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Mind Power: How to write a Technical Article / Research Paper in One Week!

“A Quick way of writing the paper”

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”- Michelangelo.

Imagination is the power and better than knowledge. According to modern research, one can even feel
the smell of the leather seat of his dream car, if he imagines himself driving that car. Is it not amazing?
How is it possible to smell something which you never had used or experienced in real-life. The method, I
am going to explain in my article is extremely different and based on the mind power of a person. This
article is for bingers and not for experienced writers. It will help one how to start, set anchor points and
finally complete the article step by step with no step missing.

Overall Concept:

If someone searchs about how to write a paper, extremely boring windows will open about paper
methodology, hypothesis etc will open. Believe me, while writing these methods will not help!. I have
developed a unique, quick and effective method of paper writing. The method is somehow like reverse
engineering and before going into the development, reverse engineering will be applied to the final
product. Before starting the paper writing, one must have the ability to see the paper layout of final look
which will be zoomed out version of your final draft.

Which means you are not sure about the final text of your paper, but you can visualize it's overall
presentation like on each page where you will place the pictures, tables equations etc.

Getting Started with Paper Writing:

1. First, take a blank paper and draw boxes. Each box corresponds to a page as shown in the figure
2. Now start making boxes inside each box to represent title, abstract, figures and all other basic
things needed to write a research paper

This step will help you in identifying how much actual data you needed to fill the draft.

3. Now, Decide places for figures, plots, tables and equations. This will help you to identify the
quantity of each thing in your paper
4. In the title page, there must be a very catchy picture which will enhance the overall paper look. It
will be somehow like picture abstract and gives a good idea about the work before reading.
5. Now count figures, tables, equations required in the paper. From the above example, I need,
a. One main concept picture
b. Two tables
c. Eight Figures.
6. Now go to google scholar and write the topic name or keywords and download eight to ten highly
sighted relevant papers. From the last five years.
7. While searching and downloading the papers, click on citation button and copy - past the details
in reference section. Now your reference section is complete without any effort.

8. Now open each downloaded article, and see figures, tables and equations. Only take an idea
from there and see what type of figures, tables and equations are used by authors.
9. Do things step by step. No need to read the papers just look at the table’s titles. Chose the two
most important tables and past in your paper but not the entries.

10. Now try to find eight different figures from the ten papers and write on a page like,
1. A plot between heat vs airflow
2. A Plot of heat vs size
8. Experimental setup pictures.
11. Now select a few equations which are relevant to your work and paste as it is in the final paper
draft and give the reference.

12. Now fill the plots and table data with your own problem data.
13. All figures, tables and equations are in their place. This will act as anchor points of your paper
and will help in keeping you in the right direction. Start explaining each figure, table and
equations in your words.
14. Now read only the abstracts of the ten papers and explain them in your words in the
“Introduction” section of your paper. Now the introduction of your paper is also ready.
15. Paper is ready the only title, abstract and conclusion are left.
16. Abstract is the most important and tricky part of a paper. Write one paragraph which summarize
your work in the abstract. The main things which must be covered in the abstract are,
a. Method used
b. The very short problem statement
c. One-line discussion about the result achieved
d. Application of work
17. For the conclusion part, just copy-paste the abstract and change the tense from the present into
the past.
18. The title should be crispy, catchy and appealing. It's like the product name. So, try to add some
fancy words in the title.

Carefully proofread the paper, grammar, spellings and journal format. The paper is ready for submission.

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