Quest with a
surety of Foot and Unity of Design and Purpose

This All, by inputs of Each and Every One, will add up to be ONE Truth, Well WON, over they (the
discordant powers), and them, who with Arrogant Whim, would have Us remain Ignorant to our
Heritage and Destiny.

Can Peace and Love Be found, or made Secure, NoWhere, anymore? A Place for Acceptance? A
Place, Even, where those entering with Falsehoods and Deceit, will be Allowed to trip over their OWN
DNA-RNA shoestrings of Dim-lit Being?

Maybe a course or thread in learning to tie shoes and walk with Light step and spiraled line would
Assist those with ulterior motives other than seeking and sharing the Truths of our RAISON D´ETRE.

It's just that this Book -- and not some other Threaded Book -- IS getting too Good To Put Down!

My two fired-up Amigos and I Thank You, One and All, beforehand for Your Worthy
Considerations to this, and All who Advance NEW Discoveries and this Thread of Hope, Uncensored.

(238) Harrdrawk 11/11/2003 3:53 am EST

I hear you, Shadrak,jr. I apologise for getting so down. It's just that I don't like playing mind games
or the feeling of getting used -or- manipulated. My first defense is to call it as I see it. My best defense
is to call for Peace.

(239) A/C Along For The Ride 11/11/2003 4:38 am EST

Greetings again, fellow Humans(?). More to read and consider on the "road trip" we are on.

I was thinking about the future/s and thought, "if they travel back to here for the solution to their
problem, perhaps they/we travel back in time for the solution to ours". Consider that if the world met a
Cataclysmic end in our future, two possible ways to survive it would be: (1)underground -or- (2)time-
trip survivors to the past. Now read this:
(article: FROM THE ASHES OF ANGLES, The Forbiden Legacy of a Fallen Race)
and this:

It's a lot of material to read but offers much insight to the past. And as once was said, "one must
know from where one comes to know where the journey takes one".

(240) Anonymous Coward 11/11/2003 4:48 am EST

So, on the one hand, we have the being known as 'Peace'. Peace = The Dove (Columbia?) = USA?,
or = passive(?). Mentions God, trust.

On the other hand, we have the being known as 'IMINVISABL' . Invisible = untouchable(?),
illusive(?), spirit(?). Gives underhanded warning about man selling his soul to the Devil.

So, who is the "good" guy and who is the "bad" guy? Or are they playing Good Cop, Bad Cop?

Neither one is really providing us with any concrete evidence of anything.

What we need is answers to who, what, why, when and where. The basic questions asked in
journalism. And then answered if one has a reliable source.

Neither one is -- so far -- giving us this information.

So, is either one really intending to do so, or just keep stringing us along?

Just thinking out loud. Where do we go from here?

(241) dondep 11/11/2003 5:47 am EST

All in good time, ACs. Important things are in transit. And if we want to be regarded less as a
bunch of pre-pubescent brats clamoring for all the answers than a serious (but light-hearted) spiritual
´think-tank´, we need to exercise a bit more humility.

I hope everyone has read all the material on this story that White Rabbit has courageously uploaded
on her mirror sites, from the original email correspondence and the infamous Q94-109a document, and
the Lotus Protocol, the 18 pages, Dr B´s "Last Letter", etc. There are many clues already, and many of
you don't sound as if you have thought out the implications of what we already have.

(242) 318 11/11/2003 9:46 am EST

Well, I didn't want to there, but … … Let's have awareness and dispel fear. Fear is the mind killer.

DNA helicase.

<enzyme, molecular biology> A prokaryote enzyme that uses the hydrolysis of ATP to unwind the
DNA helix at the replication fork, to allow the resulting single strands to be copied. Two molecules of
ATP are required for each nucleotide pair of the duplex …

Transcriptional control: mechanisms that control which genes are transcribed and/or the rate at
which transcription occurs.....

Restriction enzymes are produced naturally by bacteria as a defence against viruses (they "restrict"
viral growth), but they are enormously useful in genetic engineering for cutting DNA at precise places
("molecular scissors").....

In genetic engineering, a 'vector' is a length of DNA that carries the gene we want into a host cell. A
vector has these properties:
It is big enough to hold the gene we want. It is circular (or more accurately a closed loop), so
that it is less likely to be broken down.
It contains control sequences, such as a transcription promoter, so that the gene will be replicated
or expressed.
It contain marker genes, so that cells containing the vector can be identified.

Vectors containing the genes we want must be incorporated into living cells so that they can be
replicated or expressed. The cells receiving the vector are called host cells, and once they have
successfully incorporated the vector they are said to be transformed. Vectors are large molecules which
do not readily cross cell membranes, so the membranes must be made permeable in some way. There
are different ways of doing this depending on the type of host cell. The most important ...


The vector is first incorporated into a virus which is then used to infect cells, carrying the foreign
gene along with its own genetic material. Since viruses rely on getting their DNA into host cells for
their survival, they have evolved many successful methods, and so are an obvious choice for gene
delivery. The virus must first be genetically engineered to make it safe, so that it can‟t reproduce itself
or make toxins ...

"Today, we are making an epochmaking transition in human history— from being passive observers
of Nature to being active choreographers of Nature." This is the central message of Michio Kaku's

(243) 318 11/11/2003 9:56 am EST

<cell biology> Organism composed of two genetically distinct types of cells.

chimeric molecule
A molecule (usually a biopolymer) containing sequences derived from two different genes;
specifically, from two different species

(244) j apple 11/11/2003 11:42 am EST

…and there ya are . I actually got that image when I was younger riding my 10-speed home after a long
night of partying. We made up this game called "2"1 for the bong. Early in the morning I was just
looking down at my wheels just turning but I really didn't seem to going anywhere.

The big problem with the 'Many Worlds' view is that no one has really shown how the usual linear
rule in disguise can reproduce Born probability rule evolution. After a world splits a finite number of
times into a large-but-finite number of branch worlds, the vast majority of those worlds will not have
seen frequencies of outcomes near that given by the Born rule, but will instead have seen frequencies
near an equal probability rule. If the probability of an outcome is the fraction of worlds that see an
outcome, then the Many Worlds view seems to predict equal probabilities, not Born probabilities.

Hugh Everett, who originally introduced the Many Worlds view, tried to resolve this by noting that
worlds that see Born rule frequencies have much larger measures that most worlds, and then declaring
that worlds whose relative measure goes to zero in the limit of an infinity of measurements do not count.
But we do not see an infinity of measurements. Others have tried to resolve this problem by postulating
new non-linear processes or an infinity of worlds per quantum state that diverge for some unknown
reason according to the Born rule. Others have tried to introduce new decision theory axioms that say
that we do not care how many worlds see an outcome.

The mangled worlds approach to quantum mechanics is a variation on Many Worlds that tries to
resolve the Born rule problem by resorting only to familiar decision theory, familiar physical processes,
and a finite number of worlds. The basic idea is that while we have identified physical "decoherence"
processes that seem to describe measurements. Ssince they produce decoupled wave components
corresponding to different measurement outcomes, these components are in fact not exactly decoupled.
And while the deviations from exact decoherence might be very small, the relative size of worlds can be
even smaller.

As a result, inexact decoherence can allow large worlds to drive the evolution of very small worlds,
"mangling" those worlds. Observers in mangled worlds may fail to exist or may remember events from
larger worlds. In either case, the only outcome frequencies that would be observed would be those from
unmangled worlds. Thus worlds below a certain size cutoff would be mangled, and not count when
calculating probabilities as the fraction of worlds that see an outcome.

(245) dondep 11/11/2003 1:41 pm EST

Has anyone else taken note of 318´s post from earlier this morning? Another piece of the puzzle was
just put in place.

Thanks 318....

(246) zacksavage 11/11/2003 1:51 pm EST

Yeah, I was troubled by 318's earlier post. I was waiting to see if it was just me.

The vector is first incorporated into a virus, which is then used to infect cells, carrying the
foreign gene along with its own genetic material. Since viruses rely on getting their DNA
into host cells for their survival they have evolved many successful methods, and so are an
obvious choice for gene delivery. The virus must first be genetically engineered to make it
safe, so that it can‟t reproduce itself or make toxins....."

Man, this does not look good at all.

(247) karma45 11/11/2003 2:09 pm EST

I have been reading this thread off & on (haven't had time to read it all). I am glad to see it
continuing. Are you saying that these viruses are in the chemtrails and then released on the public
causing sickness -- i.e., new strains of colds & flu?

(248) Dondep unlogged 11/11/2003 2:39 pm EST

To karma45 --

First, on page 42, read Dr B's personal assessment of one of Majestic's programs, the so-called
Raindancer, a chemtrail project.

Then, on this page, read 318's post carefully. He goes over the 3 terms employed by Dan in order:
(DNA)helicase, restriction (enzymes), virus. It is much Much MORE than simply giving the populace
the common cold or even the flu. Once we understand exactly WHAT they are doing, we can go to the
reason WHY they are doing it.

And please keep in mind that for every action by the PTB, there are 2 sides of the coin. Sometimes
the ´positive´ spin is the cover story. Sometimes not. "All is not what it seems" --BJ Wolf, July 29,

(249) dondep 11/11/2003 11:38 pm EST

You're absolutely right about a lot of this thread. But this is GLP after all and we get people who are
drawn to the flame like moths, who post all manner of unrelated fluff and musings. However, if you did
read the thread so far, you'd realize there is more going on than meets the eye, and there has been a lot
contributed that is helping to solve the 'mystery'.

This 'mystery' isn't merely limited to what misfortune befell the microbiologist known as Dr. Dan
Burisch, but the work he is doing and the possible ramifications for our future. Even if you only read
the transcripts of Dr B's videotaped affidavit/testament (only partially complete at the moment) plus the
basic replication of the EaglesDisobey website that White Rabbit has posted on her mirror sites, you
should be stunned and shocked by the implications. And now you -- as well as the rest of those that
venture here and make a positive contribution -- might actually have something to do with our
immediate future.

Yes. Read the thread through again and give us your considered opinion on the posts of the
characters "IMINVSBL" and "Peace". The disks that we were all scurrying about to retrieve a couple
weeks ago have been delivered. And our motley ´team´ is analyzing them as we speak. The one thing
they show so far is that, at the very least, they come from within the projects Dan is currently working
on. And Peace would not have joined the discussion and offered fairly recent Interrogatories from Dan
if this thread was just another hangout for pseudo-spies and X-File fans. I'd actually like to hear your
take on these two, and what they represent.

P.S. j alien, thanks for the link on harmonic oscillations ... good site.

(250) man 47 11/12/2003 12:11 am EST

The Doctine of Convergent Timelines Paradox (D.C.T.P.)

… implies some dark, doomed, inevitable, parallel world that exists and then vanishes as it
converges. What this is, I don't really know.

But what did occur to me at the beginning of this event is that if J-rod traveled back in time to seek a
cure for his race's disease, then if he was successful he would not have traveled back in time to seek a
cure. Assuming that the cure was applied to humanity in the present in order to provide the cure to the
future species. There's the paradox.

The paradox can be avoided if the cure was supplied only to the future species, by placing the
cure in a time machine or in a safe locker to transport it to the future species for their salvation.

Other supposed "time travelers" say that there cannot be a timeline paradox. So do whatever you

That either means that J-rod is totally futile in seeking the cure in the past, (exception noted) or that
multiple isolated universes can exist, or that the impossibility of a paradox prevents any eventual
avoidance of the closure of a paradoxical loop.

I'm speculating here. I do think multiple isolated universes can exist, much as multiple branches of a
large river can exist with whirl-pools in some places, are parallel isolated worlds. The whole stream
moves in the same general channel and direction. By whatever means you can make a small change in
the flow, but not the whole river can change direction by a single small effort.

Time travel is more feasible and more complicated than I had imagined.

(251) Harrdrawk 11/12/2003 12:34 am EST

Good show there, Dondep! Guess you already have my take on IMINVSBL and Peace, so we won't
waste any minutes on that thought. I would like to say that you have managed to keep the flow and

theme of this thread in the cliffhanger state of being. I am going over the downloaded stuff from WR
and it is much to read, consuming lots of time I don´t have (job, family … you know..)

Is there anyone besides yourself that is organizing this story to Harrdcover yet? I know we're still
writing the story here. But something like what Nancy has on Zeta Talk website, you know, with the
front page and the articles of interest highlighted in blue to <click> on sorta thing. Some of this stuff is
way over-my-head, as it is I'm sure for others checking in and trying to follow along. A website may
not be the answer yet, as this is not Zetatalk or anything needed to preserve the element of doubt. It's
Heartspeak. Real fluff and muse that is undeniable. I can hardly access this site in the daytime as my
computer is old and phone lines are all I've got. If the traffic here picks up -- as I'm sure it will -- some
may get discouraged. Anyway, I'm just trying to think ahead . There is a story about Life here. One
that's not gonna die. Thanks to Human and Rense and the like-hearted.

Starryeyes--> In regards to your query, I have to say I noticed your first post was something about
sensing the ilk of one Basdastro, whom I assume to be the Nancy Basher Phil Plaitt? Then next breath
(uhh, I mean next <click>) it's hey Harrdrawk. Did you under go a recent name change? Maybe it's just
that the two posts came one after the other and I am mistaken. Care to elaborate on anything?

(252) greggus unlogged 11/12/2003 1:02 am EST

"In answer to the location of the TauIX, it is to be held in the American southwest, under
pressure from the Majestic 12. It's original final location, after the March 2003 session in the
American southwest (that was attended by J and his accomplice Danny) was to be Jerusalem,

We are limited by timeline as to further replies at this time, so must apologize in advance. "

... Lying sacks of human horseshit .Lhasa defaulted to Jerusalem which defaulted to San Diego … the
Islands of San Diego, if the group to whom you refer get their personal ways ... but be just. And fear not.

(253) Harrdrawk 11/12/2003 1:24 am EST

Just wanted to comment on Man 47´s thoughts …

Good post! (Keep me scratching my head.) Maybe only the CURE (now would that include the
Lotus, the Ganesh Particle, or the hybrid and his family?) for the JRods is the only thing that's GOING
to be sent back to the future? (Presuming they have a way to GET back)

There was mention about a ´being of light´ that is still in attendance, the Men In Black, sentient
beings, etc. Lots of ordinary people (Feds, elite, military, etc) all obviously "in the know" as well.
Surely all these Earthbound entities understand the situation at hand and have been briefed on the Big
Survival game plan! Maybe it's not fear that keeps so many quiet but the idea that there is only so much
room in the Ark. (As in Noah´s) (Stargate, Bunkers, whatever..) Paradox? Or paradigm?

Okay, so I´ll ask: Is there a ONE among the followers of this thread -- who might be reading this --
who dares disclose the "Plan of Escape" )or survival) as it was explained/offered to you? Details and
specifics not required. We can fill in the blanks. That's what the A/C moniker is for. Thanks in

(254) dondep 11/12/2003 1:29 am EST

Greggus, could the TauIX (T9) scheduled meeting be the same as the much-ballyhooed conference
spoken of earlier? Surely it can't be that this is because "Dan and the Missus" recommend the local
soup-and-salad bar? Not to make light of it, but are these meetings where the "Other" side (the selfish
ones manipulating things with the C.o.t.M.) discuss strategy with their earthly elitist minions?

(255) greggus 11/12/2003 1:34 am EST

I would call that an ´educated´ guess, Dondep. No position to confirm, for those who insist on
physical presence for "confirmation".

(256) Anonymous Coward 11/12/2003 1:40 am EST

I have been reading this thread on and off for days now. I haven't posted anything because there was
nothing that I felt I could contribute. I have something to say and it may have absolutely no baring on
the theme here whatsoever. But I will share it because it has been nagging at me.

Sometimes I get what I call visitations -- not very often -- sometimes benevolent and sometimes
malevolent. A few years ago I was shown (told) that because of something that the government did that
went wrong, no one would be able to reproduce for 4 generations. I was weeping because I knew that if
that happened, then life for humans would be no more and yet they said '4' as if to subtly suggest that
there was a fifth.

I was given this answer "Do not worry because God ..." They did not say because of God just
because God. I was also told to remember the number 33 (I do not know why). I don't always listen to
these visitors as I am always suspect of intent.

I am writing this because 318 posted about viruses.

There is something in this statement that upsets me very much and made me think of the warning I
was given. If this makes no sense or doesn't mean anything to anyone here, please except my apologies I
just couldn't sleep with this on my mind.

A big 'Thank You' for the great posts here!

(257) dondep 11/12/2003 1:53 am EST

Thanks for sharing that with us, AC. It was a good thing for us all to hear that, and I'm sure by now
you may know how the ´33´ fits in.
Also to Harrdrawk -- this isn't the kind of info to become an institution which even Zetatalk
wouldn't be what it is if it only had a short life-span to make its effect known. We're being drawn into a
Big Picture that we can contribute to. But the minute it becomes incorporated, the "centralizing power"
spoken of in the following snippet becomes manifest.

I found this at a link from another thread -- making the rounds recently -- and I never really bothered
to read it until now. I think it's quite relevant and speaks exactly to what we're engaged in here on this
thread. Here's a condensed copy/paste with the link at the end:

"Why aren‟t we visible ? At certain stages of evolution, cosmic "humanities" discover

new forms of science beyond the apparent control of matter. Structured dematerialization
and materialization are part of them. This is what your humanity has reached in a few
laboratories, in close collaboration with other "extraterrestrial" creatures at the cost of
hazardous compromises that remain purposely hidden from you by some of your

For negative multidimensional beings that play a part in the exercise of power in the
shadow of human oligarchy, discretion is motivated by their will to keep their existence and
seizure unknown. For us, discretion is motivated by the respect of the human free will that
people can exercise to manage their own affairs so that they can reach technical and spiritual
maturity on their own.……….

Who is the "third party?" There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with another
civilization: via its standing representatives or directly with individuals without distinction.
The first way entails fights of interests. The second way brings awareness. The first way was
chosen by a group of races motivated by keeping mankind in slavery, thereby controlling
Earth resources, the gene pool and human emotional energy. The second way was chosen by
a group of races allied with the cause of the spirit of service.

We have, at our end, subscribed to this disinterested cause and introduced ourselves a few
years ago to representatives of the human power who refused our outstretched hand on the
pretext of incompatible interests with their strategic vision. That is why today individuals are
to make this choice by themselves without any representative interfering. What we proposed
in the past to those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to your happiness, we
propose it now to you!.......

Most of you aren‟t aware that non-human creatures took part in the exercise of those
centralizing powers without being suspected or accessible to your senses. This is so true that
they have almost very subtly taken control. They do not necessarily agree with your material
plan, and that is precisely what could make them extremely efficient and frightening in the
near future. However, be aware that a large number of your representatives are fighting this
danger. Be aware that not all abductions are made against you.

It is difficult to recognize the truth. How could you under such conditions exercise your
free will when it is so much manipulated? What are you really free of ? . What is your
situation? Except for rare occasions, our interventions always had very little incidence on
your capacity to make collective and individual decisions about your own future. This is
motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychological mechanisms.

We reached the conclusion that freedom is built every day as a being becomes aware of
himself and of his environment, getting progressively rid of constraints and inertia. Despite
the numerous, brave and willing human consciences, this inertia is artificially maintained for
the profit of a growing centralizing power. Until recently, mankind lived a satisfying control
of its decisions. But it is losing more and more the control of its own fate because of the
growing use of advanced technologies, which have lethal consequences on the earthly and
human ecosystems that will become irreversible. You are slowly but surely losing your
extraordinary capacity to make life desirable. Your resilience will artificially decrease,
independently of your own will. Such technologies exist that affect your body as well as your
mind. Such plans are on the way.

This can change as long as you keep this creative power in you, even if it cohabits with the
dark intentions of your potential lords. This is the reason why we remain invisible. This
individual power is doomed to vanish should a collective reaction of great magnitude not
happen. The period to come is that of rupture, whichever it may be. But should you wait for
the last moment to find solutions ?"


(258) greggus 11/12/2003 2:00 am EST

Like the little girl said, "I am part them."

(259) dondep 11/12/2003 2:36 am EST

Okay, I think it's time to weigh in with some observations of the interactions with Peace and
IMINVSBL. I haven't yet had an opportunity to see the video clip on the disk -- courtesy of the unseen
one -- but from the images that I have seen the one conclusion I can make is that the images came from
someone connected to the projects that Dan is/was working on.

Some of the images are from SOHO or the Hubble or other images that can be found on other sites.
Some, however, are truly of the Ganesh … or what was purported to be the Ganesh from the initial
project. (They need to be put into context, too; every picture tells a chapter of a story.) They still don't
prove that IMINVSBL isn´t -- say -- BJ Wolf or even Dr B (I'll explain later; it isn't probable, though).

Then, I was asked about the video. What could be more bizarre than a half-man, half-animal, like
they could've had at Dulce? What could possibly be more convincing? Another question was, How do
we know this is a Ganesh Particle and not a Photoshop creation? I asked what if this is a snip from the
long-famous Crucifixion video supposedly shown to our ´hidden hand´ rulers by our ET acquaintances
back in the ´50s and later? What if it is a clip from the holographic Yellow Book of our planet's

Would that we would be so lucky! I am "prepared to be amazed" but suspending both belief or
disbelief until we can see them. I do think that is a possibility. However, when Peace made his appeal,
he did so with courtesy and deserves a fair hearing, too. Peace obviously has had recent contact with
Dan and was able to show us one of the few things we can determine actually came from the hand of
Dan..... Interrogatories. Actually, without going into them specifically at this moment, since my post-
time window is about to expire, I'll be back shortly....

I am troubled though by the ´light being´ that "talks to Danny and tells him things that are not in our
best future". Could this be an 'angel' or a 'fallen angel'? Or is that whole language where we are having
our problem? Isn't that what Dan said he learned about the future division of mankind? I don't think
these are rhetorical questions, because one only has to look at Trained for This and the response he has
had. It's a message that resonates with a broad swath of American society. Still pondering....

Dr B's Interrogatories seemed quite a bit "wordy" (hah, here's the pot), containing his widely-
recognized pithy verbiage which can be boiled down to a few key concepts. My first impression is that
he is being 'dutiful' when writing them. Peace, can you arrange for Dr B to speak to us all, here on the
thread? Is he free to do so? Can he walk [er, type] in the light, so to speak? It shouldn't be an
imposition, really. It doesn't mean we would go quietly away, of course, but it would go a long way to
understanding at least what his majestic handlers want him to profess. Of course, it's true he could still
have a gun in his back as he sat at the keyboard, but I bet many of us would pick up on whether he was
being "official" or truthful. What do you say?

… continued on …

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