21st World Literature

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English Literature Old English Literature (600 - 1100)

Old English, the earliest form of the English

language, was spoken by the Anglo-Saxons, a
Objectives Germanic tribe living in Britain during the fifth
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: century. One significant work written in Old
English is Beowulf, the longest epic poem in Old
 name some well-known English writers English. It is known for its use of kennings,
and their works as well as the body of which are phrases or compound words used to
English literature to which they belong; name persons, places, and things indirectly.
 analyze a few selected literary works Middle English Literature (1100 - 1500)
representative of English literature. Middle English is a blend Old English and
Norman French, the French dialect spoken by
Who are some of the important writers in the the Normans (people of Normandy). The
English literature? Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, the
Why are they important? father of English literature, is a fine example of
What literary forms are prominent in English literature written in Middle English.
Elizabethan Literature (1558 - 1603)
Let’s Review!
The Elizabethan period is the golden age of
English literature. Also, it is the golden age of
 Epic poem - This is a long narrative drama. Known as the “Bard of Avon,” William
poem usually about a hero and his Shakespeare wrote his plays during the period.
deeds. A well-known example is Beowulf. His best plays include Hamlet, King Lear,
 Sonnet - This poem has fourteen lines Macbeth, Othello, and The Merchant of Venice.
that follow a rhyme scheme. A well- Also, he wrote 154 sonnets, many of which are
known example is Sonnet 18 of William the best loved and the most widely-read poems
Shakespeare. It starts with the famous in the English literature.
line, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s
day?” The Romantic Period (1800 - 1837)
 Drama - This piece of writing tells a story This period is the golden age of lyric poetry.
through dialogue, and it is performed on Poetry became the expression of the poet’s
stage. A well-known example is The personal feelings and emotions. A few notable
Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar works of poetry of the period are Songs of
Wilde. Innocence and of Experience by William
 Novel - This is a long prose narrative Blake, Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth
usually about fictional characters and and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Eve of St.
events, which are told in a particular Agnes, and Other Poems by John Keats, “Don
sequence. Juan” by Lord Byron, and “Ode to the West
Wind” by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
English literature is one of the richest, most
developed, and most important bodies of The Victorian Period (1837 - 1900)
literature in the world. It encompasses both
The period saw the rise of the novel. Charles
written and spoken works by writers from the
Dickens, considered to be the greatest English
United Kingdom.
novelist of the 19th century, wrote Great
Expectations. This novel was published as a
serial in a weekly periodical from December
1860 to August 1861.
21st Century Literature from the World Page 1
Alfred Lord Tennyson and Robert Browning American Literature
each wrote fine poetry during the period.
Tennyson’s In Memoriam A.H.H. is a requiem
for his friend Arthur Henry Hallam. It is widely
considered to be one of the great poems of the Objectives
19th century. Browning, who is known for his
dramatic monologues, wrote the famous poem At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
“My Last Duchess.” In a dramatic monologue,
the poet addresses an audience through an  name some well-known American writers
assumed voice. of the 19th and 20th centuries and their
works; and
Oscar Wilde is the best dramatist of the period.  analyze a few selected literary works
He wrote the masterpiece The Importance of representative of American Literature.
Being Earnest.
Who are some of the important American writers
Twentieth Century (1900 - 2000) during the 19th and 20th centuries?
William Butler Yeats and Thomas Stearns Eliot Why are they important?
wrote Modernist poems during the period. Yeats What literary forms are prominent in American
wrote The Tower, The Winding Stair, and New literature?
Poems, all of which are known to have potent
images. Eliot’s masterpieces are “The Love Learn about it!
Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and “The Waste
Land.” American literature refers to all works of
literature in English produced in the United
Virginia Woolf in her story Mrs. Dalloway and States.
James Joyce in his work Ulysses use stream of
consciousness, a literary technique in which the The 19th Century
flow of thoughts of a character is described in  William Cullen Bryant (1794 - 1878)
words. became famous for “Thanatopsis” (1817).
This poem marked a new beginning for
American poetry.
Summary  Washington Irving (1783 - 1859) was
known for “Rip Van Winkle” and “The
English literature is a very large body of Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” the first
diverse literature that encompasses works by American short stories. They were part of
writers from the United Kingdom. his work The Sketch Book, the first
American work to become successful
 Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849) became
famous for his macabre stories like “The
Fall of the House of Usher” (1839) and
“The Cask of Amontillado” (1846). Also,
he wrote “The Murders in the Rue
Morgue” (1841), the first detective story,
and the poem “Raven” (1845), with which
he achieved instant fame.

21st Century Literature from the World Page 2

 Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 - 1864) “The Short Happy Life of Francis
became known for his symbolical tales Macomber” (1936).
like “The Hollow of the Three Hills” (1830)  Allen Ginsberg (1926 - 1997) was known
and “Young Goodman Brown” (1835). for his work “Howl” (1956), a poem with
Also, he wrote the gothic romance The incantatory rhythms and raw emotion. He
Scarlet Letter (1850). was one of the Beat poets, who aimed to
 Walt Whitman (1819 - 1892) became bring poetry back to the streets.
well-known for Leaves of Grass, first  Anne Sexton (1928 - 1974) became
published in 1855. In this poetry known for her confessional poetry, a kind
collection, Whitman showed the of poetry that deals with the private
experiences of the common man. experiences of the speaker. Her
 Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886) wrote odd work Live or Die(1966) won a Pulitzer
poems. She mostly used the imperfect Prize.
rhyme and avoided regular rhythms. A
collection of her poems, Poems by Emily Summary
Dickinson, came out in 1890.
American literature is a rich body of literature.
The 20th Century It refers to all works of literature in English
 Robert Frost (1874 - 1963) wrote poems published in the United States, which has
with traditional stanzas and a blank produced many great writers through the
verse, a verse in iambic pentameter with centuries.
no rhyme. His poems portray ordinary
people in everyday situations like European Literature
“Mending Wall,” "The Road Not Taken,"
and “After Apple-Picking,” both of which Objectives
were published in 1914.
 E. E. cummings (1894 - 1962) was known At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
for his unconventional punctuation and
phrasing. His poems were compiled  name some writers and their literary
in Complete Poems (1968). works under European Literature, and
 Ezra Pound (1885 - 1972) was a leader  analyze a few selected literary works
of the Imagists, who emphasized the use representative of the literature it belongs.
of direct and sparse language and
precise images in writing poetry. Two of What are some literary pieces included in
his works are Ripostes (1912) European Literature?
and Lustra (1916). Who are some of the major writers in each
 Sherwood Anderson (1876 - 1941) wrote literature?
prose using everyday speech. His best What important works did they produce?
works appeared in Winesburg,
Ohio (1919) and Death in the Learn about it!
Woods (1933).
 Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961) was European Literature, also called Western
known for his succinct writing, which was Literature, refers to literature in the Indo-
widely imitated. His writing was very European languages including Latin, Greek, the
straightforward and objective - not Romance languages, and Russian. It is
verbose and sentimental. Two of his considered as the largest body of literature in
finest stories are “The Killers” (1927) and the world.

21st Century Literature from the World Page 3

Latin Literature  Miguel de Cervantes was known for his
novel Don Quixote, one of the most
 Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BCE–43 widely read works of Western Literature.
BCE) was the greatest Roman orator. Its titular character’s name is the origin of
The first part of the Golden Age of Latin the word “quixotic,” meaning hopeful or
Literature (70 BC–AD 18) is named after romantic in a way that is not practical.
him, the Ciceronian period (70–43 BC).  Lope de Vega, an outstanding dramatist,
Using Latin as a literary medium, he was wrote as many as 1800 plays during his
able to express abstract and complicated lifetime, including cloak and sword
thoughts clearly in his speeches. One of drama, which are plays of upper middle
his well-known speeches is Pro class manners and intrigue.
 Virgil (70 BCE–19 BCE), the greatest French Literature
Roman poet, was known for Aeneid, an
epic poem. He wrote it during the  Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880), a
Augustan Age (43 BC–AD 18), the novelist, was a major influence on the
second part of the Golden Age. realist school. His masterpiece, Madame
Bovary (1857), marked the beginning of
Greek Literature a new age of realism.
 Guy de Maupassant (1850–1893) is
 Homer is known for the The Iliad and considered as the greatest French short
the The Odyssey. These epics are about story writer. A Naturalist, he wrote
the heroic achievements of Achilles and objective stories which present a real
Odysseus, respectively. “slice of life.”
 Sophocles (496 BC–406 BC) was a
tragic playwright. He was known Russian Literature
for Oedipus the King, which marks the
highest level of achievement of Greek  Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) is known for
drama. his novels War and Peace (1865–1869)
and Anna Karenina (1875–1877). A
Italian Literature master of realistic fiction, he is
considered as one of the world’s greatest
 Francesco Petrarca, or Petrarch (1304– novelists.
1374) perfected the Italian sonnet, a  Anton Chekhov (1860–1904) is a master
major influence on European poetry. of the modern short story and a Russian
Written in the vernacular, his sonnets playwright. His works such as, "The Bet"
were published in the Canzoniere. and "The Misfortune" reveal his clinical
 Giovanni Boccaccio (1313–1375) is approach to ordinary life.
known for Decameron, a classic Italian
masterpiece. The stories were written in Summary
the vernacular.
European Literature refers to literatures in the
Spanish Literature Indo-European languages. It is considered as
the largest body of literature in the world.
 Two well-known Spanish writers of Siglo
De Oro (1500–1681) are Miguel de
Cervantes (1547–1616) and Lope de
Vega (1562–1635).

21st Century Literature from the World Page 4

Latin American Literature  Surrealism, an art form that combines
unrelated images or events in a very
strange and dreamlike way, became a
Objectives major influence in Latin American
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Literature throughout the 20th century.
 Pablo Neruda (1904–1973), a Chilean
 name some well-known Latin American poet, wrote Residence on Earth (1933),
writers of the 20th century and their a collection of poetry inspired by
works, and surrealism.
 analyze two selected literary works  Octavio Paz (1914–1998), a Mexican
representative of the period. poet, wrote poems with surrealist
imagery. His major works were published
What is Latin American literature?  in Freedom Under Parole (1960).
Who are some well-known Latin American  Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986) was
writers of the 20th Century and what did they known for his fantastic stories, published
write? later as a collection
entitled Ficciones (1944).
Latin American Literature  Alejo Carpentier (1904–1980), a Cuban
writer, wrote The Kingdom of This
Latin American Literature refers to all works of World(1949), a novel of the magic
literature in Latin American countries like Chile, realism genre, in which elements of
Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, Colombia, fantasy or myth are included matter-of-
and Peru. factly in seemingly realistic fiction.
 Miguel Angel Asturias (1899–1974), a
The Vanguardia Guatemalan writer, wrote the novel The
 The Vanguardia (avant-garde in English) President (1946). This novel along with
took place in Latin America between Carpentier’s novel introduced magic
approximately 1916 and 1935. It realism.
collectively referred to different literary The Boom Novels
movements. Four of those were the These were essentially modernist novels, which
following: appeared in the second half of the 20th century.
o Creacionismo, founded by Vicente They had features that were different or absent
Huidobro (1893–1948), a Chilean from the works of the regionalist writers of the
poet, in 1916 past. (Regionalist writers were those that used
o Ultraismo, introduced to South local color, which refers to interesting
America by Jorge Luis information about a particular place or its
Borges (1899–1986), an people.)
Argentine writer, in 1921
o Estridentismo, founded in Mexico The boom novels were the following:
City by Manuel Maples
Arce (1898–1981), a Mexican  The Death of Artemio Cruz (1962)
writer, in 1921 by Carlos Fuentes (1928–2012), a
o Surrealism, which is said to have Mexican writer
started in Argentina when the  Hopscotch (1963) by Julio
Argentinian poet Aldo Cortazar (1914–1984), an Argentine
Pellegrini (1903–1973) launched fictionist
the first Surrealist magazine in  The Time of the Hero (1963) by Mario
1928 Vargas Llosa, a Peruvian writer
21st Century Literature from the World Page 5
 One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) Chinese Literature
by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1927–
2014), a Colombian fictionist  This body of works is in Chinese. It has
more than 50 000 published works in a
wide range of topics.
“Post-Boom” Writers  Du Fu (712–770) is considered as
These writers included a host of women who China’s greatest poet. He was known for
published works in the last twenty years of the his works of lüshi. A lüshi has eight lines,
20th century. Three of them were Isabel each of which has five or seven syllables
Allende, a Chilean writer who wrote The House following a strict tonal pattern. It became
of Spirits (1982); Diamela Eltit, a Chilean widely popular during the Tang Dynasty
writer who wrote E. Luminata(1983); and Luisa (618–907 CE), the golden age of art and
Valenzuela, an Argentine writer who literature in Chinese history.
wrote Black Novel with Argentines (1990).  Li Bai (701–762), also called Li Po,
rivaled Du Fu for the title of China’s
Summary greatest poet. Unlike Du Fu, he wrote
less formal verse forms. A famous
Latin American Literature refers to all works of drinker, he frequently celebrated drinking
literature in Latin American countries. The 20th in his poetry.
century saw some of its best writers.
Japanese Literature

Asian Literature  This body of works is mostly in Japanese,

except the early writings which were
written in Chinese.
Objectives  Kakinomoto Hitomaro, Japan’s first
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: literary figure, was known for his works of
tanka and chōka. The tanka, the basic
 name some major works and their writers form of Japanese poetry, has five lines in
in three major national literatures of Asian five-seven-five-seven-seven syllable
literature, namely, Chinese, Japanese, pattern. On the other hand, the chōka has
and Indian, and alternating lines of five and seven
 analyze a few selected literary works syllables and ends with an extra line of
representative of the literature it belongs. seven syllables. Having no definite
length, it can have from seven lines to
What is Asian literature? 150. Hitomaro’s works were included
What are some of the major works in Chinese, in Man’yōshū, the oldest anthology of
Japanese, and Indian literatures and who wrote Japanese poetry which was produced
them? during the Nara Period (710–784).
 Matsuo Bashō (1644–1694) was
Learn about it! regarded as the supreme haiku poet.
Emerged from the early Tokugawa period
Asian literature refers to the body of literature (1603–1770), the haiku is composed of
produced in the countries in Asia. three lines with five-seven-five syllable
pattern. It originated from the hokku, the
first three lines of a renga, a poem
usually with a hundred linked verses.
Bashō’s verses appear with his travel
21st Century Literature from the World Page 6
accounts like The Narrow Road to the Learn about it!
Deep North (1694).
In this lesson, you will learn about some well-
Indian Literature known African writers in English and their works.

 This body of works is produced in India in African Literature

a variety of vernacular languages like
Sanskrit, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, and Urdu. The literary works of African writers in English
 The Mahabharata is an Indian epic are part of the African literature. This body of
written in Sanskrit. It is the longest poem works refers to the ones not only produced in
in history with about 100 000 couplets. It Afro-Asiatic and African languages, but also to
is traditionally ascribed to an Indian sage those works by Africans in English, French, and
named Vyasa. The Hindus regard the other European languages.
epic as both a text about dharma (the
Hindu moral law) and a history. A few of the common themes in the works of
Bhagavadgītā, the most celebrated of its African writers are the oppression of African
episodes, gives spiritual guidance. people by the colonizers, the European
 The Ramayana is another Indian epic in influences on the native African culture, racial
Sanskrit. The sage Valmiki was discrimination, and pride in African past and
traditionally regarded as its author. It is resilience.
shorter than Mahabharata, with some 24
000 couplets. Chinua Achebe (1930–2013) – This Nigerian
 The Panchatantra is a collection of writer was known for his novel Things Fall
Indian animal fables. Originally written in Apart (1958), considered as the best known
Sanskrit, it is a mixture of prose and African novel of the 20th century. It deals with
verse. The stories are attributed to emergent Africa, where native communities, like
Vishnusharman, a learned Brahmin. Achebe’s Igbo community, came in contact with
white missionaries and its colonizers. The novel
Summary is the first in sometimes called The African
Trilogy. It was followed by No Longer at Ease,
Asian literature refers to the body of literature published in 1960, and then Arrow of God in
produced in the countries in Asia, which 1964.
includes the Chinese, Japanese, and Indian
literatures. Wole Soyinka – This Nigerian writer received
the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986, becoming
the first black African to receive such award. As
a playwright, he wrote the satire A Dance of the
African Literature Forests (1963), his first important play that
depicts the traditions of his people, the Yoruba.
It was staged in 1960 during the Nigerian
Objective independence celebrations. Also, he wrote
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to fiction and poetry.
name some well-known African writers in
English and their works. Example
“The Telephone Conversation” by Wole
What is African literature?
Who are some of the African writers in English?
What did they write about?

21st Century Literature from the World Page 7

Wole Soyinka’s poem “The Telephone Sun (2006), and Americanah (2013), all of which
Conversation” first appeared in his collection won awards. The story of Purple Hibiscus is told
Modern Poetry from Africa (1963). As the title through a fifteen-year-old girl named Kambili as
suggests, the poem is about a telephone she together with her family endured domestic
conversation between an African man and a violence in the hands of her father. The story
white woman. Considering to rent the apartment of Half of a Yellow Sun took place during the
owned by the white woman, the African man Nigerian Civil War or Biafran War (1967–1970).
confesses, saying “I hate a wasted journey—I Lastly, Americanah tells the story of a young
am African.” Then as the conversation goes, the Nigerian woman that came to the US to study
woman shows her true colors. She asks, “HOW and to stay for work.
DARK?” then follows it up with another question,
asks again, “ARE YOU DARK? OR VERY “A Private Experience” by Chimamanda
LIGHT?” Then the African man clarifies the Ngozi Adichie
question, saying “You mean—like plain or milk
chocolate?” Then he settles on this response “A Private Experience” is one of the short stories
“West African sepia... Down in my passport.” in the author’s collection The Thing Around Your
Perhaps, out of ignorance, the woman says that Neck published in 2009. It tells the story of two
she does not know the color. To simplify, the women, one named Chika and the other
African man says, “Like brunette.” Confirming unnamed. Chika is an Igbo, one of the largest
what she already thinks about the African man, ethnic groups of Africa, and an outward
the woman says “THAT’S DARK, ISN’T IT?” Christian (she wears a rosary that her mother
Towards the end of the poetry, the African man gave her, but she does not pray or believe in
tries to describe the colors of the different parts God). On the other hand, the unnamed woman
of his body to the woman. The poem ends with is a Hausa, another large African ethnic group,
an invitation from the African man for the white and a devout Muslim. They cross paths during a
woman, saying “Madam . . . wouldn’t you rather/ riot at a market in the city of Kano, northern
see for yourself?” Nigeria. Both confused and scared, they ran
away from the market and hid in a small,
Nadine Gordimer (1923–2014) – This South abandoned store. Stuck together, the two
African writer received the Nobel Prize for women start to talk and eventually learn more
Literature in 1991. She was known for her works things about each other. Chika tells the woman
that dealt with the effects of apartheid on her that her sister Nnedi was with her at the market
country. Apartheid was a system in which and that they are both university students. She
people of color had less political and economic learns that the woman sells onions for a living.
rights than that of the white people, so the The two women become closer when the
former was forced to live separately from the woman shows Chika her breasts with cracked
latter. An ardent opponent of such system, she nipples. Chika, who is studying medicine,
wrote novels that focused on the oppression of examines the breasts and learns that the
nonwhite characters like A World of woman has just had her fifth child. She then
Strangers (1958), The Late Bourgeois advises the woman to rub some lotion on her
World (1966), Burger’s Daughter (1979), nipples after feeding her baby and to put the
and July’s People (1981), all of which were nipple and the areola into the baby’s mouth
banned in her country. while it feeds. The woman’s eldest daughter,
Halima, was at the bus stop selling groundnuts
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – This Nigerian when the confusion began. At the mention of
writer is known for her widely-acclaimed her daughter’s name, the woman cries. As she
novels Purple Hibiscus (2003), Half of a Yellow wipes her tears away, she says, “Allah keep

21st Century Literature from the World Page 8

your sister and Halima in safe place.” After more
than three hours, Chika ventures out into the
street to go home, anxious to see her sister and
her auntie. She leaves the woman and promises
to come back for her and her daughter.
However, when she sees and smells a recently
burned body in the street, she gets terrified and
runs back to the small store, accidentally cutting
her leg. The woman at the store cleans the
wound and wraps it with her scarf. Chika stays
there with the woman until morning when it is
safe to leave the store.

In different parts of the narrative, the narrator
gives a brief glimpse of what happens in the
future. For instance, after Chika shuts the
windows of the small store where she and the
unnamed woman are hiding, the narrator tells
the reader what Chika will find out eventually—
that Chika will see the burned cars and will learn
that the riot started when some Muslims
chopped off an Igbo man’s head for driving over
a Koran with his car. Another instance is that
after Chika mentions her sister’s name to the
woman, the narrator tells the reader what Chika
will later do—that Chika will go to hospital
mortuaries to look for her sister, but she will
never find her.


Literary works by African writers in English like

Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Chimamanda
Adichie, and Nadine Gordimer are part
of African literature, a body of works produced
in Afro-Asiatic and African languages as well as
those made by Africans in English, French, and
other European languages.

21st Century Literature from the World Page 9

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