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prepared by Krissy Osabel

Exercise 1
q Welcome to Golden Shoes!
Useful q I’m Harry Smith of/from Golden Shoes.
Expressions q You must be Mr./Ms. Jackson.
q Please have a seat and make yourself
q Would you like something to drink?
q Is this your first time in the city?
q Did you have any trouble finding us?
q Did you find your way here all right?
q I can show you around the building,
if you'd like.
q I could give you a quick tour of the
company, if you want.
Exercise 2 Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
Dialogue Practice

The manager of a company is welcoming a visitor, Mr. Smith, who has

just arrived at the office.

You must be Mr. Smith. Welcome to Golden Shoes!

Thank you.

I’m Hank Potter, the manager of this company.

So, you’re the person I’ve talked with over the

phone, is that right?
Exercise 2 Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
Dialogue Practice

The manager of a company is welcoming a visitor, Mr. Smith, who has

just arrived at the office.

That is correct. It’s great to finally meet you in


Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Potter!

How was your flight?

It was fine, but it was a very long flight.

Exercise 2 Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
Dialogue Practice

The manager of a company is welcoming a visitor, Mr. Smith, who has

just arrived at the office.

I see. You must be very tired, then. Please have a seat and
make yourself comfortable. Would you like something to
drink, perhaps a cup of coffee or tea?

Some water would be nice. Thank you.

Right away. So, is this your first time in the city?

Yes, this is my first time here.

Exercise 2 Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
Dialogue Practice

The manager of a company is welcoming a visitor, Mr. Smith, who has

just arrived at the office.

I hope you didn't have any problem finding us.

No, not at all. Your directions were very clear. This is a

lovely space you have here. Have you been in this
location long?

No, we actually just moved into this building a few months

ago. After the meeting, I can show you around the building,
if you'd like.

Yes, I'd love that! Thank you.

Check your understanding:

1. What company was Mr. Smith visiting?

2. Does Mr. Smith already know the


3. What will Mr. Smith do after the

Exercise 3: Discussion
1. Have you ever welcomed a visitor to
a company that you worked for?

2. What should be done to make new

visitors feel comfortable and

3. How important is reputation in


4. What companies have a good

reputation in your opinion? Please giv
e some examples.
Thank you
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