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The time has come that Grade 6 pupils will move up to a higher level of academic
journey. Parents, teachers, guests, friends and family gather around to celebrate
this success.
Pastor ________________, _________________________ of the Central
Visayan Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Consuelo SDA
Elementary School is thankful for your presence. Beloved parents, your being here
is an inspiration to us, your children. Thank you for coming. Classmates and
Schoolmates, your presence today is a manifestation of your utmost support to
education. Friends, spending the night/day with us is a defining moment for us.
You made us realize how important we are to you. So, thank you very much.
The School Principal, Mrs. Ma. Jonalyn P. Dalaguan is overjoyed to see all of you
today. Feeling the same are the dynamic teachers of Consuelo SDA Elementary
Everyone, it is God who allowed that today/tonight will be a wonderful time for us
to be together and to celebrate the provision of knowledge to our awardees.
Hence, His presence is thanked for.
Friends, on behalf of the intermediate pupils of Consuelo SDA Elementary School,
I welcome you all to its 2020 Moving Up Ceremonies!


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