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All artwork by Brandish Gilhelm
Copyright 2017

Welcome to the ever-expanding world of INDEX CARD RPG!

Every DungeonMaster needs places, objects, scenery, treasures, characters and monsters! It’s all right here, ready to print, cut, and
use in your next game. Use the cards as idea primers, in-game props and locations, terrain supplements or lair décor. It’s all up to
your devious creativity!

Each Volume of INDEX CARD RPG includes 100 original 3x5 images and a CARD LISTING to get your sinister imagination turning.

For best results, print this file on light card stock. Use the card edges as cut lines, and use a desktop paper cutter. Normal paper
works too, and is even easier. Have fun! It’s not an exact science!

Every game is different, every player, every DungeonMaster is unique! Use these cards YOUR WAY.

Strength and Honor,

1: DEMON IDOL: A colossal ebony image of a jewel-eyed abomination, who accepts blood sacrifice in a great stone bowl.
2: LEGION BATTE STANDARD: Soldiers rally to, and gain strength from, this bold war standard.
3: ACID PIT: A bubbling bath of noxious death that dissolves metal, stone and flesh alike.
4: STONE WALL FORTIFICATION: A sturdy masonry wall for pike men to make their stand.
5: ROPE: A length of rope coiled and stored on a wooden beam.
6: THRONE: The high seat of some mighty ruler, imbued with domination.
7: MINE: The entrance to an improvised mine…rough hewn and braced with rotted timber.
8: LADDER: A standard ladder, 10 feet high, made of sturdy hardwood.
9-12: ROPERS: A hideous creature in disguise as a stalagmite.
13: RUNIC FLOOR: A segment of tiled flooring marked with mysterious runic symbols.
14: BRAIN IN A JAR: The sadistic experiment of some devious villain, bubbling and glowing in glassy goo.
15-16: SPORE MUSHROOMS: Long-stemmed fungi hazy with clouds of spores. Hold your breath!
17: CRYSTAL CLUSTER: Weird, thrumming crystals containing the ancient power of the deep earth.
18: SLEEPING GOD: A blasphemous, misshapen nightmare form of antediluvian origin.
19: HATCH: What’s this? An iron pull ring? Where does this go?
20: GIANT HIVE: Riddled with cavities and odd buzzing sounds, nestled in a corner.
21: NARROW CORRIDOR: Masonry in a tight, blocky hallway.
22: RUNIC DOOR: A heavy ironwood portal, banded with black iron and marked with arcane doom.
23-24: FLOOR EDGES: Tiled segments of a chamber, bridge, or platform.
25: FIENDISH CAVE: A dark and jagged burrow or hole in the bedrock, marked by the passage of small, hateful creatures.
26: CLOUD OF DEATH: A boiling, rolling mass of swords, skeletons, and screaming souls.
27: BED OF SPIKES: Rows upon rows of sharpened iron teeth and jagged spines on a tremendous iron plate.
28: COLUMN BASE: A top-down view of the base of a massive support column.
29: CAVE OF SPEARS: A natural gap in the boulders, festooned with tribal spears and rags of the dead.
30: CARRION CRAB: A massive land-crab covered in shields, armor, swords and skeletons from battles past.
31: DUNGEON DOOR: Uneven stairs leading to an arched portal…darkness beyond.
32: FLOOR EDGING: Useful for architects and trap makers.

33: STORM OF SKELETONS: A rushing squadron of dead warriors bent on killing all that lives!
34: MOUND OF DEAD: The grisly remnant of some tragic battle, where armored fallen pile high.
35: NARROW HALL: Another cramped stone corridor for some poor soul to navigate.
36: SPINNING TRAP: A metal spool, affixed with a giant spiked beam. On approach, it whirls with doom.
37: SMALL WOODEN DOOR: This banded wood portal is barely big enough to walk through.
38: PRISON CELLS: Deep underground, barred cells hold the doomed.
39: WEAK FORT GATE: Made of improvised timbers and pine planks, this garrison gate is flimsy.
40: TAVERN SHELF: Casks, bottles, jugs and mugs of the finest, and most awful, beverages in the land.
41: WEAPONS RACK: Spears, axes and swords lean on this dusty old wooden frame.
42: DEAD END: Poor architecture leaves you trapped in this boxed hall.
43: ROPE BRIDGE: Looks sturdy enough, besides the missing boards, mice-chewed rope, and rusted nails.
44: PILLAR BASE: Go around! It won’t budge!
45: SQUID BEAST: Some beaked, tentacle horror from the blackness below, hungry for warm blood.
46-47: DEAD ENDS: Is this the end? Perhaps a secret door somewhere in the stones…
48: DWARVEN FORGE: The anvil glows with heat, and its ageless runes gleam like twin stars.
49: ALCHEMIST’S TABLE: Liquids, gasses and gadgets bubbling and stewing for some wicked purpose.
50: SUN DIAL: More than a simple shadow clock, it beckons you to reach forward.
51: PILLAR OF NAILS: For every nail in this hacked wood beam, a life has been taken.
52: JAGGED ROCKS: Look! Up ahead! Gods, the waves are smashing us into those jagged stones!
53: TWISTING RAILWAY: These iron tracks twist and turn through the caverns in perilous, rickety curves.
54-56: RIDING DINOS: Great warm-blooded lizards fit with saddle and reigns. Mind the tails!
57: PLODDING DINO: A heavy, slow tank of a thing, but friendly, loyal, and stalwart as a mountain.
58: JUGGERNAUGHT: This gigantic warrior says nothing, and his eyes burn with hate.
59: ANCIENT GUARDIAN: A cursed hero from ages past, bound to serve some horrible duty for eternity.
60: SPIDER WEB: Huge, sticky as glue, and anchored everywhere. One touch sends strange vibrations into the shadows.
61: MINE CART: Will hold a load of coal, several large rocks, or four fools.
62: FIRE POT: A massive iron bowl holding hot coals and luminous flames.
63: POISON CLOUD: Rolling and swelling with unnatural purpose, the greenish gas kills all it touches.
64: ABOMINATION: This shapeless nightmare shifts and slurps, screaming and blinking with its cursed existence.

65: SERAPHIC GLYPH: Etched in the floor by ancient inhuman hands, and still powerful.
66: BOOKSHELF: A towering oak shelf lined with dusty tomes and forbidden volumes of lore and legend.
67: GEM DOOR: This great stone doorway seems locked with some runic gem magic.
68: LONG SHIP: A standard war galleon or shipping vessel of the North men.
69: RUBBLE: Strewn, broken stone boulders and masonry from some cataclysm.
70: FLIMES: These orbs of death fly, leap, bounce, and orbit…hungry for a meal.
71: TENTACLE: Tall as a house and thick as a tree trunk, but rubbery slick and lined with barbed suckers.
72: SOUL GEM: This hovering artifact holds the lives of countless heroes and demons, all pulsing with arcane power.
73: SUPPLIES: A stack of crates, sacks, bags and items piled for a journey or storage.
74: PEASANT WAGON: This rickety little cart barely holds together, but it should make it.
75: GREAT DOOR: A colossal ironwood door banded with adamantite steel.
76: ARCHWAY: Another dim way through the under deeps, mind the slippery stairs.
77: CONDUIT STONE: What devilish magic uses such a thing? What is it conducting?
78: CORPSE: Smashed, ripped apart or skewered, this poor soul molders in the dark.
79: MIGHTY FORT GATE: A huge, timber-enforced spiked gate to a garrison or fort.
80: MIGHTY CART: Now here we have fine wagon craft. Are those leaf springs? Gods!
81: CASTLE: Built on a high fell, and held by barons and warlords for centuries.
82: LONELY ROCK: A solitary island once populated by the mad and accursed, now silent with horror.
83: FLYING CASTLE: A wonder of our world, hovering impossibly and occupied by Dragons and Gods.
84: BLACK MAGIC CATHEDRAL: Where the hideous rites of dark cults glow in the endless night of our penance.
85: CEMETERY: Beyond black gates the graves lean and crack, and the wind is cold with grief.
86: CAVERN: A ragged opening in raw bedrock, holding danger and dream.
87: RUINS: What lost culture built such wonders in the middle of the wild? How did they fall to such an end?
88: MAELSTROM PRECIPICE: There is a place where one can look into the black between the stars…a storm of magic…
89: DRAGON: 20 tons of teeth and claws and wings, all evil with eons and lusting for gold.
90: FLAMING SKULL: This demonic being uses spells, devours souls, and floats the causeways of the deepest hells.
91: CORRODER: One touch from the fronds of this insect-like predator can melt steel and iron to dust.
92: HULK: A 20 eyed behemoth of the cave world, whose gaze can baffle and terrify.
93: CHASM: This bottomless crack in the earth could lead to a new frontier…or death.

94: ONE LOUSY STINKIN GOBLIN: All alone, with an axe, just itchin’ to kill some people and take their stuff.
95: A WHOLE PACK OF LOUSY STINKIN GOBLINS: In numbers like these, they can be a real pain.
96: OTY UGH: Teeth, tentacles, more teeth, and an appetite to die for.
97: DWARVEN DOOR: An impregnable monolith of granite, iron and adamantine.
98: ROAST FEAST: Leg of Unicorn, hurkle biscuits, monkey grapes, and a bottle of the finest Blue Gar.
99: BLIND HORROR: Pray you can use its blindness against it, or be torn to pieces.
100: TREE OF DEATH: On a lonely hill at the end of the world, a cursed tree stands like a grave for all who wail in perdition.


All Artwork is for personal use only, and cannot be reproduced in any other form with the written consent of
RUNEHAMMER GAMES under Copyright Rights Reserved, 2017

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The worlds we imagine are more than mere fantasy.
They are reminders that we are the finite mirrors of an infinite universe.


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