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RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19
GOSPEL: Jn 14:1-12

Faith in God & Chosen by God

Chosen by God... Faith in God...

These two themes are being depicted in today's Sunday readings. The first reading,
from the Acts of the Apostle, depicts that they have chosen seven reputable men in the
service of prayer and to be ministers of God's Word. The necessity of these men has
brought to increase the faith of the many people in Jerusalem.

The second reading tells us a theme like on the first reading. St. Peter invites that we
should have faith in God in the chosen foundation that God has built, that is on Jesus.
It also portrays a reality that men have rejected Jesus but God has made Him the
foundation of the many. The invitation for us to is to choose God as the very
foundations of our lives. We put our total obedience and faith in Him. "Behold, I am
laying a stone in Zion, a cornerstone, CHOSEN AND PRECIOUS, and whoever believes in
it shall not be put to shame." With faith transcends us for being God's chosen people.
"You are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own..." Truly,
complete faith in God is directed on being God's chosen are inseparable to each other.

On the Gospel reading on the account of St. John, Jesus said to his disciples, "Do not
let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me." We all know
that Jesus has chosen these apostles to propagate the faith throughout the ends of the
world. But ironically, on this gospel, we can acknowledge that there are a series of
questions or 'doubts' that they asked on Jesus. Thomas, whom we know that he
doubted on Jesus' resurrection asked, "Master, we do not know where you are going;
how can we know the way?” Philip also asked, “Master, show us the Father, and that
will be enough for us.” On this, Jesus answered Philip's lack of faith. "How can you say,
‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in

In our today's situation, we cannot deny asking the same questions just like what the
disciples had asked on God, "How can we know the way?", "What are we supposed to
do?" Questions on God about what we are supposed to do on this pandemic crisis was
already answered thousands of years ago. "Have faith in Me." Put our faith completely
on God.

"Show us the Father and that will be enough for us" is similar to Philip's request for
assurance that God is with us. We are also requesting the very same plea. "Lord, please
show your marvelous works for us... Be with us and that would be enough for us." But
God invites us, "I am always here with you ever since. Have faith in me and that would
be enough for you and for Me as well."

We are all invited by God this day, that we should remind ourselves that we are all
chosen by Him not because of anything but only of His great love and for all of us. It is
also an invitation to put our total obedience and faith in Him and that alone is enough
on us and for God as well. "Lord, let your mercy and love be on us, as we place our
trust and total faith in You."

-Jerald M. Jimenez

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