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Textile Research

Static Electricity in Textiles

J.W. Ballou
Textile Research Journal 1954 24: 146
DOI: 10.1177/004051755402400209

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Static Electricity in Textiles*

J. W. Ballou
Textile Fibers Department, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc.,
Wilmington, Delaware

Introduction will be associated with the charge itself for con-

venience. Those physical properties of the fiber or
There is no completely satisfactory understanding
fabric that influence the qualities of the charge are
of the phenomenon of static electricity in textiles, but
there is certainly enough known about its causes and surveyed in Figures 2 and 3. Figure 2 shows an
idealized comparison of some of the different situa-
effects so that a fairly consistent working theory is
tions possible when static is generated. Each of the
possible. Figure 1 shows the relations among the three cases involves what happens when two surfaces
various fiber factors, the static charge, and finally the
noticeable physical effects. This discussion will be
are pressed together and then separated, one surface
concerned primarily with those physical effects that
being common to all three situations. In A, test
surface #1 takes on eight units of plus charge, and
are objectionable from the standpoint of the wearer

of textile fabrics. The cause of these symptoms is,

of course, the electrical charge, Q. This charge usu-
ally results from pressure or rubbing contact of the
textile material against other surfaces followed by
separation. In addition to its magnitude, Q, this
charge has two other measurable qualities of im-
portance : the sign, whether plus or minus, and its
rate of decay, or how fast it is dissipated. It might
be argued that the rate of decay is more properly a
quality not of the charge itself, but of the surface on
which the charge rests, or the atmospheric con- FIG. 2. Typical situations irwolvivtg static electricity.
ditions in its vicinity. This idea is partly true and
will be expanded later, but for the time being decay

* Presented at a
meeting of The Fiber Society in New
Orleans, La., Apr. 22, 1953.

FIG. 1. Static electricity relationships. FIG. 3. Change in charge with time.

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the common surface §4 eight units of minus charge. on the test surface for case C alter a certain time,

The test surface is assumed to have a small resist- and then becomes even smaller.
ance and capacity ’to ground, actually through the These considerations apply to textiles in general.
material but indicated schematically as separate, so Thus, it can be seen how fiber or fabric surface area
that charge leakage can take place relatively rapidly. of contact, electrostatic series position, and electrical
In B, the only difference is that the test surface ~2 conductivity are related to the electrical charge de-
takes on a minus charge. However, in C, a reduced veloped when textiles come in contact with or rub
area of contact results in only four units of minus against surfaces such as human skin, leather, other
charge, and a large resistance and capacity to ground textiles, metals, and other materials. The curves for
results in a relatively slow leakage. The sign of cases B and C also show how one factor can com-

the charge developed on the test surface is related to pensate for another-i.e., a fiber or fabric developing
its position in the electrostatic series, which will be a large charge but having electrical characteristics

discussed later, the magnitude of the charge de- resulting in a rapid charge decay may be the equiv-
veloped depends partly on the surface contact area,
and the rate of leakage of the charge depends, in
many cases, on the electrical properties of the ma-
terial under test.
These charge qualities and the way in which they
change with time for the three different situations
depicted here are shown in Figure 3. The only
difference between A and B is in the sign of the
charge, whereas C is different from B in that the
test surface has half the charge developed by virtue
of the smaller contact area; this charge does not
leak off as rapidly because of the larger resistance and
capacity of the test surface with respect to ground.
Note that in case B, in spite of the higher initial
charge, the charge decays to a value equal to that FIG. 4. Schematic diagram of modulator.

FIG. 5. Photograph off


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alent, after a certain elapsed time, of one developing which is measured by a voltmeter. This voltmeter
a small charge but having electrical characteristics reading indicates the magnitude of the charge on the
resulting in a slow charge decay. fabric and is, of course, dependent on the proximity
of the fabric to the plate. Figure 5 is a photograph
Instruments for Measurement of the device. The detector plate is visible, whereas
the condenser and chopper are in the box. If, for
Two instruments, constructed in DuPont’s Pio-
neering Research Laboratory, have proved very use- example, a negatively charged object is brought near
the plate and the plate is grounded momentarily, the
ful in studying static charges. Perhaps the most
versatile of these is the sensitive detector copied after plate will be charged positively. This charge will
remain for a long time because the plate is well
that developed by Havenhill, O’Brien, and Rankin
insulated. This positive bound charge, of course, re-
r 1]. This device is called a &dquo;modulator,&dquo; because sults in a meter reading when the negatively charged
it modulates the electrical field set up by a static
charge and therefore permits the use of alternating object is removed.
If a positively charged object is then brought near
current amplifiers. Figure 4 is a schematic diagram
of the modulator, showing that it consists of a con- the plate, the meter reading will increase; on the
denser arranged so that the field between the con- other hand, bringing a negatively charged object near
denser plates is interrupted by a grounded chopper the plate will result in a decrease in meter reading.
or fan blade driven by a synchronous motor. If a Thus, the instrument permits measuring sign as well
charged object-for example, a piece of fabric-is
as magnitude.
Tomeasure charge decay, the modulator is used
brought up to the insulated top detector plate, a
with an amplifier and recorder, as shown in Figure 6.
charge is induced, and a field is set up in the con-
denser. The chopper interrupts the field and thereby This arrangement records the decay with time or loss
sets up an alternating current in the ground lead, of a charge placed on the insulated upper plate of
the modulator by virtue of its leaking through a
fabric to a grounded weight. Examples of the rate
of leakage to ground characteristic of various fabrics
are shown in Figure 7. The same potential was put
on the modulator plate in every case, so that the

curves all start at the same voltage reading.

These fabrics were all about 7 mils in thickness,

with the exception of the wool fabric which was 18
mils thick. However, differences in thickness are
not too important in this test, since the rate of decay

FIG. 6. Using modulator to measure charge leakage. depends on the product of the resistance and capacity
of the condenser formed by the charged modulator
plate and the upper grounded plate. An increase of
fabric thickness will increase the resistance but de-

FIG. 7. Charge leakage at 15% R.H. arcd 85° F through

f abrics made from various yarns. FIG. 8. Static electricity tester for yarns.

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crease the capacity, so that the product remains a Figure 9 shows how various continuous-filament
constant. This was checked experimentally by com- yarns compare in initial charge build-up at various
paring the rate of leakage of three layers of fabric relative humidities. The yarns, all between 400 and
made from Dacron polyester fiber with that of one 500 den., were dry-cleaned, scoured, and then rinsed
layer. No difference was found. The longer time in changes of warm distilled water until the con-
for static charge to leak to ground through the ductivity of the rinse water remained constant. The
fabrics made from hydrophobic fibers is graphically voltages developed represent the maximum readings
shown. Lefore charge decay had a chance to set in.
While the modulator just described is useful for At low humidities the voltage limit of the detector
measuring the magnitude, sign, and decay rate of was exceeded in testing Dacron * polyester yarn,

static charges on fabrics, it is not particularly suit- Orlon * acrylic yarn, and nylon. The relative
able for use with yarns. A device designed specifi- voltages developed conform pretty much to what
cally to measure the static electrical properties of might be expected on the basis of subjective ob-
short lengths of experimental yarn is shown sche- servations of these fibers in use, with the hydrophobic
matically in Figure 8. The sample is in the form fibers developing the highest voltages.
of a closed loop of 400-500-den. yarn, 1.5 m. long. To estimate charge decay rate with the apparatus
It is driven under a constant tension of about 0.25 g./ used to obtain the voltage data shown in Figure 9,
den. over a standard surface. After passing over this it is only necessary to note the time it takes for the
surface, the yarn goes over an opening in a shielded voltage to drop to half its initial value. Figure 10
can containing a modulated detector, which is simi- gives values of these times in seconds for the same
lar in principle to the one just described and which well-cleaned yarns. The symbol cc is used merely to
&dquo;sees&dquo; a short section of the yarn through the open- indicate that there was no perceptible charge decay
ing. In practice, an aluminum test surface is used, in several minutes. These yarn data are consistent
because it gives results in accord with subjective with those given earlier for fabrics made from the
static ratings and differentiates well between yarns. same yarns.
The yarn is moved in short spurts in between read- Figure 10 also shows that the leakage rate for
ings ; the readings are taken with the yarn at rest. charge on the four fibers with the highest voltages
The device is calibrated by replacing the yarn with a is negligible below 60% R.H., so that the steady de-
section of insulated copper wire, and applying a crease of voltage developed with increasing humidity

known potential. Since temperature and humidity for acetate yarn, for example, cannot be ascribed to
have a large effect, the device is enclosed in an auto- increased leakage. It is noteworthy, also, that tests
matically controlled humidity chamber. have shown that yarns slightly contaminated with,
for example, oil may show an increase in voltage de-
veloped with increasing humidity, at least up to 60%
R.H. These observations point to some effect of
surface water other than increased electrical conduc-
* DuPont trademarks.

FIG. 9. Initial charge build-up of ’various fibers. FIG. 10. Comparison of half-life of f charge in seconds.

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The Electrostatic Series member of the series is positive to those below it and
In any electrostatic work the sign of the charge is negative to those above it. Such an electrostatic
series at 15 % R.H. is shown in Figure 11. It must
of particular interest. It has been known for over be emphasized that many such series have been set
two centuries that some charged materials are plus
and some minus, after being rubbed or pressed up by various investigators, and that, at best, agree-
ment is only approximate, because of differences in
against a common surface and separated. It has the manner of preparing the surfaces and other fac-
also been known that the sign depends on what
the common surface is. An elementary way of
One noteworthy feature of this series is the chemi-
looking at this is to say that some materials ac- cal grouping of the fibers. At the positive end are
quire a positive charge by loss of electrons because fibers containing amide groups-e.g., wool, nylon,
free electrons tend to leave these materials more
and silk. At the negative end are the hydrocarbons
readily than they do another surface, and a net and halogenated hydrocarbons-e.g., polyethylene
loss results. Conversely, these same materials can
and Saran-with the hydroxy-rich polymers in be-
acquire a negative charge if the other surface loses tween. It must be emphasized here that this series,
electrons more readily. It is important to realize
as it was set up experimentally, ranks these yarns
that the process of electrification depends on get-
only as to sign; it is qualitative, and does not permit
ting good physical contact between the surfaces and,
any comparisons of the magnitude of the charge.
indeed, it has been proven experimentally that the As noted, this series holds at 15% R.H. A simi-
charge developed is directly proportional to the lar series of the same fibers at 60% R.H. is very
area of contact. Friction or rubbing acts to promote
little different from this, the only major change being
this good contact so that the charge transfer can
a shift in the position of Fiberglas,* which moves up
take place.
to a position between wool and nylon. Another
To investigate the sign of the charge developed in
interesting effect noted with glass is that a fire-
textile materials rubbed against various surfaces, in-
polished glass rod rubbed with silk is charged posi-
cluding other textiles, yarn samples were boiled off,
rinsed, and wound on plastic plates about 2 in. tively, but if the surface of the rod is roughened with
emery paper, then the rough surface takes on a nega-
square. The samples were then rubbed together or tive charge when rubbed with silk; indeed, it is
against other surfaces so that the direction of motion
was always parallel to the yarn axis. In every case, negative even to Orlon acrylic yarn. Undoubtedly
different active chemical groups are uncovered by the
the samples were initially discharged with an ionizing
abrasion in this case.
source such as an Ionotron static eliminator.
No discussion of the electrostatic series would be
The procedure for determining sign can be il-
lustrated bound complete without some mention of the early work of
by an example. First, a charge of
known sign-for this example, positive-is placed Owens-Corning trademark.
on the modulator detector plate so that a meter

reading results. Then, if wound samples of nylon

and cotton are rubbed together, separated, and
brought in turn close to the charged plate, it is noted
that the meter reading increases when the nylon is
brought up and decreases when the cotton is brought
up. This indicates that the nylon has a positive
charge and the cotton a negative one. In this way,
every possible contact combination of a group of
yarns can be tested and a table prepared showing the
results. Finally, this table can be consolidated into
a consistent series called an &dquo;electrostatic&dquo; or &dquo;tri-

boelectric&dquo; series, in which the yarns range from the

one that is positive to all others in the group, down
to the one that is negative to all the others, with the
FIG. 11. Electrostatic series at ISa/o R.H. (*Owens-
rest of the yarns arranged in between such that any
Corning trade mark; + DuPont trademark).

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Coehn and Richards (discussed in [2], p. 32). by relative humidity, and some yarns show a re-
These workers found that when liquids and solids versal of sign compared to nylon. This ~anisotropy
are charged by contact with other solids, the ma- has been found in a great many yarns. It was not
terial having the highest dielectric constant carries found in those cases where no very appreciable
the greatest positive charge. This connection with charge was ever developed anyway.

dielectric constant is important because it ties in with From an examination of the electrostatic series,
certain observations which might otherwise seem the question naturally arises : How do blends of two
anomalous and which seem more reasonable when it fibers in this series behave as far as static is con-
is realized that solids such as different textile ma- cerned ? An example is the effect of blending Dacron
terials and plastic films do not each have one unique polyester staple and nylon staple. In the elec-
dielectric constant. Instead, these may exhibit a trostatic series shown in Figure 11, nylon is near
range of dielectric constants depending on the amount the extreme positive end and Dacron is lower down
of crystallinity and structural orientation present. If in the series towards the negative end. If these
this were not the case, for example, polyethylene fibers are rubbed individually-for example, against
would never be expected to develop any charge when a chrome-plated metallic surface-the nylon develops
rubbed on polyethylene, and nylon would always be a positive charge and the Dacron a negative one. In
neutral to nylon. This is not always the case, and a staple blend of these two fibers this would still be
where charge is developed between like chemical true, as shown diagrammatically in Figure 13, which
structures, it can probably be related in every case, depicts the surface of an idealized blended yarn.
as Graham [2] pointed out, to differences in physical Both signs of charge would exist simultaneously in
structure and therefore dielectric constant. For ex- close proximity, positive on the nylon and negative
ample, charge can be developed by rubbing together, on the Dacron. In general, there would be a net
along their axes, polymeric yarns of different draw positive negative charge, and there would be very

ratio and, therefore, different structural orientations. little tendency for the different charges to run to-
Perhaps even more interesting, it is possible to gether and neutralize each other since the fiber sur-
develop small charges in some cases by rubbing two faces, in this particular case, are pretty effective
samples of the same yarn together in such a way nonconductors. However, a short distance away,
that their axes are crossed. Figure 12 diagrams this the fields set up by these charges would tend to cancel
for nylon. In nylon it is observed that when the each other-i.e., the repulsive force experienced by a
fibers are rubbed as shown-that is, the horizontal positively charged dust particle, due to one unit of
fiber rubbed along the axis of the vertical fiber-the positive charge on the nylon, would be cancelled
vertical fibers takes on a small positive charge and
the’ horizontal ones a small negative charge. This
anisotropy is undoubtedly due to the different di-
electric constants in the axial and transverse direc-
tions, but the fine details of the mechanism are not
clear; the signs of the charges developed are affected

FIG. 12. Electrostatic anisotropy in nylon. FIG. 13. Static charges on surface of f blended yarn.

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by the equal and opposite attractive force due to one in various proportions, carded, and spun into yarn.
unit of negative charge on the Dacron. The relative As the proportions approached equal amounts of each
amounts of each sign of charge would, in a blend fiber, it was noticed that the static developed in

such as this, be controlled by the relative proportions processing, which was very noticeable with both
of the two components and their relative chargea- 100% nylon and 100/o Dacron, disappeared almost
bility. It was predicted that an absolutely neutral completely, an indication that the prediction was
blend could be made in which just as many positive being fulfilled. Seven different compositions of spun
charges as negative charges are formed when the yarns were thus obtained and tested for sign and
blend is rubbed against a third surface, providing the magnitude of charge developed when rubbed over a
third surface has a position in the electrostatic series chrome-plated metallic surface. The results are
between the two components of the blend. Nylon, shown in Figure 14, where charge, in arbitrary units,
Dacron polyester staple, and a chrome-plated surface developed under the conditions of the test is plotted
satisfy these requirements ; therefore, a test was made against blend composition. As the percentage of
to determine whether a zero net charge, neutral to nylon is increased, the charge goes from minus to
the plated surface, could be found. plus, with a small composition range being essentially
Nylon and Dacron staple were blended in a picker neutral to the chrome plate. Somewhere between
40% and 50% nylon content there is no net charge.
Even though there are a large number of positive and
negative charges, the blend is essentially static-free.
In the electrostatic series, cotton also has a posi-
tion in between nylon and Dacron. This means that
some blend composition of nylon and Dacron should
be neutral to cotton also. Figure 15 shows the results
of rubbing these same yarn blends against cotton,
and it is seen that a somewhat higher percentage of
nylon is required for neutrality-viz., around 75%,
compared with 40%-50% for the chrome-plated sur-
face. This higher percentage is perhaps expected
since cotton is nearer nylon in the series. The dif-

FIG. 14. Blends of nylon-Dacron polyester staple-

charge developed against chrome-plated surface.

FIG. 16. Knit fabrics made from blends of nylon-

FIG. 15. Blendsof nylon-Dacron polyester staple- Dacron polyester staple-charge developed against
charge developed against cotton. chrome-plated surface.

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no doubt some general improvement in static

ferent compositions required for neutrality with the used,
two different surfaces points up one of the draw- behavior would result. The most satisfactory blend
backs to blending for static reduction-the optimum is, of course, the one in which the fibers are mixed as
composition varies from surface to surface. intimately as possible, such as occurs in staple blends.
These blends of nylon and Dacron polyester staple Yarn blends, made by plying two different yarns, or
were made into knit fabrics that were tested simi- weave blends, made by using one yarn as a filling

larly. Figure 16 shows that these knit fabrics be- and one as a warp, would be much less satisfactory.
haved as the yarns did against a chrome-plated sur- The distance away from the fabric at which electro-
face, with neutrality again requiring 40% to 50% static forces cancel out increases as the distance
nylon. Since wool is above nylon in the series, none between the unlike charges increases.
of these compositions would be expected to be neutral
to wool. Indeed, it was found that they were all Fabric Electrical
negative to wool, as shown in Figure 17. To con- Charge decay by conduction through a fabric to a
firm the generality of this method of reducing static,
a series of blends of nylon and Orlon acrylic staple
grounded surface is quite marked in the case of hy-
were made and tested against various surfaces for
drophilic fibers because of their lower electrical re-
sistance. In practice, this lower electrical resistance
sign and magnitude of charge developed. The re- helps in the static,reduction, even if no good ground
sults, in Figure 18, show that these blends behave in the electrical sense of a buried metal plate is avail-
similarly to the blends of nylon and Dacron, with the able. A floor acts as a fairly good ground because of
neutral composition only slightly different. Blends
its capacity to absorb charge, while the human skin
of nylon and Dacron and of nylon and Orlon con-
acts as a fairly good surface conductor to conduct
taining about 3 nylon exhibit little static when rubbed charges to the floor through the soles of the shoes.
against cotton.
through a fabric can be derived
Electrical resistance
In blends of wool and Dacron, the neutral com-
from thecharge leakage curves shown previously by
position, againstthe standard chrome-plated surface,
contained 15% wool, as compared with about 50%
comparing the leakage through the fabric to ground
with that produced by a standard one-million megohm
nylon. This is what might be expected since wool is resistor placed across the electrodes with the fabric
higher in the electrostatic series than nylon. in place. The resistance values so obtained naturally
From this collection of data, it is possible to con-
reflect the area of fabric used in the test, as well as
clude that staple blending based on the electrostatic
the thickness of the fabric. In this work, a 1 in.
series is one way of reducing static in certain cases,
square piece of fabric was used, and the results were
but that the method is very limited because optimum
reduced to megohms resistance per mil of fabric
compositions vary with the specific rubbing surface. thickness. The resistances at various relative hu-
However, since many common surfaces have posi-
tions in between the positions of fibers ordinarily

FIG. 17. Knit fa.brics vnade from blends of nylon-Dacron

polyester staple-charge developed against wool. FIG. 18. Blends of n3,lon-Orlon acrylic staple.

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FIG. 20. Electrostatic forces in clinging.

fabric, the oppositely charged particles are attracted,

obeying a fundamental law of electrostatics. If the
particles are not charged, it is possible that electric
dipoles are set up by the field from the charged fabric.
These electric dipoles occur when the electrons bound
to the atoms of the particle are slightly displaced by
the force of the field, giving rise to an effective
accumulation of opposite charge nearest to the fabric,
FIG. 19. Resistances of plain-weave fabrics. with a resultant attractive force.
The clinging of fabrics to the skin involves some
midities for some typical plain-weave fabrics are given interesting concepts, which are explained by refer-
in Figure 19. Here it is shown that the electrical ence to Figure 20. Here is shown a fabric attracted
resistance through fabrics made from hydrophobic to a grounded conductor, which could be the skin
fibers is uniformly high compared to that through of the leg. Assuming that the fabric has momen-
fabrics made from hydrophilic fibers. For treated tarily rubbed against the leg and then become sep-
fabrics with much lower resistances, it is found con- arated, so that it is charged on its lower portion, the
venient to measure the electrical resistance along the situation is essentially equivalent to an electrical
fabric surface with a megohm bridge. In this case, condenser. The field strength between the fabric
a probe, consisting of insulated electrodes spaced and the conductor has a value of 4~rS, where S is
.01 in. apart, is placed on the fabric under a given the charge surface density. The force of attraction
weight, and the resistance between the electrodes is is obtained by multiplying the field strength by the
measured. In general, good correlation was found charge density, which yields F = 4-rS2 as the cling-
between resistance through fabrics and surface re-
ing force. If the fabric surface conductivity is such
sistance, as might be expected. that the charge can diffuse over the fabric surface
in a short time, the result is a lower charge density.
Physical Effects of Static Charge If, as shown in the lower part of the figure, the
There are two possible explanations why dust or charge density is decreased to 2, then the attractive
lint particles, which are assumed to be insulators, force is reduced to 1 by virtue of the squared de-
are attracted to a charged fabric. The dust particles pendence on S. Thus, it is possible for a charge to
may be charged themselves-some positive and some redistribute to a nontroublesome concentration, and
negative-so that when they approach a charged clinging may disappear even though the total charge,

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as indicated on a modulator, may remain constant. ductor, the charges will be replenished by a flow

This effect has been noticed experimentally, and was along the fiber and will be lost quickly.
a source of bewilderment until this possibility was Thus, to summarize, there are several mechanisms
realized. It is important to realize that, because of by which charge density can be altered: the charges
the nonlinear relation between force and charge den- can be conducted to ground, they can diffuse over a

sity, clinging is not necessarily a good indicator of surface and redistribute themselves, they can be
static development, although its practical significance neutralized by other charges, and, lastly, they can
cannot, of course, be discounted. be lost by electrical discharge. Each one of these
In addition to charge dissipation from a fabric mechanisms has been observed with textiles in the
being explained wholly in terms of its being redis- laboratory. All undoubtedly play a role in actual
tributed or conducted to ground by the fabric surface, wear, depending on circumstances.
a fabric can also be discharged in other ways. For
example, an ionic atmosphere produced by a radio-
active source or even a flame can discharge a fabric All the experimental work covered in this paper
was done by Mr. D. T. Meloon and Mr. J. A.
by neutralizing the charges on its surface. A brush
discharge is frequently observed when a highly Roetling. Dr. J. C. Smith contributed some of the
ideas on the physical effects of static charge.
charged ungrounded fabric is brought near the vicin-
ity of a conductor. The individual fibers bristle Literature Cited
stiffly and sparks fly. The reason this occurs is that 1. Havenhill, R. S., O’Brien, H. C., and Rankin, J. J.,
a large concentration of charge always tends to col-
Electrostatic Properties of Rubber and GR-S,
lect on a sharp point, such as the end of a fiber; J. Applied Phys. 15, 731-40 (1944).
the resulting electrical field may be high enough so 2. Graham, G. W., in the "Book of Papers for the Third
Canadian Textile Seminar," The Textile Tech-
that the dielectric breakdown strength of the air will
nical Federation of Canada, Montreal, Quebec,
be exceeded and charges will be ej ected from the fiber 1952, p. 32 ff.
ends. If the fiber surface is a reasonably good con- October
(Manuscript received 8, 1953.)

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