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Mapua University

Muralla St. Intramuros, Manila

Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering



CRUZ, Joshua Miguel L.

ME137L – 2
2016142124 GRADE
Group 2 – A19

Engr. Jose V. Hernandez

Shop Practice No. 1
1. To be able to make a dust pan.
2. To familiarize the students to use a bending machine.
3. To apply other methods of bending.
4. To enable the students to know other types of hand tools.


Proper utilization and standardization of cutting commercial size of tin sheet that is a
significant factor in cost reduction of any project. Have knowledge of working with plan and
layout in order to produce a good quality project.

1 piece 12” x 12” tin sheet
1 piece 1” x 2” x 28” wood
2 pieces of blind rivet for riveting


Tin snip – for cutting tin sheets of metal with gauge 18 or higher.
Back saw – for cutting woods.
Hammer – for pounding nails.
Plane – for reducing and smoothing surface.
Mallet – for pounding tin sheet and wood chisel.
Flat File
Rasp File – for wood only
Drill Press
Bender – manual
Drill Bit -
1. Make a pattern drawing of a dust pan.

2. Transfer the pattern drawing in a ___x___ G.I sheet.

3. Cut the G.I sheet with a tin snip.
4. Using a bender, bend all the possible portion that a bender can accommodate. The
remaining bend, use the mallet and the straight wedge for bending.
5. Cut a ___x___x___ wood. Smooth the surface of the wood and tapered it by ___x___
face width.
6. At the end of the ___x___, cut it in the mid section at least ___ depth.

7. Then attach the wooden handle to the folded G.I sheet by means of a nail. Finish.
1. What is a tin snip?

Tin snips are also known as Tinner’s snips. They are similar to scissors and look like
garden shears. They are one of the most popular types of snips. They usually have wide
jaws and are made from drop forged carbon steel. Their function is to cut thin sheets of
metal. The type of metal that they can cut is dependent on the size of the blade of the
snip. Furthermore, there are two types of tin snips: the duck-bill pattern and the straight
pattern. The duck-bill pattern is used for cutting curves while the straight pattern is used
for straight cutting.

2. Why is there a need of clipping the edges of the dust pan?

Clipping the edges of the dust pan ensures that sharp edges will not be left on the dust
pan which could potentially injure someone who is using the dust pan. Furthermore,
clipping the edges of the dust pan will also ensure the quality of the product since extra
and uneven sides of the dust pan is undesirable to look at.

3. Is there a need for flaring out the front side of the dust pan?

Yes because flaring the front side of the dust pan will make the collection of dirt easier.
Since, we will flare the front side then the sheet metal at that side will widen so a larger
area of dirt can now be picked up with the dust pan.

4. To avoid breaking out the wood edge while riveting, what is the best thing to do?

To lessen the risk of breaking the wood during riveting, you should carefully apply the
pressure from riveting or to not put too much pressure on the weak points of the wood.
Furthermore, it would also be suitable to find a place or table surface to situate the dust
pan securely and flat in orientation while keeping it in place using the pressure from the
riveting process.

5. Why do you use a mallet in pounding a G.I sheet?

Since mallets are generally lighter than other hammers and have a soft blow, they are
suitable for hammering objects without damaging it. One application of this is in
pounding a G.I sheet. We can use the mallet to gently bend the sheet of metal or
straighten it without damaging the metal.

6. How many 12 inches by 12 inches G.I sheet you can cut out of 4 feet by 8 feet standard
G.I sheet?
A 4 feet by 8 feet standard G.I sheet has an area of 32 feet squared and a 12 inches by 12
inches G.I sheet will have an area of 1 foot squared so the 4 feet by 8 feet G.I sheet can
be cut into 32 individual 12 inches by 12 inches sheets.

7. Name two other ways for bending G.I sheet.

There are many ways of bending G.I sheets of metal. An example of this method is
manual bending wherein you will clamp the metal sheet using a clamping tool and you
will use a heavy object preferably a mallet to bend the sheet metal. Another way of
bending the G.I sheet is with the use of a roll bender which is specifically made to bend
sheet metal and metal bars.

8. What will happen when you attached a longer handle to the dust pan?

A longer handle will inadvertently put a higher stress on the wood which will make it
more susceptible to break. That’s why shorter handles are more suitable as handles as
long as it is comfortable for the person’s height and wingspan.

9. Why is there a need to tapered the handle?

Tapering the handle will remove any rough and jagged edges that may cause injury to the
person using it. Also, tapering the handle will ensure that the handle will be ergonomical
and comfortable to use. Furthermore, this will ensure that the handle will have a better
grip and have a smooth finish.

10. What is the use of a flat nose vise grip?

It is a type of clamping tool used for holding flat surfaces securely to make it more
convenient to work on.
In this activity, we were divided into groups consisting of six members each. So for our
first activity in ME137L-2, we were tasked to create a dust pan from a piece of sheet metal and a
piece of wood. The creation of this dust pan would introduce us on how to bend metal and how
to rivet and use a smooth plane. The activity itself was quite easy to do since the pattern was
already done for us so we only had to trace the pattern on the sheet metal and trim the excess
pieces. In the activity, I took on the duty of making the handle along with another member of the
group. At first, I tried using a file to taper the handle but the assistant in the lab showed me how
to use a smooth plane. The smooth plane made it easier and faster to taper the handle because
more of the material was being removed in less strokes. Even though, I did not participate in
using the bending machine in the lab, I observed how it was done and it was a fairly easy job to
do. The bending machine made it easier to bend sheet metal without damaging it. After bending
the sheet metal into the appropriate shape, we were also thought on how to straighten and bend
erroneous pieces of metal with the use of a hammer. To do that, you should simply clamp the
piece of metal with a clamping tool and hammer out the metal into your desired shape or form.
The lab assistant also told us that the body of the dust pan should be fully touching the ground so
we had to iron out the sheet metal until we reached that point. He also showed us the importance
of clipping the edges to remove any sharp edges from the metal and to flare the front end of the
dust pan so that dirt can be collected easier. After making the dust pan head and the handle, it
was time to join them together. To do that, we were going to attach the dust pan head and the
handle by using a rivet and a riveting tool. We first had to mark where the handle and the rivet
will be placed then we drilled two holes for the two rivets. And our lone female member was the
one who used the riveting tool. In using the riveting tool, it is essential that you do not put too
much force when clamping down the tool because it may break the wooden handle or break the
rivet. So all in all, we learned a new technique which was bending metal and how to use new
In conclusion, this activity provided the students with a good introduction to the subject.
During ME123L-2, we were introduced to woodworks but now in ME137L-2, we will be doing
metalworks so an activity like this is an optimal way of introducing us to the subject. In this
session, we learned how to bend metal using a bending machine and a good old-fashioned
hammer. It also gave us a glimpse to the manufacturing of a dust pan which is seemingly easy
but in reality it is engineered perfectly to do its job of picking up dirt in an efficient manner. It
also made us appreciate the time and effort in making even just one of these dust pans.
As for recommendations, we advise that to those who will be doing this activity next, they
should make sure that the pattern is traced properly on the sheet metal so that they will not have
an asymmetrical piece of sheet metal. Also, make sure to use a smooth plane in tapering the
handle to save time. Just use a file when doing some final touches in smoothing the handle.
Furthermore do not put too much pressure when using the smooth plane on the piece of wood
because it may break. Another thing to note in using the bending machine, is to bend the metal
slowly and always listen to the lab assistant’s instructions so not to commit any mistakes.
Furthermore, be mindful when using the drill press to avoid any errors and any accidents in the
lab. Also, in riveting be gentle in applying force when putting the rivet because it might also
break the wood. And also, do not forget to clip the sharp edges of your dust pan and to flare the
front side of the dust pan.


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