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Talent Acquisition – Hiring


Organization’s Performance Business Enable

Results (2)
TTS = 𝐸5
Assessments Evaluate Empower
(5) (3)
Role Clarity & reinforcement,
free from Micro-Mgt.
Competency Based Assignment

More details will be available in upcoming articles...

Note: This model with five components (𝑬𝟓 ) refers to HR practices emphasizing on strategic and the
“out-of-the-box” concepts of managing recruitment, training etc. Hence, termed “SOLUTIONS”. Thus,
It does not focus on conventional or transactional methods and practices. It aims at bringing
visibilities to HR as a Catalyst and the Business Partner. “Realizing Business Results Through Talents”.

1-EMPLOY (Talent Acquisition): Emphasize on strategic hiring for right talents for the right role at right
time. Besides, it is imperative to measure ROI linking to individual deliverable of new hire (lateral hires),
in six months post hiring. For freshers, it may be one year post hiring.
2-ENABLE (Training): Emphazise on skill and need based training with strategic training modules. Many
organization would have highly potential internal talents/SMEs who do possess better job specific
skills/knowledge compared to external partners/trainers.Hence, design an innovative internal training
module that impacts on higher training effectiveness, improved ROI as well as Business results. For
example; Design an “Internal Faculty Club” comprising of internal talents(more details in article).
3-EMPOWER: Self-explanatory – If a right talent is hired and placed in a competency-based right
assignment, just ensure his/her role is well defined and free from being micro-managed.
4-ENGAGE: If all of the above 3 factors are managed effectively well, the talent would automatically
demonstrate a high degree of engagement and performance. However, provide all tools and support to
reinforce the engagement level.
5-EVALUATE: At the end, Performance Evauation is a must. Define key success indicators and emphasize
on Competency based and Business impact Assessment. Involve the talent in the process by taking
him/her in to confidence. Measurement helps employee know where he/she stands and thus thrive to
perform better and better. If the talent is in a supervisory role, make sure the indicators include tangible
and intangible parameters. The performance outcomes here helps determining the hiring ROI. A highly
engaged employee impacts business through clients’ confidence and satisfaction.
Deepak K. Mohanty (dt. June 2020)

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