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1/15/2011 MSP vs SNCP

MSP-SNCP slightly described

MSP(Multiplex Section Protection) is a per span protection.

A service line is protected using another line, called a protection line. If an error occurs, the protection mechanism
should switch over to the protection line. There are two main protection schemes for the multiplex section:
•1+1 : Traffic is simultaneously transmitted over working and protecting lines (or cards if it is for hiT i.e. MSP bridge).
The incoming traffic is select from the line that delivers signal in best condition (specifically switch fabric selector is
responsible for making the selection in a HiT).
oSwitching type: unidirectional or bi-directional
oOperation type: revertive or non-revertive

•1:N : A 1:N multiplex section protection system consists of N traffic-carrying multiplex sections that are to be
protected by an additional multiplex section. In this scheme only one of the working sections can be protect at a
time. The additional multiplex section can be used to carry low-priority traffic (unprotected) when it is not used as a
protection section for the rest N working sections.
o1:N with N<=14 for STM-1/4/16 and N<=7 for STM-16/64
oSwitching type: bi-directional
oOperation type: revertive

•1:1 : This is a special case of 1:N protection scheme. In case of a failure on the working path, traffic is switched to
protecting path.
oSwitching type: bi-directional
oOperation type: revertive

SubNetwork Connection Protection. is a per path protection.

SNCP is a network protection mechanism for SDH networks providing path protection (end-to-end protection). The
data signal is transmitted in a ring structure via two different paths and can be implemented in line or ring structures.
The changeover criteria are specified individually when configuring a network element. A protection protocol is not
required. The switchover to protection path occurs in the non-revertive mode, i.e. if traffic was switched to the
protection path due to a transmission fault, there is no automatic switch-back to the original path once the fault is
rectified, but only if there is a fault on the new path (the one labeled as “protecting” and currently services traffic).

SNCP is a 1+1 protection scheme (one working and one protection transport entity). Input traffic is broadcasted in
two routes (one being the normal working route and the second one being the protection route).

Assume a failure free state for a path from a node B to a node A. Node B bridges the signal destined to A from other
nodes on the ring, both on working and protecting routes. At node A, signals from these two routes are continuously
monitored for path layer defects and the better quality signal is selected.
Now consider a failure state where fiber between node A and node B is cut. The selector switches traffic on the
standby route when the active route between node A and node B is failed.

In order to prevent any unnecessary or spurious protection switching in the presence of bit errors on both paths, a
switch will typically occur when the quality of the alternate path exceeds that of the current working path by some
threshold (e.g., an order of magnitude better BER). Consecutively, any case of failure drops in SNCP’s decision

Last edited by mik ep_7 : 06-12-2009 at 02:35 PM.…/t519457-msp-vs… 1/1

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