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1. He (work) in a supermarket before he (work) as a postman.

2. She (feed) the dog as soon as she (do) her homework.

3. My sister (live) in England before she (move) to Belgium.

4. After he (eat) all the sandwiches, he (drink) some orange juice.

5. We (be) tired because we (work) all day.

6. As I (miss) the bus, I (walk) home again.

7. After they (install) the file, they (can) go on working.

8. He (just start) to watch TV when the telephone (ring).

9. Before she (go) to bed, she (listen) to her favourite CD.

10. After he (lose) all his money, he (be) poor as a church mouse.

11. She (have) a cup of coffee before she (write) the letter.

12. My sister (eat) all the jam before our parents (come) home.

13. Tom (be) very angry because Ann (shout) at him.

14. She (go) home again as soon as she (do) her shopping.

15. They (go) to a sightseeing tour after the bus (arrive).

2. After Fred (to spend) his holiday in Italy he (to want) to learn
3.  Jill (to phone) Dad at work before she (to leave) for her trip.
4.  Susan (to turn on) the radio after she (to wash) the dishes.
5.  When she (to arrive) the match already (to start).
6.  After the man (to come) home he (to feed) the cat.
7.  Before he (to sing) a song he (to play) the guitar.
8.  She (to watch) a video after the children (to go) to bed.
9.  After Eric (to make) breakfast he (to phone) his friend.
10.  I (to be) very tired because I (to study) too much.
11. They (to ride) their bikes before they (to meet) their friends.

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