Soal P 12 Tryout 1 After

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JAM 07.00 – 09.00 WIB

(120 MENIT)


(PAKET 12)




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Jenjang : SMK


Bulan : DESEMBER 2012

Waktu : 07.00 – 09.00


1. Isikan identitas anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban (LJUN) yang tersedia dengan
menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai dengan LJUN
2. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada LJUN
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya, pastikan setiap lembar
soal memiliki nomer paket yang sama dengan nomer paket yang tertera pada cover
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian jika terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak
dan tidak lengkap
5. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tersebut
6. Jumlah soal 15 butir soal listening dan 35 soal reading, pada setiap butir soal
terdapat 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban
7. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, jika diperlukan
8. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu
hitung lainnya
9. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian
10. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicorat-coret



In the Listening Test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The
entire listening test will last approximately 30 minutes. You must mark your answers on a separate


Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book.
When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in
the picture. Then, find the number of the question on your answer sheet, and mark your answer. The
statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only two times. Look at the example
item below:

Now listen to the four statements : “………………

Statement (C) “They are standing near the table ,” is the best description of the picture. So, you should
select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet. Now Part I will begin.

Number 1


Number 2

Number 3


Directions: You will hear a question or a statement and three responses spoken in English They will not
be printed in your test book, and will be spoken two times. Select the best responses to the question or
statement and mark the letter (A), (B) or (C) on your answer sheet. For the example:

You will hear : ‘…………………………………’

You will also hear : ‘…………………………………’

The best response to the question : ‘Where’s the meeting room?’ is choice (B) : ‘It’s the first room on
the right.’ So (B) is the correct answer, you should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. Now part 1
will begin.


4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
Part III :

Directions : In this part of the test, you will hear short conversations between two people.
The conversation will not be printed in your test book. So you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say. In your test book, you will read a question about each
conversation. The questions will be followed by four answers. You are to choose the best
answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. Now let us begin part three.

8. What will the man do? 10. What does the lady always forget to do?
A. Move to another city A. Bring an umbrella
B. Find another job. B. Borrow an umbrella
C. Take care of his mother. C. Remind her friend about the
D. Get away from his family weather
D. Avoid getting wet.
9. Which of the following is TRUE about
the unit? 11. Who is talking to the customer on the
A. It’s cheaper phone?
B. It’s heavier A. Soon Hee Kim
C. It has better sound B. The receptionist
D. It’s not on sale C. Ms. Wagner
D. An operator

Part IV

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer
two questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Question number 12 and 13 refer to the following announcement.

12. Why was the train delayed? 13. How long was the train delayed?
A. There was a rapid service to Boston A. 15 minutes
B. There was a mechanical problem B. 30 minutes.
C. There was a sudden arriving of a C. 60 minutes
train D. 90 minutes.
D. There was a change on platform 105

Question number 14 and 15 refer to the following announcement.

14. What does Ms. Valmont do? 15.What will be presented before the talk?
A. A journalist A. An interview.
B. A radio announcer B. A weather forecast.
C. A reporter C. The election result.
D. A politician D. A newspaper review

This is the end of the listening section.


Reading section

Questions 16 – 30 are incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (a), (b), (c),
and (d) are given beneath each dialogue. You have to choose the one that best complete the
16. Child : Look ! My friends are playing outdoors in the rain, …?
Mother : No. I won’t allow you to go with them. It makes you get cold.
Child : Yes Mom.
A. Should you let me go with them?
B. May I join them?
C. Do you mind playing with them?
D. Would I ask you to go with them?

17. Operator : Good morning, SMK Bersama Jombang. Can I help you?
Caller : Good morning … to Mr. Suntowo ?
Operator : Yes Sir, wait a moment, please.
A. Could you put me through
B. Would you leave a message
C. Can I have his phone number
D. Who is speaking, please.

18. Desy : When did you come back from the job training program in Bangkok?
Anton : I just arrived yesterday.
Desy : ……
Anton : Oh, yes. I enjoyed everything there, especially the training.
A. Did you have a great time?
B. Will you enjoy the training?
C. Are you going to attend training?
D. Do you plan to go back?

19. Lola : Could you accompany me looking for an English Exercise Book?
Nina : … When is it?
Lola : After school is better. Because it's rainy season.
Lola : Thanks for your concern.
A. Yes, I really like it.
B. I'm sorry. I'm very busy now.
C. No, don't mention it.
D. Yes, it's my pleasure.

20. May : I will be visiting our sick friend who is being hospitalized. ....
The driver : Not at all, Mom. I will drive you there after the meeting with the sales
May : Ok, I’ll wait than.
A. Do you have the appointment with the doctor?
B. Can you approve about it?
C. Is there any suggestion?


D. Could you take us to the hospital?

21. Caller : Hello, can I speak to the shop owner?

Mr. Budi : Yes, speaking please
Caller : The goods you sent for my order was not as I wanted, ….?
Mr. Budi : Of course, my staff will send the best one.
A. Will you refund all my money now
B. Would you change with the appropriate one
C. Will you tell your staff to be more polite
D. Would you come to see it

22. Teacher : Hanif, you look awful today.

Hanif : Yes, Sir. I hurried to school this morning so I left my homework home. I
went to bed very late last night because I had to look after my father,
he is quite sick.
Teacher : … I suggest your father to see a doctor and have a medical checkup.
Hanif : Thank you, we will.
A. I’m sorry to hear that.
B. Will you go to the doctor with your father?
C. I wonder if your father would like to go to the doctor.
D. It is necessary for your father to be healthy at any time.

23. Nia : I think there are many uneducated programs broadcasted by television.
Dian : …, so parents should guide their children in watching a certain program.
Nia : Well, I am agree with you.
A. You are absolutely right
B. I don’t think so
C. You are totally wrong
D. I’m afraid not

24. Foreigner : Sorry, there are many same buildings here, could you tell me where I can
exchange the currency ?
Arksia : Yes, walk along this path, … It’s on the corner.
Foreigner : Thank you.
A. Turn on your fan
B. Go through our network
C. Turn left on the cross road
D. Sorry, I don’t know exactly

25. Aliya : Lebaran is only a few weeks away!

Bimo : You certainly have a lot of gifts to buy.
Aliya : Look at this shopping list!
I'd better go shopping today. ...
A. If I wait until the last minute, I won't find anything.
B. I wouldn't get many things unless I bought the things soon.
C. If I finish shopping soon, I would get more relax.
D. I wouldn't have found anything unless I had taken many items.

26. The receptionist :…?

Guest : Is there any double room facing to the lake and close to a café ?


The receptionist : May I check from the list. You are lucky that a couple have just
canceled the reservation.
A. Do you like a single room better than a double ?
B. Is this hotel suitable with your choice ?
C. What sort of room would you like to reserve ?
D. Are you sure that you want to stay in this hotel ?

27. Rudi : Father makes a surprise. Do you know what will happen to our old car
on next Sunday?
Gani : Let me guess. ….
Rudi : You right.
A. Father sold it and bought a new one.
B. Are you trying to get on the car?
C. It will have gotten new paint.
D. We would drive around the tourism spots in Malang region.

28. Doni : Do you know who took the document from this table ?
Answer : Yes, …
Doni : Well, alright then.
A. The secretary did it.
B. The table is over there near the television.
C. You can take the document.
D. I put the document on the table.

29. Andi : I’d like to give something special for my wife at our wedding anniversary. Do
you have any idea?
Linda : If I were you, ....
Andi : That sounds great.
A. I will buy her something she really like very much.
B. I want her to go around the world .
C. I would have given her luxurious jewelry.
D. I would ask her to have dinner at a restaurant.

30. Nina : Good morning. May I speak to Tia?

Tia : It’s me. Who’s speaking?
Nina : Nina. Tia, why were you absent from class?
Tia : I got a fever two days ago and I am still not well.
Nina : Oh, dear. I hope ….
Tia : Thanks.
A. you’ll stay in bed longer
B. you are happy with your condition
C. you’ll get better soon
D. everything won’t be okay


Error Recognition

In question 31 – 36, each question has four words or phrases underlined. The four
underlined words are marked A, B, C and D. You have to identify the underlined word or
phrase that should be corrected or rewritten.

31. Customer : Excuse me, I have to return this skirt. It’s too tight.
Store attendant : Would you like to see a biggest size or a different model?

32. Mrs. Brian : Can I borrow your mother’s tray, Ita ?

Ita : There are some, which one do you want ?
Mrs. Brian : The plastic round red one.

33. A student : May I ask a question, Mom?

Teacher : Yes, what is it?
A student : Do you have to tell us about the synonyms of some new vocabularies in the
reading passage, Mom?

34. A nurse : Do you mind to wait more patient, please? The doctor is attending a seminar.
Father : It’s all right. How soon will the seminar end?
A nurse : Don’t worry, in the couple minutes. It is getting to the closing ceremony.

35. Dina : Have you heard that Ani got accident?

Dani : Are you sure?
Dina : Yes, he got it yesterday
Dani : I’m excited to hear that.

36. Jane : I bring two prizes from Paris, but you have to choose one of them. Which
one do you like?
Rani : Oh, thanks. I choose this watch whom many people are looking for it.



Reading Comprehension
In question 37 – 50, you are given a selection of reading materials such as memo,
advertisement or information. You are to choose the best answer, then find the number of
the question and mark on your answer sheet.

To : All employees
From: Ron Starkey, Accounting
Date: March 15, 2010

There has been unprecedented increase in the amount of taxi fare indicated on the expense
accounts of our business travelers. To help keep costs under control, please remember the
following guidelines when using taxicabs in an unfamiliar city. Be sure that the meter is
turned on after, not before, you sit down in the cab. Request that you take the most direct
route to your destination. Establish an appropriate fare to your destination before the
driver moves the cab. Always ask the taxicab driver for a receipt showing the driver’s
name, I.D. number, and name of the cab company, destination, and the amount paid for
the fare. This will enable us to verify the trip’s fare should be disputed.

37. What is the memo about?

A. Filling our travel voucher C. Learning your way around the city
B. Travelling safety D. Saving cab costs

38. Who should pay attention to this memo?

A. Company employees C. Taxi drivers
B. Accountants D. Cab companies

39. When should the driver turn on the meter?

A. When you hail the cab C. Before you get in the cab
B. After you are in the taxi D. After the driver puts bags in trunk

40. Why should employees get receipt from the driver?

A. To prove where they went C. To verify the trip
B. To give to accounting D. To obtain the driver’s signature


1451 broadway Rd, 661 – 9281.

More than a quarter of a century serving Holly Heights
Registered Opticians, one-day prescription service
Custom-fitted glasses to suit your individual needs, hard and soft contact lenses.
HRS Monday (10.00 a.m. - 09.00p.m.); Tue-Fri (08.00 a.m. – 05.00 p.m.); Sat (10.00
a.m.- 04.00 a.m)


Call for an immediate appointment.

41. Which evenings will this establishment be opened?
A. Tuesday through Friday C. Monday only
B. Saturday only D. Monday and Saturday

42. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the business?

A. It is closed on Sunday.
B. It is open later in the evening on Monday than the other days.
C. It has the same hours from Tuesday through Saturday.
D. It still closes early morning on Monday and Saturday.

43. How long does this vision center possibly run the business?
A. 5 years C. 26 years
B. Less than 12 years D. Almost 50 years


We have the lowest prices in town. For every item we sell, we'll beat
any legitimate price from any other store. Plus, if you find a lower
price within 30 days of your date of purchase we'll refund the
difference. This offer is good even on our own sale prices. The item
must be the same brand and style. You must present your original sales
receipt. Our low price guarantee does not apply to limited quantity

44. What does this statement guarantee?

A. The lowest Prices C. The most convenient location
B. The best service D. The most helpful salesclerks

45. If you buy an item at a lower price, what will the store do?
A. Give you a second item C. Buy the item from you
B. Pay you the difference in price D. Refund your money

Gate Pass

Please admit bearer to Sphinx air gate to assist an arriving/departing passenger.


This pass must be submitted to security personnel at security check point.

Date: 10/27 for Sphynx Air


46. What does the pass allow a person to do?

A. Retrieve baggage C. Enter the gate are temporarily
B. By pass the security check point D. Board on airplane

47. Who most probably issued the pass?

A. A Spinx our representative C. A travel agent
B. A police officer D. A personnel manager


Get a great job now!

National Air
is hiring full-time representatives for
Sales & Reservations. Talk to our employees
and discover why we're the best thing in the air.
Interviews on the spot!
Bring your resume

National Air Headquarters
Southeast Regional AirPort
Thursday, June 15 7:30 P.M.

48. What is the purpose of this advertisement?

A. To meet new People C. To recruit potential employees
B. To sell tickets D. To show off the new headquarters

49. Where will the event be held?

A. At their headquarters C. On a plane
B. At the owner's house D. At the regional office

50. If someone gets interested to apply this job, what does he or she possibly do?
A. Sending the application via airmail.
B. Getting the application form from internet.
C. Bringing resume and coming to its headquarters.
D. Talking to National Air employees.




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