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Restate sentences heard in one’s own words
Use appropriate facial expressions
Observe politeness at all times
Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation
and connotation) (Science)
Use compound sentences to show cause and effect
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
DAY 4 Infer target audience
Identify informational text-types.
Use card catalogue to locate resources
Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an accuracy rate of
95% - 100%.
DAY 2-3
Use compound sentences to show cause and effect.
Identifying the different meanings of content specific words
(denotation and connotation)
Using Appropriate Facial Expressions
Taking down relevant notes
Demonstrates understanding of various linguistic nodes to various
DAY 1 Texts
Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and
language) Timeorder
DAY 2 Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an accuracy rate of
Use compound sentences to show problem-solution relationship
of ideas
DAY 3-4 Plan a two to three- paragraph composition using an oiutline/other
graphic organizers
Observe politeness at all times
DAY 5 Infer purposes of the visual media

Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and
DAY 1 AND 2 Time-order (sequence, recounts, process)
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
Compose a three-paragraph descriptive essay on self-selected
DAY 3-5 topic
DAY 1 Restate sentences heard in one’s own words.
DAY 2 Infer meaning of borrowed words using Suffix
Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation
DAY 3 and connotation) (TLE)
Teacher’s own adjustment of the lesson or more enrichment
DAY 4-5 activities/Summative Test

Summarize information from various text types
DAY 1 Respond appropriately to messages of different authentic texts
Uses complex sentences to show cause and effect
DAY 2 Shows tactfulness when communicating with others
List primary and secondary sources of information
DAY 3 Observe politeness at all times
Identifies different meanings of content specific words
DAY 4 (denotation and connotation)TLE
Reads grade level text with 128 words correct per minute
Determines images/ ideas that are explicitly used to influence the
DAY 1 Summarize information from various text types (EN5LC-IVg-3.13)
Make generalizations (EN5RC-IVg-2.12)
Identify different meanings of unfamiliar words - (denotation and
DAY 2 connotation – Mathematics)
DAY 3 Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast.
Conduct short research projects on a self-selected topic.
DAY 4 Use complex sentences to show problem-solution relationship of

Revise writing for clarity – appropriate punctuation marks –
transition / signal words.
Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence
DAY 5 viewers – Propaganda.
DAY 1 Summarize information from various text-types
Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast Identify
DAY 2 different meanings of unfamiliar words (denotation and
Use the complex sentences to show problem-solution
relationship of ideas
DAY 3 Compose a three paragraph descriptive essay on self-selected
Observe accuracy, appropriate rate, proper expressions and
DAY 4 correct pronunciation in dramatic readings and presentations
DAY 5 Make connections between information viewed and personal
Conduct short research projects on a self-selected topic
Listen to a selection ( Black-out or Brown-out)
DAY 1 Summarize the selection listened to
Observe politeness at all times
Pronounce the letter, word, phrase, and sentence correctly and
DAY 2 Articulately
Express each character’s part emotionally and realistically
Be tactful in the observation and in giving analysis
DAY 3 Write a reaction to the given film relevant to personal experiences
DAY 4 Use verbal and non-verbal cues in TV broadcast

DAY 1 Summarize information from various text types
DAY 2 Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a tv broadcast
Observe accuracy, appropriate rate, proper expressions and
DAY 3 correct pronunciation in dramatic readings and presentations
DAY 4 Conduct short research projects on a self-selected topic



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of text types to listen for different
purposes from a variety of texts
B. Performance Standards
Uses linguistic cues to effectively construct meaning from a variety
of texts for a variety of purposes
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Restate sentences heard in one’s own words
Use appropriate facial expressions
Observe politeness at all times
EN5LC-IVa-3.11, EN5OL-IVa-2.6.1, EN5A-IVa-16
II. Content
Restating Sentences Heard in One’s Own Words.
Using Appropriate Facial Expressions
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Materials
Pictures, Charts, flashcards, emoticons (different facial
expressions), folded paper
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Game : Camera Action
Children will show different facial expressions.
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Asking the pupils about their animals at home and taking care of them

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Donkey In the Well

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The

animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out
what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old and the well
needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn't worth it to
retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.

They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.
At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried
horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down.

A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down

the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel
of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something
amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.

As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top

of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty
soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over
the edge of the well and trotted off!

Source :

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.

Who fell down into a well?
What does the donkey feel?
Why did the farmer invite his neighbors?
Study the sentences:
1. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out
what to do.
2. The donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.
3. The farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what
he saw.
4. Everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of
the well and trotted off.
Call volunteer/s to restate sentences heard on his own words.
Show the facial expression of the characters.
What values you should observed during listening to a story and
class discussions?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Role play any character of the following telemovies. Be able to
restate sentences heard on his own words and use appropriate facial
expressions based on the feeling expressed.
1. Probinsiyano
2. Encantadia
3. Alyas Robin Hood
F. Developing mastery
Each group chooses their leader. The leader pick one folded
paper. At the signal of the teacher, the leader reads what is written on
the paper three times to her group. The members of the group restate
the sentences heard from their leader in front of the class showing on
their face the appropriate facial expressions expressed in the
sentence/s. The group with correct statement and facial expression
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Life is full of challenges. Young and old encountered it and
responded to it positively or negatively. As a pupil, how will you
respond to any problems that come in your way?
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson


A facial expression is one or more motions or positions

of the muscles beneath the skin of the face. According to one
set of controversial theories, these movements convey the

emotional state of an individual to observers. Facial
expressions are a form of nonverbal communication.


I. Evaluating learning
Restate the sentences heard on one’s own words. Draw appropriate facial
expressions after the sentences.
1. Grandpa was very proud of me when I got a promotion at work. He
took me out to dinner to celebrate.
2. I'm a little doubtful about whether to get married or not..
3. We are delighted that you will be coming to visit us. It will be so nice to
have you here.
4. After waiting in line for an hour at the bank, the woman grew impatient
and left.
5. They were shocked to learn that their beloved neighbor, Miss Ann,
had stolen their car.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Draw 3 facial expressions that reminds you of a certain event
in the story. Then write 2 to 3 sentences about the event that you have
chosen in your own words.



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding that words are composed of different parts
to know that their meaning changes depending in context
B. Performance Standards
Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words inisolation
and in context
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and
connotation) (Science)
EN5V-Iva-20.1, 20.2
II. Content
Identify Different Meanings of Content Specific Words (Denotation And
Connotation) (Science)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Materials
Charts, flashcards, activity sheets
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Guessing game (Teacher’s Preference)
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Asking the children about words related to science
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Below are examples of denotative and connotative meanings of words.
Word Denotative Meaning Connotative
hot high temperature; extremely attractive;

heated angry
Cool low temperature popular acceptable
Dead absent of life and/or unusually quiet
animation setting
Chick young bird girl or woman
Crazy insane; mentally wild and exciting
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.
What do you call the words in the first column?
How about in the second column?
Do their denotative and connotative meanings the same?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Do the following:
1. Organize the class into small groups or teams with no more than five
members in each group. Then hand each group a blank ―Connotation
and Denotation Chart‖.
2. Explain to the groups that you are about to distribute a list of 10
adjective words listed in a random order.
3. When you scream ―Go‖ it will be each group’s job to sort the words into
a list of five pairs. Pupils need to accurately complete the ―Connotation
and Denotation Chart‖ by correctly identifying the word in each pair.
4. The first team that sings their team’s yell will be given 1 point and with
all correct answers will be given 4 points.
F. Developing mastery
Identify the meaning of words if it is a connotation, write C, and if
it is a denotation, write D.Write your answer on the blank.
1. blue
_____ a. Mommy, please buy me a blue bike.
______b. Linda got low score in her test. She is blue.
_____ a. Lito saw a big snake in their backyard.
_____ b. Mario is a snake. He spank the little boy.

______a. The weather is verycool.
______b. I like your jacket. It is very cool.
______a. Linda goes with different man that’s why she is being called
______b. The dress in the store is cheap.
______a. Rats lived in a dark places.
______b. Rats! I left my pocket book in the car.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson


RememberDenotation refers to the definition provided by the dictionary. It

pertains to the literal meaning of the word.
Connotation refers to the implied or suggestive meaning of the
word.Apreposition is a word that relates the noun or the pronoun.

I. Evaluating learning
Identify how the underlined word was defined in the following
sentences. Write denotation if the sentence has given a literal
meaning and connotation if it gives an implied meaning.
1. Charcoal is the by-product of a wood that was burned.
2. The skin of Maria is charcoal- like.
3. Our eyes is composed of 5,000 cells.
4. If you want to know if someone is lying, look directly to his eyes
because our eyes are the windows to our soul.
5. We must eat green to prolong our lives because it is healthy.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Using a dictionary, choose three words. Give their connotation
anddenotation then use them in sentences.



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Standards
Uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral and
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Use compound sentences to show cause and effect
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
EN5G-IVa-1.8.1, EN5A-IVa-17
II. Content
Using Compound Sentences to Show Cause and Effect
III. Learning Resources
A. References
English for All Times, Reading p. 159
Essential English, Worktext p. 138
Soaring to New Heights in Reading p. 123
C. Materials
Charts, flashcards, activity sheets, picture, strips of paper
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Guessing Game (Teacher’s Preference)
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Asking the children about compound sentences.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Teacher presents the following sentences.

. 1. He must be asleep for there is no light in his room.
2. I decided to call it a day for I was feeling tired.
3. I helped him because I liked him.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.
How is the sentence formed in the first sentence? second sentence?
third sentence?
What are the two ideas formed in the sentence?
What connectors are being used?
What relationship does it show?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
Group Activity
Mix and Match
Teacher will give a strip of paper in which a cause or effect was
written. The children will get one and look for the other phrases
that will complete the sentence.
1. A girl went through a life-threatening surgery
2. The presence of tumors in her brain ___________________.
_________________________, she survived the surgery.
3. _________________________, the girl was fit to go back to school.
4. She was very excited to see her classmates and her teachers
again, _________________________.
Because the girl was strong and healthy
for she had many stories to share with them
because of brain tumors
After several months of recovery
was causing her unbearable headaches and spells of dizziness
Picture analysis
From the given picture, write five (5) sentences showing cause and
effect relationship.

Act It Out
Teacher will give topics in which pupils will act some situations showing
cause-effect relationships.
F. Developing mastery
Give the appropriate cause/ effect to complete the sentences.
1. Since he had not paid the rent,__________________________.
2. ________________________, so we stayed at home.
3. We had to put off the exam because _____________________.
4. ________________________, for he brought news of our families.
5. As I was very tired, _______________________.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
D. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson


RememberAn event that ends in a result is called the cause while the result
is known as the effect.

H. Evaluating learning
Analyze the sentences. Underline the cause once and the effect twice.
1. The boy ate a lot because he was hungry.
2. The roads got flooded after hours of heavy rain.
3. If you eat a well-balanced meal, you will be healthier.
a. I study my lessons everyday that is why I don’t panic when there
is a test.
b. We are so many in our club so the principal decided to split it
into two.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Write five (5) compound sentences. Underline the cause once and the
the effect twice. Encircle the conjunction used in the sentence.



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the various forms and conventionsof
print, non-print, and digital materials
B. Performance Standards
Evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in
various viewing texts
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Infer target audience
II. Content
Inferring Target Audience
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Materials
Flashcard, Charts,Pictures, video clip
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Guessing game (Teacher Preference)
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Teacher shows a picture of the audience and asks something about it.

What do you see in the picture? When we say ―audience‖, whom do
we refer ?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Teacher presents a short video clip about milk.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.
Who are the characters in the video clip?
What did mother say to his son?
Did the son agree that milk is good for our body?
Why did mother let her kids drink milk?
Does a video teach a lesson?
In the short video presented, who will be the target audience?
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2.
The teacher will group the pupils into four. Each group will be given an
envelope containing pictures of different commercials or TV ads. They will
infer who are the target audience in each picture.
Group I- Washing hands
Group II- Smoking

Group III- Waste Segregation Group IV- Education

Group V- Family

E. Developing mastery
Think of a commercial or TV Ads you like. Answer the data below:
Name of commercial/TV Ads _________________________
Target Audience: _________________________
Age: _________________________
Gender: _________________________
Interest: __________________________
F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
It has been said that mother knows best for us. All the things
they did is for our own good. Sometimes, you think that you’re old
enough for advices and don’t even need it. How would you react on
this? Is it necessary to accept advices from the old ones?
G. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

A target audience is a group of people who can be identified by
some common characteristic, interest, or problem.

I. Evaluating learning
Infer the target audience. Match the words in column A to the words
in column B.
1. Seminar/Training Workshop of Teachers A. Carpenters
in Math
2. How to Make a House B. Bakers
3. Making Pastries, Cakes and Breads C. Teachers

4. Beauty and the Beast D. Men
5. Wrestling E. Little boys
and girls
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Watch a television commercial at home or find an ad in a
newspaper or magazine. Then write one paragraph describing the ad,
making an inference about who the target audience is and explaining
why they think this.



I. Objectives
Identify informational text-types.
Use card catalogue to locate resources
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of text types
in order to construct feedback.
The learner demonstrates understanding of library
skills to research a variety of topics
B. Performance Standards
The learner uses literary and informational texts
heard to construct an appropriate feedback.
The learner uses a variety of research strategies to
effectively write a variety of texts for various
audiences and purposes.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
II. Content
Identifying Informational Text-Types
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Materials
Pictures, card catalogue (real), activity sheet,
library room
IV. Procedures
A. Review
What do you usually see in between a TV Program that you’re watching

everyday? (commercial)
What particular TV commercial could influence you as a person?
B. Establishing a Purpose for the lesson
Have you ever been to a library?
What are the things found inside the library?
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Our lesson for today is about identifying informational
text type.
Have you ever read any of the following?

dictionary magazine encyclopedia

How about a card catalogue,are you familiar with it?
Look at the example of a card catalogue and identify its parts

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

Listen to the story. Answer the questions below

A Trip to the Library

Mark needs a book. He does not have money. His mom takes him to the
library. Mark can borrow books for free. Mark enters the library. There are so
many books. There are books about animals. There are books about pirates.
There are books about science. Mark borrows them all.

Answer the following questions:

1. Who needs books?
2. Where does his Mom take him?
3. What books does he see?
4. What books did he borrow?
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing new Skills #2
Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.



REALONDA (born 19 June 1861, Calamba, Philippines- died 30 December
1896, Manila, Philippines), patriot, physician and man of letters whose life and
literary works were an inspiration to the Philippine nationalist movement.Rizal
was the son of a prosperous landowner and sugar planter of Chinese-Filipino
descent on the island of Luzon. His mother, Teodora Alonso, one of the most
highly educated women in the Philippines at that time, exerted a powerful
influence on his intellectual development.He was educated at the Ateneo de
Manila and the University of Santo Tomas in Manila. In 1882, he went to study
medicine and liberal arts at the University of Madrid. A brilliant student, he soon
became the leader of the small community of Filipino students in Spain and
committed himself to the reform of Spanish rule in his home country, though he
never advocated Philippine independence. The chief enemy of reform, in his
eyes, was not Spain, which was going through a profound revolution, but the
Franciscan, Augustinian and Dominican friars who held the country in political
and economic paralysis.
Rizal continued his medical studies in Paris and Heidelberg. In 1886, he
published his first novel in Spanish, Noli Me Tangere, a passionate exposure of
the evils of the friars rule, comparable in its effect to Harriet Beecher Stowe's
Uncle Tom's Cabin. A sequel, El Filibusterismo, 1891, established his
reputation as the leading spokesman of the Philippine reform movement. He
annotated an edition in 1890 on Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas,
which showed that the native people of the Philippines had a long history
before the coming of the Spaniards.
He became the leader of the Propaganda Movement, contributing numerous

articles to its newspaper, La Solidaridad, published in Barcelona. Rizal's
political program, as expressed in the newspaper, included integration of the
Philippines as a province of Spain, representation in the Cortes (the Spanish
parliament), the replacement of the Spanish friars by the Filipino priests,
freedom of assembly and expression, and equality of Filipinos and Spaniards
before the law.

1. What was the article about?
2. Would you consider it an informational text-type?
3. What other informational text-types have you
read before?
F. Developing Mastery
Group Activity
Group the pupils into 4. Using an activity sheet, clearly
state the instructions on the task each group will accomplish.
Group I- Fix Me Up
Inside the envelope were cut pictures of the different
informational text-type for them to paste it in the activity
Group II- Draw Me
Draw the different informational text-type that you have
learned today.
Group III – Who am I?
(dictionary) I give meaning, provide information about
pronunciation, origin and usage.
(encyclopedia) I give information on many subjects or on
many aspects of one subject typically
arranged alphabetically.
(magazine) I am a periodical publication containing articles
and illustrations.
Group IV- Rap Me
Members of the group will create a rap identifying the

different informational text-type.
G. Application
Take a trip to the library.Let the pupils identify the parts of
a card catalogue.
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson


Informational texts are nonfictional writing, written with the intention of informing
the reader about a specific topic. It is typically found in magazines, newspaper,
science books, autobiographies, and instruction manuals.

It uses special text which allows its users to easily find key information and
understand the main topic. This is done by placing a header over certain sections. It
may also use visual representation with captions which includes pictures, graphs,
tables, diagrams, and charts.

A card catalogue is a file of cards uniform in size arranged in some definite

order and listing the items in the collection of a library or group of libraries. Each card
identifies a single item.
The parts of a card catalogue are (1) call number; (2) author; (3) title Entry; (4)
publisher; (5) series title; and (6) subject headings.

I. Evaluation/Assessment
Check (/) if the book is an informational text and cross (x) if it is not
1. newspaper
2. magazines
3. instructional manuals
4. fairy tales
5. autobiography
J. Remediation
Answer the following questions. Choose your answer from the

Atlas globe maps magazine

Dictionary card catalogue encyclopedia

1. Which informational text will help you find the meaning of
2. Which reference material is used as an exact replica of
the earth?
3. Which reference material will you use to find more
Information about the galaxy?


Day 2 and 3
Oral Reading
Fluency and

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding that English language is stress timed to
support comprehension
Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Standards
Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
Uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral and
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an accuracy rate of 95% -
Use compound sentences to show cause and effect.
II. Content
Compound Words
Cause and Effect
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Teachers Guide in English Revised Edition
B. Materials
chart, DLP Laptop, activity sheets. Pictures, metacards
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson/ Presenting new lesson
1. Review
Why do you think some people are too much affected with
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
1. Vocabulary Development
Word Hunt
Look for the words inside the magic box which is related to the word
HEALTHY and paste them on the board.


awake cough food

skinny not sick strong
sickly dry skin vegetables
malnourished happy
obese delicate robust
virus vitamins glowing skin
well balanced diet

2.Today we are going to learn cause and effect relationship using

compound sentences
3. Showing a picture

What does the picture show?
What will you do to avoid being malnourished?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Ask pupils to pair off. Let them practice reading the dialogue correctly.

Shaine, Almira and Trixie are inside the library looking at a

picture of a boy playing baseball.

Shaine: What is the child doing? Is he playing volleyball?

Trixie : No, he isn’t playing volleyball. He is playing baseball.
Shaine: Do you know what body parts are used to play baseball?
Trixie: Yes, clear mind and eyes are important. He also needs strong
hands and feet to become a good baseball player.
Shainel: Do you think he is fit and healthy?
Trixie: Yes, he looks fit and healthy but he is sometimes sickly . He
sleeps late at night watching television.
Almira : Maybe he has to eat nutritious food. That boy must be drinking
milk and has to drink at least eight glasses of water every day.
Shaine: What do you think will happen if he doesn’t eat a well balanced
Trixie: He will turn sickly and he will become malnourished. All of us need
to follow good health habits if we want to remain healthy. Other
than eating nutritious food, we should also take a bath to keep
ourselves clean and fresh. Sleep eight to ten hours daily or we will
become like this.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Comprehension Check:
1. Who are the characters in the dialogue?
2. What are the body parts used to play baseball?
3. How can you say that a person is healthy and fit?
4. What will you do to make your body healthy and fit?
5. What do you think will happen if we don’t eat a well -balanced diet? Why?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills #
Let’s read the following sentences taken from the dialogue.
1. Clear mind and eyes are important but he also needs strong hands and
feet to become a good player.
2. The boy will be sickly and he will become malnourished.
3. All of us need to follow good health habits if we want to stay healthy.
How many sentences do we have in each sentence?
Which is the first sentence? second sentence?
What word connects the first and second sentences?
What do you call them?
What do you call the kind of sentence that is composed of two short
sentences connected by a connector?
In each sentence which part shows the reason?
What do you call it?
Which part shows the result of the cause?
What do you call it?
F. Developing mastery
A. Guided Practice (Collaborative)
Group the class into four. Each group will write three compound sentences
on how to be healthy. Once finished, the group will do their yells. Then,
they will post their output on the board for presentation. The leader of the
group will read it to the class.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Group Activities ( Collaborative)
Group the class into three. Provide activity cards for each group and assign
them to their respective areas.

Group 1

Make a slogan about malnutrition using compound

sentence in a form of cause and effect relationship.

Group 2

Dramatize on how to fight malnutrition using compound

sentence in a form of cause and effect relationship.

Group 3
Think of a product that will make you healthy and write an
advertisement about it using compound sentences in the
form of cause and effect relationship.

H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson


Compound Sentence is a sentence composed of two short

sentences connected by a connector.

Cause – is the part of a sentence that tells the reason.

Effect – is the part of a sentence that tells the result.

I. Evaluating learning
Direction: Write the letter of the correct connector to form a compound
sentence. Choose your answer from the box.

a. and b. but c. if d. while e. because f. so that

____1. Some people suffered diarrhea and typhoid fever
______ they drank dirty water.
_____ 2. Mr. Cruz will meet an accident ___ he will drive under the
influence of liquor.

_____ 3. Do not use dynamite fishing ______ the supply of fish will
not decease
_____ 4. Nathan eats delicious foods ____ he drinks vitamins to make
his body healthy.
______5. Ana will continue losing her weight ____ she will not stop
eating junkfoods.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Direction: Read the selection. Then, complete the table that follows about
cause and effect relationship.
We eat food to nourish our body. When we eat healthy foods, we
give our body vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that it needs. It is
important that we know the right kind of food to eat so that we will know the
best food that we will supply our body. Some of the food that we buy at
local stores or sidewalks are not really good food. They can harm our body
because they contain ingredients which are too salty or too sweet. Too
much of these ingredients are not good for our body. These may cause loss
of appetite that will eventually lead to poor eating habits.
Cause Effect
1. We eat food
2. When we eat healthy food
3. When we know the right kind of
food to eat
4. Some foods that we buy in stores
or sidewalks are not good for our
5. Poor eating habits


Day 4

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding that words are composed of
different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in
B. Performance Standards
The learner uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in
isolation and in context.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Identifying the different meanings of content specific words (denotation
and connotation)
II. Content
Denotation and Connotation
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Materials
chart, DLP laptop, activity sheets. pictures, metacards
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson/Presenting new lesson
1. Review Oral Language Activity
Tongue Twister
Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled pepper
A pack of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper
Where’s the pack of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

1.Today, we are going to identify the different meanings of content
specific words- denotation and connotation.
2.Let the student watch video downloaded in youtube about
connotation and denotation.
What is the video all about?
Cite the examples given in the video.
What do you think is the difference between connotation and
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Let us read this sentence.
The king spent days and weeks and months in his bed either
eating something or sleeping. He almost became inactive. The
king became a couch patoto and the people started to worry
about the king.
1.What is the italized word in the sentence?
2.What is potato?
3.What is couch?
4.What is the meaning of couch potato?
Note that the meaning of certain word depends on how it is
used in a sentence. If we will give the meaning of couch potato by
looking each word at the dictionary, potato will mean a vegetable and a
seat. But if we will give the meaning of potato as used in the sentence
it will mean someone who spends a lot of time sleeping and eating.
When the meaning is strictly defined using a dictionary it is called
denotation but when it is defined using the associations attach to
words and expands its meaning beyond their definition it is
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Other Examples:
The words home, house, residence and dwelling all have the same
denotation, but the connotation of each word is very different.
Denotation : Where a person lives at any given time.

Home : cozy, loving, comfortable
House : the actual building or structure
Residence : cold, no feeling
Dwelling : primitive or basic surroundings
Denotation : scaly, legless reptile
Connotation : dangerous, evil, disloyal person
Denotation : female parent
Connotation : love and respect security and warmth
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Vocabulary Development
Read the paragraph below. Replace the underlined words with
the words from the box that have the same denotation as the underlined word
but a different connotation.

yelling walk
scent terrible

Margarett was having a sad and unpleasant day. First, she was
required to clean her room. Then, Margarett’s stroll with her Mom to have
Zumba exercise in the park was canceled. That meant she would not be able
to pass by the park’s flower gardens with their lovey smell. And finally her
brother was calling out loudly that he was going to drive her to soccer
practice. When she got home she took her sleep so that she can rest.
F. Developing Mastery
a. Guided Practice
Direction: For each item, circle the word or phrase that has
1. youngster child juvenile brat
2. unusual odd crazy strange
3. silent tomblike peaceful still
4. pretty beautiful nice neat
5. stupid silly foolish unintelligent
b. Independent Practice
Direction: Identify the meaning of the following word/s or phrases.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The ―night‖, ―close of day‖, ―dying the light‖, and ―dark‖?
A. death
B. sadness
C. night time
2. What is the connotation and denotation of the word ―daggers‖?
A. connotation: anger
denotation: murder
B. connotation: knives
denotation: fear
C. connotation: danger
denotation: pointed, weapons
3. “Skinny”, “Thin” and “slender”
A. overweight
B. underweight
C. fat
4. “Cheap” and “inexpensive”
A. costly
B. poor quality
C. high quality
5. “Childlike” and “childish”
A. innocence
B. meekness
C. child
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
Group Work (Collaborative)
I - Using a web write down the connotative meaning of :
II - List down 5 denotative meanings of LOVE in metacards.

III - Put a check (/) on the first column if the given meaning is
connotative meaning and cross-out (X) if it is denotative meaning.
Word Meaning
home House
apple logo of an expensive
brand of computer
mother one who feeds the baby
Chat Talk
dog man’s best friend

H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

Remember :
Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the
"dictionary definition.
Connotation, on the other hand, refers to the associations
that are connected to a certain word or the emotional
suggestions related to that word. The connotative meanings
of a word exist together with the denotative meanings.

I. Evaluating Learning
Direction: Write on the space provided for whether the given meaning of a
word is connotative or denotative.
Answer Word Meaning
1. beautiful Lovely
2. President one who delivers
speech in SONA
3. Book contains texts
4. Knowledge Wisdom
5. House condominium
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Direction: Write the connotative and denotative meaning of :
Connotative Denotative

Day 5
Oral Language
Study Strategy

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of various verbal elements in orally
communicating information
Demonstrates understanding of library skills to research a variety of
B. Performance Standards
Orally communicates information, opinions, and ideas effectively to
different audiences using a variety of literary activities
Utilizes discrete techniques (general or specific) and applies
appropriately them to all or most fields of study
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Using Appropriate Facial Expressions
Taking down relevant notes
II. Content
Sequencing Events
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Teacher’s Guide in English 5 Revised Edition
B. Materials
chart, DLP Laptop, activity sheets. pictures, metacards
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson/Presenting new lesson
1. Drill
a. Let’s sing a song
If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands
How did you feel while singing the song? Why
Today, we are going to learn the different facial expressions in
every situation based on the story read.
2. Vocabulary Development
greedy – gluttonous
obvious - visible
3. Show a picture of a mouse
4. Motive question
What happened to the mouse?

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

The Greedy Mouse
A greedy mouse saw a basket full of corn. He wanted to eat it.
So he made a small hole in the basket. He squeezed in through the
hole. He ate a lot of corn. He felt full and was very happy.Now he
wanted to come out. He tried to come out through the small hole. He
could not. His belly was full. He tried again. But it was of no use.The
mouse started crying. A rabbit was passing by. It heard the mouse’s cry
and asked, ―Why are you crying, my friend?‖
The mouse explained, ―I made a small hole and came into
the basket to eat the corn. Now I am not able to get out through that
hole.‖The rabbit said, ―It is because you ate too much. Wait till your belly
shrinks.‖ The rabbit laughed and went away.The mouse fell asleep in
the basket. The next morning his belly had shrunk. But he wanted to eat

some more corn. He forgot all about getting out of the basket. So he ate
the corn and his belly was really big again.
After eating, the mouse remembered that he had to escape.
But obviously, he could not. So he thought, ―Oh! Now I will go out
tomorrow.‖The cat was the next passerby. He smelt the mouse in the
basket. He lifted its lid and ate the mouse.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Comprehension Check –up
Who are the characters in the story?
What did the mouse do at the beginning?
What did the rabbit advice to the mouse?
Did the mouse do what the rabbit had said?
Did the mouse able to get out through the hole? Why?
Did the mouse able to escape? Why?
What happened to the mouse when smelt by the cat?
Was the mouse happy at the beginning? What about at the end?
What character trait did the mouse show?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Direction: Arrange the events written in the metacards. Place it in the
Story staircase.

The mouse fell asleep in the basket and forgot that he had to escape.
The cat smelt the mouse in the basket and ate it.
The mouse can’t get out through the hole.

The rabbit advised the mouse to wait until his belly shrinks.
The mouse ate all the corn and felt full.
F. Developing Mastery
Taken the lines from the story, draw the correct facial expression for the
following situations.

1. The rabbit laughed and went away.

2. He ate a lot of corn. He felt full and was very happy.
3. It heard the mouse’s cry and asked, ―Why are you crying, my friend?‖
4. ―I made a small hole and came into the basket to eat the corn. Now I
am not able to get out through that hole.‖
5. He lifted its lid and ate the mouse.
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
Group Work (Collaborative)

Direction: Make a dialog based on their facial expressions

I - Secretary De Lima
II Boxing Champion Sen. Manny Pacquiao
III – President Duterte
IV – beggar asking for alms
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson


Facial expression depends on what they feel regarding the

given situation.

Sequencing Events are arranging events as they happened

in the story.

I. Evaluating Learning
Direction: Read the selection. Then, arrange the events as they
happened in the story by numbering it from 1 to 5.
The Moon and The Stars
Once upon a time there lived a young woman named Maria.
One day., she went out to the ricefield to pound rice. She took off her
gold chain of beads and the silver comb from her hair and hung them
for safety on the sky, which at that time was low and close to the
Maria started to pound the rice; but whenever she raised the
pestle, it hit the sky. Finally, she raised the pestle so high that it struck
the sky with a hard blow.
Do you know what happened? The sky began to rise and rise.
Maria wept as she watched it rising higher and higher in the air,
carrying with it her comb and her beads.
Maria never recovered her possessions; for the silver comb was
changed to the moon, while the gold chain broke apart and the
scattered beads turned into stars.
______ Finally, she raised the pestle so high that it struck the sky
with a hard blow.
______ Once upon a time, Maria went out to the rice field to pound
_______ The sky began to rise and rise
_______ Maria never recovered her possessions; for the silver comb
was changed to the moon.
______ While the gold chain broke apart and the scattered beads
turned into stars.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Direction: Draw the correct facial expression on the following situations.
_______ Mr. Reyes won in a lottery.
_______ You failed in the test.
_______ Her mother passed away.
_______ You have nothing to eat.
_______ The pupils will have their educational trip.
Week 3


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of various linguistic nodes to various
B. Performance Standards
Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Restate sentences heard in one’s own words
Show tactfulness in communicating with others
EN5LC-IVc- 3.11
II. Content
Restating sentences heard in one’s words
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Lesson Guide in English pp. 149-152,
English for all Times pp. 214-219
B. Materials
Cut- outs of different letters, pictures, charts, DLP, activity
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson / Presenting new examples
Oral language Activity
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
1. Motivation
The teacher shows different pictures of famous

Strategy: Picture Analysis
Class, at your young age, what are your achievements in life?
1.1. Raising of motive questions
Today, you are going to listen to a story about a proud
king who was hated by the people? Now class, what
do you want to know about the story?
1.2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Read the following sentences. Choose the meaning
of the underlined word in the sentence using the
context clue.
a. After he was crowned as an emperor, the king became
b. He has the supreme power because he is the greatest in
his land.
c. He is a proud person who is full of confidence.
d. The king lives in a palace where he owns his
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
The pupils listen to the story as the teacher reads it.
The Proud King
There was once a king who ruled harshly over the
lands. One night, after he was crowned as emperor, he thought of
himself as the greatest on earth and in heaven.
He often went hunting. Early one morning, while in the
deep woods, he decided to cool himself in the lake. He proudly swam
away from the shore. Suddenly there came from the bottom of the lake
someone who had the same face and form as the king. This man
quickly put on the king’s clothes and drove away with the king’s horse.
When the proud king finished cooling himself, he found his clothes and
his horse already gone.

With some woven reeds covering his body, he walked to the
castle. He beaten up and was thrown outside the palace.
The proud king fled away. He wished he was dead. Reaching
the lake where he had bathed, he cried loud. He asked for forgiveness
for his pride.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
1. Who ruled the lands?
2. How did he rule his land?
3. What did he think of himself after he was crowned as an
4. What did he often do?
5. What did he do after learning what happened to his clothes and
6. If you were the king in the story, would you do the same? Why or
why not?
7. What lesson have you learned from this story?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Children, there are parts of the story that you particularly like. Which part
of the story do you like best?
Which part do you remember? Restate it in your own word? Say it with
proper gesture.
 Teacher will demonstrate an example such as ―The proud king
was driven away and put him into a prison.‖( do the proper
gesture and intonation)
Pupils/s will restate a sentence heard from the paragraph and
do it with proper gesture.
Note:Understanding and getting the main points or
significant events in a story, can help one to restate
sentences heard in one’s own words.
F. Developing Mastery
A. Sentence Completion
Listen as the teacher reads the story again. Restate them
in your own words following this pattern.

1. The main character is___________________________.
2. The story takes place___________________________.
3. A problem occurs______________________________.
4. The character _________________________________.
5. The story ends________________________________
Divide the class into four groups. Do a message relay.
Teacher will give each group an activity sheet where the
message was written.
1. The first pupil will read the message silently and pass it to
the next pupil and so on.
2. The last pupil will state the message orally with proper
3. Group who finish first wins the game
Group 1- Our team won the championship!
Group II- No, You don’t have the permission!
Group III- Oh, I didn’t see you come in!
Group IV- I can’t figure this out
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Activity-Based Strategy: (Constructivism Approach)
The A’s Activity(Act, Analyze and Apply)
A. Divide the class into small teams
(Through Dyad)
Children form DYAD. Each triad will write a dialogue
about a chosen scene.

Scenes: The proud king and the servant.

The proud king and the people
The proud king and

The dialogue will have the part of the Narrator and a

person on the scene.
B. Assessing the pupils’ performance using rubric.
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

To restate a sentence heard you must listen carefully and
remember the main points .

I. Evaluating learning
A. Have the pupils read the short story about the ―The Fox and the
Stork‖ orally. Then,have the pupils write 5 sentences they heard
and remembered from the short story
The Fox and the Stork
The fox and the stork used to be friends. They were
always together – until one day. The fox told the stork to come
to his house for dinner. The truth was that fox wanted to play a
joke on the stork.
When the dinner time came, the fox put the soup on
the shallow container before the stork. The fox easily slurped it,
but he stork could only wet the end of her long bill. The poor
stork went home as hungry as when she came.
The fox apologized to the stork for not liking the soup.
Soon, the stork invited the fox to dine with her at home
So the fox visited the stork. The stork served their dinner in
a jar with a very long neck and a narrow mouth. The fox could
only leak the outside of the jar.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
(DYAD)Think of your favorite fairy tale. Retell the part that you like
best. Each partner will take turn in retelling/restating the story.

Week 3

Reading Comprehension/

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding that reading a wide range of texts
Provides pleasure and avenue for self – expression and personal
B. Performance Standards
Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from
informational texts
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Distinguish text-types according to features(structural and
language) Timeorder
Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an accuracy rate of
95-100%, EN5F-IV-c -1.6
II. Content
Distinguishing text-types according to features (Time-Order)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Lesson Guide in English 5 Revised Edition pp. 31-33
Fun in English 5 Reading pp.86-87
B. Materials
Charts, pictures, Laptop, tarpapel, Activity Sheets
Computer / Laptop with internet connection
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the previous lessons /instances of the new lesson
DRILL: Teacher will show a life cycle of a butterfly

Thinking Skill:
Look at the given set of pictures. What does the picture
Which do you think comes first? next? and so on…?
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Using the powerpoint presentation, teacher will show set of
pictures based on the story ―The Proud King‖.
What have you noticed with the given set of pictures?
C.Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1.
Read Aloud Strategy:
Let’s go back to the story of the proud king. Pupils will read the
text/story again with accuracy.
Comprehension questions:
What are the significant events that happened in the story?
(Pupils’ answers should be written on the board.)
Possible answers:
1.First, there was a king who ruled over the lands.
2.Next, the king was crowned as an emperor.
3.Then,the king became boastful and too proud of
4.After that, the people got angry with the king and hated
him so much.
5.The king was put into prison.
6.He fled away.
7. Finally, he realized his mistake and asked for forgiveness.

E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Direct Instruction: TGA Activity(Tell, Guide, Act)
Tell:Study the following sentences written on the board.
Which among the events happened first? next?and so on?
Which comes last? How were the events presented?
What words were used to show the order of events?
Guide: How are you going to distinguish the kind of text
that you have heard/read? What does it show?
How are you going to arrange/sequence events according to
order oftime or importance
Act: In arranging events, what should we remember?
F. Developing mastery
Direction: Arrange the following sentences to show the wholeness of
the story. Write letter A-F on the blank before each sentence.
_____A brave man hurriedly ran inside the burning house.
_____The man came carrying the child in his arm.
_____The people were running here and there carrying
bundles of clothes.
_____The mother ran and cried. ―Thank you! You saved my
_____The child was left inside the burning house.
_____The people clapped and shouted, ‖You are a hero!‖
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily
Direct Instruction:TGA Activity
Your mother can’t do any household chores because she
is sick. You are asked to cook rice for lunch. How are you going
to do this correctly?
Here are the steps on how to cook rice. Let me see if you can do
this by arranging the steps correctly. Number them 1-5.
____Wash the rice.
____Measure how much rice to cook.
____Switch on the timer.
____Put water.
____Pick out palay and small stones.
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the
How do you sequence or arrange the events of a
1. Look for the main topic.
2. List and identify the orders of events in chronological
3.Look for the transitional or clue words to arrange the
events of the story.
I. Evaluating learning
Direction: Arrange the following events to form a good story.
Usenumbers 1-5.
___We went to Mayon rest house way up the volcano.
___We visited the ruins of the old church buried at its
___I saw Mayon Volcano for the first time.
___Mother took us to Bicol last summer.
___Mother is very proud of her home province.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Direction: Read the following sentences. Arrange them
in correct order. Number them 1-5.
___After that, go to your parents’ room.
___First, wake up early.
___Then, fry some bacon and egg.
___Next, go to the kitchen.
___After few minutes, sing Happy Birthday.

Week 3

DAYS 3 and 4

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking
Demonstrates understanding of different formats to write for a
variety of audiences and purposes
B. Performance Standards
Uses the particular kind of sentence to show problem-solution
relationships of ideas
Rewrite /Revise texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences
and purposes
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Use compound sentences to show problem-solution relationship of
Plan a two to three- paragraph composition using an oiutline/other graphic
Observe politeness at all times
II. Content
Using compound sentencesto show problem-solution relationship of
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Fun in English 5 Reading p.119
Interactive skills in English 5 pp. 49 -50
Worksheet from internet

chart, DLP Laptop, activity sheets,
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson/Presenting new lesson
Oral Language Activity
Read the following words. Think of any effect of the
following situations.
2.child labor
3.poor education
4. malnutrition
5.increase the number of bisexuals
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Show picture of polluted environment
(The teacher uses the semantic web to bring out the pupils’ idea
about the picture)
What comes to your mind when you see a polluted environment?
Give some related ideas that could be the possible cause and effect
of pollution.


C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

1. Many people are throwing garbage everywhere.
2. The air becomes polluted and many people get sick.
3. Pollution is one of the greatest problems of our country.
4. It affects and damages every living thing.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Comprehension questions:
1.Why do many people got sick because of
pollution?(Answers of the pupils should be written on the
2.What is one of the greatest problems of our country?
3.How does pollution affect every living thing?
4.As young boys and girls, how are you going to take care of
our environment?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Analysis of the possible answers of the pupils:
1.The air becomes polluted and many get sick because many
people are throwing garbage everywhere.
2.Pollution is one of the greatest problems of our country and
it affects and damages every living thing.
3.The government is making actions to solve the problems.
Study the following sentences.
a.Look at statements1and 2, How many ideas or thoughts
are presented?
b. Can the underlined group of words stand alone or
c.Does this clause have a complete thought? What
conjunctions connect the two clauses in statements1
and 2?
d.Explain that if a sentence is made up of two or more
independent clauses it is called COMPOUND
SENTENCE. Other conjunctions that connect two
clauses are:and, so, for, nor, but, yet moreover,
however, besides, thus, therefore etc..
F. Developing mastery
A. Guided Practice
Direction:Connect the correct independent clause
using the correct coordinating conjunctions
(and, so, for, nor, but, yet )
1. I did something wrong. A. They did something
for us.
2. My parents are busy. B. I apologized.
3. Henry stayed home. C. I’m also a singer.
4. I am an athlete. D. Did they study for
the exam
5. They didn’t do their project E. He is sick
B. Independent Practice
Combine the following independent clauses to form
compound sentences. Use appropriate conjunctions.
1. The young people used their time wisely.
The citizens were glad.
2. The wall was a mess.
Now it is a mural.

3.Everyone was very busy.
Most took time to tell jokes.
4.All learned about History.
They practiced their drawing skill.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily
Activity Based – The 3 A’s Activity(Act, Analyze., Apply)
Form Dyads:
Look for a partner.Then, answer the following.
These are the main problems of our country. With your
partner, choose one from the list, Think of two related
ideas/thoughts on some ways/solutions on how we can
solve or overcome these problems. Use appropriate
conjunctions and form a compound sentence to show the
problem-solution relationship of ideas.
1. over population
4.drug addiction
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson
What sentences are we going to use to show problem-
solution relationship of ideas? How do we form the
compound sentences? What conjunctions are used to
combine ideas?
J. Evaluating learning
Direction: Match the sentences in column A with those in in
column B to show relationship of ideas.

1.Men and women came a. because people refused to
down from the mountains accept his authority
2.Gesler put a hat on a tall b. so that people will bow to him to
pole show respect
3.They made the boy stand c. when Tell drew arrow
with show respect d. from the market
4.All the people turned pale so they could buy things from
with fear the market e. if he would
5.Gesler was furious undergo aa test of skill f.
because they pitied
William Tell

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

A. Complete the sentence by using the appropriate conjunctions to form a
compound sentence
1. The computer crashed ___I lost all my works.
2. My husband was working, ___I went shopping.
3. I like chocolate ice cream ___ don't have it very often.
4. I am on a diet ____still want a cookie.
5. He did not take the money, ___ it was not the right thing to do.
A. Directions: Study the given picture.

In an outline form,write ideas related to it. Use compound sentences to

show realtionship of ideas. Through the outline formed, plan to write a
good story of the picture presented.

1. Main idea/General Idea
2. Details that you could give from the given picture.
3. Conclusion about the idea being presented

Week 3


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the forms and conventions of print, non-
print and digital materials to understand various viewing texts
B. Performance Standards
Applies knowledge of the various forms and conventions of print, non-
print and digital materials to understand various viewing texts
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Infer purposes of the visual media
II. Content
Inferring the purposes of the visual media
III. Learning Resources
B. References
Interactive Skills in English 5 pp. 49 -50
Worksheet from Internet
C. Materials
chart, DLP Laptop, activity sheets,
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson/Presenting new lesson
Oral Language Activity
Look-In to the Past
Recall the different sources of information. Tell the importance of
each one.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Show this picture :

What do you see in the picture?
What is the importance of visual media to everyone?
What are the different visual media that we can use ?
What is the importance of using visual media?
C.Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Use the lecture below in discussing the purpose of visual media
Why Use Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning

Media can be used in almost any discipline to enhance learning, both in

class, and also for out-of-class assignments. Short film and television
clips, written articles, and blog postings can be viewed to reinforce
concepts and spark discussion. Songs and music videos, especially
when the lyrics are made available, can be used to the same effect.
Research suggests that people learn abstract, new, and novel concepts
more easily when they are presented in both verbal and visual form
(Salomon, 1979). Other empirical research shows that visual media
make concepts more accessible to a person than text media and help
with later recall (Cowen, 1984). In Willingham's (2009) research he asks
a simple question to make his point, "Why do students remember
everything that's on television and forget what we lecture?" – because
visual media helps students retain concepts and ideas.Bransford,
Browning, and Cocking (1999, p 194) also note the crucial role that
technology plays for creating learning environments that extend the
possibilities of one-way communication media, such as movies,
documentaries, television shows and music into new areas that require
interactive learning like visualizations and student-created content.

Why Visual Literacy Matters
Visual literacy is the ability to:
1. Process and make meaning of information presented in an image.
2. Communicate our own ideas through principles of design.
3. Create our own messages that capture our visual thinking in a
waythat conceptualizes problems to given solutions.
The importance of including visual literacy instruction for our students in the
classroom comes from the discovery that students gain a deeper
understanding of a concept when they are encouraged and enabled to create
a nonlinguistic representation of that concept. When paired with linguistic -- or
text-based -- literacy, visual literacy can multiply students' ability to recall and
think about what they have learned.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Comprehension questions
1. What is the essay all about?
2. What does it say about social media?
3. What are examples of media presented in the essay?
4. Based on the article, what are the purposes of visual media?
5. Do you think it could really help to enhance teaching and learning
process? Why?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Study this picture

1. What feeling or emotion does the picture show?

2. What do you think is the purpose of the advertiser in
putting that graphic in her poster?
3. Does the poster attract attentions to costumer? In what

4. What idea does the poster or advertisement want to give
to people?
F. Developing mastery
Look at the picture and answer the following questions.

1. What kind of media is being used by the pupils and teacher based
on the presented image?
2. In what waysdoes the media help or contribute to the learning of the
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Direct Instruction: TGA Activity
Form small groups. Have the pupils watch the movie ―Make a
Difference‖ and in one sentence paragraph, each group will make a
reflection on the movie by answering this question.
Reflect on this: How does a young one could make a difference to the
life of others?
Make a Difference
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson
What is visual media? What are the purposes of visual media?
I. Evaluating learning
Direction:Read the following statements. Write true if it states a fact and
false if it does not.

1. Visual media refers collectively to all media technology that are intended
to reach a large number of audience via visual communication.
2. Visual media does not contribute anything good to people.
3. Reinforce concepts and spark discussion are some of the purposes of
visual media.
4. Visual media is not a good source of learning.
5. Empirical research shows that visual media make concepts more
accessible to a person than text media
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Give each group a picture and let them infer what is the purpose or
message it gives Have the answer the questions that follow.

1. What feeling or emotion does the picture shows?

2. What do you think is the purpose of the advertiser in putting that
graphic in her poster?
3. Does the poster attract attentions to costumer? In what aspect?
4. What idea does the poster or advertisement want to give to

Week 4

Days 1 and 2

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
Demonstrates understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend
various texts
B. Performance Standard;
Uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety
of texts for a variety of purposes
C. Learning Competencies /Objectives and LC Code:
Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language)
Time-order (sequence, recounts, process) - EN5RC-IVd-3.2. 9
Show tactfulness when communicating with others -EN5A-IVd-17
II. Content
Distinguishing Text-Type According to Features ( Time-order)
1. Teacher-made Story
3. Purpose of text- type
Materials: chart, activity cards, pictures
IV. Procedure
A. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
1. Oral Language Development:
How much do you know about Philippine history? Who were the
first settlers ? Who invaded our country?

B. Presenting the new lesson (Integrative with History)
Who’s Who
Teacher presents pictures and pupils tell something about them. (
nationality and influence

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

The teacher presents the short synopsis about Philippine History

In the beginning of the 3rd century, the inhabitants of Luzon

island were in contact and trading with East Asian seafarers and
merchants including the Chinese. In the 1400's the Japanese also
established a trading post at Aparri in Northern Luzon.
In 1380, Muslim Arabs arrived at the Sulu Archipelago and
established settlements which became mini-states ruled by a Datu.
They introduced Islam in the southern parts of the archipelago
including some parts of Luzon and were under the control of the

Muslim sultans of Borneo. They had a significant influence over the
region for a couple of hundreds years. The Malay Muslims remained
dominant in these parts until the 16th century.
In 1521, Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer who was
serving the Spanish crown, landed in Samar Island on his voyage to
circumvent the globe. He explored the islands and named it
Archipelago of San Lazaro. Magellan was killed during a rebellion led
by a Datu named Lapu Lapu in Mactan Island (adjacent to Cebu
In 1565, King Philip II appointed Miguel Lopez de Legazpi as
the first Governor-General of the Philippines. Legazpi chose Manila to
be its capital because of its natural harbor. Spain's legacy was the
conversion of the people to Catholicism and the creation of the
privileged landed class.
In December 8, 1941, the Japanese invades the Philippines
hours after bombing Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. While the forces of Gen.
Douglas MacArthur retreated to Bataan, the Commonwealth
government of President Quezon moved to Corregidor Island.

Comprehension Questions
1. To whom did early Filipino inhabitants traded with?
2. Who influenced and established Islamism in the Philippines?
3. Who is Ferdinand Magellan?
4. What happened in December 1941??
( Ask more questions as the need arises.)
Fill in the needed information to show the time order and events that
happened in Philippine History based from the reading text.

• Important Event
Date • ____________________________

• Important Event
Date • ____________________________

• Important Event
Date • ____________________________

What have you noticed in the literary text?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Know Me Better
Tell something about yourself. Write a short paragraph narrating important
events in your life to show time-order.(From birth to your present age.)

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 ( DAY 2)

GROUP Activity

Group 1: Writers in Action

Recount important events in your school which were celebrated from
June to December 2016. Provide the time / date and the activities

Group 2: Artists in Motion

Discuss with your teammates a certain TV show or film that you want
to recount. Draw some important events to show the sequel of the film/ TV

Group 3: Poets in Line

Write a four-line poem that tells on what you usually do from the time
you wake up until you sleep.

Group 4: Actors on Camera
Act out some scenes from your favorite movie or tv show. Remember
to show the correct episodes or sequence of events.
F. Developing mastery
Fill in the graphic organizer below to show the proper time order of events.
The Age of the Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs existed about 250 million years ago to 65 million years ago.
This era is broken up into three periods known as the Triassic, Jurassic and
Cretaceous periods. The Triassic Period lasted for 35 million years from 250-
205 million years ago. Planet Earth was a very different place back then. All
the continents were united to form one huge land mass known as Pangaea.
The Jurassic Period was the second phase. The continents began shifting
apart. The time scale for this famous period is from 205 to 138 million years
ago. The Cretaceous Period was the last period of the dinosaurs. It spanned
a time from 138 million to about 65 million years ago. In this period the
continents fully separated. However, Australia and Antarctica were still

Date and Event Date and Event Date and Event

_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

What should you do to ensure that you can accomplish your tasks at home
and in school? What will you plan? Will you follow your time-order plan?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What are the different text types? How and where do you usually
use time- order type of text?
I. Evaluating learning
Choose the correct passage that uses time-order type of text. Then,
fill in the correct graphic organizer.

1. The surface of the Earth is divided into pieces called ―tectonic
plates.‖ These plates move. When the plates rub against each other,
they do not move smoothly. When the plates do not move smoothly,
earthquakes result. Some parts of the world get more earthquakes
than other parts. The parts of the earth that get most earthquakes are
near the edges of these plates.
2. The ability of a building to withstand the stress of an earthquake
depends upon its type of construction, shape, mass distribution, and
rigidity. Different combinations are used. To reduce stress, first, the
building's ground floor must be flexible. One method is to support the
ground floor with extremely rigid, hollow columns, while the rest
of the building is supported by flexible columns located inside the
hollow columns. A different method is to use rollers or rubber pads to
separate the base columns from the ground, allowing the columns to
shake parallel during an earthquake. Next, the outdoor walls should
be made with stronger and more reinforced materials such as steel or
reinforced concrete. Then, to help prevent collapsing, the roof should
be made out of light-weight materials.
3. Bobby Fischer
Robert James Fischer was born in Chicago but unlocked the secrets
of chess in a Brooklyn apartment right above a candy store. At the
age of six he taught himself to play by following the instruction booklet
that came
with his chess board. After spending much of his childhood in chess
clubs, Fischer said that, ―One day, I just got good.‖ That may be a bit
of an understatement. At the age of 13 he won the U.S. Junior Chess
Championship, becoming the youngest Junior Champion ever. At the
age of 14 he won the U.S. Championship and became the youngest
U.S. Champion in history. Fischer would go on to become the World
Champion of chess, but he would also grow to become his own worst
enemy. Instead of defending the title, he forfeited it to
the next challenger without even making a move, and the rise of a
chess superstar ended with a fizzle.


Week 4

Days 3 to 5
and Study Strategy

I. Objectives
C. Content Standard:
Demonstrates understanding of different formats to write for a variety of
audiences and purposes
D. Performance Standard;
Draft, edit and rewrite composition using appropriate text types for a
variety of audiences and purposes
C. Learning Competencies /Objectives and LC Code:
Compose a three-paragraph descriptive essay on self-selected topic

Assess credibility of sources of information EN5SS-IVd-1.9

II. Content
Composition Writing
A. References:
1. Teacher-made Story
IV. Procedure
A. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
1. Oral Language
Have you traveled in some tourist spots in your locality? Name
some of the tourists destinations in the Philippines.

B. Presenting the new lesson (Integrative with Culture and Arts)
Let’s Travel
Teacher presents pictures of different destinations in the Philippines. Put
each picture in a post/ station around the room. Let the pupils feel as if
they are really traveling.
(You may opt to download pictures in the net for a clearer and more
vivid presentation.)
While they are touring, play the Tourism Campaign Song, “Piliin
Mo rin ang Pilipinas.”

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Let’s travel to Boracay!


Boracay in Philippines
Boracay is a small island in the Philippines. The width is 3km and
its length is 7km. Boracay is one of the famous vacation spot in the
Philippines. The prices of commodities in the Philippines are is cheaper
than Korea. So, you can enjoy as much as you want.
essay-boracay-in-philippines.html, Tuesday, July 30, 2013 by Evan.

There are a lot of resorts with lovely swimming pools. You can
enjoy to swimming anytime except late evening. The beach has a clean
sea, coral sand and a beautiful view. You can see foreigners from
various countries there. The people usually wear some beach wear like
hot bikini, cool swimming pants and fancy cute shirts.
You can take a rest on the beach. You can also relax and read a
book and take a nap. You can also swim and enjoy water sports like
example, banana boat, jetski, parasailing and etc. You can have scuba
diving license or lesson if you want. Fishing on a boat in the center of
the sea is very amusing. There are restaurants from various countries
and markets. You can taste various food and fresh fruit.
The weather of Boracay is very muggy and has strong sunlight, so
you need sunglasses and sunblock. Also, it is important to have time to
relax. Because there are beautiful beaches and there is peaceful
atmosphere. When you feelexhausted, you only have to bathe your body
in the water.
If you are very tired from your job take time to relax. I recommend
go to Boracay. You can take a rest, enjoy water sports and eat various
delicious food.

Describe Boracay based from the essay that you read.

Are you convinced to visit Boracay? Why?

How is Boracay described by the author?
What words are used to make the descriptions clear and vivid?
What is the purpose of the essay?
What is a descriptive essay?
Brainstorming on how to write a descriptive essay.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Writing the First Draft
Group in Action
Talk and discuss the topic that you want to include in your
composition writing. Exchange ideas with your group mates.
Write the first draft following the sample provided by the teacher.
Exchange write-up with your group mates.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 ( DAY 2)
Editing the First Draft
The teacher will call volunteers to read their first draft in front of the
class. Critiquing follows.
Afterwards, teacher gives her suggestions and distribute papers for
F. Developing mastery ( Revising and Final Draft – Day 3)
The composition should have the following parts.




G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.
How will you describe yourself? What are your weaknesses? How do
you work out your flaws? What are your strength? Are you happy about
who and what you are?
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
What are the things to remember in writing a descriptive essay?

The purpose of descriptive writing is to make

our readers see, feel, and hear what we have
seen, felt, and heard. Whether we're describing a person, a place,
or a thing, our aim is to reveal a subject through vivid and carefully
selected details.
Step-by-step Process
Introduce Your Topic
The first paragraph of your essay will introduce your topic and
provide direction for the entire essay. The introduction should
discuss your main idea, or what the essay is about. The introduction
also sets the tone for your essay, and you want to grab the reader’s
attention with interest and clarity..
Write the Body of the Essay
The body of the essay provide details for the points in your
introductory paragraph that support your thesis. Take the points you
listed in your introduction and discuss each in one body paragraph.
Present Your Conclusion/Ending
The conclusion summarizes the essay and gives the reader
closure. In three or four concise sentences, you should reiterate
your thesis and review the main points of the body of the essay.
Just be sure not to restate your previous words exactly. You can
even briefly describe your opinion of the topic. Your final sentence
should uphold your main idea in a clear and compelling manner.

I. Evaluating learning



My Mother’s Kitchen
My Mother’s Kitchen is not big but it is warm and comfortable. My mother
cooks a lot and it smells spicy and sweet. Sometimes she taught my
brother and me how to cook. We liked learning new things, working
together and making delicious foods. Now I live far away, but I often think
of my mother’s kitchen. (From: Paragraph Writing by Zemach, D.E. and
Islam C.)

A Friendly Clown
On one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a tiny unicycle–a
gift I received last Christmas from a close friend. The clown’s short yellow
hair, made of yarn, covers its ears but is parted above the eyes. The blue
eyes are outlined in black with thin, dark lashes flowing from the brows. It
has cherry-red cheeks, nose, and lips, and its broad grin disappears into
the wide, white ruffle around its neck. The clown wears a fluffy, two-tone
nylon costume. The left side of the outfit is light blue, and the right side is
red. The two colors merge in a dark line that runs down the center of the
small outfit. Surrounding its ankles and disguising its long black shoes are
big pink bows. The white spokes on the wheels of the unicycle gather in
the center and expand to the black tire so that the wheel somewhat
resembles the inner half of a grapefruit. The clown and unicycle together
stand about a foot high. As a cherished gift from my good friend Tran, this
colorful figure greets me with a smile every time I enter my room.
(from: )

Week 5

I. Objectives

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of various linguistic nodes to comprehend
various texts
B. Performance Standards
Use linguistic cues to effectively construct meaning from a variety of
texts for a variety of purposes.
C. Learning Competency and Objective
Restate sentences heard in one’s own words.EN5LC-IVc-3.11
II. Content
Restating sentences heard
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Beyond boundaries 5 p.53
B. Materials
Charts, word cards
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
1. Drill
Repeat the phrases /sentences after the teacher
Think through three thankful thoughts
Swathe the wound with smooth lather.
Gather further litheness
2. Vocabulary
Arrange the words to complete the meaning of the following:
enhiw ___________ is to complain in annoying way
veyn ___________is the feeling of wanting to have.
elhobb__________is to walk with difficulty

rchtuc ___________ is something that a person uses
too much for help or support.
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
How do you transfer message to somebody? Is the transfer of
information clear?
You are going to listen to a story. Retell the sentences from the
story after listening.
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson
Listen to the story
Today upon riding a bus, I saw a lovely girl with golden
hair. I envied her because she seemed so gay. I whisper within
myself telling ― I wish I were as fair‖. The she suddenly she rose
to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle. She had one leg and
wore a crutch. But as she passed, she smiled. ―Oh God ,
forgive me when I whine‖. Thank you Lord for I have two legs. I
can say ―The world is mine‖.
Adapted from the poem “Forgive Me, When I Whine”
By Edgar A. Guest
Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Comprehension Questions
Who was speaking in the story?
What did the speaker notice about the girl that make her
What was interesting about the lovely girl?
How would you feel about the lovely girl?
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Can you give sentences from the story?
Now, you are going to give the same information from the story in
different way.
Remember: You should avoid the same language to show
Elicit answers from the pupils.
E. Developing Mastery
Guided Practice
a. Each group will choose their leader. The leader will pick one folded paper. At
the signal of the teacher, the leader will read what is written on the paper
three times to her group. The members of the group will restate the sentences
heard from their leader
Independent Practice
b. The teacher will show the flashcard with sentence/s. The teacher will call
someone to read the sentence/s. Then the pupil who read
the sentence/s will call another pupil to restate the sentences on his/her own
1. Cats are so curious that they often get into trouble. Once, my cat fell
into the bath tub because she wanted to know what was inside!
2. When Dave found out that the plumber charged him double the normal
amount to fix his toilet, he felt cheated.
3. After his grandmother passed away, Ken was so grief-stricken he
couldn't get out of bed.
4. When Emily has a lot of work to do and feels stressed, she becomes
very tense and cannot relax.
5. Our friend Lily makes us feel left out when she has a party but doesn't
invite us
F. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Your father told you to give this message to you teacher.
―Teacher I am very gratified for my youngster because she amazingly
cultured from you‖.
How are you going to restate the sentence?
G. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
How are you going to restate a sentence or information?

Restatements of the original sentence give the same information
in different way.
A writer may provide context clues by restating a term in easier
I. Evaluating Learning
Restate the sentences heard on one’s own words
1. The burning of the our home was a calamity— a real disaster
2. We feared lightning would ignite the dry grass and burn up the fields
3. Mano had such a longing for the horse that he knew he would never want
anything so much again.
4. I'm a little doubtful about whether to get married or not.
5. They were shocked to learn that their beloved neighbor, Miss Ann, had
stolen their car.
J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
Listen to the instruction to be given by the members of your family then
restate it in your own words.



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different
parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
B. Performance Standard
Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation
and in context
C. Learning Competencies
Infer meaning of borrowed words using Suffix (EN6V- IVe -
II. Content
Inferring Meaning of Words Using Suffix
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Textbook’s pages
Discovering New Words pp.73-75
2. Additional References
B. Materials
Power point presentation of the lesson, worksheet
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
Review on prefixes through a charade
A volunteer will pick a word from the jar. He will act out the word.
The rest of the class will guess what word is being acted out by the


B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the pool of words in
the box.

a. deal with living organism

b. to finish successfully
c. find or discover
d. like or desire to finish

_____ One of my ambitions in life is to travel abroad.

_____ Biology is the study of plants and animals.
_____ Galileo Galilee invented the telescope.
_____ To achieve one’s dream he has to work hard.
2. Motivation
Sharing Game: What do you want to be when you grow up?
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Today you will read a dialog about one’s ambition. From the dialog, you
will be able to infer the meaning of different words using suffixes.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
1. During Reading Activities
Ask 8 volunteers to read the dialog with the class.
Narrator: Some grade five pupils are talking about their ambitions in
Katrina: When I grow up, I want to be a biologist, because I love
plants and animals.

Cobe: I like to be an instructor. I like to instruct or teach college
Milles: I want to invent many things. So I want to be an inventor.

Chiara: I love acting, so I want to be an actress.

Julia: I like to be a singer. My mother told me that I have a
golden voice
Jazper: I want all people to be well fed. So I will plant fruits,
vegetables and rice. Someday I will be a farmer.
Celano: Me? I want to go to other places. I want to drive cars. I will
be a driver someday.
Teacher: Very good children. What will you do to achieve your
2. Discussion
Who are the pupils in the dialog?
What is the ambition of each pupil?
Which of these ambitions do you like most? Why?
What would happen if nobody wants to be a farmer? a teacher?
singer? etc.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
Present the pupils’ answers in questions number 2 through chart.
Pupils’ answers Root Letter/syllables
words added to the
root word
 Biologist ist
 Instructor or
 Inventor or
 Actress ress
 Singer er

 Farmer er

What is the root word of each?

What letters or syllable were added to the root words?
(The letters/syllables added at the end of root word is called a suffix)
Notice the words with suffixes and the root words which refer to
What do you think is the meaning of the suffixes ist, er, or less?
(One who does or performs a certain action)
There are other suffixes like:
ion which means an act of
ex: collection, presentation, recitation
ful which means full of many
ex: colorful, wonderful
less which means without
ex. colorless, homeless
F. Developing Mastery
1. The Jigsaw
Ask the pupils to form a group of four. Each group should have a
piece of paper and a pen. During the first part of the activity, the group
will, write the meaning of the words using suffixes. Then, they will form
again another group with different members. The group will also
answer another set of words using suffixes.
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
What are your ambitions? (to be a doctor, biologist, stewardess, etc.)
How will you achieve your ambition?
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson

A suffix is a syllable or a letter added at end of a word to form

a new word and new meaning.
The following are some of the suffixes; ist, er, less, ion,
and, full.

I. Evaluating Learning
Write the meaning of the following words with suffixes.
1. useful
2. manager
3. sailor
4. careless
5. organist
J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation
Write the meaning of the following words with suffixes.
1. announcer
2. scientist
3. actor
4. odorless
5. beautiful



I. Objectives
 Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and
connotation) (TLE)
A. Content Standards
 Demonstrate understanding that words are composed of different parts to
know that their meaning changes depending in context
B. Performance Standards
 Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
EN5V-IVe-20.1 EN5V-IVe-20.2
II. Content
 Identifying different meanings of content specific words (denotation and
connotation) (TLE)
III. Learning Resources
A. References:
Developing Reading Power 5
B. Materials
Reading articles, visual aids, library holdings, charts
IV. Procedure
A. Establishing Purpose for the Lesson
Do you know how to cook? Have you ever read a cook book? Read the
recipe in the cook book aloud.

Are there words difficult to understand?
B. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
 Search the following words’ denotations/connotations using the dictionary:

minced cube broth

sauté simmer grated

diced layer sweet style

Sweet style

C. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

Answer the following questions:
1. Do you recall the title of the recipe?
2. What are the main ingredients in the recipe?
3. Why is measurement important in cooking?

4. Were the instructions clear?

5. What do you think will happen if you did not
Understand the words in the recipe?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
Find the cooking terms and encircle it!

E. Developing Mastery

Here are some words you can be familiar with:

Try practicing
these words

F. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Now it’s your turn!

1. Got to your group.

2. Go the TLE room.
3. Prepare the materials and ingredients.
4. Follow the recipe.
5. Present to the class your product.

G. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson


H. Evaluating Learning
Try to rewrite the recipe you have read by recalling the ingredients and the

Week 6

Listening / Reading

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of text types to listen on different purposes
from a variety of text
Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various text
B. Performance Standards
Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/messages
Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from
informational text
C. Learning Competencies
Summarize information from various text types
Respond appropriately to messages of different authentic texts
II. Content
Summarizing information from various text types
Responding appropriately to messages of different authentic text
EN5LC-IVf-3.13, EN5RC-IVf-5.5
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Materials:
pictures, DLP, cut-outs, charts, boxes with reading materials,different text
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson

1. Review the text types
What are the different text types
Ask the students to differentiate the following text types
- descriptive text
- informative text
- instructive text
- persuasive text
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Today you are going to summarize information from various text types
and give reaction to the messages underlying the text.
Who among you have pets at home?
What is your pet’s named?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
The pupils will listen to the text as the teacher reads it.
1. Listen carefully as the teacher reads the text about ―Brownie‖
2. Set the standards for listening to a story.
My Brownie
I have a pet. It is good and I call it brownie. Brownie is a
Chinese breed. It is amall, fluffy, and cute. It has thick brown fur.
When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie does not like bones.
Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every
morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school,Brownie
plays with my cat. They get along well, and never fight maybe
because Brownie does not bark a lot. It treats t.Brownie is really
a sweet and friendly animal.he other animals in our house gently,
and it never eats shoes.

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

Comprehension Check -up
1. What is the title of the text heard?
2. What kind of dog is Brownie?
3. What can you say about Brownie?
4. Describe its fur.

5. Does Brownie like bones?
6. What does it eat everyday?
7. What does Brownie do with my pet cat when I am in school?
8. Do they fight with each other? Why?
9. What other good traits does Brownie have?
Integration of Values:
Are you a pet lover?
Being a pet lover how will you treat your pets? Why?
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Going back to the text ―Brownie‖, what type of text is it?
Ask one pupil to summarize the information on the text heard.
How are you going to summarize information from the text.
What is your conclusion or reaction to the message of the text?
F. Developing Mastery
Ask a pupil to read the text. Have the class summarize the
information from it.
Give their reaction about the message of the text.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Activity-Based Strategy: (Constructivism Approach)
(The 3 A’s Activity (Act, Analyze and Apply)
Divide the class into four groups.
Posted on each corner are the different text.
As the music plays, pupils go to their station to perform
their task/ activity.
Group I “The Writers “

Write a summary of the text.

Report it in front of the class.

Group II

Make a skit to show your reaction about this text

Group III
“The Chefs”

Summarize the information of the text below. Present it infront of a class like a
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the
What important things have you learned from today’s lesson?
I. Evaluating learning
Listen to the text below. Summarize the information from it. Give your
reaction to its message.

J. Remediation
Summarize the information from this text.

Week 6


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the complex sentences to show cause and
effect relationship
B. Performance Standards
Uses a variety of complex sentences to show cause and effect relationship
C. Learning Competencies Objectives
Uses complex sentences to show cause and effect
Shows tactfulness when communicating with others
EN5G-IVf-1.9.1; EN5A-IVf-17
II. Content
Using complex sentences to show cause and effect
III. Learning Resources
A. Reference
Curriculum Guide p. 82
B. Materials:
Perception charts, visual aids, TV, news clip
IV. Procedures
A. Review
How was the news relayed to us aside from reading the newspaper?
How could a boy with hearing impairment relay his message to us?
What is a cause- effect relationship?
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Today, you are going to watch about the ecological footprint.
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the new Lesson

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1
Answer the following questions.
1. In your own words, what is an ecological footprint? Provide
examples of activities that could cause a large and a small
ecological footprint.
2. According to the video clip, what are the three major
consequences large ecological footprints?
3. ―We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from
our children‖ is a Native American proverb. How is this proverb
related to the video clip?
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2.

Large Ecological Footprints

Effect Effect Effect

Because resources are Because the mining of oil, Because of the increase in
easily accessible in natural gas, and coal, as well as pollution the water in many
developed countries like the use of these resources in bodies of water become
the United States electrical power plants and unsuitable for human
automobiles, releases consumption
dangerous gases into the
air,where they trap heat.

What is the cause?

What are the effects of the given cause?
What conjunction is used to tell the effect?
If we join the cause and effect into one sentence, what kind of
sentence is used?
How can we use complex sentences to show cause and effect
F. Developing Mastery
For each pair of sentences about bald eagles, write C next to the sentence
that shows the cause and E next to the sentence that shows the effect.

Combine the sentences using because, if, since, or when. Sometimes
more than one answer is possible.
1. United States government declared bald eagles an endangered species.
Bald eagles were almost extinct in the 1960s. Because bald eagles were
almost extinct in the 1960s, the United States government declared them
an endangered species.
2. Bald eagle showed the qualities of impressive strength and courage.
Bald eagle was chosen in 1782 to be the symbol for the United States.
3. Government enacted laws that included banning the use of the pesticide
DDT. Bald eagle population began to recover.
4. In 2007, the bald eagle was taken to the Endangered Species Act’s
―threatened‖ list.
Bald eagles’ number had greatly increased since the 1960s.
5. Bald eagle population may decrease once more.
Habitats of the bald eagles are not protected in the future.
6. Some biologists are urging wind energy companies to develop safer
Birds are sometimes killed by the blades of wind turbines.
7. People can help protect the bald eagle.
People volunteer to clean up the habitats where eagles nest.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Color the boxes with the same color to match the cause and effect and
complete the complex sentences.
Because she was cold Sarah put on her gloves
Whenever he was mad Sam took ten deep breaths
Sarah dropped her sister off at Before going to school
day care
Rachelle did not want to go to the Unless her friend Karen was
dance going
While her sister cleaned the Melissa cleaned the bathroom
Amy wants to plan a trip to Florida If it snows one more time
Alex left his house When his sister arrived

When she was younger Allison never went to the mall
He ate the whole humburger Even though he was full
Wendy put a cherry on top of her After she covered it with
sundae chocolate
Ryan was wearing shorts and Although it was snowing


Study each complex sentence. Identify the cause and the effect. Write your answer
on the space provided.
1. The little girl dropped her ice cream and then she started to cry.
2. The dog could not come inside because he rolled in the mud.
3. Kate’s gas tank was empty so she went to the gas station.
4. The cat hissed when the girl pulled on its tail.

H. Making Generalization and Abstract about the Lesson

A complex sentence is a sentence in which at least two ideas are
combined into a single sentence. A complex sentence has an independent
clause and a dependent clause introduced by a subordinator. Subordinators
show the relationship between the two ideas.
We use complex sentences with the subordinators because, if,
since,and when to express cause and effect relationships.

I. Evaluation/ Assessment
Identify the cause and effect in each sentence.
1. I like farming because it is very challenging.
2. I started gardening when I was seven.

3. I used pots made of small cans because I was still too young for
garden plot.
4. I used animal manure as fertilizer so many plants grew healthy and
5. I did not go to school because it’s Saturday.
J. Additional Activities for Applications or Remediation
Write five complex sentences. Tell the cause and the effect.

Week 6

Study Strategy/

I. Objectives

A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the reseach process to write a variety of text
B. Performance Standards
Uses a variety of research strategies to efectively write a variety of texts for
various audiences and purposes
C. Learning Competency and Objective
List primary and secondary sources of information
Observe politeness at all times
II. Content
Primary and Secondary Sources of Information
EN5SS-IVf-5; EN5A-Ib-16
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide p. 77 Fourth Quarter

B. Materials
library holdings, paper, meta cards, pictures
C. Content


Method: RMFD ( Recall - Model - Familiarize - Decide)

IV. Procedure

A. Review the previous lesson


Identify the cause and effect in the each sentence.

1. They love to read books that entertain them.
2. Hobbyists make money because they can sell their crafts.
3. Some persons like to collect diaries because they want to
cherish memories.

4. Join a hobby club so you will learn more about hobbies,

B. Establishing the purpose of the lesson

1. Motivation

Where do you think the boy is?

you ever been to the library?
C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the New lesson
Present a short story.
At the Library
Apple and Mini went to the library. They wanted to know what it
really looks like. Out of curiosity, they started to pick and browse every
book and reference they could reach. Unknowingly, Mrs. Cherry Smart
was secretly observing them. She already sensed the girls’ intention.
So, she came closer to them.
―Good morning, girls! How can I help you today?‖ asked Mrs.

―Good morning, Mrs. Smart. We’re just trying to explore our
school library. We want to see how does it really look like,‖ answered
―Yes, Mrs. Smart. We want to know what kind of books and
references you have here,‖ added Mini.
―That’s good! Come and I’ll show you the widely-used and
varied sources of information,‖ answered Mrs. Smart smiling.
Off to every nook and corner, the girls enjoyed the sight of so
many layered books and other references in the library. While on the
other hand, Mrs. Smart talked about the primary and secondary
sources of Information.
D. Discussion of New Concepts and Practice Skills #1


Comprehension about the story

1. What is the story all about?
2. Why did the two girls go to the library?
3. Who was secretly obseving them?
4. What did Mrs. Smart do to assist the two girls?
5. Did the two girls enjoy roaming around the library?
6.How did the two girls talk to the librarian?
Valuing: Observe politeness all the time.
E. Discussion of New Concepts and Practice Skills #2
What are the different sources of information did the two girls see in the
Library. Write answers on the board.
Which do you think deals with personal accounts or information?
Which do you think deal/ give general information or data?
Let us categorize these sources into primary and secondary.
Primary Sources Secondary Sources

F. Developing Mastery
What Library resources are you interested in? Color them.

Tell whether it is a primary sources of information or secondary

sources of information.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Group the class into five.
Do what is being asked.
Compose a short rap about the given primary sources of information.
Make a simple artwork of secondary sources of information.
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
When do we say that the source of information is primary? Secondary?
What are the examples of primary and secondary sources of
Primary sources of information are those that provide first-hand
accounts of the events, practices, or conditions you are researching.
In general, these are documents that were created by the witnesses or first
recorders of these events at about the time they occurred, and include diaries,
letters, reports, photographs, creative works, financial records, memos, and
newspaper articles.
Secondary sources are documents written after an event has occurred,
providing secondhand accounts of that event, person, or topic. Unlike primary
sources, which provide first-hand accounts, secondary sources offer different
perspectives, analysis, and conclusions of those accounts.

I. Evaluating Learning
List down five primary sources of information and 5 secondary sources of
Primary sources Secondary sources
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Week 6

Development /Oral
Reading Fluency

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different parts
to know that their meaning changes depending in context
B. Performance Standards
Uses strategies to decode correclty the meaning of words in isolation and
in context
C. Learning Competency and Objective
Identifies different meanings of content specific words (denotation and
EN5V- IVf-20.1, EN5V- IVf-20.2
Reads grade level text with 128 words correct per minute
II. Content
Identifying different meanings of specific words(denotation and
Method: RMFD ( Recall - Model - Familiarize - Decide)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide p. 77 Fourth Quarter
cook book, dictionary
B. Materials
Copy of recipe, words written on flashcards, chart, DLP
IV. Procedure
A. Review the previous lesson
Tell whether the source of information is primary or secondary

1. diary
2. biography
3. history
4. dictionary
5. poem
B. Establishing the purpose of the lesson
1. Motivation
Do you know how to cook?
Have you ever read a cook book?
C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the New lesson
2.Present to the students a recipe. Call another student to read the recipe.
3. Call the students to read the recipe in group in two’s three’s etc.

D. Discussion of New Concepts and Practice Skills #1

Answer the following questions:
1. Do you recall the title of the recipe?
2. What are the main ingredients in the recipe?
3. Why is measurement important in cooking?
4. Were the instructions clear?
6. What do you think will happen if you did not understand the words in
the recipe?
E. Discussion of New Concepts and Practice Skills #2
What are the common words given in the recipe?
Do you know the meaning of these words? Define each of them.
Word Denotation Connotation
stir To mix something
Making circular to be active or
movement in it with a busy
pour To feel a cup/glass
to supply
sprinkle To drop or spread
small pieces or to rain highly
amount of something
over something
saute To fry in small amount
of fat

Denotation meaning can be found in the dictionary

Connotation is the idea suggested by emotion/feeling.
If you will be asked to write a paragraph, can you use the words that you
have learned today?
What could be the topic?
(Possible answers-My Mother’s Favorite Dish)
My Mother, My Chef)
Now in writing a paragraph, you need to follow the correct organizational
Look at the triangle below


What does the tip of the triangle show? middle part? the buttom part?
F. Developing Mastery
Tell whether the meaning is denotative or connotative.
1.grate - to utter in a harsh voice
2. grill - to cook on a metal frame over fire
Arrange the following sentences to form a paragraph.
Life in the Barrio
a) They are happily talking to each other sharing old stories and
making fun.
b.) Do you like the place you are living in today?
c.) Many people say that life in the barrio is more peaceful and
simpler than the life in the city.
d.) Barrio folks like simple things in life - clothes, foods, house,
gatherings and alike.
e.) At the end of the day, they are still binded as one.
f.) There may be troubles and conflicts sometimes, but they settle
them at once.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily
1.Using your dictionary find the denotative meaning and connotative
meaning of the following words.
layer , level
Temperature , measure
2. Write a descriptive paragraph about any of the given topics.
My Mother’s Favorite Dish
My Mother, My Chef
H. Making Generalizationand Abstraction about the Lesson
What do you mean by denotation?
What do you mean by connotation?

How are you going to write a descriptive paragraph?
Denotation are words that have their own standard meaning and can be
found in the dictionary.
Connotation words that impart the attitude and feelings whether pleasant or
In writing a paragraph, you need to follow the correct organizational pattern.
I. Evaluating Learning
A. Choose the corect answer.
1. What is the connotative meaning of pour?
A. to fill a cup/glass
B. to supply
2. What is the dennotative meaning of stir?
A. to mix something by making circular movement in it with a spoon
B. to be active or busy
B. Write a descriptive paragraph about the importance of planting vegetables.
Rubrics Assessment

With complete significant ideas
Properly organized
Shows description
3- meet 3 indicators
2-meet at least 2 indicators
1- meet one indicator

Week 6


I. Objectives
A. Performance Standard
Demonstrates understanding of the various forms and conventions
materials to critically analyze the meaning constructed in print, non-print,
and digital materials.
B. Content Standard
Applies different views of the real world to effectively interpreted
(deconstructed), constructed meaning in print, non-print and digital materials.
C. Learning Competencies
Determines images/ ideas that are explicitly used to influence the viewers -
EN5VC-IVf 7.1
II. Content
Determining images/ ideas that are explicitly used to influence the viewers -
Method: RMFD ( Recall - Model - Familiarize - Decide)
III. Learning Resoures
A. References
Curriculum Guide-English 5
esp v=2&ie=UTF-8#q=what%20is%20stereotype%20means
B. Materials
Pictures, strips of cartolina, pictures
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing the previous lesson
Contest on giving primary and secondary sources of information

B. Establishing the purpose of the lesson
1. Motivation
Show picture of men and women.
Ask: How will you describe men in general?
How about women, how will you describe them in general?
C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the New lesson
1. ―Brainstorming‖
Group the class into five. Distribute pictures..
Have the pupils describe the picture according to.

Men women
What are the general caharacteristics of men? Women
According to race

Describe the culture of Americans in general? Arabs?
2. Read the following descriptions
According to gender
Characteristics of men
Men are strong and do all the work.
Men are the backbone.
Men are messy and unclean.
Characteristics of women
Women can’t do good of a job as a man.
Women aren’t as smart as a man.
Women are not good in sports.

According to race/culture
All black outside United States are poor.
White Americans are obese, lazy, and dim witted.
Arabs and Muslim are terrorists
Filipinos are hospitable.
D. Discussion of New Concepts and Practice Skills #1
What can you say about men? Women?
How will you describe black/ white Americans?
How will you describe the Muslims? Arabs? Filipinos?
E. Discussion of New Concepts and Practice Skills #2
Let’s go back to the description of the pictures above.
How were you able to describe men? Women?(images/ideas)
How about the Americans? the Arabs and Muslims? the Filipinos?
How were you able to describe them?

The way of describing them in general is what we call
It is one of the ways used to influence the viewers.
F. Developing Mastery
Read the situation and determine the idea/image it depicts.
In the community named Mariwasa all the people work together as one.
They help one another to earn a living.
- What can you say about the people in that community?
- What stereotype can you give about the people in the community?
(being industrious)
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
Group the class into five. Let each group create a facebook group
account that shows stereotype ideas/ images.
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
What can be used to influence the public viewers?
What do you mean by stereotype?
Stereotype is one of the ways used to influence the viewers?
Stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of
individuals or certain ways of doing thin
I. Evaluating Learning
Give the possible stereotype for each picture.

1. 3. 5.

2. 4.

Week 7
Comprehension /

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the various linguistics nodes to
comprehend various texts
Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various
B. Performance Standards
Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/ message(s)
Uses literal information from texts to aptly infer and generalize
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Summarize information from various text types (EN5LC-IVg-3.13)
Make generalizations (EN5RC-IVg-2.12)
II. Content
Summarizing Information
Making Generalization
Approach: Constructivism Under Thinking Skills
Method: RMFD (Recall – Model – Familiarize – Decide)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide
NAT Reviewer
B. Materials
charts/ powerpoint presentation, worksheets
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the Previous Lesson – (Recall)
Show a sample poster of propaganda.
What does the poster show? Etc.

B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
1. Motivation
Who watched the teleserye ―Ang Probinsyano‖?
What happened to the last night’s episode?
How about those who didn’t watch the series?
What movie or TV show did you watch?
Can you tell us something about it?
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson – (Model)
Read the selection. (powerpoint or chart)

Cholesterol is a fatty substance, also called lipid, normally

found in your bloodstream. Our body needs a certain amount of
cholesterol to function properly, but cholesterol can lead to health
problems. Zatea is the best medicine in the market used to lower
levels of total cholesterol and (LDL) bad cholesterol in the blood.
Zatea is for patients who cannot control their cholesterol levels by
diet and exercise alone. It can be used by itself or with other
medicines to treat high cholesterol. You should stay on a
cholesterol-lowering diet while taking this medicine.

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #1 - (FAMILIARIZE)

Comprehension Questions:
What is the selection about?
Is cholesterol good or harmful to our health?
Why do we need a certain amount of cholesterol in our body?
Why is it harmful to our health?
How can we control our cholesterol level?
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #2 ( FAMILIARIZE )

If you will be asked to summarize this selection, how are you going to
do it?
What do we mean by summary?
Are you going to copy everything in the selection?
So, just like what you did in retelling the story of ―Ang Probinsyano‖,
you are already summarizing it. The only difference now, this is a
written article, you need to understand so you can make your own
What can you say now about cholesterol?
(Introduce the word generalization.)
Cholesterol is a fatty substance in our body that needs to
be controlled because it may bring health problems.
How are we going to generalize? What are you going to cite in your
generalization? Etc.
F. Developing Mastery
Make a summary and generalization of the given selection.

Most farmers depend much on commercial pesticides to

control crop pests. However, some pesticides are hazardous to
health. They may remain in small amounts on the food you eat.
They may kill birds, fish, and other marine organisms when they
drain into water resources. Some pesticides may enter the food
chain. Farmers are already using spiders to kill insects that harm
crops like rice.

G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Journal Writing:
How was your November 1 holiday like?
What did you do then?
Make a summary of your day with your family, relatives and friends.
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson - (Decide)
What is summarizing?
How do make a summary?
What is generalizing?
How do we make a generalization?

Summarizing is giving the most important information about a

published piece of writing. It is written in own words.

Generalizing is giving the concept or the thought of a piece of


I. Evaluating Learning (Rubrics Assessment)

Read the selection below. Write your own summary and

Camels have bumps on their backs that store fat, allowing them
to survive for many days without food. This makes camels well-suited
to desert life. They are found mostly in Arab countries like Saudi and
Dubai. In a desert, camels come and go even under the extreme heat
of the sun.

J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation

Group Work:
Group 1 – Summary
Group 2 – Generalization
Read the paragraph below. Then, make a summary and

There was a long drought the following summer. Men had nothing to do
but sit in the shade of their crumbling houses, watching the simmering heat in the air
and the thick and blinding dust. In the afternoon, clouds would suddenly darken the
skies and great gusts of wind would swoop over the parched land. The farmers
would exclaim, ―It’s raining!‖ But it was not true. Actually, there would be a few drops
and hope would rise again in our hearts, and we would thank God deeply. A crowd
would gather to welcome the much-awaited rain. But it was only a few drops, nothing
more. And our expectation would sink again
Week 7


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different
parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
B. Performance Standards
Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation
and in context
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
Identify different meanings of unfamiliar words - (denotation and
connotation – Mathematics)
II. Content
Denotation and Connotation of Mathematics Words
Approach: Constructivism Under Thinking Skills
Method: RMFD (Recall – Model – Familiarize – Decide)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide
B. Materials
Charts / powerpoint presentation, worksheets, dictionary
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the Previous Lesson – (Recall)
What is summarizing?
What is generalizing?
Are they the same?
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson

What do you do when you do not know the meaning of a certain
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson – ( Model )
Read the selection. (powerpoint or chart )

Jessie and James are talking one sunny afternoon. They are
sharing ideas about their lessons in Mathematics.

―I can now add 6-digit whole numbers!‖ exclaimed Jessie.

―Oh, that’s great! I’m still having trouble in dealing with large
figures. But, I can also compute for the sums but few digits only.‖
answered James.

―Don’t worry you can do it. Anyways, addition is just easy for
you, right? Everything will be alright.‖ said Jessie.

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #1 - (FAMILIARIZE)

Comprehension Questions:
What are the two boys talking about?
Who said he can add 6-digit whole numbers?
Who said he is still having a hard time on it?
What can you say about Jessie? etc.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #2 (FAMILIARIZE)
What have you noticed in our story?
What are the Mathematical words did the boys use in the story?
Add, addition, sum, figure, numbers, whole
Do you know the meaning of those words? (Define one by one.)
Say: The meanings that you gave are denotative meanings. We call
them denotation.
How did you know their meanings? Where did you get it?
Now, look at the words again used in other way.
sum - at large
I can’t wait for my lump sum prize.
figure – image
Oh, my friend is losing her wholesome figure.
What can you say about the words?
(Introduce connotative meaning. )
Look at how they are used in a sentence. Can you sense a feeling or
emotion in it? etc.
F. Developing Mastery
Game: What’s in a Name?
Group the class into three teams. Name each team as you desire.
Read the word and its meaning written on a meta card.
Analyze if it’s a denotation or connotation.
Put the meta card in a correct bin marked DENOTATION or
The team to finish first with highest score will be the winner.

divide - share equal – fair & just whole - total

point – end subtract - minus

G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Act it Out!
In a sari-sari store, two friends named Max and May buy
crackers and soda. They give a P200-peso bill. They take their change.
Act out the denotative and connotative meaning of change.
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson - (Decide)
What is the difference between denotation and connotation?

Denotation is the literal meaning of the word from a

Connotation suggests idea and feeling associated with
the word.

I. Evaluating Learning ( Rubrics Assessment )

Complete the table. Write the denotation and connotation of the given
words. Use your dictionary.

J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
Give the denotation and connotation of these words.
1. multiply
2. less
3. proportion
4. rate
5. base

Week 7


Oral Language

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of various verbal and non-verbal
elements in orally communicating information.
B. Performance Standards
Prepares for and participates actively in a range of conversations and
collaboration with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast.
( EN5OL-IVg-4 )
II. Content
Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues in a TV Broadcast
Approach: Constructivism Under Direct Instruction
Method : TGA ( Tell – Guide – Act )
III. Learning Resources
A.. References
Curriculum Guide,
B. Materials
Chart / Power Point
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the Previous Lesson
What is denotation?
What is connotation?
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
2. Motivation

When you are watching TV, do you see some men wearing big,
black headsets? Do you see them making signs and counting?
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson – ( TELL )

Study the picture. What setting is this?

Can you see the staff and crew in the set?
How do they help in a TV broadcast like this?
Say: In a TV Broadcast, all the staff and the talents communicate with
each other through verbal and non-verbal cues.
Let’s find out the difference between the two.
Verbal – this is the oral / spoken and written communication that make
up a language.
Non-verbal – this includes the body language, signs and gestures,
vocal cues and facial expressions.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #1 – ( GUIDE )
Read the common verbal cues on TV :
Ready, lights, camera, action!
These are oral or written verbal cues.
Now, look at the non-verbal cues.

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #2

What will the talents do if they see or hear the cues?
What will make them respond to these cues?

( Explain one by one and give some additional examples. )
Who usually give cues in a TV broadcast?
F. Developing Mastery – ( ACT )
Group Work:
Group 1 – Channel 2 Kapamilya Network
Group 2 - Channel 7 Kapuso Network

Supposed you are the ones here in this set. Show how will you apply
those verbal and non-verbal cues that we have learned.
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
In your everyday life situation, how do you express your feeling of
happiness? Your restlessness? Your feeling of eagerness to learn? if
you want to ask something? Etc.
Do you use verbal and non-verbal cues? Why?
Do you understand or are you being understood by the use of cues?
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson
What are the verbal and non-verbal cues used in a TV broadcast?

Verbal and non-verbal cues used in a TV broadcast

are spoken and written language for good
communication. Signs, facial expressions, gestures,
voice control and body language also serve as cues.

I. Evaluating Learning
What cue are you going to use on each situation?
1. Keep the camera moving.
2. Stop.
3. Prepare the crew for the scene shot.
4. Call the attention of the talents.
5. Inform the talents that everything is going smooth and fine.

J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
Research for more verbal and cues in a TV broadcast.

Week 7
Study Strategy /
Grammar / Writing

I. Objectives

A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the research process to write a variety
of texts.
Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Demonstrates understanding of different formats to write for a variety of
audiences and purposes.
B. Performance Standards
Utilizes discrete techniques ( general or specific ) and applies them
appropriately to all or most fields of study.
Uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and
adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse ( oral and
Rewrite / revise texts using appropriate text types for a variety of
audiences and purposes.
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
Conduct short research projects on a self-selected topic.
( EN5SS-IVg-2.3)
Use complex sentences to show problem-solution relationship of ideas.
( EN5G-IVg-1.9.2)
Revise writing for clarity – appropriate punctuation marks – transition /
signal words. ( ENVWC-IIIg-1.8.1/1.8.3 )
II. Content
Writing a Short Research Project On a Selected Topic Using Complex
Sentence Showing Problem-Solution Relationship of Ideas
Approach: Constructivism Under Direct Instruction

Method : TGA ( TELL – GUIDE – ACT )
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide, ,
B. Materials
Chart / Power Point , worksheets
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the Previous Lesson
Which is a verbal cue ? hand signals , Pack Up!
Which is a non – verbal cue ? ready, 1, 2, 3… thumbs up
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
What problems do you encounter every day ? at home? In school ?
Were you able to solve your problems? How?
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson – ( TELL )
Read the essay with the pupils.

One Man’s Ceiling Is Another Man’s Floor : The Problem Of Noise

By Maria B. Dunn

The modern - day apartment dweller is faced with a most annoying

problem: paper-thin walls and sound-amplifying ceilings. To live with
this problem is to live with the invasion of privacy. There is nothing
more distracting than to hear your neighbor’s every function. Although
the source of the noise cannot be eliminated, the problem can be
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #1 – ( GUIDE )
What is the problem raised in the essay?
Can it be solved ?
If you will be asked, what possible solutions can you offer/ suggest?
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #2
Let us analyze the highlighted sentence.
What kind of sentence is this? Simple, compound or complex?
Why did you say so?
How many independent clause does it have? How about the
dependent clause?
What signal word is used? Etc. ( Elaborate the complex sentence by
giving few more examples on the course of discussion.)
What does this sentence show? What relationship does it show?
( Emphasize problem – solution relationship )
Example: Because my coffee was too cold, I heated it in the
Explain that this is another complex sentence showing problem-
solution relationship.
F. Developing Mastery – ( ACT )
Complete the complex sentence by providing a possible solution to
the stated problem.
1. Because my brother is spending too much money, _____________.
2. Since I only have a pair of jeans to wear, ____________________.
3. Though the space looks small for our family, ________________.
Going back to our essay, try to provide solutions for the problem.
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Journal Writing
Think of your biggest problem today. Write 3-5 complex sentences
showing problem-solution relationship about your own problem.

Example: My biggest problem today is my notes and lectures are

incomplete. I have only few to make use for review. Since, I cannot
copy everything from my classmate’s notebook, I’ll better have it
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson
What is a complex sentence?
How do we construct a sentence that shows problem-solution

A complex sentence contains an independent clause and at least
one dependent clause. Some common signal words used are
although, though, because, since and alike.

To construct a problem-solution sentence, identify the problem

and propose one or more solutions.
I. Evaluating Learning
Choose the correct clause that will complete the problem-solution
complex sentence.

1. Although you’re not here today, ________________________.

2. Because the woman is standing in the bus, _______________.
3. Even the movie is very long, __________________________.
4. Since today is raining hard, ___________________________.
5. I will help you finish your project, ______________________.
a. We will postpone our Thanksgiving Day.
b. I can email you for updates.
c. Even it is very hard to do.
d. I can relax with my Spotify.
e. Dan offers his seat.
J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
Make a short research paper about the topic below. Use complex
sentences and show problem-solution relationship.
Problem: The roads are heavily jam-packed with traffic.

Week 7



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the various forms and conventions of
print, non-print and digital materials.
B. Performance Standards
Evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in
various viewing texts.
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers –
II. Content
Images and Ideas Used to Influence Viewers – Propaganda ( EN5VC-IIIg-
7.3 )
Approach: Constructivism Under Activity Based
Method : 3 A’s ( Act-Analyze-Apply )
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide, War and Peace: Media and War – Johnny Manzaria
& Jonathan Bruck
B. Materials
Chart / Power Point, sample videos of propaganda
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the Previous Lesson – ( Recall )
 Read the two articles, which is a feature article?

B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson

Have you seen a rally on TV or in real situation?
Why do people engage in rally?
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson – ( ACT )
Group the class into 3. Assign each group to present the following
1 – Help the school canteen. Do not buy outside the campus premises,
patronize the foods sold at the canteen, instead.
2 – Maintain the cleanliness of the school.
3 – Spread the instilled value of reading book rather than playing online
games and getting hooked by social media.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #1 - ( ANALYZE )
What did you do in your activity?
How did you bring out your message?
Why did you do that? What is your intention? ( Induce the idea of
Propaganda is a form of persuasion used to influence
people’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills #2 ( ANALYZE )
What do you think are the other means of propaganda?
How can we spread out our messages, how can we reach all the
Modern propaganda uses all the media available to spread
its message including press, radio, television, film, computers, fax
machine, poster, meetings, speeches, flags, monument, coins,
street names, books, comic strip, play, company reports, cultural
and musical events, sporting events awards and prizes.
F. Developing Mastery
Show a sample video clip of propaganda. Have a sneak discussion
about it.
Suggested video clips : TV commercial of airlines, fashion and
lifestyle, food and drinks, home utilities
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living –
As a student, how do you express yourself? How do you bring out what
you need or what you want?
Just like in propaganda, we also express ourselves every day. We
want to be heard and be paid attention.
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson
What is propaganda?
How does it influence the public viewers?


Propaganda is a form of persuasion used to influence people’s

attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.

I. Evaluating Learning ( Rubrics Assessment )

Tell which video shows a propaganda.

J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation

1. Watch for other samples of propaganda. Be able to tell the
message it conveys.
2. Look for samples of other means of propaganda and tell their

Week 8

Oral Language/

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of non-verbal communication to
communicate with others
B. Performance Standards
Applies the knowledge of non-verbal skills to respectfully give the
speaker undivided attention and acknowledge the message
C. Learning Competency and Objective
Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast EN5OL-IVh-4
Identify different meanings of unfamiliar words (denotation and
II. Content
Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues
Connotations and Denotations
III. Learning Resources
A. References
EN5OL- IV; -4 EN5V-IVh 20.1, 20.2
B. Materials: charts, metacards.
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
What is a summary?
How are you going to create your own summary?
Determine the emotions convey by the following:

B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Do the following faces, conveys different meaning to different
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson
Film viewing:TV Broadcast
Animation Cartoon Film - Moral Lessons for Children New
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
How do the boy feel at first?
When he saw lots of candies in the grocery store, what is his
As he hold on the candy, what was the statement of his mother?
How did it affect him?
Do the gestures give you the meaning of his emotions?
Do the words used bring different emotions?
The gesture or reaction of the boy signifies meaning and this
cue creates connotation and denotation.
Identify cues from the tv broadcast. Let the pupils use the word
in a sentence that tells something about his emotions.
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Do the words express feelings?
How does it affect you?
Denotation is a translation of a sign to its meaning, more
exactly, to its literal or dictionary meaning
Samples of denotation
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go

To each the boulders that have fallen to each.‖

In the above lines, the word ―wall‖ is used to suggest a physical

boundary which is its denotative meaning.
But it also implies idea of ―emotional barrier‖.
Samples of connotation
A dog connotes shamelessness or an ugly face.
A dove implies peace or gentility.
Home suggests family, comfort and security.
Politician has a negative connotation of wickedness and
insincerity while statesperson connotes sincerity.
Pushy refers to someone loud-mouthed and irritating.
Mom and Dad when used in place of mother and father connote
loving parents
Identify the denotative and the connotative words.
1. Impossible! It rained cats and dogs.
2. It rained cats and dogs during typhoon Yolanda
3. This is a sketch of human body. Please paint a heart of gold.
4. Here is Mr. Rico who gives money to the needy. He has a
heart of gold.
Differentiate denotations and connotations
What does each of them mean?
F. Developing Mastery
a.Guided Practice
Ask the pupils to use the words a in sentences.
Teacher may use non-verbal expressions for further
understanding of the lesson.
b. Independent Practice
Complete the sentences with the given connotative
words. Select the answers below.
1. You can’t go through this street. It’s a
2. The cruel leader dictates the people with an
3. When the speaker forgot his line, he created
__________. The audience didn’t notice it.
4. The love story was ___________. It characters
acted unrealistic at all.
5. When caught, the thief showed-out his
____________that the policeman didn’t believe,
thinking that he was only bluffing them.

corny crib
crocodile tears
iron hand ad lib
dead end

Fill in the blank with the correct denotation. Use the same
choices found above.
1. In the lake, the crocodile lost its young. To my
amazement, it gave out ____.
2. I have strong teeth so I could eat ______________
3. Children love to watch robots moving their
4. The baby is put in a ______________.
5. If the old sick man isn’t cured, it could be his
G. Finding Practical Application for Daily Living
Learn some more
Find the meaning of the following connotations by
matching Columns A and B.
A. B.
______1. ad lib a. forceful discipline
______2. corny b. old fashioned
______3. dead end c. additional remarks
______4. crocodile tears d. insincere grief

______5. iron hand e. street without outlet

H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson

What is verbal and non-verbal cue?
How do denotation differ from connotation?
Discuss the meaning of the given connotations and denotations.
Ask the pupils to use them in sentences. Teacher may use non-
verbal expressions for further understanding of the lesson.
* Denotation expresses literal or real meaning.
* Connotation expresses concealed meaning
I. Evaluating Learning
Write Denotation or Connotation on each blank.
______1. When the naughty boy was scolded by his mother he
shed crocodile tears.
______2. The mason seems to have an iron hand while
shaping up a bolo.
______3. Your jokes are too corny, it didn’t make me laugh at
______4. The river had finally reached its dead end; the water
dried –up fish and plants all died.
______5. When necessary, create an ad lib to make
your part very realistic.
J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation
List down 5 connotative words with their meanings. Use them in

Week 8
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding of the oral standards of English in order to
participate in various oral communication demands (situation,purpose
and audience)
B. Performance Standards
Prepares for and participate in a range of conversations and
collaboration with diverse partners, building on others ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively
II. Learning Competency and Objective
Use the complex sentences to show problem-solution relationship of
Compose a three paragraph descriptive essay on self-selected topics
EN5WC- III h-2.2.8
. Complex sentences to show problem-solution relationship of ideas
Descriptive essay on self-selected topics.
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Growing in English 6 (Reading) p. 177
K-12 Curriculum Guide
EN5G-IVh 1.9.2, EN5WC-III h- 2.28
B. Materials: chart,metacards, spelling booklet
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson
Identify the cause and the effect.
1. Because its raining, the pupils open their umbrellas.
2. That was the same day when the rainbow appeared.

3. Victor, whose words are inviting, won the contest
Which one is the cause and the effect in each sentence?
Distinguish the dependent clause, the independent clause and the
Open the dictionary to a random page. Find a word that you do not
know how to define. Write an imaginary definition for it.
C. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Here are some sentences from the selection, ―The Jellyfish Journey‖.
Underline the independent clause, box the dependent clause and circle
the conjunction.
1. Before a month has passed, the young dragon fell ill.
2. Tell the monkey, how much nicer everything here in
Dragon Lands so that he will be willing to come.
3. When he told the dragon king what happened, the king
got angry.
4. The officer beat the jellyfish, that’s why the jelly fish have
no bones.
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
What composed the independent clause?
What does it tell?
What composed the dependent clause?
It is complete in ideas?
What is connected by conjunction?
What kind of sentence does each form?
Exercise 1
Underline once the cause and underline twice the effect.
1._________ Math problems are difficult.
_________ Rinalyn was worried and unhappy.
2._________ The sea waves were too rough.
_________ The fisherman did not go out to the sea.
3._________ Cananava area were flooded for 3 days.
_________ Poor drainage and improper waste disposal in other

Exercise 2
Use a conjunction to connect the 2 sentences to form a complex
1._____ The girl turned off her TV set.
_____ She kept her mind in her work.
2._____ She is not getting enough sleep.
_____ Claudia spends much time watching TV at night.
3._____ Mabini was .
_____ He was the brain of the Katipunan.
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Discuss the answer from exercise 1&2
How will you determine the cause? The effect?
What is the use of a conjunction in the sentence?
How do the sentence show problem-solution relationship?
Learn some more
1. What are the possible causes why many animals are in danger of
becoming extinct?
The teacher writes the answer on the board to compose a three
paragraph essay.

2. If people have made many changes in the environment,

what will be its effect?
Pupils will compose their own three paragraph essay.
F. Developing Mastery
Guided Practice:

Group I – Combine the following pairs of sentences into a complex
sentences. Use appropriate conjunctions like because, if, although,
unless, so that, before, after, where etc..
1. I like farming. It is very challenging.
2. I started gardening. I was seven
3. I used pots made of small cans. I was quite young to work on a
big Garden rock plot.
4. I used animal manure as fertilizer. Mt plants grew healthy and
5. I did not go to school. It’s Saturday morning. I watered my

Group II – Construct a complex sentence by adding an appropriate

dependent clause to the given conjunction.
1. It was warm and bright day when____________________.
2. Justin and Edgar dressed up well because ________________.
3. They had been singing _______________________.
4. The boys practiced for long hours so that __________________.
5. They would not join the singing contest unless______________.

Group III – Combine related sentences in the following paragraphs.

Use the correct conjunctions like because, when until, so that, then and
since. Rewrite the paragraph.
Yesterday we waited for a ride at the shed___ Wind-blown raindrops
fell and dampened our clothing. We waited for more than half an
hour___ A jeepney finally arrived. We were all rain soaked____ The
jeepney stopped. We quietly got on the vehicle____ The jeepney
continued to move. It ran slowly____ The road was slippery. We
reached the school. We dried ourselves___ we would not get sick.

H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
What is a complex sentence?
How do you form a complex sentence?
I. Evaluating Learning
A. Match the cause and its effect. write the letters only.
A. B.
____1. because the air is not moving a. a giant hole was cruelled
____2. when you rub them together b. your hands get warm
____3. because the lights are off c. forest fires
____4. because a meteorite fell d. the building is dark
____5. because some people are careless e. there is no wind
Choose the most appropriate conjunction to connect the ideas in each
1. A fellow scout or classmate can help (because, if, when) you are
2. You will enjoy it more (so that, because, when) you hike with a
3. I was once absent from class (because, when, although) I got so
tired from a ten kilometer hike.
4. Worse, I hurt my ankle ( when, unless, if) I tripped
over a rock lying on the hill.
5.I didn’t readily see the rock (if, so that, because) it was
covered by moss.
Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
Complete this outline. Then develop a paragraph
My Success in Studying
A. Causes of success in studying
B. Effects of success in studying
C. If you became successful, how will you share it to others?
My Success in Studying

Week 8

Oral Reading

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding on various linguistic nodes to comprehend
various texts.
B. Performance Standards
Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/messages.
C. Learning Competency and Objective
Observe accuracy, appropriate rate, proper expressions and correct
pronunciation in dramatic readings and presentations
EN5F,-IVh-1.6, EN5F,-IVh-1.3,EN5F,-IVh-1.7,EN5F,-IVh-1.14)
II. Content
Dramatic readings and presentation
III. Learning Resources
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing previous lesson
Join the sentence to make a complex sentence.
Playing hard is all fun and games _______someone loses an eye.
My dad is a strict disciplinarian, ________ mom isn’t!
Read the sentences.
Metal robots are cool and look tough.
I want to blow some money, but not mine.
I own a beautifully restored antique boat and a jet ski too.
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Modelling by the teacher
Dramatic reading

(Teacher can use any reading material)
C. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
How can you convey the story to your audience?
Is it necessary to analyze and understand the story before you
read it?
What are the skills involve while reading?
What should be your emotion while reading?
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Viewing dramatic reading
Analysis of the skills used in reading
E. Developing Mastery
Reading exercise
― Lost in the Woods‖
Elizabeth White
Guided Practice:
Group reading
F. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
Ask: What is dramatic reading?
What skills are involve in dramatic reading?
G. Evaluating Learning
Group Reading(Use rubrics)
(Teacher can use any reading material)
H. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
Practice reading your story, acting each character.

Week 8

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the forms and conventions of print,
non-print, and digital materials to understand various viewing texts.
B. Performance Standards
Applies knowledge of the various forms and conventions of print,
non-print, and digital materials to appropriately comprehend print, non-
print, film and moving texts.
C. Learning Competency and Objective
Make connections between information viewed and personal
experiences (EN5-VC-IVh-2.4)
Conduct short research projects on a self-selected topic(EN5SS-IVh-
II. Content
Making connections between information viewed and personal
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Any educated film
12 urriculum Guide p.78 EN5VC- IV; - 2.4
B. Materials
Pictures film, books, news papers
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
What should you remember in composing an essay?
2 .Drill
Viewing commercial. Let the pupils give information about the

B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson
Have you had an experience about a storm ? What were your
feelings reactions/ that you had been afraid of? What were
those things that caused your fear?
C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson
Video presentation (Storm story)
D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Is the place in order? Is the situation normal? Why?
What happens to the people, to the houses, to the nature?
Why do storm, flood, and, typhoon occur?
Can they be controlled by man?
Who are affected?
Can people do something in order that they will not be so much
Discuss the critical viewing skills(
E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Teacher will distribute printed materials, news papers, books.
Guide the pupils to research about any natural disaster. Have them
find important information from their research. Do this for 10 min.)
How did you find the information?
What is the process involve?
How can this information reliable?
F. Developing Mastery
A. Guided Practice
Group Activity
Group I- Name 5 disasters. Write harm and destruction that
each brings.
Group II- Draw the most destructive disaster that you have
witnessed in your place. Identify the elements in your output.
Group III- Name all agencies of the government, people, private
corporation that may help the victims of calamity
Ask each group to present their work
B. Independent Practice
Write an essay about your own personal experience of the
G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
If one had been a victim of a disaster, what do you think would
be his insight? Should he lose hope? Why?
H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
What is the importance of critical viewing?
It is important to analyze the construction of isolated images;
the composition of the picture and to read words and worlds.
I. Evaluating Learning
Film viewing(
Honesty Always Pays - Life Changing Act-short film)(First scene
Make an analysis
What is the film about? What does it show?
J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation
Research about child labor and give the important

Week 9


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend
various texts
B. Performance Standards
Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/ message(s)
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives (EN5LC-Iv3.1.3)
1. Listen to a selection ( Black-out or Brown-out)
2. Summarize the selection listened to
II. Content
Listening to a selection Black-out or Brown-out
Summarizing the selection listened to
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Improving Proficiency in Reading I p.44
B. Materials
chart, metacards, activity sheets
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing the past lesson
B. Establishing Purpose for the Lesson
Using hand gestures, the teacher acts out each of the given words and
asks the pupils to identifythem.
1. rain drop
2. thunder
3. lightning
4. flash flood
5. earthquake

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Teacher reads the situation aloud.
Situation: While watching ― Probinsyano‖ there was an electric
interruption that shut off the lights, television, electric fan,
refrigerator and other household appliances in your neighbor’s
What is that event called?
When a brown out in your own house occurs what do you do?
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1
When electrical interruptions/ failures occur in the entire province,
will you consider it brown out? If no, then what is it?
Why does black out or brown-out occur?
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
How does black-out affect a province or city?
Fill-up the prediction chart
People Work Household Appliances

Ask the pupils to explain their answers.

F. Developing Mastery
Teacher reads the selection slowly. Pause once in a while to ask
Black out or Brown out
We use the term black out to mean a widespread
a loss of electric power. This usually happens during
uncontrollable situations such as when lightning or tree
branches hit electric wires during storms. It also occurs
after a total electric shot down on the units that generate

Brown outs on the other hand, are confined only

to certain small areas. They are sometimes scheduled
and announced in advanced by an electric company
when it is necessary to save energy or enable its crews
to perform maintenance work. But brown outs can also

be caused by fires, floods, man-made accidents such as
vehicle hitting an electric post or late getting entangled with
power line or construction- materials falling on these lines.

Comprehension Questions
1. How is black out different from brown-out?
2. What may cause black out or brown out?
3. Which between black-out or brown-out is more disturbing?
Support your answer.
4. How can we prepare ourselves to any of them so that we
will not be fully affected?
G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in
Daily Living
Group I- Role play 5 activities of family members during occurrence of
a brown out.
Group II- Act-out the usual 5 reactions if there’s brown-out inyour
Group III- Pretend to be a government agency that will to a call in case a
brown out extends longer.
Ask the pupils to present their outputs in the clas
H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson

A paragraph consists of an introduction, body and conclusion.
The first sentence is indented.

I. Evaluating Learning
Write a paragraph-summary of the selection listened to containing the
1. Difference between black out and brownout
2. Causes
3. Effects

5- 3 complete ideas with a title
4- 2 complete ideas with a title
3- 1 complete idea with a title
2- 1 incomplete idea with a title

J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Choose the best answer in each item.
1. Brown outs happen (anytime, at night, at noon, in the
2. Black out often occurs in (a duplex, a house, an urban, a
3. (Fight, Lightning, Graduation, Party) may cause brown-out.
4. (Appliances, Houses, People, Roads) are mostly affected
as their works are delayed.
5. It is safe to (break out, leave-on, ignore, turn-off) the
household appliances.


Oral Reading

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding that a change in stress entails a change of
meaning to evaluate the speaker’s/ author’s purpose and meaning
B. Performance Standards
Uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately
evaluate the speaker’s intention, purpose and meaning
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
1. Observe politeness at all times
2. Pronounce the letter, word, phrase, and sentence correctly and
3. Express each character’s part emotionally and realistically
(EN5F-IVi-1.6) , (EN5F-IVi-1.3), (EN5F-IVi-1.7), (EN5F-IVi-1.14)
II. Content
Pronouncing the letter, word, phrase, and sentence correctly and
Expressing each character’s part emotionally and realistically
III. Learning Resources
A. References
English Matter 6 pp. 235-238
B. Materials
chart, meta cards, activity sheets
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing previous lesson
B. Establishing Purpose for the Lesson
1. Motivation
Pretend that you are in a less-travelled road and you find a rose
flourishing by the wayside.

Say the words: lush, tender, swaying, brimming, blushing,
inspiring, temptation, blossom
Ask the pupils to read by group, later, individually.
C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the New Lesson
Read the statements:
That rose stands out among the short grasses because of its tall stem.
What is the meaning of the underlined words?
What are the clues that help you get the meaning of the given word?
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1
Give the meaning of the underlined words. Write the clues to get their
1. Blooming flowers are a spectacular sight to see. The rekindle
admiration and aesthetic need for beauty.
2. Some mountaineers wantonly destroys nature. They never
care for plants and animals. You could say they are totally
3. Nature is cyclic. Seasons come and go repeatedly. Natural
process appear, disappear, then reappear again and again.
4. Along the wayside, one can notice the vegetation creeping
robustly in the infinite distance.
5. Dinosaur and other prehistoric creatures are extinct. You can
only see them in books now.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Read these correct clusters words correctly.
/br/ /gr/ /cr/ /dr/ /pr/
brag regrets cried drive pray
brief degree cruise dropper pride
brand agree credible drama prince

F. Developing Mastery
These are statements taken from the selection, ―Make an Impression ‖
Take note of the pronunciation, emotions and necessary gestures.

Group I “Read After Me”. Read with proper expressions.

The next morning, I was enthusiastic to rush to the place of
our appointment. One, two, three, four, and five hours went by. Not
even a shadow appeared. I wrote a letter. I tried to hold back my
frustrations. I called. The maid said, she didn’t know where her
employers were.
―Dear friends,‖ I began maybe I misheard our meeting place
or did you come and I was not around? Don’t forget that I
desperately need you. I know you do not want me waiting for
nothing. Still, if help is underway, below is my number. Feel free to
call, Sincerely.‖ and I sighed.
Ask: What emotions are involved?

Group II “Read After Me”. Read with proper expressions.

Suddenly, someone called my name, ―Mr. Fernandez, Mr.
Fernandez,‖ came the voice. What’s the matter with you? You
didn’t come to see us for quite a long time already, good I saw you
I glance at familiar face, the wife of that person from whom I
was borrowing money. I smiled sweetly. ―What’s up?‖ ―Well she
said, my son has a problem in his research class in college and
feared he might fall his defense.‖ I could feel the pleading of a
woman as if she was talking to a savior.

Group III “Read After Me”. Read with proper expressions.
I remembered my son. Did he not need help, too? What had
these people done at the time when I needed help the most? And
she still had the nerve…!
―Please help us, ― she appealed. Our relatives would
despise our family once he flunked.‖ I smiled again and began to
―Name your price, please? I looked at her once more and I
smiled, ― I’m so sad to hear that.‖ I said sincerely.
Thank you! she said. In fact, your friend, I mean my
husband is waiting for you at home tonight.
―Thanks‖, I said.‖ my boy has just been discharged from the
hospital and he needs me by his side. I pray that God will solve
your problem.‖ And I walked away fast to catch a ride.

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in

Daily Living
Based on the selection taken from ―Make an Impression‖. Once each
group learned the expressions, they will put gestures in their
utterances. They will be given 5 minutes to prepare their part.
H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson

Pronouncing the letter, word, phrase, and
sentence correctly and articulately and expressing
each character’s part emotionally and realistically
help the listeners to understand easily a selection
or passage.

I. Evaluating Learning
Write secured, relaxed, afraid, curious or confused, before each
statement/ speech.
__________1. The next morning I was enthusiastic to rush to
the place of our appointment.

__________2. ―Dear Friends‖, I began,‖ I may misheard our
meeting place or did you come? And I was not
__________3. ―You didn’t come to see us for quite a long time already.
It’s good I saw you tonight.‖
__________4. ―My son has a problem in his research class in college
and feared he might fall his defense,‖
__________5. ―I pray that God will solve your problem.‖
J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation
Use blooming, wantonly, cyclic, vegetation and extinct in sentences.



I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the forms and conventions of print, non-
print, and digital materials to understand various viewing texts
B. Performance Standards
Applies knowledge of the various forms and conventions of print, non-
print, and digital materials to appropriately comprehend print, non-print,
film and moving texts
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Be tactful in the observation and in giving analysis
Write a reaction to the given film relevant to personal experiences
II. Content
Writing a reaction to the given film relevant to personal experiences
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Any educated film
B. Materials
pictures, film
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing past lesson
B. Establishing Purpose for the Lesson
Have you had an experience about a storm?
What were your feelings/ reactions? What were those things that caused
your fear?
Do you think your neighbors had the same feelings or reactions?
What about other people who were not beset by a storm, what could
be their feelings or reactions?

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Teacher shows a picture of a place (rural) under a storm.
Is the place in order? Is the situation normal? Why?
What happens to the people, to the houses, to the nature?
` Why do storm, flood and typhoon occur?
Who are affected? What can people do to lessen destructive
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1
Group Activity
Group I- Name five disasters .Write harmful effects/ that
each brings.
Group II- Draw the most destructive disaster that you have
witnessed/ experienced in your place. Identify the elements in
your output.
Group III- Name agencies of the government, people,
private corporations that may help the victims of calamity.
Ask each group to present their work.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
How should a disaster victim react to a calamity?
E. Developing Mastery
Ask the pupils to see a pleasant film that shows a beautiful
aspect of life.
Ask them to observe proper behaviour while watching the film.

Let the students answer the following questions.
1. What is the film about? What does it show?
2. What can you say about the characters?
3. How did they face their life? Who were with them?
4. What did they do to have happy and contented life?
5. Would you like to be happy and contented? Why?
F. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in
Daily Living
What are the different precautionary measures that you should
practice if there’s a strong typhoon that hits your place?
G. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson

Essay is a writing composition that deals with a subject
from a limited point of view.

H. Evaluating Learning
Write a three -paragraph descriptive essay about the topic:
Light After Darkness

Week 10

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of various linguistics nodes to
comprehend various texts
B. Performance Standard
Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/message(s)
C. Learning Competencies
Summarize information from various text types (EN5LC-IVj-3.13 )
II. Content
Information from Various Text Types
III. Learning Resources
Textbook’s pages
Developing Reading Power 6 p.33
Additional References
Powerpoint presentation of the lesson, picture, worksheet
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
Present an example of informational text type-paragraph.
Have a contest in getting the important information of the paragraph. The
group with the most number of correct meaning at the least possible time
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Unlocking of Difficulties
Read the sentences.Select the meaning of the underlined words from the box.

unwanted or unusable materials
converting waste materials to reusable
a piece of land where waste materials are

a. Recycling is one of the best ways to reduce garbage.

b. The unrecyclable materials should be thrown in the dumpsites.
c. Waste materials from factories should be managed carefully to avoid pollution.
Show a picture of a girl or boy cooking in the kitchen

What do you think are materials used in making this basket?

Do you think we can use other materials aside from plastic straws in
making basket?
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Today you will listen to a selection, ―Gold in Garbage‖. From the selection,
you will be able to find out if there is really gold in garbage. You will be able also
to summarize the information of the story you will listen to.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
1. During Listening Activities
Read the selection to the pupils. Stop / Pause at some parts and ask predicting

Gold in Garbage
by Ann Corvera
Avella Lipata used to make the rounds of Makati hotels and offices in
her truck to collect waste materials. Back at the warehouse of her company,
she and ten other workers carefully sorted items that would not be sent to
dumpsites, instead sold at competitive prices.
When her story was featured as an exceptional solid waste
management initiative, it caught the attention of the Solid Waste Management
Any association might have much to gain from implementing a solid
waste management program. For a busy commercial district, setting up an
organized waste collection and disposal system was not only cost-efficient,
but also helped maintain the malls’ standards as premier lifestyle centers. It
was an association that initiated the waste collection and recycling program in
By the time the group contacted Avella’s company 10 years later, it had
reduced the amount of garbage hauled from the malls from 20 trucks to seven
trucks everyday. Through further segregation, two truckloads of collected
materials can still be recovered and sold.
What is the paragraph about?
What was Avella’s work in Makati?
How did they sort the items in the warehouse?
How did their idea of sorting help the community?
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
Now, we will make a story chart to summarize the story. You will include the
important details of the paragraph.

. Introduction


What can you say about your story chart?
Did it help you to summarize the story correctly?
F. Developing Mastery
1. The 3A’s Activity: Dyad
Ask the pupils to look for a partner. Each pair should have a piece of
paper and a pencil/pen. Pupil A will read the selection and Pupil B will
summarize it.
Yesterday at twilight, a typhoon struck the island of Palapala. All night
long the storm swept in from the sea. By morning, the island had been badly
damaged. It will take months to rebuild what the typhoon destroyed.
2. Now read the selection and Pupil A will be the one to summarize it.
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Your teacher asked you to listen to any news report.
How will you summarize it correctly?
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson
In summarizing information of any text types, look
for the introduction, body and conclusion of the
Introduction refers to the beginning of the
paragraph. The body contains a topic sentence that tells
readers what the paragraph is going to be about,
supporting sentences that discuss the idea or ideas in the
topic sentence, using examples and/or evidence to
support that discussion. Conclusion refers to the last part
of the paragraph which gives the solutions or the results.
I. Evaluating Learning
Write the summary of the selection to be read by the teacher including the
introduction, body and conclusion.
I was ten years old when I won in one of the games during our town
fiesta. When I was asked what prize I wanted from the displayed items, I
chose the big drinking glass for Papa. I ran home calling his name. I was
so happy to give him a gift.
J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation
Listen to a recorded selection. Make a summary of the story.
The Story of Kidlat
In the beginning, Kidlat lived on earth with the people. Kidlat was a tall
muscular man whose muscles gave off sparks when he worked hard. His muscles
gave off dangerous sparks too when he was angry. And the sparks could kill
people! Kidlat used his power to have his own way. He lashed out his dangerous
sparks to those he did not like. He used them also to those who did not obey his
orders. People became afraid of him and many hated him.
Kidlat had killed so many people. The chiefs of the villages met. They talked
about the terror Kidlat has sown among the people. They agreed Kidlat must not
live on earth with people. The chiefs told Kidlat of their decision.
―Let me stay on earth!‖ begged Kidlat. ―I will change my ways.‖
―So much damage had been done, Kidlat. The people are so afraid of you.
Most of them hate you. You have to leave,‖ explained the Big Chief.
But soon a terrible Aswang came to the village. He carried away pregnant
women and infants. The wife of the Big Chief was carried away. The chiefs talked of
their new problem. They had only one thing in mind. If only Kidlat were here!
Kidlat heard of their problem. He came down to the chief. He volunteered to
kill Aswang.
―I will kill Aswang for you. But in return, you must let me live with you!‖
The chiefs could not do anything. They accepted Kidlat’s offer. In no time, the
enemy was killed. And Kidlat lived on earth again. He did not change much. He is
still dangerous. But the people learned to avoid him. They became so sensitive to
his presence. They knew when he would give off his dangerous sparks. They
scamper to safety.
-Developing Reading Power 5


Oral Language

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Shows understanding of various verbal elements in communicating information
B. Performance Standard
Prepares for and participates effectively in a range of conversations and
collaboration with diverse partners
C. Learning Competencies
Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a tv broadcast (EN5OL-IVj-4)
II. Content
Verbal and Non-verbal Cues in a TV Broadcast
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Textbook’s pages
C. Additional References
Powerpoint presentation of the lesson, downloaded videos
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
Show pictures of different emotions and gestures. The pupils will identify the
meaning or feeling shown in each picture.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Have you been to a shopping center with your mom?
What are your exciting experiences while shopping with your mom?
C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the New Lesson
Today you will watch a video clip, ―Tagpuan‖. From the video, you will be
able to know the different verbal and non-verbal cues used in
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
1. During watching
( a Jollibee Commercial)
2. Discussion
What is the video about?
What was the boy and his mother doing in the shopping center?
Why did the boy look frightened and worried when he looked around the
shopping center?
Do you think the boy was lost?
How did the boy find his mother?
Were they happy seeing each other? Why did you say so?
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
Going back to the video, let us now identify the verbal and non-verbal cues use
to express emotions and messages.
Verbal Cues Non-verbal Cues
―Wow, these toys are so Crying in one corner
―Mom, where are you?‖ Worried face

What can you say about the chart presented?
Do you think each cue gives a message?
F. Developing Mastery
1. Group Activity: Lights! Camera! Action!
Each group will be given a situation. They will act it out using verbal
and non-verbal cues. The leader of the group will be the film director and the
rest will be the actors and actresses.
a. You won in the chamber theater
b. You lost your pet
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Your mother asked you to buy a kilo of fish for dinner. Unfortunately,
you lost the money. How will you tell your mother that you feel so sorry for what
had happened?
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson

Verbal cues refer to the oral communication

while non-verbal cues refer to the used of gestures,
body movements, body orientation and facial
expressions in communicating with other people.

I. Evaluating Learning
What are the verbal and non-verbal cues used in the video?
J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation
The group will pretend that they will make a short film about proper waste
management. They will use verbal and non-verbal cues to express the
message of the film.

WeeK 10

Oral Reading

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding that a change in stress entails a change
of meaning to evaluate the speaker’s/ author’s purpose and meaning
B. Performance Standard
Uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately
evaluate the speaker’s intention, purpose and meaning
C. Learning Competencies
Observe accuracy, appropriate rate, proper expressions and correct
pronunciation in dramatic readings and presentations (EN5F-IVj-1.6
EN5F-IVj-1.3 EN5F-IVj-1.7 EN5F-IVj-1.14)
II. Content
Accuracy, Appropriate Rate, Proper Expressions and Correct
Pronunciation in Dramatic Readings and Presentations
III. Learning Resources
A. References
B. Book’s pages
Compiled Lesson Plan in English 5, pp.45-47
C. Additional References
C. Materials
Powerpoint presentation of the lesson, copies of the stories
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson

Ask the pupils about the different moods and expressions
appropriate to each situation.
1. You saw a big snake
2. You received an outstanding award
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Unlocking of Difficulties
Read the sentences. Select the meaning of the underlined words
from the box.

a feeling of sadness or displeased

a fertile spot in a desert where water is
a person who often travels

a. I am thirsty. I’m glad there is an oasis.

b. The traveler goes to different places.
c. He felt disappointed when he lost his way to the forest.
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Today you will read a story, ―A young Traveler‖. From this story you
should use the correct rate or speed, correct pronunciation and proper
expressions to give meaning to each part of the story.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
1. During Reading
A Young Traveler
A young traveler once lost his way in a wide desert. The blazing
sun was so hot that he became very thirsty. He was tired and hungry.
Soon, he came to an oasis. An oasis is a low fertile place in the desert
where there is much water.
―Clean water at last!‖ the weary traveler exclaimed. ―I guess I’m
just lucky.‖ As the tired traveler came near the oasis, he saw a half-
filled sack lying upon the riverbank. He knelt beside the old sack in an
attempt to open it.
―My God, may there be some canned fruits or canned goods so
that I may have something to eat.‖

With this wonderful thought, he got his sharp knife and hurriedly
cut the old sack. When he saw what was inside the old sack, he said in
a sad, disappointed way, ―Poor me! These are only diamonds!‖
2. Discussion
What is the story about?
What had the traveler wished when he saw a sack?
Why was the traveler felt disappointed upon seeing the content of
the sack?
What is the most suspenseful part of the story?
How did the story end?
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
Read again the story, ―A Young Traveler‖. Guide the pupils to read the
story accurately with correct rate or speed, correct pronunciation and
proper expressions.
How did we read the story?
Did we deliver it correctly?
Why did you say so?
F. Developing Mastery
Group Activity:
a. Group I: Poem Recitation
When Jesus is in the family
Happy, happy home,
Happy, happy home
Happy, happy home
When Jesus is in the family
Happy, happy home.

b. Group II: Choral Recitation

The Pied Piper of Hamelin
They fought the dogs, and killed the cats.
And bit the babies in the cradle.
And ate the cheese out of the vats
And licked the soup from the cooks own ladles.
Split open the kegs of salted sprats.
Made nests inside men’s Sunday hats.
And even spoiled the women’s chats.
By drowning their speaking.
With shrieking and squeaking.
In fifty different sharps and flats.
-Robert Browning
c. Group III: Story Reading
Parable of the Rooster

Once upon a time in a farm, there was a rooster who believed

he was superior to everyone in every way. He pecked and attacked
the chickens with his spurs until the latter were bloody.
The rooster would not even allow the other cocks to crow.
Instead, he alone announced the start of the new day or the setting of
the sun.
The rooster grew bigger and bigger than the rest of his kind. He
even challenged the other animals in the farm.
He flew and landed on the back of a carabao. ―I am taller than
you,‖ the rooster said. ―Now, I am your master‖.
He boastfully proclaimed, ―Since I can now control all the
animals, next is the man‖.
With that, the rooster attacked the first woman who passed by.
But it was not too easy for him for the woman quickly grabbed his neck
and no matter how he tried to get out of the woman’s hand, the
woman’s grip was tighter.
The woman then marched directly to her kitchen with the
rooster. And that evening, the lord of all was part of the steaming tinola
(stewed chicken)!
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Your teacher asked you to deliver a speech about climate
change. How will you do it properly?

H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson

Observe accuracy, appropriate rate, proper

expressions and correct pronunciation in delivering dramatic
readings or presentations.

I. Evaluating Learning
Each group will be given a piece to read. They will present it after a 5-
minute practice.
The Story of Kidlat
In the beginning, Kidlat lived on earth with the people. Kidlat was
a tall muscular man whose muscles gave off sparks when he worked
hard. His muscles gave off dangerous sparks too when he was angry.
And the sparks could kill people! Kidlat used his power to have his own
way. He lashed out his dangerous sparks to those he did not like. He
used them also to those who did not obey his orders. People became
afraid of him and many hated him.
Kidlat had killed so many people. The chiefs of the villages met.
They talked about the terror Kidlat has sown among the people. They
agreed Kidlat must not live on earth with people. The chiefs told Kidlat
of their decision.
―Let me stay on earth!‖ begged Kidlat. ―I will change my ways.‖
―So much damage had been done, Kidlat. The people are so
afraid of you. Most of them hate you. You have to leave,‖ explained the
Big Chief.
But soon a terrible Aswang came to the village. He carried away
pregnant women and infants. The wife of ghe Big Chief was carried
away. The chiefs talked of their new problem. They had only one thing
in mind. If only Kidlat were here!
Kidlat heard of their problem. He came down to the chief. He
volunteered to kill Aswang.

―I will kill Aswang for you. But in return, you must let me live with
The chiefs could not do anything. They accepted Kidlat’s offer.
In no time, the enemy was killed. And Kidlat lived on earth again. He
did not change much. He is still dangerous. But the people learned to
avoid him. They became so sensitive to his presence. They knew when
he would give off his dangerous sparks. They scamper to safety.
J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation
Recite the poem using the correct rate, correct pronunciation and
proper expression.
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Week 10

Study Strategy

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the research process to write a variety of
B. Performance Standard
Uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of texts
for various audiences and purposes
C. Learning Competencies
Conduct short research projects on a self-selected topic (EN5SS-IVj-2.3)
II. Content
Research Project on Self-Selected Topic
III. Learning Resources
Textbook’s pages
Additional References
Powerpoint presentation of the lesson, downloaded videos
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson
Identify the information resources shown in each picture.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Unlocking of Difficulties
Read the sentences. Select the meaning of the underlined words from the

a high sea wave caused by an earthquake

a. The volcano caused catastrophic damage to the villages nearby.

b. The tsunami caused a great damage to the city.
c. It is too dangerous to stay in the seashore when there is a typhoon.
Show a box with flashlight, battery, medicine, bottled water and radio.
What are these things for?
Why do we have this kind of kit?
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Today you will watch a video about tsunami. From this video, find out how
tsunami was formed and how to be safe whenever there is a tsunami.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
1. During Watching Activity
What is a Tsunami? Facts & Information
2. Discussion
What is the video about?
How do tsunamis form?
What should be done to be safe from a disaster?
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
The pupils will watch a video clip on how to make a simple research paper.
After watching the video, let the pupils fill in the information chart below about

Topic Tsunami
Specific Research What is a tsunami?
Questions How does tsunami form?
What are the effects of tsunami?
How can we be safe from tsunami?
Gathering Data From internet, books, magazines, and
other resources
Creating the Research

What can you say about the chart?

Will it help you to create a research about tsunami?
F. Developing Mastery
1. Grab-and-Go Writing Activity
Ask the pupils to form a group of four persons. Each group will
decide on a topic of their choice. They will be guided by the teacher in
the library to look for the information about their selected topic. Then,
they will write their simple research about the topic.
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Your Science teacher asked you to make an improvised
magnet. What will you do to make it correctly? How will you know the
steps on how to make an improvised magnet?
H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson

Consider the following tips in conducting a research

project on self-selected topic:
1. Choose your topic of interest.
2. Decide on the information that you want to know
about your topic.
3. Have a research about the topic using internet,
books, magazines, reading materials and other
4. Create your research.
5. Share the information to your friends.
I. Evaluating Learning
With the help of your group, conduct a research project on your topic of
J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation
Think of any topic that is appealing to you. Conduct a research
about it. Be sure to use reliable sources for any information that you will
include in your research.

Fourth Quarter Test in English 5



Restate sentences heard in one’s own words
EN5OL-Iva-2.6.1 5 1-5
Use appropriate facial expressions
Distinguish text-type according to features
(Structural and Language) Enumeration 5 6-10

EN5V-Iva-20.1 EN5V-IVa-20.2
Identify different meanings of content specific 4 11-14
words (Denotation and Connotation) Science
Use compound sentences to show cause and 6 15-20
Infer target audience 5 21-25
Distinguish text-types according to features
(Structural and Language) 4 26-29
(Arranging details according to order of time)
Analyze how visual and multimedia elements 5 41-43
contribute to the meaning of a text
Use compound sentences to show problem 2 30-31
solution relationship of ideas

Compose a three-paragraph descriptive essay on 6 45-50
self-selected topic
Use appropriate graphic organizers in texts read 5 36-40
List primary and secondary sources of information 4 32-35

TOTAL 50 50

Fourth Quarter Test in English 5
S.Y. 2016-2017

Direction: Listen as I read the sentences then choose the appropriate facial
expressions. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
____1. Even in hard times when I don’t have a lot of money, I stay hopeful and
believe that next month will be better.
____2. When I see that puzzled look on your face, I know that you didn’t understand
my question.
____3. Wow! I’m really impressed that Ashley can speak 7 languages, whereas I
only speak one!
____4. Ugh! I don’t have anything to do. I’m so bored!
____5. After Kylie had her heart broken by her ex-boyfriend, she felt so down and
blue. She is very sad.

A. B. C. D. E.

Direction: Read the different text types and their purpose. Match the items on the
right to the items on the left.
6. Procedure a. To show how things work and why
things happen
7. Explanation b. To persuade the reader to agree
with the writer’s position/opinion
8. Argumentative c. To instruct the reader how to make
or do something
9. Narrative d. To help the reader create a picture
of scenes, events, people, etc..
10. Description e. To entertain through telling a
Direction: Identify the meaning of words. If it is connotation write C, write D if it is

11. snake
_____a. Kevin saw a big snake in their backyard.
_____b. Bong is a snake. He betrayed his bestfriend.
12. cool
_____a. The weather is very cool.
_____b. I like your jacket. It is very cool.
13. cheap
_____a. Ana goes with different men, that’s why she is being called
_____b. The dress in the store is cheap.
14. blue
_____a. Daddy please buy me a blue ball.
_____b. I got low score in the test. I feel blue.

Direction: Encircle the two ideas expressed in compound sentences. Underline

the cause once and the effect twice. (2 pts.each)
15-16. We needed some groceries for the week so we went to the supermarket.
17-18. It was raining so hard outside so I put on my raincoat.
19-20. All her clothes were dirty because her mother did not wash their clothes.

Direction: Infer the target audience. Choose the answer from the boxes below.
21. Making Pastries, Cakes and Breads ___________
22. Boxing ___________
23. Barbie and Hello kitty ___________
24. How to Make Dresses ___________
25. Seminar/Training Workshop of Teachers in English ____________

Teachers Men Dressmaker Little Girls Bakers

Direction: Arrange the following events according to time order. Write numbers
1-4 in each blank before the number.
Life Cycle of a Butterfly
____26. They form themselves into a pupa.
____27. A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval or cylindrical
____ 28. The pupa will turn into an adult butterfly.
____ 29. The egg hatches, the larva will start his work and eat the leaf
they were born onto.

Direction: Choose the most appropriate conjunction to go in the blank.

30. Please bring me a towel,______ I can dry the dishes.
31. Arman loves to play guitar ____ Ronald finds it boring.

Direction: Tell whether the following is a primary or secondary sources.

______32. Book
______33. Biography of the author
______34. Article or essay about the work
______35. Video

Direction: Read the story. Fill out the blank boxes to make a graphic organizer about
The Structure of the Flower
The lower and outermost part of a flower are the sepals. They are
usually green. They look like leaves. They form the protective covering of the flower
when it is still a bud.
Above the sepals are the petals. Petals often have bright colors
because they attract insects. Growing just above and within the circle of petals are

the stamens. Each stamen has a long stem like part called filament. At the top of the
filament is another which is filled with yellow or reddish dust-like grains called pollen.
The innermost part of the flower is the pistil which has three parts – the
stigma, the style and the large base called ovary. Within the ovary are small
structures called ovules. Seeds develop from the ovules. ( Grade 5 Lesson Guide p.
204 )

Parts of a Flower





Direction: Match the multimedia cues to the appropriate texts below related to
the news





Showbiz Weather Politics Health Sports Investigation

Direction: Choose any topic then write a three-paragraph descriptive essay.

(6 points)

Good luck and God bless!!!

Prepared by:
Elma A. Diaz
MT-I Tuy District


5poms85M1U-w6_I/ worksheet.docx
Posted by Briony Chisholm on August 21 2015 in Cultural Features

901 Connotation-Exercise_2.htm
Teacher-made Story
http;// Purpose of text- type

Across Borders Through Language pp. 219 – 220 ( Lourdes M. Ribo )

English Expressways (Textbook in Reading) pp.215-216
English Expressways Reading 5, p.66
Fun in English, Language, p.235
English For All Times 5 Language pp.248 - 255
Fun in English , Language, p. 159
Developing My English Power 5, p. 97-100
English for Global Communication 5, p.58
Lesson Guide in English 5 Revised Edition pp. 140-141
Lesson Guide in English 5,pp.190-193

English for All Times Language 5,188-197
Lesson Guide in English 5,pp.190-193
English for All Times pp. 188-197
Fun in English Language 5 p.164
Lesson Guide in English 5 pp.178-181
Journeying through Literature and Language pp. 82-83 (Lourna V. Tagay,
Grammar and Language Workbook Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
Lesson Guide in English p.149-150, Moving Forward Through Reading p. 42-43
Lesson Guide in English p. 22-24, Spoken English for Filipino Learners 5
Fun in English, Language, p. 226
English Expressways Language 5, pp. 205 – 207
The Pilot chronicle 2016 edition l
Developing Reading Power p.77
Lesson Guide in English p. 17-20
Reading Marvels 5 p. 15,p.36-37
Lesson Guide in English p. 51-53, Read and Grow, p.58
Lesson Guide in English p.149-150, Moving Forward Through Reading p. 42-43
Essential English 5 p.160
Teacher-made selection
Developing My English Power 5 pp.28-32
English For All Times Language 5, 39-40
Lesson Guide in Grade 5 (Revised Edition) pp.229-235
My Native Land Writing 1 English Book Grade V
Story: Throwing Litter Developing Reading Power P. 30
K to 12 Curriculum Guide-English 5
Aesop’s Fable
Lesson Guide in English 5 (Revised Edition) p.130
English Expressways Reading 5, p.25
Reading for Meaning, Ofelia F. Lojo
English Expressways
English 5 Distance Education for Elementary Schools Self Instructional Materials
One world on the Horizon pp. 55-56 C;
Lesson Plan in English pp. 122-124
New Dynamic Series In English, Josefina B. Suarez p.268
Teacher’s Guide in English 5 (Revised Edition)pp.98-99
English For All Times Language 5pp.184-188
Developing my English Power 5, pp.60 & 64
English and Me 5, pp.208-213
English For All Times Reading pp.171-172,190-193
Developing English Power (Reading)Vida Socoro P. Ganchore pp.27-28
Workbook on Integrated Learning in English 5 Dr.Celestina N. Jalandoni pp.96-97
Language and Reading 5, p.228
Developing my English Power 5, pp.61-63
English for All Times, Reading p. 159
Essential English, Worktext p. 138
Soaring to New Heights in Reading p. 123
Lesson Guide in English pp. 149-152,
English for all Times pp. 214-219
Lesson Guide in English 5 Revised Edition pp. 31-33
Fun in English 5 Reading pp.86-87
Fun in English 5 Reading p.119
Interactive skills in English 5 pp. 49 -50


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