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Mind-Expanding Questions

A Meaning Therapy Approach

by Daniel Keeran, MSW,

Mind-Expanding Questions
A Meaning Therapy Approach
by Daniel Keeran, MSW
College of Mental Health Counselling
Meaning Therapy is the exploration of personal values and beliefs for predictable beneficial
outcomes, such as confidence, integrity, identity, purpose, and self-worth. The following
questions can be used to help identify, clarify, and expand one’s own sense of meaning.

1. Is there anything more than the material universe? Explain.

2. Do you believe intelligence and creativity exist in the universe? Explain.
3. Do you believe in the existence of a transcendent intelligence or superior reasoning
power? Explain why or why not.
4. Do you see evidence of creative intelligence in the design and complexity of
the universe or do you lean toward a material natural explanation?
5. Do you believe all human beings have equal worth and value? Explain why or
why not? What are the implications?
6. Do you believe the human species has greater or superior value or greater
importance or more responsibility compared to other life forms? Why or why not?
What are the implications?
7. What is the meaning or purpose of human existence?
8. How do you know what is right and wrong?
9. What is the most important thing you can do with your life?
10. Is hope important? Explain.
11. What happens after you die? Does your individual identity or
consciousness continue to exist? What are the implications?
12. Is the idea of the meaning of human life essential to the idea of hope? Explain.
13. Is the idea of right and wrong essential to the idea of meaning? Explain.
14. What have been some of the most important influences on you regarding your
values and beliefs?
15. What spiritual practices do you have? Prayer, centering prayer, meditation,
scripture reading, worship, singing, mindfulness, other.
16. Does moral accountability only happen within the legal systems of nations? Is there
ultimate accountability in a venue after death? What are the implications?
17. If people are reborn into new lives, what if anything determines the nature or
quality of their existence? What are the implications?
18. Comment on this statement: “Many people think only tangible things are real, yet
the same people admit intangible things are most important: love, compassion,
empathy, justice, morality, consciousness, wisdom, human value, meaning of life, and
eternity... for without these, life is void and vain, and aspirations mere illusions.”
19. Have you ever experienced what you believe to be a sign or communication
from God or other spiritual being?
20. What is your view of this statement? “Humans are spiritual beings existing in
physical bodies.”
21. Do you believe you have convincing evidence of spiritual reality?
22. What is your idea of an ideal society? World? Life?
23. When does an individual human life begin?
24. What is the essence of the self?
25. Do you believe angels and demons exist?
26. Do you believe everyone after death goes to heaven or to hell?
27. Do you believe the superior reasoning power has ever communicated
with humanity?
28. How open are you to exploring different aspects of spirituality?
29. If you saw someone raise the dead, what would you think or do?
30. If you saw a person die and then you saw him alive again a few days later,
what would you think or do?
31. Comment on the statement: “Humans are a parasite infestation of the earth.”
32. How can you prove to anyone else that you are aware of yourself, your
own consciousness?
33. Describe a healthy relationship.
34. How important is your spirituality to your life? And do you want your spirituality
to increase or decrease?
35. If we are made in the image of God, what qualities do we share with God?
36. Read Isaiah, chapter 53, written about 700 BC. Who is being described? See
other amazing examples of future-telling here.
37. Do you now belong to or have you thought of joining a spiritual community to
strengthen values and beliefs for making healthy choices, to acquire a foundation
of hope and meaning for direction and optimism, and to receive support and
encouragement to face major life difficulties?
38. Is it a moral obligation to promote, defend, and support what you think is true?
39. When does anger become destructive?
40. How has this questionnaire affected your awareness of your values and beliefs?
How to use this questionnaire: The purpose of this instrument is to help you
identify questions you are unsure about or for which you have difficulty giving a
response. The questions are presented to assist you on your journey.
Seek a group or individual who can support your quest.
For contact, the reader can email the author at


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