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Back to School

Xenia Community Schools is committed to creating a safe back-to-school environment
for students and staff. Note that guidelines may change as the situation evolves. For
more details about XCS plans for following state guidelines, see Fact Sheets 1-5.


Training for students & staff. No large group assemblies.
Strive for 6! Social distance where Regular cleaning of high-touch
possible. (Fact Sheet #4) areas; restrooms cleaned every
Per state guidelines, staff members are two (2) hours. 
required to wear masks; exceptions on Plexi partitions added to protect
a case-by-case basis. (Fact Sheet #5) office staff.
Students are strongly encouraged to Individual shields available for staff
wear masks, esp. in common areas. & students working 1-on-1.
Families asked to self-check daily. Room capacity adjusted for public
TRANSPORTATION Screening area for staff, plus an
Assigned seats for students. isolation room for those who
Given the close confines, face show symptoms.
masks are strongly recommended.
Parents dropping off students CLASSROOM & OTHER
should remain in their car and LEARNING SPACES
follow directions (verbal + signs). Sanitation stations added to
every classroom.
VISITORS Physical spaces arranged to
Limit non-essential visitors. maximize distance between
Face masks required. students.
Daily cleaning routines, to include
Arrange schedules & routines to
minimize: 1) shared equipment,
WHEN TO STAY HOME and 2) transitions to other
Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher. learning spaces.
Shortness of breath or problems
breathing. CAFETERIA
New loss of taste or smell. Handwashing before & after.
Also: cough, chills, headache, sore Meals served in the cafeteria.
throat, or muscle pain. (Fact Sheet #1) Minimize self-serve stations.
Lunch times scheduled to
WHAT IF A STUDENT HAS minimize additional interaction.
Student will be isolated & wear a mask. RECESS
Parent pick-up (no bus transportation) Playgrounds cleaned daily.
Communication via Greene County Handwashing prior to return to
Public Health classrooms.

7.8.20 (COMS)

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