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Sunday, November 12, 2017 8:18 PM

I DO hope to get good notes

She is … ABSOLUTELY.. gorgeous

TOTALLY (extreme adjectives)

I am -- SO ---- angry
REALLY (normal adjectives)

Its ---- SUCH --- a/an --- amazing game

THE --- sad --- THING IS (that)-- he doesn’t

(Adjective) -- the traffic.

THERE'S NO WAY ---- Pedro get fail tomorrow.

(positive statement. Not

Why ------ ON EARTH ---- does she blame on you ?
How ( question)

You -- are -- THE ONE WHO-- wanted/is …

UNiT 6 página 1
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 5:26 AM

That is -- SURE L Y - my next mistake .

(must be)

It's-- HARD TO---- say

(difficult to )

I --- IMAGINE ---- it's some kind of ….

( guess)

PERHAPS --- that's not what she wanted to .


I -- RECKON -- it’s a female ghost.


It --- MIGHT--- be your notebook.

I---- THINK ---- it's crazy what you do there.

I----- SEEM --- like a funny clown.

UNiT 6 página 2
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 5:58 AM

Biased :["baiest"] a point of view opposite

Supplement : magazine / xtra section

Circulation : number of news sold

Readership : read the news

Broadsheet : large and serious newspaper

Sensationalism : make excited the new

Columnist: someone who writes a section

Editorial page : opinion

Feature: special reports about a topic

Tabloid: popular newspaper

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017 6:14 AM

UNiT 6 página 4
Reporting VERBS
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 6:23 AM

admitted doing
suggested doing
denied doing
*insisted ON doing
*apologized (__) FOR doing
*accused ( __ ) 0F doing

offered to do
refused to do
Threatened to do
agreed to do
promised to do
Tried to do
*persuaded (__ ) to do
*encourage (__) to do

UNiT 6 página 5
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 6:53 AM

PRESENT Simple --------> PAST Simple

PRESENT Continuous --------> PAST Continuous
+ She said He was painting

PAST Simple ------------->

PRESENT Perfect -------------> PAST Perfect
PAST Perfect

+ Ben texted me--> He had texted me

+Cesar have read--> He had read ..
+ had never worked..
+take :: had taken / break:: broken/ wrote::written /bring::brought

WILL / WOULD ----------------> Would

CAN /COULD ----------------> Could
SHOULD ----------------> Should

** Now --> then / at that time

**here--> there
**Yesterday--> the day before / previous day
** a week ago --> the week before
**tomorrow--> the following / next day

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------

He says he thinks it's going to rain [ not necessary to change / was said recently]
said (that)

She why Pedro did it

Shrek asked (me) if Fiona was going to the party [ Yes/ No question. Are you/Have you … ]
asked me to take care of the children. [ Request/ Could you take care..]
UNiT 6 página 6
asked me to take care of the children. [ Request/ Could you take care..]

They wanted to know what that was .

enquired how he could help me

I told him(that) I had…

not to waste time

UNiT 6 página 7
VOCABULARY: "Multiword"
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 8:03 AM

Take me back to (remember) ….my childhood

*Take it back ……what I said

Put up with (tolerate)…. Rodrigo for so lomg

*put them up (give accommodation)…. for this night

Pull out of (ending) ….. the bussines involvement with Coca-Cola

*never..pull out ( quit ) .. Without doing my best

Brings out ( introduce a product) … new phone on the market

*brings out ….the best of me

Turned out that ( result ) ..Luis was gay

Break down ( stop working) … whit this company

Come across (meet someone , cruzar) …this girl on metropolitano

*Come across ( notice myself) as a confident person

Break into (enter)… the market

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