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Distinguish fact from opinion
Observe politeness at all times
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound affixed) based
on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms word parts and
other strategies (Health)
Read grade level texts with accuracy, appropriate rate and proper
Infer the meaning of words (Synonyms and Antonyms)

DAY 3 Show tactfulness when communicating with others

Distinguish text- types according to purpose- to persuade

Showing Tactfulness When Communicating With Others
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
DAY 5 grammatical structures
 Prepositions
Provide evidence to support understanding

DAY 1 Remind others to stay on topic

Show tactfulness when communicating with others

Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on
given context clues (synonyms, antonyms)

DAY 2 Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and

language)Problem and solution

Observe politeness at all times

Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words through affixes based on
the given context clues.
Self- correct when reading.
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures: Prepositional phrases
Self- correct when reading.
Organize information from primary sources in preparation for
writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration with

Provide evidence to support understanding
Comment on the evidences provided to support understanding

Show tactfulness when communicating with others

Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the given context
DAY 2 clues (synonyms and antonyms word parts ) and other strategies
Distinguish text-types according to features(structural and
DAY 3 language) - Problem and solution
Organize information from the secondary sources in preparation
DAY 4 for writing , reporting, and similar academic tasks in collaboration
with others
DAY 5 Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and
audience- asking permission /making request
Infer the speaker‘s tone, mood and purpose

Link comments to the remarks of others

Observe politeness and tactfulness when communicating with
others at all times
Distinguish text-types according to features(structural and
language) - Problem and solution
Read grade level text with accuracy,appropriate rate and proper
Organize information from the secondary sources in preparation
DAY 4 for writing , reporting, and similar academic tasks in collaboration
with others
Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and
DAY 5 audience- asking permission /making request
Infer the speaker‘s tone, mood and purpose
Use appropriate strategies to keep the discussion going
Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and
Language)- Cause and effect

Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on given context

DAY 2 clues (synonyms, antonyms)

Observe politeness at all times

Show tactfulness when communicating with others

DAY 3 Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and
audience- following and giving direction
DAY 4 Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for

writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration with
DAY 4 others

Write a 3-paragraph feature article

DAY 5 Summative Test
Infer the speaker‘s tone, mood and purpose
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words compound based on given
DAY 2 context clues (Synonyms/Antonyms)

Observe politeness at all times.

Distinguish text-types according to features (structural language)
DAY 3 Cause and effect

Self-correct when reading

Organize information from the secondary sources in preparation
DAY 4 for writing , reporting, and similar academic tasks in collaboration
with others
DAY 1 Identify point of view.
Distinguish text types according to features ( structural and
DAY 2 language ) – comparison and contrast.
DAY 3 Observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressions in
choral, echo and shadow reading
Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for
DAY 4 writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration with
Write a 3-paragraph feature article.
DAY 5 Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence
viewers – Propaganda.
Identify point of view.
DAY 1 Use particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and
audience-expressing opinions/emotions.
Observe politeness at all times
DAY 2 Distinguish text –types according to features(structural language)
comparison and contrast
Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for
DAY 3 writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration with
Revise writing for clarity
Observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressions in
DAY 4 choral, echo and shadow reading
Show tactfulness when communicating with others(
DAY 5 Determine images/ ideas that are explicitly used to influence

a. Stereotypes EN5VC-IIIH-7.1
b. Point of View EN5VC-IIIH-7.2
c. Propaganda EN5VC-IIIH-7.3
DAY 1-2 Make a stand
Organize information from the secondary sources in preparation
DAY 4 for writing , reporting, and similar academic tasks in collaboration
with others
DAY 5 Write a 3-paragraph feature article
Teachers can make ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES ( Informal Writing)
adjustments for Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and
this week audience- expressing emotions


Day 1 (Oral Language)

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of text types to listen for different
purposes from a variety of texts
B. Performance Standards
Uses linguistic cues to effectively construct meaning from a variety
of texts for a variety of purposes
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
1. Distinguish fact from opinion
2. Observe politeness at all times
EN5LC-III a 2.10, EN5A-IIIa-16
II. Content
Distinguishing Fact From Opinion
III. Learning Resources
A. References
English Expressways (Textbook in Reading) pp.215-216
Developing My English Power 5, p. 97-100
B. Materials
metacards, chart, strips of paper, pictures, box
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Game : Stop Dance
The teacher will play a music . As the music stops, pupil will get a
a strip of paper inside a box . Pupil will give facts and opinions about
the topic written in a strip of paper.
Illegal logging
Drug addiction

Water pollution
Population explosion
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Strategy: Picture Analysis

The teacher will show pictures about ways of taking care of animals
and ask something about it.


What can you say about the picture? How do you take care of your
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Jose works with animals.In fact, he spends every spare

moment in a neighborhood pet store. After school, he helps feed
the animals and clean their cages. He spends a lot of time training
the animals so they could get along with people.
Jose believes that being a veterinarian and working with
animals would be a wonderful thing for him to do when he grows
up. He thinks that he will become an excellent veterinary doctor in
the future.

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.

What does Jose do?
How does he spend his spare moment?
Which paragraph expresses truth or fact?

Which paragraph expresses a view or belief?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Circle Chat:
1. Divide the class into five groups.
2. Tell each group to form a circle. Remind them to do this in a quiet
and orderly manner.
3. Instruct them to tell their opinions about the sentences they have
4. After 10 minutes, let each group share some of their opinions with
the rest of the class.
a. Water is important to man.
b. Mother stays at home and takes care of her children.
c. The gate of the school will be closed during class hours.
d. Eat a well-balanced diet to stay healthy.
e. Trees prevent flood that can kill people and crops.
F. Developing mastery
Choose two (2) pupils who are good in oral communication. Have a
debate about the statement below.
Reading is important because it develops the mind.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
You noticed that one of your friends throws stone at your
neighbor‘s dog. What would you do?
As young boys and girls, how can you show your love for
pets and other animals? Why should we take care of our pets and
other animals?
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson
What is the difference between facts and opinions?


Facts refer to statements which are true and can be proven while
opinion refers to what others think.

I. Evaluating learning

Listen carefully as I read each statement. Tell whether it expresses a

fact or opinion.

1. A whale is a sea mammal.

2. There are seven days in a week.
3.Boys perform better in Mathematics than in girls.
4.Dr. Jose Rizal is our national hero.
5.Children who work become better adults than children who do not.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Write five (5) statements describing our country under the following
Fact Opinion
1. _________________ 1. _________________
2. _________________ 2. _________________
3. _________________ 3. _________________
4. _________________ 4. _________________
5. _________________ 5. _________________


Day 1 (Oral Language)

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding that words are composed of different
parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
B. Performance Standards
Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in
isolation and in context
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound) based on given
context clues
Read grade level text with accuracy, appropriate rate and proper
EN5V-IIIa-20.3, EN5F-IIIa-1.3,1.6,1.7
II. Content
Compound Words
III. Learning Resources
C. References
English for Global Communication 5, p.58
D. Materials
puzzle, picture, flashcards, 2 baskets, chart, activity sheets
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Game : Word Hunt
Look and encircle all the nouns in the puzzle. It maybe horizontal,
vertical or diagonal.


D. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

Strategy: Picture Analysis
The teacher will show picture of a girl baking a cake and ask something
about it.


What can you say about the picture? What are cakes made of?
E. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

One Saturday afternoon, Gregor, the baker is busy making

cupcakes and cooking pancakes. Celine, his helper is busy packing
applesauce and strawberry jam. They will bring these to town where
anybody can buy them anytime.

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.

a. Who is Gregor?
b. What is the work of the baker?
c. What does Celia pack?
d. When did the story happen?
e. If you were a baker what bread would you prefer to bake?
There are three ways of writing a compound noun :
1. One word- Ex: breakdown
2. Two separate words- Ex: school year
3. Joined by a hyphen- Ex: far-flung
Read grade level text with accuracy, appropriate rate and proper
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Mix and Match
The teacher will show 2 baskets in the class. One basket is intended for
the boys and the other basket for the girls. Inside the baskets are words
written in flashcards. As a music plays, pupils will get words from their
basket and they will go around to look for the other words to form
compound words. As soon as they finished, they will read the words infront
of the class. (Note: A teacher may add other words as desired)
basketball football
everything anybody
railroad sometimes
moonlight skateboard
sunflower weatherman
fireflies movie star
grasshoppers ex-president
inside hold-up
speechwriter ceiling fan
movie star mother-in-law
F. Developing mastery
The pupils will write the compound word that mean the following:
_______________________ bell by the door
_______________________ ache or pain at the back of the body
_______________________ cake fried on a pan
_______________________ room where classes are held
_______________________ cloth to cover
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Read the situation and answer the question that follows.
Mother is busy preparing something in the kitchen. You are doing
your homeworks when you heard your mother calls and needs a help.
Is it right to continue your work and ignore your mother? Why?
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson
What makes a compound word?


A compound word is made up of two or more words used as a

noun or an adjective. Often, the word has a meaning that is different
from the two separate words.

I. Evaluating learning
Choose the correct compound word to complete the sentence. Write only
the letter of the correct answer.
1. The soldiers have warned the civilians to be careful or they‘ll be caught in
A. crosswind B. crossways C. crossfire D. crossroad
2. The Young Botanists members were awed by the process of
____________ conducted by the scientists on two flowering plants.
A. crossbreed C. cross fertilization
B. cross-piece D. cross pollination
3. As early as the beginning of the week, my teacher reminded me to finish
my task. I didn‘t obey her and now I have a lot of _____________.
A. back-drop C. back log
B. background D. back side
4. A thin membrane that receives and transmits sound waves in the ear is
called an _____________.
A. ear mark B. ear lobe C. ear drum D. ear phone

5. As I made a quick turn to the right, my car hit the edge of the plant box
which damaged my _____________.
A. headsets B. headbulbs C. headlamps D. headlights
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Read each sentence and fill in the blank with a compound word. Choose your
answer below.
haircut firemen
stomachache backyard

1. The ____________________did their best to save the burning building.

2. Please go to the ___________________________ for some medicine.
3. Grandfather went to the barber shop for a _____________________________.
4. We will go to the ____________________________to harvest fruits and
5. I have ________________________maybe because I ate too much.


Day 1 (Oral Language)

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding that words are composed of different
parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
B. Performance Standards
Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in
isolation and in context
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Infer the meaning of words (Synonyms and Antonyms)
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
EN5V-IIIa 20.4, EN5A-IIIa-17
II. Content
Synonyms and Antonyms (Vocabulary Development)
III. Learning Resources
E. References
English Expressways Reading 5, p.66
Fun in English , Language, p. 159
F. Materials
flashcards, chart, activity sheets, puzzle
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Game : Pinoy Henyo
Note : Words to be used are all about different professions.
F. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word.
S A R O T A U T N- a person who has been trained for travelling in space
Asking the children what astronaut means.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

First Man in Space
Yuri Gagarin, the first Russian man to circle the Earth in a
satellite spaceship was on April 12, 1961.
The spaceship took off. The speed and noise did not disturb
me. I found myself in orbit. My satellite spaceship was soon separated
from the carrier rocket. I experienced weightlessness. At first, it was
difficult to work. But later, I got used to it and I was able to work as we
had planned.
Weightlessness made everything easier to do. One‘s legs
and arms weigh nothing. Objects inside the spaceship floated. I did not
sit on my chair as before, but hung in mid-air. I ate and drank while in
the state of weightlessness. I took down my observation. My
handwriting did not change although my hand was weightless. But I
had to hold the notebook, otherwise it would have floated away. I was
in constant radio contact with people on Earth.
From a height of 188 miles, the Earth had a very beautiful
blue halo, a circle of light. At the horizon or boundary between the
Earth and the sky, a gradual change in colors takes place, from light
blue to dark blue, from dark blue to violet and then to black. The
change was very beautiful! I could see which sides of the Earth have
daytime or night time. I could see the shores, islands, rivers and
oceans on the daytime side of the Earth very well.
I did not see the moon. The sun in outer space was ten times
brighter than here on Earth. The stars were very bright and they were
red, white and yellow.
I passed the Antarctic, Cape Horn, Central Africa, the
Mediterranean, The Balkans- and then I saw Russia.
I was the first man ever to see with my own eyes the
spherical shape of the Earth.
Source : English Expressways, Reading, p. 63

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.

a. What unusual experience did Yuri Gagarin have as spaceship

went in orbit?
b. How did the Earth look like from the spaceship?
c. Why was Gagarin‘s experience became a great moment not only
in his own life but also in the life of the whole human race?
Study the sentences.
1. This gradual change of colors happened slowly -from light
blue to dark blue, from dark blue to violet and then to black.
2. If we are in a state of weightlessness, being so light due to
the absence of gravity, we float.
3. The shape of the Earth is spherical or globular.
What are the underlined words?
What word in the sentence has the same meaning as
gradual? weightlessness? spherical?

Words Synonyms Antonyms

gradual Slowly abruptly
weightlessness lightness in weight heaviness
spherical Globular nonspherical

What can you say about the meaning of the words in the
first and second column? Do they have the same meaning?
How about the words in the first and third column?
F. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Group I- Let Us Form
Ask the pupils to rearrange the letters to give the meaning of the word.
___________1. beautiful- LYVELO (LOVELY)
___________2. frightened- DAECRS (SCARED)
__________ 3. miserable- FULWOOSRR (SORROWFUL)
___________4. sweet- TRANFRAG (FRAGRANT)
___________5. sparkling- NIIHGSN (SHINING)
Group II- Let Us Write
Create your own vocabulary journal by listing down five words. Give their
synonyms and antonyms and use them in sentences..

Group III- Let Us Draw
Show how proud you are in your family by sharing your story about
them. Show it in drawing . Be sure to use sketches depicting synonyms
and antonyms.
F. Developing mastery
Work on the puzzle below. Follow the numbers so your words will be
Placed correctly.
1 2 3 4 5

7 8

9 10 11 12


14 15


1. describes a soft bed 1. opposite of ―cheerless‖

6. a word that describes newly- 2.opposite of slow
polished shoes
7. what cans are made of 3. opposite of ―sunny‖
9. the color of ―macopas‖ 5. opposite of ―late‖
11. a word that means ―done 8. color of a mouse
every year
14. the shape of an orange 10.opposite of ―bright‖
15. the opposite of ―no‖ 12.opposite of ―beginning‖
16. a word which means ―them‖ 13. opposite of ―in‖
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
If you had the chance to be the first human being in space, would you
have accepted the offer ? Why?
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning.
Antonyms are words that have opposite meaning.

I. Evaluating learning
Read each sentence and determine whether the underlined words
are synonyms or antonyms. On the line before each number, write
S for synonyms, A for antonyms.
____ 1. Every man tried to get up on the horse, but no one was able
to mount Bucephalus.
____ 2. King Phillip was so disappointed but Alexander was hopeful
that he could ride on the spirited horse without difficulty.
____ 3. Alexander was insistent but the king was adamant to let his
son ride on the horse.
____ 4. The devoted horse remained steadfast in serving his
____ 5. Alexander the Great was a good equestrian and an
omnivorous reader.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Write in each blank with the synonym or antonym of the given word.

Word Synonym Antonym

1. plenty Few
2. sick Ill
3. ascend Descend
4. narrow Broad
5. stout Fat


Day 1 (Oral Language)

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of writing styles to comprehend the
author‘s message
B. Performance Standards
Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from
informational texts
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Distinguish text - types according to purpose- to persuade
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
EN5RC-IIIa- 3.2.4, EN5A-IIIa-17
II. Content
Distinguish text- types according to purpose- to persuade
Showing Tactfulness When Communicating With Others
III. Learning Resources
G. References
H. Materials
flashcards, chart, activity sheets
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Game : What‘s the Word, That‘s the Word
Note : Words to be used are all about foods.
G. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Write the meaning of the words by filling up the missing letters in the box.





Answers : brilliant, vigorous, frequently, bubbly, decay

H. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Healthy Lunches
Children should eat healthy lunches in school every day. Firstly,
children need to drink milk to make their teeth and bones strong. Some
schools provide milk for children and this is an excellent idea.
Secondly, children need to eat fruit and vegetables every day to
keep them healthy. Some children do not eat fruit or vegetables and
they get sick more often.
Sweets and fizzy drinks should be banned from schools
because they rot your teeth.
Finally, if all schools have a rule about healthy lunches children
will grow strong and healthy.
Source :
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.
a. What should children eat everyday?
b. Why should they drink milk?
c. How are they going to keep their body strong and healthy?
d. If the children will continue to eat sweets and fizzy foods,
what will be it‘s effect to their teeth?
Explain the purpose of the selection.
Class this type of text is what we call persuasion because it shows
how the author convinces the reader about eating healthy foods for lunch.
Persuasion is used to convince the reader to agree with the author about
an issue. The author will rely heavily on facts to express their opinion, and
use them in an argumentative type of writing style.

G. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Draw a happy face if it is a persuasion and sad face if it is not.
1. By donating just a minimal amount of money, we can all play a part in
the prevention of worldwide poverty.
2. So all in all I think we can agree that smoking is in no way shape
or form a good thing and is a great danger to smokers and those
around them.
3. Storm surge is produced by water being pushed toward the
shore by the force of the winds moving cyclonically around the

4. Coal is valued for its energy content, and, since the 1880s, has

been widely used to generate electricity.

4. Schools need to require students to wear uniforms because it
will cost less money, stop or prevent some bullying, and reduce
F. Developing mastery
Distinguish if the following selection aims to explain something.
Write down 5 sentences from the selection that expresses
Should Children Use Mobiles?
Many children now possess a mobile phone and they are fast
becoming the latest fashion item.
Children continue to use mobiles despite the obvious risk to their
health. Mobile phones emit a dosage of radiation, which is harmful to
the user and cause severe brain damage.
Mobiles are useful, however. They enable parents to maintain
contact with their children whenever they need to. There are also
obvious benefits to their use in emergency situations.
The recent rise in crimes associated with mobiles is a worrying
trend: many of our children are under threat of violence merely by the
possession of a phone.

Parents should think carefully before purchasing a mobile phone
for their child.
Source :
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
We know that a person with a healthy body has a healthy mind.
Aside from eating nutritious foods, we need to exercise regularly and
have enough rest and sleep. Is it proper for a young boy or girl like you
to sleep late at night and don‘t even participate in the morning body
exercises ?
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

Persuasive writing is a type of non-fiction writing used to
convince the reader to agree with the author about an issue. The author
will rely heavily on facts to express their opinion, and use them in an
I. Evaluating learning
argumentative type of writing style.

Stay Safe in the Sun

Going out in the burning sun without sensible protection is
extremely dangerous.
The first reason is that you can get extremely sunburnt.
The second reason is that you can get horrible skin cancers
because of damaging light rays.
Another reason is that too much time out in bright sunlight can
damage your eyesight.
Wear a hat, put on a shirt, use sunscreen and wear sunglasses.

Source :

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Write a ten-sentence persuasive essay about one (1) of the
following topics:
Water Pollution
Reading Books
Modern Technology


Day 1 (Oral Language)

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Standards
Uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral and
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: -Prepositions
EN5G-IIIa- 7.3.1
II. Content
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Fun in English, Language, p.235
B. Materials
flashcards, chart, activity sheets, picture
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Game : Look at Me
Look around the room. Where are the books?
Where do you place your things? money?
(Note: Teacher asks related questions)
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Teacher shows a picture of a frog and ask something about it.

How will you describe a frog? How does it move?
I. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

The Frog Prince

Once upon a time, there was a King who lived in a big palace.
He had a very beautiful daughter who spent hours playing with her
golden ball. One day, while she was playing, the golden ball rolled and
fell into a dirty pond near the garden. The little princess started

An ugly Frog popped out of the water and asked her "What is
the matter? Why are you crying?" She replied, "My favorite ball has
dropped into the water and I want it back." The Frog said, "Do not cry. I
will help you but tell me, what will you give me?" The Princess badly
wanted the ball back and so she said, "I will give you anything you ask
for". The Frog dived down and within seconds, he was out again with
the golden ball. The princess was very happy. Now came the time to
keep the promise. The Frog said, "I wish to be your friend. I wish to eat,
drink, sleep with you in your beautiful Palace." The Princess ran away
with the ball promising the Frog to be his friend.
Days passed by and the little Princess soon forgot about her
promise. One day, the Frog came to the Palace and asked for the
Princess. "Be off, you ugly Frog", said the Princess. I don't want to see
you. The King asked her about the Frog. She told him about the
promise to the King. The King said, "You must keep your promise if you

have made". Thus, the Frog stayed in the palace. He ate from the
Princess's plate, drank from her glass. The Princess got very annoyed
with the Frog. She did not eat for the whole day. Then, the Frog said, "I
am very tired. Let us go to the bedroom." He climbed up into her bed to
sleep. The Princess lost her control and angrily picked up the ugly Frog
and threw him with a bang on the floor. To her surprise, a handsome
young man sprang up stunning her. He told her that he was in fact, a
King of a distant Country whom a wicked witch had made him an ugly
Frog. Only if a Princess allowed him to eat, drink and sleep with her, he
would be back to be a King again. The witch's spell was broken. The
King and the Princess married and they lived happily ever after.

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.

Where did the king live?
Where does the golden ball fall?
How does the frog dive in the pond to get the golden ball?
What did the Princess feel with the frog when his father told her that
the frog will stay in the palace?
Teacher presents the answers of the children
1. The King lived in the palace where he had a beautiful daughter
2. The golden ball fell into a dirty pond near the garden
3. The frog dived down in the pond to get the golden ball
4. The Princess got very annoyed with the frog and she did not eat the
whole day.
What are the underlined words in each sentence?
In the first sentence, what word shows where the king lived?
What word tells where the golden ball fell?
What word shows why the frog dived into the pond?
What word shows with whom the princess got annoyed?
What do you call these words?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Write a ten-sentence paragraph using any of the prepositions learned.
Underline it.
Make a poem using prepositions about any of the following topics:
Past Experiences
Embarrassing Moment
Enjoyable Travel
Think at least five (5) of something you want to draw using
prepositions. Then make sentences based from your drawing.
F. Developing mastery
Look for a partner. One will think of prepositions, then the other partner will
take turn in using them in sentences.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
As a child, if you are going to encounter just like in the story, how
would you pay someone who helped you?
H Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

A preposition is a word that relates the noun or the pronoun to
another word in a sentence.

I. Evaluating learning
Compose sentences using the following prepositions:
1. of 3. for 5. at
2. among 4. until
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Think of the appropriate preposition in each picture and use it in
a sentence.



I . Objective

A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of text types to listen
for different purposes from a variety of texts.
The learner demonstrates understanding of various verbal
elements in orally communicating information.
B. Performance Standards
The learner uses linguistic cues to effectively construct meaning
from a variety of texts for a variety of purposes.
The learner orally communicates information, opinions, and
ideas effectively to different audiences using a variety of literary
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Provide evidence to support understanding.
Remind others to stay on topic.
Show tactfulness when communicating with others.
II. Content

Reminding Others to Stay on Topic

III. Learning Resources

A. References:

B. Materials: pictures, activity cards, chart, meta cards

IV. Procedures

A. Review
Look at this map.


What kind of map is it?

How many provinces do we have?
From what province are you? Using this map,show to the class
the province where you came from.
What places have you already visited in our country?
What can you say about them?
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Match the words in Column A with their meaning in Column B.

1. wealth a. a quality or state of being free
2. freedom b. the traditions, beliefs that are part of
the history of a nation
3. heritage c. a form of language that is spoken in
a particular area
4. dialects d. a tract of land surrounded by water
and smaller than a continent
5. island e. a large amount of money and
Look at these pictures. What can you say about them?
(beautiful sceneries/ Filipino cultures)


Today, I‘m going to read a selection entitled ‖ Proud to be Pinoy‖.

A. Motive Question
Why should we be proud of being Pinoy?
Listen to the story. Answer the questions below.
Proud to be Pinoy
Our country, the Philippines, is known as the Pearl of the
Orient Seas. It is composed of 72 provinces and has 3 big islands
namely Luzon , Visayas and Mindanao.
Our forefathers live peacefully and harmoniously in this
Beautiful country. They enjoy and treasure the natural resources
that we have and make them their sources of income.

Philippines is rich in natural resources like seas and rivers
that give fishermen lots of fish to catch for their daily living.
We also have mountains with plenty of trees that give
us shelter and foods to eat. There are also wide meadows for
pastures where animals can eat and move freely.
Indeed, we are so lucky because we enjoy the freedom
and wealth of our country. We owe this freedom from our fore
fathers who did their best and fought bravely against invaders.
We are united with one mission coupled with the same
hopes and dreams.
We are blessed with fantastic and beautiful sceneries in
every region like the famous Banaue Rice Terraces, Chocolate
Hills in Bohol, Boracay, Fort Santiago, Mt. Mayon in Albay and
many more.
Aside from that, we have to be thankful for the different
talents that Filipinos are blessed with like in sports, dancing,
singing, acting, modeling, painting and many more that give glory
to our country. We have to be proud of them for making us known
around the world.
So, Be proud to be Pinoy!

Comprehension Check- up
1. What can you say about our country?
2. How would you describe Philippines?
3.What can we be proud of about our country?
4. Are you proud of being Pinoy? Why? Why not?
5. What will you do to maintain the beauty of our country? etc.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1
1. Let‘s sing the popular song of the Pinoy Big Brothers
― Pinoy Ako‖.
2. What did you feel after singing?
Direction: Get 3 meta cards. Draw a happy face in each card if
you are happy with the statement/ question given and a sad face
if not.
______ a. Philippine is a beautiful place.
______ b.Filipinos are talented people.
______ c. Pinoy lacks potential.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills # 2
Direction: Let‘s play a game. 3 players will compete at a time. I will
get a piece of paper from the box and for 2 minutes write as many
answers as you can based on what is written on picked sheet of
a. Great Heroes
b. Popular Folkdances
c. Beautiful Spots
d. Patriotic Songs
F. Developing Mastery
Group the class into four . Provide activity cards for each group
and assign them to their respective group.
Group 1: The Artists
Draw the beautiful spots in the Philippines that you want to visit
Group 2: The Composers
Create a song that tells something that we can be proud of our
Group 3: The Dancers
Select one of our folk dances and perform it to the class.
Group 4: The Writers
Write a two – stanza poem about the beauty of our country.
G. Application
Direction: Listen to the song ― My Native Land‖ . As the music plays,
you‘ll pass a ball to anyone and whoever catches it will say someyhing
about the beauty of our country.
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction of the Lesson

Listen very well to the story so you can give evidence about
its content.
List down important notes or ideas about the story
listened to.

I. Evaluating Learning
Direction: Listen to this article about one of the most popular
teleserye nowadays. Then, answer the question that follow.

Ang Probinsyano
by: Rochelle Yeban

―Ang Probinsyano‖ is one of the best teleserye of ABS-CBN.

It is a show intended for all walks of life, young and old, rich and
poor and even professionals. According to some viewers, ―Kulang
ang araw ko kapag hindi ko napanood ang Probinsyano‖.
The lead character of Ang Probinsyano is the matinee idol
and natural actor, Coco Martin. His physical appearance fits his
role as a young straight policeman who has strong personality, will
and determination in making our community a peaceful one.
Different issues, crimes and violence in our government
have been shown and handled by the policemen headed by this
courageous cop popularly known as Cardo.
Unlike other action teleserye, the show has all the elements:
suspense, comedy, drama, love story that keep the people glued to
their seats.People can easily relate with the different true to life issues
in every episode. The show is also rich in moral lessons and makes
its viewers keen observers to what is happening in our society.
Lastly, it aims to give credit and rebuild the image of the
policemen by attempting to change our perception of the police
force. Let us put in mind that these military men also deserve to
be recognized for their heroic deeds and for giving their lives for

the country.
Salute to the director and whole casts of this ―teleserye‖
for your outstanding performance.May we have more as
educational as Ang PROBINSYANO. Keep it up and hoping for
more exciting episodes!
Source:Feature Article (The Dawn :School Paper G.Paradero E/S)

Direction : Answer the following questions.

1. What is one of the most popular teleserye of ABS – CBN?
a. Ang Magbubukid b. Ang Probinsyano
c. Ang Mamamayan d. Ang Mambabatas

2. Who is the lead character in Ang Probinsyano?

a. Piolo Pascual b. Jericho Rosales
c. Coco Martin d. Xian Lim

3. What kind of teleserye is Ang Probinsyano ?

a. A teleserye that gives moral lesson.
b. A telesrye that is comedy in nature.
c. A teleserye that deals with the roles of a teacher
d. A teleserye that focuses in only one issue.

4. Ang Probinsyano is a teleserye that aims to ____________

a. give credit and rebuild the images of the policemen.
b. Destruct people
c. Inform old ones
d. Excite viewers

5. Ang Probinsyano makes us ___________

a. Aware with the old issues
b. Aware of the crimes and violence in our country
c. Aware of the popular artist
d. Aware of the current trends

J. Additional Activity for Remediation
Bayanihan Spirit
( Teacher made )
Bayanihan Spirit is one of the most popular Filipino traits that we have.
It is practiced more in the provinces than in the city. During planting or
harvest time, we can see that the families of the farmers help one another to
finish their work. We can also observe this during mourning time wherein our
neighbors offer us help to lessen our burden not only financially but also
It was also observed when the people in our community build or
transfer to other places.
They help us in transferring our things or even our house. They exert much
effort to make the work easier for the family and give financial support even in
simple ways.
Bayanihan Spirit is a teamwork, cooperation and support given by the
people to the members of the community. This spirit is something to be
Answer the following correctly. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What do you call the teamwork, cooperation and support given by the
people to the other members of the community?
a. Ningas Cogon
b. Bayanihan
c. Close Family Ties
2. The bayanihan Spirit is usually practiced in ____________.
a. City
b. Barrio
c. Provinces
3. Bayanihan is observed in ____________.
a. transferring of house to other place
b. joining in competition
c. working in a big company
4. Which shows Bayanihan Spirit in the following sentences _______.
a. Attending birthday party
b. Helping in the preparation of foods for the guests in the fiesta
c. Collecting donations for the typhoon victims
5. Why do you think the Bayanihan Spirit is important?
a. It helps work easier
b. It develops harmonious relationship among members in the community
c. Both a and b


Day 2
Reading Comprehension

I. Objectives
1. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on
given context clues (synonyms, antonyms)
2. Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and
language)Problem and solution
3. Observe politeness at all times
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding that words are
composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes
depending in context.
The learner demonstrates understanding of various linguistics
nodes to comprehend various texts.
B. Performance Standards
The learner uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of
words in isolation and in context.
The learner uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct
meaning from a variety of texts for a variety of purposes.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
II. Contents
Infering the Meaning of Unfamiliar Compound Words Based
on Given Context Clues ( Synonyms , Antonyms)
Distinguishing Text –Types According to Features
(Structural and Language)
III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher‘s Guide pages
2. Learner‘s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. Procedure
A. Review
What was the title of the story that we read yesterday?
Are you proud of being Pinoy?
What are some of the aspects that we have to be proud of being
What made you come up of good performance or presentation with
your assigned task?
What did you consider to have good presentation?
How did you feel about it?
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Today we are going to learn about inferring the meaning of
unfamiliar compound words based on given context clues (synonyms,
antonyms) and distinguishing text-types according to features
(structural and language) – problem and solution.
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
The day when Bea studied in a private school was really an
unforgettable experience to her. She became one of the contestants in
a swimming competition. As a school swimmer, she wanted that the
peak of her ambition will not turn into nothing. She considered it as the
highlight of her extra- curricular activities. She kept on practicing
different swimming strokes as what professional swimmers do. She did
the crawl, backstroke, and butterfly strokes. She couldn‘t stop
swimming and devoted more time in practicing during her free time.
She really enjoyed the cold water and its crystal color . But, there were
times that she wanted to stop due to over fatigue. So, she kept on
resting in her bedroom when she was at home. Her dorm really attracts
her to sleep and rest. Bea‘s eagerness to bring home the bacon during
the competition made her decision to practice more. She felt so glad
when she won first place in the competition and she believes that her
dream of being a good swimmer will soon be realized.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1
a. Who has an unforgettable experience?
b. What was her unforgettable experience?
c. What problem did Bea encounter?
d. What did she do to realize her dream?
e. Was she able to fulfil her dreams
Skill Development
Read the sentence taken from the selection.
As a school swimmer, she wanted that the peak of her ambition
will not turn into nothing. She considered it as the highlight of her extra-
curricular activities.
Compound Words are combination of two words with different
meanings to form new word with another meaning.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing new Skills #2
Direction: Look for the meaning of the underlined compound words in
each sentence.
1. We enjoy planting different kinds of plants in the vacant lot at the
back of our house. There are also vegetables and ornamental plants in
our backyard.
2. Bea and Anne want to take the story of the unwanted child . She
wanted to download it from the google.
3. The direction of the test is to underline the important words in the
sentence. The pupils will underscore it properly.
4. The children enjoy playing ball in the playground. This play area
must always be safe from harm.
5. There are lots of seafoods in the party. I like these foods from the
sea so much.
F. Developing Mastery
Direction: Encircle the meaning of the italic words in each sentence.
1. They cleaners clean the corridor every morning. This pathway is
always clean.
2. The Grade V classroom is always neat and tidy. This lecture room
won as Best Classroom in our school.
3. My friend gave me a gold doorknob from London. I will always
treasure this knob of the door .
4. Mrs. Reyes bought a new penlight in the mall. The light of the pen
helps us to see things well.
5. Ana has a colorful shoelace. This lace of a shoe was given by her
G. Application
Group Activity (Collaborative)
Group the pupils into three . Then, give each group the assigned task.
I - Make an article about personal experience using compound words.
II – Make a rap of the objects that you use at home for your personal
hygiene using compound words.
III – Dramatize school activity using compound words.
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction About the lesson
How do you get the meaning of the unfamiliar compound words ?
I. Evaluation/Assessment
Direction: Choose the appropriate compound words from the box.
rainbow bathroom popcorn
shoe cover sunflowers cardboard
1. There are many varieties of ____________ in Baguio City.
2. The children use ____________ to maintain the neatness of the
3. Nathan and Kae enjoy eating ___________ in the cinema.
4. My Mom cleans our _____________ every morning.
5. We used ___________ in our Art project last week.
J. Remediation
Look up for the meaning of the following compound words.
1. softdrinks 2. fairytale 3. sunrise
4. blackboard 5. hotcake

Day 3
I. Objective
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding that words are
composed of different parts to know that their meaning
changes depending in context.
B. Performance Standards
The learner uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning
of words in isolation and in context.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words through affixes based on the
given context clues.
Self- correct when reading.
II. Content
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words through affixes based on the
given context clues.
Self- correcting when reading.
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Teacher-made selection
B. Materials
Pictures, charts, selection
IV. Procedures
A. Review
1. Oral Language activity

Guessing Game
I‘m not a bird.
I‘m not a kite.
But I can fly
In the sky.
What am I? (Airplane)
2. Review of the previous lesson
Let‘s make compound words. Write the compound word on the blank
before its meaning.
(bookstore) → a store where books are sold
(bookmark) → marker placed between the pages of a book
(bookshelves) → a set of shelves or cabinet for holding books
(bookworm) → a person who spends much time reading a book
(sunglasses) → used to protect the eyes from the sun‘s glare
(sunrise) → when the sun rises in the east
(sunset) → when the sun goes down in the west
B. Establishing a Purpose for the lesson
What comes to your mind when you see an airplane?
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Today, we are going to learn how toinfer the meaning of unfamiliar words
through affixes based on the given context clues.
Call a learner to read the paragraph.
First Airplane
The first plane was designed by Wilbur and Orville Wright. The day
they flew it, it was unable to fly high. They knew that the design was
imperfect. The brothers were unhappy but they also knew that flying was not
impossible. They replaced their old design with a new one, and it proved to be
a big success!
D. Describing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

1.Who designed the first plane?

2.Can you explain what happened on the first day when they
flew the plane?

3. If you were Wilbur and Orville would you do the same? Why?
4. What is the importance of this first plane to our situation today?
5. What good character traits were shownwhen they replaced their
old design with a new one? (determination)

Look at the underlined word in the paragraph. What is the root word of
Suppose you failed in all subjects this grading period, what will you do?
Will you be frustrated or you will try harder? Why?
Look at the underlined words in the paragraph. What is the root word of
each word?
unable - able
imperfect – perfect
unhappy – happy
impossible – possible
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills # 2
A. Assign 9 pupils to read the dialog
Narrator: Some grade five pupils are talking about
their ambitions in life.
Lyn: When I grow up, I want to be a biologist,
because I love plants and animals.
Karl: I like to be an instructor.
I like to instruct or teach college student.
Janet: I want to invent many things, so I want to be
an inventor
Anne: I love acting, so I want to be an actress.
Jackie :I like to be a singer. My mother told me that I
have a golden voice.
Joey: I want all people to be well fed. So, I will plant
fruits, vegetables and rice. Someday I will be
a farmer.
Arthur : Me? I want to be a driver. I enjoy driving cars
and I want to go to different places.

Teacher: Very good children. What will you do to
achieve your ambition.
What is the ambition of each pupil?
Pupils‘ Root Letter/syllables added to
answer Words the root word
 Biologist Biology Ist
 Instructor Instruct Or
 Inventor Invent Or
 Actress Act Ress
 Singer Sing Er
 Farmer Farm Er

(The letters/syllables added at the end of root word is a suffix)

 Notice the words with suffixes and the root words which
refer to persons?
 What do you think is the meaning of suffixes – ist, er, or
(One who does or performs a certain action)
(There are other suffixes like:)
 ion – action which means an act of
Ex. Collection, presentation, recitation
 ful – which means full of many
Ex. Colorful, wonderful
 less – which means without
F. Developing Mastery
Group Activity (Collaborative)
Pupils will be grouped into three. Each group will be given envelope
containing their tasks.
Group I- Compose a song with affixes. Then, present your
output to the class.
Group II- Write a poem about your ambition using affixes.
Write your answer on a cartolina and post it on the board.

Group III- Present a commercial using affixes encouraging
people to patronize your favorite product.
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct meaning of the underlined
1. What is the meaning of the word reappear?
a. a person who appears
b. without appear
c. appear again
2.What is the meaning of the word nonsense?
a. no sense
b. full of sense
c. a person who senses
3. What is the meaning of the word unfriendly?
a. not friendly
b. nofriend
c. with friends

4.What is the meaning of fearless?

a. without fear
b. with fear
c. full of fear
5.What is the meaning of the word hopeful?
a. no hope
b. full of hope
c. less hope
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
Affixes – are syllables added at the beginning or at the
end of a word to form new word.
Prefix – is a syllable added at the beginning of a word to
form new word.
Suffix – is a syllable added at the end of a word to form
new word.
I. Evaluation/Assessment
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct meaning of the underlined word.
1. Her ambition is really impossible to achieve.
a. not possible
b. less possible
c. more possible
2. My younger sister has an angelic face.
a. angel face
b. face like an angel
c. no face
3. Myra won in an Art Contest because she is artistic.
a. not artistic
b. very artistic
c. has eye for beauty
4. Mr. Reyes is a manager of a big company.
a. one who buys in a company
b. One who manages a company
c. One who owns a company
5. My daughter is a well – known cartoonist in our country.
a. One draws cartoon in a newspaper.
b. One who enjoys watching cartoon.
c. One who has a cartoon page
J. Remediation
Form new word by adding affix.
1. manage
2. grace
3. kind
4. hero
5. visible


Day 4

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates command of the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage when speaking.
B. Performance Standards
The learner uses the correct function of prepositions in general and their
functions in various discourse (oral and written).
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: Prepositional phrases.
Self- correct when reading.
II. Content
Prepositional Phrases
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide: CG in English 5 Quarter 3 Week 2
English For All Times 5 Language pp.248 - 255
B. Materials
pictures; intervening phrases, metacards, chart
IV. Procedures
A. Review
Game: Here I am

Look around the room. Where is my wallet? Where is your bag?

What about about your umbrella? Where is the eraser ? The
1. Pre-Reading
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Arrange the jumbled letters to form the defined word .
e h g u - big, gigantic
c v t a u l I e t I – develop
d n r v t a e - green
Show a picture of a farm.

What do you see in a picture?

Do you think they are happy?
Motive Question
How is life in the far
B.Establishing a Purpose of the Lesson
Today, we are going to learn about prepositional phrase.
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Call on a volunteer to read the story aloud.
Life in the Farm
( Teacher Made)
Nathan was so excited to see and visit his grandparents again in the
farm. Every summer he stays there for two weeks. He enjoyed being with
them because life in the city is different from life in the farm. He went to the
farm with his Lolo Carlo and Uncle John. They rode on a carabao because
it‘s far from the house. Then, he helped them in planting corn. They planted
fruit trees and other vegetables around the field. They also enjoyed getting
fruits like mangoes, cashew, bananas and young coconut in the farm. Lolo
Carlo kept on cleaning the farm and pulling out the weeds until lunch time.
After lunch time, they slept under the mango tree for an hour and then spent
the rest of the day in making the farm clean and green. Before going home,
Uncle John and Nathan looked at the goats and cows eating at the verdant
grassy hill.There is plenty of grass to eat so the animals are full within an
hour. Sometimes, they went to the nearby river and enjoyed swimming with
his playmates there. He really had fun throughout his stayed in the farm.

Answering motive question.

Comprehension Check
Where did the story happen? (in the farm)
Where do they go every morning? (to the farm)
Where did they ride? (on a carabao)
Where did they plant fruit trees and vegetables? ( around the field)
How long Lolo Carlo kept on cleaning the farm and pulling out weeds?
(until lunch time)
Where did they sleep after lunch? (under the mango tree)
How long did they sleep? (for an hour)
How much time did it take for the goats and cows to get full?
(within an hour)
Where did they go sometimes? ( to the nearby river)
Who were with him in the river? (with his playmates)
If you were Nathan, will you also enjoy staying on the farm? Why?
Will you also help with your grandfather and uncle ? Why?
Skills Development
Let‘s read your answers.
What do you call these phrases?
Which is the preposition in each phrase?
What about the group of words that follow with the preposition?
What do you call them?
What composed the prepositional phrase?
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1
Direction: Encircle the prepositional phrase in each sentence.
1. A person with a sense of humor gains more friends.
2. The guest of honor in the commencement exercise received a plaque
of recognition.
3. The park in front of the church is full of children every afternoon.
4. The fragrance of the fresh and colorful flowers attracted the butterflies.
5. The school principal comes to school before the time.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2
Direction: I have here a box with strips of paper. You will get one and try to
use it in meaningful sentence.
along the seashore beside her
between the participants in the classroom
next door among the pupils
inside the jail after recess
from a distance through the year
F. Developing Mastery
The teacher will provide five pictures and the learners will construct
sentences with prepositional phrases based on the picture.

G. Application
Group the pupils into three. Then let them do the assigned task.
I - Write a short paragraph about your unforgettable experience using
prepositional phrase.
II - Draw your favorite place in school and label it with prepositional phrases.
III - Write a song about your routine in school using prepositional phrases.
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson

A Prepositional Phrase is made up of the preposition,
the object of the preposition, and all the words in between.

I. Evaluation/ Assessment
Direction: Complete the sentences by writing the letter of the
appropriate prepositional phrases in the box.
under the tree in the school auditorium
among the equipment on Christmas
to Baguio City with them

1. ________ in the laboratory room are the specially- made

2. My mother and I will go _________ in the Ocean Park on
3. The pupils together with their teacher did their activities
__________ .
4. We will go _____________ to have our Gender and
Development seminar.
5. The candidates for Mr. and Ms. Earth were presented by the
chairman _______________ last Monday.
J. Remediation
Construct meaningful sentences using the following prepositional phrases.
behind the house against the light with my friends
after recess time across the bridget


I. Objective
Organize information from primary sources in preparation for writing,
reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration with others.
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of the research process to
write a variety of texts.
B. Performance Standard
The learner uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a
variety of texts for various audiences and purposes.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
II. Content
Organizing Information from Primary Sources in Preparation
for Writing, Reporting and Similar Academic Tasks in Collaboration
with Others.
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Materials
IV. Procedures
A. Review
Direction: Make an outline using the article below.
How to be Healthy
There are many ways to be healthy. People need rest, exercise,
proper diet, enough sleep and discipline in order to become healthy.
We need to practice proper hygiene like taking a bath everyday,
brushing teeth 3 times a day, changing clean clothes and using
deodorants to avoid bad odor.

Remember that ―Health is Wealth . So, everyone must practice
these in order to save money and effort and at the same time to have
healthy body and happy life.
I. . _____________________
A. ______________________
B. ______________________
C. ______________________
D. ______________________
E. ______________________
II. ________________________
A. ______________________
B. _______________________
C. _______________________
D. _______________________
What are the steps in outlining?
A. Establishing a Purpose of the Lesson
Today we are going to organize information from primary
sources in preparation for writing, reporting and similar
academic tasks in collaboration with others.
B. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
a. Who among you have diaries?
Do you enjoy making a diary?
What do you write in a diary?
When do you usually write your diary?
b. Let‘s read Bea‘s diary. (Teacher Made)
November 10, 2016

What a blessed day it was!

Today, we had our District English Literary Competition
in one of the private schools in our place. Luckily, I was one
of the participants in Chamber Theater. I was so excited
then because it was the first time that I joined contest like

this. Although I practiced and memorized my part , still, I was so
nervous because there were so many competing schools in this
When we were performing, everyone was so engrossed
and all-eyed to us. We performed well and gave our best to
deliver our parts . The audience were so amazed with our
performance. When all schools had performed, I kept on praying
that may the best performers won.

I was so tensed that time. But when the emcee

announced the winners ,I was so thankful to God that our school

It was really an unforgettable day to me . I am looking

forward for our performance in the next level.

Comprehension check -up

a. Who has a diary?
b. When was the content of the diary happened?
c. What is written in the diary?
d. If you were Bea, would you be happy about the result of the
e. What will you do in the next competition? Why?
Skill Development
Let‘s read the diary again.
What did Bea want to share with us in her diary?
What are her experiences? (Read the answers to the
What do you call these experiences? (supporting details)
Summing it up, what is the main idea of these details?
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

Direction : Read the selection silently. Then, give the main idea and the
supporting ideas.
Everybody enjoys beautiful surroundings. So, everyone should
help maintain an attractive, well- kept, and clean community. You can
start in your own home and backyard.

Keep your house and its surroundings free from rubbish and
standing water. Cultivate a flower garden in your yard. Maintain a
vegetable garden and help provide the part of the food requirements of
the family. Fruit trees in the yard do not only provide shade but they
also give nutritious fruits.
Maintaining cleanliness in the yard is easy. If you do not allow
trash and litter to accumulate. Always pick up bits of trash such as
candy wrappers, pieces of paper, dried leaves, and broken branches in
the yard. Do not leave empty cans and bottles lying around. Dispose
them if they are not needed. If you have a garden or lawn, trim the
grass regularly to keep it neat and to maintain its attractiveness.
Always remember, ― Cleanliness is next to Godliness‖.
Source: Effective Living Today 5
What is the main idea of the selection?
What are the details that support the main idea?
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2
Direction: Listen to the selection carefully. Then, get the main idea and the
details that support it.
The Philippines celebrates three national holidays regularly each
year. These are National Heroes‘ Day on November 30, Rizal day on
December 30, and Independence Day on June 12. These are the
holidays that Filipinos remember easily. They are the most widely
observed by all Filipinos throughout the country. However, many
festivals are also traditionally celebrated. Some of the most popularly
known are Santacruzan and Flores de Mayo in May, feasts of patron
saints, and of course, all Saint‘s Day, Christmas and New Year. These
are the holidays which our country and most of the Filipinos enjoy.
Source: English For All Times (Language)

F. Developing Mastery
Direction: Read the selection about Snow White. Then, do the assigned for
your group.

Snow White

At the beginning, the queen sat by the window of one of the

castle towers. She was sewing clothes for the little daughter she hoped
to have. Now and then she watched the snow falling outside.
Then, as her needle wove in and out of the material, the queen
accidentally pricked her finger and a drop of blood fell on the tiny
garment in her hands.
Thirdly,― when my baby is born, ― she said, ― I should like her to
have her lips as red as this blood; hair as black as the ebony window
frame; and skin as white as snow. And I shall call her Snow White‖.
Fourth, when the spring came, the young queen gave birth to a
beautiful baby girl. The king was overjoyed with the child.
―What shall we call her?‖ the king asked.
Lastly, the queen answered, In winter, when I was waiting for
her, I wished for a daughter with lips as red as blood; hair as black as
ebony; and skin as white as snow – and now I have her, I said I would
call her Snow White. The king said, Snow White she shall be.
I -Draw the setting of the story.
II - Get 5 statements from the story then arrange the
statements as they happened.
III - Based on the selection, make a web of the elements of a
G. Application
Group Activity (Collaborative)

Group the pupils into 3. Then, let them summarize the story ―Snow

White‖ in different forms.

Group 1 Outline form

Group 2 Arranging events based on signal words

Group 3 Paragraph form

H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson

How are you going to organize information from primary sources in

preparation for writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in
collaboration with others?
I. Evaluation/ Assessment
Direction: Read the steps in making banana hazelnut crunch.

First, we sliced the bananas. Then, we simmer them in a saucepan

until they were tender. Secondly, we added sugar and left the stew to cool.
Next, when it was cooled, we stirred inmilk . We then spooned the stewed
banana into dishes and sprinkled each with crashed fruits and nut bars.
Finally, we decorated each dish with banana slices.
Direction: Using the selection, arrange the steps in making banana hazelnuts
crunch by numbering it from 1 -5.

__________ Then, simmer them in a saucepan until they were tender.

__________ Finally, decorate each dish with banana slices.
__________ First, slice the bananas.
__________ Secondly, we add sugar and left the stew to cool.
__________ Next, when it is cool, stir in milk.
J. Remediation
Direction: Read the selection then, give its main idea.

A Child’s Grief
by: Sopia Ann Margarette B. Rivera / G. Paradero ‖The Dawn‖

Every child dreams of a family, united in love and respect.

Boy meets girl, fell in love, got married and bore a child…….but
there is more to this.
In this society where marriage is no longer held sacred as
before, we see an increasing number of broken homes because of

wrong priorities, wrong choice of partners, incompatibility, financial
issues, meddling in laws, and broken vows.
At the end of this equation is a child made to suffer the
consequences. The child loses self confidence, neglects his studies,
turns to drugs and bad companies and all other negativities that slowly
ruin his life.
Let us think about this because it is really alarming. Let us
make our family a better one. Strive to give your child a normal and
happy life so they can succeed. Embrace him with your unending
love. Help him realize that life is good and something to be treasured.

Week 3


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of various linguistic nodes to various texts
B. Performance Standards
Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/messages
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Provide evidence to support understanding
Comment on the evidences provided to support understanding
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
EN5LC-IIIc- 2.15 , EN5OL-IIIC-2.8 , EN5A-IIIC-17
II. Content
Providing evidence to support understanding
III. Learning Resources
A. References
English Matters Language Workbook pp.197-199
Lesson Guide in English V (Revised Edition)
B. Materials
Chart or tarpapel, pictures, DLP, activity cards, pocket charts, show-me-board
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson
Drill: Song (Teacher‘s preference)
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
The teacher shows different pictures of newscasters


Strategy: Picture Analysis

Who are in the pictures? What can you say about them?
How significant are they in our country?
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Read the following sentences. Choose the
meaning of the underlined words in each sentence using the
context clue.
a. amidst different tragedies that the Filipinos had
experienced, we remain hopeful that we can surmount this
b.The posthumous medal for valor was the award
received after the death of the young scout.
c. The country was devastated by typhoon
Yolanda that caused extreme emotional pain on every
Filipino.(through picture clue)
d. Giving meaning through picture


Fluvial parade
Class, by looking at this picture, what do you think is

meaning of fluvial?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
The pupils listen to the story as the teacher reads it.
On the eve of July 2,1993, the whole country was shocked when the
news spread that the Pagoda, a floating shrine of Bocaue sank. This
―Pagoda‖ was used in the fluvial procession to celebrate the feast of their
patron saint ―Krus ng Wawa.‖
In this tragedy, two young scouts outshone all scenarios of the
most devastating disasters that ever happened in the history of Bocaue.
They are Scouts Sahjid S.Bulig and Richard Celestino, both active
Scouts of Troop 564 sponsored by Bambang Elementary School,
Bocaue, Bulacan.
As narrated by Richard, Sahjid‘s best friend who survived the
tragedy, Sahjid was at home when his mother arrived crying and broke
the news that the Pagoda was sinking. He was told to go to the scene
and find out if his three sisters were among those who were on board to
Pagoda. Upon reaching the place, it was very dark. Luckily, a search
light was provided. So, he swam across the lighted portion of the water
and boarded at the left side of the sinking Pagoda. There he found
himself beside his friend who was standing at the center of the
platform.Suddenly, he saw Sahjid dove into the water and swam towards
the opposite riverbank with a small girl with him. Richard also jumped
into his friend‘s direction saving a small girl and a boy. Sahjid continued
diving until he saved five more lives, all small children. When Richard
sensed danger, he stopped diving and warned Sahjid not to dive
anymore but his friend continued diving. It was in his seventh attempt
that he did not appear anymore.
The next morning Sahjid‘s dead body was retrieved
from the deep muddy river. He was probably pinned down
by the drowning victims.
On October 31, 1993, the National Court of Honor of

the Boy Scouts of the Philippines presented the Gold
Medal of Honor (Posthumos) and Silver Medal of Honor to
Scouts Sahjid S.Buligand Richard H.Celestino respectively,
In recognition of their courage and heroism in saving
the lives of small children.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.
Comprehension questions
a. What was the most devastating event that shocked
the whole country?
b. Where did the story happen?
c. When did it happen?
d. Why did they have a fluvial parade/procession?
e. In this tragedy, who outshone all scenarios?
f. How did these two young scouts help the victims of
the sinking Pagoda?
g. Who luckily survived in this tragedy?
h. As young boys and girls, how can you show courage
in times of danger?
i. If you were the two boys ,would you also sacrifice
yourself to save lives of other people? Why? or Why
j. What value/lesson did you learn from this story?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
a. Going back to the story of the two heroes, What kind
of boys were Sahjid and Richard? What can you say
about them? Why do you say so?
Can you cite some evidences that will support your
b. Why do you think they deserve the gold medal award?
Give evidences that will support you answer.

F. Developing Mastery
Listen to the story. Answer the question and
provide evidence for your answer.

The Big, Pink Bundle of Joy

Mother has been there for five days, she could hardly
wait to bring the big, pink bundle of joy to the children.
Mother held the pink bundle lovingly to her bosom
while father called a taxi.

a. What place can you picture out where the father and the mother
b. What could possibly the reason why they are there?
c. Why do you think they are there? Give evidences that will support
your answer.
F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills
in daily living
Activity-Based Strategy: (Constructivism
The A’s Activity(Act, Analyze and Apply)
Divide the class into four teams
Posted on each corner are the different activities
Pupils will go to their station to perform their chosen
Team I
“The News Anchors “
Make a news report about the event that happened
in the story. Report it in front of the class.

Team 2
“The Painters”
In the story that you have listened, draw the part of
the scene that interests you most. Tell something about
your drawing.
Team 3
“The Singers“
Create a song about the ways on how you can be a
Team 4
“The Artists”
Act out the event in the story which you think the
most important.
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson
What important things have you learned from today‘s lesson?
I. Evaluating learning
a. Assessing the pupils‘ performance using rubric.
b. Listen as the teacher reads the selection and answer the
questions that follow.
Insects are found anywhere. They are either
harmful or beneficial. The butterfly and the bee are
beneficial. They help pollinate the flowers. The
dragonfly is also a helpful insect. It eats other insects
that destroy plants.
Ants, flies, cockroaches, aphids, termites and
mosquitoes are insect pests. They destroy our crops
and homes, cause illnesses, and kill our plants.
They are harmful to men, animals, and plants.
1. What word suggests where the insects are ?
2. Write three beneficial insects.
3. Provide evidence that dragonfly is also a
helpful insect.

4. Name two things that insects destroy.
5. What can insects cause to man?



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different
parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context.
B. Performance Standards
Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation
and in context.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the given context clues
(synonyms and antonyms word parts ) and other strategies
EN5V-IIIc 20.3, 20.4, 20.5
II. Content
Synonyms and Antonyms
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Lesson Guide in English V .Revised Edition pp.230-232
English Encounters: Reading pp. 42-47
B. Materials
chart, DLP Laptop, activity sheets
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson/Presenting new lesson
1. Oral Language Activity
Guessing Game: What’s the word! That’s The Word!
Teacher will present sets of jumbled letters in the pocket chart.
The teacher will use the powerpoint presentation to flash the
clue, then pupils will arrange the letters to form the correct word as
fast as they can.

1. T I A L E S S E N - it means significant or important
2. C E L L E X E N T – similar meaning of the word outstanding
3. F U L G H T T H O U - opposite of the word unkind or selfish
4. C U L T I V A T E - is the contrasting meaning of the word
5. C I A T E A P P RE – is one way of valuing something
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Show picture of a family.
How would you describe your family? Do you have strict parents?
Playful siblings? Compare your family with that of your seatmate‘s .
Sometimes, we don‘t realize how important our family is, until we
experience difficulties. The poem that you are about to read
discusses the meaning and importance of the family and how must
value the people we care the most.
C.Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Pupils will read the poem.
The Essence of a Family
The family is best known as the essential element of a society
The cluster that compasses the world!
For its members cultivate the blessings of this earth
And develop relations among humankind

In your own families, where people are reared

Interact with thoughtfulness and increase your morals
Because the desire to be known for the character
And excellent individually hopes to enhance this place

So when you encounter difficulty in life and fall astray

You can feel the loving hands of your own family
Willing to embrace you and lighten your burden
To stand by your side , to give their support

Never be afraid to show how much you value your own family
Demonstrate all the appreciations that you feel
Exert real effort in proving how much you love them
Through affirmations and striving to be the best person you can
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Answering the following questions:
1. What is the poem all about?
2. How is the family described in the poem?
3. In what ways could we show our care and love for our family
4.How would you describe the usual family set-up in the Philippines?
5. How do you show your appreciation to your family members?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Let‘s go back to the pair of words that you have read a while ago.
essential- important cultivate- discourage
appreciation- value thoughtful- selfish
Outstanding- excellent

1. What have you noticed with the pair of words in column A?

2. What meaning does each pair suggest?
3. How about in column B, what have you noticed with the pair of
4. What can you say about these words?
5.What meanings do these words suggest?
6.What do you call the pair of words that have the same meaning?
7. How about the pair of words that have opposite meaning?
Children, we can identify meanings of unfamiliar words through
their antonyms or synonyms.
F. Developing mastery
A. Guided Practice
Direction: Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words
from the box
1. Love should be the essence of every relationship.
value beginning need

2. The Pope was delighted to see many clusters of families

attending the mass.
kinds races groups

3. Parents try their best to cultivate their children‘s values.

use neglect develop

Direction: Choose the antonym of the given words.

1. soft ( gentle hard strong)
2. harmful (safe dangerous free)
B. Independent Practice
Dyad Strategy/Think-Pair – Share
Pupils will get a partner. Together, they will think of a
descriptive word.Then, each partner will take turn in giving the
synonym/ antonym of the word.
Teacher will give them enough time to do the task.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Direct Instruction Strategy: TGA Activity
Tell: The teacher will direct the pupils to pay attention on the
directions for the next activity. The students will be given a
sheet of paper with a word and letter on it. The letter will be
―a‖ (for antonym) or ―s‖ (for synonym).
Guide: Guide the pupils to find the antonym or synonym that matches
the word they are holding.
(if an ―a‖ appears in the sheet they must find the
antonym and vice-versa). Pupils must match up with the
correct person in the class and then stand by that person. The
activity is concluded when all pupils have found their match and
are standing next to the classmate holding that match.
Apply:Pairs that match up before the other pairs match up must
think together and say aloud as many synonyms and
antonyms as they can for their word.
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson


Synonyms are pair of words with similar or almost similar


Antonyms are pair of words with opposite meanings

I.Evaluating learning
Direction: Read the following sentences. Answer the questions that
1. What are synonyms?
a. words that sound the same but have different meanings
b. words that are spelled the same way
c. words that are opposites
d. words that mean almost the same thing
2. Which pair of words are synonyms?
a. giant, huge
b. tiny, huge
c. cow, now
d. chat, cheese
3. You can use synonyms to ______________
a. compare things
b. make your writing more interesting
c. use fewer words when you write
d. show differences
4. What are antonyms?
a. words that rhyme
b. words that sound alike but have different meanings
c. words that have almost the same meaning
d. words that have opposite meanings
5. Which pair of words are antonyms?
a. horse, dog
b. love, like
c. weak, strong
d. small, tiny
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Write three pairs of words that suggest similar meanings and another
three pairs that express opposite meanings. Use them in meaningful



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding that reading a wide range of texts
provides pleasure and avenue for self – expression and personal
B. Performance Standards
Uses literal information from texts to make generalizations
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Distinguish text-types according to features(structural and
language) - Problem and solution
Read grade level text with accuracy,appropriate rate and proper
expression EN5F-IIIC1.3, EN5F-IIIC1.6, EN5F-IIIC1.7
II. Content
Distinguishing text-types according to features
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Lesson Guide in English 5 Revised Edition pp. 497-502
B. Materials
Charts, pictures, Laptop, tarpapel, Activity Sheets
Computer / Laptop with internet connection
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the previous lesson/instances of the new lesson
Recalling the different articles that pupils have seen or have read
from any newspaper/books or magazine.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Show picture of a boy selling different products. Ask something
about the picture, Then lead the pupils to share something about
the words written inside the clouds.

Problem Solution

What image do you see? What words are written on the

storm clouds?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Today children, you are going to read a selection about a young
boy whom at his young age able to work and earn his survival
and you will identify text type based on the given problem and
Reading the story by the pupils
How I wish to live a life like other children of my age do,
but I‘m not as blessed as them that everything they ask for is within
their reach; but then again, it does not necessarily mean I don‘t
have a normal life and I spend my free time in selling sweet
delicacies in the street.
I admit, I was not born with everything that I need is just
around me. My family lives within the poverty line and need to work
hard just to provide our needs but we have to face the reality that it
is not enough to suffice a hungry stomach.
Just like other less- privileged children I have to help my
parents earn a little. I have to sell mazapan and yema after class
in the afternoon and from morning till night during weekends.
Sometimes I missed going to school because of that situation,
However, I‘ve never taken my study for granted because I know
this will be the armor in my battle against the poverty that
surrounds me.
In the street, I encountered different people and experienced
different situations that widened my outlook in life.
Others look up at me with admiration but others treated
me as litter in the society. I‘m very much thankful with my
customers although sometimes they find me quite annoying for
forcing them to buy my stuff because the satisfaction of our
stomach depends on them.
For me selling is better than begging for alm from the
passersby. This is a decent job and neither my parents nor I violate
the child labor law by doing such thing. We just want to survive
from hunger.
This is not easy, it‘s just like turning stone to bread but
what I am doing gives meaning to my existence. At my young age,
my experiences taught me to keep on fighting against hardship.
They strengthened my confidence that someday I will be able to
come out inside the box where I‘m confined now. The box of
poverty where every corner means sacrificing.
I keep on dreaming until I reach all of my dreams. If this
happen I will be the one to buy all the mazapan and yema of other
children in the street just to fill their empty stomach. I know it will
take a long long way but time ticks so fast and nothing is
impossible for a determined individual for I believe that life always
offers a chance called tomorrow.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.
Comprehension questions
1. What is the story all about?
2. What are the problems being encountered by the boy in the story?
3. What can you say about the boy in the story?
4. How does the boy able to face all the problems and challenges in his
5. What important things or value does this story brings us?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Thinking Skills Strategy:
1. Going back to the selection above,
what do you think are the main problems being encountered by
the boy?
2. What solution does the boy do just to surpass the
3. What have you notice with the kind of text that you have
read? What does it contain?
Children, the selection above is feature story/article. The
structural and language feature of this, focus on the
F.Developing mastery
1. Read the passages. Answer the questions that follow.
Jose Rizal owned a horse when he was studying in
Madrid. When his allowance did not come one day, he
does not have enough money for food.
a. What problem did Jose Rizal encounter ?
b. Is there a possible solution for his problem?
What solution can you suggest?
2. Totoy needs a new school bag.However, he does not
have enough money to buy that bag. Then he heard that
his neighbor was looking for baby sitter for her little
child. She was willing to pay a few peso to the baby sitter.
a. What was the problem of Totoy?
b. What do you think will he do that could possibly
solve his problem?
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily
Direct Instruction:TGA Activity
Tell the pupils that they will be divided into a group of four.
Each group will pick out one story provided by the teacher.
Guide the pupils in performing the task
Apply the concept learned by through answering the following
1. What does the character like in the story?
2. What is the problem in the story?
3. Was it solved? How
4. What does the story remind you about?
5. Where did the story take place?
6. What was your favorite part of the story? Why?
7. Would you recommend this story to your friend? Why?
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson
We can distinguish the text-types according to features
(structural and language)-problem and solution.
I. Evaluating learning
Write the problem and solution based on the short story.
1. The young man is kind-hearted. One day, he heard a little boy
crying outside his window. The young man found out that the
child was being teased by the bigger boys. The young man
went out.
2. Jose Rizal owned a horse when he was studying in Madrid.
When his allowance did not come one day, he don‘t not have
enough money for food.
3. Jun and Jerry started arguing over the new toy. Jun wanted to
keep it but Jerry disagreed since he wanted to keep the toy for
himself. Mother came to the scene and advised the boys
to share the toy train. But the boys went with the quarrel.
Before they knew it, mother was back holding one of the
4. The dogs were playing wildly in the yard. Father drove them
away. However,the dogs ran towards the patch of vegetables where
they continued lunging at each other.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Direction: For each passage below, write the problem and
solution under the proper column.

Passage Problem Solution

1.Jonh didn‘t know
what to take to school
for ―Show and
Tell‖. He asked his
mother for an idea.
She suggested to
take the ribbon his
dog won at the pet
2.Emily knew she had
to get to school on
time, but her mother
said she couldn‘t
drive her. Emily
decided to leave
early and walk to


Study Strategy

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the research process/library skills to
research a variety of topics /texts
B. Performance Standards
Uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of
texts for various audiences and purposes
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Organize information from the secondary sources in preparation for
writing , reporting, and similar academic tasks in collaboration with others
II. Content
Organize information from the secondary sources
III. Learning Resources
A. References/ Materials
Lesson Guide in English 5 Revised Edition pp.21-25
English For Global Communication 5 pp 147-149
chart, DLP Laptop, activity sheets,
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson/Presenting new lesson
Look-in to the past!
Ask the pupils about the different elements of a good story. Identify
each of the element.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Match the words in column A with its meaning in column B.
1. vast attracted

2. possession very great or big
3. lovers structure carrying a
pathway or a roadway
4. bridge ownership
5. smitten persons in love
2. Motivation
Picture Talk-Dyad
(Group the class by two‘s or by pairs. Then on the board
draw a picture of a bridge with a boy on one end of the
bridge and a girl on the other end. One member of the Pair
will tell something about the drawing.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Revisiting the story about ” The Bridge of Love”.
1. Teacher will divide the pupils into small groups.
2. Then, distribute the copy of story to each group.
3.Together, members of the group will analyze and revisit
further, the given piece of story.
4.Ask pupils to identify the central idea or concept and other
supporting details that were introduced in the short story
“A Bridge of Love”.
5. Teacher will guide the pupils to use concept web map in
collecting data and organizing information.
6. Teacher explains that the Web Map is used to describe
a central idea: a thing, process, or concept. The map may
be used to organize or brainstorm ideas for a writing
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Answering the following questions:
1. How did the story happen?
2. What kind of characters does the story have?
3. Which phrase names the setting of the story?
4. Why did the king become angry with the newly weds?
5. How did the king punish the newly weds?

Values Integration:
If you were the newly weds , would you obey and respect your
parents? What must you remember when you make promise?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Complete the table/grid with details from the selection .Use phrase
or sentences to describe these details.Be guided with the questions
Significant Events in the story of Bridge of Life
A. The prince and the B. The C.The Test /
princes Promise Struggles they
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.

1. What would best describe or tell about the characters in the

2. What promises did the lovers make ? Did they fulfill these?
3. What problems/ consequences did they encounter?
4. Were they able to surpass all the challenges in their lives?
5. What kind of characters does the story have?
6. How are the events in the table above presented or written?
7. Were you able to organize the information from the story?
Note: What you have done is one way of extracting and organizing
information. There are many ways to extract and organize
information from a paragraph, a story, or an essay. We can use
outlining as we did on the table above.Sequencing of events based
on its happening in the story was also done.
F. Developing mastery
Practice Exercise
Let‘s recall the story of Sajhid and his friends in the story ―Two

Heroes‖. Let the pupils organize the ideas/information and lead
them in writing the organized information into a paragraph form.
1. How did the story begin?
2. What were the events that signal the highest point of interest of
3. How did the story end?
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily
Direction: The following details tell a story about the life of
farmer.Organize the information by sequencing the events
Provided and write it in paragraph form.
____The farmer goes home tired but hopeful that someday he
will finally reap with joy.
____The farmer has to diligently bring water to his rice field.
____Everyday, he has to wake up early to visit his fields.
____He enjoys his harvest happily when it is plenty.
____He picks up patiently snails that pester his rice plants..
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

Some of the ways that we can use to organize information
from a paragraph. A story or an essay are the following.
a. Outlining- classifies main topics from sub-topics using
the numerical and letter symbols as indicators.
b. Sequencing events- gives a clear presentation of the
chronological arrangement of events.

I. Evaluating learning
Direction: Complete the outline below by classifying and organizing the
given events.

I. How did the story begin?
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
II. What were the problems of the main character?
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
III. How did the story end?
a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
1. Fire couldn‘t tell his wife that he is good.
2. Fire went down to earth to provide heat to living creatures.
3. Fire‘s wife invited Fire to swim in the spring.
4. The Sun God had a wife and two sons.
5. Fire dove into the water in an attempt to rescue his wife.
6. Sun God entrusted the Earth to his wife and sons.
7. Everytime Fire‘s mother sent rain to earth, Fire had to leave his
8. Fire‘s wife pretended to be drowning and asked for help.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Write in paragraph form the organized ideas above observing the
proper indention and correct capitalization.


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Standards
Uses the particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience-
asking permission /making request
EN5G-IIIa-1.8.1, 1.8.3
Show tactfulness when communicating to others
II. Content
Using a particular kind of Sentence for a specific purpose and audience(
Asking Permission/Making Requests)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
English Encounters: Reading pp. 42-47
dpuf Materials
chart, DLP Laptop, activity sheets,
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson/Presenting new lesson
1. Oral Language Activity
Drill: Telephone Conversation
Call two pupils and ask them to pretend that they are talking to one
another using a telephone. Make a conversation
asking permission that you will go to your house‘ friend

to play.
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Who among you have experienced regret to attend some
birthday parties or any kind of related school activities because
you were not allowed by your parents? What did you feel? What
did you do then? This time children, you are going to listen to a
short dialogue of Aimee, Ana and Mother. They are talking
about the Fieldtrip and Ana was so sad at that moment.
C.Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Teacher will call two pupils to read /act out the dialog.

Mother: Hey, my dear child. Do you have something to say?

Ana: Ah..yes Mother. But…Mother can I talk to you? Our
school will be having a fieldtrip next month. All of my class
mates will be joining. I‘d also like to join. Would you allow me?
Mother: My dear child,, I‘m so sorry. We can‘t allow you to join. We
don‘t have extra budget for that. We‘re only have enough to
suffice our everyday living. Hope you understand my dear.
Ana: I understand Mother. But, hopefully next time I can join.
With a smile she kissed and hugged her mother.
At the school…
Aimee: Hello Ana!
Ana: Hi! (feeling sad)
Aimee: What‘s wrong? Do you have a problem? Can we talk about it?
Ana: My parents did not allow me to go on a fieldtrip. We don‘t have
extra budget for it.
Aimee: We understand you. You should not be mad for that friend.
There will be next time, and for sure by that time, you could join
us. Cheer up Friend!
( And the two friends hugged each other)

D.. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

Answering the following questions:
1. What is the dialog all about?
2. Who are talking in the dialog?
3. How did Ana tell her mother about the fieldtrip?
4. How did mother respond to her request?
5. Did Ana get angry or mad with her mother
6. How did her friend console Ana? What kind of friend is she?
5. What character trait is being portrayed by the main character?
Are you also like the character in the story? How do you show that
you care for your friend?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Let‘s study the following sentences taken from the dialog that you have
read a while ago.
1. Would you allow me to join in the fieldtrip?
2. Can I join with them?
3. Can I talk to you?
Let‘s read and study the following.
a. What do these sentences express?
b. How are the words would and can used in the sentences?
c. What do you call the words can and would?
d. Take note of the word ―would you‖ in the first sentence.
Would you and could you are used to tell or ask someone to do
something or request in a polite way.
Note: Can, would, may, and could are modals that we can use in
asking permission or making a request.
F. Developing mastery
A. Guided Practice
Pair Work/Dyad Activity
Read the conversations below and fill in the gaps with the
words and phrases from the lists.
Do you mind if I is it OK if I could you turn
What’s the problem here you are telling me
thanks can I borrow go ahead

Conversation 1
A: Yeah?
B: Hello, ........................................... turn the music down,
please? It‘s one o‘clock and I‘m trying to sleep.
A: Oh, sorry. Is that better?
B: Yes, ..................................... . Perhaps I can get some sleep
now. Good night.

Conversation 2
A: I‘m sorry, ................................ leave early today? I‘m going to
take my cat to see the vet.
B: You‘re going to take your cat to the vet? What‘s the matter with
her then?
A: Him. I don‘t know. That‘s why I‘m going to take him to the vet‘s.
B: Oh, I see. Sure, ......................................

Conversation 3
A: David, do you have your mobile phone with you?
B: Um... yes. Why?
A: ............................ it, please? I need to make a quick call to my
B: OK, ..............................

Conversation 4
A: ...................................... change seats?
B: Yes, all right. ......................................?
A: I can‘t see because of the sun.
B: OK, then. Why don‘t you sit there, next to Andrea.

B. Independent Practice
Direction: Match the sentences (a-h) with the correct reactions in (1-8).

a. Can I have a glass of water? 1. Yes of course. What about ?
b. Is it OK if I make a phone call? 2. Oh, sorry, I said we only have
$50 tickets left.
c. Could you say that again? 3. Well, alright if it is a local call.
d. Can I speak to you for a 4. Oh sure. The remote‘son the
moment? table.
e. Do you mind If I look at you for 5. Well, not really. Why can‘t you
a moment? come?
f. it OK if I miss the English 6. Of course. There‘s a battle on
lesson tomorrow? the fridge.
g. Could you move over please? 7. You can borrow some if you
h. Do you mind If I turn the TV 8. Yes, sorry. I didn‘t realize you
up? wanted to sit down.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Activity Based – The 3 A’s Activity(Act, Analyze., Apply)
Group Activity- Asking for Permission: “A Skit
Divide the class into groups of 2 or 3. Pupils work together to
develop a skit that is grammaticallycorrect about guests asking
for permission to do something . The request should be denied
and the reasons given. The guest should continue to try to
convince the staff that their request should be granted. Once
the skit is developed, pupils present it to the teacher and the
rest of class. The teacher judges the skit based on grammar
and language use, originality, and acting ability.
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

We use the modal auxilliary verbs can, could and would to

offer to do things for people or to invite them to do something. We also
use them to make requests or ask permission to do something.

When you ask for permission to use something that belongs to
someone else you have to do your best to be polite. It is
desirable to use the word "please."
Would, could, please + verb are used to request
Can and other expressions are used informally in speech
to request permission.
Here are some better phrases to make polite requests in English:
“Do you mind…?.”
“Would you mind…?
“Could I…?”
“Would it be ok if…?”
“Would it be possible…?”
“Would you be willing to…?”

I. Evaluating learning
Direction: Read the following statements. Transform these expressions
into a request and vice versa.
1. Can I go out, please?
2. May you open the window, please?
3. Please, can I have a look at your photo album?
4. May you taste that hot spicy couscous dish?
5. Would you mind if I asked you something?
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Direction: Read the following sentences. Identify whether the given
statement expresses permission or request.
1. Could you turn off the electricity if not in use?
2. May you handle this thing for me because it is too heavy?
3. Can I join in the in the stage play, mother?
4. Could you allow me to attend our batch reunion?
5.Can you give me an extra money for the groceries.

Week 4

Listening and Oral

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
Demonstrates understanding of various verbal elements in orally
communicating information and understand text types in order to
construct feedback
B. Performance Standard;
Orally communicates information, opinions, and ideas effectively to
different audiences using a variety of literary activities
C. Learning Competencies /Objectives and LC Code:
Infer the speaker‘s tone,mood and purpose (EN5LC-IIId
Link comments to the remarks of others (EN5OL-IIId 2.8)
Observe politeness at all times (EN5A-IIId-16)
II. Content
Inferring speaker‘s tone, mood and purpose
A. References
1.Teacher‘s Guide pages
2.Learner‘s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
― Confucius Confused‖ - Reading Marvels 5 by Melchora D.
Bilgera et al. pp. 20-22
4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources:
1. ( Confucius)
2.http;// Meaning of tone)
4. http;//

IV. Procedure
A. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
1. Oral Language Development:
Ask pupils about people who are known for their philosophies in
Do you know Pilosopo Tasio? Why is he called as such? Whom
does Pilosopo Tasio represent?
2. Unlocking of Difficulties ( Constructivisim)
Let the pupils construct the meaning of the words based on the
guide questions and picture clue.
a. chariot
Have you ridden in a chariot? What does it look like?
b. confused
Show me a confused face. When do you usually feel this emotion?
c. scamper
What does this word mean? What will you do if there
is a barking dog at your back?
d. mischief
Are you watching ― Probinsyano‖? How does the face of Don Emilio
look like if there is something malicious and evil that lingers in his
mind? What does it suggest?
B. Presenting the new lesson
Present different kinds of emoticons.
Which of the following emotions show confusion? Have you been
confused? What was the reason?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Do you know Confucius? What is his famous quotation/ or Golden
Rule? “ Do not do unto others what you don’t what others do
unto you.‖

Confucius (/kənˈfjuːʃəs/; September 28, 551 – 479 BC), ] was
a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the
Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history.
The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and
governmental morality, correctness of social relationships,
justice and sincerity.
Confucius is traditionally credited with having authored or
edited many of the Chinese classic texts including all of the
Five Classics.



One day, as Confucius was riding in his chariot, he saw in the

middle of the road a little child playing with some tiles , building a city.
The boy saw the chariot coming, but he did not even attempt to move
Confucius called to him, ― Little child, aren‘t you going to give way
for my chariot to pass?‖
The little child looked up and answered. ― Not so, Sir. You see, I
am building a city. A city wall does not give way for a chariot that goes
around the wall.‖
What a bright answer!
Confucius immediately stepped down from his chariot and
approached the child, saying. ― Little lad, you seem to be uncommonly
clever for your years.‖
The child answered, ―How so,? A hare at the age of three days
can scamper over the fields , and should I know a thing or two at the age

of seven years?‖
Confucius smiled; then he said, May I ask you few things?‖
― I am ready,‖ answered the child ― Then, ― asked Confucius , ― Can
you tell me what fire has no smoke; what water has no fish; what hill has
no stones; what tree has no branches ; what man has no wife; what
woman has no husband.‖
The child immediately answered, ― A glow room‘s fire has no
smoke.; well water has no fish, a mound of earth has no stones; a rotten
tree has no branches; a genie has no wife; and a fairy has no husband.‖
As Confucius listen attentively to the words, the little child‘s eyes
brightened in mischief as he continued ; ― And if you, venerable Sire , will
tell me how many stars there are in heaven , I shall know more than I do
― My child, why do you ask about things so far away?‖ said
Confucius. ― Ask me about something near at hand, and I will tell you.‖
―Then,‖ said the boy , ―pray tell me how many hairs have you in
your eyebrows?‖
― Confucius was completely taken aback by the child‘s cleverness.
He, the wisest of his race , could not answer the child‘s simple question.
Silently, he turned back to the chariot and
bade his man pull it around the little city of
tiles the child was building.
And the lips of the Great teacher
opened and said these words, ― Verily, our
little children are to be admired.‖

Comprehension Questions
1. Why did Confucius consider the boy uncommonly clever?
2. Was the boy really clever? Why do you say so?
3. Was Confucius able to answer the boy‘s questions?
4. Why do you think Confucius decided to pull around the little city the boy was

Excerpts / sentences from the listening text will be written in a strip of paper.
Then, the teacher will let some pupils read those lines with correct tone and
The teacher will show some emoticons. Some pupil- volunteers will choose
the correct mood expressed in the lines / sentences read by their classmates.

Confucius called to him, ― Little child, aren‘t you

going to give way for my chariot to pass?‖ ( serious)

The little child looked up and answered. ― Not so,

Sir. You see, I am building a city. A city wall does not
give way for a chariot that goes around the wall.‖

( witty)

Confucius immediately stepped down from his

chariot and approached the child, saying. ― Little lad,
you seem to be uncommonly clever for your years.‖

( surprised)

― My child, why do you ask about things so far

away?‖ said Confucius. ― Ask me about something
near at hand, and I will tell you.‖
( frustrated)

What are the tones expressed in the sentences? What could be the
mood of the selection? What are the clue words/ context clues?
What are the different tones in literary text? How do you differentiate
tone from mood?
C. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Let’s FACE it
Setting of Standards for Pair Activity
(Two Heads Together Strategy- Collaborative
1. Each pupil will find his/ her partner.
2. Each pair will be given a strip of paper containing a line to be read.
3. One will read accurately the sentence while the other will identify
the tone or the mood expressed using different emoticons prepared
by the teacher.
4. Pupils take turn in presenting their task.
5. For reflection, pupils will have a checklist whether each pair
performed the task correctly or not.
Sample sentences/conversations.

Mother told her son that they will go to Baguio for a vacation. The
son replied, ―That‘s great!!!‖ ( The tone should be cheerful)

Lito told Aisa that his team won the game. Aiza said, ― Really, how
is that possible?‖ (The mood is sarcastic)

―Can someone tell me what is going on here?‖

(The tone is aggressive/ irritated/ mad)

―Tell me who did this!‖

(The tone is annoyed/ mad)

A. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

TASK 2- GROUP Activity

Group 1: Writers in Action

Write some lines taken from your favorite television show.
Then,identify the tone or mood expressed in each line.
Group 2: Artists in Motion
Draw the emotion or mood expressed in the following lines.

Bouncing into the room, baby Daryl lit up the room with a joyous
glow on his face as he told nanay about his new toy brought by

Lito entered the horror house while clutching his shirt and
shaking convulsively, as he tried to open his eyes.

Bursting through the door, Aling screamed uncontrollably at the

innocent teacher who gave her child a failing grade.

Group 3: Poets in Line

Write a four-line poem that shows the following
moods/tones; light, playful and happy
Group 4: Actors on Camera
Act out some scenes from your favorite movie. Then, let
your classmates identify the tone or mood shown in the
B. Developing mastery
Identify the tone or mood expressed in the following lines/ quotes
taken from the SONA of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. Select from
the list of words inside the box.

Clear Optimistic Sentimental threatening

Formal hopeful Matter-of-fact Serious

Sad happy pleading playful

1. "All of us want peace, not the peace of the dead, of course, but the
peace of the living."
2. "Courage knows no limits, cowardice does."
3. "In this quest, I will put at stake my honor, my life, my presidency."
4. "This will be a clean government."
5. "And the Filipino, discipline, informed and involved, shall rise from
the rubbles of sorrow and pain."
6. "Abuse your authority and there will be a hell to pay. For you will
have become worse than criminality itself."
7. "If we cannot as yet love one another then in God‘s name let us
not hate each other too much."

8. "This government does not condone violence and repression of
F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.
Tone down your Mood!
1. You Mother is asking for a favor from you. She tells you to clean your
room. What should be your answer? What should be your tone?
2. You got a perfect score in your test, how would you tell your parents about
it? Tell and show to the class the proper tone/mood.
G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Tone is the narrator‘s attitude toward his or her subject. It

is like tone of voice that people use in words to describe
them. For example, one could say that the narrator‘s tone is
sarcastic if that narrator were mocking the characters. Unlike
tone of voice, which listeners may infer from sound, readers
can only infer the narrator‘s tone from the words. That means
that readers have to pay extra close attention.
A work of writing can have more than one tone. An
example of tone could be both serious and humorous. Tone
is set by the setting, choice of vocabulary and other details.
Mood is the general atmosphere created by the
author‘s words. It is the feeling the reader gets from reading
Writers use many devices to create mood, including
images, dialogue, setting, and plot. Often a writer creates a
mood at the beginning of the story and continues it to the end.
However, sometimes the mood changes because of the plot
or changes in characters.

H. Evaluating learning
For each one identify the tone, what context clues are used to convey
the tone, and the overall mood of the literary text.
“The School” by Donald Barthelme:
―And the trees all died. They were orange trees. I don‘t know why
they died, they just died. Something wrong with the soil possibly or maybe
the stuff we got from the nursery wasn‘t the best. We complained about it. So
we‘ve got thirty kids there, each kid had his or her own little tree to plant and
we‘ve got these thirty dead trees. All these kids looking at these little brown
sticks, it was depressing.
Context Clues ___________________________________
Excerpt from “The Road Not Taken “ by Robert Frost
―I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.‖
Context Clues ______________________________________
Mood _____________________________________________


Day 3
and Reading

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
Demonstrate understanding that words are composed of different parts to
know that their meaning changes depending in context
Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various texts
B. Performance Standard;
Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation
and in context
Uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a
variety of texts for a variety of purposes
C. Learning Competencies /Objectives and LC Code:
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on given context clues
(EN5V-IIId-20.4 )
Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and
language) -Problem and solution (EN5RC-IIId-3.2.4)
II. Content
-Text-types according to features ( Problem and Solution)
-Context Clues
A. References
1.Teacher‘s Guide pages
2.Learner‘s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages:
4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources:

IV. Procedure
A. Review of the previous lesson/Recall
1. Recall a line from the listening text, ― Confucius Confused.‖ Identify
the tone expressed.
2. Define tone and mood.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Identify the meaning of the following words using context clues.
1. problem ( Synonym context clue)
Everyone has his/ her own problem, or source of perplexity and
2. solution ( Antonym context clue)
My friend always finds it hard to find solution but I don‘t have difficulty
looking for answer or ways to deal my problem
3. energy ( Explanation context clue)
Energy comes in many forms, it can be usable powers from heat,
electricity, sun and water.
4. resources(( Synonym context clue)
Our country is rich in its resources. There are natural features
in our country that enhance the quality of human life of every Filipino.
C. Presenting the new lesson ( Integrative Teaching – Science)

Look at the pictures in the board. What form of energy is shown in each
one? Put the correct word under each picture

Solar wind water/hydro

Bioenergy geothermal

Using inquiry – based approach, let the pupils form questions regarding the
picture and its relevance to the literary / reading text that will be presented.
Fundamental questions ( what questions) should be established first.
Possible questions;
What source of energy is safe to the environment?
What kind/form of energy is given off by the sun?
What will happen if the sun dies?
What provinces use natural sources of energy like wind, water and
What are the advantages of using natural sources of energy?
What will happen if we run out of supply of fuels?

Energy Sources: A Dilemma of the Twenty-First Century

Retrieved from:

On most part, energy is created by burning fossil fuels -- coal, natural

gas and oil. The problem with this is that these resources are finite. At
the current rate of use, it is expected that the world will run out of fossil
fuels in thirty to forty years to come. As a result, it will no longer be
possible to generate power to operate factories and vehicles or to light
and heat houses.

This world-wide problem can be resolved through the

implementation of two possible solutions. The first solution is to
improve conservation efforts. In order to do this, governments can try
to raise public awareness, discourage over-consumption and
encourage recycling.

For example, they can encourage the installation of high-

efficiency light bulbs in homes and offices. They can inform the public
of the amount of energy saved by simply turning off lights that are not

being used or by using public transport more and cars less. They can
also pass laws mandating the recycling of whatever possible.
Improvements in conservation will surely extend the life of current fuels
but they are not complete answers to what will happen when fossil
fuels eventually run out. The second and better solution, therefore, is
to use alternative sources of energy to meet future needs. The current
leading alternatives to fossil fuels are solar energy and fusion, which is
the union of atomic nuclei to form heavier nuclei. Solar energy is
directly obtained from the sun so it is easily accessible and pollution-
free. It can be used both to heat water and buildings and to generate
electricity but mostly in countries that have ample sunlight. Fusion, on
the other hand, will make it possible for nuclear power plants to
generate enormous amounts of energy in order to meet the energy
needs of the planet indefinitely. In addition, despite public concern
about safety and risk of contamination, fusion is a safe and clean
source of energy as modern power plants take strict safety measures
to prevent potential nuclear disasters and leaks. In conclusion, in order
to have sufficient energy for the next century, it will be necessary to
develop and encourage the use of alternative energy sources

Comprehension Check-up
Go back to the questions formulated by the pupils. Let them answer the
questions they raised .
D.Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
1. Describe the text type used in the selection.( Narrative using problem-
2. What words signal to show the purpose of the literary text? (as a result,
resolved, for example, in addition, in conclusion)
3. According to the selection, what is the problem?
4. Are there a solutions offered to the problem aired in the literary text?
Fill in the graphic organizer to show the problem-solution type of literary


Solution 1 Solution 2
______________ ______________
_____________ _____________

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

TASK 2- SIMPLE JIGSAW( Collaborative Approach)

SIMPLE JIGSAW: The teacher divides a task into parts with all
students from each LEARNING TEAM volunteering to become
"experts" on one of the parts. EXPERT TEAMS then work together to
master their part of the material and also to discover the best way to
help others learn it. All experts then reassemble in their home
LEARNING TEAMS where they teach the other group members.

Using the literary problem-solution narrative text-type below, one/two members of

the team will identify the solution and the two others will locate the solutions cited in
the reading text.


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 1

Save the Tigers

Dr. Miller doesn‘t want the tigers to vanish. These majestic beasts
are disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr. Miller thinks that we should
write to our congress people. If we let them know that we demand the
preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. Dr.
Miller also thinks that we should donate to Save the Tigers. Our
donations will help to support and empower those who are fighting the
hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do

Group 2

Fossil Mishap

It‘s important to think critically about the information that you

receive, or else you may be led astray.For example, the
brontosaurus is a type of dinosaur that never really existed. Many
people still believe in the brontosaurus today, but the ―brontosaurus‖
is actually the body of an apatosaurus with the head of a
camarasaurus. This concocted creature was made from two
mismatched fossils. Had more people thought critically about these
findings, analyzing the components that were presented, entire
generations of school children may not have been misinformed;
therefore, think critically about the information that people tell you,
even if it‘s information you find on a book or in a worksheet.
Keep these problems in mind when conducting your studies.

Group 3


Some countries, such as Japan, or parts of a country, like

California in the United States, have a lot of earthquakes. In these
places it is a good practice to build houses and other buildings so they
will not collapse when there is an earthquake. This is called seismic
design or "earthquake-proofing".

Group 4


Having good attendance is important because attendance

determines the school‘s funding. Some students have poor
attendance, and the school has tried many ways of addressing this:
teachers have talked to parents on the phone and the school has
mailed letters. Yet, some students still maintain poor attendance.
Next, the staff will attempt to schedule parent/teacher/administrator
conferences with students who are habitually absent. Hopefully, this
will help more students get to school everyday..

Group 5

Lost and Found
A mobile phone is lost every second by some estimates. A 2011
survey shows that about 22% of Americans have lost a mobile phone.
When a person loses their phone, they don‘t just lose a device that may
have cost as much as $600, they lose phone numbers, photos, and
sensitive information. If the phone isn‘t locked and it gets better

lost or stolen, someone may use it to commit identity theft. Perhaps the
worst part about this is that it can be prevented. Today‘s smart phones
have free applications that allow you to find your lost phone using GPS
signals. Even if you cannot retrieve your phone, you can use these
applications to delete your data so that you are less likely to become a
E. Developing mastery
victim of identify theft. Losing your phone feels horrible, but if you take
the time to install a phone-finding app, you‘ll be much better prepared
to deal with it.

Identify the problem and the solution/s in the literary text below. Fill in the
graphic organizer below.

It seems like there has been a surge in teen pregnancies these

days. Teen pregnancies make it very difficult for young mothers to
pursue their dreams and meet the demands of an infant. Fortunately,
most teen pregnancies can be easily prevented by using birth control;
however, even birth control is not 100% effective. The most effective
way to prevent teen pregnancies is abstinence, which is 100% effective.





F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

( Journal Writing – Reflective Approach)

What are the most common problems that you encounter in school?
How do you deal with it? What are your solutions?

G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
What are the different text types that you remember from previous lessons?
How will you describe a problem and solution literary text? How does it differ
with cause - effect relationship?
( See attached pdf file for additional information regarding problem and solution type
of text)

H. Evaluating learning

Weightlessness in Space

Astronauts face many problems in space caused by

weightlessness. One of these problems is floating around the
cabin. To solve this problem, astronauts wear wear shoes that are
coated with a special adhesive. This adhesive sticks to the floor of
the cabin. Serving food is another problem. It won't stay put on the
table! Experts solved this problem by putting food and drinks in
pouches and tubes. It only needs to be mixed with water.
Weightlessness also causes problems when an astronaut tries to
work. The simple task of turning a wrench or a doorknob can be
difficult. Since there is no gravity to keep him down, when he
exerts a force in one direction, the opposite force may flip him over
completely. To solve this problem, he must be very careful about
how much force he uses to do these simple tasks. Here on earth,
life is much simpler, thanks to gravity.




Week 4

Day 4

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Standard;
Uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs in general and their functions in various oral discourse
C. Learning Competencies /Objectives and LC Code:
Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience (EN5G-
IIId-1.8.1 EN5G-IIId-1.8.2)
a. asking permission
b. responding to permission
Observe politeness at all times ( EN5A-IIId-16 )
II. Content
Asking and Responding to Permission
A. References
1.Teacher‘s Guide pages
2.Learner‘s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources:
English.htm( Conversations)
IV. Procedure
A. Review/Recall of the past lesson

Identify the problem and the solution in this literary text.

According to Department of Health ( DOH), there is an

increase in firework related injuries every year during New Year‘s
Celebration. Emergency rooms are often filled with children and
adults suffering from wounds and burns due to fireworks.
Authorities always say that there is no need to suffer from
these injuries just to make New Year‘s Celebration merry and
loud.Keep yourself safe by staying away from fireworks and
firecrackers. If you see someone who is not a professional in
lighting fireworks, take that as your cue to step away. If everyone
stayed away from fireworks, there wouldn‘t be any fireworks related
injuries. You can‘t control everyone, but you can control yourself. If
you remember that accidents happen, you can keep them from
happening to you.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Game ; May EYE ?
Call some volunteers to pick an eye and read the sentence written on it.
Pay attention on how they read the sentences.

Could I go May we join

home now? you?

Could I ask May I help

you a favor? you?

C. Presenting the new lesson

The sentences that you read are used to ask permission. Let‘s read
the conversation below and find out how we should ask permission
correctly and politely. Pay attention as well on the way the permission
is answered ( granted or denied).

Example Situations - Asking for Permission which is Given
Jack: Hi Sam, do you think I could use your cellphone for a
Sam: Sure, no problem. Here you are.
Jack: Thanks buddy. It will only be a
minute or two.
Sam: Take your time. No rush.
Jack: Thanks!

Example Situations - Asking for Permission which is

Employee: Would you mind if I came in late to work tomorrow?
Boss: I'm afraid I'd prefer if you didn't.
Employee: Hmmm. What if I work overtime
Boss: Well, I really need you for the
meeting tomorrow. Is there any way
you can do whatever it is you
need to do later.
Employee: If you put it that way, I'm sure I can figure
something out.
Boss: Thanks, I appreciate it.

1. Which of the sentences in the conversations were used to ask permission?

2. What were the answers to the request for permission?
3. What verbs are used for asking permission?
4. Why is important to be polite in asking for permission and in answering the

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Find a partner and read the following conversations correctly. Observe politeness
in asking and answering permission.

Conversation 1
John and Sandra are a couple on holiday in Puerto Galera and
John goes up to a stranger:
John : ‗Excuse me, sorry to bother you, would you mind taking our
Stranger: ‗No not at all. Where would you like to stand?‘
Sandra : ‗Here‘s fine. In front of this boat.‘
Stranger ‗Great, say cheese.‘

Conversation 2
Paul needs to ask his boss for permission to leave work early the
next day:
Leo: ‗Mr Santos.‘
Mr . Santos: ‗Hi Leo, is everything fine?‘
Leo: ‗Yes thank you, Sir. It‘s just, do you mind if I leave early
I need to take my sister to the airport.‘
Mr. Santos: ‗No, of course not. That‘s fine.‖
Leo: ‗Thank you so much , Mr. Santos.‘

Read the lines that are used in the conversations to show that someone is asking

How were the permission answered? Is it granted or denied? How did the
conversations go?

E. Developing mastery
Make / Construct sentences when asking permission to .
• go out on a Friday night with trusted friends
• use someone's book for researching
• use Father‘s bicycle in going to a classmate‘s house
• play someone's ball

F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Your friend invited you to attend her birthday party on Saturday. How
would you ask permission to your mother? If your mother denies your
request, how would you answer her? What would you say and do?

G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

How do you ask permission?

What would you answer if
your permission is granted ?
What if it is denied? How
would you say?

We use could to ask for permission to do

something: ( it is more formal and polite than
Can I ask a question, please?
Can we go home now?
May is another more formal and polite way of asking for permission:
May I ask a question please?
May we go home now?
We use can to give permission:
You can go home now if you like.
You can borrow my pen if you like.
may is a more formal and polite way of giving permission:
You may go home now, if you like.
Remember to use polite forms when asking for
permission to do something or use an object as you are asking a
favor of that person. The same way goes to answering granted
or denied permission, politeness should be observed.

H. Evaluating learning
Choose the correct sentence to be used in the following situations.
1) Two Batangueños in a bus
a. ― It‘s quite hot in here. Can I open the window?‖
b. ― It‘s quite hot in here. Do you mind if I open the window?‖

2) Two public school teachers at work:
a. ―I forgot my pen today. Could I use yours for the day?‖
b. I forgot my pen today. Give me one of yours for the day.‖
3) At a Filipino restaurant: ―Excuse me but do you mind if I take
this chair?‖
a.―No, not at all.‘
b.―Yes, sure.‖
4) Aling Ador to his neighbor
a. Manong Jose, sorry to bother you but it‘s almost midnight and I
have to get up early. Do you mind keeping the volume of the videoke
b. Sorry Mang Jose, but the volume of your videoke is a little too loud.
Could you keep it down, please? It‘s late and I have to get up early
5) A tourist in a Picnic Groove in Tagaytay:
a. ―Excuse me. How do I get to Sky Ranch?‖
b. ―Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to Sky Ranch?‖

Week 4

Day 5
Study Strategy
and Writing

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
Demonstrates understanding of library skills to research a variety of topics
Demonstrates understanding of different formats to write for a variety of
audiences and purposes
B. Performance Standard;
Uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of texts for
various audiences and purposes
Draft texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and
C. Learning Competencies /Objectives and LC Code:
Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for writing
Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other
graphic organizers (EN5WC-IIId-
II. Content
Organizing Information from Secondary Sources in Preparation for writing
A. References
1.Teacher‘s Guide pages
2.Learner‘s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources:

2. (Primary versus Secondary Sources)
IV. Procedure
A. Review/Recall of the past lesson
What would you say if you want to ask permission from your teacher in
going to the library?
Give examples of sentences on asking permission.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Where do you usually get information when a teacher gives you a
homework or a study report?
Show a picture of library

What are the different reference materials that are found in a library?
What information can you get from these library sources?

C. Presenting the new lesson ( Integration with Social Studies)

Do you have a facebook or twitter account? Do you make blog articles?
Below is a blog article from the internet. Aside from library , we can get
information from the internet.

Filipino people are known as settlers in many parts of the world.

They are like the chameleon who easily adapts to different environments.
They thrive to survive. Survival of the fittest is their banner.

The Republic of the Philippines was named to honor King Philip
II of Spain in 1543. Filipinos are originally from the southern part of
Asia. People from countries like China, India, the United States and
Spain married Filipinos resulting in a great deal of stock blending. 79
indigenous ethnic groups compose the Filipino people.
According to Wikipedia, the last five hundred years of eventful
history of the country added an impact to the cultural blend of the
Asian and Western population. The colonial reign of the Spaniards in
1570-1898 as well as the Americans in 1903-1946, resulted in the
expansion of Christian values, which gave an identity to every Filipino.
And the interaction with other countries' cultures, like the ones from
China, India, Indonesia and Malaysia, gave a specific Asian touch to
the cultural heritage of the Philippines..
Blog article February 20, 2015

How are Filipinos described?

Tell something about the origin of the name of our country.
To whom did early Filipinos interact with?
What was the result of this interaction?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Can you write a similar blog in your social network account?
What are the things to do before writing any composition?
Why is important to plan what you will write?
What will aid you in planning to write?
Look on the graphic organizer below.


Introduction Ending
( 2-3 ( 2- 3
( 3-4
sentences) sentences)
Prior to writing, it is important to plan what you want to include in your
composition. Using an outline or graphic organizer will aid us in making our
composition .
( Brainstorming on what to include in a sample graphic ornganizer if you will
write something about your own school)

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Paper Talk ( Collaborative Approach)

( This collaborative approach is facilitated by letting pupils write his/her

own idea in a paper without the intervention of the teacher or other
pupils during the sharing stage)
1. Form a group consisting of 4-5 members.
2. Using your English Book as your source , look for a certain
3. Read the chosen topic/story carefully to get ideas on how paragraphs
are written. ( Pay attention to technical aspects; coherence, unity,
transition and others)
4. Plan a two-three three-paragraph composition using an outline/other
graphic organizers using the tarpapel that the teacher will provide.
Topic will be about the importance of group cooperation.
F. Developing mastery
Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using the graphic organizer
Choose from any of the following topics
1. Traditions and Customs of Batangueños
2. Tourist Spots in your own town
3. Famous people in your locality and their accomplishments
G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
What should be done prior to writing a composition?
What should be included in your outline/draft?
What will aid you in planning your composition?
H. Evaluating learning
Fill in the graphic organizer with the correct idea/ information to be

included in each part when planning your composition.




Choices for the title:

 Music and Arts
 Religion
 Sports
Choices for the content ( Introduction, body, ending)
 Ways / Means
 Impact on everyday Living
 Importance/ Benefits
 Origin/ Influence
 How –to / Procedures
 Preservation


Day 1 (Oral Language)
Oral Language

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend
various texts
B. Performance Standards
Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/messages
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
1. Infer the speaker‘s tone, mood and purpose
2. Use appropriate strategies to keep the discussion going
II. Content
Inferring speaker‘s tone, mood and purpose
Using appropriate strategies to keep the discussion going
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Lesson Guide in English 5 Vol. 2 pp.34-35
B. Materials
Story: Antonio‘s Life
Activity sheets
Approaches: Constructivism
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Game : Let‘s play ― ‖ . Each team has two players. The first player is
blindfolded and the other one serves as guide. The first player has
to pass the obstacles to reach the king‘s palace and give the
message to the king. All he/she has to do is to follow the instruction
to be given by the second player. Let ‗s see who can reac the kings‘
palace successfully.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
a. Motivation
How did you find the activity?
How did the blind man reach the palace?
Is it easy for the blind to reach the king‘s palace? Why?
1. Motive Questions
This time you are going to hear a story about a boy who can see
things even though he is blind.
What do you want to know about the story?
2. Vocabulary development
1. cars honking- (through picture)
2. crumbles easily- (context clue)
3. sliding down – (through gesture)
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Reading the story by the teacher

Antonio‘s Story
I have a friend who lives in another world as I thought.
Her name is Francisca. The world she lives in is full of light. So
She tells me when we meet every Saturday afternoon.
Every Saturday afternoon, my mama takes my hand and
we leave the house. We walk a long way-passed other houses
where people are talking, passed one street where there are cars
honking. At last, when we hear the sounds of children playing and
mothers talking to other mothers, I know we are at the park.
Here in this place of happy voices, I meet Francisca who
always shouts in her happy voice,―Hello Antonio! Let‘s go!Let‘s play!
She takes my hand and we walk. As we walk, she talks
and tells me everything she sees along the way:
―Now we are walking near the tree I told you about. Let‘s
call it our mango tree. It is taller than you and me, your mama and
my papa even if we all stand on each other‘s shoulders.Its leaves
are shaped like knives. Here feel one. You know it is dry.

because it is brittle and crumbles easily.‖

―The trees body or the trunk is big thick and rough. Here
touch it. This is the tree that makes wonderful mangoes, all sweet,
smooth and golden.‖

I smile because I know what a taste of a mango likes.

Francisca laugh and says, ―the way a mango makes your tongue
feel like the way light makes me feel.‖

Sometimes, when Francisca tells me such things, I feel so

sad because I cannot see. My eyes feel nothing except my tears.

―But Francisca sees and she sees my hot tears sliding down
my cheeks. She holds me tight with her strong fingers and says,
―don‘t cry.‖ ―My eyes are big enough for the two of us.‖ And she
leads my fingers to her eyes and says look Antonio:

―Red is the color of the sky when the day and night meet‖

―Blue is the color of the sea where the cold fishes play.‖

―Yellow is the color of the sun that makes your cheeks burn,
that dries your tears, the same color as the mango that makes your
lips sticky and your tongue happy.‖

―Green is the color of the leaves that whisper when the wind

‖ And the wind that make us laugh , that moves our hair, that
makes our clothes fly, not even I can see.‖ Antonio said

See? Said Francisca.

―And I laugh to hear funny colors and soon I forget that I am

blind, that she lives in another world.‖

―This is my friend Francisca who is more important to me

than having my own eyes

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.

a. Answering the motive question
B. Comprehension check-up
Who are the friends in the story?
When and where do they meet?

What does Francisca do whenever she sees Antonio coming?
(write the answer on the board)
How does Antonio feel every time her friends tell him everything she
sees? (Write the answer on the board)
What does Francisca do when she sees him crying?
What does she tell to comfort her friend? (write the answer on the
What can you say about their friendship? Why?
How would you feel if you have a blind friend or a blind member in the
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Look at the sentences on the board.
What emotion or mood did Francisca express when she said
What emotion did Antonio express when he said to Francisca
the condition of his eyes?
How about sentence no.3. What mood is expressed in the
What do you call the words happiness excitement, sadness and
compassion? (emotions or mood)
What other feelings or emotions can we express aside from love,
happiness and sadness?
How can the characters convey these kinds of emotion to the
readers or the listeners?

Teaching Chart

Tone is generally conveyed through the choice of words or the

viewpoint of a writer on a particular situation.

What other feelings or emotions can we express aside from love,

happiness and sadness?
F. Developing mastery
a. Guided Practice
Infer the general mood expressed in the following situations.
Choose the answer from the box below
1. ―It breaks my heart to see you very ill, said Auring to her
sick daughter.
2. ―Today is the day I‘ve been waiting for.‖
3. ―I can‘t thank you enough for the help you‘ve given me.‖
4. ―Wow! Your dress is so nice.‖
5. We won! We won the game!‖

Admiration happiness sadness gratitude excitement

b. Independent Practice
We adopt variety of tones in our day-to-day speech. This intonation
of our speech determines what message we desire to convey.
Change the tone of the following situation as stated.
1. Happiness to sadness
Father: ―We are going on a vacation.
Son: That‘s great!!!
2. Positive to negative
―You will get good grades like in the previous exams‖
3. Sarcasm to sympathy
―Serves you right you‘ve failed in the test‖
G. Finding Practical Application
Engagement Activity (Group Work)
Group 1 - The Constructor
Construct sentences/situations that express the following mood
a. anger
b. jealousy
c. excitement
d. worry
e. afraid
Group 2- The Performers
Act out a situation that expresses the following moods
a. Anger
b. Love
c. Sympathy

Group 3- The Artist
Compose a song or poem that shows at least two different


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding that words are composed of different parts
to know that their meaning changes depending in context
Demonstrate understanding of text elements to comprehend various
B. Performance Standards
Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation
and in context
Use linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety of
text for a variety of purposes
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and Language)-
Cause and effect
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on given context clues
(synonyms, antonyms)
Observe politeness at all times
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
II. Content
Cause and Effect
Synonyms and Antonyms
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Lesson Guide in English 5 2008 Edition pp. 51-53
B. Materials
Story: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People‘s Ears

Charts, activity sheets
C. Approaches
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Describe the picture using synonyms and antonyms
1, 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

a. Vocabulary Development
yam – (through picture)
mischief – (through context clue)
nonsense- (through context clue)
satisfied – when someone‘s needs or wishes are met.
tidbit – a small bit of food
B. Motivation
Look at this picture. What do you see in the picture?
What harm can mosquito bring to us?
Aside from carrier of dengue, chikungunya and zika virus,
what makes the mosquito an annoying insect?
Motive Question
Mosquitoes are dangerous insect despite of its minute size.
They also disturb us in our sleep because They buzz in our
Do you know why mosquitoes buzz in our ear? What do you want
to know in the story?
D. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ear

One morning a mosquito saw an iguana drinking at a waterhole.

The mosquito said, "Iguana, you will never believe what I saw
"Try me," said the iguana. The mosquito said, "I saw a farmer digging
yams that were almost as big as I am."
"What's a mosquito compared to a yam?" snapped the iguana
grumpily. "I would rather be deaf than listen to such nonsense!" Then
1. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
he stuck two sticks in his ears and went off, through the reeds.
The iguana was still grumbling to himself when he happened to
pass by a python.The big snake raised his head and said, "Good
morning, Iguana." but iguana did not answer."Now, why won't he
speak to me?" said the python to himself. "Iguana must be angry
about something. I'm afraid he is plotting some mischief against me!"
He began looking for somewhere to hide. The first likely place he
found was a rabbit hole, and in it he went.
When the rabbit saw the big snake coming into her burrow, she
was terrified. She scurried out through her back way and bounded
across the clearing.
A crow saw the rabbit running for her life. He flew into the forest
crying. It was his duty to spread the alarm in case of danger.
A monkey heard the crow. He was sure that some dangerous
beast was prowling near. He began screeching and leaping kili wili
through the trees to help warn the other animals.
As the monkey was crashing through the treetops, he happened
to land on a dead limb. It broke and fell on an owl's nest, killing one
of the owlets.
Mother Owl was not at home. When she returned to the nest,
she found one of them dead. Her other children told her that the
monkey had killed it. All that day and all that night, she sat in her tree
so sad, so sad, so sad!
Now it was Mother Owl who woke the sun each day so that the dawn

could come. But this time, when she should have hooted for the
sun, she did not do it. Then the king called for the crow. He said,
"King Lion, it was the rabbit's fault! I saw her running for her life in
the daytime. Wasn't that reason enough to spread an alarm?"
Then King Lion called the rabbit. "Oh, King," said the rabbit, "it
was the python's fault. I was in my house minding my own business
when that big snake came in and chased me out."
King lion said, ―so, it was the python who scared the rabbit,
who startled the crow, who alarmed the monkey, who killed the
owlet- and now Mother owl won‘t wake the sun so that the day can
King Lion called the python. "But King," he cried, "it was the
iguana's fault! He wouldn't speak to me. And I thought he was
plotting some mischief against me. When I crawled into the rabbit's
hole, I was only trying to hide."
King Lion pulled out the sticks, purup, purup. The he asked,
"Iguana, what evil have you been plotting against the python?"
"None! None at all!" cried the iguana. "Python is my friend!"
"Then why wouldn't you say good morning to me?"
demanded the snake.
"I didn't hear you, or even see you!" said the iguana.
"Mosquito told me such a big lie, I couldn't bear to listen to it. So I
put sticks in my ears."
"Punish the mosquito! Punish the mosquito!" cried all the
When Mother Owl heard that, she was satisfied. She turned
her head toward the east and hooted and the sun came up.
But because of this the mosquito has a guilty conscience.
To this day she goes about whining in people's ears: "Zeee! Is
everyone still angry at me?"
When she does that, she gets an honest answer.

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.

a. Answering the motive questions
b. Comprehension check-up
1. What happened one Saturday morning?
2. Who greeted Iguana Good morning?
3. Did Iguana reply? Why?
4. Who spread the bad news in the forest?
5. Why did the owlet die?
6. What did mother owl do?
7. What was the real problem in the forest?
8. Who do you think started the chaos in the forest?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Let us help King Lion find out who among the animals was held
responsible why the sun did not shine in the forest

The sun did not shine in the forest


the owl did not call the sun to wake up and shine
the owl was so sad

the monkey killed the owlet one of her children died

the limb of the tree was broke and the monkey

fell on the owl’s nest when I heard the crow’s the crow saw the rabbit running
warning of danger to save her life

Because Iguana did not reply to python when the python came inside the
he greeted her good morning and thought rabbit’s house and chased me out
Iguana has bad plan for him

Iguana did not want to hear the

Iguana did not hear Python greetings so he put
mosquito’s story
two sticks in her ears

It was a big lie

What were the reasons why the problem occurred?
What do you call them? (Causes)
What was the result?
What is it called? (Effect)
Now, who do you think created the problem?
F. Developing mastery
a. Match column A with column B
A. B.
1. Marco got his pail and shovel a. The mother gave it
a bottle
2. It was a windy day b. The mother gave it
a bottle
3. The phone rang c. A bird gobbled it up.
4. Nan plants seeds d. The dog went to
5. The horse ran at the fence e. He jumped over it
6. A worm wiggled f. The girl chased it
7. A baby began to cry g. He builds a sand
8. The sun went down h. Jana flew her kite
at the park
9. The sun went down i. The seeds grow
10. The dog lay in the mat j. It got dark
b. Choose one issue then write at least two causes and the
would be effect.
global warming deforestation flood
water pollution landslide air pollution
G. Finding Practical Application
Write one positive and one negative effect for each cause. Use
your imagination and write complete sentences.
1. Cause: The cat crossed the street.
Positive Effect:
Negative Effect:
2. Cause: I wore a red shirt.
Positive Effect:
Negative Effect:
3. Cause: Judd brushed his teeth.
Positive Effect:
Negative Effect:
4. Cause: The bird landed on the branch.
Positive Effect:
Negative Effect:
5. Cause: The bee flew to its hive.
Positive Effect:
Negative Effect:
H. Evaluating learning
Write your own effect for each cause. Use your imagination and write
complete sentence.
1. Cause: The sun is shining
Effect: _________________________________________
2. Cause: Jacob heard a bell ring
Effect: _________________________________________
3. Cause: Ramon loves animals
Effect: _________________________________________
4. Cause: I planted some seeds
Effect: _________________________________________
5. Cause: Jake did not go to bed early.
Effect: _________________________________________
I. Additional activities for application or remediation
Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
a. A seed falls down. Rain soaks it. The sun warms it. Roots grow. It
becomes a plant!
Why did roots grow?

Why do seeds fall?

b. Give the synonyms and antonyms of the following words
1. coward
2. bold
3. abundant
4. blissful
5. affection



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Standards
Uses the correct sentence structure in giving and following directions
(oral and written)
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience-
following and giving direction
II. Content
Using particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience-
following and giving direction
III. Learning Resources
A. References:
B. Materials:
Map, activity sheet, chart
C. Approaches:
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Tell what kind of sentences according to structure are the following:
1. The children are playing ball in front of a neighbor‘s house.
2. Children, don‘t play ball in front of a neighbor‘s house.
3. Why do you play ball in front of a neighbor‘s house?
4. Please don‘t play ball in front of a neighbor‘s house.

5. Ouch!!! The ball hit me.
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

Arrange the following shape in order to make one figure.

Follow the instruction:
a. The figure with three sides should be at the top
b. Under it is a close figure without sides and corners
c. The figure is not you and not me but maybe a she or a he
How did you come up with that figure?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Kendrei is a new comer in our school. On her first day to school our
teacher discussed with her the classroom rules

Listen to your teacher during class hours.

Do your homework.
Study for the test.
Pay attention in class.
Do not sleep in class.
Do not cheat.
Raise your hand before you speak.
Smile every time you speak with other people

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.

What do you call these sentences?
What are you going to do with these classroom rules?
Are the directions clear?
Is it important to make the direction clear? Why?
What have you noticed with the kind of sentences used in giving the
classroom rules?

What kind of sentences are they?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Game: Simon Says
This time let‘s play a game. Let me me see how well you can follow the
direction I‘m going to give.
The teacher explains the rules of the game
The object of the game is to listen carefully to the instructions and only
do what is instructed if you hear the words 'Simon says.' If you do not hear
the words 'Simon says' before an instruction, it is important that you do not
do what was instructed. If you do what is instructed without first hearing
'Simon says,' you will be out of the game.
―If I say Simon says stand up and walk three steps backward. You
have to follow. But If I say back to your seat without saying Simon says first
do not follow the direction given. The one caught following the order will be
out of the game.
Did you enjoy the game?
How did you play the game?
What was the hardest part of the game?
Why did your classmate lose in the game?
Is it important to follow the direction?
F. Developing mastery

You are going to buy a book in the bookshop. Using the map
give a clear direction on how you will reach there. Use imperative
sentences in giving direction
G.Finding Practical Application
Act out the following:
Group 1: A Little Help Please
Take the pupils outside for a little excitement with this directional game.
Divide the pupils into pairs, and take them outside to an open play
area. Have one person in each pair put on a blindfold. This person will
be the mover. The other person in the pair will be the direction giver.
Once each pair has one person blindfolded, place an object at the
other end of the playing area. The direction giver must then shout
directions to the mover who will proceed to the object and retrieve it. All
of the pairs give directions at the same time, so the mover must focus
on his partner‘s voice. The first mover who reaches the object wins that
round. Then have the pairs switch roles and place the object in another
area. Award points to the team who reaches the object first in each
round. Play as many rounds as you like and award a prize to the
winning team.
Group 2: A Dinner Party
Put your students into groups of four to act out a dinner party. Two of
the students will be the hosts and the other two will be the guests. In
front of the class if possible, have the students act out a polite dinner
party where the hosts offer different options to their guests They can
offer drinks, food and desserts. The guest can ask something to the
host, use imperative sentences in giving and following direction
Group 3: Rules to Live By
Let the students make a list of five rules they want people to
follow in life. Use imperative sentences.Once the pupils have
finished their work. Display them around the classroom or in the
hallway. Perhaps the life rules will encourage your students to
behave kindly to one another.

H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

1. In giving and following direction imperative sentnce is a simple structure to
2. Use simple and words to easily convey the ideas
3. The instruction must be clear

G. Evaluating learning

Do what the directions tell you to do

1. Draw 3 trees next to the library.
2. Color the hospital red and white.
3. Draw a car next to the gas station.
4. Color all of main street green
5. Draw a black and white dog next to the fire station

Study Strategy/
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding of research process/different formats to
write for a variety of audiences and purposes
B. Performance Standards
Rewrite/revise texts using appropriate text types for variety of
audiences and purposes
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for writing,
reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration with others
Write a three-paragraph feature article
II. Content
Organizing Information
Writing Feature Articles
III. Learning Resources
A. References

B. Materials
short passages, chart, activity card
C. Approaches
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Arrange the following events to make a paragraph
Plant A seed
______ 1. Then place a seed in the hole
______ 2. Next, covered the seed with soil
______ 3. Last, let the seed grow in the sun

______ 4. Then sprinkle the water on the soil

______ 5. First dig a hole in the soil
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Game: Puzzle
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Out to Lunch
All morning, all that Ted could think about was eating lunch. He got up late
and did not get a chance to eat breakfast before the school bus arrived.
Ted was hoping to have a Ham sandwich. Ham is Ted‘s favorite lunchmeat.
Ted also enjoys apples, but doesn‘t like the green one.
At lunchtime.
Ted ran to the cafeteria. When he got in line he asked for Ham sandwich
but they only have Egg and Tuna sandwiches. Ted is allergic to Tuna, so he
asked for the egg. He ate the sandwich so fast but he did not enjoy his lunch as
much as he expected.

A. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.

Why is Ted so hungry for lunch?
What is Ted‘s favorite lunchmeat?
What color of apple you might find at Ted‘s lunch box?
What food item should Ted never eat?
Did Ted enjoy his lunch? Why?
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Do you know how to make a simple story? Can you rewrite or retell the
story you have read a while ago? Here are some of the guidelines you can
Going back to the story. Let us recall the important details or ideas we
need then let us organize the ideas to make a new story

Title of the story
Out to Lunch

Character Events/Plot

School Cafeteria

What happened first?
Ted got up late and did not get a
chance to eat breakfast before the
Like Dislike
school bus arrived.

Ham sandwich Tuna

What happened next?
Ted was hoping to eat Ham sandwich for

Red apple lunch

What happened next?
Ted ran to cafeteria and asked for Ham
sandwich but only egg and tuna were

What happened next?

Ted doesn’t eat tuna so he asked for egg

What happened last?

Finally, Ted ate his egg sandwich but did
not enjoy his lunch

What important elements did we used in organizing the ideas?

How did we arrange the events?
Can you write your own story using the following details?

F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Make a short story using the following details. You may write additional
details to make your story creative.

Character Events Setting

Mother wake up early every day At home

children cook food In the market
set the table
wash the dishes
clean the house
goes to market

H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson


In preparing a report, or writing a story we must know how to

organize ideas. We can use different strategies such as graphic
. organizers, outlining, mapping and others.

Make a list of your story's major scenes and arrange them in

order of importance.
Decide what other scenes are needed to enrich and support the major
scene. Use these to add a smoother flow of the story

I. Evaluating learning
Make a 3 paragraph feature story. You can write any topic of your choice.
Rubric for Assessing Projects/ Outputs
Dimensions Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
(94-100 pts) (88-93 pts) (81-87 pts) (17-80 pts) (74 below
Content Addresses Addresses Addresses Addresses Addresses the
the topic the topic very the topic the topic topic poorly;
excellently; satisfactorily satisfactorily; fairly; limited limited the
full coverage less than full partial coverage of coverage of
of content coverage of coverage of content content;

content; content essentials are
content is not dealt with
focused on
the basics
Organization Organizes Organizes Organizes Organizes Organizes
ideas ideas ideas a little ideas very ideas with no
logically and somewhat logically little logically logic nor
precisely logically and lacking in and lacking precision
precisely precision in precision

Summative Test

Week 6


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of various linguistics nodes to various texts
B. Performance Standards
Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/messages
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Infer the speaker‘s tone, mood and purpose
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
EN5LC-IIIf- 2.8.1/ 2.8.2/ 2.8.3
II. Content
Inferring the speaker‘s tone, mood and purpose
III. Learning Resources
A. References
English Expressways Reading V pp. 137
B. Material
Poem: A Nation’s Strength
Chart or tarpapel, pictures, DLP, activity cards, pocket charts,
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson
What can you say about our nation/country.?
Complete the sentence.
I am a ____________________________.
I love my country because _______________________.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
1. Motivation
(Show the pictures of person who became president of our country).
Who are they?

What can you say about them?
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Write the missing letter to complete the word.
a. L _ F T - to move to the higher position
b. S U _ _ ER - to experience pain
c. N _ T _ _ N- a large area of land that is controlled by
its own government
d. G R _ _ T - a very successful or admired person
e. P _ LL _ R - a large post that helps to hold up
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
The pupils listen to the story as the teacher reads it.
Reading the poem
1. Teacher reading of the poem.
2. Whole class reading of the Poem
3. Individual reading of the poem

A Nation’s Strength
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Not gold but only man can make
A people great and strong-Men
who for truth and honor‘s sake,
Stand fast and suffer long.

Brave men who work while others sleep,

Who dare while others fly,
They build a nation‘s pillars deep
And lift them to the sky.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.
Comprehension questions
What is the poem about?
What kind of man can make a nation strong?
What was the feeling of the author in writing the poem?
What helped us in guessing the author‘s feeling or mood?
What good thing or good value can you get from this the poem?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
1. What can you say about the author‘s tone? feeling? and his purpose?
2. Why do you say so? Cite some lines in the poem that support your
3. What helps us in telling the speaker‘s tone, mood and purpose?
4.How can you infer the author‘s tone? mood? and purpose from the
poem read?
F. Developing Mastery
Listen to each set of expressions and decide what mood or feeling is
reflected or described.
1. it was the time of harvest. Hundreds of rice stalks lined Hamaguchi‘s
fields. It had ben a good harvest and tonight down the village everyone
was having a good time.
2. Hamaguchi rose to his feet and looked out at the sea. The sea was very
dark and strange to see, it seems to be running away from the land.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Activity-Based Strategy: Constructivism Approach
The A’s Activity(Act, Analyze and Apply)
Divide the class into three groups.
Posted on each corner of the room are the different activities to be
accomplished by the pupils.
Pupils will go to their station to answer the given activity.
Group I
“The Reporters”
Tell the tone of the speaker in the line.
Report it in front of the class.
―You dog! You fool!
Group 2
“The Painters”
Draw the mood or feeling of the speaker as suggested by
the statement in the box .
Tell something about your drawing.
―No one can be greater than I am‖.
Group 3
“The Rappers”
Present a rap to show the speaker‘s purpose in this
―No one can be greater than I am‖.

H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

How are you going to infer the tone, mood, and purpose of the
I. Evaluating learning
Infer the mood of the person who said each sentence.
1. ―Today is the day I‘ve been waiting for‖.
2. ―I hate you so much‖!
3. ―We won! We won! the game!
4. ―Your dress is so pretty‖.
5. ―I can‘t thank you enough for the help you‘ve given me‖.



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different
parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context.
B. Performance Standards
Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in
isolation and in context.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words compound based on given context
clues (Synonyms/Antonyms)
Observe politeness at all times.
EN5V-IIIf-20.3. EN5V-IIIf-20.4, EN5A-IIIb-16
II. Content
Inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words compound based on given
context clues (Synonyms/Antonyms)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
CG in English, Lesson Guide in English V pp. 200 - 204
B. Materials
Chart or tarpapel, pictures, DLP, flash cards, pocket charts,
IV. Procedures
B. Reviewing previous lesson
1. Drill
Distribute flashcards with written words .
Have each pupils find the synonyms/antonyms of the words
they are holding while the music plays. Once the music stops let each pupil
match the that of their classmates.

The pupil to find his mate first will be the winner.
2. Review
Tell whether the given word in each basket is a compound
word or affixed word

lovable doorbell backyard anklet piglet


Ex-mayor playground undergo doghouse rainbow

C. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

1. Motivation

Have you experienced riding a bus?

Did you experience witnessing a commotion on your community?
What did you feel?
D. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
We are going to read a short paragraph about Mark‘s experiences on his way
home. In here, you are going to learn some compound words. Then, we are
going to infer meanings of unfamiliar compound words based on given context
clues, synonyms and antonyms.
The class will read the paragraph.
Mark slung his backpack over his shoulder and ran. The bus company
had just introduced a new bus route. Over the cliffs in the distance, Mark
could see the sea sparkling. With a smile, he paid for his ticket and sat down.
On the drivers lap there was a newspaper with bold headline reading ‗Burglar
Caught‘. At the back of the bus, a commotion started up with two teenage
boys arguing. Over the bridge, the bus traveled on until it pulled up at Mark‘s
stop. Below the deep water in the canal, fish swam in the murky depths.

Turning down a side alley, Mark reached his front door and took out his key.
From the back lawn the dog was barking a welcome, and Mark was very glad
to be home at last.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.
1. Who is the main charater in the paragraph?
2. What did Mark do with his backpack?
3. Where is he riding?
4. What is on the driver‘s lap?
5. What incident happened at the back of the bus?
6. What did Mark do while there was commotion between the two
teenage boy? If you were Mark what will you do?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2

backpack front door mother-in-law
newspaper back lawn editor-in-chief
How many words were combined to form new word and new meaning?
What do you call the words with two or more words that are combined
together to form a new word and new meaning?
How do compound words in column A written? In column B? in column C?
1. Infer the meaning of the underlined compound words in the following
The sky was overcast, rain was expected because it was cloudy
What word in the sentence hint the meaning of the unfamiliar word?
This is an example of context clue.
2. Encircle the synonym of the underlined compound word.
I have read the foreword of the book ―Mother‘s Wit‖.
(conclusion, introduction, content)
Foreword and conclusion are synonyms, they have the same meaning.
3. Box the word that has opposite meaning of the underlined compound word.
His statement was an example of falsehood. ( truth, lies, rumor)
Falsehood and truth are antonyms, they have opposite meaning.

F. Developing Mastery
Read the sentences in each number. Look at the meaning of the
underlined compound words in each number.
1. Mother bakes pancakes. She puts cake fried on a pan.
2. The buyers will come anytime. At any moment they will ask
for their favorite cakes.
3. Children like to eat cupcakes during recess. These cakes
shaped likes cup are always serve in the canteen.
4. Mother uses applesauce in making pizza pie. This sauce
made of apple is the best ingredients to have a delicious pie.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
(Direct Instruction Strategy : Constructivism Approach The
TGA Activity)Tell, Guide, Act
Divide the class into three groups
Group 1
“The Poet”
Make a poem using the meaning of these compound words.
bookstore bookmark bookshelves
Report it in front of the class.
Group 2
“The Writer”
Write the compound word which means the same as:
____________ bell by the door
____________ ache or pain at the back of the body
____________ cake fried on a pan
____________ room where classes are held
____________ cloth to cover
Group 3
“The Artist”
Draw a flower on the correct compound word for the given meaning in
each number.
1. Part of the day between noon and evening.
afterglow afternoon
2. paper with a rough surface
sandpaper sandstorm
3. ground or place for playing
playyard playground
H. Application
The class will be divided into 3 for a group activity.
Group 1
Box the meaning of the compound word through context clues.
1. In Chinatown they bought the pineapples as one of the
ingredients in making pies and cakes.In the town of the Chinese
you can buy plenty of these ingredients.
2. I have read the headline of the newspaper today, it is front story
written in bold letters.
Group 2
Underline the synonym of the compound word in the following
1. Parents provide backstop during Brigada Eskwela. (assistance, food,
2. Two weeks later,Erianne was cleaning out the small bag she carried
with her everywhere when she found a thin, black leather billfold. ( bag,
jacket, wallet)
Group 3
Encircle the antonym of the compound word in each sentence.
1. The policemen broadcast the issue of illegal logging. ( tell new,
spread, hide)
2. Luisa wants to stay at the backside. (bottom, front, left)
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

Compound words come from two or more words that are combined
together to form a new word and a new meaning.
Context clues hint the meaning of the unfamiliar word in a sentence or
paragraph that come before it.
Synonyms are words with similar meanings.
Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.
I. Evaluation/Assessment
Infer the meaning of the uderlined word in each sentence. Encircle
the letter of the correct answer.
1. My friends and I cross at the footbrigde.The underlined compound
word is synonymous to ____________.
a. overpass b. hall way c. road
2. The keywords must not be in lowercase because it is hard to
emphasize if they are written in small letters. What word in the
sentence hint the meaning of the word lowercase?
a. small letters b. keywords c. emphasize
3. Nonito Donaire experienced being knocked-out in his fights.
___________ has opposite meaning with the word knocked-out.
a. cheated b. defeated c. revived
4. Mang Juan needs a net for catching fish. So he bought a
big fishnet to harvest them.What is the meaning of the underlined
compound word?
a. bag b. container c.fabric with open mesh
5. The learners got the gist of the selection.
___________ is synonymous with the word gist
a. humor b. main point c. summary

J. Remediation
Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the correct compound
. Choose your answer below.

haircut firemen stomachache

drugstore bakyard

1. The ________ did their best to save the burning building.

2. Please go to the _______ for some medicine.
3. Grandfather went to the barbershop for a ______.
4. We will go to the ________ to harvest fruits and vegetables.
5. I have ________ maybe because I ate too much.



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various texts
B. Performance Standards
Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from
informational texts
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Distinguish text-types according to features (structural language)
Cause and effect
Self-correct when reading
EN5RC-IIIf-3.2.6., EN5F-IIIf-2.9,
II. Content
Distinguishing text-types according to features (structural language)
Cause and effect
III. Learning Resources
A. References
CG in English, Lesson Guide in English V pp. 253 -260
Expressways Reading TXT V p.132
B. Materials
Story: Turtle Tale
DLP, tarpapel/charts,
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson
1. Drill
Song about cause and effect
( source: https//
2. Review
Direction: Write the problem and solution based on the short

The young man is kind-hearted. One day, he heard a little
boy crying outside his window. The young man found out that
the child was being teased by the bigger boys. The young
man went out.


Jose Rizal owned a horse when he was studying in Madrid.

When his allowance did not come one day, he did not have
enough money for food.


Totoy needs a new school bag. He does not have enough

money to buy the bag. Then he heard that their neighbor was
looking for a baby-sitter for her little child. She was willing to pay
a few pesos to the baby- sitter.


Jun and Jerry started arguing over the new toy. Jun wanted
to keep it but Jerry disagreed since he wanted to keep the toy for
himself. Mother came to the scene and advised the boys to share
the toy train. But the boys went with the quarrel. Before they knew
it, mother was back holding one of the slippers.


The dogs were playing wildly in the yard. Father drove them
away. However, the dogs ran towards the patch of vegetables
where they continued lunging at each other.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Unlocking of Difficulties
1. We can identify an animal by the kind of tracks it leaves on the
A. marks left by a person, animals
B. trail taken by a vehicle
C. a symbol or clue
D. a rough road
2. Father and mother wait for me at the porch when I come home
A. stairs
B. hallway
C. covered passage
D. roofed shelter before the entrance of a building
3. Children waving flag is the sight that greeted the Secretary of
Education when he arrived.
A. become apparent to the eye
B. receive or acknowledge
C. salute formally
D. welcome
4. One dark night, Rose opened the window and to her delight,
hundreds of fireflies were hovering around the mango tree.
A. enjoyment
B. satisfaction
C. entertainment
D. great pleasure
5. The slow turtle scrambled into the water.
A. mixed indiscriminately

B. blended thoroughly
C. stumbled slowly
D. move awkwardly
Which four-legged amphibian has a hard shell for its protection?

Tell something about the picture.

Are turtles good for a pet? Why?
Raising of motive question
How did Paeng guide the newly hatched sea turtles to the sea?
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson.
1. Set the standard for oral reading.
2. Reading the selection orally with correct intonation and
phrasing .

Turtle Tale
Paeng and Delia loved to play in the beach so much that
they would often forget the time. When the sun had set, Paeng
would remember that their mother would like them to be home
before dark.
One day, Delia saw some prints in the sand that led into the

―Paeng! Come look at these. I wonder what animal made t
these prints,‖ she cried ―I know. I saw the same kind of tracks two years
ago. They‘re turtle tracks. A turtle came to this beach and laid her eggs.
Then, I guess she went right back into the ocean,‖ Paeng replied.
―Let‘s follow the tracks and look for the nest.‖
So they followed the tracks until they came upon the turtle‘s nest.
―Where are the eggs?‖ asked Delia.
―The mother turtle must have covered them with sand to keep the
eggs warm,‖ replied Paeng.
They would have continued with their investigation but it was
getting dark. Paeng did not want their mother to worry. So Paeng and
Delia raced each other and headed for the light that shone on their
Several weeks passed. One night after supper, Paeng and Delia
went outside. They were so surprised at the sight that greeted them in
the yard.
―Mama! Mama!‖ cried Paeng and Delia.
Their mother quickly ran out to the porch to see what was happening.
Paeng‘s light shone on dozens and dozens of tiny crawling sea turtles.
―Where did these sea turtles come from?‖ their mother asked.
Delia remembered the turtle nest. ―Mama, we saw a turtle nest several
weeks back. Maybe these turtles came from the nest,‖ she said.
―But why are they here? After they hatch, the sea turtle head
towards the light. On beaches where people do not live, the brightest
area would be the waves reflecting the light of the moon and the stars.
So the turtles followed the house lights. We can help the turtles
find their way to the sea if we turn off the lights at night as soon as we
finish our chores.‖
―It‘s a good thing we saw these sea turtles. If they continued
crawling away from the sea, they would have been eaten by crabs and
other animals.

If they do not reach the sea, they would die from loss of water in
their bodies. Come on, let‘s guide the turtle to the sea,‖ continued
Paeng got a lamp and to his delight the sea turtles followed the
light of the lamp. When they reached the shore, Paeng waded to the
sea and held the lamp.
Before long, the small sea turtles scrambled into the water. They
raced in the waves to begin their life in the sea.
(Lifted from Science and Mathematics stories, Vol. 1)

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

1. Answering the motive question
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. Who are the characters in the story?
b. Where do Paeng and Delia love to play?
c. What does their mother want them to do at sundown?
d. What did Delia see on the sand one day?
e. Whose tracks were there?
f. Why did the children decide to give up with their
g. How were the children able to find their home even if
its dark?
h. What surprise awaited the children after several
i. Why did the little sea turtles head towards the house
instead of he sea?
j. How did mother and Paeng help lead the baby turtles to
the sea?
k.Did they do the right thing? Prove your answer.
l. If you we Paeng would you do the same thing? Why?
m.If you were mother, would you encourage your child to
do what Paeng did knowing that you could sell the baby
turtles to pet shops?

n. If you were one of the baby turtles, how will you feel
about what Mother and Paeng did? Why?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Here are some sentences taken from our story. Let‘s read them.
1.They loved to play in the beach so much that they would often
forget the time.
Why do they often forget the time.
The underlined phrase tells the reason why they forget the
time. It is called the cause.
What happens when they loved to play in the beach so much?
2. The mother turtle must have covered them with sand to keep
the eggs warm.
3. But house lights shine much brighter than the moon and the
stars so,the turtles followed the house lights.
4. If they do not reach the sea as soon as they hatch, they could
die from loss of water from their body.
Let the children tell which part of each sentence is the cause
and which part is the effect.
F. Developing Mastery
Cause Effect

It was a fine harvest The people were celebrating.

Hamaguchi was highly respected. He is the oldest in the village.

Hamaguchi‘s house stood on a It was safe from tsunamis.

hillside high above the seashore

. There was an eartgquake. The hillside shook.

Hundred of stalks of rice lined up. It was time for harvest.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily
Divide the pupils into three teams.
TEAM A “The TAP Dancers”
The pupils will do the tap dance if the phrase is a Cause and
stamp their feet once if it is an Effect.
Because it is very warm
so we switched on the light
She is very beautiful
William Tell split the apple into two with an arrow
I did not do my homework
Draw a red flag to signifies Cause and draw the white flag to
signifies Effect.
1. The people are celebrating because there was a fine harvest.
2. The man committed a crime therefore he was punished.
3. There was a sudden crashing sound so everyone ran.
4. Since summer is just around the corner, the plants are
starting to bloom.
5. There is a solar eclipse when the moon casts a shadow on
the earth.
Look at the underlined phrase in each number. If the underlined
phrase Is the cause show a sad face. If it shows effect show a
show a happy face.
1. We wear thin clothes during summer because it is hot.
2. Laurence was not able to attend the seminar because he got sick.
3. I came late to school because I did not I did not hear the
alarm clock.
4. We hear thunder after lightning flash because light travels faster than
5. We should eat good food because they help us grow healthy.
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

A cause is an event that makes something else happen. It answers the
question why or what caused it or what the reason was.
An effect is what happens as a result of a cause.

I. Evaluation/Assessment
Write C if it states a cause and E if it states an effect.
_____ 1. There was a fire.
_____ 2. So, all the people are busy.
_____ 3 .Because of the heavy rain.
_____ 4. Mother reminded me to bring my raincoat.
_____ 5. Since the child is very active.
J. Remediation
Complete the sentences by giving a possible effect.
1. The plants were watered with fertilizer __________.
2. Prune and water plants regularly __________.
3. __________ because silence is observed in the library.
4. The machines are regularly oiled _________.
5. _________ if we talk about a funny joke.
Complete the sentences by giving a possible cause.
1. I have sprained ankle _________.
2. _________ Mother scolded me.
3. _________ if the cleaners do their responsibilities
4. We were not able to catch our train _________.
5. Internet is a one-stop shop of information _____________.

Study Strategy

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the research process/library skills to
research a variety of topics /texts
B. Performance Standards
Uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of texts
for various audiences and purposes
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Organize information from the secondary sources in preparation for
writing , reporting, and similar academic tasks in collaboration with others
II. Content
Organize information from the secondary sources
III. Learning Resources
A. References/ Materials
Lesson Guide in English 5 Revised Edition pp.21-25
English Expressways Reading Txt V pp. 135 -136, 148
chart, DLP Laptop, activity sheets,
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson/Presenting new lesson
What is a key sentence? What are the so called supporting details?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Arrange the scrambled letter to form the meaning of the given word
well-known --- a I i I r f m a
conferred - b o e s t w e d
cracks - n t i c f a t a s

monotony - n e s s s a m e
exudes - s w sh o
2. Motivation
Jigsaw Puzzle
(Group the class into three. Distribute envelop with cut outs.)
Ask.: What did you form?
Who is your favorite teacher? Why he/she is your favarite
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Read the short stoy about a grade two teacher .
Miss Ruth Dela Pena ia a grade two teacher in the
elementary school. She has been teaching for almost twenty-five
years now. She is well-known for being a very good teacher. In fact
the Rotary Club of Zambales conferred on her tha Outstanding
Teacher Award last year. She sees to it that she follows-up her
students‘ progress every now and then. She holds remedial
classes during her free time so that slow learners could catch up
with some lessons which they find difficult.
She is cheerful teacher, too. She always cracks jokes inside
the classroom to break the monotony of class discussions. She
exudes a pleasant personality all the time. She smiles and greets
students most of the time. Indeed, Ms. De la Pena is loved by
everyone in school.
Teacher will divide the pupils into small groups. Then,
distribute the copy of story to each group. Together, members of
the group will analyze and revisit further, the given piece of story.
Ask pupils to identify the central idea or concept and other
supporting details that were introduced in the short story . Teacher
will let pupils use and make an outline in collecting data and
organizing information.
Teacher explains that the outline is used to describe a central idea: a
thing, process, or concept. The map may be used to organize ideas or
brainstorm ideas for a writing purpose.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Answering the following questions:
1. Who is the main character?
2. What can you say about her?
3. Can you cite some characteristics does Mrs. Dela Pena possess as a
4. Would you like to be a teacher someday? Would you like to be like her?
Values Integration
If you were asked to describe a teacher you wish to have,how would it be?
What must you remember when you do your line of work?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Complete the outline with details from the selection .Write the supporting
ideas on the succeding lines below each main idea.
I. Miss Ruth De La Pena is a very good teacher.
A. .____________________________________________________
B. ____________________________________________________
II. She is a cheerful teacher.
A. ___________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________

Refer to the outline above:

1. What are the ideas that support the first main idea?
2. How about the second main idea?
3. Were you able to organize the information from the story?
Note: What you have done is one way of extracting and organizing
information. There are many ways to extract and organize information
from a paragraph, s story, or an essay. We can use the outlining way
by writing the main idea and the supporting details.
F. Developing mastery
Read the paragraphs below. Then complete the topic
outline that follows.
Birds come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have wings
and feathers. The ostrich is the largest bird. It can weight more
than 150 kg. The smallest bird,the bee hummingbird, weighs about
1.8 grams. Birds developed from scaly reptiles that lived about 180
million years ago. Their scales changed into feathers and their
front legs became wings.Birds have hollow bones for lightness in
the air and trong breasts for for their wings. Large birds can flap
their wings slowly and float on air currents. Small birds have to
flap their wings harder to stay in the air.
All birds lay eggs. Most are busy parents who work hard to
rear their young. Some lay their eggs in other birds‘ nests to foster
parents to rear.
Other birds bury their eggs in warm places and leave them.
Most birds are wild but some, such as chickens, ducks,pigeons,
and canariess, have been domesticated.
I. Birds and their shapes and sizes
A. _________________________________________________
B. _________________________________________________
C. _________________________________________________
II. Birds and their wings
A. _________________________________________________
B. _________________________________________________
C. _________________________________________________
III. Birds as parents
A. _________________________________________________
B. _________________________________________________
C. _________________________________________________
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Make a sentence outlineof the following paragraphs.
I. ____________________________________________________
A. __________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________
II. ____________________________________________________
A. __________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________
1. Hamaguchi was a wealthy farmer. His farmhouse stood on a hillside
above the the seashore. Around his house te ground was flat. All about
him stretched his rice fields. Hamaguchi and Tada reached the first row
of rice stalks. The old man ran along the row, touching the torch to
each stalk as he passed. Tha rice as dry and the fire caught quickly.
The strong sea breeze began to drive the flames ahead. Row
after row, the stalks caught fire.
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

Some of the ways that we can use to organize information
from a paragraph, a story or an essay are the following.
Outlining - Identifying the main idea and the details that supports the
main idea. The main idea is marked with Roman Numerals and the
supporting details, with capital letters.

I. Evaluating learning
Direction: Classify and organize the given ideas. Write them in a
correct heading.
1. Washing hands before eating
2. Playing outdoor games
3. Taking a bath everyday
4. Chewing the food well
5. Brushing the teeth every after meal
6. Having a daily exercise
I. Good Physical Exercise

II. Good Eating Habits


III. Good Personal Hygiene


J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Make an announcement for the given paragraph.
All the students will have a victory party to celebrate the over all
championship in the intramurals. It will be held on November 15, 2016
at 3:00 PM at the gymnasium.
What: _________________________________________
When: _________________________________________
Where: ________________________________________
Who: __________________________________________

Week 7

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of text types in order to construct
B. Performance Standards
Uses literary and informational texts heard to construct an appropriate
C. Learning Competency and Objective
Identify point of view. ( EN5LC-IIIg-3.17 )
II. Content
Point of View
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Across Borders Through Language pp. 219 – 220 ( Lourdes M. Ribo )
B. Materials
Audio Recorder, Power Point Presentation
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
1. How would you know the feeling of the speaker in his speech?
2. Drill
Tell the mood or tone of each speaker.
Speaker 1 : ― My deepest and sincerest thanks to all of you
who supported me in the election. Words are not enough to extend
my grateful thanks to all. ― (guilty, thankful)
Speaker 2 : ― I am immensely lamenting for what had happened to
our fellow Filipinos during the typhoon Yolanda.‖ ( sorrowful, mad )
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Now, that you can tell the mood or feelings and tone of the speaker,
today you will be tasked to identify the point of view and then as you go

along you should be able to give your own point of view or feedback
about a given topic.
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson
Listen to the recorded article about the lantern festival in Pampanga.
The Pampanga Lantern Festival
The tradition of the lantern festival in San Fernando Pampanga
dates back to the 1800s. In those days, the people of Bacolor, the
capital of Pampanga then, used lanterns made of bamboo and rice
paper, and lighted with candles or gas lamps. Every morning, nine
days before Christmas, they carried these lanterns with them as they
paraded along the road before proceeding to the pre-dawn mass
known as misa de gallo or simbang gabi.
Over the years, the lantern designs have become more complex.
The five-point star has changed into different geometric shapes. The
candles or gas lamps needed to light the lanterns have been replaced
with electric light bulbs. The frame is now made of wire instead of
bamboo and is welded instead of glued. Some lanterns are too big and
heavy to be carried by hand, so they are mounted on flat-bed trucks.
And the venue has changed to San Fernando, the current capital of the
The San Fernando Parol Festival starts in the morning. Visitors from
neighboring provinces and other places pour into San Fernando. Food
stalls are set up around the town market, ready to sell Pampango
delicacies. Games and contests are held at the town plaza. When
evening comes, the marvelous show of lanterns of different shapes,
sizes, colors, and lights begins, to the delight and awe of spectators.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Comprehension Questions
a. What tradition is talked about in the article?
b. Why was it held in Bacolor before? Where is it held now?
c. What changes in the tradition have evolved over the years? What
do you think is the cause of these changes?
d. What is your reaction to this tradition?

( Let the pupils know that they are already giving their own point of
view upon telling their reactions. )
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Which do you think is the best point of view / feedback for the
Pampanga Lantern Festival article?
a. Lantern Festival started at Pampanga.
b. Lantern Festival in Pampanga changed over the years.
c. Lantern Festival is done only in Pampanga.
What do we mean by point of view? Or feedback?
Point of View – somebody‘s personal opinion on a subject.
Feedback – comments in the form of opinions and reactions about
Now, going back to our article, what other point of view can you
F. Developing Mastery
A. Guided Practice
Read the following statements. Choose the most appropriate point
of view by putting a check on the line.
a. Marcos burial is already set before the year ends. Many anti-
Marcos are protesting about the decision of the Supreme Court.
More so, President Duterte already gave his go signal on the
said burial.
____ Late Ferdinand Marcos should not be buried anymore.
____ Marcos‘ burial had been a country‘s issue for a long period
of time. It will be resolved then.
b. The use of internet and social media is no longer anew.
Anyone‘s need is just a click away. Yes, it‘s a great help, but if
not used responsibly, anyone can also be ruined.
_____ Responsible use of internet and social media should not
be taken for granted.
_____ Internet should be banned now.
B. Independent Practice
Read and understand the article below. Write your own point of
view in 1-2 sentences.
Due to extreme poverty and hunger, many children are engaged
in Child Labor. They are deprived of the child‘s lawful rights
because they want to help their families. Some are vendors, some
are runners for errands, some are garbage collectors, some are
houseboys and some tend to beg for alms to feed their hungry
stomachs. What future awaits for them?
My Point of View

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Point Me The View !
1. When you see your classmate wearing an awful dress
2. When you find the Periodical Test so difficult for you.
3. When your fantastic photo got a thousand views and likes.
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson

Point of View – somebody‘s personal opinion on a subject.
Feedback – comments in the form of opinions and reactions about

I. Evaluating Learning
Read and understand the following statements. Pick out the
appropriate point of view.
1. Many Filipinos prefer to work abroad as they usually say ― to look
for greener pasture. ―
____ Many Filipinos work abroad because they are not happy here
in our country.
____ Many Filipinos grab the opportunity to work abroad for their
family‘s good future.
2. Vehicular accidents are the common incidents we often see on a
TV news program. The incidents happen because some drivers or
even the pedestrians do not follow the safety traffic rules.
_____ Road accidents and mishap occur due to lack of discipline
among the motorists and pedestrians.
_____ Riding in any vehicle is dangerous.
3. Kelly John is a transferee. Though he is, he tries to make new
friends. He plays and spends time with his new classmates. He
lends his adventurous books to them.
_____ A transferee should please his classmates all the time.
_____ A transferee should find ways to feel comfortable in his new
a. Children love hotdogs, nuggets, ―tsisirya‖ and fast food
stuffs. But little do they know that these foods are junk.
That‘s why they are called junk foods. Junk foods are not
good for the children‘s health.
_____ Children love junk foods.
_____ Children should be taught that junk foods are not
good for the health.
4. Loisa is born Catholic. Aisha is a Muslim. Tessa is
Iglesia ni Cristo. Despite their religious differences,
they can connect to each other. They are good
friends, actually.
______ It‘s good to have friends with different religion.
______ Having different religion doesn‘t matter in
J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
Group Work
Conduct an interview with the elders in your community. Jot
down their point of views regarding one of the following topics.
Christmas Season : Then and Now
Child Labor
Marcos Burial at the Heroes Cemetery
Duterte‘s Administration
Filipino Traditional Values


I Comprehension

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various
B. Performance Standards
Uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety
of texts for a variety of purposes.
C. Learning Competency and Objective
Distinguish text types according to features ( structural and language )
– comparison and contrast. ( EN5RC-III-g-3.2.7 )
II. Content
Comparison and Contrast
Approach : Constructivism under Thinking Skills
Method: Recall Model Familiarize Decide ( RMFD Method )
III. Learning Resources
A. Reference
Across Borders Language p. 250, ( Lourdes M. Ribo )
B. Materials
Chart or Power Point Presentation, worksheets
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson ( Recall )
What is your point of view regarding the government‘s plan of
abolishing the school uniform among public school pupils like you?
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
What Philippine fiesta traditions do you know? In what ways are they
similar? How are they different?
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson ( Model )

Read the paragraph about the Ati-Atihan Festival and Sinulog in Cebu.
Try to note their similarities and differences.

Have you ever attended or read about either the Ati-Atihan in Aklan
or the Sinulog in Cebu?
The Ati-atihan celebrated in Kalibo, Aklan on the third Sunday of
January, and the Sinulog celebrated in Cebu at about the same date,
both center on the centuries-old image of the Child Jesus. However,
the Ati-atihan focuses on the transfer of the image four hundred years
ago from the convent to the church; while that of the Sinulog recalls the
feeling of our forefathers when they found in the image of the Child
Jesus near the Pahinay River. In both celebrations, the main
participants smear their skin with soot, paint their faces, and wear all
sorts of of tribal finery – animal skin, feathers and beads – in imitation
of the Ati, the early inhabitants of the place. They dance on the streets
in a long procession, to the rhythmic beat of drums, cymbals, and
whistles. But in the Ati-Atihan , the revelers chant ― Hala Bira ! ( Keep
on! ), Puera Pasma! ( No tiring! )‖ as they dance any which way. On the
other hand, the Sinulog revelers do a prayer-dance consisting of two
steps forward and one step backward. At the same time they proffer
replicas of the image heavenward as they chant, ― Pit Seῆor! Pit Seῆor!
( Glory to the Lord! )‖. In both celebrations, the dancing on the streets
can go on for three days.
One thing is sure – the fiesta celebration in both places is a major
tourist attraction.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing skills # 1 ( Familiarize )
Comprehension Questions
1. How are the two fiesta traditions described? Do they have
similarities? Do they have differences?
2. How are they similar? How are they different?
3. What word clues help you identify the similarities of the two
festivals? How about the clue words that help you identify their

When you are giving similarities and differences, you are giving the
comparison and contrast.
Comparison and Contrast – finding similarities and differences
between two people, things and events.
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing skills # 2 ( Familiarize )
Analyze each sentence. Tell which shows comparison and contrast.
1. Both the encyclopedia and internet give are rich in information.
2. I feel secured at home.
3. Liza and Liezl are my friends. They are identical twins. They have
the same face, the same height, and the same grin.
F. Developing Mastery
Round Robin
Given the pictures, make some comparison and contrast.

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

In our daily life, do we also make comparison and contrast?
( Dig the children‘s real – life situational experiences. )
Examples: choosing the clothes to wear, choosing the foods to eat,
choosing the hairstyle, choosing their seatmates, etc…
H. Making Generalizations ( Decide )

Comparison and Contrast means examining and
analyzing the similarities and differences of two person, things,
animals and events.

The commonly used words that show comparison and
contrast are similarly, both, however, on the other hand,
different, while,more, better and same.

I. Evaluating Learning
( Worksheet )
Ring the sentence that shows comparison and contrast.
1. I want to go to Hongkong Disneyland.
I want the blue cap. It is different from the other one.
2. Baguio City and Tagaytay City are both the summer venues in
the Philippines.
The man in the village is very old.
3. The ampalaya is known to be iron-rich food.
Ampalaya and liver are the same in nutrient content. Both of
them are rich in iron.
4. Life in the province is simpler and more peaceful than life in the
It is nice to live in a province.
5. Mother prepares our meal every day.
Home-made meals are healthier than fast - food meals.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation.
Make a comparison and contrast.
1. Philippines _____________________ Middle East countries.
2. Basketball ______________________ volleyball.
3. Pink color ______________________ red color .
4. Beef __________________________ pork.
5. Books _________________________ internet.


Oral Reading

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding that a change in stress entails a change of
meaning to evaluate the speaker‘s / author‘s purpose and meaning.
B. Performance Standards
Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately
evaluate the speaker‘s intention, purpose and meaning.
C. Learning Competency / Objective
Observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressions in choral,
echo and shadow reading. ( EN5F.IIIg.1.7 )
II. Content
Accurate and Proper Expressions in Reading
Approach: Constructivism Under Thinking Skills
Method : RMFD ( Recall-Model-Familiarize-Decide)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide,
B. Materials
Choral pieces, audio-visual presentation / voice recorder, picture cut -
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the Previous Lesson – ( Recall )
Game: Pair with Me !
Instructions: This game will last only in one minute, after the teacher‘s
cue, look for your pair. Do it as fast as you can.
Pair yourself having with :

 the same shirts

 the same plants

 the same fruit but different taste
 the same heroes but different names
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
1. Motivation
Listen to these two recordings:
Recording A : clear reading of a short passage
Recording B : dull reading of the same passage
Which is better to hear, recording A or recording B? Why?
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson – ( Model )
Now, you are going to listen to a choral piece entitled ― The Six Blind
Men and the Elephant‖. Note the correct way of reciting it.
Listening to the Choral Piece : The Six Blind Men and the Elephant
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills ( Familiarize )
What kind of piece did you hear ?
How was it performed?
Did you like the way it was delivered ? Why?
What should you remember in reciting a choral piece?
Do these feelings, expressions, and intonations affect the whole piece
itself? How?
E. Developing Mastery
Choral recitation of the ―The Six Blind Men and the Elephant ―
F. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
In your everyday class, how will you apply the skill that you learned
Ex: by reading properly and in unison
G. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson – ( Decide )
Remember: Accurate and proper expressions make a choral recitation
crisp and clear. They help the audience understand well the piece
H. Evaluating Learning ( Rubrics Assessment )
Recite the choral piece ― Life Doesn‘t Frighten Me ―
Life Doesn’t Frighten Me
Maya Angelou

Reader 1 Shadows on the wall
Noises down the hall
Life doesn‘t frighten me at all

Reader 2 Bad dogs barking loud

Big ghosts in a cloud
Life doesn‘t frighten me at all

Reader 3 Mean old Mother Goose

Lions on the loose
They don‘t frighten me at all

Reader 4 Dragons breathing flame

On my counterpane
That doesn‘t frighten me at all.

Reader 5 I go boo
Make them shoo
I make fun
Way they run
I won‘t cry
So they fly
I just smile
They go wild
Life doesn‘t frighten me at all.

Reader 6 Tough guys fight

All alone at night
Life doesn‘t frighten me at all.

Reader 7 Panthers in the park

Strangers in the dark
No, they don‘t frighten me at all.
Reader 8 That new classroom where
(Kissy little girls
With their hair in curls)
They don‘t frighten me at all.

Reader 9 Don‘t show me frogs and snakes

And listen for my scream,
If I‘m afraid at all
It‘s only in my dreams.

Reader 10 I‘ve got a magic charm

That I keep up my sleeve
I can walk the ocean floor
And never have to breathe.

All Life doesn‘t frighten me at all

Not at all
Not at all.
Life doesn‘t frighten me at all.
Rubrics :
Modulated voice, clear, accurate and with proper expressions, in unison
5 – with complete indicators
4 – with 4 indicators
3 – with 3 indicators
2 – with 2 indicators
1 – with 0 or1 indicators

Study Strategy
Research and
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the research process to write a variety
of texts.
Demonstrates understanding of different formats to write for a variety of
audiences and purpose.
B. Performance Standards
Uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of
texts for various audiences and purpose.
Drafts text using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for writing,
reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration with others.
( EN5SS-IIIg-4 )
Write a 3-paragraph feature article. ( EN5WC-IIIg-2.2. 7 )
II. Content
Organizing Information
Writing a Feature Article
Approach: Constructivism Under Thinking Skills
Method : RMFD ( Recall-Model-Familiarize-Decide)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide, Across Borders Language, p.7, p. 85, p. 272 -273,
B. Materials
Chart / Power Point, fact sheets, newspaper
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the Previous Lesson – ( Recall )

Recitation of the Choral Pieces
 The Six Blind Men and the Elephant
 Life Doesn‘t Frighten Me
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Who wants to be a famous writer someday?
What do you think are the essential qualities of a good writer?
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson – ( Model )
Power Point / Chart of a Sample Feature
This is an example of a feature article.
( Let the pupils read. )
Would you like to have a duplicate of yourself or of any other
person? Scientists say it can be done.
First, there was in vitro fertilization (IVF ). In this process, an ovum
is fertilized outside the body. The fertilized ovum is then injected into
the ovary of a female who becomes the surrogate mother. The ovum
will undergo maturation in the womb of the surrogate mother. The
eagles Pagasa and Pagkakaisa, as well as the carabaos, Malakas and
Maganda, were produced through this technology. The new technology
is hailed to improve the breed of birds and animals. It also brings hopes
to the problem of vanishing species.
Then came cloning. Cloning involves taking out the nucleus of a
donor egg and fusing the egg with a cell from the animal being copied.
The cell can come from any part of the body. With the help of an
electric current , the reconstituted cell has the potential to grow into a
genetic duplicate. The sheep, Dolly, developed in a laboratory in
Scotland, is the first cloned animal.
Today, people are discovering the possibility of human cloning.
Some scientists think technology would help people who wnt to have
children genetically related to them. Others think it may be unhealthy,
even unsafe. For example, there is the possibility of creating a

deformed human. Besides, it could be unethical. There are many other
Many scientists say they are ready to clone human beings. But do
we want them to?
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #1 ( Familiarize )
What is the article about?
How will you describe the way it is written? Does it inform? Entertain?
Why did you say so?
What can you say about a feature article ?
Feature is a write – up of interesting stories, facts, ideas,
people, events and places.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #2 ( Familiarize )
How will you organize your information at hand so you can write a
feature article?
Let‘s try to organize the following information to come up with a good
(a) All you need are five lemons, some water, several cubes of ice, and
some sugar.
(b) Do you know how to make lemonade?
(c) If you are going to sell the lemonade, you will need one table to
serve as your lemonade store, many clean glasses, and at least two
spoons – one spoon to stir the lemonade and the other, to use for
measuring the sugar.
F. Developing Mastery
Round Robin
Draft a simple feature article about these topics:
 Remembering Our Loved Ones Who Passed Away
 Remembering Andres Bonifacio And His Worth
( Integration: All Souls Day and Bonifacio Day )
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Are you all familiar with a newspaper? ( Show one.)
Feature articles are usually found in the newspaper.

( Distribute a newspaper in each group. )
With your group, find the feature page. Discuss the feature article
focusing on the following points :
 What is the feature article all about?
 What does it convey?
 What kind of feature is it ?
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson – ( Decide )
What skill have you learned today ?
What is a feature article?
How can you write a good feature article?
Feature article is a write-up of interesting stories, facts, ideas , people,
events and places. It is written freely though it also follows some rules
and organizational pattern.

I. Evaluating Learning ( Rubrics Assessment )

Write a feature article about the given topic.
“ Empowering Filipino Youth for a Better Citizenship “
Nearing to perfection, with clear and significant ideas, good
organization of information
85 – meet all the 3 indicators
80 – meet only 2 indicators
75 – meet only 1 indicator
70 - No indicator met
J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
Find for more samples

Week 7


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the various forms and conventions of
print, non-print and digital materials.
B. Performance Standards
Evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in
various viewing texts.
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers –
II. Content
Images and Ideas Used to Influence Viewers – Propaganda ( EN5VC-IIIg-
7.3 )
Approach: Constructivism Under Thinking Skills
Method : 3 A‘s ( Act-Analyze-Apply )
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide, War and Peace: Media and War – Johnny Manzaria
& Jonathan Bruck
B. Materials
Chart / Power Point, sample videos of propaganda
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the Previous Lesson – ( Recall )
 Read the two articles, which is a feature article?

B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson

C. Motivation
Have you seen a rally on TV or in real situation?
Why do people engage in rally?

D. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson – ( ACT )
Group the class into 3. Assign each group to present the following
1 – Help the school canteen. Do not buy outside the campus premises,
patronize the foods sold at the canteen, instead.
2 – Maintain the cleanliness of the school.
3 – Spread the instilled value of reading book rather than playing online
games and getting hooked by social media.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #1 - ( ANALYZE )
What did you do in your activity?
How did you bring out your message?
Why did you do that? What is your intention? ( Induce the idea of
Propaganda is a form of persuasion used to influence
people’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.
F. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #2 ( ANALYZE )
What do you think are the other means of propaganda?
How can we spread out our messages, how can we reach all the
Modern propaganda uses all the media available to spread
its message including press, radio, television, film, computers, fax
machine, poster, meetings, speeches, flags, monument, coins,
street names, books, comic strip, play, company reports, cultural
and musical events, sporting events awards and prizes.
G. Developing Mastery
Show a sample video clip of propaganda. Have a sneak discussion
about it.
Suggested video clips : TV commercial of airlines, fashion and
lifestyle, food and drinks, home utilities
H. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living –
As a student, how do you express yourself? How do you bring out what
you need or what you want?

Just like in propaganda, we also express ourselves every day. We
want to be heard and be paid attention.
I. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson
What is propaganda?
How does it influence the public viewers?


Propaganda is a form of persuasion used to influence people‘s

attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.

J. Evaluating Learning ( Rubrics Assessment )

Tell which video shows a propaganda.

Additional Activities for Application and Remediation

1. Watch for other samples of propaganda. Be able to tell the
message it conveys.
2. Look for samples of other means of propaganda and tell their

Week 8


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various
B. Performance Standards
Uses diction(choice of words) to accurately analyze author‘s tone,
mood, and point of view.
C. Learning Competency and Objective
1. Identify point of view. ( EN5LC-IIIh-3.17 )
2. Use particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and
audience-expressing opinions/emotions.EN5G-IIIh-1.8.10
3. Observe politeness at all times (EN5A-IIIh-17)
II. Content
Point of View
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Materials
Power Point Presentation,charts
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
How would you react in this statement?
―You took all ten and that is not fair. So there will be no party.
When you learn to share, then you will have a party.‖
Tell the mood or tone of each speaker.
Speaker 1 : ―Insects are wonderful. You need to look closely to
learn about them. If you watch them, you will learn a lot.
Speaker 2 : ―Cats make the best pet!‖

B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
How important for you is the content of information from the text?
Does it give different mood or feelings to the reader?
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson
Listen to the recorded article
―Coyotes Invade Downtown”
The discovery of a wild coyote in late 1997 in the Henry M. Jackson
Federal Building in downtown Seattle should come as a wake-up call.
The United States has a serious coyote problem! From their traditional
enclaves in the western desert, these opportunistic canines have now
invaded the entire continental United States. They have taken over
parks, farms, vacant lots, and now perhaps the downtown areas of
major cities. Homeowners report losing cats and dogs to the beasts,
and young children are under attack. Enough is enough. Since humans
are the only natural enemy of coyotes, we demand that state and
federal agencies institute coyote trapping programs. That is the only
way to decrease the number of coyotes to a manageable level.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Comprehension Questions
a. Why is it considered that the discovery of wild coyote come as a
wake-up call?
b. What was the problem brought by the opportunistic canines?
c. How will the problem become manageable?
d. What is the author‘s purpose in writing the story?
e. What is the author‘s point of view? How can you tell?
( Let the pupils know that they are already giving their own point of
view upon telling their reactions. )
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Which do you think is the best point of view from the article?
d. To guard the area from opportunistic canines
e. Let the people manage the downtown areas.
f. To manage the the growing problems on the number of coyotes in
the town
What do we mean by point of view/author‘s purpose?
Author‘s Purpose All authors have a reason why they write what
they do. This is called the author‘s purpose. Since all authors have
experiences or beliefs that influence the way that they write they
also have a point of view.
There are four main reasons why people write: P = to Persuade
(goal- to convince the reader) I = to Inform (goal- to state the facts)
E = to Entertain (goal- to make us laugh, cry, scream, have fun) S
= to Share a personal experience (goal- to share memories, hopes
or dreams)
There are some clues that help you to determine for which reason
the article was reason.
1. ―We must guard our town against the attack of the enemy!‖
2.‖Homeowners look every were to find their pets‖.
What emotion does the sentence gives you?
F. Developing Mastery
1. Guided Practice
Group Activity(Brainstorming)
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow:
Most people that have pets, have a cat or a dog. People
disagree all the time as to which pet is best. Cats make the best
pet! There are many reasons why cats are the best pet. Cats are
very independent. If you go on vacation, you can leave extra food
and water and have a friend occasionally check on the cat. On the
other hand,dog need to be kenneled, which cost a lot of money.
Watching a cat play with a string or a ball is very entertaining. You
can sit back and enjoy the cat. However, a dog needs a person to
play with and usually won‘t play alone. On a cold winter‘s night,
there is nothing better than to have your cat snuggled up on your
lap purring contentedly. If you are trying to choose between a dog
or a cat for a pet, cats make the best pet!
1.What do you think is the best pet? Why?
2. What is the author‘s point of view in writing the passage?
3. How are you going to show your care to your pet?
2. Independent Practice
1. From the story you had brainstorm create 4 kinds of sentence
that stimulates your attention.
2. What will be your emotion in the following sentence?
a. Cats make the best pet.
b. Don‘t play with cats, it may bite you.
c. Why people like dogs than cat?
d. Amazing! Cats and dogs are now best friends.
G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Point Me The View !
How will you express your point of view in this situation?
You are told not to cross the street when a black cat cross the
street but you are in a hurry that time. How will react with this
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
What is the author‘s purpose in writing an article?

An author‘s purpose is usually to persuade, to entertain, to
inform, or to share an experience;
A point of view is a personal attitude that affects the way
someone interprets the world

I. Evaluating Learning
Read and understand the following statements. Pick out the
appropriate point of view.
1. What is it called when the author expresses his opinions and views?
a. entertainment
b. point of view
c. climax
2. All of the following are three main reasons why an author writes a
story, EXCEPT to
a. inform.
b. persuade.
c. entertain.
d. to make sure the reader enjoys what he or she is reading.
3. Lisa always looked forward to the fall because of the Harvest
Festival. Of course, she loved the rides, but she really enjoyed the
shows. This year would be the best. Lisa had a special opportunity to
perform in the talent show.
a. The author's purpose is to
b. entertain.
c. persuade.. inform.
d. create a mysterious mood.
4. What do you do with aluminum cans? Do you throw them in the
trash, or do you recycle when you are finished with them? At the rate
we are filling our landfills, we will not have anywhere else to put our
trash. If you recycle, you will help the environment. The next time you
throw away your Coke can, think about putting it in a recycling bin.
Your effort will help save your community.
The author's purpose is to
a. entertain.
b. persuade.
c. inform.
d. create a mysterious mood.
5. Tomatoes were once considered poisonous. Some brave people
finally took a bite of a tomato, and they survived. Now, we use
tomatoes in our salads and sandwiches. Do you ever use tomato
sauce or ketchup? These products are made of tomatoes. If it weren't
for these brave individuals, you might not be able to enjoy ketchup with
your french-fries.
The author's purpose is to
a. entertain.
b. inform.
c. create a mysterious mood.

J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
Write your own answer to this question. Why do you think the writer
wrote this passage?
Use particular kind of sentence that expresses your opinions.
I wonder if you know that the smallest insects you see about you
all have tools that were given to them with which they do their work.
There is a little fly called a sawfly, because it has a saw to work with. It
is really a much nicer saw than you could make, if you were ever so

Week 8


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various
B. Performance Standards
Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from
informational texts.
C. Learning Competency and Objective
Distinguish text –types according to features(structural language)
comparison and contrast. ( EN5ol-IVh-4)
II. Content
Comparison and contrast
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Materials
Audio Recorder, Power Point Presentation, charts, drawing materials
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
What are the different purpose why an author writes an article?
What is the author‘s purpose in writing this passage?
The impressive eagle is a national symbol in the United States for
patriotism and freedom. Because the bald eagle was once hunted
for sport, it is on the verge of extinction. If you kill a bald eagle, you
can go to jail. Unfortunately, the bald eagle still maybe become

Teacher shows picture of the following:
How do the images influence you?
(tectonic plates, terrifying, anxiety-ridden, panic, equipped,
imperative, aftershocks, subsided, horrified, urgent,
reassemble, disorder, winding, treacherous)
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Show pictures of area hit by tsunami and earthquake
What are the causes of this situation?
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson
Read the short story and find out the comparison and
differences of the idea in the passage.
Earthquakes and Tsunamis By: Sue Peterson
Earthquakes are the sudden shock of the earth‘s surface
that result in the earth shaking and rolling. They can be felt over
large geographical areas for brief moments of time. This is a
natural way for the earth to release stress. Did you know that
more than a million earthquakes shock the world each year?
Let‘s look at what causes this unpredictable phenomenon.
There are nearly 20 tectonic plates that are along the earth‘s
surface that continuously move past each other. When these
plates stretch or squeeze, huge rocks form at their edges and
the rocks shift causing an earthquake. You can visualize an
earthquake by holding a pencil horizontally in the air and
applying force to both ends by pushing down on them.
Eventually, the pencil will break somewhere
This is exactly how the earth‘s crust reacts to produce an
earthquake. The plates move and put forces on each other so
the earth‘s crust breaks for this stress to be released in the form
of energy. This energy then moves at a terrifying rate through
the earth as an earthquake. A seismograph is an instrument
used to record the strength of the earthquake. It also measures
how long the earthquake occurs. Other significant terms to
know concerning the topic of earthquakes include the
―epicenter‖ which is the point on the earth‘s surface above the
source of the earthquake; ―seismic waves‖ which is the energy
created by the quake that causes building, structures, and the
earth to move horizontally; and the Richter Scale, a
measurement of an earthquake‘s intensity. The points on the
Richter Scale correspond to the amount of shaking of the earth
(ten times the amount of shaking and 33 times the amount of
energy). It has been reported that the energy released by a
large earthquake may be equal to 10,000 times the energy of
the first atomic bomb and cause anxiety-ridden victims to panic.
Following is a chart that shows the types of earthquakes and the
rating of each on the Richter Scale: Richter Scale 4 Minor
Earthquake 5 Moderate Earthquake 6 Strong Earthquake 7
Major Earthquake 8 Great Earthquake.
If you live in a region of the world that has been known to have a
history of earthquakes, it is advised that you assemble a well-
equipped safety and emergency kit. It is also imperative to have
an established disaster plan so everyone remains safe. During
an actual earthquake, it is advisable to get under a sturdy piece
of furniture where nothing can fall on you and to stay clear of
glass windows and larger objects. If you are outdoors, you need
to stay far away of buildings, trees, and power lines. If you are
in a car, it is important to drive to a safe area and stay in the car
until the trembles stop. There may be aftershocks, movements
after the earthquake. Check for personal injuries
and damage to your home when all movement has subsided.
Depending on the strength of the earthquake, you may be
horrified and need someone for reassurance. It is urgent that
you remain calm. You may be able to reassemble some of the
items that were tossed about and repair the disorder that has
occurred during this disaster at a later time.
Tsunamis are formed by the displacement of water, either
a landslide, volcanic eruption or by the slippage of the earth‘s
plates, rock about 15-200 kilometers (50,000-650,000 feet) deep
that carry the continents and seas of the earth on an
underground ocean of hot, semi-solid material. Tsunamis are
large ocean waves that flow straight avoiding any winding and
circular turns like most every day waves. Tsunamis travel up to
965 kph (600 mph), thus capable of causing severe damage
with their treacherous speed alone. They travel the fastest in
deeper water, yet hit near the shoreline at 48-64 kph (30-40
mph). © Sue Peterson 2012
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Comprehension Questions
Why do earthquakes occur?
How do an earthquake occurs?
Explain the purpose of the Richter Scale. What do the numbers
How do tsunamis formed?
What are the likeness and differences of earthquakes and
Use Venn diagram in getting the answer from the pupils.
Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
. 1. When you compare and contrast two characters, what is NOT
something you look at?
A. what the characters say
B. what the author says
C. what the characters look like
2. What are the signal words used in comparing and contrasting?
Signal words and phrases that show similarities
Similarly Like Still likewise
in the same
in comparison at the same time in the same manner

Signal words and phrases that show contrasts

on the other
However but nevertheless while
more (than)
on the
Rather yet Comparative forms in contrast
3. A debate: Take sides on the issue ― compare and contrast students from
public school and private school‖

Use the signal words/phrases for similarities and differences.

E. Developing Mastery
Differentiated activities
Musical group: Create a song about similarities and differences of two
Spatial group: Do a theme collage divided into two sides of urban and
rural area
Linguistic group: Using concept map. Determine the similarities and
differences of rainy days and stormy days
Kinesthetic group: Compare and contrast the condition of our world
before and today
Independent Practice
Compare and contrast your experience in dining at Jollibee and Mc
Donalds or at any restaurants.
. F. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Who are you?‖ Find the similarities and differences you have with
your classmate partner.
Using the image compare and contrast the life in rural and urban
(image of urban and rural living condition)
G. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
What is the distinction between comparing and contrasting?

To compare and contrast is to find what is alike and different

H. Evaluating Learning

Read the story and answer the questions that follow:

The Trail Ride

Anna is going on a trail ride. She will ride fifty miles on

horseback. The weather will be cold, and it might rain. Anna has two
horses, Sugar and Ringer. Anna is sure that both horses are in good
shape. However, she wants to choose the better one for the trail ride.

Sugar is a tall white horse. She is always eager to obey Anna‘s

commands, but she likes to run fast. Sometimes it is hard for Anna to
make Sugar walk slowly. Sugar doesn‘t like to walk in mud.

Ringer is a tall brown horse. He is sturdy, patient, and

sometimes stubborn. He is more comfortable to ride than Sugar. He
can walk all day without getting tired, and he likes to run. He does not
like to be around other horses.

1. How are Sugar and Ringer alike?

a. They are both white.
b. They like other horses.
c. They are stubborn.
d. They are in good shape. .
2. How is Ringer unlike Sugar?
a. Ringer is more comfortable
b. Ringer belongs to Anna.
c. Ringer gets tired easily.
d. Ringer likes to walk in rain
3. Sugar and Ringer are both _____.
a. white
b. brown
c. short
d. tall
4. How is Sugar different from Ringer?
a. Sugar is in good shape.

b. Sugar likes to run.
c. Sugar obeys commands. .
5. The signal words for comparing and contrasting are …
a. mostly about, sums up, another title
b. first, next, then, last
c. alike, different, similar, same
d. cause, effect, because, as a result
Additional Activities for Application and Remediation

1. Using the image compare and contrast the life in rural and urban
(image of urban and rural living condition)

Week 8


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the research process to write a variety
of texts
B. Performance Standards
Uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of
texts for various audiences and purposes
C. Learning Competency and Objective
1. Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for
writing,reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration with
others( EN5SSh-4)
2. Revise writing for clarity
II. Content
Organizing secondary information
Correct spelling, appropriate punctuation marks, transition/signal words
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Life Learning and Intensifying English Today pages 323
C. Materials
Audio Recorder, Power Point Presentation,charts
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
Read the sentence correctly.
a. Learning is compulsory in most schools today.
b. Are they kept by size or color?
c. But….you should come also!

What is a primary and secondary sources of materials?
primary—not made or coming from something else;
firsthand—coming directly from the original source
secondary—coming from or created using an original
secondhand—not original; taken from someone or
something else
source—a person, publication, or object that gives
What is the use primary sources and secondary sources?
B, Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Are you familiar with these?
What is the use of the following:

C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson

How many times your imagination gave you tons of idea,

but still it‘s hard for you to express your ideas in writing?
Remember: Writing is not emergency you need to organize the content
before you can write freely.
Diagram/graphic organizers will make your writings easier.
How to organize ideas?
1. Diagram

2. Outline
3. Speed writing
4. Some other ways:
a. from specific to general;
b. from positive to negative;
c. step by step;
d. from most important to least important.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Comprehension Questions
What are the secondary sources of information?
How are you going to organize secondary information?
What is the use of graphic organizer? An outline?
Why is it important to organize information?
Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Group Activity
Read the story and organize the concept using graphic
Then rewrite the passage observing clarity.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein ( 1879-1955), on the other hand, was one of the
greatest scientists who ever lived. He was born of Jewish parents in
Germany. As a boy, he did not like school. But he studied Math and
Science at home. He went to college at Zurich, Switzerland, and
studied Physics. In 1905, he published
A new theory on the nature of the universe, the Theory of relativity. It
explains how matter, energy, and time are related. This Theory of
Relativity made Einstein World famous. In 1921, he received the Nobel
Prize for Physics.
-From ―Disney‘s My First Encyclopedia‖
E. Developing Mastery
Group Activity
Organize the ideas in the story Exile in Dapitan using different
graphic organizer.
Independent Practice

Using the outline from the graphic organizer ,write the passage
correctly, observing proper punctuation and spelling.
Today you are going to share something about yourself in class.
Take note of the most important thing about you that must be
Make your outline as a basis of your information.
F. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
G. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
What are the steps in organizing ideas?
H. Evaluating Learning
Read the selection and complete the outline below:
Thomas Edison
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) was one of the greatest
inventors who ever lived.
As a boy,Edison displayed great curiosity. He did not like
school and was educated at home by his mother. He went to work
when he was 12 and soon began to dream of being an inventor. He got
his first patent in 1868. He opened a laboratory in Menlo Park,New
Jersey where he was able to develop and test his new ideas. Perhaps
Edison‘s greatest inventions were the phonograph, the perfection of
the electric light bulb and the motion picture camera. All of these led to
the founding of huge industries. He held more than 1,000 United States
patents for his inventions. He perfected the light bulb and also a
system to use electric lighting in homes and offices.

Complete the outline. Write your own title.

I. His birth
II. His Education
III. His achievements/Accomplishments

I. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation

Research about the effects of global warming in the different secondary

materials then organize the ideas.

Week 8

Oral Reading

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the oral standards of English in order
to participate in various oral communication demands
(situation,purpose and audience)
B. Performance Standards
Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
C. Learning Competency and Objective
1. Observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressions in
choral, echo and shadow reading ( EN5f-iiih-1.3) ( EN5f-iiih-1.7)
2. Show tactfulness when communicating with others( EN5A-III-17)
II. Content
Choral, echo, shadow reading
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Reading Marvels 6 p. 369
Beyond Boundaries 5 p. 127, p.166
4R-Poetry-1516 - Choral Reading
B. Materials
Audio Recorder, Video Presentation, charts
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
How do organizing idea helps you in writing?
Tongue twister
Betty Botter bought a bit of butter.
The butter Betty Botter bought was a bit bitter
And made her batter bitter.

But a bit of better butter makes better batter.
So Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
Making Betty Botter‘s bitter batter better
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson
Video presentation
1.Viewing:choral presentation of 4R-Poetry
2.Video 37 Echo Reading
3.Shadow Reading
Coach and student read the same text aloud in unison.
Reading together allows the student a chance to practice phrasing and
tone, while benefitting from the coach‘s modeling.
1) For first reading, coaches should track the words on the page to help
model fluent reading.
2) For the second and following readings, students should track the
words on the page with their fingers to help follow along and focus
attention on the words on the page.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Comprehension Questions
How are you going to read in unison?
What is the importance of reading together?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
How are you going to show fluency in reading?
What is the used of teacher modeling?
Class will read the poem together in unison while other repeat the
lines .
Once the students finish the poem, they will switch roles so each
student has a chance to read and repeat the lines.
Child Labour
―For oh,‖ say the children, we are weary
And we cannot run or leap;
If we cared for any meadows, it were merely
To drop down in them and sleep.
Our knees tremble sorely in the stooping,
We fall upon our faces, trying to go;
And underneath our heavy eyelids drooping,
The reddest flower would look as pale as snow.
For, all days; we drag our burden tiring
Through the coal-dark, underground;
Or all day, we drive the wheels of iron
In the factories, round and round
-Elizabeth Barret Browning
F. Developing Mastery
Differentiated activities
As the children are reading, the teacher can call them each up to
meet when they‘ve had enough practice. The teacher will pick a
page in the book and have the student first read aloud, then
whisper read, then silently read while moving lips, and then read
― The Sea‖
Why does the sea laugh, Mother,
As it glints beneath the sun?

It is thinking of the joys, my child,

That it wishes everyone.

Why does the sea sob so, Mother?

As it breaks on the rocky shore?

It recalls the sorrows of the world,

And weeps forevermore.

Why is the sea so peaceful, Mother,

As if it were fast asleep?

It would give our tired hearts, dearest child,

The comfort of the deep
Natividad Marquez

Group A- Reads aloud fluently
Group B- Reads in a whisper
Group C- Reads while moving lips
Group D Reads silently
The teacher will walk around and monitor the students
Independent Practice
Read the lines following the guidelines below:
a. Read with whisper reading
b. Read while lips are moving
c. Reading silent with only eyes are following the word
On hot days, the cool breeze jostles that line the walls. The
sand is damp and loose; water quickly fills
A footprint or hollow where a stone has been. There are
flattish pebbles tinged with green. Water trickles
from the walls that arch above the stream and drips into lazy
current with sudden metallic plops.
G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Read your favorite tagline from the commercial with proper expression
and rate.
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
What should you observe in choral, echo and shadow reading?
I. Evaluating Learning
Group Performance(3 to 4 groups)
(To be distributed equally among the members of the group
to ensure the performance of all the members)
Rated by rubrics.
Choral Reading, shadow reading and echo reading of the passage.
J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation

Practice exercises in shadow and echo reading.

Week 8


I. Objectives

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard
Demonstrate understanding of the research process to write a variety
of text.
B. Performance Standard
Use a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of text
for various audiences and purposes.
C. Learning Competencies and Objectives
1. Determine images/ ideas that are explicitly used to influence
viewers. EN5VC-IIIH-7.1
a. Stereotypes EN5VC-IIIH-7.1
b. Point of View EN5VC-IIIH-7.2
c. Propaganda EN5VC-IIIH-7.3
II. Content
Images/ ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers.
a. Stereotypes
b. Point of View
c. Propaganda
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Materials
Video presentation
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
1. Drill

Let the pupils describe the pictures gotten from television
commercials flashed on the screen.
1. Bonakid
2. Tempra
3. Jollibee
4. Oppo
5. M Lhuiller
2. Vocabulary
Fill in the missing letters to unlock the meaning of each
unfamiliar words.
bossy – d _ _ t _ t _ r
vain – w _ r t _ _ e _ s
sacrifice – _ f f _ _ i _ g
shortcomings – w _ _ k n _ s s
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Television can influence its viewers what to think about many
things. Ideas/images in media are explicitly used to influence viewers.
Stereotypes- are results of incomplete or distorted information
accepted as fact without question. A stereotype is simply a widely held
belief that an individual is a member of a certain group based on
Point of view- is the angle of considering things, which shows us
the opinion, or feelings of the individuals involved in a situation. It is a
reflection of the opinion an individual from real life or fiction can have.
Propaganda - is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for
the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.
C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the New Lesson
Let the class watch the following commercials:
How did each commercial influence the viewers?
In what commercial was stereotype shown? point of view?
D. Discussing the New Concept and Practicing New Skill
#1 Group the class into three and give each group a product to
be endorsed using the three ideas.
Group 1 – Present a short play about a new bath soap.
Group 2 - Create a poster about the best energy drink.
Group 3 - Make a song and dance commercial about a
E. Discussing the New Concept and Practicing New Skill
#2 Let one of each group explain the idea used to influence the
F. Developing Mastery
G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
How can we influence viewers?
I. Evaluating Learning
Let the class watch the commercial about the deaf mother and
child. Fill in the blanks with the best answer. Choose the answer from
the box.
forgiveness shortcomings touch
sorry love

1. The mother‘s ___________ for her child is immeasurable.

2-3. She feels _________ for all of her _____________ to her baby because
of being deaf.
4. She asks for _____________ if she wasn‘t able to hear her baby‘s first cry.
5. The mother‘s ___________ is enough to comfort the baby.
J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
In a short typewriting, make a poster about a whitening soap
using the three ideas.

Week 9
Day 1and 2
: Oral Language
I. Objectives
C. Content Standard
Demonstrates understanding of the oral standards of
English in order to participate in various oral communication
demands (situation, purpose and audience)
D. Performance Standard;
Prepares for and participates effectively in a range of conversations and
collaboration with diverse partners, building on others‘ ideas and expressing
their own clearly and persuasively.
C. Learning Competencies /Objectives and LC Code:
Make a stand( EN5OL-IIi-4)
II. Content
Make a stand
A. References
1.Teacher‘s Guide pages
2.Learner‘s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources

IV. Procedure
A. Review/Recall of the past lesson
How do you distinguish fact from opinion?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Have you aver participated in a debate or in a round-table discussion?

Do you know the standards or mechanics for a debate or rou d-the –table
C. Presenting the new lesson
Today, we are going to deal on ―Making a stand‖ based on the facts
and opinions presented.
But first, let‘s watch a sample video how debate is facilitated.


D. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

What can you say/conclude about a debate? What have you noticed?
How do ou start a debate? How do you end it?
How are the exchange of ideas facilitated?
How would you make a stand?
After watching the video, let‘s now apply what you have learned. You
are going to form two groups. An idea will be presented and you will
have to make a stand whether you agree or disagree with the idea
Support your propositions with FACTS.
(Decide on a topic and make a draw lots to decide who is pro and anti-
Your main task for this day is to gather /research information that will
support your stand.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Day 2
Debate or round- the -table discussion
Possible Topics
 Books are better than computers.
 Should computers replace teachers?
 Are school uniforms needed?
 Should mobile phones be allowed in schools?
 Are sports and games as important as studies?
Read more topics at Buzzle:
A. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

A debate is a discussion or structured contest about an issue or

a resolution. A formal debate involves two sides: one supporting a
resolution and one opposing it. Such a debate is bound by rules
previously agreed upon. Debates may be judged in order to declare
a winning side. Debates, in one form or another, are commonly
used in democratic societies to explore and resolve issues and
problems. Decisions at a board meeting, public hearing, legislative
assembly, or local organization are often reached through
discussion and debate. Indeed, any discussion of a resolution is a
form of debate, which may or may not follow formal rules (such as
Robert‘s Rules of Order).

In the context of a classroom, the topic for debate will be

guided by the knowledge, skill, and value outcomes in the
curriculum. Structure for Debate A formal debate usually involves
three groups: one supporting a resolution (affirmative team), one
opposing the resolution (opposing team), and those who are judging
the quality of the evidence and arguments and the performance in
the debate. The affirmative and opposing teams usually consist of
three members each, while the judging may be done by the teacher,
a small group of students, or the class as a whole. In addition to the
three specific groups, there may an audience made up of class
members not involved in the formal debate. A specific resolution is
developed and rules for the debate are established.

Debate Preparation:

• Develop the resolution to be debated.

• Organize the teams.
• Establish the rules of the debate, including timelines.
• Research the topic and prepare logical arguments.
• Gather supporting evidence and examples for position taken.
• Anticipate counter arguments and prepare rebuttals.
• Team members plan order and content of speaking in debate.
• Prepare room for debate.
• Establish expectations, if any, for assessment of debate .
- - nd_sr2/tns/tn-

B. Evaluating learning/ Rubric Assessment


Levels of Performance

Criteria 1 2 3 4

1. Organization Unclear in Clear in Most clear Completely

and Clarity: most parts some parts and orderly clear and
but not over in all parts orderly
viewpoints and all presentation
responses are
outlined both
clearly and

2. Use of Few or no Some Most Most

Arguments: relevant relevant reasons relevant
reasons reasons given: most reasons
reasons are given given given relevant given in
to support support

3. Use of Few or no Some Many Many

Examples and relevant relevant examples/fa relevant
Facts: supporting examples/fa cts given: supporting
examples/fa cts given most examples
examples and cts relevant and facts
facts are given to given

support reasons.

4. Use of No effective Few Some Many

Rebuttal: counter- effective effective effective
arguments counter- counter- counter-
arguments made made arguments arguments arguments
by the other made made made
teams are
responded to and
dealt with

5. Presentation Few style Few style All style All style

Style: features features features features
were used; were used were used, were used
tone of voice, use not convincingly most convincingly
of gestures, and convincingly convincingly
level of
enthusiasm are
convincing to


Study Strategy

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the research process/library skills to
research a variety of topics /texts
B. Performance Standards
Uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of texts
for various audiences and purposes
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives

Organize information from the secondary sources in preparation for

writing , reporting, and similar academic tasks in collaboration with others
II. Content
Organizing information from the secondary sources
III. Learning Resources

A. References/ Materials
English Encounters: Reading 85-92, Lesson Guide in English revised
Edition, p.138
chart, DLP Laptop, activity sheets,
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson/Presenting new lesson
Recall some of the ways on how you can make a good story.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
How would keep abreast of the time? What will you do to
know the different things happening in our place and our country?
Today children you are going to read a news report.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

First Pinays on Everest to Return Home, A Warm,

rewarding welcome awaits.
the world to complete a traverse climb of Mt. Everest and the
first women from Southest Asia to reach the peak- will receive
more than funfare and admiration when they arrive in Manila
on May 31.
Rank promotions await Noelle Wencselao, Carina
Dayondon, Janet Belarmino and their companions at the
Phillipines coast guard , according to the agency‘s
spokesperson Lt. Armand Balito.

Source: Lesson Guide in English V(Revised Edition)p.53

D.. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills #

Comprehension Skills:
1. Who were the first Filipino Women to reach the peak of Mt.
2. When will they arrive?
3. What awaits the the three Filipino women?
4. To what rank they will be promoted?
5. Who is the spokesperson of the Philippine coastguard Agency
that made announcement about their reward?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Semantic Mapping
The teacher will write the answer of the pupils inside the semantic
map,and have a discussion on it.

When will they arrive?

What awaits to Who is the

the three Women who
reached the
of the
Filipino Philippine
peak of Mt.
women? Everest coastguard
Agency that

To what rank they would be


How are the ideas presented in the map?

Are the details show significant events?
What is written in the center part of the map?
Note: What we have done is another way on how we can
organize ideas/ information. I n organizing information, it
is necessary that you consider the main points, and the
significant details.
F. Developing mastery

Direction: Give related ideas to the topic at the core web.

in school

Transform the topic at the core of the web into a paragraph
and make it your topic sentence. Used the ideas posted around
it as the supporting details..

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Work in pair/Dyad Activity:

There are many ways on how we can take care of our own
selves. With your partner, list some details/ ideas that will
support your answer. Use a graphic organizer in making your

H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

In organizing ideas look for the central idea, the
main points and the significant details related to the topic.
I. Evaluating learning

Direction: Here are some of the details from the story ―The Filipino
Florence Nightingale. Organize the given details and write it in
paragraph form.

 She joined the American Red Cross in the Philippinesand was

sent to the United States to study.
 Josefa Llanes Escoda was born in Ilocos Norte on Setember 20.
 She started the Girl Scout movement in the Philippines .
 She finished elementary and high school in Laoag.
 She helped the prisoners in prison camps during the war.
 She put up health clinics and playgrounds for children

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Direction: Arrange the following facts/information from the most
important to the least one to make a good news

 The LPA was not expected to intensify into a
tropical cyclone within the next 24 hours, the
weather bureau said.
 – The southwest monsoon and a low-pressure
area (LPA) off Cagayan brought heavy rains over
Metro Manila and nearby provinces yesterday,
forcing the cancellation of afternoon classes in
some schools.
 The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)
said the LPA was located at 815 kilometers east
of Calayan Island as of 4 p.m.
 However, it will continue to enhance the
southwest monsoon which will bring moderate to
heavy rains over Metro Manila, Ilocos region,
Calabarzon (Cavite-Laguna-
 Batangas-Rizal-Quezon) and the provinces of
Zambales, Bataan, Mindoro and northern


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding of different formats to write for a variety of
audiences and purposes
B. Performance Standards
Write texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences
and purposes
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Write a 3-paragraph feature article
II. Content
Writing Feature Articles
III. Learning Resources
A. References
The Pilot chronicle 2016 edition l
B. Materials
Feature articles

B. Approaches
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Identify the parts of a news letter

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

What kind of articles are written in the news page?

How about in the editorial page?
What kind of articles can be read in feature page?
How about in sports page?
Which part of the newsletter do you want to browse? Why?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Train to Busan… a Story of love and sacrifices

A Korean inspired movie that plays exhilarating scenes and characters but
knockouts the emotion of the viewers. It passed the sensitive criticisms of the
viewers as it shows the value of survival in times of catastrophe.
Train to Busan is a suspense movie that captivated the hearts of the people
globally. It portrayed all the kinds of survival against the rapid zombie infestation
while the characters are differentiated by their capacity of kindness and the
capacity to abandon all forms of decency all in the name of survival that thrilled
the viewers. However, it doesn‘t lack the heart most especially the ones in the
middle where the main characters are forced to get past several compartments to
rescue their loved ones that sustained the interest of the viewers.
The main character portrayed the role of a father who wanted to make his
daughter happy on her birthday. The daughter asked her father to visit her mother
who left her since birth. For his love to her daughter he couldn‘t say no to her that
lead to them in danger. At the end of the story the father has to sacrifice himself
just to ensure that her daughter would live and reach the Town of Busan
In Lemery Pilot Elementary School, this movie became the most favorite
topic to majority of the intermediate pupils. According to them this movie is more
than a Zombie infestation. It portrayed the most important value in life; love and
These are the most significant means for survival. Relating the movie into
real situation people can do lots of sacrifices for the sake of love no matter what
and where they take them
In our life, parents couldn‘t afford to say ―No‖ to their children even though
circumstances lead both of them to danger. The impact of this movie to the pupils
is too evident even though it is not a typical Filipino movie. Reflected in this movie
the realization that the parents could not give to their children everything that they
want to have. if the parents do a lot of sacrifices the children should also learn
how to sacrifice. 698
This is a good indication that moral values can also be
communicated to the learners through media.
Article by:
Lemery Pilot Elementary School

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.

What is the story about?
What can you say about the characters in the story?
How did you feel while reading the story?
If you were the father will you sacrifice yourself for the sake of your
Did you like the story?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Going back to the story:
How did you find the story?
Did you feel like you watch the movie?
Who was the author of the story?
Do you want to write a feature article like the way the author did?

J. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Here is another example of feature article.

Going on a Picnic

Kendrei and Jyruss worked real hard all summer to prepare for the summer
picnic. Kendrei grew tomatoes and green peppers in her garden while Jyruss
grew corn lettuce and banana in the farm near their house.
A week before the picnic the two children harvested and packed their
crops. They decided that all of their hard work deserved a reward. They
charged their neighbors for their crops. Each pack of tomatoes and peppers
cost 20 pesos while packed of corn, banana and lettuce cost 50 pesos.
The two were very happy because all the crops were sold out and they
went on a picnic with their friends.

Did you like the story?

What is the story about?
How many paragraphs the story has?
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson


A feature article is an article that is about "softer" news. A feature may be a profile
of a person who does a lot of volunteer work in the community or a preview of a
movie about to hit the theaters. Like news writing, strong feature writing is simple,
clear and orderly. But, unlike news stories, feature stories don't have to be written
about events that just happened. Instead, they focus on human interest, mood,
atmosphere, emotion, irony and humor. Here are some steps to follow to help you
write a good feature story:
1. Get the reader's attention quickly.
2. Organize your story carefully.
3. Use short paragraphs and vary the lengths of sentences for effect.
4. Write with strong verbs and nouns, but go easy on adjectives.
5. Don't be afraid to use offbeat quotes.
6. Write tightly.

I. Evaluating learning

Make a 3 paragraph feature story. You can write any topic of your choice.

Rubric for Assessing Projects/ Outputs

Dimensions Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

(94-100 pts) (88-93 pts) (81-87 pts) (17-80 pts) (74 below

Content Addresses Addresses Addresses Addresses Addresses

the topic the topic very the topic the topic the topic
excellently; satisfactorily satisfactorily; fairly; limited poorly;
full coverage less than full partial coverage of limited the
of content coverage of coverage of content coverage of
content; content content;
content is essentials
focused on are not dealt
the basics with

Organization Organizes Organizes Organizes Organizes Organizes

ideas ideas ideas a little ideas very ideas with
logically and somewhat logically little logically no logic nor
precisely logically and lacking in and lacking precision
precisely precision in precision

Week 10- Day 1 ( Enrichment Activities)


1."You must get the golden key from the Sugar Toast Forest," said the
Peanut Butter Wizard. He knew that their quest would be hard, so he gave
them a bit of advice, "All you have is one another, so stick
together." Jelly Girl and Banana Boy nodded eagerly. They were both afraid
of the Sugar Toast Forest. Neither of them had ever left home before, but
they had heard tales, frightful tales.
Narrator's Perspective:
Explain how you know:
2. You shouldn't argue with people on the Internet. It is a waste of time and
energy. Do you want to spend your precious life energy trying to type sense
into some delusional fool who will only hate you for your efforts? No, you
don't. The next time someone makes some outlandish claim that infuriates
you, you should either ignore them, unfriend them, or block them. You will
find these actions to be more satisfying than casting your pearls of wisdom
before the likes of swine.
Narrator's Perspective:
Explain how you know:
3. The Green Fox's legs were sore. He had been sitting on a tree branch for
several hours waiting for the Sheriff. He believed that the Sheriff would be
coming this way to transport some prisoners, one of
whom might be the Green Fox's best friend, Lavender Luke. The Green Fox
heard the sound of hooves approaching. He swung down from the branch
by his knees and observed an armored carriage with the

royal symbol on the door. "That's our mark. Get ready boys!" the Green Fox
shouted to his men.
Narrator's Perspective:
Explain how you know:

Write short paragraphs using the
three point of view/ perspectives.
Underline the signal words/ clue words
used in each paragraph.

Day 1 (Oral Language)

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Standards
Uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral and
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience-
expressing emotions
EN5G-IIIj- 1.8.10
II. Content
Using A Particular Kind of Sentence for A Specific Purpose and Audience-
Expressing Emotions (Exclamatory Sentence)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
English for Global Communication. p. 99
B. Materials
flashcards, chart, activity sheets, picture
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Guessing game about kinds of sentences.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

Teacher shows a picture of a rain and ask something about it.

How it feels when it is raining? What activities you can and can‘t do?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Norbert’s Story

Saturday is my basketball training schedule. This is the day I have

been waiting for!
I suddenly wake up to the rumbling of the shadowy eastern sky. ―Oh
no! ― I tell myself. I don‘t want to miss the training. ― Oh no don‘t let it rain!
There is no way Mom will let me out of the house if it does. Please… please…
don‘t let the rain come down!‖
I never have a good thing about rainy weather, honestly. It keeps me
away from things that I want to do- playing basketball at the park, biking along
the winding streets of the subdivision or just hanging around with some
friends. Of course, these things are done after tidying my room, taking out of
the garbage and doing everything about school or else it‘s the brig for me.
When typhoons come and classes are called off, I really miss having
recess and lunch breaks at school. There‘s never a dull moment with all my
friends hanging around the Dome playing board games, badminton,
basketball or just being together.
Then… CRAAAAAACK! BOOOM! I gaze out the window and I sniff – it
smells wet. Then I see it: a grayish misty curtain about to cover our house
Then it comes. Like a gushing river, rain fall. If what they say about rain
causing strong feelings in people is true, then, it is now.

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.
Who is Norbert?
Where did the story happen?
How will you describe Norbert?
What events did Norbert witness that told him that rain was about to
How does he feel when it rains?
Teacher presents the sentences on the board.
1. This is the day I have been waiting for!
2. ― Oh no don‘t let it rain!
3. Please… please… don‘t let the rain come down!‖
What do you call these sentences?
Does each sentence expresses emotions? Can you name it?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Role play about any topics given expressing emotions:
1. Most Fortunate Day
2. Favorite Subject
3. Special Place
4. Time with Family
F. Developing mastery
Look for a partner. One will give a sentence expressing emotion then the
other will tell the feeling/ mood being expressed.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Rain stirs different feelings and reactions from people. Some
find it pleasure because it gives them the opportunity for relaxation.
Others consider it unlucky because it can disrupt what they do. If you
were the boy in the story, how would you feel? Why?
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson


A Mood refers toisthe

preposition a atmosphere or the general
word that relates feeling
the noun created
or the by to
the expressions
another and description in the story.
word in a sentence

I. Evaluating learning
Choose the word that tells the mood based on the given sentences.
1. ―I am asking if anyone among you had seen my lost child!‖
excited sorrowful distressed
2. ―I did everything I could but the strong current washed my family
mournful dejected reflective
3. ―I managed to beat my grandpa in a chess game!‖
horrifying victorious humorous
4. ―They have no right to play on private property without permission
and they cannot have mine.‖
humorous irritation confident
5. ―He set fire to the rice on purpose. I saw him do it!‖
happy frightened excited
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Write five (5) exclamatory sentences expressing your emotions.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas


TOPIC Percent Total Item Easy Average Difficult

age No. of Placement
Distinguish fact from 14 7 1-7 7

Infer the meaning of

unfamiliar words 10 5 8-12 5
( compound words )
(synonyms/antonyms ) 10 5 13-17 5
( context clues ) 10 5 44-48 5
Use the correct
preposition to
complete the 10 5 18-22 5

Identifying conclusion 6 3 23-25 3

Classify words with 12 6 26-31 6

prefix and suffix

Identify the
prepositional 10 5 32-36 5
in each sentence.

Identify the problem

and solution of the 8 4 37-40 4
given passage
Infer speakers tone
mood and purpose 6 3 41-43 3

Identify point of view 4 2 49-50 2 2

TOTAL 100 50 50 20 24 6

Third Quarter Test
English 5

Direction: Distinguish fact from opinion. Write F if the sentences express fact and O
if it is an opinion on the blank before the number.
______ 1. According to many, girls mature earlier than boys do.
______ 2. I guess growing up has many challenges.
______ 3. During adolescence, boys grow to manhood and girls develop into
______ 4. Maybe, I would look like my mother.
______ 5. Christmas is the happiest season of the year.
______ 6. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December in the Philippines.
_______7. It‘s only during Christmas that Filipinos should love and joy.

Direction: Write the compound word that mean the following:

_______________________ 8. bell by the door
_______________________ 9. ache or pain at the back of the body
_______________________ 10. cake fried on a pan
_______________________ 11. room where classes are held
_______________________ 12. cloth to cover

Directions: Identify the words that have similar meaning or opposite meaning
of each underlined words.
13. The grand mountains are beautiful.
a. attractive c. elegant
b. marvelous d. radiant
14. How graceful are her stately plains!
a. willowy c. delicate
b. obedient d. refined
15. How sweet and modest are her daughters who harvest the golden grain!
a. darling c. harmonious
b. pure d. fragrant
16. How graceful are her towering emerald trees!
a. brief c. tiny
b. little d. low
17. How I love this dear Philippines, home on this troubled earth!
a. peaceful c. dignified
b. restful d. gracious

Directions: Choose the appropriate preposition to complete each sentence.

Choose from the word bank below
across to about around

18. The boy runs _______ the street

19. After the movie, we‘re going ____ Vincent‘s house.
20. The people are concerned ______ the pollution.
21. There is a new shopping center _____ our house.
22. The two toddlers played _____ the house.

Directions: Choose the appropriate conclusion for each of the given situation.
23. It was my turn to bring candy to our club meeting. I put different types of candy
bars into a bag. I put 10 Snickers bars, 15 Milky Way bars, and 5 Three Musketeers
bars into the bag. When I got to the meeting, each person had to pick a candy bar
without looking.
You can guess that .
a. No one picked Milky Way bars
b. Three Musketeers bars were picked the most
c. Three Musketeers bars were picked the least
24. Yoshi was in her room reading a book. Her mom called her to come downstairs
and help. As Yoshi entered the kitchen, her mom handed her a pile of plates. Yoshi
put them on the table and went to get the silverware and glasses.
You can conclude that it is .
a. dinnertime
b. bedtime
c. time for school

25. Sam and his brother Tim each have their own rooms. Sam likes to make his bed
every morning, but Tim never makes his bed. Sam folds all his clothes before putting
them away, but Tim leaves all of his clothes on the floor.
After reading the sentences above, I can conclude that Sam is very messy.
Which clues from the story most likely helped me draw that conclusion? Check ALL
that apply.
a. Sam and Tim have their own rooms
b. Tim leaves all of his clothes on the floor
c. Sam likes to make his bed every morning
d. Tim never makes his bed
Directions: Group the words having the suffix or prefix. Write it on the table
below. ( 26- 31 )
Prefix Suffix

employment supermarket
action attendance
heroism renew

Directions: Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence. Circle the

32.) The strange man parked his car next to the tall trees.
33.) The confused foreign exchange student walked through the school halls.
34.) My cousin Jesse wore a bandage on his nose to cover the wound.
35.) Our crazy dog escaped and wandered all around the neighborhood.
36.) Your little brother had surgery and must stay in the hospital.
Direction: For each passage below, write the problem and solution in the
correct column.

Passage Problem Solution
37.Jonh didn‘t know what to
take to school for Show and
tell. He asked his mother for
an idea. She suggested to take
She suggested to take the
ribbon of his dog that won at
the pet parade.
38.Emiily knew she had to get
school on time, but her mother
said she couldn‘t drive her.
Emily decided to leave early
and walk to school.
39.Mrs. Anderson wanted a
fresh pineapple for her cake.
The store near her did not
have any fresh one, so she
went to another store and
bought it there.
40.Robert was afraid the
flooding river would reach his
His parents were away, and
he was watching with his little
He saddled his horse, and he
His sister rode to the top of

Direction: Identify the mood of the person presented in each situation.
Underline your answer.
41. Tina saw the thin ragged beggar and gave him her last peso. (pity or compassion
42. Clara groped in the dark. She touched something slimy and hairy. She shrieked
and could not move. (frighten or fear)
43. Ana felt like walking on air and that everybody loved her as she went up the
stage to receive her trophy from the judges. (joyful or elated)
Directions: Look for the meaning of the underlined word by getting the word
which has similar meaning inside the text. Write your answer on your answer
44. The frogs leapon the side of the river and then jump on the water.
45. Mother fused the kitchen utensils in the box and joined them together.
46. The vine is entwined and it is twisted in the bark of the tree.
47. People of Tacloban couldn‘t forget the tragic accident brought by typhoon
Yolanda that gave them a disastrous experience.
48. The angry policeman couldn‘t hide the fury on his face the moment he caught
the thief.
Read the passage below to note the author’s point of view. Write the best
phrase to complete each sentence.
Do you believe that extinction is forever? Let us do something to avoid similar
findings. The Philippine eagle‘s population is being drastically reduced. Every
year, these birds are being haunted for what? For decoration and for food. The
eggs are also edible. The laws that protect eagles can either be inadequate or
without proper enforcement.
49. The author world most likely agree with the point of view that;
a. Extinction is a problem with which we should be concerned.
b. People have the right to kill eagles because they need food.
c. People think it is an honor to have stuffed eagles on their home walls
d. Predators eat their prey especially when hungry.

50. The author wants to persuade everyone that actions to protect eagles are
necessary because he or she is
a. Does not like hunters
b. Does not want eagles to become extinct
c. Is find of eagles living
d. Is paid to write articles on eagles


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