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Cartoon is an entertainment tool which attract a very precious audience especially

kids. Nowadays, many children is engaged in cartoons and sadly most of our cartoon
movie have violent content. According to new world encyclopedia, a cartoon is a
form of expression or communication that refers to several forms of art including
humorous captioned illustration, satirical political drawings and animated film. In
its original meaning, a cartoon is form of Italian "cartone" meaning "big paper" is
a full size drawing made on paper as a full size study for artwork.

The forces that shape children's impressionable minds are found mostly in the
environment where they grow up. Such things include the things they are exposed to
on a daily basis. It has been said that cartoons have influence on children's
behavior but do the cartoons really have an effect on kids?

There are positive and negative effect of cartoons on kids. Some of the positive
effect of cartoons is entertainment. Cartoons is one way of entertaining our
children especially the young one. Most mother allowed their children to watch
cartoon in order them to do their house tasks. Second is education, cartoon is able
to oteach kids to speak in English. They are able to learn how to speak in English

If there are positive effect, there are also negative effect. One of the negative
effect is violence. Violence in cartoons is an essential part of cartoon content.
In fact, frequency of violence in cartoons is higher than in live-action dramas or
comedy. As a consequence, youth are more likely to view media deacted violence
during morning cartoons than during primetime television hours. However, there are
qualitative difference between the acts of violence during live action dramas and
those depicted in cartoons. Cartoon violence meant for a youthful audience tend to
involve minor acts of violence; truly portrayed death is rarely shown and graphic
acts of violence are rarely televised. Additionally, cartoons sanitize the outcome
of violence, in that it is unusual to see victims suffering in a life-like manner.
In contrast, live action dramas airing during primetime regularly involve major
acts of violence especially rape and murder. And the pair of suffering of the
victims is often highlighted.

Although, many violent cartoons meant for youthful consumption contain comedic
elements. The animated series depict animated violence with little to no comedic
element. Moreover, for these types of animated shows, violence is found at the
beginning and end of disputes. Presence or absence of comedy during violence is an
important consideration when evaluating the effects of viewing cartoons on youth,
for there is both theory and research to support the contention that comedic
elements may camouflage and trivialize depictions of violence.


Watching cartoons is good for children but when the cartoon character changed
his/her attitude, there is a possibility that the kid will also change his attitude
for cartoon heroes have a great impact on children. Kids always try to play the
role of those heroes they are watching in actual world, so the violence and
aggression viewed on the TV screen will appear in the children's behavior.

The kids imitate the role of the heroes they have watched especially its attitude
resulting for them to hurt their classmates because the hero they watched is
hurting a bad people so the kid thinks that their classmates are all bad people.
Not just hurting is what they imitate they also imitate the word they hear on that

The impact on the behavior of the children after watching cartoon programs is huge.
Cartoons have a great influence on children. The negative effects of watching
cartoons and programs by children are numerous, and do not reflect what really
happens in everyday life. Cartoons are even showing numerous acts of violence and
most of this violence is done by the "heroes".

Parents should observe their children when watching cartoons and then ask them
questions about what they have just viewed and how they feel about what they have
just seen. This will help them to determine if the children have been affected by
what they watched negatively or positively.


Watching cartoons can not only give negative effects to the viewers. There are also
positive things you can get by simply watching it. Cartoons can help positively in
many different ways . First, it can teach the viewers to socialize properly by
respecting others and doing what is good and appropriate. Be it with your parents
or the people you encounter.
In terms of knowing their skills, cartoons can inspire children to pursue, discover
and acknowledge their strengths. By watching cartoon that is about a certain sport,
children will learn to love and decides to pursue it. They will eventually be good
at it with the help of the cartoon that serves as their first mentor.

Being a child who explores, cartoon may guide them to develop theirselves
positively as they grew older.


Television is what attracts the children most and shapes their behaviour. Usually
most of the shows that children watch is cartoons. Cartoons are one of the daily
habit for children, but cartoon effects the child positively and negatively both.
Any behaviour or action the child sees may affect his personality and sometimes
they adapted inappropriate words and inappropriate action of the cartoon character.
That is why parents should be totally aware of type of the cartoons, their children
are watching.

The problem is children around the world are becoming addictive to television and
these days it's extremely like difficult it find a TV channel that is 100% children
friendly. Children become enthusiastic viewers at early age because cartoons are
one of the most favorite cartoon network that children watch everyday.

Cartoons are the central focus of many children's lives, while children are
watching cartoons there is a form of learning process that is going on. Here are
some positive effects that cartoons can have on children.

- Cartoons can help kids get an early start in learning also watching cartoons can
help develop children's cognitive skills, cartoons can expose children to different
languages, thus helping children in developing their linguistic abilities.

-Cartoons can help increase children's imagination and creativity, and watching
cartoons is a great way to teach children's about local customs, traditions,
history and mythology.
While cartoons have many positive effects on children, they can also have negative
on child behaviour and development. Here are the various negative effects that
cartoon can have on children.

- Watching cartoons can encourage children to become violent in real life. Also,
children may believe that no one gets hurt or feels pain since cartoons escape
unscathed after experiencing violence or an accident. Unruly behaviour and lack of
empathy, foul language and unsocial behaviour which encourage anti social behavior
and give wrong messages to children.

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