1st Part Exam in Philo CORRECTED VERSION

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Department of Education

Region III-Central Luzon

Schools Division of Pampanga
Poblacion, Porac, Pampanga
Third Peridical Examination In
Intro. To The Philosophy Of The Human Person
Sy 2019-2020

NAME: ___________________________________________________________ SCORE : _________

DIRECTIONS: Read the instructions before doing anything. Strictly NO ERASURES.

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter of your Choice on your answer sheet.

1. A term used by our forefathers to refer to the Almighty Power when faced with difficulties in life.
A. Bahala na
B. Bayanihan
C. Filipino philosophy of time
D. Utang na loob
2. Peter was sent to school by his uncle because his own parents do not have the means to send him
through college. This act of his uncle makes him indebted to him. In Filipino Philosophy, it is known as
A. Bahala na
B. Bayanihan
C. Filipino philosophy of time
D. Utang na loob
3. Alma has been working for her family since the death of her father. Her mother has since left them to
fend for themselves but Alma keeps up her faith because she believes that her situation will improve in
A. Bahala na
B. Bayanihan
C. Filipino philosophy of time
D. Utang na loob
4. Raffy and Emmy will be having their house blessing. There is so much to be done but they are not
stressed because the neighbors were all there to lend a hand. This Filipino trait is known as
A. Bahala na
B. Bayanihan
C. Filipino philosophy of time
D. Utang na loob
5. In Philosophy, one does not just accept things as they are, a systematic investigation takes place.
A. Highest Principle
B. Natural light of reason
C. Science
D. Study of all things
6. Philosophy includes all areas of learning, not just a particular subject matter.
A. Highest Principle
B. Natural light of reason
C. Science
D. Study of all things
7. Philosophy investigates things; it does not use any laboratory instrument or investigative tools but uses
his human reason alone.
A. Highest Principle
B. Natural light of reason
C. Science
D. Study of all things
8. In the Highest Principle of Philosophy, it states that everything is its own being, whatever is is, and whatever
is not is not.
a. Principle of Excluded Middle
b. Principle of Identity
c. Principle of Non- contradiction
d. Principle of Sufficient Reason
9. Day cannot be night as white cannot be black.
A. Principle of Excluded Middle
B. Principle of Identity
C. Principle of Non- contradiction
D. Principle of Sufficient Reason

10.In making choices, between a yes or a no, there can be no “maybe” or”no
comment”, it simple must be a YES or a NO.
A. Principle of Excluded Middle
B. Principle of Identity
C. Principle of Non- contradiction
D. Principle of Sufficient Reason
11. Which of the following comprise the Triumvirate?
A. Aristotle, Plato, Socrates
B. Aristotle, Socrates, Diogenes
C. Plato,Pythagoras,Epicurus
D.Socrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras
12. It deals with existence and reality.
A. Epistemology
B. Ethics
C. Logic
D. Metaphysics
13. It deals with moral questions and dilemmas.
A. Epistemology
B. Ethics
C. Logic
D. Metaphysics
14. This talks about why we know what we know and how we know what we know.
A. Epistemology
B. Ethics
C. Logic
D. Metaphysics
15. This deals with correct reasoning:
All men Die,
Mario is a man,
therefore he will die
A. Epistemology
B. Ethics
C. Logic
D. Metaphysics
16. It deals with beauty and what make things beautiful.
A. Epistemology
B. Ethics
C. Logic
D. Metaphysics

17. Eastern or Oriental Philosophy thinks in cyclical manner, in contrast, the Western Philosophy thinks in
A. Fatalistic manner
B. Linear manner
C. Logical manner
D. Materialistic manner
18. This Philosopher proposed that matter is composed of Atoms.
A. Democritus
B. Diogenes
C. Epicurus
D. Pythagoras
19. The Philosopher who over emphasized austerity to the point of living like a beggar.
A. Democritus
B. Diogenes
C. Epicurus
D. Pythagoras
20. Epicurus started this school which believes that wisdom and simple living will result in a life free of fear
and pain.
a. Academy
b. Dialectic
c. Epicureanism
d. Socratic
21. The 15th century philosopher who traced the need to philosophize to doubt.
A. Heraclitus
B. Karl Jaspers
C. Pythagoras
D.Rene Descartes
22. The 20th century Swiss-German philosopher who saw the need to philosophize because of experience.
A. Heraclitus
B. Karl Jaspers
C. Pythagoras
D.Rene Descartes
23. A perspective that focuses on a specific aspect of a situation.
A. Holistic thinking
B. Partial thinking
C. Practical thinking
D. Reflection
24. It requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings and actions.
A. Holistic thinking
B. Partial thinking
C. Practical thinking
D. Reflection
25. A perspective that considers Large-scale patterns in systems.
A. Holistic thinking
B. Partial thinking
C. Practical thinking
D. Reflection
26. Socrates’ claim that “The unexamined life is not worth living” is often cited as a central theme in the
activities of philosophy. By it Socrates is typically understood to mean that:

A. It is a waste of time to sit around thinking about whether life is worth living; we should leave such reflection
to talk show hosts, political figures and religious leaders.
B. It is sometimes simply not worth all the effort of examining life and its problems in great detail; sometimes it
is better simply to “go with the flow.”
C. Simply doing whatever everyone else does without thinking about why we should do what we can do hardly
be a thought of as worthwhile, noble or admirable.
D. While taking a reflective attitude toward life is interesting and even sometimes important, most of what
makes life worth living is not worth examining.
27. In the Social Sciences, eg. Psychology, sociology and Economics, question asked is: How people think
and act while Philosophy is the study of
A. How people with different beliefs or backgrounds disagree with one another.
B. Questions that can be answered better by appealing to scientific experiments.
C. The reasons why Philosophic questions never have better or worse answers.
D. What beliefs mean and whether people with different beliefs are justified in having them.
28. Who is a philosopher in the original sense of the word?
A. A clever and tricky arguer.
B. A lover and pursuer of wisdom regardless of the subject matter.
C. A person primarily interested in the truth about moral matters.
D. Someone who studies the stars and planets.
29. “Is there anything you would be willing to die for?” is a philosophical question insofar as:
A. It does not have any right or wrong answer because it is a meaningless question.
B. It forces us to articulate and justify our beliefs about what we know and ought to do.
C. It is a meaningless question because everyone could have a different answer to it.
D. It is more concerned with one’s religious beliefs than with factual claims about the world.
30. A method in philosophy in which inquiry starts with studying the particulars/details to form a general idea.
A. Deduction
B. Existentialism
C. Induction
D. Phenomenology
31 -46 Identify whether the statement/definition is __________________ , Write the letter of your choice.
A. Against the person
B. Appeal to force
C. Appeal to ignorance
D. Appeal to people
E. Appeal to pity
F. Appeal to tradition
G. Begging the Question
H. Composition
I. Division
J. Hasty Generalization
31. An error in which one reaches an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence.
32. Consider this: If this peace agreement will not be signed by the government, then we will have no recourse
but go to war.”
33. This egg is rotten, so all the eggs in the tray are all rotten.
34. He’s a cheater in my class when he was in high school, how can I trust him to not break my daughter’s
35. I have the right to happiness, he’s making my life miserable, and I’ll have him killed.
36. People living in that village are sons of rich men, he must be rich since he lives there.
37. A cornered snatcher: I was forced to do it because my children have not eaten for 3 days, I can’t bear the
sight of seeing them cry of hunger.
38. She must be taking a medical course. You come from a family of doctors.
39. Ever since you became a couple, good things have been happening to you.
40. A politician who cheats the people can’t be a good father to his children.
41. That lady has withdrawn all her money from the bank, there is a bank run.
42. The lady has not eaten for a couple of days, set her free; she was just forced to steal because of hunger.
43. If you do not withdraw your complaint against my son, I will terminate you from my company.
44. I was her siblings’ teacher in Elementary, and they all are intelligent, she must be intelligent like them.
45. I can talk for hours and hours and no one can stop me, it is my basic right.
46. She can’t be the president of the company, only men are appointed in the position.
47. The first philosopher to device a logical method.
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. Zeno of Citium
48. The conviction that to some degree, Philosophical problems, puzzles and errors are rooted in language.
A. Analytic tradition
B. Existentialism
C. Logic and Critical Thinking
D. Postmodernism
49. This refers to the ability of the person to experience an inner world that is defined by personal thoughts and
A. Dignity
B. Externality
C. Self- awareness
D. Self- determination
50. This refers to human person’s innate right to be valued and respected.
A. Dignity
B. Externality
C. Self- awareness
D. Self- determination

Prepared: Checked:

Carolyn C. Enriquez Pilar B. Limin

Teacher Master Teacher 2


Principal IV

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