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Chapter 01

Organizational behavior: All About

1. Define organization and organizational behavior.

2. Explain the functions of manager
3. How the managers are being evaluated? /Effectiveness and Efficiency
4. What roles managers need to play to perform his/her responsibilities? /Henry Mintzberg’s
Managerial Role.
5. What skills managers need to perform his/her responsibilities?
6. Contingency variables.
7. What are the challenges and opportunities of OB?
8. OB model

People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.

An organization is a manmade system. A large group of people traveling in a bus, or watching a

movie do not form an organization. An organization requires people with purpose, goals and
objectives. An organization is a group of people working together to achieve the common
organizational goal (viz., production of goods or service) with the help of people, machines and
materials. Examples of an organization are family, university, hank, Municipal Corporation,
government, army, etc.

What is Organization?

The organization is the rational co-ordination of the activities of a number of people for the
achievement of some common explicit purpose or goal, through division of labor and function,
and through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility.

What is Organization Behavior?

Study shows that an individual spends maximum time of his life in the organization than the time
he spends on other activities.

The subject of organizational behavior deals with that part of life, which is spent on working. It
is also called 'on-the- job' life. Interestingly our 'off-the-job' life is inter related and inter
dependent on "on-the-job' life and vice-versa.

People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.
Organizational Behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups,
and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge
towards improving an organization's effectiveness.


 Keith Davis: A study of human behavior at work.

 Fred Luthans: An understanding, prediction and control of human behavior in the
 Stephen Robbins: A study that investigates the impact, individuals, groups and structures
have on human behavior within the organization.
 S. K. Kapur: As a systematic study of actions and reactions of people working in an
organization in order to improve the overall organizational performance.
 Talya Bauer: As the systematic study and application of knowledge about how
individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work.

 Org
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Managers/Management Functions

Planning: (Thinking in advance)

A process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate
activities. It decides in advance-

✓ What is to be done
✓ When is to be done
✓ Where it is to be done

People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.


✓ what tasks are to be done,

✓ who is to do them,
✓ how the tasks are to be grouped,
✓ who reports to whom, and
✓ where decisions are to be made.

A function that includes

✓ motivating employees,
✓ directing others,
✓ selecting the most effective communication channels, and
✓ resolving conflicts.

Monitoring activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any
significant deviations.

Effectiveness and Efficiency

 Effective — Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected

 Efficient — Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste or
time and effort.
 The difference between effectiveness and efficiency can be summed up shortly — Being
effective is about doing the right things, while being efficient is about doing things right.

People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.
Henry Mintzberg’s Managerial Role

People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.
Management Skills

Robert Katz identifies three types of skills that are essential for a successful management process:

Conceptual Skills: The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations.

Human skills: The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in

Technical skills: 'The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise.

Contingency variables

A contingency theory is an organizational theory that claims that there is no best way to organize a
corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. Instead, the optimal course of action is contingent
(dependent) upon the internal and external situation. A contingent theory includes situational factors
which can affect the direct relationships between independent & dependent variables in the study of
organizational behavior. Situational factors: variables that moderate the relationship between two or more
other variables and improve the correlation. Here, x leads to y, but only under conditions specified in z-
the contingency variable.

People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.
Challenges and Opportunities of OB

1. Responding to Globalization
 Increased Foreign Assignments
 Working with People from Different Cultures
 Overseeing Movement of Jobs to Countries with Low-Cost Labor
2. Managing Workforce Diversity
3. Improving Customer Service
4. Improving People Skills
5. Working in Networked Organizations
6. Helping Employees Balance Work–Life Conflicts
7. Improving Ethical Behavior

OB Model

personality and emotions and Organization
values moods Citizenship
Group roles motivation Behavior (OCB)
organization leadership Organization
structure Withdrawal
Behavior (OWB)
Input Output

Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB):

Citizenship Behavior The discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job
requirements, and that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace,
is called citizenship behavior.
Organization Withdrawal Behavior (OWB):
Withdrawal behavior is the set of actions that employees take to separate themselves from the
organization. There are many forms of withdrawal, ranging from showing up late or failing to
attend meetings to absenteeism and turnover.

People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.
Globalisa"on. Foreign
assignments, working with people
from di.erent cultures,
an"capitalismic ideals, overseeing
jobs to low-cost countries - sum-
up: workforce
diversity. The concept means that
organiza"ons are becoming more
hetrogenous when it
comes to gender, age, ethnicity,
sexual orienta"on and other
inclusion of diverse groups.
2. Improving customer service -
3. Improving people skills.
4. S"mula"ng, change and
People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.
5. Coping with temporariness
6. Working in networked,
worldwide, organisa"ons
7. Balance work-life con/icts
8. Crea"ng a posi"ve work
Posive organizaonal
scholarship. How organiza"ons
develop human strengh, foster
vitality and ressillience. Ethical
dillemmas. Situa"ons in which
individuals are required to
de$ne right from wrong conduct.
Globalisa"on. Foreign
assignments, working with people
from di.erent cultures,

People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.
an"capitalismic ideals, overseeing
jobs to low-cost countries - sum-
up: workforce
diversity. The concept means that
organiza"ons are becoming more
hetrogenous when it
comes to gender, age, ethnicity,
sexual orienta"on and other
inclusion of diverse groups.
2. Improving customer service -
3. Improving people skills.
4. S"mula"ng, change and
5. Coping with temporariness
6. Working in networked,
worldwide, organisa"ons
People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.
7. Balance work-life con/icts
8. Crea"ng a posi"ve work
Posive organizaonal
scholarship. How organiza"ons
develop human strengh, foster
vitality and ressillience. Ethical
dillemmas. Situa"ons in which
individuals are required to
de$ne right from wrong conduct.
Globalisa"on. Foreign
assignments, working with people
from di.erent cultures,
an"capitalismic ideals, overseeing
jobs to low-cost countries - sum-
up: workforce

People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.
diversity. The concept means that
organiza"ons are becoming more
hetrogenous when it
comes to gender, age, ethnicity,
sexual orienta"on and other
inclusion of diverse groups.
2. Improving customer service -
3. Improving people skills.
4. S"mula"ng, change and
5. Coping with temporariness
6. Working in networked,
worldwide, organisa"ons
7. Balance work-life con/icts
8. Crea"ng a posi"ve work
People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.
Posive organizaonal
scholarship. How organiza"ons
develop human strengh, foster
vitality and ressillience. Ethical
dillemmas. Situa"ons in which
individuals are required to
de$ne right from wrong conduct.

People tend to be very effective at managing relationships when they can understand and control their own emotion
and can empathize with the feelings of others.

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