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1990 2015

Trusted News for Credit Union Leaders

September 16, 2015 | Vol. 26 | No. 33 |

Must Reads

Arkansas FCU Battles Bankers
Credit unions have become used
Regulation & Accept
to criticism from bankers linger-
ing in the background as they go
about their business.
However, a recent incident in-
Compliance Dues Hikes
volving a community develop-
ment project in Little Rock, Ark., In this Focus Report, learn why PETER STROZNIAK
brought home the true cost of bankers are bashing the NCUA’s
banker hostility. proposed MBL reform. Plus,
The project is the Little Rock payments industry experts weigh redit unions in North
Tech Park in central Little Rock, in on the impacts of the Durbin Carolina, South Car-
which the state’s legislature and Amendment and overdraft olina, California and
sponsoring universities have regulation. y8 Nevada will see their
said will include “new and ren- league membership dues increase
ovated buildings developed to in 2016 – and CEOs in those states
form an integrated environment interviewed by CU Times said they
for start-up and mature technol- support the change.
ogy companies,” according to the Next year, the
Little Rock Tech Park Authority’s Carolinas Credit
website. Union League is
The Arkansas legislature moving to a square
passed a law authorizing the root formula to cal-
park in 2007. culate dues, which
A governing authority includ- shifts a greater
ing the University of Arkansas at portion of the total
Little Rock, the University of Ar- Radebaugh dues to members
kansas for Medical Sciences and LENDING with large assets

Taxi Industry CUs Take a Bumpy Ride

the City of Little Rock came to- and lowers dues for credit unions
gether under a memorandum of with small assets, according to
understanding in 2010, accord- John Radebaugh, president/CEO
The Rundown
ing to the Tech Park Authority. DAVID MORRISON  Delinquency has risen sharply for four 3,000-member  LOMTO Federal of the Carolinas Credit Union credit unions in New York serving the taxi
When the Tech Park Authority Credit Union  in Woodside; the League.
requested loan proposals for the  Two of the four credit unions have seen $2.1 billion, 24,000-member Mel- About 25 of the league-affiliat-
negative income in 2015.
project earlier this year, AFCU ith app-based  The taxi industry’s woes are unlikely to
rose Credit Union  in Briarwood ed credit unions in North Caroli-
sent one of its community de- ridesharing ser- subside. and the $692 million, 3,800-mem- na and South Carolina with assets
velopment staff members to a vices such as ber  Progressive Credit Union  in of $180 million and above will see
meeting for financial institutions Uber and Lyft losses increase in 2015 as the New York City. their dues increase in proportion
interested in helping fund the becoming more popular by the transportation industry they serve The credit unions have histories to the amount of dues they man-
project. day, the taxicab industry has tak- has struggled to survive economic of lending to the New York City age. Some are expected to see an
According to AFCU President/ en a real hit – and so have some and technological changes. taxi industry, financing the pur- increase as low as 1%, but others
CEO  Rodney Showmar, AFCU credit unions that serve it. Specifi- Those four cooperatives are chase or leasing of taxi industry will see their membership dues
was generally welcomed there. cally, four New York-based credit the $179 million, 2,900-mem- medallions (licenses to operate increase by as much as 20% or
“We never had an in- y14 unions have seen their income ber Montauk Credit Union  of yellow taxis in New York City), or 30%, Radebaugh said.
decrease and provisions for loan New York City; the $271 million, financing other loans with y16 However, a few of the y17

Up Close With Caucus

Matz ­Opportunities
The NCUA NAFCU urges
­Chairman talks credit unions to fight
gender and ­overregulation.  y12
­leadership.  y6

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Taxi Montauk CU had the lowest
net worth ratio of the four credit
unions at 10.34%, and the highest
cash flows by grabbing significant
and rising market share – the for-
mula for a downward medallion
cont. from Page 1 ratio of provision for loan losses to price spiral.”
total assets at 4.24%, well above Based on their current risk,
the medallions as collateral. the peer ratio of 0.24%. HVM suggested New York City
As of June 30, 2015, each of the This represented a complete re- taxi medallions should be valued
four credit unions reported capi- versal from June 2014, when Mon- at roughly $360,000, not $1.3 mil-
tal positions with net worth ra- tauk reported it removed $182,951 lion as one source claimed as their
tios ranging from 10.37% on the from its allowance for loan and peak price in 2014.
low end to 39.94% on the high lease losses. The wild card in the changing
end. Nevertheless, they also saw By June 2015, the cooperative economic picture is the court case
delinquencies and provisions for had set aside $3.67 million for the brought by the four credit unions.
loan losses climb dramatically as allowance. If a court rules Uber and other
the taxi industries they supported The increased allowance ridesharing companies have been
struggled due to the disruption helped drop the credit union’s the cooperative’s peer average of a 10.34% net worth ratio, Montauk operating under an illegal busi-
brought on by new competitors. income from $1.6 million in June 0.25%. The added loan loss pro- CU, for example, has a little more ness model, the situation could
“To put it bluntly, the imminent 2014 to slightly less than negative vision reduced the cooperative’s than $18 million in capital and shift rather quickly.
risk of cascading medallion fore- $2 million in June 2015. income from slightly more than $3.6 million in its provisions for However, Christian Samito, a
closures, followed by the collapse In addition, the cooperative saw $14 million as of June 2014 to just loan losses, which equals a signifi- lawyer with his own practice in
of the medallion market, and by its ratio of delinquent loans to as- more than $371,000 for June 2015. cantly smaller cushion than Mel- Boston and a pro-
extension the entire taxicab in- sets climb from 0.98% in June 2014 Finally, Progressive CU re- rose CU has. fessor at Boston
dustry, is no longer a threatened to 2.77% in June 2015, more than ported 39.94% net worth in June The underlying problem is that University’s School
harm – it is a reality that is already four times the peer group’s average of 2015 but also saw its loan loss the New York City taxi industry of Law, observed
unfolding,” Todd Higgins, a lawyer delinquency ratio of 0.57%. provision climb from 0.18% in has remained extraordinarily sen- that a winning
with the New York LOMTO FCU had the next high- June 2014 to 1.22% in June 2015. sitive to small drops in revenue court case may be
City firm Crosby est net worth ratio, 16.75%, in June However, while Progressive CU’s from lost rides, according to HVM unlikely, even if the
& Higgins and the 2015, with a provision for loan ratio of delinquent loans to as- Capital, a Boston-based research taxi industry were
counsel to Melrose losses that climbed from 0.13% in sets hit 3.50% in September 2014, and investment company that Samito to prevail in state
CU, wrote in an June 2014 to 1.57% in June 2015, it dropped to 1.94% at the end has argued taxi medallion val- court.
Aug. 28, 2015 letter. also more than four times the peer of 2014 and hit a low of 0.53% in ues and prices have been largely Samito pointed to an 1830s suit,
Higgins ad- average of 0.24%. March 2015, before climbing to overstated. Charles River Bridge v. Warren
dressed his letter, Like Montauk CU, its increased 0.94% in June. The cooperative In a recent white paper, HVM Bridge, in which a company that
Higgins which was leaked provision for loan losses from also posted income of $4.4 mil- observed that taxi medallions have had a charter to build, maintain
to a local media $178,000 in June 2014 to $2.13 mil- lion in June 2015 – a 50% hit from been among the safest investments and earn toll income from a bridge
outlet, to New York City Corpora- lion in June 2015 helped force the the slightly more than $9 million it in the U.S. for more than 70 years, project attempted to prevent an-
tion Counsel Zachary Carter in cooperative into negative income posted in June 2014. as they have been largely shielded other company from building a
support of a suit the four credit of slightly less than $204,000 for Melrose CU President/CEO from wide economic swings be- bridge a few hundred yards away;
unions brought against New York the year that closed that month. Alan Kaufman acknowledged that cause municipalities have main- the company lost the suit.
City Mayor William de Blasio’s Melrose CU saw the next high- the legal and commercial fights tained their taxi industries as “The case went all the way to
administration. est next worth ratio of the four at taking place between the taxi in- monopolies. Local governments the Supreme Court, which ruled
The suit sought to force the ad- 18.04% in June 2015, and removed dustry and ridesharing services capped the number of medallions that what was really at stake was
ministration to place app-based roughly $360,000 from its provi- are significant; however, he down- allowed and thus prohibited com- competition,” Samito explained.
played the risk that downgraded petition even as the cities’ popula- “If the government, the court rea-
medallion values could endanger tions rose, the firm contended. soned, could restrict the abilities
the credit union. This resulted in steadily rising of newcomers to offer similar re-
“From our perspective, we are prices for the medallions and re- sources and services to meet le-
seeing an impact from what we turns of roughly 3% in cities such gitimate needs, there would be no
view as an illegal business model,” as New York, Chicago and Boston, progress.”
Kaufman said. “But by no means where returns are 3.2%, 2.8% and Samito said ridesharing ser-
is that the only thing we do. Be- 2.9%, respectively, according to vices may face additional local
sides, we have one of the highest the firm. regulations, such as insurance re-
equities in the entire credit union However, competition from quirements, and expects some of
industry.” ridesharing services has shaken the more arcane regulations over
With $2.1 billion in assets, Mel- this monopoly-based model and taxi operations to go away. But the
rose CU’s 18.04% net worth ratio effectively undermined medallion taxi industry must face the real-
equals roughly $378 million in values, HVM contended. ity that its competitors are here to
capital, substantiating Kaufman’s “Medallion investors eventually stay, he said.
observation that the coopera- realized taxis were no longer the “I don’t think taxis are going to
requests to Uber and Lyft on equal sion for loan losses in June 2014, tive remains sufficiently capital- only game in town,” HVM wrote go away,” Samito said. “There will
ground with hailing cabs on a according to its most recent 5300 ized to withstand a dip in the taxi in a June 2015 paper. “Prospec- always be some people who can’t
street corner. Current statute only call report. industry. tive medallion buyers became un- or don’t want to use a smartphone
allows taxis with medallions to However, by June 2015, the co- However, taxi industry observ- willing to accept only a 3% return or wait for a rideshare car to come.
pick up passengers from the street, operative added $14.9 million to ers have been wondering whether on investment given the unprec- But the industry’s days as the only
so by giving app-based requests its loan loss provision and saw its other credit unions that are not as edented risk introduced to this option are probably over.”  n
the same classification as street loan loss to asset ratio increase well capitalized might face diffi- market. At the same time inves-
hails, rideshare businesses could from negative 0.04% in June 2014 culties if the taxi industry does not tors are demanding higher cash next steps
be considered illegal and shut to 1.43% in June 2015. This rep- stabilize quickly. returns, Transportation Network Read more on lending.
down, according to legal experts. resented more than four times With $179 million in assets and Companies are eroding medallion | Credit Union Times | September 16, 2015 | 16

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