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MCE 2223 - Applied Dynamics

LAB 5 - Learning outcome 3

Title: Matlab/Simulink for analyzing and solving problems in

particle kinetics using Newton’s 2nd law of motion

Student Name Student ID

Table of Contents
Analytical Modelling:......................................................................................................................1
Simulink Modelling:........................................................................................................................2
Discussion of results:.......................................................................................................................6
Conclusion and recommendations:..................................................................................................7
Attachments & References:.............................................................................................................7
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To find out the following parameters using MATLAB-Simulink for analyzing and solving
problems in particle kinetics using Newton’s 2nd law of motion.

 Calculate the final velocity of mine car at a subsequent time t (s) which has an initial
velocity of v1 (m/s) when t = 0.

To simulate the equations in MATLAB-Simulink and get following results:

 Plot a ( t )vs time, and probe value of  Plot s(t ) vs v ( t )and probe the point(s, v)
a at t2, on MATLAB plot. at t2, on MATLAB plot.
 Plot v ( t )vs time., and probe value of  Compare your simulations results at time
v at t2, on MATLAB plot. t2 with theory at time via a discussion.
 Plot s(t ) vs time and probe value of  Show the Simulink model and the
v at t2, on MATLAB plot. modified MATLAB script in Appendix

Analytical Modelling:
A mine car of mass m (kg) is lifted up by a motor ‘M’ with the help of a cable. A road is inclined
on an angle  and a force applied on a mine car by a motor is F=c*t^2 (N), where ‘t’ is in
seconds. Using the analytical modelling we will find out the velocity after certain time.

Figure 1 Pictorial representation of problem statement

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There are two forces acting on a mine car. One is force by a cable and other is gravitational
force. The force by a cable is in the direction of mine car motion but there is component of
gravitational force ‘mgcos’, that will oppose that motion. We applied Newton’s 2nd law of
motion first to calculate acceleration and afterwards using integration we calculate final velocity
of a mine car at a subsequent time t (s).

∑ F x=ma 4500 t 2
a= −7.51
F−mg sin θ=ma 700
F a=6.43 t 2 −7.51
a= −g cos θ
m For group 3, t=5 sec, a=6.43 ¿ 52−7.51
4500 t 2 a = 153.2 ms-2
a= −9.81 ( 0.766 )

Simulink Modelling:
Equations that are derived in above section is simulated using Simulink. Variables in the
equations are acceleration ‘a’ and velocity ‘v ' . Acceleration is calculated in revolutions ‘ms-2’
and velocity in seconds ‘ms-1’. Different commands are used in Simulink in order to get these
plots. Major commands include ‘simout’ and ‘plot’.

Table 1 Data of different group to perform simulation in Simulink

Test Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 Group7

m (kg) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
v (m/s) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c (N/s^2) 3200 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500
t2 (s) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Angle 28 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Using above data and commands, a simulation is performed and get different plots. First we plot
a graph of acceleration against time. Afterwards we get the result of velocity and displacement
with respect to time. We also plot the graph between velocity and displacement. At last, from
these plots we find the ‘acceleration and ‘velocity’ of mine car at a subsequent time t (s).
Modified MATLAB script and Simulink model is shown in the appendix.
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We performed both analytical and Simulink analysis to get the results.
 Graph between acceleration and time.

Figure 1 Graph between a(t) vs time

We can observe from graph between acceleration and time that as time increases acceleration
also increases. There is not a linear relation between time and acceleration, rather a quadratic
relation as shown in the hand calculation. That is why the curved we get from Simulink is a
parabolic curve. As a group 3 we can also observe that at a t=5 s acceleration is very close to
153ms-2 which is calculated by formula and can be seen in analytical modelling. The acceleration
is not a constant is this case while it is time dependent so we cannot calculate final velocity using
equation of motions because there are for constant acceleration.
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 Graph between angular velocity and time.

Figure 2 Plot v ( t ) vs time.

The graph between angular velocity and time depicts that the velocity increases with time. This
is due to the acceleration of the mine car provided by a motor. Acceleration means that how
much change (in this scenario increase) in velocity will occur in unit time. So as wheel possess
some acceleration so its velocity must increase with time. The curve shows that there is a cubic
relation between velocity and time and if we integrate our acceleration equation we can also
observe this relation. It is also necessary to add initial velocity in calculated one by integration to
get final velocity.
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 Graph between displacement and time.

Figure 3 Plot s(t)) vs θ(t)

We can observe from graph between distance and time that as time increases distance also
increases. This is because of the acceleration of mine car by which it was moving and when a
motor ‘M’ is rotated and force is applied in the direction of motion of mine car it covers a
distance and as the is variable acceleration and time dependent velocity in a mine car so the mine
car also cover different distance in different interval of time as shown by the graph.
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 Graph between velocity and displacement.

Figure 4 Plot v(t) vs s(t )

As we have earlier discuss that both velocity and distance have direct relation with time so it is
obvious that they also have direct relation with each other. As motor rotates the distance of mine
car increases and because motor is rotating by some torque which means that mine car also have
some acceleration. So its velocity must also increase along with distance as shown in above

Discussion of results:
We can observe from Figure 1 that as time increases acceleration also increases. There
is not a linear relation between time and acceleration, rather a quadratic relation as
shown in the hand calculation. That is why the curved we get from Simulink is a
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parabolic curve. Figure 2 depicts that the velocity increases with time. This is due to the
acceleration of the mine car provided by a motor. Acceleration means that how much
change (in this scenario increase) in velocity will occur in unit time. So as wheel
possess some acceleration so its velocity must increase with time. The curve shows
that there is a cubic relation between velocity and time and if we integrate our
acceleration equation we can also observe this relation. Figure 3 demonstrate that as
time increases distance also increases. This is because of the acceleration of mine car
by which it was moving and when a motor ‘M’ is rotated and force is applied in the
direction of motion of mine car it covers a distance and as the is variable acceleration
and time dependent velocity in a mine car so the mine car also cover different distance
in different interval of time. As we have earlier discuss that both velocity and distance
have direct relation with time so it is obvious that they also have direct relation with each
other. As motor rotates the distance of mine car increases and because motor is
rotating by some torque which means that mine car also have some acceleration. So its
velocity must also increase along with distance as shown in Figure 4.

Conclusion and recommendations:

The acceleration is calculated using a group 3 reading and its value is 153.2 ms-2. The
acceleration is basically a time function so it is not easy to calculate a velocity by it. We cannot
use equation of motions for velocity calculation as they are for constant acceleration cases. That
is why we performed simulation in MATLAB to get the results. We can perform integration on
the acceleration time equation to get the velocity and by again integration we can find the
relation between time and distance. To make it real scenario we should also consider the fiction
between mine car wheels and road, consider in making equation.

Attachments & References:

Dimonte, G. and Schneider, M., 1996. Turbulent Rayleigh-Taylor instability experiments with
variable acceleration. Physical review E, 54(4), p.3740.

Ramshaw, J.D., 1998. Simple model for linear and nonlinear mixing at unstable fluid interfaces
with variable acceleration. Physical review E, 58(5), p.5834.
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Simulink Model:

Figure 5 Simulink model to perform the experiment

Modified MATLAB script:

% Lab3_script
% IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to place this Matlab script and your Simulink
% model in same folder...
clear all; clc; close all;

%%%%% DATA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

m=700; v1=5; c=4500; t2=5; theta=atan(0.766)*180/pi; g=9.81;

% Hand solution Verification

a=F/m-g*cos(theta); %Integrate this to get v(t), s(t).
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DO NOT EDIT BELOW %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Simulation params
tfinal=1.5*t2; %Use a larger simulation time
x0=0; v0=v1;

% Run Simulink model(be sure this script file and simulink model are in
% same folder path.


%Extract data generated from the "out1" and "out2" sinks

simout=ans.yout; t=ans.tout;
ssignal=simout.getElement('s'); s=ssignal.Values.Data;
vsignal=simout.getElement('v'); v=vsignal.Values.Data;
asignal=simout.getElement('a'); a=asignal.Values.Data;

plot(t,s); ylabel('s (m)'); xlabel('time t (sec)'); grid on;

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plot(t,v); ylabel('v (m/s)'); xlabel('time t (sec)'); grid on;

plot(t,a); ylabel('a (m/s^2)'); xlabel('time t (sec)'); grid on;

plot(v,s); xlabel('s (m)'); ylabel('v (m/s)'); grid on;

%%%%%%%%%%% END OF SCRIPT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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