VM Template

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- name: Create a VM from a template

hosts: localhost
connection: local
# become: true
gather_facts: false
vcenter_server: "mvc01.corp.lozanogarcia.nl"
vcenter_user: "lozanoe@corp"
vcenter_pass: "AdelaConsuelo_8"
datacenter_name: "Home"
cluster_name: "Production"
datastore_name: "SSDDatastore01"
notes: Created by Ansible
dumpfacts: false
- name: Clone the template
hostname: "{{ vcenter_server }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
validate_certs: False
name: "{{hname }}" # testvm_2
template: "{{ vmtemplate }}"
datacenter: "{{ datacenter_name }}"
folder: /{{ datacenter_name }}/vm
cluster: "{{ cluster_name }}"
state: poweredon
- size_gb: 80
type: thin
datastore: "{{ datastore_name }}"
scsi: paravirtual
memory_mb: "{{ vm_memory | default(4096) }}"
num_cpus: 1
num_cpu_cores_per_socket: 2
scsi: paravirtual
memory_reservation_lock: True
max_connections: 5
hotadd_cpu: True
hotremove_cpu: True
hotadd_memory: False
version: 13 # Hardware version of virtual machine
autologon: yes
wait_for_ip_address: yes
delegate_to: localhost
register: deploy

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