Quiz-2 Grammar

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Technical Report Writing Spring 2020 Semester: 6

Quiz 2 Date: 10-Jul-2020 Marks: 10

Name: Roll No: Section:
Time allowed: 15 minutes

Punctuations are an essential aspect of any technical writing. Choose the correct punctuation
marks in the below mentioned sentences. If no punctuation is needed, draw a slash mark (//)
through both options.

1. John took an hour for lunch (, ;) but Joan stayed at her desk to eat so she could complete the
2. Sally wrote the specifications (, ;) Randy was responsible for adding any needed graphics.

3. Manufacturing maintained a 93.5 percent production rating in July (, ;) therefore, the

department earned the Golden Circle Award at the quarterly meeting.
4. In their year-end requests to management (, ;) supervisors asked for new office equipment

(, ;) and a 10 percent budget increase for staffing.

5. The following employees attended the training session on stress management (, :) Steve

Janasz, purchasing agent (, ;) Jeremy Kreisler, personnel director (, ;) and Karen Rochlin, staff
6. Promotions were given to all sales personnel (, ;) secretaries, however, received only cost-of-
living raises.
7. The technicians voted for better work benefits (, ;) as an incentive to improve morale.

8. Although the salespeople were happy with their salary increases (, ;) the technicians felt
9. First (, ;) let’s remember that meeting schedules should be a priority (, ;) and not an
10. The employee (, ;) who achieves the highest rating this month (, ;) will earn 10 bonus points

(, ;) therefore (, ;) competition should be intense.

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