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The Trends Report 2020

Change Equals Opportunity

If you had trouble filling your
seats in 2019 don’t expect it to
be any easier this year. With a
historically low unemployment rate
and many companies increasing
their sophistication in the staffing
process, there will be fierce
competition for talent in 2020.
We’ve analyzed learnings
from our clients, news
Your candidates have higher
stories, and industry
expectations than ever and
research to pinpoint the most
your competitors are looking
important trends shaping our
for innovative ways to attract,
industry in 2020.
identify, and retain the best talent.

2020 hiring is not a hopeless endeavor. Change Every year we like to use our expertise to predict
is an opportunity to ensure you’re following best and understand the trends that will shape our
practices and staying current with trends shaping our industry in the coming year. Armed with this
industry. information you’ll be better equipped to understand
how these trends may impact your organization.
We serve and partner with an incredibly diverse set of
companies that together cover most of the job market 2020 will be a challenging year to hire good
today. Big and small, across industries, job types, and candidates, but we think that’s a good thing. It just
levels, we hear the needs, goals, fears, and thoughts means there’s going to be more opportunity for
of practitioners across the field. And in spite of these people like you, proactively trying to understand
differences we hear the same questions, and are what’s coming, to make an impact.
asked to help align to similar goals.

Modern Hire | T h e Tr e n d s R e p o r t 2 0 2 0 : C h a n g e E q u a l s O p p o r t u n i t y | 3
Trend #1: Hiring for Retention

One of the most significant trends seen in 2019 is At the same time, the rate of voluntary turnover
the shift to prioritize the management of turnover is increasing. In 2018, 41 million Americans chose
during the hiring process, rather than handling it to leave their jobs, and in 2020, that number is
post-hire. Organizations are now expanding efforts expected to increase to 47 million, or roughly one
to identify turnover risks pre-hire and are purposely out of every three workers3.
selecting candidates who are more likely to stay on
the job. The unemployment rate and voluntary turnover
rate go hand-in-hand.
As of November 2019, the unemployment rate in the
United States reached an astonishing low at 3.5%1. As organizations have to work harder to find talent,
Individual states are experiencing even lower rates employees have more and better options for
of unemployment. In November 2019, 13 states had employment. The priority becomes not just finding
an unemployment rate below 3%, including several potential high performers but also those candidates
large economies such as Colorado (2.6%), Virginia most likely to stay with the organization for more
(2.6%), and Massachusetts (2.9%)2. than a few months.

1 in 3
workers will choose to
leave their job in 2020


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Trend #1: Hiring for Retention (continued)

Employers have anchored their hiring expectations How Modern Hire helps hire for
to what they experienced at the height of the great retention
recession, when unemployment rates were as high
as 10%. Job seekers have spent over two years in an For over 15 years, Modern Hire scientists
have built assessments focused on the
economy with an unemployment rate at 4% or below.
client’s need for a selection system
These numbers may be good for 401k contributions,
that predicted performance. Over the
and they are undoubtedly good for candidates, but past few years, client priorities have
low unemployment poses a significant challenge to shifted. More often now, clients are
organizations trying to hire the best candidates or hire requesting assessments with pre-hire
any candidates at all. tenure predictors. The shift in focus from
solely performance-based predictions
Organizations now need to prove that the job being
to tenure-based predictions is seen
offered is better than the position candidates already
more frequently in RFPs and with current
have. Some of the biggest firms are offering more clients who have begun adding tenure
competitive compensation. In late 2018, Amazon predictors to existing Modern Hire
increased its minimum wage for all employees to solutions.
$15 an hour4. Not to be outdone, Bank of America
will be paying all employees a minimum of $20 per Through 2017 and 2018, many clients
hour starting in 20205. While the federal minimum wage asked for solutions that weighed
sits at $7.25, it’s clear that organizations are feeling performance and retention prediction
pressure to do more to attract talent that will stay. equally. In 2019, Modern Hire rolled out
the first assessment designed exclusively
The financial impact of turnover is substantial. Many to predict employee retention, without
estimates show it costs businesses about one-fifth of any consideration of performance. This
a worker’s salary to replace that worker after turnover. system took advantage of learnings
If that worker holds a position of seniority, the cost of gained through collecting data on
turnover is even higher6.  Firms underestimate turnover millions of hires, and applies advanced
analytics such as machine- and deep-
costs by simply looking at the cost-to-replace. The
learning models to gain increases
true impact is felt by tallying up costs associated with
in predictive validities. We’ve found
training, slow productivity until a new employee gets
innovative ways to predict turnover,
up to speed in the job and, more subtle costs like the such as scoring open ended text for
impact turnover has on employee morale. culture fit and a candidate’s intention to
remain at an organization long past the
probationary period.

Modern Hire intends to continue to

share internal research on what predicts
turnover throughout 2020.


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Trend #1: Hiring for Retention (continued)

Several large firms have already invested While smaller firms will not experience value
heavily and realized enormous benefits by selecting at that scale, they are realizing that investing in
for employee retention. One of those firms is retaining employees is far less expensive than the
Walmart, who, in 2019, won the Society for Human costs of replacing an employee.  
Resource Management’s HR Impact Award7. The
award recognizes organizations with outstanding Ultimately, the trend of hiring for retention will
evidence-based HR management practices. continue in the next year and beyond. We believe it
will fundamentally change how practitioners view the
Walmart won the prestigious award based value they can derive from a well-validated pre-hire
primarily on its efforts to reduce turnover through process.  
a pre-hire assessment, with an estimated impact
of over one billion dollars. 
While smaller firms will not experience
value at that scale, they are realizing
that investing in retaining employees
is far less expensive than the costs of
replacing an emplooyee.


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Trend #2: Improving the candidate and recruiter experience
through technology

Advances in technology allow organizations to leverage

new and innovative ways to understand and improve the
candidate experience.

Statistics show a recent increase in sentiment While the traditional focus has been on improving
analysis of open-ended candidate feedback, which the candidate experience, technology is allowing
has jumped 43% in just two years8. By tapping into recruiters to engage with hiring managers and
candidate feedback with tools like natural language candidates more effectively than ever. Integrating
processing and machine learning, organizations artificial intelligence, such as machine learning or
can understand potential problem areas from the predictive algorithms, to the time-intensive aspects
candidates’ perspective more quickly and become of hiring practices allows recruiters to be more
better equipped to address them.  proactive in sourcing internal and external talent.
These AI-based tools have several applications,
including candidate sourcing, screening, scheduling,
and interviewing.  

Today, organizations are rightfully concerned with

improving the candidate interview experience in

Employers are increasingly turning to different tools

like self-scheduling and on-demand interviewing
to do so8. In a candidate-driven market9, it is even
more crucial that the interview process be as
quick and efficient as possible. Hiring managers
increasingly use video interviews to shorten the
time it takes to make a hire and extend their reach

to candidates in different geographical locations.
A recent study found that more than 60% of hiring
managers and recruiters now use video for their
interviewing needs10.
of hiring managers and
recruiters use video

8. Talent Board, 2018.

9. Talent Board, 2018.
10. Blank, A., & Edwards, R. (2019). Tight labor market continues in 2018 as the unemployment rate falls to a 49-year low. Monthly Labor Review, 1-33.

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Trend #2: Improving the candidate and recruiter experience
through technology (continued)

There is a great deal of buzz about candidate There’s a place for AI in video interviewing, too. A
reactions to asynchronous video interviews recent survey found that 33% of respondents
(AVIs). Defined as one-way interviews that already use some form of AI in the hiring process
candidates can complete on their own time, and that to save time and reduce human bias14. While using
allow employers to interview an unlimited number of AI may also introduce new anxiety for job seekers,
candidates, recording their answers automatically11, research indicates this anxiety becomes secondary
this type of interviewing is quickly becoming the when a candidate has a favorable attitude towards
new norm. the hiring organization15. 

At this stage, not all job seekers are comfortable Now more so than ever, technology is being used
with the AVI format. However, plenty of online to improve the experience for both candidates
resources provide strategies for success, which and recruiters. Asynchronous video interviews, real-
should ease some of that discomfort12. Research time sentiment analysis, self-scheduling, and AI-
on AVIs finds significant benefits over two-way powered tools are allowing for a two-way channel
interviews, such as less bias based on physical of communication and information exchanges that
appearance in the ratings, and similar fairness benefit both parties. While the form and function
perceptions from the candidate perspective13.  of these technologies are ever-changing, their
applications have a clear role for improving the
The use of tools like AVIs means more traditional hiring process.  
methods of video interviewing, like synchronous
video interviews, in which both parties are present
virtually, can be reserved for later in the hiring
process. Candidates tend to favor this type of
interviewing, likely because of benefits like gaining
real-time feedback. Synchronous video can be more We delve deeper into ethical
useful as an information-gathering resource from the
candidate’s side as well.   concerns relating to AI with
trend #3, but here we note
that many concerns arise
with the use of AI and
that transparency
is paramount to favorable
candidate experiences.

11. Suen, H. Y., Chen, M. Y. C., & Lu, S. H. (2019). Does the use of synchrony and artificial intelligence in video interviews affect interview ratings and applicant attitudes?
Computers in Human Behavior, 98, 93-101. 
13. Suen, H. Y., Chen, M. Y. C., & Lu, S. H. (2019). Does the use of synchrony and artificial intelligence in video interviews affect interview ratings and applicant attitudes?
Computers in Human Behavior, 98, 93-101
15. ZVan Esch, P., Black, J. S., & Ferolie, J. (2019). Marketing AI recruitment: the next phase in job application and selection. Computers in Human Behavior, 90, 215-222. 

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Trend #3: Establishing Artificial Intelligence laws and ethics

2019 was a watershed year for the topic of One downside of the expanding AI market is that many
ethics in Artificial Intelligence (AI). offerings are driven by technologists who have little
background in HR or I/O psychology. Products may
As the excitement around AI began to level off, claim to use AI to better predict job performance and
it became increasingly apparent that there are turnover, but many offer little in the way of scientific proof,
important issues to consider if AI is to be used in protected class fairness, or demonstrated job relevance.
a just and fair way for all. In 2020, expect to see Examples include:
substantial progress on these issues.
• a test that supposedly predicts job fit by your color
While AI is often marketed as a clear differentiator preference
for hiring and HR tools, the term itself is extremely
broad. Today, it encompasses a range of newer • tests that use imagery instead of words
analytical capabilities that use machine learning
and increasingly, deep learning. One of the • simple games purporting to measure job-relevant
exciting aspects of newer machine and deep constructs, and
learning techniques is that they can be applied • video interviews scored on facial features and micro-
to messy, non-numerical data. Advances in the gestures
wider technology marketplace are the result,
such as interactive voice assistants like Amazon’s While vendors may claim these products are valid
Alexa, and cars that can nearly drive themselves. and legal predictors of job performance, little publicly
available scientific data proves the case. If a company
Excitement around AI has led to many new hiring cannot point to clear proof of their product’s efficacy, then
tools which purport to use AI to make the hiring that proof likely does not exist.
process more seamless, efficient, and effective.
However, these tools do not necessarily utilize
the latest deep learning advances, so it falls to
HR professionals to evaluate the claimed versus
actual tool benefits. Many of the offerings in the AI hiring marketplace are
aimed at helping companies rather than individual
candidates. They are designed to collect and evaluate
information on individuals and use that information to help
companies decide whether to hire the candidate or not.
Excitement around AI has led to many
new hiring tools which purport to use Powerful new AI capabilities can create an imbalance
of power that may feel to candidates as if advanced,
AI to make the hiring process more
automated tools are mistreating them. Fear around
seamless, efficient, and effective. the use of potentially invasive, black box-type AI grew
steadily in 2019. In 2020, expect to see more focus on
the benefits to and rights of individual candidates. This
trend will be accelerated by a growing body of US and
international AI ethical standards.

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Trend #3: Establishing Artificial Intelligence laws and ethics (continued)

At Modern Hire, we believe AI is a transformative analytical technology that can dramatically

enhance the hiring process for both organizations and individuals. However, as with any powerful
tool, it must be wielded with care and precision. Ultimately, as the state of the art in AI advances, society
must be extremely careful to guide and control its use. Modern Hire recently put forth several ethical
tenets, which we hope to see adopted by the entire industry:

✔ Modern Hire only evaluates information that candidates knowingly provide to the company.
In the assessments and interviews that Modern Hire provides to clients, it does not score facial
features, spoken audio characteristics, scraped social media profiles, or any other information that
is not supported by a credible body of research related to job performance and free of bias. We
believe all data should be studied and understood, and in that regard, Modern Hire’s psychologists
and data scientists continue to explore the use of AI in a controlled, research-only environment.

✔ Modern Hire provides candidates with feedback whenever permitted by its clients. When
Modern Hire provides candidates with feedback on their interview performance or hiring
assessment, the company does so within the parameters set by its clients’ legal teams.

✔ Modern Hire discloses to candidates how their data is being evaluated and used. In using AI
in hiring, the “black box” is hugely problematic. Companies often make decisions based on data
that is convenient but not job-relevant. It is vital to ensure that measured candidate characteristics
are both job relevant and obvious in how they predict job fit. To support this “glass box” approach,
Modern Hire ensures that candidates are aware of what personal data is being used, and how it is
being evaluated and scored.

✔ Modern Hire rigorously develops and tests all scoring methodologies for its AI-powered hiring
assessments and interviews. Modern Hire’s team of industrial/organizational psychologists and
data scientists work hand-in-hand to ensure all scoring methodologies for its assessments and
interviews are job-relevant, valid predictors of job performance and related outcomes, and do not
cause bias prior to being implemented and used by organizations and their candidates.

By promoting these ethical tenets, AI can be deployed for the benefit of all.

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Trend #4: Streamlining the hiring process

Digitalization is the use
of digital technologies to
According to Brian Kropp, VP at Gartner Research change business models and
& Advisory16, the biggest challenge for HR leaders
is digitalization. Hiring can be streamlined with increase revenue.
advances in technology. From attracting better
talent to interviewing and ultimately making hiring
decisions, technology modernizes and accelerates
each step. However, technology has a varied
impact on multiple hiring stakeholders: recruiters,
candidates, and hiring managers.

Understanding technology’s effect on each of these

groups and its use for greater hiring efficiency has
become a meaningful effort for organizations at
each step in the process.


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Trend #4: Streamlining the hiring process (continued)

Recent data reveals that a candidate’s experience Hiring technology contributes to a more
with recruiters while job hunting influences their positive experience by reducing effort for both
decision when weighing multiple offers17. Survey candidates and recruiters20. From the recruiter’s
responders indicated that a positive application and perspective, technology is a powerful tool to source
interviewing experience was an influential aspect of candidates (e.g., Programmatic Recruitment21) and
their final choice of employer.  share the company’s brand to attract top talent. 
However, today’s recruiters need to be well-versed
Many hiring technologies incorporate
in using these technologies. AI and machine learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine
are effective in detecting trends and patterns, but
learning. According to Bullhorn research, over 50%
the ability to interpret these trends and patterns is
of recruiters and executives recognize that AI will
still left to human experience. 
help, not replace, them in modern recruitment18.
Examples include helping track market trends and
shifts, improving communication and response times,
reducing bias, and finding the best candidates19. 


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Trend #4: Streamlining the hiring process (continued)

It’s well-known that candidates’ application “Ghosting” may even manifest as new
experiences can affect a company’s reputation and hires not showing up on their first day of
attractiveness22. How candidates feel during the work because they did not fully understand the
application process matters, and technology plays job they accepted. However, technology can
an essential role in eliciting opinions and behaviors help target better-fit candidates and offer
from candidates.  candidates more accurate expectations
of job responsibilities. Gartner research
Because there are more jobs available today, shows that one-third of new hires regret their job
candidates may “ghost” companies when they decision when they are overwhelmed, but focused
don’t have a clear understanding of the application information reduces the number of regretted
process23, 24. In other words, candidates will cut decisions by 75%25.  
off the communication without warning,
disappearing without a trace if applications are
overly complicated or the process takes too long.


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Trend #4: Streamlining the hiring process (continued)

Assessing and Tracking 
Assessments with job preview, like the Modern To further the value of assessments and to
Hire Virtual Job Tryout, are more accessible to track other hiring efforts, companies are using
candidates through the use of technology, especially Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).  In fact, 98%
those that are mobile-friendly. Assessments with job of Fortune 500 Companies use ATS26. With the
previews not only give organizations information ATS, organizations can track recruiting efforts,
about a candidate but also provide the candidate application status, assessment results, and
with a realistic job preview of what to expect if hired. interview invites, which makes it one of the most
A realistic job preview helps both the candidate and valuable tools for companies to digitalize the hiring
the organization make a more informed decision.  process. Tracking candidates can also make filling
multiple positions easier, and builds a resource for
future hiring27. 


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Trend #4: Streamlining the hiring process (continued)

A substantial shift in interviewing is video interviews, In today’s world, hiring decisions require a great deal
especially with the increase in use of smartphones of information from the company and candidate.
and tablets28. The use of AI and machine learning Technology reduces effort for candidates, and
may make some candidates nervous. However, also automates repetitive tasks, leaving room
even if candidates are stressed, the novelty and for higher-value tasks31 for recruiters and hiring
intrigue of AI make them likely to complete an managers. Hiring decisions are tracked and
assessment29.  recorded more easily by technology. They’re
also made in a more informed manner from multiple
AI and machine learning can reduce effort for data points to get a full picture of the candidate,
interviewers and candidates through automating improve experiences, and improve hiring results.
scoring. Academic research underway at Penn State
University has made great strides towards detecting
and eliminating potential biases of AI through special
algorithms30. AI promises a faster, more efficient
future for the interviewing process.

29. Van Esch, P., Black, J. S., & Ferolie, J. (2019). Marketing AI recruitment: The next phase in job application and selection. Computers in Human Behavior, 90, 215–222. https://  

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Trend #5: Personalizing the experience

Personalization can, and

should, continue throughout
the application lifecycle.
The central paradox of the modern application
process is that while organizations are battling for
the best talent32,33, candidates often experience Modern candidates want more than just a job.
a frustrating and impersonal application process. They want a career that truly aligns with their
Research suggests the key driver of candidate interests and skills. However, with the changing
attraction to organizations is a perceived fit with the nature of work (e.g., globalization, automation, shifts
job and company34. By personalizing the application in the labor market), new and unfamiliar job titles are
process to individual candidates, organizations can being created. Candidates left to sort through these
help candidates more clearly see how their skills ambiguous job titles without any guidance are likely
and interests fit with the organization. to leave the application process. This candidate
dropout can be avoided by engaging candidates in
a personalized conversation as soon as they land on
a career page.

32. Chambers, E., Foulon, M., Handfield-Jones, H., Hankin, S., & Michael, E., III. (1998). The war for talent. The McKinsey Quarterly, 3, 44–57.
33. Pistrui, D., & Kleinke, D. K. (2019, June). The 4th Industrial Revolution and the Coming Talent War. In 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
34. Uggerslev, K., Fassina, N., & Kraichy, D. 2012. Recruiting through the stages: A meta-analytic test of predictors of applicant attraction at different stages of the recruiting
process. Personnel Psychology, 65: 597-660.

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Trend #5: Personalizing the experience (continued)

Personality and interest inventories can be integrated into

a career page, giving candidates the ability to self-reflect
while also sharing valuable personal information that can
be mapped to current job openings.

Results from these short inventories can be shared • Candidates see how they fit with different roles
back with candidates, allowing them to see how in the organization. As previously discussed, the
their interests and personality align with current candidate’s perceived fit with the organization
openings. These inventories offer multiple benefits: is the top driver of candidate attraction to an
organization36. Armed with information about how
• A two-way conversation begins. Candidates they fit with different jobs, candidates will continue
share information with the organization, and they the conversation with the organization.
are immediately rewarded with valuable feedback
about themselves. Feedback shows candidates
they are not participating in the typical “black hole”
application process35.

35. McDonald, S., Damarin, A. K., Lawhorne, J., & Wilcox, A. (2019). Black Holes and Purple Squirrels: A Tale of Two Online Labor Markets. In Work and Labor in the Digital Age
(pp. 93-120). Emerald Publishing Limited.
36. Uggerslev, K., Fassina, N., & Kraichy, D. 2012. Recruiting through the stages: A meta-analytic test of predictors of applicant attraction at different stages of the recruiting
process. Personnel Psychology, 65: 597-660.
M o d e r n H i r e | T h e Tr e n d s R e p o r t 2 0 2 0 : C h a n g e E q u a l s O p p o r t u n i t y | 1 7
Trend #5: Personalizing the experience (continued)

As candidates are directed towards jobs that best fit their

interests and personalities, organizations must continue
to educate candidates about those jobs. They can provide
this information via realistic job previews (RJPs).

RJPs that are developed correctly highlight both Traditionally, organizations have opted to avoid
the positive and negative aspects of a job. With feedback in the belief that the less candidates
full disclosure, organizations signal to candidates understand about how the hiring decision is made,
they are willing to have an honest conversation that the less likely they are to litigate. However, evidence
helps candidates make a more informed decision. suggests that when candidates are told why they
Candidates who are a better fit with the organization were or were not selected for a role, they perceive
are more likely to opt-in, and candidates who are a the process as fairer38. Perceptions of fairness are
poor fit are more likely to opt-out. Sharing this type particularly important since they have been shown
of information also helps new hires adjust to the to relate to litigation39,40. Given this relationship,
challenges of a new role as unrealistic expectations candidate feedback, if delivered correctly, should
are reduced37. reduce legal risk.

RJPs should continue throughout the hiring Feedback can also serve to increase a candidate’s
process, with the information shared becoming attraction to an organization. Research has shown
more specific and personalized as the candidate that when candidates are provided with feedback on
progresses. their potential fit with an organization, they are more
attracted to that organization41. In addition, providing
However, candidates may not feel that candidates with customized information about their
communication is genuinely personal unless they potential fit with an organization causes poor-fitting
are receiving information unique to them. Providing candidates to be less attracted to the organization42.
candidates with feedback on their status as well
as results from assessments is an effective way to
make the experience feel more personal.
Effective realistic job previews (RJPs)
highlight both the positive and negative
aspects of a job.

37. E. Baur, J., Ronald Buckley, M., Bagdasarov, Z., & S. Dharmasiri, A. (2014). A historical approach to realistic job previews: An exploration into their origins, evolution, and
recommendations for the future. Journal of Management History, 20(2), 200-223.
38. Truxillo, D. M., Bodner, T. E., Bertolino, M., Bauer, T. N., & Yonce, C. A. (2009). Effects of Explanations on Applicant Reactions: A meta-analytic review. International Journal of
Selection and Assessment, 17(4), 346-361.
39. Goldman, B.M. (2001) Toward an understanding of employment discrimination claiming: An integration of organizational justice and social information processing theories.
Personnel Psychology, 54, 361–386.
40. Geenen, B., Proost, K., Van Dijke, M., De Witte, K., & Von Grumbkow, J. (2012). The role of affect in the relationship between distributive justice expectations and applicants’
recommendation and litigation intentions. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 20(4), 404-413.
41. Dineen, B. R., Ash, S. R., & Noe, R. A. (2002). A Web of applicant attraction: person-organization fit in the context of Web-based recruitment. Journal of Applied Psychology,
87(4), 723.
42. Dineen, B. R., Ling, J., Ash, S. R., & DelVecchio, D. (2007). Aesthetic properties and message customization: Navigating the dark side of web recruitment. Journal of applied
psychology, 92(2), 356.
Other references
Schneider, B. (1987). The people make the place. Personnel Psychology, 40, 437 – 453.

Modern Hire | T h e Tr e n d s R e p o r t 2 0 2 0 : C h a n g e E q u a l s O p p o r t u n i t y | 18

The modern hiring process is a two-way, personal We’re seeing incredible advances made every day
conversation. in the world of talent acquisition, and 2020 should
prove to be an interesting year. Organizations that
Candidates want to know how their interests and prioritize the wants and needs of their candidates,
skills align with potential new jobs and employers. recruiters, and hiring managers have incredible
They want the organization to share as much opportunity to differentiate themselves from those
information with them as they share with the that do not. Your organization may be farther down
organization. Organizations that help candidates find the road with some of these trends than others, and
the role that best suits them, continually educate that’s ok. By embracing these trends, we believe you
candidates about the role, and provide candidates will have greater success in finding and retaining
with personalized feedback will win the war for the best talent while ensuring fairness for all of your
talent. candidates.

Modern Hire | T h e Tr e n d s R e p o r t 2 0 2 0 : C h a n g e E q u a l s O p p o r t u n i t y | 19
Make hiring personal to continuously improve experiences and results

Modern Hire is the new name for Montage and Shaker International. We’ve created an all-in-one
enterprise hiring platform that enables you to continuously improve hiring results through more
personalized, data-driven experiences for candidates, recruiters, and hiring managers. The Modern
Hire platform combines trusted science and technology to predict performance, ensure fairness, and
automate workflow—enterprise-wide. It includes AI, predictive analytics, assessment, interviewing,
and scheduling technology in a single SaaS solution that integrates with leading HCM systems.

Discover how we’re helping 47 of the Fortune 100 make hiring personal to continuously
improve experiences and results. Visit

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