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mosuemancad OMe we come across , Problems which one wutnot Solve tuorehcally , for @- funding a roots F a poly Ff deg, Zo Quick problems Gan Ren be solved appreximaty or een exoiy uuu numertcal mrellacds Motivating _&” Agproximanng a guven fimckon lay a (olymom ads Qa. Is Simx A polynomiad? why not ? Al WP Sinx = Gyx"+ Ox + + AX +Q0 (say), then = RUS las exacky Complex yooto or Sn real roots WS oe inp many, roots - ><. Q2- GA you Approxwate sinx bya polynomiad 2 Do wr cose 40 x=07? Wok (ig te error? A Use. Taylor's Thm. woot iP we Opprmnmate $6) by a poly. , whee f reed wot be Aifferennanle ? § INTERPOLATION BY POLYNOMIALS De. A pdynomiat of dg mult. operadions We cY= Oe *G-3 algoriiwwn using 2+? 5B oparaxons. TWs ,~'s called rested mutt 2. 40K WU ynuldpdicamoms £ 2 additicvs 40 evaluate p Ped] 14 2D 4 BODO D 4+ 4 CVKADU-D pars i+ (44) [2+e4-2 [3+ Hata] = 1444) £2 4+(4-2)-7] = 1+ (4) £16) = 49 > Smut, 6 addixons Newron form = Timp for _coastmctng Mterpolating polynomials. — ® \nierpolating, let &- Taw) IR ve Vee, Xp ny XM wt distinct pots in tue Werval Tal A To conser A Poly ped Hf deg on st pond= PO) ¥ (=O), Mn Men pCO ts satd 40 mterpolate FG) at Ae pointe opp Xn Bxseruse : Show +not 3 aiwost ove such Polynoniod of degree AL speetal care: ust +wo poivts Xe, % Gor FOO BOs LP TDC, Mess x=X » TCO= X-%o Mean x= Xo FPO = FO) EK + POD (K-%) = FBC Xe! & >) x = f%e) + FLD=FO0) (Ks) ~ straight luw Xe Passing though 5 Linear interpolation for 2 Cof00) 4 O%, Foy) Rue Lineay tlerpolation i uted only volun vantasion & Xray between adjacent data parts is small: error due +o failure to +OKE Ato _ciceount curvodure of f Rmk2, Im practice, ut weed fo keep Adding in points Koy%y aon Xe. Ve werease no ak Wiexpolanon points At each sep Need an tny WOy ge fan FiGd> +o pH BOO & so mM in tus form. -. We need) ds te ts Letts 40° . lograng — wnterpolazion ig uot so. good, a Newton forma Rwk>: At tyes , a f" £ (Atumed 40 be Smooth) Is Knoum only Ok discrete values = oS kX. When we eshte FO) for some & E€Cxi, xc, it its cated —_ WHerpolation. When we estimate — f—)— for X

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