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Oracle Techno Functional Interview Questions 

1. How to create base table block or control block based on a procedure?

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Creating Form using Data Block

2. Is it possible to change the base table block to different one

Yes,By using Ref cursor(Creating form based on Procedure)

3. What is bulk insert and what other operations you can perform using
bulk feature?

Reads rows from a source table using BULK COLLECT and LIMIT, then puts them in
another collection (presumably with a different layout structure), then loads them
to your destination table.

Sample Code Snippet

   TYPE emp_tab IS TABLE OF emp%ROWTYPE;

   emp_tab   emp_tab := emp_tab ();

   start_time     NUMBER;
   end_time       NUMBER;
   -- Populate a collection - 100000 rows
   SELECT   *
     INTO   emp_tab
     FROM   emp;


   Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;

   FOR i IN emp_tab.FIRST .. emp_tab.LAST

      INSERT INTO emp(
        VALUES   (
                     emp_tab (i).empno,
                     emp_tab (i).ename,
                     emp_tab (i).sal

   end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;
      'Conventional Insert: ' || TO_CHAR (end_time - start_time)


   Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;

   FORALL i IN emp_tab.FIRST .. emp_tab.LAST

      INSERT INTO emp
        VALUES   emp_tab (i);

   end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Bulk Insert: ' || TO_CHAR (end_time - start_time));

4. How can you force a query to use any index?

ANS:By using Index column in where condition
5. What is the difference between bad file and discard file?
Bad file:  The bad file contains rows that were rejected because of errors.  These
errors might include bad datatypes or referential integrity constraints.
Discard file:  The discard file contains rows that were discarded because they were
filtered out because of a statement in the SQL*Loader control file.
6. What is the difference between Request Set and Request Group?
A request SET is a logical grouping of concurrent requests into one set, so they can
all be run at once by submitting one request. It is mostly used for convenience, so
that requests that are commonly run together can be submitted together. Request
sets can be created by any user that has access to the Define Request Set form.

A request GROUP groups together all the requests that can be run by a particular
responsibility. It does not mean that they are all run together, it limits the requests
that a user possibly can run. Request groups are administered by the sysadmin
user, using  System admin responsibility

7. What is the difference between KFF and DFF?

Which builds unique entity identifiers.
It is used to capture the company key information.
KFF's data are stored in the segments.
KFF's 30 segment columns are reserved for KFF's(but it is not mandatory It is
based on the requirement).

DFF - Descriptive flex field

To sore the additional information.
It is used to capture extra info from end user without changing form code and
without altering database table.
DFF's data are stored in the Attributes.
In apps 15 attribute columns are reserved for the DFF's data.

8. What is document sequencing and how to setup?

A document sequence uniquely numbers documents generated by an Oracle
Applications product. Using Oracle Applications, you initiate a transaction by
entering data through a form and generating a document, for example, an invoice.
A document sequence generates an audit trail that identifies the application that
created the transaction,

Document sequences can provide proof of completeness. For example, document

sequences can be used to account for every transaction, even transactions that fail.
Document sequences can also provide an audit trail. For example, a document
sequence can provide an audit trail from the general ledger into the subsidiary
ledger, and to the document that originally affected the account balance.

Document sequences generate audit data, so even if documents are deleted, their
audit records remain.

9. Explain flexfield qualifiers.

Flexfield qualifier identifies segment in a flex field & segment qualifier identifies
value in a segment
There are four types of flexfield qualifier:
·         Balancing segment qualifier
·         Cost center
·         Natural account
·         Inter-company
Segment qualifier:
·         Allow budgeting
·         Allow posting
·         Account type
·         Control account
·         Reconciliation flag
10. Important transaction tables in the modules that you know.
Note: You have to tell relevant tables as per your resume
Ans: oe_order_headers_all,oe_order_lines,po_headers,po_lines
11.  API in Oracle Applications.
1)    API stands for Application Programming Interfaces.
2)    APIs those are all stored in the ORACLE database are called Server side API’s.
APIs those are in front end libraries are called Client Side API
Find more information on APIS


12. How to register a table in Oracle Apps?

By using AD_DD.register_table package

13. What is anchoring and what are the different types of anchoring

An anchor defines the relative position of an object to the object to which it is
anchored. Anchors are used to determine the vertical and horizontal positioning of a
child object relative to its parent. Since the size of some layout objects may change
when the report runs (and data is actually fetched), you need anchors to define
where you want objects to appear relative to one another.
What are the various types of anchors in Reports ?                             A There
are two types of anchors in Oracle Reports:
* implicit (anchors that Oracle Reports creates when a report is run)
* explicit (anchors you create)
 What is an Implicit Anchor?
Implicit Anchors : At run time, Oracle Reports generates an implicit anchor for each
layout object that does not already have an explicit anchor. It determines for each
layout object which objects, if any, can overwrite it, then creates an anchor from
the layout object to the closest object that can overwrite it. This prevents the object
from being overwritten. The implicit anchor functionality saves you from having to
define the positioning of each object. Implicit anchors are not visible in the Layout
editor. However, you can specify that the Object Navigator display anchoring
information using the Object Navigator Options dialog.
 What is an Explicit Anchor?
Explicit Anchors : Create an anchor in the Layout editor by clicking on the Anchor
tool, dragging from one edge of the child to the one of the parent’s edges, then
specifying the anchor’s properties in its property sheet. Any anchor you create for
an object will override its implicit anchoring. Explicit anchors are always visible in
the Layout editor unless you specify otherwise via the Layout Options dialog

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