Magnetism Driven Ferroelectricity Above LN2 Temp in Y2CoMnO6-APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 103, 012903 (2013)

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Magnetism driven ferroelectricity above

liquid nitrogen temperature in Y2CoMnO6

Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 012903 (2013);
Submitted: 28 February 2013 . Accepted: 16 June 2013 . Published Online: 03 July 2013

G. Sharma, J. Saha, S. D. Kaushik, V. Siruguri, and S. Patnaik


The magnetic origin of multiferroic Y2CoMnO6

Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17E119 (2015);

Magnetization-steps in Y2CoMnO6 double perovskite: The role of antisite disorder

Journal of Applied Physics 116, 123907 (2014);

Antisite disorder-induced exchange bias effect in multiferroic Y2CoMnO6

Applied Physics Letters 106, 022407 (2015);

Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 012903 (2013); 103, 012903

© 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 103, 012903 (2013)

Magnetism driven ferroelectricity above liquid nitrogen temperature

in Y2CoMnO6
G. Sharma,1 J. Saha,1 S. D. Kaushik,2 V. Siruguri,2 and S. Patnaik1,a)
School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India
UGC–DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Mumbai Centre, R-5 Shed, BARC, Mumbai 400085, India
(Received 28 February 2013; accepted 16 June 2013; published online 3 July 2013)
We report multiferroic behaviour in double perovskite Y2CoMnO6 with ferroelectric transition
temperature Tc ¼ 80 K. Both X-ray diffraction and neutron scattering data confirm a centro-
symmetric crystal structure of space group P21/n at room temperature. The saturation polarization
and magnetization are estimated to be 65 lC/m2 and 6.2 lB/f.u. respectively. The magneto-
electric coupling parameter, on the other hand, is small as a 5 T field suppresses the electric
polarization by only 8%. The origin of ferroelectricity is associated with magnetic ordering of
Co2þ and Mn4þ moments in ""-## arrangement. A model based on exchange-striction is
proposed to explain the observed high temperature ferroelectricity. VC 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


Magnetic control of electric polarization or electric con- ferromagnetic (La) to complex antiferromagnetic (Lu,Y) cor-
trol of magnetization has long been a challenging problem in relation with varying size of non-transition metal ion or rare
condensed matter physics.1–3 In the recent past, the search earth ions.20 Such magnetic orderings possess frustrated
for materials with such properties has received invigorated Ising spin chains with ""-## spin pattern that are predicted to
interest because of numerous potential applications that have break the spatial inversion symmetry leading to the emer-
been envisaged.4–6 Moreover, with the advent of spin frus- gence of ferroelectricity.14,20
trated multiferroics, where-in ferroelectricity is driven by ex- Polycrystalline samples of Y2CoMnO6 were synthesized
otic magnetic order rather than non-centro-symmetric crystal by the solid state reaction method from the stoichiometric
structure, many novel material systems have come to the mixture of Y2O3, CoO, and MnO2. It was ground and pellet-
fore.7–9 But two major problems remain; the magnitude of ized under pressure of 5 ton. The first sintering was done at
polarization remains exceedingly small and the onset of 1100  C for 20 h. It was then sintered at 1180  C after repeat-
magnetic ordering leading to emergence of polarization ing the procedure.21 The room temperature powder X-ray
remains a low temperature phenomena. To address these diffraction (XRD) pattern was collected in a PANalytical
challenges, double perovskite oxides with general formula X’Pert PRO, and Rietveld refinement was done with the GSAS
A2BB0 O6 are under intense investigation.9–14 For example, a software.22 Neutron diffraction study was carried out on
range of magnetic ordering and the consequent tuning of powder samples using the multi-Position Sensitive Detector
magneto-electric properties have been reported in (PSD) Focusing Crystal Diffractometer (FCD) set up by
Lu2MnCoO6,9 Bi2NiMnO6,12 and Ca3CoMnO6.13,14 The UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research Mumbai
mechanism of multiferroicity in these perovskites is quite Centre at the National Facility for Neutron Beam Research
different compared to frustrated magnets such as TbMnO3,15 (NFNBR), Dhruva reactor, Mumbai (India) at a wavelength
Ni3V2O8,16,17 Bi2Fe4O9,18 and hexagonal YMnO3 (Ref. 19) of 1.48 Å. Neutron diffraction (ND) patterns were recorded
where the spontaneous polarization is achieved by non- at 300 K and 2.7 K. The sample was placed in vanadium cans
collinear ordering of adjacent magnetic moments. The mech- that were directly exposed to neutron beam for room temper-
anism of such improper ferroelectricity relates to spin-orbit ature pattern. For low temperature measurements, vanadium
coupling and is explained by the inverse Dzyaloshinskii- can filled with the powder sample was loaded in a Closed
Moria (DM) interaction.2 On the other hand, magnetostric- Cycle Refrigerator (CCR). The data were analyzed using
tion driven ferroelectricity that can be induced by collinear Rietveld method and the refinement of both crystal and mag-
magnetic ordering is specifically applicable to double perov- netic structures was carried out using the FullProf program.9
skite manganites.1,9,20 Currently, the double perovskites are Pyroelectric current was measured with Keithley 6514 elec-
viewed as promising candidates towards achieving large trometer by warming the sample at a rate of 1 K per min and
magnitude of induced polarization with ordering temperature the polarization was derived by integrating pyroelectric cur-
above 40 K. Towards this end, in this letter, we report syn- rent over time. The poling terminals were sorted for about 10
thesis and characterization of an oxide double perovskite min at the lowest temperature to neutralise spurious charge
Y2CoMnO6 and confirm ferroelectric transition above the accumulation arising out of non-pyroelectric origin before
industrial benchmark of liquid nitrogen temperature. warming the sample. The magnetic property was studied
Manganites with double perovskite structure are theoret- using a Quantum Design Magnetic Property Measurement
ically predicted to be multiferroic systems.20 Here, the System (MPMS) and a Cryogenic Physical Property
ground state of magnetic structure can be tuned from Measurement System (PPMS).
At high temperature, Y2CoMnO6 adopts a monoclinic
a) crystal structure. As elucidated in Figure 1, the Y3þ ions are

0003-6951/2013/103(1)/012903/4/$30.00 103, 012903-1 C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC

012903-2 Sharma et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 012903 (2013)

parameters of Y2CoMnO6, as obtained from the GSAS soft-

ware,22 are given by a ¼ 5.2322(2) Å, b ¼ 5.5901(2) Å,
c ¼ 7.4685(3) Å, a ¼ 90.00 , b ¼ 89.92 (4), and c ¼ 90.00 .
The atomic coordinates, bond lengths, and bond angles are
also estimated from the room temperature XRD and are sum-
marized in Table I. The monoclinic crystal structure of
Y2CoMnO6 contains two distinguishable positions for Co2þ
and Mn4þ and three in-equivalent positions for oxygen
atoms (O1, O2, O3). The bond lengths are estimated to vary
from 2.0404 to 2.0588 Å for Co-O and 1.9134 to 1.9895 Å
for Mn-O, which are slightly larger than the corresponding
case of Lu2CoMnO6. Fig. 2(b) shows the Rietveld refinement
of room temperature ND data of Y2CoMnO6 which is fitted
in the monoclinic P21/n space group and the insert shows its
FIG. 1. The crystal structure of Y2CoMnO6. Co2þ (blue) and Mnþ4 (light comparison with data taken at 2.7 K. ND pattern does not
green) ions are surrounded by oxygen polyhedra. Y3þ and O2 are repre- show the presence of any secondary phase thus confirming
sented as light cyan and red spheres, respectively. The Co-Mn-Co-Mn the phase purity. At 2.7 K, there is an enhancement in the in-
chains along c-axis form ""-## spin arrangement.
tensity of nuclear peak at 22.396 [(1 1 0), (0 0 2)] which is a
located between two consecutive layers each of which is signature of ferromagnetic ordering present in this com-
made up off tilted corner sharing octahedra around Co and pound. We also observed a comparatively weak magnetic
Mn ions. In a sister compound Lu2CoMnO6, it is reported peak at 17.345 , which is not allowed in the P21/n space
that Co2þ and Mn4þ ions form Co-Mn-Co-Mn chains along group. This clearly indicates the presence of both ferro- and
c-axis in an up-up-down-down (""##) ordering.9 Similar antiferromagnetic ordering in the compound that could relate
orderings are also observed in Y2NiMnO6 (Ref. 20) and to emergence of electric polarization. The overall picture
Ca3CoMnO6.13,14 X-ray diffraction data and subsequent that emerges is that while the magnetic structure and order-
Rietveld refinement, as shown in Figure 2(a), confirm that ing would be close to that of Lu2CoMnO6,9 the octahedral
the sample has been synthesized in single phase with mono- distortions would be smaller in the case of Y2CoMnO6 sup-
clinic space group P21/n.11 The room temperature cell porting much higher magnetic transition temperature.10
To ascertain the magnetic properties, DC magnetization
measurements as a function of temperature and field were per-
formed under field cooled (FC) and zero field cooled (ZFC)
protocols. Figure 3 shows magnetic behaviour of Y2CoMnO6
under 0.01 and 0.005 T. ZFC magnetization measurement
indicates a sharp down turn 80 K and the FC and ZFC
curves separate at this temperature. At the lowest temperature,
the FC branch tends towards saturation 0.5 lB under
0.005 T. We note that with higher fields, the temperature
marking the separation of ZFC and FC graphs goes to lower

TABLE I. Structural parameters of Y2CoMnO6.

Atom X Y Z

Y 0.5179(6) 0.5734(2) 0.2496(13)

Co 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000
Mn 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000
O1 0.3841 0.9585 0.2411
O2 0.1971 0.1957 0.0575
O3 0.3228 0.6953 0.0593
Bond Length (Å)

Co-O1 2.0404(1)
Co-O2 2.0348(1)
Co-O3 2.0588(1)
Mn-O1 1.9134(8)
Mn-O2 1.9735(5)
FIG. 2. (a) Room temperature X-ray powder diffraction pattern of Mn-O3 1.9895(6)
Y2CoMnO6 and the Rietveld refinement profile. Observed (o), calculated Bond Angle (Degree)
(red line), background (green line), difference (blue line) are shown along
with Bragg position (|). Monoclinic crystal structure in space group P21/n is Co-O1-Mn 141.6(2)
confirmed. (b) Neutron diffraction pattern at 300 K. Inset compares neutron Co-O2-Mn 145.5(1)
data at 2.7 K (blue line) and 300 K (black line). A peak at 17.345 relates to Co-O3-Mn 142.0(1)
antiferromagnetic ordering that is not allowed under P21/n symmetry.
012903-3 Sharma et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 012903 (2013)

FIG. 3. Magnetization versus temperature at 0.005 T (*) and 0.01 T (o) FIG. 4. Electrical polarization is plotted as function of temperature in the
measured under FC and ZFC protocol. Inset (a) shows v1 versus tempera- presence of 0 and 5 T external field (poling field ¼ 1.5 kV/cm). Inset (a)
ture with Curie-Weiss fitting. Inset (b) shows ac susceptibility measurement shows measured pyroelectric current as a function of temperature. Inset (b)
at 7, 77, and 777 Hz. Frequency dependent behaviour is observed below shows polarization as a function of temperature for different poling fields
transition temperature. (1.5, 1.2, 0.8, 0.4, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.5 kV/cm). Polarization reversal
under negative poling field is confirmed. Inset (c) shows change in pyroelec-
temperatures and the saturation moment increases. The tric current direction as a function of time when temperature is cycled over
61 K. This confirms genuine ferroelectricity in the compound.
inverse of susceptibility (v1 ¼ (T-h)/C) as plotted in the inset
a (Figure 3) yields Curie-Weiss constant C ¼ 4.89 emu Following the method suggested by Lubomirsky and
Oe1 mole1 K1 and h ¼ 83 K. The positive Curie-Weiss Stafsudd,23 we have measured pyroelectric current as a func-
temperature indicates long range canted-spin correlation and tion of time while cycling the temperature within a short
the extrapolated effective moment of 6.2 lB is close to the the- range (31 6 1 K). We observe change in current direction
oretical value corresponding to one Co2þ (S ¼ 3/2) and one with temperature cycling. We also verified that the pyroelec-
Mn4þ (S ¼ 3/2) per formula unit. Though not shown here, tric data sets retrace one another in the low temperature fer-
hysteresis plots with coercivity 2 T (at 5 K) were obtained roelectric phase without subsequent re-poling. These results
that exhibited unsaturated moment of 3.5 lB per formula are consistent with permanent dipolar activity and that the
unit up to 7 T. In the lower inset of Figure 3, we show AC sus- pyroelectric current is not due to erroneous factors such as
ceptibility measurement as a function of temperature at 7 Hz, mobile charged defects or thermally stimulated current. We
77 Hz, and 777 Hz. A long range magnetic ordering is clearly want to emphasize that the electrical resistivity of the speci-
demarcated around 80 K below which frequency dependent men showed highly resistive behaviour, particularly at low
characteristics is observed. Such behaviour has been assigned temperatures. The measured resistivity at 100 K is 1 GX m
to slow dynamics of domain wall movement between "" and which is comparable to best sintered ceramics of BiFeO3
## ferromagnetic domains.9 The domain wall slides are effec- around room temperature. It is to be noted that our sample is
tive means to control the electric polarization as a function of polycrystalline and the measured saturation polarization
magnetic field involving magneto-striction.1,9 would be somewhat average of polarization across various
We next discuss the ferroelectric properties of crystal axes.
Y2CoMnO6. For the measurement of electrical polarization While a comprehensive understanding of the magneti-
P, the sample was poled from 150 K to 2 K under electric cally driven high temperature ferroelectricity in Y2CoMnO6
field (E ¼ 1.5 kV/cm). In Figure 4, we plot the electric polar- would demand a detailed in-field neutron scattering analysis,
ization as a function of temperature and magnetic field. A ro- in the following, we propose a qualitative model based on
bust polarization is confirmed below the magnetic transition our data. In Lu2CoMnO6 whose crystal structure is identical
80 K with saturation value of polarization 65 lC/m2 at zero to Y2CoMnO6, the emergence of ferroelectricity is assigned
external magnetic field which is comparable to the values to ferromagnetic domain boundary between alternating Co
reported in Ca3CoMnO6 (Tc  14 K).13,14 We also observe and Mn layers along c-axis. From the magnetic structure
that in the presence of 5 T external field, the saturation polar- point of view, Y2CoMnO6 is similar to Lu2MnCoO6,9 but
ization decreases to 60 lC/m2. Inset (a) (Figure 4) shows larger atomic radii of Y yields to stronger magnetic interac-
the actual pyroelectric current data in warming cycle after tion. As in the case with Ca3CoMnO6, it is now established
the specimen was poled. Although not shown, the anomaly that such ""-## arrangement of Co2þ and Mn4þ along c-axis
in dielectric constant and tan d across the magnetic phase can lead to symmetry lowering atomic displacements along
transition was also confirmed. In inset 4(b), we show the c-axis with in-equivalent Co-Mn bonds between alternate
polarization as a function of temperature for different poling pairs. Such non-centrosymmetric structural distortions due to
fields varying in steps from 1.5 kV/cm to 1.5 kV/cm. A exchange striction are the microscopic cause of ferroelectric-
clear reversal of polarization is confirmed for an applied neg- ity in otherwise centro-symmetric monoclinic crystal of
ative field confirming ferroelectricity in the compound. To Y2CoMnO6. A simplistic magneto-striction model in our
rule out extraneous possibilities, in inset 4(c), we provide case would mean that the domain boundaries between adja-
more evidence for genuine ferroelectricity in the compound. cent Co-Mn layers (along c-axis) would sustain a
012903-4 Sharma et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 012903 (2013)

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