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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | July 14, 2020

CMSD approves ‘hybrid schedule’ for fall

semester, allows ‘virtual-only’ students
Board green-lights bus driver salary schedule, 3,500 students,
those who opt in
hours, also will be an option.
Students who choose to fol-
er training, according to the
hears updates on Hunt campus recovery the hybrid sched-
ule will physically
low the hybrid learning model
will be split into two groups,
Those who do not have reli-
able Internet access can attend
BY YUE STELLA YU its monthly meeting Monday attend school two each with a different schedule: school at the district’s “desig- night. days a week and Some will be assigned to an “A nated safe sites” on days of their
Starting Aug. 6, the district study remotely schedule,” which means they virtual learning, and electron-
Students at Columbus Mu- will adopt a “hybrid schedule” for the rest of the will go to school physically on ic devices will be provided at
nicipal School District will Labat
combining both in-person and week, following Mondays and Tuesdays; those those sites. Students who study
spend the majority — if not all virtual learning in the wake of regular school hours. A virtu- assigned to a “B schedule” will remotely have to receive diag-
— of their school weeks online the COVID-19 pandemic, ac- al-only model, which requires attend school on Thursdays and nostic and state testing at the
this fall, the board of trustees cording to CMSD’s website. students to have Internet ac- Fridays. Wednesdays will be for “safe sites.” Following guide-
unanimously decided during Of the district’s roughly cess every day during class campus disinfection and teach- See CMSD, 3A

Helping Hands offers fans to help T.K. Martin

citizens battle summer heat Center planning
COVID-19 safety
measures for
Director: Center is
‘in a very good place
financially’ after last
year’s closure rumors

Some families
travel more than
three hours one way
to bring their child
to the T.K. Martin
Center for Technol-
ogy and Disability,
director Kasee Strat- Stratton-
ton-Gadke said, be- Gadke
cause its specialized preschool ser-
vices can’t be found anywhere else.
The T.K. Martin Center on the
Mississippi State University cam-
Anto Tavitian/Dispatch Staff
ABOVE: Robert Benton of Military Hardware unloads fans for donations to Lowndes County residents on Monday at Helping pus provides technology, training
Hands in Columbus. BELOW: Cindy Wiygul of Helping Hands unloads fan donations on Monday at Helping Hands in Columbus. and educational support for people
of all ages with disabilities, and it
Heat wave underway this week with temps in mid-to-high 90s

A box fan won’t solve David Chism plans

all of Marianna Hubbard’s
problems, but it will stop the
to run for House
bleeding, she hopes. District 37 seat
It’s already been a tough
summer for Hubbard, 50. In
April, the air-conditioning
Republican will run
unit at the East Columbus
Hubbard for seat vacated by his
home she shares with her
daughter and three granddaughters — third cousin
ages 9, 8 and 5 — quit working. She’s been
out of work since June, when the company BY ISABELLE ALTMAN
she works for, Johnson Tombigbee Furni-
ture Manufacturing, shut down operations
for the month of July. Lowndes Coun-
With the arrival of a heat wave that is ty native David M.
expected to extend into next week — tem- Chism will run for
peratures in the mid-to-high 90s, with heat the state House of
indices ranging from 103 to 109 degrees — Representatives seat
Hubbard was back at Helping Hands Min- recently vacated
istries in Columbus on Monday, hoping to by his third cousin,
secure another fan. Gary Chism. Chism
See HEAT WAVE, 6A Anto Tavitian/Dispatch Staff See CHISM, 3A


1 About how many tigers remain in the wild — a MEETINGS
few hundred, a few thousand or about thirty July 17: Starkville
thousand? Board of Aldermen
2 What was the first American pizza chain to work session, 10
open a restaurant in Italy? a.m., City Hall
3 What is the name of the Gaelic harvest July 20: Oktibbeha
celebration associated with pagan ceremonies
and feasts? County Board of Su-
Sawyer Shapley pervisors meeting,
4 What are the first names of the three Crawley
First grade, Annunciation 5:30 p.m., Chan-
sisters on “Downtown Abbey”?

94 Low 72
5 In ancient Chinese mythology, what fruit was cery Courthouse
High believed to represent longevity and immortality? July 21: Starkville
Mostly sunny and humid Answers, 6B Board of Aldermen
Full forecast on meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
page 3A. City Hall
July 21:
INSIDE ha Consolidated
Classifieds 6B Health 6A School District
Comics 3B Obituaries 4B Board of Trustees
Crossword 2B Opinions 4A Anne Marshall, of Starkville, is a history meeting, 6 p.m.,
Dear Abby 3B professor at Mississippi State University. 401 Greensboro St.


2A TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Group seeks ideas for Mississippi

flag without rebel emblem
State Department of Archives and History will The commission will recom-
mend a single flag design that will
collect flag proposals from the public until Aug. 13 be put on the Nov. 3 ballot. If voters
reject it, the commission will draft
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS ory,” the department said in a news a different design using the same
The Associated Press release. guidelines, to be sent to voters later.
Mississippi faced increasing The Confederate battle emblem
JACKSON — A state agency said has a red field topped by a blue X
pressure to change its 126-year-old
Monday that the public can submit with 13 white stars. White suprem-
flag as widespread protests against
proposals for a new Mississippi flag,
racial injustice focused attention on acist legislators put it on the up-
using two requirements in state
Confederate symbols. per-left corner of the Mississippi
law: The designs cannot include the
On June 28, a broad coalition of flag in 1894, as white people were
Confederate battle emblem, and
legislators passed the landmark squelching political power African
they must have the phrase, “In God
legislation to retire the flag, cap- Americans had gained after the
We Trust.”
Mississippi does not have a ban- ping a weekend of emotional debate Civil War.
ner, and will not for a few months, and decades of effort by Black law- Critics have said for generations
because it recently retired the last makers and others who see the reb- that it’s wrong for a state where 38
state flag in the U.S. with the Con- el emblem as a symbol of hatred. A percent of the people are Black to
federate battle symbol that many groundswell of young activists, col- have a flag marked by the Confeder-
see as racist. lege athletes and leaders from busi- acy, particularly since the Ku Klux
The state Department of Ar- ness, religion, education and sports Klan and other hate groups have
chives and History said Monday called on Mississippi to make the used the symbol to promote racist
that it will collect flag proposals change. agendas.
from the public until Aug. 13. Those Republican Gov. Tate Reeves Mississippi voters chose to keep
will go to a nine-member commis- signed the bill June 30, immedi- the flag in a 2001 statewide election,
sion that will design a new flag. The ately removing official status from with supporters saying they saw it
department said designs should the banner. The new law requires as a symbol of Southern heritage.
use two or three colors and have a ceremony for the “prompt, digni- But several cities and all the state’s
meaningful symbolism. fied and respectful removal” of the public universities stopped flying
“The flag should be so simple flag, and that took place July 1 at the the flag because of the Confederate
that a child can draw it from mem- state Capitol. symbol.

Masks for kids? Schools confront the politics of reopening

CDC has urged students and teachers policy, and its supporters
argue that face cover-
“imposing their small
worldview on all of us.”
to wear masks whenever feasible ings are ineffective, give
a false sense of security
“I’m not looking for
a fight, I just want us to
BY JOCELYN GECKER cial expressions visually and are potentially detri- take precautions,” said
The Associated Press available” and helped or- mental. Harper, whose children
ganize a protest of over The Centers for Dis- are 4 and 6.
On one side are parents ease Control and Preven- She also started a pe-
100 people outside the
saying, let kids be kids. tion says masks may help tition, calling on schools
district office, with signs
They object to masks and prevent infected people to follow state guidelines
saying, “No to masks, Yes
social distancing in class- from spreading the vi- that include masks for
rooms this fall — arguing to recess,” and “Let me
breathe.” rus to others and urged teachers and students,
both could hurt their chil- students and teachers
Dozens have echoed constant social distancing
dren’s well-being — and to wear them whenev-
her beliefs at Orange on campuses and other
want schools to reopen er feasible. Democratic
County Board of Educa- measures.
full time. Gov. Gavin Newsom has
tion meetings, where the “For each school
On the other side are ordered Californians to
five-member elected body board, the question is
parents and teachers who wear them in public.
is majority Republican going to be: What does
call for safeguards that Brooke Aston Harp-
would have been unimag- and is recommending a our community want, and
er, a liberal parent who who is the loudest?” she
inable before the corona- full return to school with- attended a particularly
virus pandemic: part-time out masks or social dis- said.
spirited board meeting re-
school, face coverings for tancing. The board makes cently, said it was “horri-
all or a fully online curric- recommendations but not fying” that speakers were
The impassioned tug-
of-wars have put educa-
tors in the middle of an
increasingly politicized
debate on how best to re-
open schools this fall, a
daunting challenge as in-
fections spike in the U.S.
“Don’t tell me my kid
has to wear a mask,” said
Kim Sherman, a mother
of three in the central Cal-
ifornia city of Clovis who
describes herself as very
conservative and very
pro-Trump. “I don’t need
to be dictated to to tell
me how best to raise my
With many districts
still finalizing how they
may reopen, President
Donald Trump has
ramped up pressure to
get public schools back
in business, threatening
to withhold federal fund-
ing from those that don’t
resume in-person classes.
Without evidence, he’s
accused Democrats of
wanting schools closed
because of politics, not
Similar mudslinging
is happening at school
board meetings, in neigh-
bors’ social media clashes
and in online petitions.
Some parents have
threatened to pull their
children — and the fund-
ing they provide — if
masks are required.
Hillary Salway, a moth-
er of three in Orange
County, California, is part
of a vocal minority calling
for schools to fully open
with “normal social in-
teraction.” If the district
requires masks for her
son’s kindergarten class,
she says, “I don’t know if
my son will be starting
his educational career in
the public school system
this fall.”
She wants him to feel
free to hug his teach-
er and friends and can’t
imagine sending him to
a school where he’ll get
reprimanded for sharing
a toy. She started a pe-
tition last month urging
her district to “keep fa-
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 3A

West Point school district releases 2020-21 reopening plan

Board of Trustees moves school start to Aug. 10 ment system to make it easy to
switch back to an entirely virtu-
BY TESS VRBIN adjust its bus routes to make al learning environment in case sure there are not too many a resurgence of the pandemic
children on one bus, McDonald demands it, he said.
Individual schools and par- said. Giving parents a choice of
ents, rather than the West Point Each school has its own what method of education is
Consolidated School District, plans for enforcing safety mea- best for their children is import-
will determine what school sures and curriculum delivery, ant, McDonald said, but board
looks like in West Point when but WPCSD also has some dis- member Laquante Pruitt said
buildings reopen and classes trict-wide plans, such as lim- she believed parents did not
resume in less than a month. iting the number of students want to have to choose.
“I wouldn’t ask you to put in each classroom, taking the “I think they want us to tell
your child in any situation I temperatures of everyone who them what to do and then hold
wouldn’t allow my own child enters a building, requiring us accountable for whatever
to be in,” Superintendent Bur- administrative approval for vis- happens next,” Pruitt said.
nell McDonald said in a video itors and requiring protective Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
Parents have until July 21
released online this morning. face coverings for both students The West Point Consolidated School District Board of Trustees
He played the video for the voted unanimously at its Monday meeting to move its school start to register their children for
and employees. in-person or online learning
WPCSD Board of Trustees at “If we have students that date from Aug. 5 to Aug. 10. The extra time will allow students in
its Monday evening meeting. an entirely online learning environment extra time to prepare, said and will be able to change their
refuse to cooperate with teach- Superintendent Burnell McDonald, center. The district will allow
Students have the options registration the week before La-
ers and administrators when students and families the choice of in-person or online learning for
of attending school in person bor Day if they so choose, but
they’re asked to put on their the upcoming school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
or learning online like they did masks for safety reasons, we after Labor Day they will have
from March to May due to the may have to call (parents) and lesson plans will depend on the do online only, but for the most to stick with their decision for
COVID-19 coronavirus pan- ask to switch them to distance subject, grade level and number part it’s a combination.” the rest of the semester, Mc-
demic, and a survey of parents learning,” McDonald said. of students in each class, Mc- Lunch safety plans will vary Donald said.
indicates there will be about 50 All desks will face the same Donald told The Dispatch. from school to school, but the The board voted unanimous-
percent in-person attendance, direction, teachers will have “At the high school, some Centers for Disease Control ly, at McDonald’s suggestion, to
McDonald said. their own face shields, and (teachers) will be the only ones and Prevention recommend move the school start date from
That might not translate to teachers and custodial staff will certified in a particular subject students eat lunch in class- Wednesday, Aug. 5 to Monday,
social distancing on school bus- clean and disinfect classrooms and will have to do both,” he rooms instead of cafeterias, Aug. 10 in order to allow stu-
es, so the district is encourag- regularly, he said. said. “On the elementary level, so WPCSD recommends the dents in the virtual learning
ing parents to drive their chil- The degree to which teach- depending on the number of same, McDonald said. environment three additional
dren to and from school if they ers will have to develop in-per- students who show up, it may The district will implement school days to prepare them-
are able, and the district might son, online or both types of be able to free up teachers to the Canvas learning manage- selves.

Continued from Page 1A
lines from the Centers for with teachers about their campus. The district will hours a day for five days a November. The roofing million for repairs Mid-
Disease Control and Pre- learning progress. provide hand sanitizers week, Labat told The Dis- cost is estimated at $2.1 dlesex estimated at $4.8
vention, the spaces will be Bus transportation will to the students as well, he patch. million, which will be en- million. As of March 10,
disinfected between uses be offered to all students, said. For bus operations and tirely covered by the dis- the district has received
and computers will be set but private transportation Due to the uncertain maintenance, the board trict’s insurance agency, roughly $3.6 million from
six feet apart from each also is encouraged to re- nature of the pandemic, also approved Monday Wisconsin-based Middle-
other, according to the duce the risk of spreading Spears said the district the lease of a building at the insurance company,
sex Insurance Company,
district’s website. the virus. Students will still has a lot of details in 310 Idlewild Road. The he said. The Dispatch reported.
In a video introduc- also be required to wear the works. monthly rate is $1,450, The company filed a The board discussed
ing the hybrid schedule, a mask after boarding the “As we kind of move Spears told The Dispatch. lawsuit against the dis- the lawsuit on Monday but
Superintendent Cherie bus and on campus for into it, we’ll have to Leasing instead of buying trict in March, claiming took no actions, Spears
Labat appealed to par- most of the time, Labat adapt and the building was a great CMSD had requested $14 told The Dispatch.
ents for their support in told The Dispatch Mon- be accom- choice for CMSD, he said,
helping students advance day night. modative because the owner would
their learning amid the “This is particular- and meet still have to pay property
pandemic. ly important because the need of taxes on the land, which
“It is imperative as par- (masks) reduce the students as CMSD collects as reve-
ents that if you choose a spread of the virus from well as the nue.
virtual learning option, 80 to 90 percent,” she parents,” he “We’re in a way getting
that you exercise best said. “We know that it’s said. Spears back some of those funds
practices for students to going to be difficult, but To offer that we are paying in a
learn in their home en- we understand it’s im- transporta- lease to the landlord,” he
vironment,” Labat said. portant for ... disease pre- tion to students in the fall, said. “It’s a really good
“Best practices include: vention.” CMSD is also recruiting property for a reasonable
a quiet space, materials The district will still a team of bus drivers for price.”
needed for class, routines offer school lunch five its fleet of 69 buses. The
to meet real-time course times a day, Labat said, effort came after the dis- Hunt campus recovery
schedules, regular com- but instead of hot meals, trict parted ways in May In other business, the
munication with teachers it will offer packed meals with Ecco Ride, the com- rebuild of a two-story
and support staff, com- to reduce health con- pany that used to manage building at Hunt High
mitment to taking bench- cerns. Students can pick transportation for the dis- School campus — where
mark and state assess- up the meals for the rest trict. With the company the roof and most of its
ments at school-based of the week on days they gone, CMSD has to con- classrooms were de-
sanitized safe sites and are physically at school, ceive its own transporta- stroyed in the EF-3 torna-
support materials needed and eat in classrooms at tion department, the cost do that hit Columbus in
for class.” school, she said. of which was estimated at February 2019 — began
Teachers must be “We’ll take very flex- $2 million in May. last week, Spears told
physically at school every ible feeding patterns to On Monday, the board
The Dispatch.
day, Labat told The Dis- make sure students have unanimously approved
The building on 20th
patch on Tuesday. Except a meal for five days a the pay scale for bus driv-
Street North had housed
for Wednesdays, they will week,” Labat said. “We’re ers at a $12 hourly rate.
the alternative school and
be teaching half of their also (trying) to make sure Assistant Superintendent
CMSD’s operations.
usual students in person that we have the most Glenn Dedeaux told the
The installation of the
while offering virtual in- sanitized environment in board the district has re-
roof is underway, Spears
structions to the other distributing food to our ceived 49 applications for
said, and is expected
half, she said. Students students.” the jobs and, as a contin-
to reach completion in
must spend 240 minutes CMSD Board of Trust- gency plan, intends to re-
a day learning through ees President Jason cruit some of its teachers
one of the three ways: Spears told The Dispatch or coaches as part-time
working through assign- the students will also bus drivers.
ments, learning from an have their temperature The district’s tentative
online instruction pro- checked upon boarding schedule is for full-time
gram or communicating the buses or entering the bus drivers to work six

Continued from Page 1A
David Chism, a Re- said, and starting in the received “tremendous
publican, announced his fall they also will have to support” since announc-
candidacy for the District be technology experts ing his candidacy on Face-
37 seat on Facebook over and nurses. book.
the weekend. If elected, “I would say that with House District 37 cov-
David Chism will com- the proliferation of this ers parts of Lowndes,
plete Gary Chism’s term, virus, I saw things fall Oktibbeha and Clay coun-
which ends in 2023. Gary apart in the way that ties.
Chism retired June 30 they should not have fall- “What you essential-
due to health issues in his en apart,” he told The ly have is a collection of
family. Dispatch this morning. rural communities, and I
David Chism said in the “There were children who don’t think these commu-
Facebook post announc- could not get online to do nities are all that differ-
ing his candidacy that he their schoolwork. The in- ent,” he said. “... We have
plans to bring “sense and frastructure and technol- similar interests. We’re
sensibility” to the people ogy was just not adequate all in proximity to Mis-
of Mississippi. While he to be prepared for this sissippi State University.
is a self-proclaimed fis- kind of thing. I don’t think We’re all in proximity to SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
cal conservative, he said anyone is to blame, nec- the Columbus Air Fore peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tue. Wed.
two of his main priorities essarily, but we definitely Base. We all use the same Major 7:44p 8:26p
Minor 1:56a 2:25a
moving forward are the need to do better.” resources and we all want Major 8:04a 8:48a
expansion of broadband Chism started Colum- the same thing, and that Minor 3:18p 4:14p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
in rural communities and bus-based Greenaway is to get through this vi- of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

ensuring teachers have Pool Services in Tusca- rus situation, not to have
the necessary resources
— particularly techno-
logical resources — to
loosa in 2008. The busi-
ness has since moved to
Columbus, where is does
our freedoms taken away
from us in the process and
to move on with a positive
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
do their jobs in the midst work all over the Golden dialogue.” Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
of a pandemic. Teachers Triangle. Gov. Tate Reeves has Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
already do the jobs of This will be Chism’s yet to announce the date The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
“three or four other dif- first time running for of- of the special election to Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
ferent professionals,” he fice. He said he’s already fill the seat. 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
4A TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

A better idea for the school year
oday, I am where thousands My goal for the class of 2021 Only minor adjustments will access to more children. We’ll
narrowing of children still is to make sure you are able be required. The Legislature be five months closer to a
the focus of don’t have access to to attend graduation ceremo- will have to figure out a way to COVID-19 virus. It will be five
my column to the broadband, an awful nies in 2021 without having to provide funding that begins in more months for our nation to
graduating Class lot of Mississippi attend a funeral service, too. January instead of July. A few get serious about stopping the
of 2021. I suppose school children It’s a pretty simple plan, re- sports seasons will have to be spread of the virus and bring
their parents may are going to be left ally, and I’m surprised no one altered. new cases down to something
find this relevant, behind. I’ve yet to has thought of it. After a few years, it will approaching a manageable
too, along with hear anyone explain Forget about school for the make so much sense that you level.
anyone else who how a special edu- rest of the year. Use that time will wonder why schools ever There’s no guarantee, of
might have some cation student, who to study independently. operated any other way. course, but starting the school
interest in living generally needs The school year will start Throughout history, year in January at least gives
long enough to see Slim Smith one-on-one atten- instead in January. For you se- permanent change has often us some reasonable hope
them graduate. tion, is supposed niors, it will simply mean that been dictated by a particular that once the school begins it
As it stands right to learn online. It instead of graduating in May, circumstance. (Think air travel can continue without having
now, students from kindergar- seems virtually impossible. you’ll graduate in December. after 9/11, for example) to shut down because of an
ten to college will return to ac- With coronavirus cases still In fact, that will be true of all As it was with 9/11, outbreak.
tual classrooms in a few weeks. sweeping the county, the idea future classes. COVID-19 is likely to alter how Will we be better positioned
Don’t get used to it, though. By of returning to school in a few The school year will mirror we live, work, play. I suggest to start school in January than
the looks of things now, schools weeks is preposterous. It’s the calendar year. we add education to that mix we are in a few weeks?
and colleges will be shutting going to be a disaster, unmiti- As for class schedules, by aligning the school year I’ll take that bet.
down almost as quickly as they gated chaos. they’ll remain pretty much the with the calendar. At this point, we’ve got little
open, and schools will have I don’t have a solution, same, but instead of beginning What that will allow is for to lose by making the change.
to rely on online learning and but I do have a plan, which is a school year one year and five more months to see where Slim Smith is a columnist
hope students will be able to something that cannot be said finishing it the next, the class we are headed with the virus. and feature writer for The
keep up their studies. of either our President or our schedule will simply follow the It will be five more months to Dispatch. His email address is
In a state like Mississippi, governor. calendar. work on getting broadband


Voice of the people
Raises concerns about monument in cemetery
I own a plot in Friendship Cemetery. When I
talk about the Confederate memorial monument
now on the Courthouse lawn being placed there,
it’s because I have a stake in it.
For two reasons, placing the monument in
Friendship is a bad idea. Its size is one problem. It
is very tall and will loom over the whole cemetery,
visible anywhere you have a clear line of sight. Fur-
thermore, it is way out of proportion to the many
smaller monuments, the family grave markers.
Someone who can authoritatively advise on this
problem, an artist, an architect, an expert from
Archives and History, should be consulted before
this thing is put there. Otherwise we might have
an aesthetic disaster.
The second problem is the legend that the im-
age of a Ku Klux Klansman is carved on the back
of the topmost soldier figure. Even if this is verified
to be false by qualified experts, people will believe
it anyway. The stigma will remain with the statue
and attach to the cemetery.
Furthermore, recalling that the reason for
removing the monument from the Courthouse is
its racially divisive nature, this cemetery is set in
an African-American neighborhood. How are they
to feel about a huge Confederate monument and a
Klansman placed in their midst?
Everything about this entire monument is anti-
thetical to the name Friendship Cemetery. I do not
want it looking down on my family and friends.
William Hairston
Lamar County, Alabama STATE OF THE NATION
A letter to the editor is an excellent way to partic-
ipate in your community. We request the tone of your
letters be constructive and respectful and the length be
Science and innovation used
limited to 450 words. We reserve the right to edit let-
ters for clarity, grammar and length. While commen-
tary on national issues is always welcome, we limit
to be the American way
candidate endorsements to one per letter-writer. We job making cars hicle sales. More than intent on protecting the manufac-
welcome all letters emailed to can be a good 10,000 Californians turing base would have vigorously
or mailed to The Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, job. It should work at its Fremont pushed the industry to retool for
PO Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511. matter not to the factory. The compa- the clean-energy era, not hinder
autoworker whether his ny recently filed the it. That future is gunning toward
product runs on fossil papers to build another us. The European Union and
fuels or electric battery. plant nearby to make China, two of the three biggest
A national leadership electric batteries. Tesla auto markets, have already set
TODAY IN HISTORY looking out for the says it created a total of strict carbon-emission standards.
workers’ future would 51,000 jobs in Califor- All-electric vehicles emit zero
Today is Tuesday, July 14, the 196th day of 2020. embrace the future, nia in 2017 alone. greenhouse gases.
There are 170 days left in the year. which is clean-powered Some of the older Critics of electric cars have
transportation. Froma Harrop U.S. carmakers have insisted that the cost of their bat-
Today’s Highlight in History: America does not made serious moves teries would greatly stand in their
On July 14, 2016, terror struck Bastille Day have that leadership. in the electric vehicle way. Just one year ago, a column
celebrations in the French Riviera city of Nice (nees) President Donald Trump has game. Ford is working on an elec- in The Wall Street Journal argued
as a large truck plowed into a festive crowd, killing pushed the false promise that tric version of its bestselling F-150 that batteries would probably not
86 people in an attack claimed by Islamic State ex- our suffering blue-collar workers pickup truck. come down in price as had con-
tremists; the driver was shot dead by police. could return to the good old days Meanwhile, Nikola Motor Co., sumer electronics.
if only environmentalists (and a new company racing to make Just one year later, Tesla’s bat-
foreigners) would disappear. The electric trucks, has raised over $1 tery supplier in China claims it can
On this date: promise is worse than futile be- billion in funding. The market val- manufacture a battery that powers
In 1789, in an event symbolizing the start of
cause it discourages change these ue of the Phoenix-based company a vehicle for over a million miles.
the French Revolution, citizens of Paris stormed
very workers need. has surpassed Ford’s. That would make for a much
the Bastille prison and released the seven prisoners
Science and innovation used to Then there’s another newcom- cheaper battery over its lifetime.
inside. be the American path to winning. er, Rivian. Headquartered just The investing public obviously
In 1798, Congress passed the Sedition Act, The science-bashing administra- outside Detroit, Rivian says it will sees gold in green energy. The
making it a federal crime to publish false, scandal- tion is making us poorer, stock come out with an all-electric pick- S&P Global Clean Energy index is
ous or malicious writing about the United States investors excepted. But enough up by early next year. Its backers now up more than 37 percent over
government. about Trump for now. include Amazon, Ford and several the past two years. By contrast,
In 1865, the Matterhorn, straddling Italy and Let’s get back to cars and big investor groups. the S&P 500 has risen 18 percent.
Switzerland, was summited as a seven-member trucks and the brass ring those Electric-vehicle sales have done This reflects rising investor con-
rope party led by British climber Edward Whymper who reach into the future are as well as they have in this country fidence not only in clean cars but
reached the peak. (Four members of the party fell to grabbing. Tesla, maker of electric thanks to forward-looking states also in the ability of wind and solar
their deaths during their descent; Whymper and two vehicles, is one of the only U.S. car and no thanks to Washington. The power to compete with fossil fuels
guides survived.) companies to have reported higher Trump Environmental Protection on price.
In 1914, scientist Robert H. Goddard received a sales for the second quarter. That Agency last year revoked Cali- If only our government in Wash-
U.S. patent for a liquid-fueled rocket apparatus. was despite a falling price for gas. fornia’s authority to set higher ington would promote, rather than
In 1921, Italian-born anarchists Nicola Sacco Despite a virus pandemic that had fuel-economy standards, which hold back, the sort of technologi-
(SAH’-koh) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were convicted many consumers sitting on their helps electric vehicle sales. Cali- cal advances this country used to
in Dedham, Massachusetts, of murdering a shoe wallets. And despite the cost of fornia and well over a dozen states lead. A return of the old mojo will
company paymaster and his guard. (Sacco and Van- buying a Tesla. The cheapest Tes- that follow its lead have respond- have to await the next election.
zetti were executed six years later.) la, the Model 3, has a base price of ed by suing the administration. Froma Harrop, a syndicated
In 1933, all German political parties, except the about $40,000. The case could end up at the U.S. columnist, writes for the Providence
Nazi Party, were outlawed. Based in Palo Alto, California, Supreme Court. (Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail
SOURCE: The Associated Press Tesla leads the world in electric ve- Competent national leaders address is
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 5A

White House turns on Fauci as Trump minimizes virus spike

Trump: Pandemic’s severity being overstated Fauci has been increasingly side-
lined by the White House as he
guidance over the use of masks
as scientists’ understanding of
top White House trade adviser
who has been working on the
by critics to damage his reelection chances sounds alarms about the virus,
a most unwelcome message at a
the virus improved — points the
White House expanded on in
coronavirus effort.
In an email, Navarro con-
BY JILL COLVIN, JONATHAN demic that has killed more than time when Trump is focused on statements to media outlets over tinued to criticize Fauci to The
LEMIRE AND ZEKE MILLER 135,000 Americans is being pushing an economic rebound. the weekend. Associated Press on Monday,
The Associated Press overstated by critics to damage “We haven’t even begun to Asked whether the president saying the doctor has “a good
his reelection chances. see the end of it yet,” he said in still had confidence in Fauci, a bedside manner with the public
WA S H I N G - Trump on Monday retweeted a talk with the dean of Stanford’s White House official on Monday but he has been wrong about
TON — With U.S. a post by Chuck Woolery, once medical school Monday, calling insisted Trump did. The official everything I have ever interact-
virus cases spik- the host of TV’s “Love Connec- for a “step back” in reopenings. said Fauci, the director of the Na- ed with him on.” That includes,
ing and the death tion,” claiming that “Everyone Last week, Fauci contradict- tional Institute of Allergy and In- he said, downplaying the early
toll mounting, the is lying” about COVID-19. Wool- ed Trump about the severity fectious Diseases, was regarded risk of the virus and expressing
White House is ery’s tweet attacked not just the of the virus during a FiveThir- as “a valued voice” on the White skepticism over the use of hy-
working to under- media and Democrats but the tyEight podcast. While Trump House coronavirus task force. droxychloroquine, which Navar-
cut its most trust- Centers for Disease Control contends repeatedly that he has The official spoke on condition ro has aggressively championed
ed coronavirus and Prevention and most doc- done a great job against the pan- of anonymity even though the despite contradictory evidence
expert, playing down the dan- tors “that we are told to trust. I demic, Fauci said, “As a country, president has repeatedly railed on its efficacy and safety.
ger as President Donald Trump think it’s all about the election when you compare us to other against anonymous sources. Fauci, who has not appeared
pushes to get the economy mov- and keeping the economy from countries, I don’t think you can “I have a very good relation- at recent White House task force
ing before he faces voters in No- coming back, which is about the say we’re doing great. I mean, ship with Dr. Fauci,” Trump told briefings and has been largely
vember. election.” we’re just not.” reporters Monday, calling him absent from television, told the
The U.S. has become a cau- At the same time, the presi- Trump later said Fauci had “a very nice person.” But the Financial Times last week that
tionary tale across the globe, dent and top White House aides “made a lot of mistakes.” He president added, “I don’t always he last saw Trump in person at
with once-falling cases now are ramping up attacks against pointed to Fauci’s early disagree- agree with him.” the White House on June 2 and
spiraling. However, Trump sug- Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s ment with him over the China That supportive message was hadn’t briefed him in at least two
gests the severity of the pan- top infectious diseases expert. travel ban and to the evolving not echoed by Peter Navarro, a months.

US budget deficit hits all-time Have you checked the

high of $864 billion in June
BY MARTIN CRUTSINGER For the first nine months of this bud-
AP Economics Writer get year, which began Oct. 1, the deficit
totals $2.74 trillion, also a record for that
WASHINGTON — The federal gov- period. That puts the country well on the
ernment incurred the biggest monthly way to hitting the $3.7 trillion deficit for
budget deficit in history in June as spend- the whole year that has been forecast by
ing on programs to combat the coronavi- the Congressional Budget Office.

rus recession exploded while millions of That total would surpass the previ-
job losses cut into tax revenues. ous annual record of $1.4 trillion set in
The Treasury Department reported 2009 when the government was spend-
Monday that the deficit hit $864 billion ing heavily to lift the country out of the

last month, an amount of red ink that recession caused by the 2008 financial
surpasses most annual deficits in the na- crisis.
tion’s history and is above the previous The June deficit was driven higher
monthly deficit record of $738 billion in by spending on various government re-
April. That amount was also tied to the lief programs such as an extra $600 per

trillions of dollars Congress has provided week in expanded unemployment bene-
to cushion the impact of the widespread fits and a Paycheck Protection Program
shutdowns that occurred in an effort to that provided support to businesses to
limit the spread of the viral pandemic. keep workers on their payrolls.

REal EStatE
Global vaccine plan may allow rich countries to buy more
AP Medical Writer
cluding Britain, France,
Germany and the U.S. —
While no country can
afford to buy doses of ev-
already have ordered hun- ery potential vaccine can-
LONDON — Politi- dreds of millions of doses didate, many poor ones
cians and public health before the vaccines are can’t afford to place such
leaders have publicly even proven to work. speculative bets at all.
committed to equitably

sharing any coronavirus
vaccine that works, but
the top global initiative to
make that happen may al-

low rich countries to rein-
force their own stockpiles
while making fewer doses
available for poor ones.
Activists warn that

without stronger attempts
to hold political, pharma-
ceutical and health lead-
ers accountable, vaccines

will be hoarded by rich
countries in an unseem-
ly race to inoculate their
populations first. After
the recent uproar over the
United States purchasing
a large amount of a new
COVID-19 drug, some pre-
dict an even more disturb-
ing scenario if a successful
vaccine is developed.
Dozens of vaccines
are being researched,
and some countries — in-
6A TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Bake or roast instead of grilling or frying: The way you prepare your food can drastically change its effects on your
health. Grilling, broiling, frying and deep-frying are all popular methods of preparing meat and fish. However, during these
types of cooking methods, several potentially toxic compounds are formed, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),
advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). All of these compounds have been linked to several
diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Healthier cooking methods include baking, broiling, simmering, slow-cooking,
poaching, pressure cooking, stewing and sous-vide.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

The Slow Food movement — bolic syndrome. Put down “Start out with a little bit of oil. with no tomato intake.
In contrast, your uten- Then you fry some garlic, then Tomatoes contain high lev-
slow from plate to mouth, only 2.3 percent sil between you throw in some tomatoes, els of a polyphenolic compound
that is of slow eaters bites. Then tomato paste, you fry it and known as lycopene that’s made
Slow Food is an interna- did. A study think mind- make sure it doesn’t stick.” more bioavailable when heated.
tional organization dedicated in the journal fully about the These red-sauce-loving Other foods high in this nutri-
to locally grown foods and Appetite found flavors, smells mobsters probably had no idea ent include red bell peppers,
traditional cooking that was that guys who and textures their concoction could do more watermelon, papaya and guava.
founded in 1986 in Italy and were fast eaters you are eating, than coat linguini — turns Lucky for you, tomato sea-
now has 100,000 members gained twice as allowing out it also protects the family son is right around the corner.
in 160 countries. While we much weight yourself to jewels. For fabulous recipes using
applaud the push to offer al- over eight years savor them. New research confirms cooked and canned tomatoes,
ternatives to obesity-inducing as average or Drs. Oz and Roizen That’ll slow that eating cooked tomatoes preorder Dr. Mike’s “What to
fast and processed foods, we’d slow eaters did. down your risk may reduce the risk of pros- Cook When Cookbook” — in
like to advocate another kind Another study in the Journal of overeating, weight gain and tate cancer. A study published August you can discover dish-
of slow food — slow from plate of the Academy of Nutrition serious health problems. in Cancer Causes & Control es such as Chunky Roasted
to mouth. and Dietetics demonstrated followed more than 27,000 Tomato Salsa, Eggplant Sliders
According to several stud- that normal-weight, slow eaters More proof that cooked men without cancer for almost El-Roma and Pasta with Haris-
ies, if you bolt down your food, consumed significantly fewer eight years. The researchers sa-Roasted Cherry Tomatoes
you’re at a big risk for obesity calories, while feeling well-fed. tomatoes help prevent found that men who consumed and Spinach.
and metabolic syndrome, a If you’re a fast eater, use prostate cancer canned or cooked tomatoes Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of
precursor to Type 2 diabetes these techniques to give your In “The Godfather,” capo four or more times a week “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike
and cardiovascular disease. body’s “I’m full” hormone, Peter Clemenza teaches Don had a lower risk for prostate Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness
Japanese researchers followed leptin, time to signal you to Vito Corleone’s youngest son cancer than those who never Officer and Chair of Wellness
more than 1,000 men and stop eating: Drink a sip of wa- Michael how to make Sunday consumed tomatoes. The most Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
women, average age 51, for five ter between bites. Count how gravy. “Come here ... You never dramatic benefits were seen To live your healthiest, tune
years and found that 12 percent many times you chew each bite know, you might have to cook in guys who consumed about a into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
of fast eaters developed meta- — aiming for 20 to 35 chews. for 20 guys someday,” he says. third of a cup daily, compared

Heat wave
Continued from Page 1A
Hubbard was able “We got a Guerry said. “Right now, should write “fan drive”
to get the first fan from
Helping Hands, which
late start
this year be-
HEAT WAVE we have about 30 fans
here that we can give out,
in the check memo so the
money can be used specif-
operates a fan drive each cause of the Day High Feels like but we do have money ically for that purpose.
summer, shortly after her C OV I D -19 Tuesday 94 106 available for another or- Hubbard, who has
air-conditioning system (virus). We der.” been employed at JTB for
Wednesday 95 107
quit working. normally Those wishing to do- 25 years, hopes to learn
A second fan will allow start the Thursday 96 109
nate fans can drop them whether she’ll be called
her to cool two bedrooms. drive in Friday 96 109 off at Helping Hands back to her job on Aug.
“My 9-year-old grand- April or May, but we didn’t Saturday 95 108 during normal business 3. In the meantime, she’ll
baby has nose bleeds get started until June this hours at its office at 223 rely on those two fans to
Sunday 93 106
when it gets hot, so we year.” 22nd St. N. Those wishing keep her house tolerable.
really need a fan to keep Guerry said requests Source: Accuweather to donate money for the “Even with the fans, it’s
her from having those for fans can extend even fan drive should send the still probably 90 degrees
nosebleeds,” Hubbard until November or De- are donating money rather “We had an order come check to Helping Hands in the house,” Hubbard
said. “Getting a second cember, but the bulk of than going out and buying in today (Monday) and Ministries, P.O. Box 1241, said. “It’s not easy. We’re
fan will at least be able requests come during the a fan and dropping it off,” had another order deliv- Columbus, MS, 39703. just doing the best we can
to have fans in two bed- summer. she said. “That’s fine with ered the week before,” Guerry said donors right now.”
rooms. During the day “We usually give out us. Usually what we do is
we can move them around about a dozen fans a when we get enough mon-
to wherever we are in the week,” she said. “But I ey we’ll order 50 fans at a
house.” expect we’ll see a lot more time. We work with Mil-
Providing fans for peo- this week with this hot itary Hardware because
ple like Hubbard has been weather we’re having.” they give us a good deal
part of Helping Hands’ Guerry said that in past on the fans. Plus, they’ll
program for years now, years, more people are in- deliver them. It usually
said director Nancy Guer- clined to donate fans. But only takes a few days for
ry. this year has been differ- them to deliver an order.”
“I think this is the 16th ent. The fans run $18 when
year we’ve been giving “Again, because of the ordered through Military
away fans,” Guerry said. virus, a lot more people Hardware.

T.K. Martin Center

Continued from Page 1A
relies on grants and do- Many students have close due to a loss of grant
nations, Stratton-Gadke weak immune systems funding, but MSU admin-
told the Starkville Rotary and cannot attend a regu- istrators said there were
Club at its virtual meeting lar school due to the inter- no plans to close the cen-
Monday. personal spread of illness- ter. Stratton-Gadke said
“(It’s) really humbling es and infections, and this the center still has all the
to know that families are is especially important grant contracts it had be-
trusting us with that care, during the COVID-19 fore she became director
but also it really speaks coronavirus pandemic, and has added a few more
to the impact of that pro- Stratton-Gadke said. The
since, including one with
gram and what wonderful school will implement ad-
the Christopher and Dana
support our staff gives,” ditional safety measures
Reeve Foundation, which
she said. when students return in
Stratton-Gadke has August, and those mea- works to improve the
been the center’s director sures will not be finalized quality of life for people
for just more than a year. until just before the school with disabilities.
She was the first speaker year starts so it can be as “We’re in a very good
of the new term of Rotary up-to-date as possible, place financially,” Strat-
leadership on Monday, she said. ton-Gadke said.
with Grant Arinder tak- “We will not have any She is an associate
ing over the presidency volunteers or extra per- professor of education-
from Sid Salter, and the sons coming into our al psychology and the
club will make a weekly classrooms, every child founder and director of
donation to the T.K. Mar- and their family is go- Mississippi State’s Bull-
tin Center in honor of the ing to be screened (for a dog CHARGE (coloboma,
speaker at each meeting fever) before they enter heart defects, atresia cho-
for the next year. the building, and we have anae, growth retardation,
The preschool pro- worked very closely with genital abnormalities and
gram is the “heart and Mississippi State’s jani- ear abnormalities) Syn-
soul” of the center, and it torial team to make sure drome Research Labora-
will start its 19th year in we have the right saniti-
tory and the co-founder
August, Stratton-Gadke zation (schedule) up and
and co-director of the uni-
said. Its goal is to help running,” Stratton-Gadke
versity’s Autism and De-
children with disabilities said.
get “as close to an equal One of her goals for the velopmental Disabilities
playing field to their peers center’s future is to add a Clinic.
as possible” at an early classroom for kindergart- “If you don’t know how
age, she said. The school eners through third grad- I manage all those roles,
has three classrooms, ers with immune system I’m not sure either,” Strat-
teachers and teaching issues, she said. ton-Gadke said. “I was
assistants, as well as In April 2019, rumors really excited to step into
speech, occupational and spread on social media this role (as director). It
physical therapists. that the center might was kind of a dream job.”

Get promoted? Win an award?

Send us your business brief.
subject: Business brief


Photo courtesy of Co-Lin athletics

Copiah-Lincoln Community College head football coach Glenn Davis told The Dispatch Monday he’s not optimistic his team can field a team in the spring because of 25 graduating
players in December. Monday, the National Junior College Athletic Association officially announced it will move all fall sports, with the exception of cross country and half marathon
championships, to the spring semester.

BY GARRICK HODGE finish in April. for our student-athletes, the recommendation of the statement made by before they made the de- “Our greatest focus is coaches, and all those in- the MACC presidents, the MACC. cision.”
and always has been pro- volved with the NJCAA to voted to abstain on the The MACC statement Glenn Davis, head foot-
Another college sports viding the best opportu- be safe and successful.” final vote regarding looms large, because ball coach at Copiah-Lin-
domino fell Monday eve- nities for our student-ath- Fifty-four NJCAA moving most sports to should it abide by the NJ- coln Community College,
ning. letes,” NJCAA President schools sponsor football the spring,” the MACC CAA ruling and postpone said 25 of his players are
The National Junior & CEO Dr. Christopher and 14 of those are based official Twitter account fall sports, several Mis- on track to graduate in
College Athletic Associa- Parker said in a news re- in Mississippi as part of wrote. “While we are con- sissippi football coaches December and would not
tion officially announced lease. “Through a unified the Mississippi Associa- cerned about the health think the entire concept be available in the spring.
it will move all fall sports, effort from our Presiden- tion of Community and and safety of our stu- of a spring season is im- He opines most, if not all,
with the exception of tial Advisory Council, the Junior Colleges. dent-athletes, personnel possible. sophomores part of the
cross country and half Board of Regents, and After the NJCAA an- and fans, we believe they “In my opinion, this de- two-year JUCO program
marathon champion- leadership staff, our most nouncement, the Missis- are best served by waiting cision essentially scratch- will elect to skip the sea-
ships, to the spring se- recent plan of action pro- sippi Association of Com- for other conferences and es the season,” a MACJC son and maintain three
mester. Sports moving to vides a path that keeps munity Colleges released organizations to make a head coach said, who years of athletic eligibili-
the spring include foot- our student-athletes a statement that painted final decision regarding spoke with The Dispatch ty for a four-year college.
ball, men’s and women’s competing at the highest a more wait-and-see ap- fall sports.” only on the condition of That would leave him
soccer and volleyball. level with proper safety proach than JUCO’s gov- When contacted for an anonymity. “Any kind with a roster full of fresh-
Furthermore, all winter measures in place. As we erning body indicated. interview, an East Missis- of spring football com- men players.
sports, including men’s move forward as an asso- “The Region 23 repre- sippi Community College petition at our level will In Davis’ opinion, no
and women’s basketball, ciation, we will continue sentative to the NJCAA Athletics Spokesperson not work. The (NJCAA) four-year college coach
will begin in January and to provide opportunities Board of Regents, upon referred The Dispatch to should have known that See NJCAA, 2B

Washington’s NFL team drops ‘Redskins’ name after 87 years Indians, other teams
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS justice, iconography and Redskins’) but looking Tennessee Oilers be- pressured after Redskins
racism in the U.S.
The team said it is
forward to the future,”
starting quarterback
came the Titans two sea-
sons after moving from drop nickname
The Washington NFL “retiring” the name and Dwayne Haskins tweet- Houston.
franchise announced logo and that owner Dan ed. After President Don- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a name change for the
Monday it is dropping Snyder and coach Ron Ri- The “R” in “Hail to the ald Trump last week crit- first time in 105 years,
the “Redskins” name and CLEVELAND — The the Atlanta Braves, Chi-
vera are working closely Redskins” could soon icized the Redskins and
spotlight for change is cago Blackhawks and
Indian head logo, bowing to devel- be replaced by Redtails, Major League Baseball’s
shining on the Cleveland Super Bowl champion
to recent pressure from op a new Redwolves or Redhawks. Cleveland Indians for
Indians. Kansas City Chiefs are
sponsors and decades of moniker Redtails or Red Tails considering name chang-
Now that the NFL’s among those facing
criticism that they are of- and de- — an homage to the es, White House press
Washington Redskins backlash along with the
fensive to Native Ameri- sign. The Tuskegee Airmen from secretary Kayleigh McE-
have retired their con- potential of sponsors
cans. announce- World War II — is the nany said the president
tentious nickname and pulling their financial
A new name must still ment came favorite on online sports- “believes that the Native logo after decades of
be selected for one of the on the old book BetOnline, and the American community support.
objection and amid a na-
oldest and most storied letterhead Synder group said it “would be would be very angry at For some, the time
tionwide movement call-
teams in the National with the honored and pleased to this and he does have has come for widespread
ing for racial justice, the
Football League, and it’s Redskins name because work with the organiza- polling to back him up.” changes to sports nick-
Indians appear to be the
unclear how soon that the team technically re- tion during and after the She cited a 2016 Wash- next major sports fran- names, mascots and
will happen. But for now, tains it until a new one is (name change) process, ington Post poll showing chise that might assume symbols as the country
arguably the most po- approved. should this name be ad- 90% of Native Americans a new identity. reckons with its legacy of
larizing name in North “As a kid who grew opted.” aren’t offended by the Along with the Indi- racism.
American professional up in the (D.C. area), This will be the NFL’s name, a survey that has ans, who recently an- “I understand people
sports is gone at a time of it’ll always be #HT TR first name change since since been discredited nounced they are in the aren’t willing to change
reckoning over racial in- (fight song ‘Hail to the the late 1990s when the See WASHINGTON, 2B early stages of evaluating See NICKNAME, 2B
2B TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B
or so quickly, or they’re hoping this franchise would undergo a “thor- other layers — trademark contracts,
moment is going to pass. It’s not,” ough review” before its next move. new logos, Major League Baseball’s
said activist Frances Danger, who Cleveland’s situation is differ- approval — to work through before
is Muscogee (Creek) and Seminole ent from Washington’s on several the change could take effect.
from Oklahoma. ”And now that fronts. While the Indians seem open
we’ve gotten what we needed on the First, the Indians are not feeling to a new identity, the Braves aren’t
Redskins side, we’re going to start heat from any corporate sponsors. budging.
working on the rest of them. We’re At least not publicly. They have no plans to change
not going to let up.” When the Redskins announced their nickname, telling season-tick-
On Monday, Washington an- their review earlier this month, the et holders in a letter last week that
nounced it was dropping a nickname Indians released a statement with- “we will always be the Atlanta
that had been in place since 1933 in hours of Washington’s that said, Braves.” However, the team said it
and had grown into an embarrass- “we are committed to engaging our will review the team’s ”tomahawk
ing scar for the NFL franchise. The community and appropriate stake- chop” chant — a tradition borrowed
team buckled under financial pres- holders to determine the best path in the early 1990s from Florida
sure from sponsors including Fe-
dEx, the shipping giant and naming
forward with regard to our team
State’s powerful football program.
The Blackhawks, too, have no Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER

rights holder to the teams’s stadium,

as well as other groups.
The Indians didn’t promise to
change their nickname. But it would
plans for change, saying their name
honors a Native American leader, Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
Indians manager Terry Francona be hard to imagine them going Black Hawk of Illinois’ Sac & Fox Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 9 1 4 5 8 7 6 3 2
acknowledged having “mixed emo- through a detailed evaluation and Nation. The NHL team said it plans ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 3 7 5 6 2 1 8 9 4

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

tions” about the Redskins’ situation. deciding to stick with a nickname to work harder to raise awareness based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 2 6 8 4 3 9 5 7 1
“I’m glad to see that they’re act- that Native American groups have of Black Hawk and “the important grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 4 2 6 7 1 3 9 5 8
ing on it,” he said Monday night. condemned for years as degrading contributions of all Native Ameri- given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 5 9 3 8 4 6 2 1 7
“Also, I think that it was probably fi- and racist. can people.” object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 7 8 1 9 5 2 4 6 3
nancially driven. ... You can’t always Cleveland showed a willingness “We’re trying to honor the logo contains the1same to 9 number
6 3 9 2 7 8 1 4 5
do things when the timing is right, to rebrand itself when it pulled the and be respectful,” general manag- the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty 1 4 2 3 6 5 7 8 9
when it’s convenient. That’s kind of highly debated Chief Wahoo logo er Stan Bowman said. “There’s cer- that each row, each
level increases from
how I feel about this. I hope that our off its game jerseys and caps. While tainly a fine line between respect column and each 8 5 7 1 9 4 3 2 6
3x3 boxtocontains
organization will lead as opposed to the red-faced, toothy caricature and disrespect, and I think we want Difficulty Level 7/13

follow.” remains a presence on some team to do an even better job. I think the the same number only once. The difficulty level
While the debate over the merchandise, its reduced status and most important thing is to be clear increases from Monday to Sunday.
Redskins’ nickname was waged for removal from the diamond and sig- that we want to help educate. ... I
years, the drastic change came just nage around Progressive Field was think we’ve done a good job, but we
two weeks after owner Dan Sny- applauded as a positive step. want to do a better job. And I think
der, who once said he would never Even if the Indians decide to drop we’re committed to that as we go
change the team’s moniker, said the the nickname, there are numerous forward.”

Continued from Page 1B
by experts. Strong words from spon- als and about as much playoff appearances in 21
The announcement sors — including a com- as the NHL’s Capitals. A years and no postseason
came less than two weeks pany run by a minority store employee said the victories since 2005. The
after Snyder, a boyhood stakeholder of the team merchandise generally team has lacked a nation-
fan of the team who once — changed the equation. doesn’t sell very well, ally marketable player
declared he would nev- FedEx earlier this crediting that to a com- since Robert Griffin III’s
er get rid of the name, month became the first bination of the name, the short-lived stardom, and
launched a “thorough re- sponsor to announce it move out of the district the 2020 schedule fea-
view” amid pressure from had asked the organiza- and years of professional tures zero prime-time
sponsors. FedEx, Nike, tion to change the name, mediocrity. games for a franchise
Pepsi and Bank of Ameri- particularly important MLB’s Atlanta Braves that used to be a draw.
ca all lined up against the because CEO Frederick and the NHL’s Chicago Re-branding with a
name, which was given Smith owns part of the Blackhawks have said
new name and logo —
to the franchise in 1933 team. FedEx paid $205 they have no inclination
and perhaps the same
when the team was still million for the long-term to make a change. Some
burgundy and gold colors
based in Boston. naming rights to the advocates would like to
Native American ad- team’s stadium in Lando- see all Native American — coupled with turning
vocates and experts have ver, Maryland. names, mascots and im- football operations over
long criticized the name The lease at FedEx agery out of sports. to Rivera could be a boon
they call a “dictionary-de- Field expires in 2027, and “Our fight continues,” for Snyder on and off the
fined racial slur.” Over dropping the name keeps Crystal Echo Hawk of the field. Even if a segment of
a dozen Native leaders open various possibilities Native American advo- the fan base opposes the
and organizations wrote in Maryland, Virginia cacy group IllumiNative change in the name of
to NFL Commissioner and Washington for the said in a statement. “We tradition, winning would
Roger Goodell last week team’s new stadium and will not rest until the of- more than make up for
demanding an immedi- headquarters. District fensive use of Native im- those losses.
ate end to Washington’s of Columbia Mayor Mu- agery, logos and names Marty Conway, a
use of the name. Goodell, riel Bowser has said the are eradicated from pro- Georgetown Universi-
who has fielded ques- name was an “obstacle” fessional, collegiate and ty adjunct professor of
tions on the topic for to Snyder building on the (other school) sports. sports marketing and ACROSS
years, said he supported old RFK Stadium site, The time is now to stand business, said that while 1 Full range
the review. which is believed to be in solidarity and declare the NFL and team could 6 Rotisserie rods
“The NFL and Dan his preference. that racism will not be pay tens of millions of 11 Barn-raising
Snyder, we have to com- Bowser said she wel- tolerated.” dollars to buy back old sect
mend them on making comed the name change Halbritter said it was merchandise, the long- 12 Seminar
the right call to change but there were still obsta- important to note those term benefits are more group
the name,” said Oneida cles to overcome before other names are not lucrative with a new 13 Paris attrac-
Indian Nation Represen- the team’s return from a slur, but he hopes a stadium naming rights tion
tative Ray Halbritter, suburban Maryland be- “broader discussion” can deal and other corporate 15 Jargon
leader of the “Change came a serious possibil- be had. He pointed out
sponsorships. ending
the Mascot” campaign. ity. that Florida State spoke
“It’s a huge opportu- 16 Barracks bed
“Dan Snyder won today “Yes, we want to with the Seminole tribe
nity, certainly long over-17 Roadhouse
because now he has a change the name and about its name, the same
legacy that will be differ- change the location,” she thing a minor league due in terms of the time 18 Enjoys a
ent from the racial slur said. “The Washington baseball team in Spo- frame,” Conway said. favorite book
that was the team name. football team should be kane, Washington, did “But I think there’s sort 20 Scottish river
I know that’s not an easy playing in Washington.” with local Native Ameri- of an immediate opportu- 21 NFL player
thing to do, but it was the At a Dick’s Sport- cans. nity, which we’re seeing 22 Chest mus-
play out every day, which cles genre 14 Extinct bird
right thing to do.” ing Goods store in the Long removed from 42 Mystical deck 19 Fencing
Protests against the northeast part of the the glory days of win- is to reposition the fran-23 Blockheads
26 Champagne 43 Solitary sort sword
name predate Snyder district, Redskins bur- ning Super Bowl titles in chise and in a step-by-
poppers 22 Survey
buying the team in 1999, gundy gear took up far the 1982, 1987 and 1991 step way away from the
27 Lot unit DOWN 23 Most moist
and, until now, he had less rack space Monday seasons under coach roots of its past and con-
28 “2001” com- 1 Arcade patron 24 Simple wind
shown no willingness than that of the reigning Joe Gibbs, Washington’s sistent with the change in
puter 2 Tickle instrument
to consider a change. MLB champion Nation- NFL team has just five time and social climate.”
29 Goat sound 3 Stingy one 25 Request in
30 Like some 4 Purpose earnest
sunbathers 5 Ric Ocasek’s 26 Star on a map
pop group 28 Coyote call

34 Be a snoop
35 It ended on 6 Leopard 30 Canary call
Nov. 11 features 31 Astronomer
36 Couple 7 Golf goal Hubble
Continued from Page 1B 8 One with ac- 32 “Guys and
37 Paris attrac-
is going to want a potential recruit this decision will hurt their ath- es and scrimmages to get recruit- tion cess to secrets Dolls” song
to end up playing 20-plus games in letes’ prospects of playing at a ing eyes on players. This coach 40 Sleep sound 9 New Jersey 33 More tender
a single calendar year with only a four-year college. There may be thinks that effort will be in vain, 41 Cartoon city 38 To’s opposite
two-month recovery period after no opportunity for a freshman though. 10 Guile 39 Music’s Yoko
their spring season. who hardly played his first year to “I think they may attempt to
“The numbers are going to be prove worthy of a Division I schol- make some accommodations,” he
upside down,” he said. “I just don’t arship, or for an already-commit- said. “I think it will fall flat on its
see us being able to play in the ted athlete to receive an improved face. I don’t think this decision was
spring losing that many kids. offer from a bigger school after a thought through. I’m extremely
“I don’t know what the sopho- breakout sophomore season. disappointed.”
mores will do. I think a lot of col- “It’s going to hurt every one Two conferences affiliated with
lege coaches will talk to them, just of them,” a MACJC coach said. the NCA A, the Ivy League and
like a lot of agents will try to talk “Both freshmen and sophomores. Patriot League, have also made
to athletes at four-year schools out They’re being hurt by a govern- the decision to postpone their fall
of playing their senior year, four ing body that’s supposed to help sports to the spring semester.
year schools coaches will try and them.” Earlier this summer, an MACJC
talk these players out of playing so Despite the announcement announced an eight-game sched-
they can (have three years of eligi- from the NJCA A, no changes have ule, one less than its typical nine-
bility left).” been made to the college sports re- game regular season, slated to
The MACJC has normally been cruiting calendar. The early sign- begin Sept. 10. It is unclear how
a hot-bed of recruiting talent, with ing period for Division I football many games would be played un-
56 players in the class of 2020 rat- is scheduled for mid-December, der the proposed spring switch.
ed as 3-stars or better (according while National Signing Day re- “The bottom line is all of us
to 247Sports) eventually signing mains in its usual spot in the first coaches want to be safe for our
with Division I colleges. In light of week of February. kids and coaches,” Davis said. “We
the announcement, recruiting gets One MACJC coach opined want to play as many games as we
murky at best. the NJCA A may attempt to allow possibly can but if there’s not a
Several JUCO coaches believe schools to host several fall practic- way to do it safe, then it’s not safe.”
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 3B

Pucks and masks prevalent as 24 NHL teams open training camp

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS on pause March 12. as Wednesday tomed to the new reality if forward Auston Matthews “It’s a matter of every-
Masked equipment Players and staff all have the NHL hopes to complete confirmed he tested pos- one working together and
St. Louis Blues goalie managers patrolled the their eyes on resuming the its most unique season. itive while spending the doing our best to be safe,”
Jordan Binnington is so benches, clearing them season with an expanded Once games resume, they break at his home in Arizo- Crosby said. “Whether you
accustomed to wearing a of water bottles and tow- 24-team playoff set to begin will be played in empty na last month. are a player or a fan, you
mask, he didn’t mind doing els following practices. In in two hub cities - Toronto arenas, with as many as “It was the safest place miss the game. You also
so for the past four months Nashville, general man- and Edmonton, Alberta, -- three games played per to be,. And then obviously have to understand the se-
during the coronavirus ager David Poile, 70, wore on Aug. 1. day at each site, and with things flipped pretty quick- riousness of what’s around
pandemic. one while watching the “On the ice is normal,” the Stanley Cup awarded ly there,” Matthews said. “I you. We’re trying to find a
“Sometimes, I forgot Predators practice from a Washington Capitals cap- in late September at the did my quarantine, and I’m balance for that... I’m opti-
I’m wearing it while driv- private suite. tain Alex Ovechkin said. earliest. feeling healthy now, so it’s mistic.”
ing,” Binnington said Mon- And in Dallas, Stars in- “On the ice is same rules There is no guarantee all good.” It was a far different
day, when the Blues were terim coach Rick Bowness what we have before. But the league will be able to In Pittsburgh, the Pen- story in Denver, where the
among the NHL’s 24 teams wore a mask while observ- soon as you step off the ice pull it off. guins voluntarily sidelined Avalanche had nearly a ful-
to open training camp for ing practice from an empty in the locker room, every- Though the familiar nine players after learn- ly complement of players
the upcoming playoffs. bench. At 65, he wasn’t tak- body have to wear a mask. sound of pucks, skates and ing they may have had practicing, which is a con-
“You make fun of those ing any chances. It’s kind of weird, but I’m sticks echoed through are- secondary exposure to siderable turnaround. Na-
people who are driving by “I was going to err on pretty sure we’re going to nas once again, the remind- a person testing positive than MacKinnon, Mikko
themselves with a mask on, the side of caution. I’m still get used to it.” ers of COVID-19 were also for COVID-19. NHL rules Rantanen, Nazem Kadri,
but I sometimes forget.” very nervous about the Players and everyone prevalent. barred the Penguins from Cale Makar and goalie
Goalies weren’t the only COVID, and we haven’t else who will be spending The NHL announced revealing who the players Philipp Grubauer were
ones wearing masks as the tested our players since up to two months inside the that 43 players had tested were, but the most notable among the formerly in-
NHL hit the ice, en masse, last Thursday,” Bowness “bubble” — including hotel positive for the coronavirus player not on the ice was jured players back on the
in the first full glimpse of said. Once results come staff, bus drivers and arena from June 8 through the forward Patric Hornqvist. ice, with only center Col-
hockey’s return since the back, he intends to return workers — will have no oth- end of the league’s optional Captain Sidney Crosby in Wilson deemed not fit
regular season was placed to the ice, perhaps as early er choice but to get accus- workouts. In Toronto, star remained upbeat. to play.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I all day, I started while she is genuinely nice, she
have been in calling around 7 butchers the English language.
a relation- p.m. and three My granddaughter will be
ship with the times after that, learning to talk soon, and I
same man for 15 but he didn’t pick wonder what’s the best way to
years. For the last up. He pulled approach the situation. I don’t
six, we have been back into our want to offend my daughter-
living together. driveway around in-law, but I also don’t want
He’s a machinist 10 p.m. and my granddaughter learning im-
who owns his own told me he was proper grammar. What are your
business and helping the guy suggestions on how to handle
works strict hours move cows, and this problem? — UNSURE ON
ZITS of 8 a.m. to 5 he would have THE WEST COAST
p.m., Monday-Fri- called me on the DEAR UNSURE: Because
day. Sometimes way home but his your family and extended family
he locks his phone died. are well-educated and hold ad-
doors at 5 and I’m upset. He vanced degrees, the more time
works an hour or
Dear Abby had dinner with your grandchild spends with all
two later, but he them, and they of you, the better her chances
doesn’t call to let me know he have a landline he could have of learning proper grammar. Do
is working late. I have told him used. I told him how hurt I was not talk “baby talk” with her.
calling is common courtesy. and that I feel disrespected. Read to her and give her books
Sometimes he does it, but He says he deserved a day to as gifts. If her mother reads
more often he does not. He himself. He thinks I’m being them to her daughter, they both
thinks it’s “ridiculous” that I ridiculous. Am I? Do I not de- may have a better chance of
would wonder where he is, and serve a phone call? — WAITING learning good grammar. Being
if I want to know, I can call his AND WAITING IN MONTANA around her well-educated father
GARFIELD shop. DEAR WAITING: You are not will also help, and once she’s in
Last Saturday morning ridiculous. It was thoughtless school, it will be reinforced.
he was up at 6 a.m. and told of him not to call, but you said The only thing you should
me he needed to drive 100 it doesn’t happen all the time. NOT do is say anything that will
miles north of here to look You are his lady friend, not his make your son’s wife self-con-
at a “project” for a customer keeper. If he needs a day to scious about her upbringing
to see if he can fix it. When I himself, it might benefit your because if you do, you may be
asked what the project was, he relationship to cut him some seeing a lot less of that little
said he didn’t know. This guy is slack. And when it happens family.
someone he has recently start- again, schedule something fun Dear Abby is written by
ed a friendship with. It seemed for yourself so you aren’t sitting Abigail Van Buren, also known
odd that he wouldn’t let me go by the phone. as Jeanne Phillips, and was
along for the ride. He said he’d DEAR ABBY: Our family founded by her mother, Pauline
have his phone on him, and I and extended family are all Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
could call anytime to see where highly educated individuals with at or P.O.
CANDORVILLE he was. advanced degrees. My son’s Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
When I didn’t hear from him wife didn’t go to college, and 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (July depend on how much else is There are rogue elements at
14). You’ll celebrate your loved going on in your realm. play. You’re not afraid of them,
ones, and they’ll celebrate you, TAURUS (April 20-May and you’re not enthused by
not because these precious mo- 20). You’re not trying to be them either. They are a sure
ments are scarce but because mysterious, and yet, if someone indicator of an unpredictable
they are abundant, and why not wants to reach you, that person and unforgettable time.
revel in the joy? There’s suc- is going to have to try a little LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your
cess in games of chance and an harder now because you’re mind loves a habit, the comfort
upgrade in professional status working something out in the of a pattern. Good or bad hardly
in 2021. Invest in yourself and world of your mind. matters; it’s more about the
BABY BLUES you’ll trade an interest for a GEMINI (May 21-June 21). rhythm. In this new situation
skill. Scorpio and Capricorn What baffles those around you that’s unfolding, the rhythm is
adore you. Your lucky numbers is cake to you. You can unravel still being established.
are: 19, 7, 20, 10 and 44. it, no problem. You’ll use what VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
ARIES (March 21-April 19). you know and attend to the How much control do you really
Cue the orchestra. Here come issue, stopping a problem from need? This is the question. You
the sentimental chords and a growing worse. would like more than you have,
story to match. Your buy-in will CANCER (June 22-July 22). and yet, maybe you also need
less than you have.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
The theme today is wealth
sharing, though the wealth in
question isn’t money. Whatever
you think the most valuable
thing you could share is, you’ll
BEETLE BAILEY be passing that around.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). It is possible to catch the
deluge in a cup so long as the
cup is made of good material
and the deluge is contained
and can be controlled. Many a
mountain were carved with a
slow drip.
21). Friends and loved ones
may be all around, but if their of-
fers fall short, it’s only because
you know how excellent your
own company can be. Some-
MALLARD FILLMORE times it’s about you spending
time with you in a way that
makes you happy.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). A stamp of approval can
count in times when you’re not
so sure about the next good
move. You’re worthy without the
validation, but something about
it still helps.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Are you feeling uncharac-
teristically shy? It might help
to know. No one is expecting
you to have answers. You’re so
FAMILY CIRCUS lovable, and just being available
is enough.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Amusement is one of
those human needs that would
seem easy enough to meet, and
yet, with every exposure to a
thing, it becomes less amusing.
This is the secret to your ap-
peal. You keep changing it up.

The White House

4B TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH ing. Visitation is one tery. West Memorial to services. Memorial be at 11 a.m. Friday, in Nails and Clifton Nails.
OBITUARY POLICY hour prior to services. Funeral Home of Gunter Peel Funeral Sand Hill Cemetery. She is survived by
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
Tisdale-Lann Memo- Starkville is in charge Home and Crematory There will be no public her children, Steve
service times, are provided rial Funeral Home is of arrangements. Second Avenue location visitation. Lavender’s Hackman, Fayrene
free of charge. Extended obit- in charge of arrange- He is survived by his is in charge of arrange- Funeral Service of Turner, Shirley Jones,
uaries with a photograph, de- ments. children, Deidre Ward, ments. Aliceville is in charge Evon Guyton and Linda
tailed biographical information Mrs. Jones was Shanta Ward-Brown, Rev. Higdon was of arrangements. Pennington; sister,
and other details families may born March 31, 1942, Goeffrey Alexander born Dec. 28, 1928, in Emma Jean Bankhead;
wish to include, are available Ward and Quantrell
for a fee. Obituaries must be
in Texas, to William T. Lamar County, to the Lois Hackman 15 grandchildren;
submitted through funeral
Blair and Delores Lee Ward; and siblings, late Troy Edgar and SULLIGENT, Ala. 27 great-grand-
homes unless the deceased’s Blair. She was formerly Betty J. Ashford, Debra Violet Irene Aldridge — Lois Nails Hackman, children; and four
body has been donated to employed in child care. Ward, Winfred L. Higdon. 92, died July 11, 2020, great-great-grandchil-
science. If the deceased’s In addition to her Ward, Dennis M. Ward In addition to his par- at her residence. dren.
body was donated to science, parents, she was pre- and Marcus A. Ward. ents, he was preceded Funeral services will
the family must provide official ceded in death by her in death by his wives, be at 1 p.m. Thursday,
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form
husband, Marvin Jones; Lula Gay Jewel and Nora; sib- at Otts Funeral Home
provided by The Commercial and brother, Bill Blair. STARKVILLE — lings, James, Dorsey, Chapel, with the Rev.
Dispatch. Free notices must She is survived by Lula Mae Gay, 89, died Lemuel, Ganus, Bruce Jeremy Brock officiat-
be submitted to the newspa- her children, Michele July 4, 2020, in Louis- Higdon and Vaudine ing. Burial will follow in
per no later than 3 p.m. the Ruth and tony Alonso; ville. Black. Furnace Hill Cemetery.
day prior for publication Tues- seven grandchildren; Graveside funeral He is survived by his Visitation will be one
day through Friday; no later and 11 great-grandchil-
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the
services will be at 11 children, Shelby Finney hour prior to services.
Sunday edition; and no later
dren. a.m. Wednesday, in Bell and Barbara Jolly; two Otts Funeral Home of
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Chapel U.M. Church grandchildren; and two Sulligent is in charge of
edition. Incomplete notices George Mitchell Cemetery. Visitation is great-grandchildren. arrangements.
must be received no later than COLUMBUS ­— from 1-5 p.m. today, at Mrs. Hackman was Ouda P. Gresham
7:30 a.m. for the Monday
through Friday editions. Paid
George Mitchell, 97, West Memorial Funeral Rosie Williams born Feb. 11, 1928, in Visitation:
Saturday, July 18 • 10-11 AM
died July Home. West Memo- DECATUR, Ga. — Lamar County, to the
notices must be finalized by 3 2nd Ave. North Location
p.m. for inclusion the next day 7, 2020, at rial Funeral Home of Rosie L. Williams, 70, late Elgie Nails and Services:
Monday through Thursday; and Vineyard Starkville is in charge died July 10, 2020. Lestie McGraw. She Saturday, July 18 • 11 AM
of arrangements. 2nd Ave. North Chapel
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday Court Arrangements are was formerly employed
and Monday publication. For Nursing She is survived by
her children, Arther
incomplete and will be at Gattman Sportswear Troy Higdon
more information, call 662- Center. announced by Carter’s and cleaning houses. Visitation:
328-2471. Roberson, Jethro Gay
Grave- Funeral Services of She was a member of Thursday, July 16 • 10-11 AM
side Jr., Tommie Stinson Jr., Columbus. St. James Missionary College St. Location
Mitchell Services:
Sheree Bevering services Aaron Poe Jr., Mary Baptist Church. Thursday, July 16 • 11 AM
COLUMBUS — will be at Poe, Onnie Blackshire, College St. Location
Sheree Bevering, 63, 11 a.m. Wednesday, Ernest Poe, Willie Gay John Hankins In addition to her Burial
ETHELSVILLE, parents, she was Covin Baptist Church Cemetery
died July 11, 2020, at in Union Cemetery, Sr. and Jeffie Gay-Nash; preceded in death by College St. Location
and sister, Mary Louise Ala. — John Hankins,
her residence. with Samuel Wilson her husband, Willie
Yeates. 49, died July 13, 2020,
Graveside services officiating. Visitation is Hackman; children,
at his residence.
will be at 10 a.m. today, from 2-5 p.m. today, at L.J. Hackman, Michelle
Arrangements are
in Mt. Carmel Ceme- Carter’s Funeral Ser- Troy Higdon incomplete and will be Hackman and Shirley
tery in Fayette, Ala- vices. Carter’s Funeral CLEVELAND, Tenn. Terrell; and siblings,
Services of Columbus announced by Lown-
bama. Lowndes Funer- — Rev. Troy Higdon, Willie B. Nails, Lecil
is in charge of arrange- des Funeral Home of
al Home of Columbus 91, died July 13, 2020, Columbus.

Ouda Pace Gresham

is in charge of arrange- ments. at Bradley healthcare
ments. Mr. Mitchell was and Rehab.
Mrs. Bevering was born June 11, 1923, in Funeral services will Raymond Latham
preceded in death by Lowndes County, to be at 11 a.m. Thursday, GORDO, Ala. — Ouda Pace Gresham, 90,
her mother, Glenda the late Jim and Ros- at Memorial Gunter Raymond “Lewis” formerly of Columbus, died
Basson; father, George ie Mitchell. He was Peel, with the Rev. Latham, 74, died July July 10 in Hoover, Alabama,
Willard Payne; chil- formerly employed as Kelly Jolly officiating. 11, 2020, at Forest Man- after a short illness.
dren, Christopher a professional shoe Burial will follow in or Health and Rehabil- A memorial service will be
Shawn Yearby and shiner and was a mem- Covin Baptist Church itation of Northport, held at 11 AM Saturday, July
Brian Yearby. ber of Southside M.B. Cemetery of Fayette, Alabama. 18, at Memorial Gunter Peel
She is survived Church. Alabama. Visitation A graveside going Funeral Home, 716 Second
by her husband Billy In addition to his par- will be one hour prior home celebration will Avenue North, Columbus.
Bevering; daughter Mi- ents, he was preceded Rev. Ken Letson, pastor, The
chelle Yearby; sibling, in death by his siblings, Church at Shelby Crossings in
Roger Lee; and step-fa- Ella Mae Davis, Net- Calera, Alabama, will officiate. The family will
ther Chestly Basson. tie Kennedy, Martha receive friends from 10 to 11 AM at the funeral
Mitchell, Albert Mitch- home.
Mary Jones ell Sr., Lewis Mitchell, Ouda Shellyn Pace was born September 4,
ABERDEEN — James Mitchell and 1929, in Sebastopol, Mississippi, the daughter
Mary Elizabeth Blair George Cornelius of the late John Oliver and Maggie Lyle Pace.
Jones, 78, died July 7, Mitchell. She grew up in Lena, Mississippi, and attended
2020, at North Missis- Lena Schools. She received a bachelor’s degree
sippi Medical Center of Goeffrey Ward Jr in education from Mississippi College and later
Tupelo. MADISON, Wis. — earned a master’s degree in education from
A memorial service Goeffrey Ward Jr., 68, Mississippi State University.
is at 10 a.m. today, at died July 1, 2020. On October 9, 1955, she married William
James Gresham, Jr., of Carthage, Mississippi.

Levin Hailey
Tisdale-Lann Memorial Graveside services
Funeral Home, with are at 11 a.m. today, They lived in Mississippi, California and Texas
Ken Blanton officiat- New Prospect Ceme- during his service in the U.S. Air Force before
retiring in Columbus. Ouda taught school for 25
Levin “Bubba” Hailey went to Heaven on July years in Mississippi, completing her career as

Catherine Basinger
11, 2020. a business education teacher at Caldwell High
A private family graveside was held Monday, School in Columbus.
July 13, 2020, at Shuqualak Cemetery with Bro. Ouda was active in the First Baptist Church
Georgia Catherine Sanders Basinger, 90, Bill Ross officiating. Memorials may be made to of Columbus for many years. After retirement,
died July 7, 2020, at Windsor Place in Columbus, Calvary Baptist Church, 105 Dent St., Macon, she moved first to Bolivar, Missouri, and later to
MS. Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home & MS 39341. Cockrell Funeral Home is honored to St. Augustine, Florida, to live near her children.
Crematory, 2nd Avenue North, was entrusted be entrusted with arrangements. She was an active member of Anastasia Baptist
with her arrangements. Bubba was born in Kemper County, Mississippi Church in St. Augustine and served faithfully
Mrs. Basinger was born November 25, 1929, on August 19, 1938, to O.L. and Mary Alice Sciple in the church’s preschool ministry for 20 years.
to the late James Russell and Clara Pace Sanders Hailey. He married Margaret West Watkins in Most recently, she was a regular attender and
in Alabama. She was a 1948 graduate of Stephen 1964 and they enjoyed life together until she volunteer at The Church at Shelby Crossings
D. Lee Senior High School and a 1952 graduate of passed away in 2009. Bubba was a passionate in Calera, Alabama, where her daughter was
the Baptist School of Nursing, Memphis, TN with believer in his God and the peace that he found minister to families. She also was a member
a RN degree. She worked for the late Dr. Henry in his faith was evident in everything that he did. of the National Society of the Daughters of the
Holleman at Doster Hospital for thirty years and He loved Jesus Christ, to hunt and fish, nature American Revolution and actively involved in
the late Dr. John Frazier for fifteen years. and the outdoors, the sight of deer or turkeys genealogical projects and organizations.
In addition to her parents, she was predeceased feeding beside his house, a hummingbird by Survivors include her daughter, Shellyn
by her sisters, Minnie Grace Sanders and Louise his window, a squirrel by the swing and dogs. Gresham Poole (Philip) of Hoover; her son,
Sanders Homan. He loved people and for several decades he ran William Oliver Gresham, of St. Augustine; four
She is survived by her husband, Henry The Gholson Cash Store where you could find granddaughters, Melissa Poole Kirby (Todd) of
Basinger, of Caledonia; her son and daughter- anything that you needed along with a ready Daphne, Alabama; Caroline Poole Love (Kerry)
in-law, Bo and Judy Jarrett of Columbus; and her smile and good conversation. He retired from the of Murfreesboro, Tennessee; Chelsea Gresham
stepdaughter and step son-in-law, Anna Basinger Mississippi Highway Department as a supervisor (Chris Thompson) of Tampa, Florida; and Sami
Couch and Bobby of Starkville. She is also for Kemper County. Bubba had a gift for making Lynn Gresham of Winter Garden, Florida; two
survived by her niece, Mary Catherine Dunn, friends of everyone who met him. No one walked great-granddaughters, Olivia Shellyne Kirby and
whom she raised; and her brother James Sanders away without remembering his name. Anne Willson Kirby; two sisters, Rosaline Pace
and sister Maude Gardner. Bubba knew how to fix almost anything and Walker of Roeton, Alabama, and John Ann Pace
There will not be any services. Memorials was always willing to lend a helping hand or offer Miller of Germantown, Tennessee; one brother,
may be made to the Columbus-Lowndes Humane advice or just listen. He was incredibly loyal and George Lyle Pace (Ollie Kathryn) of Nashville,
Society, P.O. Box 85, Columbus, MS 39703. could always be counted on when things were North Carolina; a sister-in-law, DeAnn Pace of
tough whether it was a loved one with a terrible Fairborn, Ohio; and a host of nieces, nephews
disease or a tornado in a neighboring town. and cousins.
He was an amateur taxidermist which caused She was predeceased by her husband, her
his grandchildren to always immediately look parents, and a brother, Oliver Lauren Pace.
Sign the online guest book at in his freezer in the old store to see what new The family has suggested that in lieu of animal, bird, or reptile was going to be his next flowers, memorial gifts may be made to The
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS specimen. Bubba was not a prideful man, but Church at Shelby Crossings, 532 George Roy
he was exceptionally proud of his family, his Parkway, Calera, Alabama 35040, online at
children, grandchildren and especially his great, or Anastasia Baptist
grandchildren. Bubba was a man of deep faith Church, 1650 A1A South, St. Augustine, Florida
and it was through that faith that he fought the 32080, online at
battles of illness over the past three years with In accordance with local ordinances, masks
calm unyielding faith and courage. will be required at the funeral home and
He is survived by his children W. G. Watkins appropriate social distancing guidelines will be
(Polly) of Madison and Billy Watkins (Susan) of observed.
Send in your church event! Ridgeland; his brothers Levi Hailey and David
Email Hailey and sister Vondelle Hailey Fairbanks; and
Subject: Religious brief his loving companion, Faye Coleman of Macon.
Bubba has six grandchildren and 15 great
Your family will miss you Bubba. Go rest high Sign the online guest book at
on that mountain.
Paid Obituary - Cockrell Funeral Home 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 5B

Ten-Hut! Mask On! Class of 2024 to West Point amid pandemic

‘We can mitigate adapts to the pandemic, starting
with Reception Day, or R-Day.
over three days, from Sunday
through Tuesday, instead of one
see-through plastic sheet. New
cadets marched in socially dis-
march, drill, navigate, spend
four nights in field training and
exposure as much as Reception Day still ushers
in an intense period of training
Reception Day, as usual.
New arrivals dropped off by
tant intervals.
“We can mitigate exposure
throw a live hand grenade, he
said, though some training will
possible, but we can’t that introduces new arrivals to
the rigors of cadet life. But this
their parents Monday morn-
ing took a moment for goodbye
as much as possible, but we can’t
eliminate it. What we can do is
be deferred until next summer.
“I still think we have a very
eliminate it’ year, older cadets barked orders hugs before being tested for prevent transit from one person good plan to acculturate them to
Lt. Col. Robert Kinney through face masks. New ca- COVID-19. Results come back to the next by adhering to strict, West Point and the Army,” Buz-
dets will still have to endure the in an hour or so. Those who test non-pharmaceutical interven- zard said.
BY MICHAEL HILL weeks of drills, marches and ex- positive — as four did Sunday tions,” said Lt. Col. Robert Kin- The changes in training mir-
The Associated Press ertions of Cadet Basic Training, — will be isolated for weeks but ney, who is in charge of R-Day ror those made by the other ser-
unofficially known as “Beast will still take part in training. operations. vice academies this summer, as
WEST POINT, N.Y. — New Barracks.” But that training will Hundreds of new cadets spent All new cadets will be moni- well as by the military in gener-
cadet candidates arriving at be two weeks shorter this year. Monday being hustled around in tored and spend most of their al.
the U.S. Military Academy on “I know that it’s shorter, but I groups for the traditional round time in cohorts of 35 to 40, said Army soldiers undergoing
Monday were promptly tested trust it will be the same experi- of uniform fittings, buzz cuts Brigadier Gen. Curtis A. Buz- Basic Combat Training are mon-
for COVID-19, stood at attention ence overall. I’ll still get to know and lining up. They were or- zard, commandant of cadets. itored and initially have limited
in face masks and were given all my classmates,” said Justin dered to “Hurry Up!” and “Move Though this year’s Cadet Ba- contact with others for 14 days as
shouted orders to wash their Suess of Batavia, Illinois. “I am With a Purpose!” but also “Wash sic Training has been shortened they focus on academic training.
hands. prepared. I’ve been exercising Your Hands!” at an outdoor wa- from six weeks to four, Buzzard Members of the smaller cadres
The transition from civilian to hard.” ter station. At another station, said he’s confident they will be then join the rest of the trainees
West Point cadet is different for The more than 1,220 new older cadets shouted orders to well trained. for the remaining weeks of train-
the Class of 2024 as the academy cadets this year are arriving the new arrivals from behind a They will still shoot, rappel, ing.

More than 200 schools back

lawsuit over foreign student rule
Lawsuit challenges recent directive backed by existing law for-
bidding foreign students
saying international students cannot from taking all of their
classes online. ICE sus-
stay in the U.S. if they take all their pended the rule in March
in response to the pan-
classes online this fall demic, but the agency told
universities it was subject
BY COLLIN BINKLEY leges and state and local to change, according to a
AP Education Writer officials are standing up Monday court filing from
to the policy, which faces the Trump administration.
BOSTON — More than mounting legal opposi- The agencies say their
200 universities are back- tion. Massachusetts filed updated guidance still pro-
ing a legal challenge to the a federal suit Monday vides leniency by allowing
Trump administration’s that was joined by Dem- foreign students to main-
new restrictions on inter- ocratic attorneys general tain their visas even if they
national students, arguing in 16 other states and the study online from abroad
that the policy jeopardizes District of Columbia. Oth- this fall.
students’ safety and forc- er suits have come from “Rather than complete-
es schools to reconsider Johns Hopkins University ly rescinding the March
fall plans they have spent and the state of California. guidance and reverting
months preparing. The University of Califor- to business as usual with
The schools have nia system has said it will respect to schools and
signed court briefs sup- sue. foreign students, ICE
porting Harvard Universi- A judge is scheduled announced a measured
ty and the Massachusetts to hear arguments Tues- transition to begin a move
Institute of Technology as day in the case brought by toward reopening schools
they sue U.S. Immigration Harvard and MIT. If the and allowing students to
and Customs Enforcement judge does not suspend return to classrooms,” the
in federal court in Boston. the rule, colleges across brief said.
The lawsuit challenges a the U.S. will have until A brief filed Monday by
recently announced direc- Wednesday to notify ICE if 59 universities, however,
tive saying international they plan to be fully online says the rule throws their
students cannot stay in the this fall. plans into disarray with
U.S. if they take all their The Department of less than a month before
classes online this fall. Homeland Security and some schools start the fall
A wide range of col- ICE say the new policy is term.

China sanctions Cruz, Rubio, Smith, Brownback for criticism

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dom Sam Brownback against what it sees as in-
were targeted, as was the terference in its internal
BEIJING — China said Congressional-Executive affairs.
Monday it will impose Commission on China. “China will respond
sanctions on three U.S. The four have been crit- further according to the
lawmakers and one am- ical of the ruling Com- development of the situa-
bassador in response to munist Party’s policies tion,” Hua said.
similar actions taken by toward minority groups She did not spell out
the U.S. last week against and people of faith. the sanctions beyond
Chinese officials over al- Foreign ministry saying they would corre-
leged human rights abus- spokesperson Hua spond to the American
es against Muslims in the Chunying said the U.S. ones. The U.S. prohibited
Xinjiang region. move had “seriously any property transactions
U.S. Senators Marco damaged China-U.S. re- by Americans with four
Rubio and Ted Cruz, Rep. lations” and that China senior Chinese officials
Chris Smith and Ambas- was determined to uphold and barred three of them
sador for Religious Free- its national sovereignty from entering the U.S.
Apryl Sherrod

Lonnie Sander
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
$483.80 The Starkville Dispatch and Online
Eldwyien Donald
To place ads starting at only $12,
Tammy Crimm
call 662-328-2424 or visit
Cyretha Ball
Legal Notices
Marissa Perkins Apts For Rent: West Apts For Rent: Other

Employment Real Estate Vehicles

Renise Lyshon
Call us: 662-328-2424 B35 Call us: 662-328-2424 RENTALS Ads starting at $25 Ads starting at $12

Legal Notices Cheryl Ferghson General Help Wanted Apartments & Houses 1 BEDROOM Lots & Acreage Motorcycles & ATVs
(Block Grants)
$400.65 Experienced Cabinet As-
sembler: 1+ years experi-
1 Bedrooms 3 BEDROOMS
1.75 ACRE LOTS. Good/ 2005 HONDA 250 REBEL
Black, red, and gray.
2 Bedroooms
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is
Bad Credit Options. Good
ence recommended as well credit as low as 20% down, 1,428 miles. $1500.
hereby given that The Grove
3 Bedrooms LEASE,

© The Dispatch
as a good knowledge of $499/mo. Eaton Land, 662−364−0120.
HUMAN SERVICES Mini Warehouses liquidation
other woodworking tasks.
Division of Community Services sale will take place at 510
Lehmberg Road, Columbus, MS Must be able to operate
DEPOSIT 662−361−7711.
Legislative Public Hearing Furnished & Unfurnished Need a new ride?
39702 on July 24, 2020 at power tools & have valid AND
Shop here for the
The Mississippi Department of 10:00 A.M. driver’s license.
1, 2, & 3 Baths CREDIT CHECK
Human Services, Division of
Community Services will be PUBLISH: 7/7, 7/14 &
Call 662-245-0400
7:00am-5:00pm, Monday- Lease, Deposit Merchandise best deals around.
conducting the Legislative Pub- 7/21/2020
lic Hearing on the Community
Thursday to speak with & Credit Check 662-329-2323
Services Block Grant and Low- IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
Greg or Thomas. Ads starting at $12
Income Home Energy Assist-
ance Programs under Title 26
of the Omnibus Budget Recon-
SIPPI Experienced Cabinet and
Mill Work Installer: 2+ 327-8555
2411 HWY 45 N
COLUMBUS, MS Appliances Community
ciliation Act of 1981, as EDWARD MICHAEL OGLESBY years experience highly re-
amended. The hearing for the and JUDY OGLESBY PLAINTIFFS commended. Must have a Apts For Rent: Other Houses For Rent: North CENTRAL AC UNIT. Only Ads starting at $12
2021 programs scheduled for used 1 day, too small for
valid driver’s license & be
Tuesday, July 21, 2020, at VERSUS HOUSE FOR RENT BY space. Revolv brand, 2.5
11:00 am Multi-County Com- willing to travel overnight. btu, 208−230 voltage. Travel & Entertainment
Must have own tools. OWNER. 220 Mclemore
munity Service Agency, 2906 PARKWAY MORTGAGE, INC.; Road, Columbus. 1750sqft $900. Crawford, MS.
St. Paul Street, Meridian, Mis- WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., suc- Call 662-245-0400 Brick house in quiet neigh− 662−497−2754.
sissippi has been cancelled for cessor by merger to Wachovia 7:00am-5:00pm, Monday- PUBLIC CATFISH POND
that location and rescheduled Bank of Delaware, N.A., f/k/a Thursday to speak with borhood. 3 bedrooms & 2 General Merchandise @ 130 Hillcrest Drive.
for Tuesday, July 21, 2020, at First Union National Bank of Greg or Thomas. full baths. No HUD, Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
11:00 am through Zoom meet- Delaware; CITIBANK, N.A., Columbus City school 662−386−8591
ing by the Mississippi Depart- district. $1000/mo with 2018 40FT Gooseneck
a/k/a Citi Mortgage; J.P. MOR- Clean Up and Mowing Crew Trailer w/ 5ft dovetail, 12 Call for pricing.
ment of Human Services due to GAN CHASE & CO., d/b/a 1 mo deposit. Serious
the COVID-19 Pandemic. Parti- Chase Bank; CAPITAL ONE Taking applications for job ton axles, 10−4inch straps
opening in Columbus, MS inquiries only please. Call
cipants can join the Zoom HOME LOANS, LLC, Operating 662−574−3202 to see the & tarps. $7,000.
meeting via & Pickensville, AL, for
Subsidiary of a National Bank;
BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., suc- Ground Maintenance house or make application. 662−251−3001. Five Questions:
08020 or through One tap mo- cessor by merger to BAC Home Laborer, to work on Tenn- HORSE SADDLE
bile: meeting ID: 825 330 Loans Servicing, LP, f/k/a Tom Waterway Project, HOUSE FOR RENT
1 A few thousand
8020, with all attachments. $250
Countrywide Home Loans Servi- maintaining parks, picnic 2−3 Bedroom w/ 1.5 Bath
+16468769923,,825330802# cing, LP; MORTGAGE ELEC- Fenced in yard. $675. OBO Call 662−328−9316.
US (New York) or areas & playgrounds. Must
+13017158592,,8253308020 TEMS, INC., a/k/a MERS, Inc.;
be 18 years or older, pass PET SUPPLIES. Rabbit
pre-employment drug Ask for Glenn or text.
# US (Germantown). If lines are
busy, please try one of the fol-
TIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCI- screen & have valid driver’s
cage 33"x33’x22" w/ food
bowls, toys, hay container,
2 Domino’s
lowing numbers, +1 646 876 ATION, a/k/a Fannie Mae; NA- license with good driving re- HOUSE FOR RENT.
litter box, like new. Cat
9923 US (New York), +1 301 TIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLC, cord. EOE. Send resume’ 56 Mason Dr. No HUD. No
3 Samhain
715 8592 US (Germantown), tower 4.5’x2’x1.5’, gently
d/b/a Mr. Cooper; and ALL or apply at following: pets. 3BR/1.5BA. Asking
used. $150/both $80/ea.
or +1 312 626 6799 US OTHER UNKNOWN PERSONS For Columbus: $760/ per month. Dep.
(Chicago) and the meeting ID: OR ENTITIES HAVING OR 662−251−0836.
825 330 8020. R&D Maintenance Services $760. 662−549−9298.
CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN OR 3600 West Plymouth Road Wanted To Buy
The Community Services Block
SCRIBED IN THIS COMPLAINT Columbus, Ms. 39701 Houses For Rent: Other 4 Mary, Edith and
For Pickenville:
Grant provides funds for a DEFENDANTS Dumbbells and Kettlebells
range of activities to amelior- R&D Maintenance Services 248 BYRNES CIR. 3BR/
2BA with extra room. $650 Searching for used
ate the causes and effects of NO. 2020-0257-DE 1623 Lock & Dam Road Dumbbells and Kettlebells.
poverty. For Fiscal Year 2021, Carrollton, AL. 35447 rent + $650 dep. Call 662
Please call or text 662−
5 Peach
at least 90 percent of the PUBLICATION SUMMONS −364−7969 for more info.
funds allocated to the State 425−1677.
through these grants will be AREA BUSINESS Take down that “for
contracted to non-profit com- is seeking a mature, rent” sign and get
munity action agencies, mi- motivated person who
One call will bring you results.
TO: All other unknown persons
grant seasonal farm worker or- or entities having or claiming a enjoys interacting with
fast results with an
ganizations or community- legal or equitable interest in or people, being outdoors easy classified ad.
based organizations that meet to the property described in the
the eligibility requirements as attached Complaint and below
and multitasking. Skills
described in Section 675 of related to maintaining Place your
or place your ad online at
the Community Services Block NOTICE TO DEFENDANT equipment and/or farm
Grant Act, as amended. The eli- work are desired but not ad today at
gibility requirements for the You have been made a Defend- required. Person needs to
program are outlined in the ap-
plication process.
ant in the suit filed in this
Court by Edward Michael
Oglesby and Judy Oglesby,
be flexible enough to pitch
in where ever needed but or call 328-2424
The Low-Income Home Energy Plaintiffs, seeking confirmation
also keep their core
Assistance Program assists eli- and quieting of title and vari- responsibilities in mind.
gible households to pay the ous other relief. The real prop- If you enjoy a different ex-
costs of home energy bills and erty, which is the subject of perience on the regular,
other energy-related services, this Complaint is described as meeting new people and
for example, wood, kerosene, follows: believe in customer
electricity, gas, heaters,
blankets, fans and air condi-
satisfaction this job might
A tract or parcel of land loc- be for you.
tioners. For Fiscal Year 2021, ated in the Northeast Quarter
at least 90 percent of the (NE ¼) of Section 22, Town- Please submit resume to:
funds allocated to the State ship 17 South, Range 17 West, Blind Box 675 c/o The
through these grants will be Lowndes County, Mississippi, Commercial Dispatch
contracted to private, nonprofit, and being more particularly de- PO Box 511
and public agencies desig- scribed as follows: Columbus, MS 39703
nated in accordance with Pub-
lic Law 97-35, as amended. Commencing at an existing iron
The eligibility requirements for pipe at the Southeast corner of MOUNT TRUCKING is hir-
the program are outlined in the the Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) ing a flatbed driver in the
application process. of Section 22; thence North 87 Columbus area. Family-
degrees 10 minutes West owned. Get more out your
Copies of the state plans are along the South line of the said
available for review at the Mis- Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) of check & more home time.
sissippi Department of Human Section 22, a distance of We work for you!
Services by calling 601-359- 300.02 feet to an iron pin and *Home every weekend
4768 or 1-800-421-0762. being the Point of Beginning of *50 cent a mile *1099
the herein described tract of Tyrone Washington
Inquiries, comments or sugges- land; thence continue North 87 901-230-4659
tions regarding the block grant degrees 10 minutes West
plans and/or eligibility require- along the South line of the said
ments must be received on or Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) of
before July 28, 2020 by the Di- Section 22, a distance of THE COMMERCIAL
vision of Community Services, 291.18 feet to an iron pin; DISPATCH seeks a motiv-
P. O. Box 352, Jackson, Mis- thence North 58 degrees 15 ated, contracted carrier for
sissippi 39205. Public com- minutes West a distance of the Brooksville & Macon
ments will be reviewed before 372.82 feet to an iron pin on
finalizing the 2021 State Plans the Southerly right-of-way line area. Excellent opportunity
for these programs. of the Columbus Millport Road; to earn money for college.
thence North 52 degrees 16 Must have good transporta-
INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR minutes East along said South- tion, valid driver's license
SALE OF FOREST PRODUCTS erly right of way line a distance & insurance. Delivers on
ON STATE LANDS of 94.17 feet; thence continue Sunday morning and Mon-
Northeasterly along said South- Fri afternoons. Apply at The
Bids will be received by the erly right-of-way line and being Commercial Dispatch, 516
Mississippi Department of a curve to the right a distance
Main Street in Columbus.
Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks at of 399.3 feet to an iron pin;
3319 Lake Lowndes Road, thence South 22 degrees 07 No phone calls please.
Columbus, Mississippi 39702, minutes East a distance of
up to and not later than 11:00 512.65 feet to the Point of Be-
A.M., August 6, 2020 for the ginning. Containing 3.58 acres,
purchase on a per ton, pay-as- more or less.
cut basis of all timber, stand-
ing or down, designated for cut- Defendants other than you in
ting at Lake Lowndes State this action are Parkway Mort-
Park, Sections 3 and 10, Town- gage, Inc.; Wells Fargo Bank, Ads starting at $25
ship 19 South, Range 17 West, N.A., successor by merger to
Lowndes County, Mississippi. Wachovia Bank of Delaware, Apts For Rent: North
Each bidder is expected to N.A., f/k/a First Union Nation-
make his own cruise and to bid al Bank of Delaware; Citibank,
accordingly. N.A., a/k/a Citi Mortgage; J.P. FOX RUN APARTMENTS
Morgan Chase & Co., d/b/a
Before bids are submitted, full Chase Bank; Capital One Home 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
information concerning the tim- Loans, LLC, Operating Subsidi- $595−$645 monthly.
ber, the conditions of sale and ary of a National Bank; Bank of Military discount, pet area,

Service Directory
the submission of bids should America, N.A., successor by pet friendly, and furnished
be obtained from Carl Branson, merger to BAC Home Loans corporate apts.
Forester (662-417-2611, Servicing, LP, f/k/a Country- The wide Home Loans Servicing,
right to reject any and all bids LP; Mortgage Electronic Regis- GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
is reserved. tration Systems, Inc., a/k/a ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
MERS, Inc.; Seterus, Inc.; Fed- ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
PUBLISH: 7/14, 7/21, 7/28 & eral National Mortgage Associ- 24−HOUR CAMERA
ation, a/k/a Fannie Mae; and
Nationstar Mortgage, LLC,
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. Promote your small business starting at only $25
State of Mississippi d/b/a Mr. Cooper.
County Of Lowndes
You are required to mail or Very large, very nice 2bd, SERVICES General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping Tree Services
NOTICE OF SALE LIQUIDATION hand deliver a copy of a writ- 2ba apartment. Lots of
ten response to the Complaint closets, washer dryer WORK WANTED: Licensed JESSE & BEVERLY’S J&A TREE REMOVAL
to Elizabeth F. Jones, the attor- Carpet & Flooring & Bonded. Carpentry, minor LAWN SERVICE Work from a bucket truck.
WHEREAS, the following ten- included. Fenced, covered
ants entered into leases with ney for the Plaintiff, whose ad- parking. Perfect for two electrical, minor plumbing, Mowing, cleanup, Insured/bonded.
The Grove Mini Warehouses for dress is Post Office Box 1827, roommates, or a couple insulation, painting, landscaping, sodding, Call Jimmy Prescott for free
storage space in which to store 322 Main Street, Columbus, with kids. $675.00 662− demolition, gutters & tree cutting. estimate, 662−386−6286.
personal property and Mississippi 39703-1827. Your cleaned, pressure washing, 662−356−6525
response must be mailed or 364−1610
delivered within thirty (30) days landscaping, cleanup work.
WHEREAS, default has been Apts For Rent: South 662−242−3608.
made in the payment for rent after June 30, 2020, which is Lawn Care
and The Grove Mini Ware- the date of the first publication Mow, Trim, Edge and Blow.
houses pursuant to said of this Summons. If your re- Two large, very nice, 2br, Free Estimate.
leases is authorized to sell the sponse is not so mailed or de- 1ba apartments in
WASHING. Commercial/ Call 662−574−1225.
personal property to satisfy the livered, a judgment by default downtown Columbus. First If no answer please leave
past due rent and other will be entered against you for floor with washer/dryers Residential. House,
the money or other relief de- DAVID’S CARPET & concrete, sidewalks & message.
charges owed to it by the fol- and private parking. One of
lowing tenants: manded in the Complaint. UPHOLSTERY mobile washing. Free est.
the best locations in SAM’S LAWN SERVICE
downtown. $875.00 662− CLEANING 662−386−8925.
Apryl Sherrod You must also file the original 1 Room − $50 No lawn too large or too
A16 of your response with the Clerk 364−1610 small. Mowing, trimming &
of this Court within a reason- 2 Rooms − $70
$165.00 3+ Rooms − $30 EA weedeating.
able time afterward. Call 662−243−1694
Rugs−Must Be Seen
Lonnie Sander Car Upholstery Cleaning
A32 ISSUED UNDER MY HAND AND Painting & Papering
$483.80 SEAL OF SAID COURT, this Available
26th day of June, 2020. 662−722−1758
Eldwyien Donald Ext/Int Painting.
LOWNDES General Services Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI Repair. Pressure Washing.
Tammy Crimm A & T TREE SERVICES Free Estimates. Ask for
A38 BY: /s/ Tina Fisher Bucket truck & stump specials! Larry Webber,
$261.95 Deputy Clerk removal. Free est. 662−242−4932.
You’ll find the best deals Serving Columbus
Publish: 06/30/2020
Cyretha Ball
07/07/2020 when you advertise since 1987. Senior SULLIVAN’S PAINT
$236.95 07/14/2020 and shop here! citizen disc. Call Alvin @ SERVICE
242−0324/241−4447 Special Prices.
"We’ll go out on a limb for
Marissa Perkins you!"
Interior & Exterior Painting.
B25 662−435−6528

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