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D A Tziouvaras, J B Roberts, and G Benmouyal

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc., USA

Takagi et al(3), and Erikson et a1 (5) proposed single-ended
This paper presents a new fault location system for multi- fault location techniques that utilized both pre-fault and
terminal transmission lines. The algorithm used by this post-fault currents, and post-fault voltages at one line
system is suitable for inclusion in a numerical protection terminal. Their technique required current distribution
relay, which communicates with remote relay(s) over a factors and impedances of equivalent sources behind the
protective relaying channel. The data volume relay terminals. Source impedance variations due to line
communicated between relays is sufficiently small to be switching or generation variations influence the current
easily transmitted using a digital protection channel. The distribution factors and introduce errors in the fault location
new algorithm does not require data alignment, pre-fault estimate.
load flow information, phase selection information, and
Two-ended impedance-based fault locating methods can
does not perform iterations to calculate the distance to the
improve upon the accuracy of single-ended methods.
fault. Pre-fault load flow, zero-sequence mutual coupling,
Schweitzer ( 2 ) introduced a two-ended method, which did
fault resistance, power system nonhomogeneity, and current
not require source impedance data, or synchronized
infeeds from other line terminals or tapped loads do not
sampling at the two ends of the line. However, the method
affect the fault location accuracy.
in ( 2 ) required knowledge of pre-fault load flow
Transmission line fault location has been the subject of information for phase alignment.
interest to utilities and researchers since the early 1950s (1).
Existing two-ended methods (2, 7-9) require the phase
Accurate fault location information helps operators and
alignment of data sets captured at both ends of a monitored
utility personnel to expedite service restoration, reduce
line using pre-fault load flow information, iterative
outage time, operating costs, and customer complaints.
methods, and communication of a significant amount of
Impedance-based fault location techniques make use of data between relay terminals. In addition, a number of
fbndamental frequency voltages and currents, and can be multi-terminal methods (7,9-10) are not applicable to
classified in single-ended and multi-ended methods. overhead lines with zero-sequence mutual coupling.
Single-ended, impedance-based fault location has become a
standard feature in most microprocessor-based protective N E W APPROACH TO MULTI-ENDED FAULT
relays (2-5). This methodology is attractive because it is LOCATION
simple, fast, and does not require communications.
Applications with strong zero-sequence mutual coupling,
higher fault resistance, tapped loads, and nonhomogeneous Two-Terminal Lines
power systems challenge the accuracy of single-ended fault The new method uses negative-sequence quantities from all
location methods (2). To date, the simple reactance and the
line terminals for the location of unbalanced faults. By
Takagi-based (3) are the two major single-ended fault using negative-sequence fault quantities, we overcome the
location algorithms. difficulties associated with pre-fault load flow, overhead
The simple reactance method works reasonably well for line zero-sequence mutual coupling effects, and zero-
homogeneous systems when the fault does not involve sequence current infeeds from tapped loads along the
significant fault resistance and load current. Large errors transmission line. The algorithm employed at each line end
are introduced to the fault location estimate by remote-end uses uses the following quantities from the remote terminal:
current feed, load impedance, power transmission angle, Magnitude of negative sequence current, I 12 I.
and differing angles of line and power system source
impedances. Calculated negative sequence source impedance, Z2 L82"
Takagi et al (3) improved the simple reactance method by Consider the sequence connection diagram shown in Figure
introducing a new single-ended method that calculates the 1 for a single line-to-ground fault. The negative-sequence
reactance of a faulted line, and provides some correction to voltage (V2F) at the fault is the same when viewed from
errors caused by various factors such as load flow, and fault either end of the protected line.
resistance. Schweitzer (2) recognized the limitations of
both the reactance and Takagi methods, and introduced the At Relay S: V2F = ' (Z2s + m . z~~)
modified Takagi algorithm. This new method improves the
performance of the Takagi algorithm when some system
data are available.

Developments,in Power System Protection, Conference Publication No.479 0 IEE 2001. 395
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Y ( D

I C I zA zd


I os IOR Figure 2: Typical DoubleCircuit Three-Terminal


20s ZOR
Let us assume that we have fault locating devices at each
end of a transmission line. For a single-line-ground fault on

Line 1 in Figure 2, the relays at terminals 1, 2, and 5
operate to clear the fault and at the same time exchange a
minimal amount of information over a protection channel
for the purpose of accurate fault location.
Figure 1: Connection of Sequence Networks for a
Single Line-to-Ground Fault at m The sequence connection diagram in Figure 3 assumes a
single-line-ground fault located m per-unit distance from
By eliminating V 2 F from Equations 1 and 2 and rearranging Bus X, which is connected to Source X. Note that the
the following expression results: parallel three-terminal line was omitted to simplify the
diagram and the explanation of the algorithm without loss
( z 2 s 4- m. Z 2 J of accuracy. With the fault on Line 1, we observe that the
I2R = ' 2 s ' (3)
( z ~ R+ (1- m). z 2 L ) negative-sequence voltage at the tap can be calculated by
Relays 2 and 5 and the calculated tap voltage, %TAP, is the
Taking the magnitude from both sides of Equation 3 and same, if we assume for the moment that the relays sample
rearranging we get Equation 4. synchronously.

I(12s .Z2S)+"('2S 'Z2L)I
((Z2R + Z 2 L ) - m ' ( Z 2 L ) l

Taking the square of both terms of Equation 4, expanding

Fault location knowledge on Line 1 is not required to
accurately calculate V2TAp at Relays 2 and 5. Instead, the
required parameters are the negative-sequence line
impedances from Relay 2 and Relay 5 to the tap point, and
the negative-sequence voltage and current phasors
and rearanging terms yields a quadratic equation of the measured by the relays.

a.m' +b,m+c=0 (5)

Equation 5 can be solved form using a quadratic solution.
The above mathematical derivation, indicates that the relay
at each line terminal of the two-terminal line must transmit
a minimal amount of information. The information sent by
Relay S for a two-terminal application is:
1. The magnitude of the negative sequence current, I 12s I
2. The magnitude of the negative sequence source
impedance, I ZZSI
3. The angle of negative sequence source impedance, ?2s0
Using the above information combined with the negative
sequence quantities measured by each relay, we can solve
for the fault location at each terminal without iterations.

Three-Terminal Lines
Many times utilities connect another line with a positive-
sequence source to an existing two-terminal line. Such Figure 3: Sequence Network Connection for Three
lines are much more complex to protect using conventional Terminal System
distance and directional protection schemes. These same Each relay calculates V2TAp as fo~~ows:
lines present great difficulty in the task of fault location.
Figure 2 shows a double-circuit three-terminal transmission At Relay 1: V2TAP@l = V2@1 -Z~L~.I~@X
line arrangement. At Relay 2: V ~ T A P @=
~ V2@2 - Z~LTIZ@Y

Table 1: Fault Location Results for a Three-Terminal
For faults on Line 1, IV2TAP@21 = IVZTAP@SI. Each relay
calculates V2TAp and transmits this information to the Fault on Line New Relay-I Relay-3 Relay-5
remote terminals. Once each relay receives the calculated 1 m p.u. from Algorithm with 12p with 12p with I2p
tap voltage from the other two terminals it proceeds with
the identification of the faulted section by comparing the
magnitudes of IVZTAP@II, IV2TAP@21, and IV2TAP@S1, along
with the calculated single-ended fault location values. The
faulted line section is the one whose VZTAP voltage
magnitude does not equal the VZTAP calculated by the other
two relays. In the example shown in Figure 3, IV2TAP@21
and lV2TAp@sl have the closest magnitude match.
Once the fault location system identifies the faulted line 0.9 I 0.9 I 0.77 1 2.03 I 1.97
section, Relay 2 and Relay 5 calculate an apparent 1 .O I 1.0 I 0.75 I 1.02 I 1.01
negative-sequence source impedance by the parallel
combination of ( Z Z L+~ ZZY)and (ZZLS + 2 2 2 ) . This con- The new method was also compared with a single-ended
version is simply V2TAp/(IZ@Y + 120~). I Z ~andY IZ@Zfrom method using zero-sequence current polarization and the
Relays 2 and 5 cannot be added directly without phase results are similar to the ones shown in Table 1. The
alignment because the relays sample the power system performance of both single-ended methods is influenced by
analog quantities asynchronously. The alignment angle zero-sequence mutual coupling and system
between Relays 2 and 5 is simply calculated as the nonhomogeneity. To see the effect of nonhomogeneity,
L(V2TAP@Z/VZTAP@S). After determining this angle, Relay 2 notice that the error in both methods increases as the fault
phase shifts the negative-sequence current from Relay 5 location is moved away from the relay location.
and adds the result to its own negative-sequence current.
Relay 5 performs a similar calculation, and both relays then Electromagnetic Transient Program Testing
calculate an apparent negative-sequence source impedance
from the tap looking into the power system. Figure 4 shows one power system modeled with the
Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) to test the new
The minimal information sent by each relay to each of the
algorithm. The system consists of two sources and two
other relays in the three-terminal application is:
parallel, 100 mile mutually coupled 500 kV lines. Various
1. I
Magnitude of the negative sequence current I2WLAY I types of faults were simulated, by varying the load flow
2. Angle of the negative sequence current L IZRELAY magnitude and direction, fault resistance, and fault
3. Magnitude of the negative sequence voltage I v 2 T A P I incidence angle.
4. Angle of the negative sequence voltage L V2TAP IdLN5 RM'5 11,212 mm R"ll

From the above information, each relay determines the

faulted line section, reduces the three-terminal line
arrangement into a two-terminal equivalent and applies the
two-terminal methodology described earlier to calculate the
location of the fault. After each relay calculates its multi-
ended fault location, it calculates the total fault current and Figure 4: EMTP Model of a Two-Source System
fault resistance RF. The power system operator can then The transient data generated by EMTP were processed with
interrogate any relay to determine the correct fault location a software program which models the fault location
algorithm, associated logic, and ability to introduce varying
amounts of phase shift to the data from one relay terminal
to simulate the effects of asynchronous sampling. Figures 5
The algorithm presented above has been tested extensively and 6 show results of the new algorithm for a line-to-
using steady-state and transient methods. The next two ground fault at 75% from Bus RMT5, and comparison with
sections of the paper describe the results of this algorithm a single-ended fault location algorithm.
and its comparison it to single-ended algorithms. (DASHEDSINGLE-ENDED. SOLIDDOUBLE-ENDED)

Steady-State Testing I
Figure 2 shows the example three-terminal system we
modeled to test the algorithm. Table 1 shows the results of
the new method as compared to single-ended methods.
$- 70
12P Single-Ended Negative-Sequence Current
Polarized Fault Locator
X,Y,Z Terminals X, Y, and Z
0.12 013 014 015 016 017 018
From the data in Table 1, we see that the new method of Time (S)

fault location described in this document out-performs the Figure 5: Fault Location from Relay 1 (Ideal=75)
single-ended method.

current in the fault path. The ability of the relays to
34 ...:.. ..............
!.......................... i........!...... calculate the actual fault location and present the data to
32 . ..; ..!I..-’.i: ...... .;... ..... ;. ...... .j... ... ..i.. ............ operations personnel make it very attractive, since operators
... .... ....... ........i ........ ........ ....... ...... do not have to use off-line computer programs to process
and analyze event reports after the occurrence of a fault.

1. Stringfield T W, Marihart D J and Stevens R F, August
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18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........................................
AIEE Transactions. Part 111. Vol. 76, 518-530.
16 .................................................................
2. Schweitzer 111, E 0, October 1982, “Evaluation and
Development of Transmission Line Fault Locating
Techniques Which Use Sinusoidal Steady-State
Figure 6: Fault Location from Relay 2 (Ideal=25) Information”, Proceedines of the 9th Annual Westem
Figure 7 shows the calculation of fault resistance by Relays Protective Relav Conference. Spokane, WA.
1 and 2. The fault resistance is displayed in secondary 3. Takagi T, Yamakoshi Y, Yamaura M, Kondou R and
ohms. The ct and ccvt ratios are 400/1 and 4330/1 Matsushima T, August 1982, “Development of a New
respectively. The primary fault resistance used in this
Type Fault Locator Using the One-Terminal Voltage
example was 30 ohms (2.77 0 secondary).
and Current Data”,
ratus and Systems. Vol. PAS-101, No. 8, 2892-2898.
(SOLID RELAY 1, DASHED RELAY 2) 4. Schweitzer 111, E 0, October 1988, “A Review of
Impedance-Based Fault Locating Experience”,
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Westem Protective
2 76 Relay Conference. Spokane, WA.
p 2.74
5. Eriksson L, Saha M M and Rockefeller G D, February
1985, “An Accurate Locator with Compensation for
$ 2.7 Apparent Reactance in the Fault Resistance Resulting
$ 2.68 from Remote-End Infeed”, IEEE Transactions on
2 2.66 Power Apparatus and Systems. Vol. PAS-104. No. 2,

012 013 014 0.15 016 017 018
6. Cook V, September 1986, “Fundamental Aspects of
Fault Location Algorithms Used in Distance
Protection”, IEEE Proceedines. Vol. 133. Pt. C. No. 6,
Time ( S ) 359-368.
Figure 7: Secondary Fault Resistance Calculation 7. Sachdev M S, Agarwal R, January 1988, “A Technique
for Estimating Transmission Line Fault Locations from
Digital Impedance Relay Measurements”,
CONCLUSIONS Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol. 3. No. 1, 121-
Single-ended fault location methods can be accurate if the 129.
power system is fairly homogeneous, and the mutual 8. Novosel D, Hart D G, Udren E and Garity J, January
coupling between parallel transmission lines in the zero- 1996, “Unsychronized Two-Terminal Fault Location
sequence network is weak. Estimate”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol.
Multi-ended fault location algorithms CAgreatly improve 11. NO. 1, 130-138.
the fault location accuracy. Many of the existing 9. Gigris A A, Hart D G and Peterson W L, January 1992,
algorithms require the transfer of large amounts of data, “A New Fault Location Technique for Two- and
alignment of the data sets, and iterative solutions to Three-Terminal Lines”, IEEE Transactions on Power
calculate the distance to the fault point. This makes their Deliverv. Vol. 7. No. 1, 98-107.
application limited to processing the data omine and adds
considerable amount of time in the fault location process. 10 Abe M, Otsuzuki N, Emura T and Takeuchi M,
In addition, some of the existing two-terminal methods January 1995, “Development of a New Fault Location
cannot adequately handle mutual coupling and tapped loads System for Multi-Terminal Single Transmission
with zero-sequence current infeeds, and are not applicable Lines”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol. 10,
to more than two- terminal lines. No., 159-168.
The new algorithm presented in this paper has many 11 Advancements in Microprocessor Based Protection and
advantages over existing methods in that it can calculate the Communication, 1997, Sachdev M S (Coordinator),
location of the fault in nearly real time, it is immune to <,63-
mutual coupling and tapped loads, and does not require data 72.
alignment or pre-fault load information. It is also
applicable to three-terminal lines with great accuracy (error
rate of less than one percent). In addition, the new
algorithm calculates the fault resistance and the total


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