Targate'16: Q. No. 1 - 5 Carry One Mark Each General Ability

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Q. No. 1 – 5 Carry One Mark Each

General Ability

1. She unnecessarily picked up a quarrel with Mr Kumar and stormed out of the party.
(A) picked a quarrel (B) picked on a quarrel
(C) did a quarrel (D) made a quarrel
(E) no correction required

2. Lionesses with worn out or missing teeth are not ostracized from their pride, but live out their
old age supported by the hunting of younger females.
(A) humiliated (B) eliminated (C) banished (D) tortured

3. The population of tigers in the National Park is increasing steadily, and this is a source of
encouragement to those who have worked so hard to fund the conservation effort.
(A) steadily, and this (B) steadily: which
(C) steadily; this trend (D) steadily, this increase

4. What value will be obtained if the sum of (11)2 and (4)3 is subtracted from the square of 27.
(A) 564 (B) 544 (C) 592 (D) 582

5. Atul does half as much work as Anshu in 4 of the time. If together they take 16 days to
complete the work, how much time shall Anshu take to do it?
(A) 23 (B) 25 (C) 26 (D) 30

Q. No. 6 – 10 Carry Two Marks Each

6. Virtually all health experts agree that second-hand smoke poses a serious health risk. After
the publication of yet another research paper explicating the link between exposure to
second-hand smoke and a shorter life span, some members of the State House of
Representatives proposed a ban on smoking in most public places in an attempt to promote
quality of life and length of lifespan.
Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the actions of the State
(A) The amount of damaging chemicals and fumes released into the air by cigarette smoke is
far less than the amount released from automobiles, especially from older models.
(B) Banning smoking in most public places will not considerably reduce the percent of the
population in the state in question that smokes.

 ICP–Intensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
Leaders in GATE Preparation  65+ Centers across India
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CHTest ID: 168269 TarGATE’16 www.gateforum.com

(C) The state whose legislators are proposing the tough smoking legislation has a relatively
high percent of its population that smoke.
(D) Another state that enacted a similar law a decade ago saw a statistically significant drop
in lung-cancer rates among non-smokers.

7. In Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansberry does not reject integration or the economic and
moral promise of the American dream; rather, she remains loyal to this dream while looking,
realistically, at its incomplete realization. Once we recognize this dual vision, we can accept
the play’s ironic nuances as deliberate social commentaries by Hansberry rather than as the
“unintentional” irony that Bigsby attributes to the work. Indeed, a curiously persistent refusal
to credit Hansberry with a capacity for intentional irony has led some critics to interpret the
play’s thematic conflicts as mere confusion, contradiction, or eclecticism. Isaacs, for example,
cannot easily reconcile Hansberry’s intense concern for her race with her ideal of human
reconciliation. But the play’s complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as
compatible is no more “contradictory” than Du Bois’s famous, well-considered ideal of ethnic
self-awareness coexisting with human unity, or Fanon’s emphasis on an ideal
internationalism that also accommodates national identities and roles
Indicate the best answer: The author’s primary purpose in the passage is to
(A) Explain some critics’ refusal to consider Raisin in the Sun a deliberately ironic play
(B) Suggest that ironic nuances ally Raisin in the Sun with Du Bois’s and Fanon’s writings
(C) Analyze the fundamental dramatic conflicts in Raisin in the Sun
(D) Emphasize the inclusion of contradictory elements in Raisin in the Sun

8. Alicia lives in a town whose streets are on a grid system, with all streets running east-west or
north-south without breaks. Her school located on a corner, lies three blocks south and three
blocks east of his home, also located on a corner. If Alicia is equally likely to choose any
possible path from home to school, and if she only walks south or east, what is the probability
that she will walk south for the first two blocks?

9. If y ≠ 3 and 2x/y is a prime integer greater than 2, which of the following must be true?
I. x = y
II. y = 1
III. x and y are prime integers.
(A) None (B) I only (C) II only (D) III only

10. There are 4 letters and 4 corresponding envelopes. If we put the 4 letters into the envelopes at
random, what is the probability that only one letter was into the exact envelope?
(A) 1/8 (B) 1/6 (C) 1/3 (D) 1/2

 ICP–Intensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
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Q. No. 1 – 25 Carry One Mark Each

Chemical Engineering:

1. Match the following:

List-I List-II
(a) The ratio of existing moles of vapour per mole of (1) Relative humidity
vapour free gas to the moles of vapour that would
be present per mole of vapour free gas, if the
mixture were saturated at the existing
temperature and pressure

(b) Percentage saturation of a vapour bearing gas is (2) Relative saturation

always less than the

(c) For water evaporating into unsaturated air under (3) Percentage
adiabatic saturation conditions and at constant
pressure, ______ remains constant through the
period of vaporization temperature

(4) Dry bulb temperature

(5) Wet bulb temperature
(6) Humidity

(A) a-1, b-2, c-4 (B) a-3, b-2, c-4 (C) a-3, b-2, c-5 (D) a-1, b-2, c-5

2. Pick out the wrong statement.

(A) The effect of pressure on heat capacity of gases at pressure above one atmosphere and
above the critical temperature is negligible.
(B) The value of C P of gases increases with increase in pressure above atmospheric pressure.
(C) The value of C P at critical temperature and pressure reaches infinity.
(D) All of these

3. What is the ratio of NH 3 present (on dry basis) in 1kg of ammonia – air mixture to the
amount of water-vapour present (on dry basis) in 1kg of water vapour – air mixture, if partial
pressures of NH3 vapour and water vapour are 30mm and 40mm respectively?

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4. An ideal gas, which is at 100OC, 2 atm, has a volume of 2m3. For which of the following final
gas conditions, U1 = U 2 and G1 > G 2 ?
(A) 100OC, 1 atm, 4m3 (B) 200OC, 2atm, 4m3
(C) 100OC, 4 atm, 1m3 (D) 50OC, 2atm, 1m3

5. The enthalpy function of a certain gas is given as H = aT2 + bTP + CT where ‘T” is the
temperature, in Kelvin. Which of the following values of the specific heat of gas at constant
pressure becomes an independent of pressure as well as temperature?
(A) a = b ≠ 0, any value of c (B) a = b = c ≠ 0
(C) a = b = 0, any value of c (D) a = 0, b = c ≠ 0

6. Calculate the flux of oxygen (in mol / m 2

sec ) across a square centimeter membrane

[2µ ( or ) 2 × 10−6 m thick, if the concentration on the right hand side of the membrane is
4mL / L and on the left side is 2mL / L and molecular diffusion constant for oxygen
=3 x 10-5.

7. Methane diffuses at steady state through a tube containing helium. At point 1 the partial
pressure of methane is PA1 = 55 kPa and at point 2, 0.03m a part PA 2 = 15kPa . The total
pressure is 101.32 kPa, and the temperature is 298 K. At this pressure and temperature, value
of diffusivity is 6.75 ×10−5 m2 / sec . Calculate the partial pressure ( kPa ) at a point 0.02m a
part from point 1.

8. A system of fluid having mass ‘m’ and specific heat ‘C’ is separated from another system of
fluid having mass 2m and specific heat 2C, by a partition in an adiabatic enclosure. What will
be the value (K) of final temperature while the partition is removed, and if t1 = 20o C and
t 2 = 30O C ?

9. What is the range of final temperatures of two bodies which are at 200OC and 300OC
respectively, when they are brought together into thermal contact?
(A) 733 – 775 K (B) 773 – 790 K (C) 700 – 713 K (D) 473-573 K

10. The ratio of times of separation, in a decanter for two liquid systems having same continuous
phase, if the lighter liquid density is of heavier liquid density in first system where as in
second system it is of heavier liquid density is
(A) 1: 2 (B) 2 :1 (C) 1:1 (D) None of these

 ICP–Intensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
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11. Consider a Bingham fluid of viscosity µ = 10 Pa.S, which sheared between the two parallel
plates separated by 10−3 m . Assume the top plate is moving with the velocity of 1 m/s and
shear stress on the plate is 80 µPa . What will be the value of yield stress (kPa)?

12. The ratio of yield from chemical pulping process, to the yield from mechanical pulping
process is
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 1 : 3 (D) 3 : 1

13. What are the starting materials for the product that will be used in the manufacture of
automobile tyres?
(A) Benzene, chlorine (B) Ethylene, chlorine
(C) Benzene, Ethylene (D) Benzene propylene

14. The collection efficiency of a cyclone increases with the

(A) Particle shape (B) Particle density
(C) Both (A) & (B) (D) None of these

15. Catalytic Reforming produces higher-octane petroleum products due to

(A) Rearrangement of hydrocarbon molecules during the process
(B) Breakage of bigger molecules into smaller
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None of these

16. What is the difference between thermoplastic polymers to thermosetting polymers?

(A) Type of structure (B) Nature of polymerization reaction
(C) Both (A) & (B) (D) None of these

17. Water is flowing at the rate of 3 kg s in a rectangular tube of 40 mm × 60 mm section.

Calculate the length (in m) of the tube required to heat water from 35°C to 65°C , if the wall
temperature is maintained at 95°C. The convection heat transfer coefficient is
6400 W m2 ° C and specific heat of water at 50°C is 4.2 kJ kg°C.

18. If the two regression lines are 8x − 10y + 66 = 0 and 40x − 18y = 214 then mean of x and y
are respectively
(A) 13, 17 (B) 17, 13 (C) 18, 15 (D) 15, 18

 ICP–Intensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
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19. Find 1st approximation to a real root of the equation x 3 − 2x − 5 = 0 by Regula falsi method
between 2 and 3.
(A) 2.0466 (B) 2.0588 (C) 2.0614 (D) 2.0831

20. The directional derivative of f = xy2 z at (1,-1, 1) in the direction of the vector a = i + j − 2k
is __.
3 −3 5 5
(A) (B) (C) (D) −
6 6 6 6

21. Evaluate ∫ 0
te −3t sin tdt

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) (D) ∞

22. The initial value of the transfer function X(s) = is _____
s(s + 2s + 101)

23. Concentration of the limiting reactant (with initial concentration of a moles/lt) after time ‘t’ is
(a-x). Then‘t’ for a first order reaction is given by
a n a−x a (a − x )
(A) kt = ln (B) kt = (C) kt = ln (D) kt =
a−x a (a − x ) a x

24. In a first order reaction, the time required to reduce the concentration of reactant from 1
mole/lt to 0.5 mole/lt will be _____that required to reduce it from 10moles/lt to 5 moles/lt in
the same volume.
(A) More than (B) Less than (C) Same as (D) Cannot predict

25. A reversible I st order reaction takes place in a batch reactor. P ↽

 Q. Find out the time


(min) at which conversion of P is 38% if CP0 = 0.46 and CQ0 = 0; equilibrium
conversion is 58%; k 2 = 0.035 min −1 .

Q. No. 26 – 55 Carry Two Marks Each

26. The system of equations in two variables

x1 + x 2 = 3, 2.5 x1 − bx 2 = 7.5 Will have infinite number of solutions if and only if b is equal
 ICP–Intensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
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(A) -1.5 (B) 2.5 (C) 1.5 (D) -2.5

27. Let P be the matrix with (1,1,1,3), (1, 2, 3, 4), (2,3,4,9)

As the rows. Consider the two statements.
(I) All the three rows are linearly independent
(II) Rank of P is 3
(A) Both the statements are true
(B) Both the statements are false
(C) (I) is true but (II) is false
(D) (I) is false but (II) is true

∫ (x − y 2 + 2ixy )dz
1+ i
28. The integral

(A) is independent of the path joining 0 and 1 + i

(B) Not independent of the path joining 0 and 1 + i
(C) Value of the integral is zero
(D) None of these

29. The general solution of the D.E (x3D3+3x2D2+xD+1)y = 0 (x>0) is

  3   3 
(A) y = C1x + x1 2 C2 cos  ln x  + C3 sin  ln x  
  2   2  

  3   3 
(B) y = C1x 2 + x1 2 C2 cos  ln x  + C3 sin  ln x  
  2   2  

  3   3 
(C) y = C1 x −1 + x1 2 C2 cos  ln x  + C3 sin  ln x  
  2   2  

  3   3 
(D) y = C1x 2 + x −1 2 C2 cos  ln x  + C3 sin  ln x  
  2   2  

30. Consider the function f (x) = 1 − 2cosx − 2sin 2 x in[0, π]. which of the following is/are
1. f(x) has absolute maximum at x = π
2. f(x) has local maximum at x = π / 3.
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (C) both 1 and 2 (D) None of these

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31. What will be the range in meters for the length of straight rectangular wire in cross flow trays,
if the diameter meter of column is 2m?
(A) 1.2 − 1.6 (B) 1 − 2 (C) 0.5 − 0.6 (D) 0.6 − 0.8

32. For N RC > 1000 , Compute the settling velocity for a uniform suspension of particles(in
m/sec) at ε = 0.6, n = 2.5 and diameter of the particle is 0.5 mm, ρP of the particle
3000kg / m3 ; ρ of the water is 1000 kg/m3.

33. The mechanical efficiency of the pump is 0.60. The power input is 3 hp and mass flow rate
through the pump is 3 kg/sec. Calculate pump work in J/Kg, where 1 hp = 746 W.

34. Engine lubricating oil is cooled from 150ºC to 80ºC by using water in parallel heat flow
exchanger. The water temperature passing through heat exchanger increases from 25ºC to
60ºC, then effectiveness and NTU are
(A) 0.56, 1.22 (B) 1.22, 0.56 (C) 0.5, 1 (D) None of these

35. Calculate the value of Grashoff number during convective heat loss from a vertical plate
radiator of 2 m height and 0.5 m width maintained at a temperature of 100°C in a room at
−3 W µ m2
20°C. Data: at 60°C ; Conductivity = 30 × 10 , = 20 × 10−6
m°C ρ S
(A) 4.7 ×1010 (B) 3.2 ×1011 (C) 6.4 ×1011 (D) 5.1 ×1010

36. For the same residence time, which one will give the maximum conversion?
I. (a) Single stirred tank (V = 5Lt)
(b) Two stirred tank (each of 2.5 Lt) in series
(c) Stirred tank followed by tubular flow reactor (each of 2.5 Lt)
(d) Single tubular flow reactor (v = 5Lt)
II. A second order reaction of the form A + B → C is called a pseudo-first order reaction when
(a) CAO = CBO (b) CAO > CBO (c) CBO = CAO (d) CBO > CAO
(A) I – d, II –d (B) I – d, II –c (C) I – b, II –c (D) I – a, II - b

37. A first order irreversible reaction, A → B carried out separately in a constant volume as well
in a variable volume reactor for a particular period. It signifies__________.
I. (a) Both conversion as well as concentration is same
(b) Conversion in both will be the same but concentrations will be different
(c) Both the conversion as well as concentrations will be different
(d) None of these

 ICP–Intensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
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II. Which of the following fixes the volume of a batch reactor for a particular conversion and
production rate?
(a) Operating conditions (e.g. pressure and temperatures)
(b) Rate constant (c) Density of mixture (d) none of these
(A) I-c,II-b (B) I-a,II-a (C) I-b,II-c (D) I-d,II-d

38. The phase margin of a system can be found from the Nicholas chart by examining
(A) The intersection of M contours with the phase axis
(B) The intersection of IS contours with the gain axis
(C) The intersection of the open loop plot with the 0 dB magnitude axis
(D) The intersection of the open loop plot with the180O phase axis

39. A stirred tank blending process with a constant liquid holdup of 2m3 is used to blend two
streams whose densities are both approximately 90 Kg/m3. The density does not change
during mixing. Assume that the process has been operating for a long period of time with
flow rates of w1 = 500 kg/min and w2 = 200 kg/min and feed composition (mole fraction) of
x1 = 0.4 and x2 = 0.75, what is the steady state value of x?
(A) 1.5 (B) 0.5 (C) 2.0 (D) 0.05

40. What is the exit conversion in percentage of reactant for a zero order reaction taking place in
a CSTR with the following data?
Rate constant =1 mol/min Litre
Feed concentration =1 mol/Litre
Feed flowrate= 0.5 L/min
& the reactor volume =1 Litre

41. A cylindrical vertical container 50 cm ID is rotated about its axis the container has a height of
1m and was initially filled to 60 cm. Calculate the speed of rotation at which the water shall
begin to spill over the container, and the pressure at a point 20 cm radial position and 5 cm
above the base
(A) 7.394 × 10−4 N / m 2 (B) 8.34 × 10−3 N / m 2
(C) 6.63 × 10−4 N / m 2 (D) 6.494 ×103 N / m2

42. A liquid reactant stream with C A0 = 1 mol/litre passes through two mixed flow reactors in
series. The concentration of ‘A’ in the exit stream from the first reactor is 0.5 mol/lit. Find the
concentration of ‘A’ in the exit stream of second reactor. The reaction A → R follows second
order kinetics and 2 = 2.

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43. For the reaction A → B the process flow diagram is shown in figure. The fresh feed of ‘A’
consists of 0.5% of inerts by volume. 60% conversion per pass of ‘A’ fed to the reactor is
obtained. The concentration of inerts going into the reactor at (1) must be held at 2% by
volume. All streams are ideal gases and the process is at steady state. How many moles need
to be recycled per mole of total feed to the reactor at (1).

Fresh feed B
Re actor Separator
A, I


Re cycle A, I
A, I
(A) x = 0.031, y=0.855 (B) x = 0.031, y=1.255
(C) x = 0.0791, y=0.855 (D) x = 0.029, y=0.455

44. The most efficient agent for absorption of sulphur trioxide is

(A) 98.5-99% Sulphuric acid (B) water
(C) 65% Oleum (D) 78% H 2So 4

45. Sweetening merox processes for kerosene converts mercaptans into

(A) Disulphides (B) Sulphur (C) Hydrogen sulphide (D) All of the above

46. A semi infinite slab made of a material with k = 45 W m°C, α = 1.4 ×10−5 m2 s is initially at
30°C. Its surface is suddenly raised to 300°C for 30 min & the heat flux at the surface was
measured to be 50 kW m2s. Another semi infinite slab, made of a material with
k = 32 W m°C, α = 5 ×10− 6 m2 s is subjected to the same condition for the same amount of
time. What would be the surface flux in kW m2s?

47. A vertical plate 600 mm high and maintained at 40°C is exposed to saturated steam at
atmospheric pressure.
Convective heat transfer coefficient is 4082
m 2 °C

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Latent heat of condensation = 2257 kJ kg. Calculate the rate of heat transfer in kW per meter
of plate width?

48. A mild steel piece has uniform, initial carbon concentration of 0.2% by mass. If it is exposed
to a carburizing atmosphere in a furnace where the surface concentration is maintained at
1.3%, determine how long (in hours) the piece must be kept in the furnace for the
concentration of carbon at a location 0.4mm below the surface to reach 1% ? (Take D=5x10-10

49. In order to avoid pressure build up, ammonia gas at atmospheric pressure in a pipe is vented
to the atmosphere through a pipe of 3mm diameter and 20mm length. Determine mass of
ammonia diffusing out and the mass of air diffusing in per hour. (Assume D = 0.28 x 10-
m /S. µ = 17 Kg/kg mole)
4 2

(A) M N H 3 = 7.38 × 10 −6 kg / hr (B) M NH 3 = 3.78 × 10 −6 kg / hr

Mair = −1.26 × 10−5 kg / hr Mair = 1.26 × 10−5 kg / hr

(C) M N H 3 = 6.37 × 10 −6 kg / hr (D) None of these

Mair = 7.38 × 10−5 kg / hr

50. Determine the percentage of the relative humidity of the air, if the air at 30OC flows over a
wet bulb thermometer, which reads at 22O. The property values for air reading at 26OC are
ρ = 1.181 ; C = 1005; α = 0.2228 ×10−4 Dab = 2.583 ×10−5 m2 / s

At 22O C C t = = 0.01944 ; h fg = 2449.4 × 103 J / kg

51. A second order system is defined by the transfer function , then the resonant
2s + s +1

frequency for the system is given by _________.

5e −3s
52. The transfer function for the process reaction curve is given by G PRC ( s ) = . Then
( 2s +1)
what will be the value of the output at steady state if steady state input =1 ?

53. A pneumatic controller operates with a scale range from 0-150°C when the output changes
from 20 − 120kN / m2 . As the temperature rises form 95-110°c the sensitivity and
proportional band will be respectively
5.33 ( kN m 2 ) 6.67 ( kN m 2 )
(A) 15% (B) 10%
°c, °c,

 ICP–Intensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
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6.37 ( kN m 2 ) 5.33 ( kN m 2 )
(C) 15% (D) 10%
°c, °c,

54. Which of the following statement is TRUE for double pipe heat exchanger?
Where, D a = Equivalent diameter for heat transfer
D P = Equivalent diameter for pressure drop
(A) D a > D P (B) D a = D P (C) D a < D P (D) None of these

55. If we increase the gas, mass velocity of oil absorption packed surpass by 8 times, then the
pressure drop (Preloading condition)
(A) Increases by 4 times (B) Decreases by 4 times
(C) Increases by 2 times (D) Decreases by 2 times

 ICP–Intensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
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