AESA Upgrade Option For Eurofighter CAPTOR Radar: M. Barclay, Pietzschmann G. Gonzalez, P. Tellini

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AESA Upgrade Option

For Eurofighter CAPTOR Radar

M. Barclay*, u. Pietzschmannt , G. Gonzalez**, P. Tellinitt

* Selex Galileo, Edinburgh, UK

t EADS Defence Electronics, Ulm, Germany
** Indra, Aranjuez, Spain
t t Selex Galileo, Pomezia, Italy

Abstract- The Euroradar consortium has successfully The Euroradar consortium - comprising Selex Galileo (UK),
developed and demonstrated an AESA technology upgrade for EADS Defence Electronics (Germany), Selex Galileo (Italy)
the Eurofighter Typhoon Captor radar. This technology and Indra (Spain) - has developed an AESA antenna and
demonstrator, designated CAESAR, enables E-scan capability to associated hardware/software modifications which enable E-
be fully exploited by the existing Captor radar, while retaining scan capability to be exploited by the existing Captor radar,
all features and capabilities of the original system. Advanced
while retaining all features and capabilities of the original
waveforms, designed and optimised for electronically scanned
radar systems, have been evaluated in recent CAESAR flight system. This technology demonstrator upgrade package,
trials. Productionisation of the CAESAR system will address re- known as CAESAR, has been flight tested on Eurofighter
packaging of the AESA and associated components to minimise Typhoon and utilises existing aircraft interfaces.
mass and volume, reduce cost and ensure ease of supportability.
CAESAR has demonstrated that AESA benefits can be provided II. CAPTOR RADAR SYSTEM
within the existing Captor framework, enhancing sensor
capability while retaining existing Eurofighter Typhoon The Captor radar is the most advanced multi-mode pulse-
interfaces. Doppler radar of its generation. It is the primary sensor on the
Typhoon platform, currently in service with the four
Index Terms- AESA, Radar. Eurofighter partner nations (UK, Germany, Italy and Spain).
Key features include:
multi-role air-to-air and air-to-surface capability
all aspect automatic detection and tracking
Radar systems based on Active Electronically Scanned Array low pilot workload
(AESA) technology have now been introduced onto dedicated support for Eurofighter Typhoon weapons
operational fighter aircraft. Eurofighter Typhoon, which can
accommodate a large diameter antenna and provide high high transmitted power, low antenna sidelobes
prime power, would derive particular advantage from powerful and flexible ECCM
incorporation of AESA technology. fully programmable and scalable signal and data
The availability of AESA technology will confer many processor.
significant operational, performance and Through Life The Captor radar system currently comprises six Line
Capability Management (TLCM) benefits [1,2]. The Replaceable Items (LRIs).
instantaneous beam-pointing capability, when governed by
energy management algorithms, enables spectacular
performance to be achieved. This is particularly true in air
combat scenarios where the AESA system can be operated as The CAESAR (Captor Active Electronically Scanned Array
a number of independent 'virtual' radar systems, allowing Radar) design concept replaces existing Transmitter,
dedicated tracking of individual targets while maintaining full Waveguide Unit and Scanner/antenna LRIs with a new
search coverage. AESA. Associated power and control functions are provided
Minimisation of logistic support requirements and reduction by Antenna Power Supply and Antenna Control Unit LRIs.
of through-life costs are major drivers for upgrading to E- All other CAPTOR LRIs are retained with minimal
scan. These are facilitated by the inherent high reliability of modification, while aircraft interfaces remain unchanged
AESA technology, and the ability to introduce new (Figure 1).
functionality through software development alone.

1-4244-1539-X/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

Key TRM design features include:
Interfaces fully integrated Control ASIC
GaAs core chip
dual pHEMT HPA
low Noise Figure « 3dB)
o Existing Captor LRI high linearity/TOI
I) New or Modified-Captor LRI
extensive BIT capability.
Figure 1: CAESAR System Block Diagram

Power and Control

Aircraft installation is illustrated in Figure 2.
Aircraft supplies are first rectified and conditioned in the
Antenna Power Conditioning Unit, then converted and further
Control Unit conditioned by the Antenna Power Supply before distribution
to the ASEA via low voltage through-bulkhead cabling.
Antenna Power
Supply Control of the AESA is exercised by the existing Captor
Processor, with updated software. Beamshape and steering
commands are sent to the Antenna Control Unit which
calculates phase/amplitude weights, incorporating corrections
dependent on frequency, temperature and bandwidth. The
data are distributed to individual TRMs using a number of
high-speed fault-tolerant serial links.
Existing Power
Existing Receiver
Conditioning Unit
Modes and Functions
Figure 2: CAESAR Aircraft Installation
Advanced air-to-air prototype modes and associated digital
signal processing algorithms have been developed to derive
maximum advantage from electronic scanning capability.
Key features of the CAESAR AESA design include: Multiple waveforms, individually optimised for search, target
confirmation and track maintenance [3] are used to implement
circa 1500 Transmit/Receive Modules (TRM) arranged an alert-confirm target detection and acquisition strategy,
in nominally circular outline resulting in increased track formation ranges, greatly
wide bandwidth, lightweight, high dynamic range, low improved track tenacity and better measurement accuracy
noise, high power using GaAs pHEMT HPA chipset when compared to a comparable mechanically scanned
> 30 sub-arrays system. Furthermore, in contrast to mechanically scanned
radar systems, track file capacity may be scaled up without
multiple Guard sub-antennas, offering various options
significant impact on search capability or situational
for gain and directional bias
liquid cooled 'plank' architecture
wideband, low cost radiating element designed for high System Test
performance over full range of scan angles, RF
frequencies and waveforms. The CAESAR system was fully integrated and tested in roof-
lab trials prior to being installed in the BAC 1-11 Captor test-
bed aircraft. Equal priority was given to robustness and
Transmit/Receive Module (TRM)
performance, to ensure that useful results could be obtained
The CAESAR TRM is a derivative of an existing lightweight from the earliest flights. Significant effort was expended by
design (see Figure 3). all members of the Euroradar consortium to optimise the
system in order to satisfy these objectives.
Initial AESA calibration and pattern performance assessment
was conducted on a test range. Excellent patterns were
measured up to, and including, the maximum theoretical
achievable electronic scan angles off boresight. A typical
antenna pattern is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 3: Transmit/Receive Module (TRM)
more than 200 development flights on the main development
of the Captor radar for Typhoon. CAESAR, being a member
of the Captor radar family, is able to use the instrumentation
and recording suite without modification.
Initial BAC 1-11 flight trials were conducted from Boscombe
Down airfield in the UK during the spring of 2006. Initial
shakedown flights provided the opportunity for making
adjustments to both radar and aircraft systems, as final
preparation for an intensive round of flight testing.

Figure 4: Antenna Pattern (Boresight).

Sensing performance of the integrated system was evaluated

using a combination of standard Captor test equipment and
Figure 6: BAC 1-11 Captor Test-bed aircraft
ground trials against co-operative fast jet targets. Formal
acceptance testing was concluded in November 2005, Exploitation of the trials data from the initial flights enabled
enabling the system to be released for initial flight trials. CAESAR to be fine-tuned, enhancing E-scan performance on
subsequent flights.
IV. CAESAR EVALUATION (THE CECAR Flight Tests on Eurofighter Typhoon (Development Aircraft
PROGRAMME) DA5) followed in the spring of 2007, conducted from
Manching in Germany [4]. The bulk of this work was funded
Performance of the Euroradar CAESAR system is being by the German MoD, supported by all Euroradar partners, as
evaluated within the CECAR programme which is jointly an adjunct to the CECAR programme. These were focused on
funded by the UK and German governments. This programme a reduced set of functional modes compared to the CAPTOR
involves three phases of flight trials programmes, System, related to the clearance effort and CAESAR
complemented by ground tests and parallel design studies. development status at that time.

Figure 5: CAESAR installed on Captor Test-bed aircraft Figure 7: CAESAR on Eurofighter DA5 Aircraft

It is within the CECAR programme that the operational The radar performed beyond expectation on all flights on both
performance benefits of CAESAR E-scan technology have aircraft. The main achievements of CAESAR flight trials to
been successfully demonstrated in flight tests on the BAC I- date include:
II Captor test-bed and Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft against a
full demonstration of all operational and radar modes,
range of target types. Both aircraft are fitted with a
using conventional and agile-beam scanning strategies,
comprehensive instrumentation suite, which has been used for
including multiple target formations, look-up and look- to commence in the spring of 2008, will introduce advanced
down capability covering both air-to-air and air-to-ground roles.
acquisition of key data for offline analysis, covering Air-to-air performance will be extended through innovative
digitised radar returns, internal and external adaptive waveforms aimed at providing further detection and
communications traffic and monitoring of power and tracking performance benefits, enhanced overall situational
cooling services awareness and robustness of operation. Ground testing was
completed in the latter part of 2007.
CAESAR has demonstrated that high performance
E-scan radar technology can be introduced as an upgrade
to existing equipment, maintaining compatibility with
existing AIC interfaces (mechanical, electrical, cooling
and databus).

Figure 10: High Resolution SAR Map

Air-to-ground performance enhancements will include the

ability to form high resolution maps, with improved
capability over that which can be supported by the existing
Figure 8: Eurofighter Typhoon DA5 Aircraft equipment standard (Figure 10).
Offline analysis of radar data enabled confirmation of
achieved performance, detailed interpretation of observed
events and artifacts, calibration of supporting models and v. LOOKING FORWARD
definition of key design improvements.
CAESAR and the related CECAR programme have provided
An example of clutter maps produced from the processed extremely valuable knowledge which can now be applied
radar data is shown in Figure 9. This clearly shows the directly to productionisation. Flight trials data has resulted in
expected change in clutter distributions as the antenna is waveform and algorithm modifications which, collectively,
scanned away from boresight. will significantly improve both sensing performance and
energy management within the radar system. Further
advances are expected, following completion of forthcoming
flight tests.
A key element of the CAESAR programme involved
evaluation of new supportability strategies. This was aimed at
achieving manifold increases in reliability and maintainability
performance metrics when compared alongside equivalent
conventional mechanically scanned technology. In one
exercise aimed at verifying robustness of the calibration
strategy, the AESA was intentionally stripped down and
rebuilt on a number of occasions. The lessons learned from
this, and similar exercises, will directly inform future TLCM
strategies, with longer term benefit accruing from reduced
Figure 9: Comparison of E-scan Clutter Maps logistic support requirements and lower life cycle costs.
Having successfully proven the technology concept on both
The most significant performance aspect of all flight tests was
the BAC 1-11 and Typhoon platforms, the focus of the
the range at which stable and robust tracks could be formed
Euroradar companies has shifted to design changes geared
on small, fast and highly manoeuvrable air targets, when
toward produceability of a cost-effective AESA upgrade
compared to conventional mechanically scanned systems.
which could enhance future operational, logistical and
performance capabilities of the Eurofighter Typhoon weapons
The CECAR programme will continue with a further round of
system (see Figure 11).
flight trials to be conducted on the BAC 1-11 Captor test-bed
aircraft. This element of the programme, which is scheduled
This exercise is addressing: benefit greatly from valuable lessons learned on the CAESAR
productionisation of AESA components to reduce depth
and mass, increase transmitted power and reduce cost CAESAR has demonstrated that AESA benefits can be
refinement of design to maximise intrinsic supportability provided within the existing Captor framework, enhancing
advantages sensor capability while retaining compatibility with existing
Eurofighter Typhoon interfaces. The programme has
increased level of integration, resulting reduced number
contributed to establishing a route for future upgrade of the
Eurofighter Typhoon weapon system [5]. Series production of
upgrade of Power Supply & Control interfaces to a more advanced variant could, with appropriate emphasis, be
increase capacity and simplify LRI inter-connects achieved within a relatively short time frame. AESA
extension of existing BIT capability technology will provide an excellent basis for further
introduction of provisions to allow for future further development of multi-role capability and ensure that
exploitation of E-Scan technology via software upgrades. capability is maintained in the longer term. Furthermore, this
would be achieved with a reduced Through Life Capability
Management (TLCM) burden.

Existing The authors extend grateful thanks to many colleagues within
Interfaces the Euroradar consortium who are/were involved in the
Receiver I
design, development and evaluation of CAESAR.
Exciter Radar Data
The efforts and support of the Eurofighter partner companies
was essential to successful flights in the Typhoon aircraft.
o Existing Captor LRI 1m New or Modified Captor LRI Finally, much gratitude is due to key government agencies
within the UK and German Ministries of Defence, including:
Figure 11: Productionised CAESAR Bundesamt fUr Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung, DE&S (SANS
& Air EW IPT), DEC (TA), DSTL and FGAN. Collectively,
they have provided direct support in various forms,
This configuration will deliver advanced functionality and particularly funding for flight trials and evaluation of the
capability, including: CAESAR system via the CECAR programme.
multi-channel adaptive beamforming
Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) and Adaptive
Beam Forming (ABF) [1] P E Holbourn, "The Future Evolution Of Airborne
advanced air-to-ground target identification based on Radar", Military Technology, Vol 23, Issue 8, pp 57-64,
ultra high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) August 1999
[2] W. Holpp, "The Future of Radar has Begun", Military
support for Network Enabled Capability, both as
Technology, Vol. 30, Issue 7, 2006, pp. 100 - 102.
gatherer and distributor of high value ISTAR data.

It is intended to conduct advanced flight trials using a [3] P. J. Fielding & A. M. Kinghorn, "Waveform
production-standard configuration at the earliest opportunity. Optimisation for Efficient Resource Allocation in
Airborne AESA Radar Systems", lEE Radar
VI. CONCLUSION Conference, November 2001

The Euroradar CAESAR programme has demonstrated AESA [4] W. Holpp, "E-Scan Radar for Eurofighter and the Pilot's
capability within a variant of the successful Captor Typhoon View", International Radar Symposium, Cologne,
radar. Following extensive ground testing, the system was September 2007.
successfully flight tested on the BAC 1-11 Captor Test-bed
aircraft and on the Eurofighter Typhoon DA5 aircraft. The [5] W. Holpp, "New AESA Radar to Enhance Combat
expected E-scan advantages were fully demonstrated in both Effectiveness of Eurofighter", Military Technology,
air-to-air and air-to-ground roles, operating against a range of Issue 7, 2007.
air and ground targets.

The reliability of the CAESAR equipment was excellent, in

keeping with expectations for AESA technology in general.
The supportability strategy for future AESA products will

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