Statoil TR0042 Version 4

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Governing document Classification: Internal

Surface preparation and protective coating

Project development (PD)

Technical and professional requirement, TR0042, Final Ver. 4, valid from 2012-10-01

Owner: Chief Engineer Materials Technology

Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/On- and offshore

Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

1 Objective, target group and provision ............................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Objective .................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Target group .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Provision .................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 4.1 “General” .............................................................................. 3
2.3 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 4.4 “Ambient conditions” ............................................................ 4
2.4 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 4.8 “Unpainted surfaces” ............................................................ 4
2.5 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 4.12 “Records and reports” ........................................................ 4
2.6 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 5 “Health, safety and environment”............................................ 4
2.7 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 6.2 “Blast cleaning” .................................................................... 5
2.8 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 9.2 “Materials” (for sprayed on passive fire protection) ............. 6
2.9 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 10.1 “Pre-qualification of products” ............................................ 6
2.10 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 10.2 “Qualification of companies and personnel” ...................... 6
2.11 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 10.3 “Qualification of Procedures” ............................................. 6
2.12 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, Annex A – “Coating systems” ................................................................ 6
2.13 Coating system selection guide for equipment and bulk items for atmospheric exposure ...................... 9
3 Additional information ....................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Definitions and abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Changes from previous version ............................................................................................................... 10
3.3 References ............................................................................................................................................... 10
App A Coating of carbon steel valves and actuators supplied in accordance with TR2000, TR2212,
TR3014 or TR0038 .............................................................................................................................................. 11
App B Coating of stainless steel valves and actuators supplied in accordance with TR2000, TR2212,
TR3014 or TR0038 .............................................................................................................................................. 13

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR0042, Final Ver. 4, valid
from 2012-10-01
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/On- and offshore
Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

1 Objective, target group and provision

1.1 Objective
This document gives the requirements for surface preparation, selection of coating materials, application
and inspection of protective coatings. The requirements are applicable during the construction, installation
and maintenance of offshore and onshore installations including associated equipment and facilities.

The purpose of this document is to ensure the uniform and controlled selection, use and removal of
surface protective coating systems. It covers paints, metallic coatings and spray-on passive fire protective

The aim of this document is to provide requirements facilitating that:

health, safety and environmental impacts comply with governing requirements;
optimal protection of the installation with a minimum need for maintenance is obtained;
the coating system is application friendly;
the coating system is maintenance friendly;

1.2 Target group

The target group for this document is personnel involved in project planning, project execution and
operation of plants/installations. This includes Contractors, manufacturers and third parties employed to
perform work leading to deliveries to Company.

1.3 Provision
This document is provided for in TR3100 Materials technology, technical requirement and standards.

2 Requirements

2.1 Introduction
The requirements for surface preparation and protective coating shall be in accordance with NORSOK M-
501 and the additional requirements stated in this document.

In this document, the additional requirements are related to the referred clauses in NORSOK M-501.

2.2 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 4.1 “General”

Before start of any coating activities, the following shall be finalised and documented:
Coating Procedures Specification as defined in NORSOK M-501 clause 10.3.
Coating Procedure Test as defined in NORSOK M-501 clause 10.3.
Coating inspector’s qualifications as defined in NORSOK M-501 clause 10.2.5.
Operator’s qualifications as defined in NORSOK M-501 clause 10.2.2, 10.2.3 and 10.2.4.

All external surfaces of any equipment shall be coated in accordance with the requirements in this
document. An external surface is a surface that will be exposed to the external environment after the unit
has been assembled. All individual parts of the equipment should be coated before assembling.

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/On- and offshore
Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

Appendix A and appendix B provides specific requirements and options for coating or valves, gearboxes
and actuators supplied in compliance with TR2000, TR2212, TR3014 or TR0038.

Recommended RAL grades for different colours are given in NORSOK M-501 appendix B. Where specific
colours are specified by the project or where requirements for colour coding are governing, these
requirements shall apply. For other areas, default colour for topsides structures and equipment is RAL
9002 (grey white), default colour for submerged structures is RAL 1004 (yellow) and default colour for
subsea equipment, RAL 9002.

2.3 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 4.4 “Ambient conditions”

All surface preparation and protective coating work shall be performed in indoors facilities with climate
control ensuring that the conditions are in compliance with the specified requirements. Habitats or
tarpaulins are also considered as indoors facilities as long as the climate is controlled as specified.

2.4 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 4.8 “Unpainted surfaces”

The following additional requirement applies to compact flanges:
Nut bearing areas, including bolt holes, shall only be coated with primer/1st coat prior to installation.
Any remaining layers around the nut bearing areas shall be applied after installation.

2.5 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 4.12 “Records and reports”

A daily log incorporating all activities related to surface preparation and protective coating shall be
maintained. Report shall be verified and signed by the qualified inspector (ref. clause 10.2.5, Norsok M-

For areas and tanks requiring particular curing and/or cleaning operations after application, e.g. potable
water tanks, these activities and relevant test results shall also be fully documented.

2.6 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 5 “Health, safety and environment”

The primary measure for minimising the HSE impact of surface treatment shall be to ensure that
anticorrosive systems have a long life and long maintenance intervals. The combination of surface
protective products and methods that have the lowest HSE impact over the lifetime shall be preferred
provided that it meets the other requirements specified for coating materials and methods.

TR0926 “Working Environment” shall apply when selecting paint products and other chemicals for surface
protection. Selection and documentation of hazardous chemicals shall also follow requirements in
NORSOK S-002 clause 5.4 “Chemical substances and products”.

Products containing hormone mimics, Lead, Cadmium, Chromate, Mercury or tarry substances shall not
be used.

Polyuretanes and other isocyanate-based products shall not be used. Other products that release di-
isocyanates when heated shall not be used for structures, modules and equipment skids, and not for any
maintenance work.

The table below provides an overall coating product selection matrix related to HSE.

Product group, binders and/or Newbuildings/Projects/New

contents equipment

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from 2012-10-01
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/On- and offshore
Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

Structures, Interior
modules and Equipment (HVAC Exterior
equipment skids )
Cadmium, Mercury, Lead,
Hormone mimics and tarry
Polyurethane paints and any
isocyanate-based product.
Products that release di-
isocyanates if heated.
Low molecular epoxy
Vinyl-based products
Acrylic-based products
without hormone mimics
High molecular epoxy
Silicone-based products
Alkyd-based products
Polyester-based products
Zinc or Aluminium coating
Ethyl-silicate-based products

Red: Use of the products is prohibited.

Key to the table
colour code:

Yellow: Use is subject to Company accept and may be permitted if the products provide
the overall lowest HSE impact in relation to the coating system’s useful life, and the
necessary protective measures for personnel involved are implemented.
Green: Products may be used without specific restrictions.
Blue: Not relevant technology.

All coating shall be removed from surfaces prior to hot work in order to avoid hazardous thermal
decomposition of the paint. Hot work is defined as methods generating a temperature of >150oC, e.g.
welding, cutting and grinding. The coating shall be removed with a “cold” method, and form an area of 15
cm on either side of the hot area. This is also applicable for the rear side of heated surfaces. Methods for
removing coating shall be tested and certified for heat generation.

Abrasives shall not contain carcinogenic substances, Lead or Lead compounds, biological available Nickel
or more than 1 weight% quarts or crystalline silica.

2.7 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 6.2 “Blast cleaning”

Sharp and clean grit with no dust content shall be used.

Handling of degreased and blast cleaned surfaces shall be done with clean gloves and with lifting
equipment that does not pollute the surfaces.

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from 2012-10-01
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/On- and offshore
Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

2.8 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 9.2 “Materials” (for sprayed on passive fire
Use of fiber mesh on larger sections than the defined and quantified limits listed in clause 9.2, is not

2.9 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 10.1 “Pre-qualification of products”

In a pre-qualified coating system the whole system has to be qualified in accordance with ISO 20340.
Substitution of an approved topcoat with another pre-qualified topcoat is not accepted.

2.10 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 10.2 “Qualification of companies and personnel”
The responsible coating inspector shall be a part of the quality assurance system and independent rom
the production department, and shall also be independent from the supplier/manufacturer of the coating

2.11 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, clause 10.3 “Qualification of Procedures”

Documentation of the coating procedure test shall as a minimum include specification of application
equipment, essential preparation, application and curing parameters, coating system data sheet and test-
results according to NORSOK M-501, clause 11, Table 3.

2.12 Addendum to NORSOK M-501, Annex A – “Coating systems”

2.12.1 General addendum

Thin-film coatings are not acceptable for use, with the exception of in non-corrosive internal areas with full
HVAC control. Examples of unacceptable thin-film coatings are electroplating, thin paint coatings with
thicknesses less than specified for coating system no 1, “cold-galvanising”, etc.

Coating thicknesses above maximum dry film thickness specified by the coating manufacturer shall be re-
blasted and recoated. This requirement is valid for each layer and the total thickness.

Equipment frames, foundations and equipment structures located in outdoor marine environments shall be
coated in compliance with coating system no. 2A, 2B or hot dip galvanised in compliance with NORSOK
M-501 clause 4.11.

Where aluminium punched hole deck plates or hot dip galvanized grating are resting on painted surfaces,
the painted landing area shall be protected from damage with non-metallic pads glued to the landing

2.12.2 Pipe welds

Paintwork on pipes, including welds, can be completed prior to leak testing according to ASME B31.3. All
welds are to be left un-insulated prior to testing.

2.12.3 Pipes in insulated pipe penetrations

The part of pipes that penetrates an insulated pipe penetration shall be coated according to coating
requirements for insulated pipes. The coated area shall include the pipe-penetration and 0.5 meter on
each side.

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Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

2.12.4 Coating under perforated guards

When perforated guards are used for personnel protection (NORSOK R-004 Insulation class 3 with
T 150oC), coating system as for un-insulated pipes and vessels shall be used.

2.12.5 Coating to mitigate risk for chloride stress corrosion cracking

Stainless steels items which will be operating above the temperature limit for chloride stress corrosion
cracking shall be externally coated. Applicable coating systems are no 2A and 6 in accordance with the
requirements of this document. If type 316 is used above 60ºC coating system 2A shall be used.
Requirements for such coating shall be given in the design documentation.

2.12.6 Coating of splash zone and exposed areas below deck

Relevant requirements for coating system no 1 and no 7 shall apply. Additional requirements are given

For the splash zone on jackets and floating platforms, the following shall apply:
Glass flake polyester applied in at least two coats to a coating thickness 1000 µm DFT. Glass flake
epoxy applied in at least two coats to a coating thickness 600 µm DFT. The coating system shall pre-
qualified in accordance with M-501 clause 10.1 as both system no 1 and system no 7, and relevant
successful field experience shall be documented.

For the splash zone on ship shaped floating structures, one of the following two alternatives shall apply:
The same as for jackets and floating platforms as described above.
As specified in M-501.

For the areas between the splash zone and underside of deck, one of the following alternatives shall
Coating system no 2A (only if grey colour and coarse surface finish is accepted).
Coating system no 2B.
Glass flake polyester applied in at least two coats to a coating thickness 1000 µm DFT or glass flake
epoxy applied in at least two coats to a coating thickness 600 µm DFT. Systems shall be pre-
qualified in accordance with M-501 clause 10.1.

2.12.7 Coating system no 1

Deck areas; see also requirements for coating system no 4 in paragraph 2.12.9.

2.12.8 Coating system no 2

In addition to the mandatory requirements for coating system no 2 in NORSOK M-501, the following shall
Coating system no 2A or 2B shall be applied on underside of bottom deck. This includes piping, and
outfitting under bottom decks on offshore platforms.
Coating system no 2A or 2B shall be applied on lifeboat stations.
Note 4, describing phenolic epoxy as an alternative to metalizing, shall not apply.

On Troll A and Kollsnes, coating system no 2A or 2B shall in addition be used in marine atmosphere on all
carbon steel equipment, carbon steel pipes with diameter >3” and carbon steel valve manifolds.

For approved deviations, where application of thermally sprayed Zinc or Aluminium is determined not to be
a feasible method for maintenance, the following shall apply;
Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR0042, Final Ver. 4, valid
from 2012-10-01
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/On- and offshore
Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

for structures, coating system no 1 may be selected;

for insulated piping and equipment operating at <120 oC, coating system no 1 or 9 may be selected;
insulated and uninsulated surfaces with temperatures >120 oC, require special evaluation.

2.12.9 Coating system no 4

The following requirements shall apply:
Minimum dry film thickness of complete system: 3000 µm.
Minimum 2 coats shall be used. Prior to applying the coating with non-skid aggregates, a primer (and
any second coat) without aggregates shall be applied and fully cured to ensure that no aggregates
penetrate to the substrate.
In the pre-qualification testing defined in NORSOK M-501 Table 1, the acceptance criteria for corrosion
from a scribe shall be 3mm regardless of the type of primer used, i.e. also when other primers than
Zn (R) are used.

Coating system no 4 may be used on other deck areas as alternative to the 4 coat system 1 with

Based on an overall evaluation of cost and fulfilment of functional requirements, application of coating
system no 4 on complete deck areas should be considered as a replacement for the 4 coat non-skid
coating system no 1. In such cases a thinner layer with non-skid aggregates may be applied such that the
overall thickness is minimum 1500 µm, but the primer coat(s) shall be in compliance with a full coating
system no 4. The reduced coating system shall be pre-qualified according to the same requirements as a
full coating system no 4.

2.12.10 Coating system No. 6

Modification and clarifications:
Coating system no 6 shall be applied on:
- all insulated stainless steel piping and vessels regardless of the location;
- all uninsulated 316 stainless steel vessels and piping >2” in production and process systems
carrying hydrocarbons and which are located in marine environments without mechanical
ventilation or HVAC
- 316 stainless steel valves in such systems may be left uncoated, except for the weld zone on
valves welded in to the piping system.
Coating system no 6 shall be replaced with coating system no 2A as specified in section 2.12.5.
2x125µm epoxy phenolic may be used at operating temperatures up to 150oC, and can be used at
higher temperatures if the product is documented and has a relevant track record. Accordingly, silicone
paint shall not be used in the temperature range where epoxy phenolic can be used.
Hot-dip galvanised steel structures like handrails and ladders shall be painted when located in
outdoors marine atmosphere.
Hot-dip galvanised steel items located inside vessel hulls or platform substructures can be left
Hot-dip galvanised steel fittings, brackets, hand-wheels on valves, bolts etc. shall not be painted
except in cases where this is a specific requirement, for example for safety reasons. If the above items
are painted, system 6 shall be used.

Corrosion protection of insulated instrument tubing and small-bore piping with nominal diameter 2 inch:
Blast cleaning of small bore piping and tubing is normally not practically feasible. Materials grades like
stainless steel type 316 and 22Cr duplex which shall be painted under insulation should, therefore be
avoided for outdoor marine environments.

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Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

Pre-insulated unpainted stainless steel type 316 instrument tubing is acceptable for indoor conditions.
6Mo, 25Cr duplex stainless and more corrosion resistant instrument tubing and small-bore piping with
nominal diameter 2 inch may be left uncoated under insulation unless otherwise specified.

2.12.11 Coating system No. 9

Bulk supplied valves actuators and gear boxes shall be coated with 1x75µm Zinc ethyl silicate and an
epoxy tie coat. Final coating conducted at the assembly site shall be as follows:
Surfaces with maximum operating temperature 120 oC shall be further coated to comply with coating
system no 1.
Surfaces with maximum operating temperature > 120 oC shall be reblasted and coated with coating
system no 2A.
Prior to any overcoating of a Zinc ethyl silicate a curing test according to ASTM D4752 shall be performed.
See also appendix A and B for coating of valves and actuators supplied in accordance with TR2000,
TR2212, TR3014 or TR0038.

2.13 Coating system selection guide for equipment and bulk items for atmospheric exposure


Accumulators 1 See also appendix A and B.

Actuators 1 See also appendix A and B.

Gearboxes 1 See also appendix A and B.

Equipment frames, foundations and o

2A, 2B or hot dip galvanizing 2B for temperatures < 120 C only
equipment structures
Uninsulated pipes and vessels System 1. 2A and 2B also

T<120oC acceptable.
Uninsulated pipes and vessels T
Insulated pipes and vessels 2A

Systems 1. 2A and 2B also

Valves o See also appendix A and B.
acceptable. (2B for T 120 C)

Motors 1, 2A or 2B See TR3122

Underneath and above passive fire
5A Spray on passive fireprotection
Submerged carbon steel 7
Carbon steel surfaces not given above 1 2A and 2B are also acceptable
Accumulators No coating See also appendix A and B.
Actuators No coating See also appendix A and B.

Gear boxes No coating See also appendix A and B.

Structural items No coating If painting is specified: 6
Uninsulated pipes and vessels T < No coating unless specified
If painting is specified: 6
XoC in section 2.12.10
Uninsulated pipes and vessels T Except for 316, system 6 i.e. epoxy
>XoC phenolic can be used up to 150 oC.
Insulated pipes and vessels T < X C 6
o Except for 316, system 6 i.e. epoxy
Insulated pipes and vessels T > X C 2A o
phenolic can be used up to 150 C

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Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal


Uninsulated valves T < X C No coating If painting is specified: 6
Uninsulated valves T > X C 2A
Insulated valves T < X C 6 See also appendix A and B.
See also appendix A and B. Except
Insulated valves T > XoC 2A for on 316, system 6 i.e. epoxy
phenolic can be used up to 150 C.

Hot dip galvanised steel except


6 When painting is specified

grating, bolts, nuts


Aluminium 6 When painting is specified

Definition: Exposure (operating) temperature X, above which chloride stress corrosion cracking can occur:

Stainless Steel type: 316 22%Cr duplex 25%Cr duplex 6Mo

Operating temperature (X) 60°C 100°C 110°C 120°C

3 Additional information

3.1 Definitions and abbreviations

RAL Colour definitions issued by RAL (Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung e.V.)

3.2 Changes from previous version

NORSOK M-501 rev 6 has adopted many of the requirements in the previous revision of TR0042, and
these requirements have now been removed from TR0042. NORSOK M-501 outlines the changes done
to the document.

In addition, more specific requirements have been given for coating of splash zones and exposed areas
above the sea level. More specific requirements have also been given for coating of deck areas.

Clause 2.9 describes the principles for the independence of the coating inspectors.

3.3 References
ASME B31.3 Process piping
ASTM D4752 Standard Test Method for Measuring MEK Resistance of Ethyl Silicate (Inorganic) Zinc-Rich
Primers by Solvent Rub.
ISO 1461 Metallic coatings. Hot-dip galvanised coating on fabricated ferrous products. Requirements.
NORSOK M-501 Surface preparation and protective coating
NORSOK R-004 Piping and equipment insulation
NORSOK S-002 Working environment
TR0926 Working environment
TR0038 Valve actuators
TR2212 Control and choke valves
TR3014 Safety relief valves and rupture discs
TR3100 Materials technology, technical requirement and standards
TR3122 Three phase cage induction motors

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Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

App A Coating of carbon steel valves and actuators supplied in accordance with
TR2000, TR2212, TR3014 or TR0038
All surface protection shall be according to the requirements in TR0042. Supplementary
requirements are listed below. Isocyanate-based paint products (e.g. polyurethanes) or
paint products that release di-isocyanates when heated shall not be used.

Coating system to be selected based on maximum and minimum operating temperatures.

In the event coating inspectors qualified to NACE or FROSIO as specified is not available,
Company can consider accepting alternative qualification of inspectors from the painting
shops. The acceptance shall be formalized by a Concession Request (CR) including
documentation of alternative qualification of the inspector. The approval of the CR may
require a verification of the paint shop and will be agreed from case to case. The paint
quality is followed closely and any reduced quality following alternative inspector
qualification acceptance may lead to withdrawal of the CR.

When coating is specified, all external surfaces shall be coated. An external surface is a
surface that will be exposed to atmosphere after the valve/actuator/gearbox is assembled.
All bolt holes, not suitable for coating, shall as a minimum requirement be preserved with

All bolt holes, not suitable for coating shall as a minimum requirement be preserved with

Carbon steel hand wheels and handles shall be hot dip galvanized to ISO 1461, followed
by painting according to NORSOK M-501 coating system no 6.

Default coating
For valves, actuators and gear boxes in carbon steel:
Operating temperature < 120°C
1x75µm zinc ethyl silicate primer + tie coat, intermediate coat and top coat. The
coating system shall have been pre-qualified to NORSOK M-501 as coating system no
Operating temperature > 120°C
200µm Thermally Sprayed Aluminium + sealer according to NORSOK M-501 coating
system 2A.

Optional valve coating

The following optional coating requirements apply if specified for the supply:
1x75µm zinc ethyl silicate primer + 2x25 m Aluminium silicone. (For valves, actuators
and gear boxes in carbon steel with operating temperature 120 ºC < T < 400 ºC)
200µm Thermally Sprayed Aluminium + sealer according to NORSOK M-501 coating
system 2A.
No surface protection beyond 1x75µm zinc ethyl silicate primer. (This option is
applicable for delivery from the supplier only. A complete coating system shall be
applied when the valve is installed in the piping system).

Colour coding

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Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

Unless otherwise specified, the colour shall be RAL 9002 for valves and accessories.
For actuators colour coding is depended on failure action:
Fail open: RAL 6002 ( green )
Fail close: RAL 3000 ( red )
Fail lock: RAL 9002 (grey white)

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/On- and offshore
Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

App B Coating of stainless steel valves and actuators supplied in accordance with
TR2000, TR2212, TR3014 or TR0038

All surface protection shall be according to TR0042 and NORSOK M-501. Supplementary
requirements are listed below. Isocyanate-based paint products (e.g. polyurethanes) or
paint products that release di-isocyanates when heated shall not be used.

Coating system to be selected based on maximum and minimum operating temperatures.

In the event coating inspectors qualified to NACE or FROSIO as specified is not available,
Company can consider accepting alternative qualification of inspectors from the painting
shops. The acceptance shall be formalized by a Concession Request (CR) including
documentation of alternative qualification. The approval of the CR may require a
verification of the paint shop and will be agreed from case to case. The paint quality is
followed closely and any reduced quality following alternative inspector qualification
acceptance may lead to withdrawal of the CR.

When coating is specified, all external surfaces shall be coated. An external surface is a
surface that will be exposed to atmosphere after the valve/actuator/gearbox is assembled.
All bolt holes, not suitable for coating, shall as a minimum requirement be preserved with

Carbon steel hand wheels and handles shall be hot dip galvanized to ISO 1461, followed
by painting according to NORSOK M-501 coating system no 6.

Default coating
Valve not coated.

Actuators and gearboxes in carbon steel:

Operating temperature < 120°C:
1x75µm zinc ethyl silicate primer + tie coat, intermediate coat and top coat. The
coating system shall have been pre-qualified to NORSOK M-501 as coating system no
Operating temperature > 120°C
200µm Thermally Sprayed Aluminium + sealer according to NORSOK M-501 coating
system 2A.

Optional valve coating

The following optional coating requirements apply if specified for the supply:
Valves, actuators and gear boxes in stainless steel with operating temperature <
150°C: Coating system no 6 according to NORSOK M-501 with 2 coats phenolic
epoxy. Total dry film thickness 250 m.
200µm Thermally Sprayed Aluminium + sealer according to NORSOK M-501 coating
system 2A on valves in the following material qualities: AISI 316, 22%Cr duplex,
25%Cr duplex and 6Mo.

Colour coding
Unless otherwise specified, the colour shall be RAL 9002 for valves and accessories.

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/On- and offshore
Governing document: Surface preparation and protective coating Classification: Internal

For actuators colour coding is depended on failure action:

Fail open: RAL 6002 ( green )
Fail close: RAL 3000 ( red )
Fail lock: RAL 9002 (grey white)

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from 2012-10-01
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/On- and offshore

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