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eek ning Present perfect simple and continuous Complete the conversation with the verbs from the box inthe correct form: present perfect ‘Sthpte or present perfect continuous. In some cases both forms are possible, You need to use sar the verbs more than once. Read the whole conversation before you begin be come do drive find have _ look Jane is being interviewed by Nicola for ajob working with young children nicola: Come in, Jane. Please sit down. Would you like a coffee? jane: Thank you, actually 1) "YeMst Midd (just) E ricous his area at all? ane 0 live inthis town, here for holidays since | wae a child Im staying with them at the moment, actually nicous: Oh, that’s nice, And do you have a driving ANE ANE ne ane Ne inthe paper every d Nicoux Well if you get the job, well try to help you. Now, 1 come and meet some ‘of the children? Jane Oh, yes. Iicota: Right, if you'll just follow me then. English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises present perfec simple REED 1 Sec re nsetenct 1 shes ad abet 7 1 wate a caf stre me 3 ny veetn ah 5 Hes bene hb 6 es aed sup frre sen teat ec 9 evel here 82 10s bonged for may RS: 11 He ened tlt 42 seve en poe! anaccident? 4 The ckon this case is broken, 5 Your Portuguese is very good sk) my opinion. 7 Yimnot suprised today! W Oh, dobe que. spend) money lke water, ad continuou> irs, 0% tan geome ince ‘ PEED 21: vertsnto the corto present prec simple or presen | 1 Johnsterbly upset. He's broken off (he / break off) oleae ot tee eis \ (wget '3 What's that mark on the side of the car? = 6 Of couse you don't now what I think! (he J not work hard nse they hung my phone? This isthe thea tng #) RMMar 13 Since Mara won that talent show Infact, tm going 1 one tomon English Grammar in se bomen "80 Be reg cesentence fs corect nother having 2 heat she’s been : re eenvwortie scat"? Trey eens we Treen et 110 YR He's been bein very Pei He's been ast They've been se tye been seeing 2 We've been realising wh belonging to! He's been explaining the P ‘poulve been breaking perfect continuot (he /fal) the exam. (she / repair) her bike (they oming | deseve abt {you / grumbie) all weekend! (she (she rb e uy) anew ter ) 0 abig new house der ul pay Parties every weekend 12 Bp Complete th present perf ze) Present perfect simple and continuous the verbs in the correct form: present perfect st Prese present pel ' fe oa ce shave bee” doings!) ioe (rave 2 emer feiancs nae compe no co = oa renee cee “ eae oi = ' yess sce yer = er : 15 esrearty ety yfather 4 James went 18 nd is still there ratilava ast Friday 2 to Bratisiav Jameshas '5 When did you eam toive? How lng isi to drive? vas when we were in EEYPt 6 Te las time | went scuba divin ihavestt we were in EZYP! I 7 You haven topped up your pane for week. | insweeks your phone, ‘8 Westared looking fora flat two months ago and we're stil lookin ey cam a fiat for two mont | 19 Thisisthe fist time I've been toa nightlub. toa nightclub bet 10 Kim jst herol oa job a year ago ands stil trying to find one. job for awh [RD ee pron ideas to ee complet the senten perfect continuous or the feces Use the pres past simple present perfect simple, t le, the present 1 Since we bought tis car, we've. do Secon ne lots of trips round th Pa ots of trips ro deague was ul, ips. rourd. the, co 0 | had. to wer for several When | was asa cid, since yesterday. Fai pec reoe ten minutes inzot0 since | came into this 100% since | got up this mori a several ¥ in 2010 to this roo": this morning Present perfect and present (have done / Ihave been doing and | do / | am doing) Choose the correct alternative. Megan meets her fiend Jess in a cafe [thaven' bee for my exams. They're next week. W ecan: Hi. Jess, how are you? Laven! MEGAN eve, oking / who's been looking sess MEGAN: Look /'ve been He's been designing three or four really cor i enough time to do al the sess: Tha guy overt MecaN’ ve been telling / | tell you about. sess: nt or something ecan: Shh. steve, Hi, Megan MEGAN: Steve, thi steve Hell yess; Yes. 00) checkes sreve: And 08) do y ss: Ersyes. Ital seve: Oh, just interested. ¢r) Lown /'m owning this caf didn't oe 3 ——. = | rot / be a ith cu not / speak P Jed cect ent fir ee perfect simple, present the first time | See you soon, that we're Roberto andj FEED reverent caret ioms rnp Pathe vr or preset continuous Sam isthe see mer ~_ - pave: save two DAVE: sa 1S for ages, ral years, DAVE: sav E Dave: = sav pave sam f re Present perfect and present erfect simple, present perfect continuous, captain of hs local footbal team. He's talking to his brother, Dave Dave, I'm worried about the team. You've won. (You / win) every game this season. But why? 0) Yeah, (2 (we / be) very lucky. That's) (what / cause) me problems now. How come? Well (we / practise) twice a week since the beginning ofthis season and (5) (that / really / make) a difference. Now, some of the guys sa) ( ly (we / always / win). The thing is, I'm afraid that y that’s nat necessary because fo losing matches. Like, () (we / not / practise) so often, we may start (we / play) Donnington on Saturday and ) (everyone / agree) they're a really strong team. The trouble i, (0) (we / not / practise) since Monday. lean see (1) (you / have) a problem. What can you do? | think the problem is really Callum. The big guy 2) (who / play) for you since last Yeah, and (3) (he / usually / score) most of the goals. The trouble is, since the summer ( (he / arrive) for training realy late. And now some of the others 09 (begin) to do the same. When | try to talk to him, 06) (he / refuse) to listen to what om (say) Well, you're the captain, tell him he can't play if 9) (he / not / listen) to you, Ok, but 19) (/ not / ke) it. What if he gets angry and leaves the team? ''m sure he won't, Yeah, well. 20) (11 hope) not English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises erfec nave bee” (Ihave done Pe oper tieaaes ene oe : = nia : | cat Cire | 3 | elite iaatses advertised 4 Seeeranin 9 ‘hope you will consider my application z | ‘ous sincere 3 | ey 5 a 5 ‘ | | Busy so a soe eee rate etm 0 months eee Goa en ee pa Sood pay and conditions 2 and a Email ing details + one ‘eferae to Nicole, Sparks@ st I “| Nice Sparse ‘ject | Asian shop ma ep manager

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