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New Title: Ratso’s Trouble

Summary: The film begins with a show that gives Ratso in an alley to more mice which no one
likes, Ratso had a friend of a worm called Wesley and helped him in his show, Wesley was tired of
helping Ratso because he always they booed and wanted to resign, Ratso decides to go to the fair
of his cousin Ernie, at that moment Phyllis arrives with 2 other mice to harm Ratso, Ratso manages
to escape and stumbles upon an egg that leaves him in a pen with chickens, the chickens believe
that he is going to steal the egg and he has no choice but to say that the egg is his, from the egg a
very ugly duck is born and Ratso names him Ugly, to escape the corral, Ratso began to make a hole
in the soil and the earth that he was removing was piling it up, the most intelligent hen asked
Ratso what that land was for and he said it was for a show. The night of the show Ratso was going
to escape but through the hole he had dug were Phyllis and his men, Ratso escaped along with the
duckling named Ugly, and Phyllis asked Wesley where Ratso was headed, Ratso and Ugly passed
through a forest , in which a fox wanted to eat them and they also rescued a duck named Lucy, it
seems that Ugly fell in love with Lucy, they continued on their way and arrived at the fair, at the
fair they met Phyllis and also a cat who He started chasing, when the cat was about to eat Ratso,
he realized that it was his cousin Ernie, and that same night he gives the show, in the show Ugly
feels bad because everyone laughs at him, then Phyllis came and He took Ugly and said that if they
wanted to rescue him they were going to be in the chicken pen, but it was all a trap and when they
arrived they captured all but Ernie who almost managed to save them, the next day they were
going to kill Ratso, or that seemed, so Ugly manages to escape and they see that he has He had
become a beautiful swan, Ugly sees that they were not going to murder Ratso, but that they were
going to force him to marry, Ugly rescues Ratso, then some swans arrive and tell Ugly to go with
them, but in the end he decides to stay with Ratso and Lucy and realizes that beauty is not the
most important thing.

Characters: Ratso, Ugly, Lucy and Ernie

I feel identified with Ratso, since he is someone who achieves what he sets out to do and fights for
what he loves.

Teaching: The teaching that this story leaves us is that beauty is not the most important thing, we
must look at other aspects, such as affection, empathy, solidarity.

I liked the movie, since it leaves a good message, and it is very entertaining, funny and interesting,
it has a very good story and plot.

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